

Aging as an escort....

30 Jan, 2025

It's funny to look back at my early years in this profession, back when by all accounts, I'd have been considered young. Back when all I thought was important was being young. Back when others without any value, could influence my thoughts, my actions. To compare how I was then, to today's version, is interesting.....and yes sadly funny. Sad to see how some useless, unimportant , hateful people influenced me. Funny to think I was truly that naive and gullible.   It's now been a couple of decades that I've dabbled in all aspects of the escorting business. Within the first decade I popped in and out of the industry. I'd dabble in it then leave and move onto other professions, and aspirations. Yet I always came back to escorting.....Within the second decade, and with all I had experienced and learned, I stayed, feeling more comfortable with it, and more secure about how to handle all that was thrown at me. In this decade, I limited the time I devoted to escorting, remaining part time, while doing volunteer work and keeping it and my personal life as my priorities.

I've changed a lot. Physically, and mentally. I see things for what they are, not as some review board toitwaffle says they should be. I ignore negativity, gossip, and listen only to relevant people who make statements based on theory, science, and who've no agenda, or ill intent towards their peers. I'm still soft hearted ( no one can change that, thankfully). Although what nfluences me, what makes me think, what turns me on, has all changed. What used to turn me on was so simplistic back in the day. Now as I've aged, and grown, to be turned on requires more mental stimulation, than just physical lust. What catches my eye and tweeks my interest, isn't fleshly perfect, not sparkily's aspects of a persons character. Deeds of kindness, consideration, it's about humilty. Sure I still love being touched, kissed and seduced, but without  the mental stimulation, without my partner having specific characteristics, then he might as well be stroking/kissing a guitar, as he'd get a better response, lol. Cheers to getting older. It may mar our flesh, but how it grows our minds, how we see things, is beautiful and thank goodness for that.