

24 Jan, 2025

Imagine if the only types of escorts available all looked the same, were the same age, with the same hair, same skin tones, etc....Example-Imagine if they were all Asian ladies 20-25 yrs, 5ft, 90 lbs, with long black hair. What would those clients do who had a preferance to brown or black, or white skinned women. What would those clients do who preferred men....What would those clients do who had a preference to full figured women, or tall women....What would those clients do who had a preference to mature women....etc, etc....

I still hear and or read things that elude to some within this industry bellieving that a particular age, size and look is the "standard", or worse, they think a particular look is all that should be desired and all that should be accepted. How can people be that narrow minded? It's very sad that some can't see beyond their own noses. I can only say thank goodness for diversity!! Thank goodness there are escorts of all ethnicities, races, sizes, shapes, heights and ages...Because every client has a different preference. Even those clients who often committ to a "type" in this industry, will often seek an escort who is different to their norm to mix things up.Thank goodness for those clients, that there are those escorts working that can fulfill those desires.

Most often it is the younger women who'll mock and belittle women like myself, who are older and still working in this industry, and it is often those skinny/thin or smaller women who'll do the same to those full figured ladies, and yes, clients do this too. Anyone who thinks that only specific looks, ages, or body shapes are appropriate for escorting are narrow minded and clearly don't understand the industry and it's need for diversity. It's natural for human beings to want intimacy, sex, touch, etc. Those desires don't stop because of age, or because a person may not look like your ideal. Certainly age can make some sexual desires wane, however the desire to be intimate, to be desired by another, to be touched and adored, I believe, is ageless. We all like what we like, we all crave different things. Different tastes, different ideas, different abilities....They all should be celebrated. Someone isn't wrong, or odd if their tastes don't align with yours, or even the majorities. Any *adult* who decides on their own that they want to participate in escorting should be accepted into the community and not be made to feel isolated, or unwelcome because their look or desires may not fit into any specific category or align with yours. All should be welcome, and all should be celebrated. It's sad that after all these years some of this industries members still project and except an attitude of bias and judgement.


The reality....

22 Jan, 2025

This was being discussed on twitter....another escort was recommending that ladies use their escort accounts/social media to promote their escort world only, and not their real world stuff....I'm sorry if I'm being redundant, as I may have spoken to this topic in a previous blog. But since I read the tweet yesterday, I'm speaking about it this morning. My twitter is of course Cristy,'s under my escort name, well, I mean a new twitter name, as my previous account cristymature, was hacked and taken over.Anyhow.... What I write and post on my twitter are my actual thoughts, likes and interests.I post and retweet everything from politics, to animal rescue to recipes, soft porn, exercise and more, lol. I don't separate my escort stuff from my real believes. Nor do I have or want separate accounts to do so. I'm the same person,just with a different name, like that or not, lol. Anyhow, although I understand what that escort was meaning, I can't agree. Her point was that clients don't care about our actual thoughts, beliefs, plans, etc, etc.....She believes that clients just want to see our pictures, and learn about our services and in many instances, I'm sure she is right. But here is why I disagree. Most of the clients I have met, mention reading this blog and my social media. They mention that it gives them peice of mind of me being a real person, and many have also complimented me on what I write. So I think that there are also a significant amount of men out there who enjoy knowing who we really are. No pomp and circumstance is needed for them, nor separation of personalities, or accounts....But, to each their own. We all like what we like, and if her opinion of how to operate our escort social medias is what's  better for attracting clients, then I'm clearly missing out on some good ones, but that is fine.I can accept that. Some people can seperate their personalities and be two different people, I'm not capable of that. I feel it's best to be real, to be me, no matter what I am doing.....albeit, while using a different moniker, lol.


And this happened today....

