
How Ironic....

30 Jan, 2025

How Ironic that a review board and it's staff, would post such a tweet. How ironic that a forum known to encourage, put up with, and often defend abusers, would put out such a tweet. Are they feeling guilty? The boards certainly have lots of "friends/members" who abuse, so perhaps.

But since you asked, and even though you prevent me from answering your tweets directly, I'll answer your question.......People like you, and your board, defend abusers all the time, by simpy existing and because, doing so benefits you and your board. You turn a blind eye to most of it. Because it brings in the $$$$..... The abused, the survivors, don't speak up because they see what those of us who do speak out against you and your ilk, go through, and have to put up with.  But You know that.....In this industry, if you speak out against abusers, such as review boards, and their ilk, you'll end up having to spend your entire escorting career defending your reputation, fighting off malicious lies, standing up to bullies, who are typically the boards owners, and or their most prolific posters, and or it's most promoted members/advertisers, and or other ner do wells who have been brainwashed into thinking that running a forum that encourages men to see women solely as sexual objects, for people to openly boast about their sexual prowess, who've they've fucked, how and when, who should be fucked, and who shouldn't, and how we all should be proud to hear such talk or to be talked about in such a way, as being a "positive" in our industry. Then out of the other side of you and your board members  mouths you'll lament about how discretion should be heralded and how women should accept themselves and their flaws. It's all so blatantly hypocritical, childish, indiscreet and obvious. Yet you still try so hard to make it into something else.... So here is an analogy for you..... No matter how much perfume you spray on a pile of shit, it's still going to smell like and be a pile of shit.....No matter how much you pretend to project an image of trying to understand and be empathetic towards sex workers, as long as you promote reviews, and their forums, you'll also promote and represent abusers.......But whatever sells and whatever makes your board popular is okay........ right? 

As long as you and the members who are at this moment flourishing, are happy and content with what is going on, that is all thart matters, right? Forget about those affected by your actions, and who speak out about the issues caused by your exisitence. You'll just ban us and then convince those flourishing members that it's not your boards that are problematic, it's people like me/ them/us. People like me who are career escorts. You know those who your boards most often mock. Because escorting is only meant for the young, and for a short time, right? That is what your boards promote, after all....and that is never something your boards address. Escorting as a career....

   Review boards in their inception may have been geared and with intentions to be supportive to all escorts and of all ages, and may have supported escorting as a career, not just as a stepping stone. But that has certainly changed. But you won't address that, right? Doing so just might show you and many of your members in the wrong light.... It's funny how your prolific male posters/members are all 60-70+ years old....and have been with lyla/cerb nearly since it's inception. They still post the same pics, say the same things, chase after whoever joins and becomes popular, and the cylce continues, lol. No change there.  No knocking those old farts.....The same old guys always chasing after new young girls, lol...Yet the female members who are older escorts, are soon forgotten,  seldom mentioned nor encouraged to post, are called old, and often shamed for remaining in the industry after a certain age.........In it's truth it's all very sad, but it can be funny to watch....funny to watch because it's all so artificial, condoned, and obvious.....