
Free pictures.....

30 Jan, 2025

I'm often asked why I post so many pictures for free....why I don't have an onlyfans, or another account on which I'd make $$ for my content....My answer "Because I don't want such an account, nor do I have the energy to put into maintaining one"....Content creators work hard....I often call myself lazy, jokingly....But I suppose there is truth in that when it comes to creating profitable content. I put lots of effort in giving my clients a great date, yet the work required to maintain and create an onlyfans, or like accounts, at least for me, would be more like work, and not fun and entertainment. At this stage I'm interested in doing less, and meeting a few nice guys every now and then to spice things up. I've enough regular clients now to keep me amused, satiated, and financially comfortable.....Every now and then I'll accept a new client to add to my interest, or if I'm wanting to purchase something beyond my regular bugeted wants/needs. The pictures I post are for all of them.....Usually I'll take a few selfies while waiting for a client to arrive. It's those I post here, on my instagram, and on twitter. It's quick, easy and something I enjoy doing. Doing anything beyond that would be to time consuming and feel to much like work. The best part of escorting for me now, is I get to see whom I want , when I want.As they say. "quality over quantity". Who I spend time with now matters to me more than how much I can earn. I do admire those ladies who are killing it with their content and wish them years of success. I'll admire from the sidelines while enjoying doing my thing, my way......Thanks for reading and enjoy your day!!