22 Jan, 2025

So I'm on instagram as cristyofhalifax....I don't post often on there but this morning I added a pic I recently posted on my twitter and in my ads. And although my instagram account has printed on it's header, "please no messages here, phone calls only". There was a message from this idiot who I don't know or follow.....adam.noseworthy82 .....the message was a link to a video from another instagram account I don't know or follow, with a video of a person being blown up

I messaged This "Adam" back to ask him what was the point of his message and he just sent two red hearts.....What I find interesting is that one of his followers and a woman he follows, is a woman who has caused me problems in the past....coincidence? So many whackadoodles out there, many cowardly whackadoodles....


Funny things I've read in 2025

21 Jan, 2025

So my perusing those hobby boards continues. lol. Recently I read where a guy complained how indiscreet the Asian agencies were. Since in many of their ads the agencies were posting the street name, or hotel name in which they were operating.This indiscretion caused one of the neighbors at one of their incalls to join the hobby board to start warning guys that their info Pics and license plates) would be posted on facebook if they continued visiting escorts at that particular location. What I found funny was this very guy complaining about this indiscretion is one who joined a few others to set up a private account on another site so they could discuss where ladies are located, and other information that should remain private. Nothing like calling the kettle calling the pot black, lol!!! Seriously though, this angers me so. Only when these idiots are affected does indiscretion become a serious topic. They're all fine when they're all being indiscreet and the only affected, or threatened, is the escort.....yet when they become the target of indiscretion, it becomes a whole different matter!!!!

Another stupid post, a guy stated a new escort who is posting was actually a familiar escort now going by another name, and with a new ad, advising all to visit her.....Turns out he was wrong.She is not that familiar escort, but someone new and another poster posted the former escorts location and name to prove him worng......Lol. This is funny because of their stupidity, yet not funny because they have literally outed the locales of two escorts......

When a guy admits that he's found out that an escort is a scammer so he openly admits to spending his time spamming their email and texts.....Birds of a feather, lol......Anyone who finds out a person is doing wrong and then trolls them, instead of just blocking them and moving on is imo, just as bad and not a client I would ever trust. Imagine if something went awry during our date. Imagine what he might then do....Vindictive people are often dangerous people and those who gripe about everything, as this person also does, should be avoided. Time is precious. We should all use it wisely, not for revenge.

A guy mentioned a new escort he found and asked to be pmed (private messaged) if anyone wanted info about her, as she had asked for her info not to be publicly discussed. Yet a bunch of guys started asking questions about her publicly, and then some started guessing and then mentioning her details, including her name, much for privacy, lol.....

More to come, the comedy on those boards is never ending......

I saw this one yesterday...A guy posted on twitter that "if an escort can only provide good service when she "vibes" with her client, then those she doesn't vibe with should get a discount".....

I'll say this....chemistry is a two way street. We all act differently towards someone when we feel a connection and a date is going to feel less transactional if the two people "vibe", and the sex, because of that, will also feel more natural and likely be hotter. BUT even when I don't feel a physical, or mental connection with a client, I still provide a great experience. It won't feel the same as someone I've had chemistry with, at least for me and possibly even for the client. However, I'm still going to offer that client conversation, massage and intimacy. So most certainly, he should not get a discount. Even with screening, and as much as I try and screen out incompatible clients, some men represent themselves one way when booking, and act another way when meeting in person.

Another post....A guy said that an escort can't advertise as a GFE(Girl friend experience), if she doesn't allow bbbj, or cim....Well sir, we can advertise using any acronyms we choose.Those acronyms DO NOT represent specific services, but a style of  a date, hence the use of "experience" and not service within it. PSE(porn star experience) is the same. It's a style of a date and not indicative of what sex acts may be performed. FS (full service) I believe is different. Anyone using that acronym should plan on offering a full service, which would entail a blow job and intercourse. Since the acronym is using "service" within it. Our local hobby board even has this listed on their site. That acronyms GFE, PSE are styles of a date and not an indicator to which services will be had. And most escorts think of our services as the sex acts we agree to, as well as conversation/entertainment, massge, fetish fulfillment, fantasy fulfillment, etc.....


