

30 Jan, 2025

How would you define success? The dictionary defines it as accomplishing an aim or a goal....Since we all have different aims and different goals, when someone infers they are more successful than you are, or that they are succcessful and you are not, wouldn't that be rather presumptuous and arrogant? Aren't they saying, everyone should be like them, and should want the same things, and should want to reach their same goals?....Wouldn't that be a silly and selfish way to think?...

So.... when one escort implies that she is more successful than another, what do you think she is saying....that she has sucked off royalty, or that she is now famous and known among royalty for being a good cock sucker or a royal good time?'m being facetious......

Seriously though...success is not a one size fits all approach and no one should want to measure their success by comparing it to another. We are all different, want different things and, to reach different goals. Those differences should be celebrated, embraced and encouraged....It could be said that a truly successful person is a person, not who has gained more material objects, or accomplished greater goals. Rather a person who lifts others up and, who encourages and celebrates what another wants to achieve and helps them achieve that gola/s..... I believe anyone who can see past their own needs to help another person fulfill theirs, is successful.

Thanks for reading todays retrospection....