

Feeling blue....

30 Jan, 2025

As blessed as I've been, these past few days have left me with a case of the blues. Perhaps it's all this wet and gloomy weather.....Each year I look forward to Christmas and all it offers, but it is also a time of year that carries saddness with it. My father passed years ago not long before Christmas, as did one of my dogs..... Sometimes that sadness over shadows all the fun and festivities, which seems to be the case this year. My father was a very generous man, who loved celebrating Christmas. He loved to eat, to visit friends, family and to give gifts to those he loved, worked with, or just met . I know he would want me to be having fun and not pining over him.Yet Christmas just feels empty without him. My blessed little dog, with me nearly 17 yrs, was a survivor, up until her last battle. She was my best friend and had helped me get through many rough times. The toughest time was saying goodbye to her.This year it'll be my third Christmas without her, yet the grief is still as strong. I know I was lucky to have both a loving father, and a beloved dog I bonded so closely to, yet sometimes memories aren't enough......

I hope you are feeling festive, and are able to chase away any blues you may be feeling and celebrate instead all that there is to be thankful for. I've posted one of my Christmas lights pictures, I hope that helps brighten your day.....