Damed if you do, damed if you don't

20 Jan, 2025

The worst part of loving my job, at least a sex work job, is that if it is made known, I'll be judged....Yes we are all judged in some way, but yet not quite as harshly as sex workers are judged. I speak of this from experience. I've lost a residence, a couple of close friends, and have even shamed by some of my peers because of admitting to loving this line of work. In this industry many will push the notion that being a sex worker is providing a fantasy for the clients, not actually enjoying your dates,nor is it a lifestyle to be enjoyed. Many who work in the industry portray themselves to be loving what they do, all while hating it, or putting up with it until they earn the needed monies they've determined they need. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose, but it is usually those people who'll add to the premise that sex work is bad and should only be done when desparate, or for a short period of time.That it shouldn't be considered a career, or a lifestyle.

Being a sex worker who openly admits loving what she does, can lead to problems from both general society and peers.....I remember one of my first instances of admitting to a fellow worker that I enjoyed my clients, and her response, was "eww, how can you love being with a trick". I responded, "tricks" are men, and I love men, lol....

Throughout my escorting years, I have had a few conventional relationships. When I was involved in those, I left escorting. I was never one who could offer my clients authentic intimacy and then go home and offer the same to my partner and I always belived in honesty, in being real. I'm not a good actress, and I don't want to be. Nor could I respect a man who'd allow me to be with other men.....So part of the reason I so enjoy this line of work is, or could be, because I'm single, and I see and treat my clients as actual dates. The shame some will try and impart upon me for feeling that way o longer has any effect. However I do still feel the need to hide that I am a sex worker in many instances. People just aren't accepting of this line of work, no matter how happy it makes you, or how successful. So protecting myself and my interests is important. I can love it, just not publicly....which is a shame.


Sex work rules....

15 Jan, 2025

If there were ever to be a rule book written for Sex workers I'd hope some of these things would be considered as being some of the rules.....

1. Advertise yourself as you see fit , truthfully, and how you'd like to be perceived. Not as others recommend. It's your business model, it should represent you and be targeted towards the types of clients you wish to meet. The best thing you can do for longevity, and for enjoyable dates, is to offer what you enjoy doing, and not specific services simply because they bring in the most $$$. 

2.Compete with yourself, not others. Your peers shouldn't be your concern, as there is no other like yourself. Do your best to be at your best when you host clients and those who are meant for you will flock to you.

3. Act professionally. Leave any gossip, or dislike of any peers at the door. Never bring it into your client interactions. Even when they encourage it.

4. Respect your clients but also respect yourself. Set boundaries and stick to them. Never allow anyone to push them. And if a client mentions that they'd like to meet another worker, don't take that personally. Many clients enjoy variety, it's not a reflection of you doing anything wrong. If you know of someone suitable, then recommnend them. But recommend a worker who'd be best for that client, not who you like the best....

5. Charge what you like. Offer the time slots that you want to accommodate. No one other than you has a right to decide either....The fee for your time is what you determine you need to meet your overhead, and which will garner you what you determine you need to make per day/week/month or year/s to make working worthwhile.....Lots of clients will press us to charge less, or to offer time slots we're not comfortable with. Don't listen to any of that.....You are your own boss! Pay attention to your needs, and your needs only!!

6. Save...even the most popular and busiest workers will have slow times. Those times can sometimes be predicted, but most often they'll happen without reason, and be unpredictable. Don't fault yourself. Fill those times doing other things that will bring in $$, if need be, or use those times for self care and relaxation.

7. I'll suggest ignoring even steering clear of those peers who like to brag about their magnificent reputations, followers, etc....We're all equal here, just different. Those who place themselves above another in this business are often those who also like to shun, mock, and even destroy the reputations of those they perceive as inferior. Remember reputations are just how others see you, your character is who you are. Reputations in this biz are often falsely earned and thanks to review boards, easily built, manipulated, and seldom match the persons character..... seek out those with good characters. There are a few.

