

Milf's, cougars and other labels...

30 Jan, 2025  Some of my blogs have been prompted by some of the threads I read on twitter, this is one of them.

Why is it that men and women in our industry feel a need to label women of a certain age? I'm always uncomfortable when a women is called a "milf", "cougar", or other names that mean to label her because of her age. It's discriminatory, imo, rude and stupid. women are women.We all age, if we're lucky to live long enough. So why does it need to be pointed out by labels? Catorgizing us by labels shows a lack of acceptance and  judgement  by those who do it. It also shows, imo, a fear of aging. It saddens me when mature companions are often disparaged simply because we don't look like younger companions. Why would we, why should we and why would we want to!! We age....some of us appreciate that, some of us accept that and some understand this. Aging isn't a crime, it is a natural occurence that should be celebrated, not made fun of, condescended or condemed. I often laugh when I hear of older gentlemen preach about the beauty of escorts who are always 20-30 yrs his junior.....then they crtique ladies over 40 for looking over is these people I believe who fear and hate aging and anyone who reminds them that they are older. It is these people that need to face reality,and who need to look in the mirror, and forget about labeling anyone, and to be more acceoting and understanding. If you're ideal of beauty is youth, that is fine, but don't push your ideals on me by labeling me. I'm proudly mature, and a woman of over 40:)