

30 Jan, 2025

Discretion is what all who are active in the escorting industry expect and offer. It is paramount to all else, so we are taught. Yet should it be?......As it is also what protects the time wasters, the slime balls, and the game players from being publicly outed, and they know this. If any escort who has been harmed, whether that be physically, mentally, emotionally or financially, were to publicly name their attacker, the escort would then be deemed unsafe, or untrustworthy by many within our industry, especially by those who deem themselves to be the stewards of sex work.....You know those escorts who consider themselves the righteous & the know it alls, and those clients of escorts who post prolifically on those review boards.... In this industry many frown upon posting names/info, publicly. However, it is favored to post such info on blacklists.The problem with those lists is that not every escort has access to them, as they are only shared among "friends".....and as we all know, not all escorts are "friends", nor do all escorts care to help those who aren't part of their inner circle. It's a shame that protecting one another in this industry isn't paramount too. Blacklists are limited in their reach, therefore, imo, ineffective at helping to curb the actions of those who don't care about, who wish to harm, or who have no respect for escorts and our time.

I have named a few people in my blog, who have caused me issues, who have deliberlately wasted my time, who have played games, or caused me harm, but the reach of my blog too is limited. Although it's read by a high number of people, it's still not enough to stop the ill intended, and quite honestly, short of jail time, and even then, some people just can't or won't be stopped. The ramifications for defending myself by posting names here in my blog gives some in this biz, other escorts, and their clients, ammo to accuse me of being untrustworthy, all while they out people they deem troublesome. The hypocrisy in this industry is rampant..... I believe that when someone is harmed, then they should handle it in whatever way they deem necessary and without cristicism or threats to reputation from others. Defending oneself in and out of this industry is the most difficult aspect of it. Not only do we have to defend ourselves from some of our peers and clients, but also from the stigmatization  general society puts upon us....So how should one protect themselves safely from the ill intended? That is the question. My answer, is do what you feel is best for your own sanity and the heck with what others will say or think.....People will, after all, say things regardless. In the end, we have to look out for ourselves and be at peace with the decisions we make while doing so. Although I do believe discretion is paramount and I offer it to all my respectful clients, my safety, and the safety of others is too. One shouldn't over shadow the other.....Peace of mind is also important. Anyone who has had to deal with a malicious person has my sympathy. It is never easy to defend yourself, nor is it always successful. But we must defend ourselves. We must protect ourselves, and in whatever way we deem necessary. Regardless of what the "stewards of sexwork" deem right or wrong!!