
The best

30 Jan, 2025

There are people who have to tell the world how wonderful and beautiful they are. Then you have those who are wonderful and beautiful, and so the world takes notice, and tells them. The latter, will down play the praise and want others included in it, as they're inclusive. A personality trait of the humble, and those who have humanity......There is nothing more attractive than a person who walks through life with humility and humanity. They know their abilities, they have confidence, they are aware of their strong points and their weaknesses. They also know that we are *all* human and as such, we all have strong and weak points. They don't spout off about being "the best", as that infers that the rest are inferior to them.They prefer to be positive rather than negative towards anyone..... Spouting off about being the best, is the song of the arrogant. They don't care about making anyone feel inferior, they are centered on their own self perceived greatness. The humble who have humanity, don't have that mindset, nor do they perform for  hearing praise, they prefer to give praise. They don't seek out compliments, they prefer giving them......They are genuinely kind, inclusionary, understanding people. In this industry, as in many other industries, you'll come across a few who suffer from the delusion of thinking that, " they're the best". Telling them any different would be akin to whilstling in the wind. They can't see past their own noses..... They lack the grace of being humble, and of having humanity. They are however....  funny to watch....

Someone who has humility, and humanity would say, "I'm going to do my best today"and they'll be happy for anyone that does even better, The arrogant would say, "I'm the best at whatever I do, any day" and no one is better....The arrogant always has a desire to be heard, seldom do they listen....they always know best, and will claim to have the best...the best talents, the best friends, the best looks, etc, etc....except delusions, they'll never admit to having those, lol!!

Lets celebrate those who have humanity, those who are humble. The world needs more kindness and less arrogance......