
A new decade....

30 Jan, 2025

And so it begins....the 50's......I will admit it is a little daunting, I mean, escorting is, especially here in Halifax, an industry that pushes the notion that in order to be wanted/desired, successful and busy as an escort, you have to be young...Which, I can attest, isn't the case. I've said many times, that when I was 27 I was told I was to old to be escorting, and I've been in and out of this industry since then. So apparently I've had lots of years of being successful, while being "to old", lol, as I've never had an issue making money in this industry. I will say, I never thought I'd remain in the industry as long as I have, as tend to get bored with most things fairly quickly and I've never gotten bored with escorting. I did leave the profession many times for various other reasons, and sought out other opportunities, but nothing worked for me like escorting, so to it I returned, and here I remain .....If you had asked me back then, my thoughts on being a 50 year old escort, I might have had a different opinion, even different expectations for this time of my life, but we never know what the future holds. So what will this next decade bring, will I continue escorting and become the sexiest old lady escort, lol...who knows........Even those with the best made plans can't determine what the future will bring. 

 I will say I am the most content that I've been in a while and I am the most confident I've ever watch out, lol. I think as we grow older nature nutures our souls.... it teaches us what is important and what isn't. I find I no longer have patience for those who are shallow, narrow minded, and who put on pretenses. I now crave the company of authentic, selfless, caring, sincere, honest humans. Time passes to quickly, and I don't want to waste any of it on the wrong people or doing anything I don't want to do. So here is to eating good food, enjoying the company of wonderful friends, travelling to new destinations, making connections with some fabulous gentlemen and creating some wonderful memories.....