8. The most important rule....Never listen to all the noise. In todays online world everyone has an opinion, and something to say. Take it all with a grain of salt. Know your worth...know that you matter, and that what you offer is wanted, enough, and is for only you to decide.If you find this industry to be to difficult, if it is causing you stress please try and get out of it. Your peace of mind is most important. Some of us choose work that isn't suitable for us. There is no shame in that and there are people out there who can help you tranistion into a different line of work.

9.Lastly....enjoy and have fun....Life is short, so are lots of penises. The length of a mans penis is never a reflection of his sexual capabilities, or talents, lol.


Have you donated.....

14 Jan, 2025

If you follow me on twitter(X) then you know my feelings about those LA fires....My heart breaks for all those affected. All species.....My feed has lots of links to different charities collecting donations for animals and humans.I've retweeted many....If you can give, please do so but do so carefully. As we all know in times of catastophes like this the dishonest and thievery also comes along with those trying to do good. If you have already given, thank you. Lets hold hope that the fires will be contained soon.


Oh those silly boys....

14 Jan, 2025

Once again some of those hobby board guys are trying to persuade their peers that their believes about screening, deposits, and reviews are rules to be followed and not just their personal opinions......Some of these silly guys also seem to think that those of us with a no review poilicy are unsafe to see and have things to hide, lol.....Where these guys get these thoughts is beyond reason but none the less, they vent them regularly....

I have nothing to hide, yet lots to protect....My personal identity I try to protect, although those who are tied to me are whatts more important. It's also just tasteless imo to openly discuss wheat occured in private between two consenting adults. It's called intimacy for a reason. I enacted my no review policy back when I was getting lots of positive reviews. Even so, reading them just left me feeling odd and uncomfrotable. And it was after a discussion with a very wise man, that I decided I no longer wanted anyone speaking about my dates. I could no longer conflate allowing open discussions about my dates and advertising discretion. The two just don't mesh....I also became tired of witnessing the weaponization of the review/recommendation system. Most recently, I read on one of the trashy boards some goof scoffing at those of us with no review policies, by saying, "I never see anyone who has a no review policy, and what are they gonna do if you write a review"......Well let me tell you what I'm gonna do! For one, I could take you to court. And yes I would go to those lengths. My website is clear...when you agree to meet me you are agreeing to the terms mentioned on this site and within our conversation/s. I take that very seriously. Just as I promise to keep your identity and personal information secret, I expect the same from you. Anyone who thinks they can circumvent or ignore any of that, I suggest they rethink....Lawyers enjoy my money, and I have no issue obliging their enjoyment. And I'm sure there are other escorts who are just as serious about their no review policies. Sometimes I think some of those silly board guys just print things on those trashy boards just to hear themselves. The silliness they spew also about screening and deposits is as foolish and sometimes should be seen as a red flag . Imagine a grown man not being able to understand that a woman needs some security to feel safe meeting him, to feel safe because she will be alone with him in a confind space where he expects her to be intimate.....Those men who scoff at that need to watched, and possibly red flagged. Our safety measures should never be questioned, nor scoffed at!!

I'm an independent business owner. I have a right to run my business as I choose, and you have a right to partake in it or not. You don't have a right to try and change my or anyother escorts rules or practices, simply because you find them inconvenient or not to your liking. 


Some reflecting...

