Blog get what you give!!

30 Jan, 2025

It never ceases to amaze me that there are still clients out there who treat escorts like they are their personal sex toys. To be twisted, prodded, poked as they choose, and as often as they can.These "clients" believe showing up on time and clean, is initself all that is needed to prove they're respectful clients.They believe when booking a slot of time, be it 30/60/90 mins or more, means that all of that time is to be spent on the bed doing as much as they can within that time span. They'll refuse a massage, because that time being massaged takes away from the time when they could be poking, prodding........They have to get their "hard earned" monies worth!! These types of clients are what I call "review board guys". They call themselves "hobbyists".......They are known to see many escorts, and run quickly to their nearest review board to post about the encounter they've just had. Discretion means little...... Review boards are their havens.They spend as much time and energy on the boards as they can spare. I'd even go as far to say that some of these guys have an addiction to those boards. When they deem they received their "monies worth" from any escort, they'll brag and recant their experience with a tell all review or recommendation. Once they write their tell all, and if they decide to meet that escort again, they'll expect a discount for what they consider "promoting" that escort with their positive review/recommendation. If they felt mistreated, ( even when deserved) they'll also recant their experience embellishing it with untruths so as to garner sympathy from their fellow hobbyists, and to teach that "mean escort" a thing or two, lol.......How dare any escort put them in their place or deny them any service!! These guys are also known to book escorts in sneaky ways. Sometimes they'll go out of their way to book escorts who refuse to see them for being a "review board guy", or for any other reason, by hiding their review board handle/posting history, when making their booking/inquiry. They'll use a different persona, use a different phone number, etc. As they feel entitled to see whomever they decide to see......

Yes these "slobbyists" still exist....and they exist in part, because *some escorts consider any money good money, and *some escorts will see anyone as long as that "anyone" will willingly positively review them! 

Companionship isn't about "getting your monies worth". It's supposed to be about enjoying the company of someone you feel you may connect with. It's about relaxing, having fun, and sharing the pleasures of intimacy in a mutual way with someone you're attracted to. And if the connection for whatever reason, doesn't happen, you don't create drama and sulk, you move on with the acknowledgement that sometimes people mesh, other times they don't. Intimacy with another person is special. If you measure it's worthiness by how many sex acts you get, and how often within your time together, then you've missed the point of connection. If physical acts  are all you expect, then stop pretending to be concerned with connection and express that you're simply interested in getting as much mileage for your $$$$. At least then we can know and decide for ourselves if we want to put up with that kind of treatment or not. The problem is, more often that not, review board guys expect to get lots of "mileage", but post like they're all about wanting to connect.....they lie, they deceive, and play games....and when an escort does the same to them, they whine, gripe and complain...then run to warn their fellow hobbyists about those shameful escorts who take advantage of them, lol!!!

Anytime I've met a guy in person, who I regard as a review board guy, my back goes up, I get turned off, and will respond in kind. A gentleman will be treated as such, a pig, likewise!!!! Energy begets energy. Treat me like I'm some amusement ride, and you'll likely regret the ride. Treat me like I'm your partner, and you'll want to return for more.......