

When to return to work.....

30 Jan, 2025

When is the right time to start seeing clients again......I think the answer is....  probably not until a vaccine is available.(which could be a year or more)...but are you going to wait that long before you resume your life? I probably won't either. And is that being irresponsible......some will say yes, some will say no. The right time will invoke a different opinion from each person you ask, there is no pleasing everyone in this scenario. So I will do what is right for myslef and those I entrust my time with.  Of course you'll also get those internet trolls, found throughout those review boards, who'll sit back while hiding behind their computers,  criticizing some of us, no matter how long we wait, all while they're most likely visitng their favorite escort, without admitting it.....Truth is, no matter how many precautions I take, and no matter how long I wait, whether that be 2 more months or 6.....if I agree to meet a few gentlemen, there will be risks of spreading the virus, until we all become vaccinated or protected from herd immunity. Going forward, adults will have to realize the added risks...... I plan on being extra cautious about cleaning, things will be throughly sanitized. I will take temperatures, ask questions about recent travel, etc, and hope that I will be given honest answers. I'll stay low volume ....I'm not sure if there is anything else that I can do......Clients shouls also note......included in those risks, should you become infected, is the possibility of having to divulge who your close contacts were.........I wouldn't divulge mine, unless I was legally forced is a new and scary time and not one to be lightly taken. I value my clients, their safety, and above all, their discretion. Hopefully we can work through this together...... And please, whether you agree with someone working in this business, or not, in these times, be understanding to their needs and situations......remember that saying "until you walk in someone's shoes"......