

Patience is a virtue......

30 Jan, 2025

Recently I hosted a client and a couple of upsets occured while doing so. He was understanding, but I could tell he was also a little upset, and I probably would have been too. 

I have two phones, a work phone, and a home phone. My home phone is always left on, perhaps I'll have to rethink that.....It is a number only family, close friends, my doctor, hair stylist, etc, has, and I know the times they call or text. I host around those times. So if it were to ring while I'm hosting I'm  going to assume it's an emergency. Likewise when my doorbell rings. Anyone who has my address knows that I only answer my door/doorbell when I know that someone is coming to my home. On this evening, not only did my home phone ring, my doorbell was rang over and over again. Both these intrusions upset me every bit, if not more than, they did my guest. The doorbell was rang by a neighbors child, who claims to have been at the wrong door, I did answer, because he wouldn't stop ringing it. The phone call, which I didn't answer, turned out to not be an emergency. Sometimes things happen, at the most inappropriate times, and when they do, hopefully, we can be understanding and move on. I apologized and then gave my client some extra time. Although he seemed appeased by the apology and extra time, I still wonder if he left with a bad impression......

It is always my intention to make sure all my clients, even those I didn't mesh with, leave with a good experience. I find it upsetting when any client has a less than pleasuable experience, and I'd want to do whatever I could to make it better.I also have to realize, some clients will be understanding, and some won't.....