06 Jan, 2025

I've been reading some tweets posted by one of my followers, a woman I truly admire. It saddens me that she is tweeting about being harrassed, bullied, and feeling unsupported by this community. Community is a word often used to describe those of us, clients and escorts as a whole, and a term I use loosely. As I don't believe the term holds the meaning some use it to mean. I don't believe there to be a general consensus of welcoming or inclusion within this supposed "community". ....Anyhow that is a story in itself for another time. So back to her ....She is a drop dead gorgeous woman, stunning in fact, and has an air of sensuality few project, and a kindness not often found. So I understand why she is having issues. She is a diamond in a pile of stones.....When you have "it" in this business you will become a target for the less fortunate, the insecure, and the jealous haters, and they can be men or's just the way it is...(And).. If you're not the type to group with the "popular" people in your area, and play as they do, or if you speak truths about this biz or of any of it's members, then you become an enemy, and many will then scheme ways to ruin your reputation, your business, and finally your self respect. They will pick apart your looks, they will scrutinize your business practices and attack your opinions.....they stop at nothing. Some people can dislike another and leave them alone, others seem to have a need to attack those they dislike. The latter seems to be the majority population in escorting.They are sad little bullies who think they are justified in their actions because their "community" is supportive towards them and never penalizes their attacks.

I hold no candle to this woman I speak of, but I can certainly relate to what she is going through, especially in my earlier years of escorting, and up until now, actually. It wasn't long ago that I experienced a type of bullying that school kids used to use.You know those kids who'd invite another kid they didn't like into their group activities, or conversations, under the guise of friendship, just so they could belittle or embarrass them....Not long ago I had invited a couple of my peers to dinner, one asked if her friend, another escort, who I knew had no like for me, could join us. I agreed.I had hopes that we's all be adult, civil, and enjoy an evening together.... But as I expected, this "other invited person" was who I thought she was....I tried to initiate polite conversation with her, but the few words she spoke to me were passive aggressive put downs, and the rest of the time she spent stroking the egos of and engaging the other two ladies all while purposely leaving me out of any of the conversations. It was funny to watch....she put so much effort into it. I thought it would have been easier for her if she had just said to me, I don't like you, lol...but seldom do her types have the courage to be honest. They prefer to play childish mind games, and to be passive aggressive bullies.

So..... as much as I can relate to what this woman is going through, and as much experience as I've had with the types of low lifes who are causing her issues, there is little advice I can give. As the only thing anyone can do in these situations is to hold fast to their sense of self. Know that only broken people attack others who have done them no harm, and only unhappy people bully, and bullies never act alone, they don't have the courage to .....This industry is rife with bullies and those who are fake. They are perceived one way and are exactly the opposite.It is why I believe reputation in this industry to mean very little.....It simply means there are some good actresses and actors out there. And remember that saying....Character is what you are, reputation is what people think you are......Anyhow, I hope this lady finds some peace and perhaps some solace in reading this and if she does read this know, I've got your back should you ever need me.


Happy 2025!!

02 Jan, 2025

Happy New year!! What an amazing Christmas I had, but I'm so happy to be back home. If you want to experience every type of weather, drive from Halifax to Ontario in December, lol. I made it there safely and my drive back was also uneventful, thankfully. But I think it'll be a while before I drive that far again, especially alone. I had a copilot for the drive up, but on the drive back it was just me and my dogson. Anyhow, I'm taking a couple of days to put away my Christmas decor, do some shopping and enjoy some solitude. So if you're wanting to ring in the New Year with me, I'm around as of Saturday....Looking forward to some new adventures with you    

Lol, my solitude ended when unexpected company arrived. I'll be accepting dates again as of Thursdat the 9th. I hope to see you. I'm feeling the urge and need to please a horny man.....


Spoke to soon....

17 Dec, 2024

So I metioned in my previous blog that it would be my last post before 2025, clearly I spoke to soon, lol....and before this escapes me, I have to vent. You all know my despise for all review boards, especially the one used in my area. After lurking on there recently, I have a question to it's users and admins.... 

In the escort discussion forum of your site you have a few regular posters who post daily comments about different ladies. Often the comments are distasteful, crude, and pointless. As they are just opinions and observations of those who clearly like to read their own smut. Yet, when those opinions mention a certain few ladies, like, ER, AM, MM, etc, the posts are immediately deleted, unless they are very flattering. When the graphic, crude posts mention any other female advertiser, or lesser known escort, the posts are left up....Why is that? Why do you continously give some of your members more protection than others. Why don't you make it publicly known why you hold so much bias and favortism towards some and not for all of your members. If you want to be seen as welcoming to all escorts and a site that is pro escorting then start offering all who join your site the same rights and consequences. 

