

Implications of how we offer our services......

30 Jan, 2025

It is often said by many escorts that how each of us decides to run our business is our business, and no one else's. Yet, and often, if it becomes known that a specific provider is offering a more risque service, such as bareback bj, or very risque services such as, bare back intercourse, cim ( cum in mouth), swallows, accepts creampies ( allows a man to ejaculate into her pussy). Then many providers/escorts will protest against, or at the minimum, speak out against that escort and condemn their business. Which is hypocritical. Either we allow all escorts to run their business as they choose, or we don't. Each of us knows that what we do individually, affects the community as a whole. So should we mind our own business, or should we mind everyone's business.....We can't seem to make up our minds when it comes to this. 

I'm against any very risque services. I believe in being safe, and I believe what each of us does and says, impacts us all. Far to many clients are expecting these very risque services, because they're being offered. If something wasn't made available, then it wouldn't be asked for. Yet I don't think it is my place to tell any escort what they should or shouldn't offer. So although I'll speak about what I think is right or wrong, I'm not going to confront anyone to tell them, they are right or wrong for offering what they decide to offer, nor would I condone anyone causing them trouble. Wouldn't it be nice if we all played fair, if we all played safe and, offered rates that encompassed our needs and not to undercut other escorts. Then this industry as a whole, would be less complicated, and troublesome. Yet competition among escorts, and pressures from clients, always rears it's ugly heads. Causing much of the strife we face. You also have some escorts who try and set themselves and or their cliques apart by deeming themselves as being "the best", "the sexiest", "the prettiest" , "the hottest" in town, etc, etc. Inferring that all the rest of us are lacking something, or not as good as, or not as hot as them, lol. To them I say, it's good to have confidence, but it's better to be realistic.....What is hot to some, may be tepid to another. If escorts and clients would stop with the comparisons and accept each individual for their unique qualities, and know that there is no such thing as "the best", much of that type of childishness would cease. I believe we all have unique qualities, and what may be lacking in one area,  may be in abudance in another area.....It would be nice if some shone their light, without the need of dulling another persons light, and if clients stopped comparing one escort to another, and instead, became more tolerant and appreciative towards the differences among us. I hope one day this industry becomes more about comradery, and less about destroying some and competing.....