
To elaborate...

30 Jan, 2025

I was angered by a tweet by the local review board, and therefore tweeted some of my thoughts....  To elaborate on them.....

I'll always react to comments made that aren't truthful and that apply to the escort industry. Their try at insinuating that they're a better and a different review board than the rest, makes me very angry. The fact that they purport that they dislike misogyny, words like TOFTT, (which means take one for the team). An expression which is used often by "hobbyists", who are members of their, and other review boards. The expression encourages a guy to go and have sex, or meet an escort just to report back to the rest of the members what her service, looks, etc were like. Then add, "if you dislike negotiating", then join our board. Yet they have many members who are known to negotiate, and they allow those members to remain. They have members who often and regularly use the term TOFTT, and they allow them to remain. They have members who are known misogynists, and yet they also allow remain.....

The fact remains, that as long as you host a platform on which men are allowed to rate/review/or even discuss escorts, then misogyny will exist. Reviewing women's bodies, looks, sexual abilities, is in itself a misogynistic act.

There is no viable need for a review board to exist, other than to allow some to profit off escorts. If you have a genuine desire to help escorts, to bring betterment to this industry, then have a platform on which industry issues are discussed and reviews aren't allowed. It is dishonest and naive to purport that any review board can be good, different, or better. As long as reviews are allowed on your board, then you are the same as the rest. You can brain wash some younger escorts into believing you're better by making fluffy statements and by handing out gifts, but it remains that you still encourage all the negative by your very existence. Wise escorts know, especially with the onset of social media, clients don't need a review board to be ensured of an escorts professionalism, or authenticity. It is a fallacy pushed forth by review board owners, and by some of the members that reviews are needed and beneficial to any escort. Any one escort can flourish and exist without them. Repeat business is what makes any escort able to continue working for years, not reviews. Repeat business, even new clients, can be gotten simply by providing good, honest service, and regular advertising on social media and advertising platforms. Clients can find a plethora of information on any escort simply by reading the escorts website/s or social media accounts. Those who like and want reviews, are those who enjoy reading about themselves and those who enjoy recanting their intimate encounters. Both types need personal validation and attention and neither are concerned for the betterment of the industry, but only their own personal needs. More than not, escorts are against reviews and their boards, some just won't speak out against them. And some won't speak out because all they want is to make $$$$ and they'll take their money from anywhere and anyone. Regardless of the harm doing so causes.