As of now, it seems to be clear that your site is being run by those very people who are being protected. It's quite comical to watch. Membership on that site used to mean something, it used to hold some sort of credibility. Now it's a site seen as all the others are seen. Gossipy, useless, repugnant.You now are no better than sp411 or the erbs....Welcome to the club.


Perhaps my last post...

17 Dec, 2024

This may be my last post before the New year. So to all reading, I wish you prosperity, peace, happiness and a year of kindness. If you have extra please give. As you know so many are in need and most charities have lost many donors. So we all need to help if we can.Tis the season for giving.

May the joy of the season embrace you and yours and I wish you a very happy Christmas. See you in 2025!!


Sorry Moncton

15 Dec, 2024

I realize over the past number of months I have scheduled then rescheduled a trip to your fair city a couple of times, and understand if this may make you think of me as being as unreliable, although I'm not. I tend to make trips spur of the moment, and then, like the last time I had planned to be in your city, I became very busy here. So it just made more sense to stay here.Taking care of business will always be a priority. This trips cancellation is also for that reason and because I'm travelling to Ontario for a Christmas holiday. So I'll be packed with alot of Christmas gifts and other things that would be arduous to pack unpack, then pack again. And I'd be fearful of leaving them in my vehicle in case of a break in.....Anyhow, after some thought it just makes sense to try this again another time. When that time comes I hope you'll trust me with a visit. Again I apologize to those who were looking forward to meeting me on this trip. I wish you all the happiest of Christmases and may all you wish for come true!!


Ho, ho, ho

10 Dec, 2024

It's that special time of the year. Time to celebrate all the wonders of the Christmas season. It's my favorite time of the year. I love the decor, the ambiance, the joyousnous. I'm excited for Santa, lol....I hope your Christmas is as happy....

Ho, ho, ho, lets light the lights and celebrate!!



10 Dec, 2024

Discretion by definition-the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information.

Private information, unless otherwise stated is information shared between two consenting adults. Because someone has given you access to their personal space/body/identity...does NOT mean you have the right to share that information!!

Discretion is  a word thrown around alot within our industry, yet seldom is it respected. Seldom do those who expect it, offer it in return. To know this all you have to do is to spend a few minutes on one of the many exisitng review boards. Gossip thrives there, as does misinformation and proof of how skewed the use of discretion is. Board members are typical in their thought that they have a right to be anonymous all while they spout trite and crude comments about the escorts they visit or seek to visit. These members will also spread the misinformation that providing screening information and deposits to an escort as being unsafe. They typically base this conclusion on their experience of being scammed by an escort they've visited. What they leave out in that conclusion is that the scammer is most often an unknown escort, with no online presence, or searchable history that they took no time to vet or even speak with. If clients took the time to research the escorts they choose, then scammers would fall by the wayside. But more often than not, the guys that get scammed, don't bother researching, nor do they converse with the escort they decide to meet. Then they go on to believe that all escorts are scammers and unsafe. All while still wanting access to them....make it make sense!!

Professional escorts DO screen and often require a depoist, especially for longer dates, or dates booked in advance.The fact that we do so should be seen as a sign of professionalism, NOT as an unsafe practice. Scammers don't care about screening a client nor do they ask for deposits, or ask relevant questions a professional escort would ask a client. Professional escorts have lots of online presence and are active on social media. We also take discretion in all it's meaning, seriously. There are lots of escorts who enjoy being reviewed, but they also expect discretion and respectfulness when reviews are written. However I don't know any escort who enjoys a client discussing them or their services, publicly or privately in a gossipy or disrespectful manner. If you have questions about an escort, wouldn't they be the best person to pose those questions to. Far to many review board guys think that discretion means they and all their details get to remain anonymous all while they speak publicly and privately in graphic and crude manners while sharing details about escorts with no shame of doxing location details or personal information. That is not how it works. If you expect discretion, then please be willing to offer it as well. No one likes a gossip, and review board guys prove daily just how desparately they thrive on gossip with no regard for the discretion of those they meet or want to meet. It's embarrassing. No wonder the general public doesn't take our industry seriously.....


