
Your opinion matters.....

30 Jan, 2025

Part of the reason I prefer my clients calling me to book their dates is because I like having conversations with people. However, those initial phone calls are kept short. Because as much as I enjoy talking, my phone time is limited, especially with initial contact. A persons voice, it's inflections, particular questions asked/answered, and opinions held, will all determine whether or not I decide to meet you. 

Upon meeting I like having interesting conversations.It's a part of the date I look forward to.Those conversations tend to become more interesting when the person I'm chatting with holds differing opinions to mine. Often times, I can learn things from those with different perspectives and playful banter can be fun and sexy!!

Speaking of which.....I had a long conversation with a recent client I met in Fredericton. We talked about alot of different subjects, it was very enjoyable. The particular subject we disagreed about was my previous blog. The blog in which I named and pictured a couple of trouble makers I had encountered while in Fredericton. He felt my doing so would look unfavorably upon other words, he felt that my naming them could cause other potential clients to feel unsafe with me, because I might do the same to them.....Although I understood his point, I disagreed with it. I explained to him that there are guys who intentionally set up escorts, and then there are guys who just flake, chicken out, or who have legit set backs. We can tell the difference.The latter you excuse, or ignore, and move on from, the others you have to name. If they are not named, then they'll have the confidence to do it again and again. And although I realize that my reasoning sin't foolproof, it's what gives me peace of mind. I could do more.....

So, although your opinions matter to me and that I value them and any sage advice, they won't always change my opinion or my actions:)