
Lol.....sp411 and the drama continues....

30 Jan, 2025


 This meme is exactly how I now feel after reading and wasting my time responding here to the comments on #sp411.. the trolls who come out under their anonymity  to post their dislike of me or their comments about me, in that thread on #sp411 just make me shake my head and laugh.....what else can one I suppose, lol. So here I go........

One thing is clear, mentioning my name there has certainly given that site some well needed attention, which they seldom get, lol. It's especially funny when those who are reading and enjoying the thread comment back to how I enjoy drama, all while they are contributing to it by posting on and viewing it.

Seems I've gotten some of the members there mad, because I copied and pasted all who have viewed the thread about me, and posted that list in my previous blog, as I have done again here, in this blog..........I also called them "nosey parkers" for viewing and commenting on that thread....I think most would conclude, anyone who reads, comments on, or contributes to editorial that is goosipy or heresay, are nosey people, people I call, "nosey parkers", people who enjoy gossip. So, what do you suppose they are really angry at, being outted for being members of such a trashy site, for viewing a thread about me, for commenting on the thread, or for all the forementioned? LOL!! Or maybe...... because they thought I wasn't bright enough to copy and paste, and I fooled them, and they don't like being fooled, lol;)

 Here are some tips.....At the end of the thread, that trashy site lists all who have viewed it, so if you don't want to be included in a "list", don't view the thread. If you don't like being called "nosey parkers", don't participate in gossip. If you don't want to encourage drama, then don't respond to it. Get mad at the site for listing what you do, not at me for acknowledging your actions, by copying and pasting them here in my blog or for me being direct and responsive. If my doing so contributes to drama, so be it. I will always contribute to drama if that means defending myself and I will always defend myself against those who are cowards and who hide under anonymity. They are always the ones who spread malicious lies, and other puerile foolishness. 

To Kitty Caterina- You anger is misdirected. I have only copied and pasted your and others names, because *your site* "lists" all those names as viewers of that thread about me. If that bothers you, you need to speak to your sites owner, for creating the list and making it accessible to the public, you know that douche who spends his time giving out the addresses of the people who join his board, lying, and threatening people, while he hides in his basement, jacking off to the garbage he posts hoping some will be stupid enough to pay the thousands of $$ he expects to be paid to have the lies he creates removed and to leave his victims alone. Shouldn't you be proud for supporting that whackadoodle!! You've also misconstrued my comments made in my other blog....... that makes me curious, do my actions anger you because I made it known that you are a participant in a thread about gossip and that is embarrassing to you, or because it shows that you're a member of such a trashy site, or both? You know as well as I do, that #sp411 has long been disliked by most in this biz, and just because you and a few others might make money from it's use, doesn't discount or justify it's intent. It's a board where cowards flock to post their put downs, lies and derogatory gossip of escorts, *anonymously*. It's owner is well known for getting a charge out of making up lies about whomever twists his little panties, and then you have those who've the small courage to join using a handle/fake name, so they can make their crude and rude comments, which they guise as a review .....All in all, that makes it a site to avoid, not to join or support. So when I continue to list those who are commenting on, or viewing a thread, which has now turned into a bashfest towards me, because I've the courage to talk back to those who hide behind anonymity, and contribute to that shit site, don't turn that into me disiking escorts or clients. That thought/comment in itself, is dramatic and false, and is just fueling more drama. But perhaps that is your intent......and give me a break, you became incensed because I called people who view a thread on gossip, "nosey parkers", but you remain mute, when some of that trashy sites members calls many of your peers, everything, but their names......K!!

To Mike Litoris-I was warned about you a loooooooong time ago, you're another ole fart that has always been known to post shit about particular escorts who didn't click with you....Some guys pay because they have to, right "Mike".....Curious, were you lamenting about your looks when you described that toothless bulldog? Generally speaking, I think of bulldogs, toothless or not, as being quite cute:)

To Mr or Mrs "unregistered" #1- when is looking "your age", supposed to be a put down? Try again.... Why would anyone expect someone my age to look young, especially after all the years of dealing with idiots like you, that in itself ages a person tenfold. So I should look more like your great grandma, not your grandmother, lol. However, if you were unhappy with my appearence, and if we did indeed meet, to that I can't attest, since you've not the courage to name yourself, you could have made that known in person. But that would take courage. My looks aren''t for everybody, nor is my age, demeaning them tho, just shows your character and does nothing to change mine. Keep up the good work;)

To Mr. or Mrs "unregistered #2- I'm not ashamed to admit anything. If something has affected me or my business or both, I'm very open to saying so. Apparently you've never read my blog, or visited my twitter, lol. But I will assure you, anything said about me, especially on sp411, will NOT affect me personally. It *may* cause me to loose potential clients, but so what. Win some, loose some. I work so seldom now, who cares. You seem to care more about that than I. Learn more about me, before you make such ridiculous statements.

