
Idiot of the day

30 Jan, 2025

902-225-1995.....has texted numerous times in the past from different his text was "heyy"... and remember all my ads request phone calls only. They also specify gentlemen over 35 yrs..... he called....and asked "are you able to book" ?  I replied "I assume so" that is an odd question and I didn't know if he was asking if I had the ability to, if I had the time available, or something else.....I then asked "how old are you", his reply, "25", I asked, "can you read"? His reply...."Ha, haaaa...."  So this was nothing serious you might think, yet when this person thinks it's alright, fun, and a joke to contact at his whim, over and over again, it becomes harassing, abusive and justifiably actionable. Apparently some believe these "types" should just be blocked and ignored....and I'd agree if it happened, once, twice or even 3x's...yet when a person gets blocked then gets another number to circumvent that block and does this over and over, and over again it becomes an issue and again, actionable. So to those who think they've a right to criticize my actions and turn them into me being indiscreet, and untrustworthy.... take your opinions and shove them up your ass, thanks!!

I think this song is dedicated to him.....

I advertise my phone number to respectful gentlemen. I make it clear that I want to be called, not text, and by those over 35 yrs. If you think you've a right to abuse my time, my phone number, or my name, simply because I post my number publicly ..... I too will take action against you.....No person should have to be subjected to abuse, nor bullied for standing up to those who abuse.....