
Birds of a feather....

30 Jan, 2025

Something that has been on my mind.....Is there truth to that phrase, "birds of a feather flock together".I wonder.... Can those with the character traits of a bully, who lie, and who enjoy besmirching others, have friends who have good character traits.If so, why would a person of good character want to be in the company of someone who will willy nilly throw someone under a bus....

At this stage of my escorting, it's important to me to interact with, and only involve myself with and support those who have integrity and who are people of good character. I don't want to support anyone who would knowingly associate with or befriend those known to bully, besmirch, lie about, or harass another person.I've experienced to much hate wihile being an escort. I've experienced having lies spread about me, being bullied, harassed, insulted, and threatened, for no justifiable reasons. I don't want anyone else to have to experience that type of treatment. There are far to many in this industry who have no issue with attacking, belittling, lying about or besmirching those they take a dislike to, and their friends or associates have no issue ignoring their actions. I don't want anything to do with any of those types.....I do believe that if you can knowingly ignore the wrong doings of a friend then you become complicit in their actions. You become birds of a feather....

Some will insist that any of us who have the ability to choose what ever we choose in this industry, be that friends, clients, our rates, the hours we work, etc, as being a privilege, I see it as choices.We all make choices....we all get to choose. When a person chooses to befriend or associate with those known to be vindictive, or who enjoy tearing down those they dislike, then by your choice I have to assume that you're the same.....I understand that there are those in this industry who are in it only to make money, and while doing so, will interact with whomever will guarantee or increase their earning potential, regardless of their character, or actions towards others....That is their right. My right is to steer clear of those people and to call them out when I know of them, as I don't believe it's right to ignore malicious actions or deeds.Ignoring them is encouraging them, imo. Money isn't everything, peace of mind is, and I have peace of mind when I know that those I engage with are those who'd never encourage or ignore hatefulness, vindictiveness, and maliciousness. Nice peoplle, those of good character, encourage kindness, and work to uplift others. They appreciate differences in people, and if discourse arises, they work to settle it amicably, not with vengence or vindictiveness.Those are the kind of people I want to support and engage with.

So associate with whomever you choose, that is your right, I'll never tell you not to....but I will decide your character by your choices.