

A week in review....

30 Jan, 2025

Christmas has come and gone, and it was certainly different this year.  There was no going away/travelling, no family gatherings, nor any parties. Although I still cooked and had some fun. Now I await the New Year's eve/New Year, and it too will be dfferent, or will it?

So what else happened in the world of this Halifax escort, this week, lol....well..... I've been fed some interesting gossip, and it seems there is an escort or two, conspiring retribution for some of my bloggings, lol. Isn't it ironic, I'm being fed gossip about other escorts spreading gossip about me, and in turn, I'm writing about that gossip......But note, I call gossip, just that, which is hearsay... and I also call some things experiences, which are those things I've personally seen, lived through or dealt with.....I prefer to blog about the latter, but some gossip deserves attention, so......

 It's being said that  a few of lyla's hobbyists are being contacted and fed crap, accusing me of writing posts I haven't written and claiming I'm doing things I haven't done. Busy bodies have to be busy, I suppose. "Some people" aren't happy to dislike me on their own, it appears. "Some people" only have courage in numbers, so they have to contact others to join their cause and in the process, they exaggerate their case, by spreading untruths, in order to justify their cause. I'm starting to understand the term "community" now, when those "Lyla" members use seems they mean it to say, "you are only part of our community, when you like who we like, and dislike whom we dislike", lol... Irregardless people will say whatever they choose, and people will believe whatever they choose....and life goes on, lol. That site has always thrived on is a review board after all. It is also typical of many in that "lyla"/community to disregard the bad behavior some of their own exhibit. I would go as far to say, some bad behavior is even encouraged, as long as the bad behavior isn't shown to some of their favored few. I recently read one of the recent interviews they post on their site, the person interviewed was a hobbyist, and a person I have met. He was a decent guy to deal with in person, yet previous to us meeting, his contact method and communications were inconsiderate and unprofessional. I still question myself for meeting him because of those communications, and since he often likes to offer himslef up as somewhat of a "mentor" to other hobbyists, I pointed out to him, after our meeting, his inappropriateness and how I hoped he would consider his mistakes, before offering others advice, but my comments were ignored. Like many of lyla's hobbyists/client members, they treat some ladies with respect and will regale priases on them, and others they'll disrespect as they like, without apologies,....and they get away with this behavior, as long as they continue to sing the praises of a certain few. Like on all the rest of the review boards, the phrase, "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours" is a phrase that is put to practice often.

So what else happened? Well..... I met some new "friends", and some old, and they helped make this Christmas week a happy one, to them I say thank you and for them, I'm so grateful. Thanks for beng *gentlemen*......


For those who don't understand my continual babble about and disdain for review boards, I'll

They're self serving...

They're hypocritical to discretion. Many members who join them often gripe about how much they have to loose if they were to be found out, escorting, or for being a client of an escort. Yet many of those same members post prolicfically on the boards and talk, often brag, about who they see/sleep with, how much fun they've had, where they had it, etc. The fact that they don't get the hypocrisy in that, is just bizarre and the fact that many feel when someone writes on an open forum, that they are worthy of having sex with, as being a compliment, or necessity for success, is just sad.....

From board to board, it's always the same members posting &  the same members reviewing and the same escorts being reviewed......"you scratch my back" syndrome.....

Lyla in particular promotes how escort friendly they are how & they are all feminists. Yet most of the threads on their site have misogynistic undertones or are out right misogynistic, or posted by members who brazenly display their misogyny on other forums, and play "nice guy" on lyla and escorts who promote themselves as loving escorting, yet hate it and are then hearalded for their pretenses, lol.

They're full of dishonesty, pandering and vindicitveness.

They do nothing to help the industry, nor those struggling within it. They're biased, and some have become a monoply, owning other advertising platforms. Which can be funny to watch, ar least in the case of lyla, as many of their members will often complain about, even denounce, one of it's sister sites....It's kind of like someone going to Sobey's to complain about lawtons....or saying you shouldn't shop at Lawtons, all while they shop at Sobey's

All in all, review boards comprise just a small number of those who participate in visiting escorts and offering escort services. Most intelligent people see them for what they are and realize they're not needed to enjoy being an escort, or to enjoy visits with an escort. Intelligent people are also aware that relaible/professional escorts can be easily distingusihed from scammers, if you take time to read an ad and or webiste. They don't need a review board to teach them that.....


So what will the New year bring?....... More gossip, more review board babble, more drama? Probably, lol, but I will do my best to steer clear of it all...wink........