

30 Jan, 2025

I see that the local review board has proven itself to once AGAIN be nothing more more than a site that accepts, encourages and shares slanderous gossip. That "community" should be ashamed of itself, and where is that steward of sex work to call out the bad behavior .....(I say with great sarcasm) and for those wondering what I'm talking about....there are a few members on that site who with their air of superiority, seem to think they've a right to police the actions of other escorts, and clients, yet they only seem to do it when it involves a certain few they they always stay silent when inappropriateness involves unknowns......

The most recent inappropriate thread on that site involves two of it's members naming a leolist escort, and claiming she has aids, is a drug addict and supposedly  psychotic....their proof......  links to some garbage sites on which anyone could post, and that they've "heard".....

 This type of  slanderous posting infuriates me, as it's gossip without evidence, and the worst kind of gossip. If false, it will destroy this persons reputation and could cause them to harm themselves!!!!  If it is true then take appropriate action with the appropriate authorities, if you are truly concerned for the community, that is!! If this escort is aids positive, then they shouldn't be escorting, but you cannot go posting that someone is carrying diseases, without actual proof. Even then, posting their real identity, doxing them, is also inappropriate. If I was the escort being called out, I'd be at my lawyers office this morning, and having a dectective finding the identity of those posters. Then I'd be filing a suit not only against the posters but also against that review board for allowing them to post that stuff there.As that sites motto is.... "If you've nothing nice to say, say nothing at all"....  And shame on all those there who haven't called anyone out for posting that stuff!!!

If you are going to post that anyone is a health risk, you had better come with hard evidence.I have no patience for bad actors, and they include those who spread malicious gossip, and those who are working within this industry with health or mental health issues that could harm another. 

But lets also be much as we all want everyone to be healthy within our community, there is no one other than doctors, and the law who have a right to diagnosis, and charge anyone, so lets allow them to do so. None of us have that right....and none of us will ever know who is actually disease free, and who is practicing safe sex.....unless we see their actual health records and are in their beds. What anyone does behind closed doors is only known to them, and others that hear about it, are hearing gossip. If this community chooses to thrive on this type of gossip, and continues to allow such malicious types of postings then it's demise is inevitable and those of us who turn a blind eye to any of it are imo, as bad as those bad wonder that those outside of the escorting community see it so negatively......

If you are **truly concerned** about a person within the escorting industry being a danger to it, in any way, then you take appropriate actions with the appropriate authorities. You don't go on a crappy review board and post links to other gossip sites, and claim "you've heard" as your proof.......unless you are one who gets off on watching the cesspool that such gossip creates. 

....if you're wondering why I haven't linked the thread I'm no longer willing to link that site to my blog. It doesn't deserve any views doing so would give it.

EDIT- Thankfully I see that thread has been removed. Thank you to whomever acted to have it removed. Yet, the person who posted it is still a member, and those who added to, and took part in the thread are also still members. This just speaks to the patheticness of that site......Allowing those who post shit like this to remain as members shows them that their behavior is acceptable. 

To those who wonder why I lurk on the boards if I detest them so. It's because I love my industry so, and I want those who who bring negativity, harm and misinformation to it brought to light. It seems that the boards are where most of them like to hang out.....