
How pathetic!!

30 Jan, 2025

Apparently there is a "person" ( I say person, because some believe this person to be a female, although this person represents themselves to be a male) on that review board I despise, who has made a "secret" website on which they are outing escorts (listing their incalls), and other private information. All while making claims that some escorts are worth seeing and others are not. Apparently they've deemed themselves to be "escort whisperers", lol.....This "person", who I won't name, because they don't deserve the attention, is private messaging other "hobbyists" on that board, and encouraging them to join their site, and to also speak openly about their experiences when they do join. When I say openly, they are encouraging members to speak about details not allowed on review boards, nor what would be mentioned by those who respect discretion. This "person" whined in a thread on that review board that "hobbyists" were to censored there, so in revolt, they've made their own platform where their cowardly asses dish and dramatize all their escort visits......I have always abhorred these types of cowards. I call them cowards because I see anyone who has a need to make claims about anyone while using a fake name on a hidden platform, as a coward.If you have something negative to say about someone at least author it, or say it to their face..... Anyone who'd set up a visit with an escort as a ruse, or without allowing that escort to know their review board name/handle, just so they can report all the "details" back to their "brothers" is a coward. Real men respect discretion and gentlemen don't kiss and tell. These people are neither. The lack of respect these goofs have is immeasurable. Visiting with any escort should be about having some fun then leaving. Not an event you take part in just so you can then relay details to other gossip hungry losers. Not an event that you take part in then nip pick apart every detail just because... Imagine if escorts got together and made a website just so we could talk about our clients, their bodies, their flaws, hygiene, where they lived, their jobs, etc, etc.....Imagine!! I'm truly and utterly disgusted by the lack of discretion and respect so many show. Discretion was at one time paramount in this industry, now it's a joke....What is even more sad is that the review board seems to be aware of this persons activities and is still allowing them to be a member, go figure!! No surprise to me though. That board has been laughable for's moderation is bias, and pathetic, and it's vetting of members is a joke.....What a sad future this industry faces with the likes of those people involved in it.....