

30 Jan, 2025   This story angers me so... Another police dog killed. The thing that irks me is that those animals don't choose to be in jobs that are a threat to their life and well being. We put them there, we force them to do those jobs. We train them to risk their lives. They have no idea that doing what they do could take their life and I'm very sure if they could speak and were asked, they'd choose another path. Officers that are killed have chosen that job, and know the risks going in, animals don't. It wasn't that long ago that two police dogs were killed because their handlers had left them in a car in extreme heat. With one, apparently there was a malfunction with the car. So they say. But who knows.I wouldn't trust them to tell the truth....They'll protect their asses and sacrifice the dog, because it's "just a dog"..... I think it's time to stop testing on animals, and time to stop using them as defense weapons.People need to handle their own crap and stop putting innocent animals in peril...just my two cents....