

30 Jan, 2025

In light of pride, this blog is dedicated to one of my dearest friends....a friend I miss and never got to spend enough time with to mend fences and to truly understand.....I miss you BarB!!! 

I had met Bard while escorting at an agency that was housed in a bad part of town, and which hired some rather devious types. Barb took a liking to me right away, and I her.She became my protector, my friend and someone who taught me a lot. She was a tall, imposing figure....and a gay woman. Barb grew to like me in a way I didn't understand, she was the first gay person I had met......and it caused frictions in our friendship, and eventually ended it. She wanted me in ways I didn't want her to, and she was stubborn, and I wasn't understanding.....She was also, in the short couple of years we hung out, a dedicated friend. Always standing up for me, generous, and lots of fun too. I'm sorry we hadn't the time or fortittude to mend fences before she was murdered.....I celebrate pride in your honor Barb ????