Some red flags....

03 Dec, 2024

Every now and then I'll notice some guys "handle" (anon name) which he uses on a review board, or social media, and it'll refer to the size of his penis...examples, (Mr is being used instead of a first name as an example here) Mr8inch, Mrlongshalong (schlong), Mrthick, etc, etc. When I see that, it becomes a red flag, and a reason for me to avoid that man....As it's been my experience that those types have no idea as to why escorts escort. Nor do they ever turn out to be decent clients. They are usually the types who think that escorts care about the size of a mans penis and believe that an escorts time is all about fucking and fucking only.... I have yet to meet an escort who pines after a client because of his cock. We want and crave clients who are respectful, clean, generous, and thoughtful to our needs. I have yet to meet an escort who is in this business soley for the sex, or to meet men with big cocks.

Another red flag, is those who consider/call themselves hobbyists..Perhaps I'm to literal. But any man who considers seeking out women to fuck as his hobby, I find disturbing. Clearly, I'm a companion, and I want to be sought, but not it that way. Those who use the term hobbyist are typically men who see women as objects, whose only value are their physical attributes.Those men seek escorts/women in general to provide them another notch in their belt, and not as a companion who has value beyond the sex they can provide. Hobbyists are also the types who love to gossip about the women they fuck, and have no conception of discretion. Many of us in this industry seek out clients who value us as a whole package. Who see the value we provide, beyond just our sexual attractiveness. I value men who seek me out because they find me interesting, and see the value in my experience, talents, personality, etc. I'm not just a pair of tits, to them...Companionship is as important to them as is the intimacy. They see me, and other women as total packages. Not just as sexual objects to be used then discarded.

Another red flag, those guys who yammer on about their "hard earned money"... when commenting about escorts. Everyone works hard for their money, and if you have to mention that, then perhaps seeing escort isn't a luxury you can afford!

 When a man can't choose an escort without needing the opinions of other people as to whether they are worth seeing, I see that as a red flag. If you can't determine your compatibility with a companion after reading through their ads/website/socials and after a conversation with them, I see that as problematic. Independence, decisiveness, and intelligence matter to me. Those who rely on the opinions of others often lack those traits.

Those are just a few red flags that are cause to avoid a client.....


Don't be Jimmy!!

28 Nov, 2024

It is beyond insulting for any man to contact me as this man did. I advertise that I screen, which means you have to identify yourself. I advertise that I require a phone call, and that your number has to be a real number and not a text app! So when someone like "Jimmy" contacts me, claiming to be an admirer, then tells me he has to remain anonymous, you bet I'm going to have an attitude! So let me remind those who need reminding...if you want to be intimate with me, I require knowing who you are, what you do, and other pertinent information I deem pertinent. This isn't a matter for negotiation. You'd have to be crazy to think that I would want to be with any man who isn't willing to trust me with his information, at the very least, provide with his phone numebr!!. So to all the "Jimmy's", please leave me alone. Contact those who don't care who they see...... 

 If any man was a "genuine" admirer, he'd have read my website, and know these things...... If a man was truly interested and reads the first page of this website, that should CLEARY indicate to him the types of clients I seek, and they are most certainly not "Jimmy's"

 It baffles me that there are men who think like this, who believe that wanting to be alone in a room with a woman so he can be intimate with her, isn't a justifable cause for him to identify himself. And that he feels his need for anonymity is the same as our need for it....It isn't. For those who can't understand that, please give your head a shake.....I'm sure it rattles!


Remember their faces!

