
Stay the blazes home.....

30 Jan, 2025

I have very strong opinions about this subject..."animal attacks in the wild"....and they are..." if you play with fire, you'll get burned" ... if you decide to go out into the  wild, with the knowledge of predators inhabiting the areas you plan on exploring, you reap what you sow......and no, I won't feel sorry for you when you do!!

To often we hear of incidents where wildlife is killed simply for being in rural, or urban areas, a residential neighborhood,  on a city street, camp grounds etc.....So when an animal is killed because some human who has a lust for exploring "the great outdoors" wanders onto it's path, and it attacks, that human gets what they deserve! If you don't want to be attacked, then "stay the blazes home!! I think it's selfish and needless for anyone to have to go into territory known to be inhabited by wildlife that could be dangerous. We've enough man made trails, parks and hiking spots, available to anyone wanting outdoor exercise. We've destroyed and taken enough land away from animals, we pose enough danger to them without bringing our stupidity into THEIR natural habitat. But some people believe being human gives them a right to go anywhere they choose, whenever they want, and when something happens, as in the article posted.....they lament about their luck and bravery and wonder what went wrong....DUHHH.....never do they suggest, "that it might have been smarter to stay away" or that they were in the wrong.....nope, it's always the animal who did something wrong.....It's funny....when a person goes to climb a mountain and they perish during that act, you don't hear of anyone going out to destroy the mountain.....Yet and often, when a human is killed in a grizzly attack, as soon as it's known, a hunt is on to find and kill that point is, if you choose a dangerous activity, if you want to "play" in a dangerous area, why should the innocent pay the price for you needing to show off your bravado, or your lust for exploring. The most selfish, ignorant and destructive animal on this planet, is the Human animal...and we prove that, minute by minute.....