

I'm a happy hooker......

30 Jan, 2025


And it is a wonder that I've managed to be.....after so many years of being stigmatized, marginalized, made fun of, bullied, and criticized for choosing to be a sex worker and a sex worker without another job, university degree, or with any plans to change my occupation .......For many years I questioned my choice and my self worth because of all the nay saying and discord I experienced. I had found something that worked for me, a job that I was comfortable with, yet people in and out of the business would tell me and show me constantly, that my choice was the wrong choice. It has taken me so many years to learn that how I earn money to keep myself, needs to sit right with me, no one else. Your morality is for you to deal with, mine is for me. Your disillusion is for you to deal with, don't blame others, or sw for it. If you are doing something you dislike, or hate, please change your path. Life is full of opportunity, and we all have a niche....find yours......

   I'm happy when I'm with a respectable gentleman, it satiates me in every that what you want, like it or not......I'm a happy hooker!!!!. It is a shame that I've let so many years go by questioning my choice because of conflict created by and perpetuated by those narrow minded, hateful and judgemental people who think sex work is wrong, and by those doing it, who hate it. I listened and watched...and instead of seeing that conflict for what it was, I allowed the opinions of others, affect me........I should have just listened to my own I do now.....

 But for many, the conflict will continue. Until those within this industry stop sending conflicting messages about their work.If people seeking out our services and those offering them display hatefulness of the industry, how can we expect those outside of it to accept and appreciate it! Some of the conflicting messages are.... while working as a sw (sexworker), you imply that sw should only be for a limited time,   you pretend that you love it, when you actually hate it, ( that shows even with the best actors) , that sw shouldn't be your only job, that you need a "real" job as well, that sw's with educations are some how more worthy, or are too be taken more seriously, that sw shouldn't be a fulltime thing, etc, etc. As is often said, sw is work and REAL work at that!!. Albeit different to most other industries, it still is an industry and one in which a person can earn a good living, all while enjoying and thriving within it. It can be your only job, and loving it is not a bad thing. Certainly it is an industry full of a lot of negativity, illegal activity, scammers and other nefariousness. And to thrive within it you definitely need a thick skin, a strong sense of self and too also know the industry, and find your style within it. That all takes work, perserverance and time if you want to succeed.....SW is not for everyone, nor is it easy......see it for what it is. And if it is for you, do it with pride and ignore the negativity that will be thrust upon you. Be suspect of those wanting to make money off you, stick to the boundaries you set, and know that NO ONE other than you, should decide how you price your services, how you offer them and to whom.....please don't fall prey to the rules/guidelines review boards and "hobbyists" try to perpetuate. This truly is a buisness where you can do what you choose, when you choose and how you choose. You are your own boss. This is what I've learned.... and this is what has helped me become a "Happy Hooker".

I believe every person's goal in life is to find something they're good at and happy doing....why should that be criticized. We all just want to wake up and look forward to what is ahead of us each day and go to bed with an abilty to sleep because we're comfortable with what we've chosen to do that day.....Don't measure your idea of success to another's....we all have different goals, wants and and strive for yours.....the only person you need to impress is you!!..To those who try and ruin that for anyone.... do your own happiness, instead of trying to ruin someone else's.....