  • peiguy5555,
  • b21cole,
  • Jed1590,
  • tensee,
  • Nick420,
  • Greeklover89,
  • geebus,
  • hornydoc,
  • timmyho,
  • vindawg,
  • Grace Sparks,
  • Finch20,
  • Private222,
  • edsmith2008,
  • edwin6699,
  • minuteman06,
  • londoncalling,
  • JuicylittleDawg,
  • thatguy82,
  • kherg007,
  • sheikyerbooti,
  • Victoria Catherina,
  • redbeard,
  • irock,
  • Tri-Sum-Pussy,
  • Frederictonman,
  • lickalotofpuss,
  • TFZL1,
  • YankFrank,
  • hookmeup,
  • peiguy555,
  • datyman69,
  • thisshitisreal,
  • rickkkm,
  • genosys,
  • gogofmagog,- If stupidity is your goal, you reached that goal years ago. Why is it always attention seeking idiots like you, who think of aging as a negative....I don't worry about "dating" myself when I use particular words, it's how I speak. You obviously understand them, so you're "dating " yourself too, right, Mr. pop culture.....
  • islander,-I'm also glad you didn't book. Any guy that has to go on a review board, especially a board as trashy as sp411, to query about an escort before they decide for themselves, whether or not to see an escort, isn't a "man", nor someone I want to meet. But that is made very clear on my website, I'm sure you knew that before you even posted..... Please remember too, that simply wanting to meet an escort doesn't give you the right. The escort has to also want to meet the potential client. So you commenting again, "that you were glad you didn't book" does who benefit, and serves what purpose? So many of you guys show just how delicate you all are, by having your panties twisted when an escort talks back to you, or openly comments towards who'll she'll see and who she won't see and why. It's funny to watch, the rebutals are even funnier, and always so typical and boring, Always a put down about age, looks.....or "I wouldn't see her anyways" "she's to old", "she's to this or that" "she's no good", "she's not worth the money"....yada, yada, yada,. So what and who Do some of you guys really believe that you seeing me or not, will determine my survivability.....Seriously!!! *Some* of you guys need to remember who gets paid and who does the paying. Some of you guys truly over estimate your importance.....I have lasted this long for a reason.
  • sexiijane2017,
  • spencer00,
  • chilzz,
  • Sarahskillz,
  • jonno,
  • thebiggestguy,
  • Vegeta85,-  Mr. Busybody is at it just have to keep inserting yourself and please remember, there are escorts who've seen you, so your comment about you giving  intense orgasms, is hilarious....and believe me, hilarity is not your strong point. You seem to be trying  hard to copy the comment style of your friend Gog, the only difference between the two of you is, he looks stupid by being himself, you just look stupid and even more so, trying to be like someone else.....I'm curious, do you get whip lash from posting one way on sp411 and another on lyla?
  • thd,
  • lingan,
  • luvyeah,
  • norton,
  • taylorforfun,-Ahh ....duh, and woo to you, lol. You made the list because you viewed the thread. I simply copied and pasted that list, I didn't contrive it. It's the same list *your site* posts at the end of the thread. I hope the read was worth your time. Next time, get excited about something worthwhile, lol.
  • Delroy Lee,-I wasn't worried, lol. I wasn't expecting you to drive that far, your car wouldn't make it, lol;)
  • eagle1man,
  • Micber
  • justhavingfun,
  • steeler43,
  • TheMouse,
  • FrenchKonexion,-thanks for the unfollow:) You never retweeted any of my stuff anyhow, lol.
  • chrismen,
  • MctonCowBoy,
  • bjadams

Anyone else want to chime in, I'm open to any and all comments, lol. But I do prefer to discuss things with those who've the courage to show themselves, and not hide behind anonymity. or post on a site to which I have no posting ability. I accept phone calls:)