
"She wouldn't answer my questions"

30 Jan, 2025

All to often I'll read a post a review board guy has made complaining about some escort who wouldn't answer the questions regarding sexual services provided, which he posed via text/phone or email.....I'll never understand why these guys won't get it through their thick skulls that it is illegal to discuss paying for sex!!! So if you discuss payment, and then ask "what's included", you have just solicited for the sale of sex, which is a crime. Read 213 of the criminal code and educate yourself concerning the laws regarding prostitution within Canada.....If you want an escort to explicitly tell you what sexual services will be provided when you visit, you are putting that escort in a precarious position and you're committing a crime. So please stop being so stupid!! Read an escorts ad, read their media, then draw your own conclusions as to what will transpire upon meeting. If you cannot determine from their ads, what they offer, move onto to someone who's ad you can decipher. I don't know any professional escort who'll discuss specific services with a potential client. Firstly, it's in poor taste, secondly, and again it's illegal to purchase sexual services. Lastly, how can any client who expects an authentic experience expect any person to tell them what will happen before they meet in person. Chemistry cannot be fully determined without meeting in person. A clients mannerisms, their attitude, their hygiene, all play into what will or will not transpire between the client and their escort. So to promote an escort as being difficult, or a possible scammer, because they wouldn't list their services for you when you asked them via text/phone call or email, is irresponsible, unfair and foolish. So AGAIN, to those who expect  an escort to answer sexually explicit questions, please stop. Do your research, and think before speaking and PLEASE show us the respect we derserve for wanting to protect all clients.