

Some of todays thoughts....

30 Jan, 2025

Today is a day for relaxing, tweeting and blogging.....I posted a couple of tweets today as they're topics that have been on my mind. The first was a comment about those female escorts who hold themselves as examples for all escorts, yet claim to escort simply for the fun of it. These women shouldn't be comparing themselves to other escorts, nor holding themselves as examples for all escorts, as they are worlds apart from those escorts who escort to support themselves and or their families. The latter don't entertain for the fun of it, certainly they may enjoy many of their clients, but not in the same way as the aforementioned, how could they. Sharing oneself, intimately, intellectually and sexuallly for the fun of it, isn't exhausting, nor does it drain ones energy in the same way as doing so in order to make a certain amount of money, time and time again. The escorts who escort as a job, see multiple clients on a regular basis and don't often have the luxury to stop because they're tired, sore, or in need of a break away. If they enjoyed them in the same way as those who do it "for the fun of it", they'd be worn out in months. Some ladies need to keep their opinions off the review boards if they are escorting as a hobby, or simply for the fun of it.  Their privilege/fun, isn't comparable to that of a regular escort. Certainly we all have a right to set up our escort buisness as we see fit, but when doing so we should also be aware that what we say and do can sometimes be seen as examples, or even set precedences. I certainly believe in to each their own, as long as there is some thoughtfulness towards others incorporated in that. I enjoy escorting, and I'm privleged  to be able to do it part time, but I still treat it as a job. I"m not seeing clients j*ust* to meet my sexual needs, nor because I'm in need of some fun, I see them  to add to my income, I treat this as a job. When I tour, I treat it even more so as a job, as I see multiple clients in a short span or time, or I expect to see multiple clients. And certainly if I were to allow all of those clients to treat me as their personal blow up doll, or if I was seeing them simply to get my kicks, for even a 1/2 hr date I'd be worn out quickly.  So if you think I'm sounding hypocritical, understand that I've escorted over many years, and for many different reasons. For many of those years it provided my only source of income. I've lots of experience in many dfferent aspects of escorting, hence my  belief that I've a right to speak about  this industry.

  I hope that those women who claim to do this only because that is how they get their "kicks" and who advertise and boast on review boards about how much they love getting fucked, hard, often, and how it's like "paid dating".... yada, yada, yada......, please understand your examples aren't for setting standards, nor for comparing to others. So please stop speaking out about how any escort should operate. You aren't the norm, some question, if you should even call yourselves escorts. Perhaps take your comments to Tinder, a sugar daddy site or keep them on your website/ads..... They're not helping anyone but yourselves. And shouldn't we all, as a community, want to help one another......

My other thought was concering clients. The types of clients who talk as if they can control all of what we do, charge, offer, etc...You know, those review board idiots who think if they post a few negative comments about any escort that they'll have the ability to end the escorts business or when they comment about our rates, or services, that they'll have influence within our industry. Thankfully our ability to advertise beyond their review board comments/ reach, protects us from that. These idiots don't seem to realize that consumers also compete for our services......There are many of us out there who have the ability to pick and choose who we see and that  our client base doesn't begin and end on review boards.....

My other thought.....what a nice day it's turned out to be. Enjoy it:)