
The sleaziest site in the industry....

30 Jan, 2025

Sp411 is the sleaziest review board site in the industry.......Or is it.... Most in this industry are aware of the negative impacts of review boards towards escorting but the site sp411 brings a whole new level of sleaze and skeeze to this industry. But..... should we really separate that sleazy board from the rest of the boards,  can we really discern one being worse than the other when you've the same members on multiple boards....

  • peiguy5555,
  • b21cole,
  • Jed1590,
  • tensee,
  • Nick420,
  • Greeklover89,
  • geebus,
  • TheMouse,
  • hornydoc,
  • timmyho,
  • vindawg,
  • Micber,
  • thisshitisreal,
  • Grace Sparks,
  • Finch20,
  • Private222,
  • taylorforfun,
  • edsmith2008,
  • edwin6699,
  • minuteman06,
  • islander,
  • londoncalling,
  • JuicylittleDawg,
  • thatguy82,
  • kherg007,
  • sheikyerbooti,
  • Victoria Catherina,
  • redbeard,
  • irock,
  • Tri-Sum-Pussy,
  • eagle1man,
  • Delroy Lee,
  • justhavingfun,
  • chilzz,
  • Frederictonman,
  • lickalotofpuss,
  • TFZL1,
  • jonno,
  • MctonCowBoy,
  • lingan,
  • bjadams,
  • Vegeta85,
  • spencer00,
  • rickkkm,
  • YankFrank,
  • hookmeup,
  • peiguy555,
  • datyman69,
  • Sarahskillz,
  • gogofmago 
  • These people, who've I've copied and pasted in the list above, are the "nosey parkers" and members of sp411, who've flocked to read the thread   "cristylonglegs" , which, yes, is about me, lol.....If you cross reference many of these people, you'll see they are also members of Lyla, and other boards.....That causes me to believe that one board isn't so different than the rest. Since membership makes a board.....How then, can anyone say one board is better than the others when many of the same people have memberships on multiple boards. Yet, it is very common for "Lyla" members, clients and escorts, to look down on those who frequent sp411. I'd say, those who separate the two boards and hold one above the other, need to reevaluate their concerns and opinions....The only difference I see between the two boards, sp411 & Lyla, is how people are allowed to articulate their thoughts and comments. They say the same things, just in different ways..... If Lyla and some of it's members wants to think of themselves as a "better board" perhaps it should rethink it's memberships.....
  • I find it most comical when I read the defenses some people come up with to support these boards, especially when escorts claim that having some guy she's had a visit with, publicly reminiscing about their encounter, as doing her and him some good. This "good" confuses me....especially when they both claim to have been discreet and intimate.... How can intimicy be intimate if it is made public and how can discretion even be mentioned when what was shared between escort and client is publicly talked about and posted online. As an escort it is my job to provide the utmost in discretion, that means I don't discuss who I see, when, and or where, ever!!.....Yet many who also proclaim to be "discreet", go on to promote, rant and rave about giving and getting reviews......isn't that an awfully big example of an oxymoron? "I want discretion", yet I openly post about who I "discreetly see" "I'm discreet ", "yet I want you to publicly post about us meeting" This seems incredibly hypocritical.But that is just how I see it....
  • .........What escorts and clients share is often very special. Most of us who are professional, realize that chemistry and compatibility between two people are what make it so special, and that can't be faked or mimicked, it either happens or it doesn't. Telling someone, thru a written review/reco, that you found that with "so and so" isn't beneficial to anyone, since the chemistry you found won't be guaranteed, or even possible for another to find or enjoy. It's not something an escort can mimic, even the best actresses cannot micmic chemistry ....Reviews/reco's for material goods may be beneficial, but an intimate experience isn't something that can be reviewed or rated the same way, nor should you want it to be. We aren't material objects, and if the experience that was provided was authentic, it won't be the same from one person to the next, so listing how she made you feel, or what you shared,  will only leave some with false hopes.... But you have those escorts who love to hear how much they were loved, and how great you thought they were and some love also to have their sexual skills rated, and you have those guys who are happy to promote those who treated them right and accepted their money, lol. It once was against "escort code" to ask a client for a review or reco, now it seems common place. Many escorts will openly ask for reviews/reco's to be written and the boards too will encourage members ro write, write write, to share who they saw and how their time was spent, all while they promote discretion, between escort and client......again, it's so hypocritical, it's funny. I'm thinking back to when I had contacted an escort I hadn't met, and the first thing she said was "I won't discuss my clients", well good I thought, but yet, if anyone wanted to know anything about her clients all they had to do was read the reviews, they're all listed there as were her "activities". lol........ It's sad to see so many grovelling for reviews, it's sad to know that there are still some who believe that if an escort has many reviews/reco's that she is then more popular, or a more vaulued escort, which often isn't the case.There are many guys who are known to write reco's, and they're known to write for anyone who asks, sometimes for favors, sometimes just for their own noteriety......There are also guys who'll take advantage of those who seek out review writers, and these guys aren't always the ones that should be seen. But some escorts will see anyone who'll write a review. This behavior is what breeds the goofs that plague the sleazy boards like sp411.....
  • The hypocrisy in this industry is rife, and it continues to give me fodder for my blog....I wish it wasn't, and I wish many would find better things to do than proliferate these garbage boards with their gossip and other foolishness. Then I'd have less to rant about complain about here. But you and I know, those prolific posters on that sleaziest of review boards will miss the point of this blog, will take it personally, and retaliate with their egregious insults towards me, typical are so many.......
    .......See you again soon, I'm sure, "nosey parkers".