
Some red flags....

30 Jan, 2025

Every now and then I'll notice some guys "handle" (anon name) which he uses on a review board, or social media, and it'll refer to the size of his penis...examples, (Mr is being used instead of a first name as an example here) Mr8inch, Mrlongshalong (schlong), Mrthick, etc, etc. When I see that, it becomes a red flag, and a reason for me to avoid that man....As it's been my experience that those types have no idea as to why escorts escort. Nor do they ever turn out to be decent clients. They are usually the types who think that escorts care about the size of a mans penis and believe that an escorts time is all about fucking and fucking only.... I have yet to meet an escort who pines after a client because of his cock. We want and crave clients who are respectful, clean, generous, and thoughtful to our needs. I have yet to meet an escort who is in this business soley for the sex, or to meet men with big cocks.

Another red flag, is those who consider/call themselves hobbyists..Perhaps I'm to literal. But any man who considers seeking out women to fuck as his hobby, I find disturbing. Clearly, I'm a companion, and I want to be sought, but not it that way. Those who use the term hobbyist are typically men who see women as objects, whose only value are their physical attributes.Those men seek escorts/women in general to provide them another notch in their belt, and not as a companion who has value beyond the sex they can provide. Hobbyists are also the types who love to gossip about the women they fuck, and have no conception of discretion. Many of us in this industry seek out clients who value us as a whole package. Who see the value we provide, beyond just our sexual attractiveness. I value men who seek me out because they find me interesting, and see the value in my experience, talents, personality, etc. I'm not just a pair of tits, to them...Companionship is as important to them as is the intimacy. They see me, and other women as total packages. Not just as sexual objects to be used then discarded.

Another red flag, those guys who yammer on about their "hard earned money"... when commenting about escorts. Everyone works hard for their money, and if you have to mention that, then perhaps seeing escort isn't a luxury you can afford!

 When a man can't choose an escort without needing the opinions of other people as to whether they are worth seeing, I see that as a red flag. If you can't determine your compatibility with a companion after reading through their ads/website/socials and after a conversation with them, I see that as problematic. Independence, decisiveness, and intelligence matter to me. Those who rely on the opinions of others often lack those traits.

Those are just a few red flags that are cause to avoid a client.....