
To those timewasters....

30 Jan, 2025

Things have been going great for me this month, and I suspect that'll continue. So it's no surprise when things are going great that the idiots, time wasters, and trouble makers come out of the woodwork to try and change my vibe, lol..... They seem to be able to smell my happiness, lol and that seems to disturb them. So they'll call, email, and text their foolishness and stupidity. Some examples....Callling from a local number to tell me they want to meet, but can't send their screening info because they are in a different country, lol. They want a long dinner date, but can't send screening info at the moment, yet want to know my availability. Sending screening info that isn't theirs.....Sending screening info then avoiding calling to discuss meeting/compatibility.....texting their info, then disappearing, texting from app#'s (non registered phone numbers), texting stupidity like "hey", "Hi", "What's up", etc, etc, and expecting a reply, lol. And many, many more......

To all of them.... Please be aware.......I ONLY consider accepting a new client AFTER he has sent me *his* screening information, AND AFTER I've had a conversation with him, via a phone call. UNTIL those things occur, I WILL NOT consider any date request. Even then, after I view your ID and have a conversation with you, I'll take some time to decide. There has to be something I find interesting about you, or I have to feel some sort of chemistry with you, in order for me to want to meet. Some people must not realize, I've enough regular clients to keep me busy without a needing new clients. Money isn't my sole motivator. This lifestyle I've chosen is as much about me entertaining myself, as it is to supplement my savings......So to those people who are following my activities, and seemingly disturbed by my contentment and success. You've just proved once again that you've to much time on your hands, discontentment in your heart, and a clear need for redirecting your energy. Please find something/s productive to do, you'll feel better for it!!