
Silly assumptions....

30 Jan, 2025

The things I've read concerning no review policies, are silly. I simply can't understand why some men who seek out escorts have to make assumptions about those of us who initiate no review policies. 

Some of the stupidity said .....

 "We're afraid of being reviewed"-Not true. I've been reviewed, and well reviewed at that! Looking back, it bothers me knowing I allowed reviews.. I see them as being extremely indiscreet, unnecessary and pointless. I advertise as authentic. If everyman I meet has the same experience can I really be authentic? Some form of connection and or chemistry has to exist, and when it doesn't would it be fair to write something negative? What one person treasures, another may not....

So no, I'm not fearful of reviews, as I said I just don't subscribe to the silly notion that they prove or mean anything, or are of any benefit for either party.

If you properly research an escort, if you read their posts/ads/website, and if they allow a phone conversation, and after all that if you can't decide of that escort is someone YOU want to meet, then you shouldn't be meeting any escorts.

"Her service must suck"-another stupid comment some guy made about those of us with no review policies. No buddy, they only thing that sucks is your thought processes.....

"Something is wrong with her"- No, those of us with no review policies have finally awoken to the fact that there is defnitely something worng with some who proliferate those review boards. We're tired of reading unnecessary salacious remarks, indiscreet information, and crude comments often written into reviews.

"She's not safe"-If she has no reviews something is wrong, she must not be safe.......Sure buddy, sure. Perhaps some of us prefer attracting men who take the time to research, and who can decide for themselves who they'd like to see....

 Making silly assumptions about anyone, then having a need to post them on toxic review boards, without any knowledge as to why the person chooses to do as they do, is the act of a fool......

This example of a couple of guys speaking about a massage provider are exactly why I dislike and see reviews as pointless....

Some have called this woman beautiful, amazing, but then you have these two guys with their silly, unnecessary comments...