

The similarities are eerie.....

30 Jan, 2025

As some may have noticed I've been following the American election closely, and have great hope that Biden will win....and not because I think he's the best canidate, but because imo, anyone would be better than having Trump for four more years....and why you might ask would a Canadian be so invested in an American election, well some of my family are Americans, lol, I sadly admit and yes Trump supporters.....Trumps latest escapade, the speech he gave claiming "voter fraud" had me thinking ( ) just how much he and his antics reminded me of review board slobbyists I often gripe about. I'll lay it out....

Trump seeks out a platform (The news media) to spew his misinformation and lies 

Slobbyists seek out a platform (review boards) to spew their misinformation and lies

Trump slams those who speak the truth, when the truth doesn't work for him. He'll reframe the truth to fit his own narrative. He'll then attack those speaking the truth and spread vicious lies about them. He'll rally people to join him in spreading his lies, (his base), and he'll continue fanning the flames of those lies until all his base believes them and he brings ruin upon those he sees as a threat.He will go to any lengths to prove his reinvention of the truth.

Slobbyists work the same way. If an escort they've visited didn't meet their expectations, or dare speaks out about against a slobbyists inappropriate behavior, or does something else that impacts the slobbyisits fragile ego. The slobbyist will then rush to post about her  on a trashy review board much like sp411 and spew either lies, exaggerated truth or anything else they feel will put their targeted escort in a bad light and gain them sympathy, and pats on the slobbyists spineless backs ......they too will rally people ( their base, escorts/clients) to follow their lead and will fan the flames they've created with continued lies, until their base believes what they are saying and it shames or ruins their targeted escort.Slobbyists will go to any lengths to prove their reinvention of the date they had or of the persons identity they want defamed.

Both Trump and slobbyists dislike strong, independent women, and they both use the same old put downs when they're confronted or feel threatened by them. They'll  attack the womans looks, intelligence, success, etc....this behavior is exactly the modus operandi of misogynists .....

Trumps behavior has brought shame upon the white house, America, and made it a laughing stock. Those who support him remain complicit in all his actions/behavior

Slobbyists have reshaped and perverted the point of review boards and made them irrevelant and unreliable. Those who support them become complicit in the slobbyists actions/behaviors.

Trump-very predictable

Slobbyists-very predictable



The only way to rid America of Trump is to vote him out

The only way to rid review boards of slobbyisits is to rid the industry of review boards....and choose escorts by visiting other advertising platforms......


Lets hope both things happen......

 To those who support either remember, in doing so you become complicit in their actions....

Speaking specifically about "hobbyists"....Escorts should understand, because a "hobbyist" has treated you well, by seeing you and being respectful, paying you well, or for writing a glowing review. That shouldn't justify you ignoring his inappropriate actions towards another escort, should they occur. If a "hobbyist" speaks out of turn, he should be held accountable for that too. Even if he is good intentioned, or if it was a one time misspoke. We as escorts are always held accountable for all we do, unintentioned or not.....If as escorts, we don't stand up for one another, who will. Those ladies who continually side with the review board guys need to reevaluate their motives and examine their shouldn't be that important.