
Do you want convenience or do you want health?

30 Jan, 2025

Going into 2024 we all can bring change, and it's not as complicated as it may seem, but you'll have to give up some things .......And perhaps I'm over simplifying, but if we all only shopped local....local raised, sourced, and locally made, imagine the differences we could make. Imagine supporting small businesses, instead of those corporations that are now controlling us and our governements.....Imagine the changes we could make for the next generations, the planet, our health....Imagine.....cue John lennon, lol.....seriously though, Isn't it better to shop local, doesn't it make you feel better when you know you've bought something made within your province or your own country, and that which will help someone's small business grow and add to our local economy. Sure it may cost more than something from Dollarama, WAlmart, or Amazon, but think of that extra $$ you may pay as an investment into your local economy. Everything starts with one, lets at least try and make a difference for 2024, or even better start now.