28 Nov, 2024

One of the reasons I slowly moved away from animal rescue was the prevalance of these types of horrific crimes. Far to many happen without the publics notice, and with little punishment towards those who commit these heinous acts. Dealing with them affected my mental health. So now I donate when I can to some organizations, and post about some of the most horrific where I can, in hopes of bringing more awareness to the fact that these types of things are happening more often than the public realizes. I believe the only reason this story is making headlines is because children maybe involved....which of course is horrific and makes this case dire. However those cases which only involve animals shouldn't be seen as any less significant or dire. Any person who involves themselves in animal torture and killing, should be held accountable, made known, and given the harshest penalties, this behavior is dangerous and abnormal!....There is enough scientific data which concludes that all serial killers started out with torturing animals. 

 This couple not only enjoyed their kills, they filmed and profited from them.....I hope the law digs deep into this case and finds who payed them, and who set up the site/software of the network which they advertise this horror the meantime, the article requests that no vigilante actions be taken. But I'll ask anyone reading this and anyone who sees them....have at them. Them deserve every bit of the same they offered those poor animals!!! Remember their faces!!


Those lips.....

27 Nov, 2024

They are what dreams are made of...lush, soft, full, with the ability to make a man stand at attention.....You'll want to kiss them, to slip your cock between's an experience not to be missed....They love sliding up and down the shaft of your eager cock, paying special attention to the head, and softly sucking your balls. My strong tongue works in concert with them...Teasing you into a state of bliss, pushing you to want to explode into my deep throat.....Want to enjoy that feeling, that experience? Call me-902-444-0414 , you'll be happy you did!!


The stupidity never ends..

26 Nov, 2024

This text is what I woke up to this morning.....My reaction wasn't pleasent. I don't take being threatened well, especially by cowards, and I have little patience for stupidity. Whoever this person is, clearly they are dumber than a box of rocks...Imagine threatening a stranger, and sending that threat by text. Then to acuse me of having diseases.....Why is there always someone trying to prove just how stupid they are.....and why do they seem to pick me as the one they need to prove it to, lol! If this is an actual girlfriend or wife who has found that "their man" has been seeing me, or any escort, then they need to confront him, not me, not the escort....It is the man that contacts us. We don't reach out to them. I'll never understand why women become angry at another woman, when it's the man that is the one cheating. The client calls the escort, he initiates the contact.... it doesn't happen the other way around. And if this idiot "supposes" that " I've probably got so many stds" then I will suppose they were smart enough to get tested along with "their man".....but then again, "smart enough" doesn't count here does it.....and btw, I'm std free and I test regularly to be sure I'm always std free. That is the most insulting part of all of this. For anyone to think that I or any escort is more likely to have a disease because of our profession. Most in this profession who respect it, and themselves, take their healthcare seriously, and are educated about it. But the ignorannt, like the idiot who sent this text, wouldn't realize that. So whoever you are, fuck off!



22 Nov, 2024

No sexier a body is there. No sweeter the taste, no softer the skin and certainly no one gives a more indulgent service.....What are you waiting for. For those men that I connect with, I offer a true girlfriend experience. Flirtations, kisses, cuddles, erotic touch, soothing massage, and the best blow job you'll experience!!  The skill I've accumulated, accompanied by my love of pleasing my man, has earned me the title of "magic mouth"...If you haven't had the chance to experience me, you're definitely missing out!!


Then this happened!

20 Nov, 2024

While writing yesterday's blog, about taking a break from twitter, I received a text from a gentleman. His text was detailed, and polite so I replied to it. He was requesting a date for later that same evening...I wasn't booked and had no plans, and after speaking with him on the phone, I was excited to meet him so I accepted his request. He had booked a 2 hour date.... however, upon arrival and after our hugs, and hello, he asked if he could extend it to three hours.....of course I said yes! Those three hours flew by...

I'm still smiling this morning because of him. There is something special about American gentlemen. At least the few I've met, and he was no exception. If we were to hold a man as an example of what represents the perfect client, he'd be the man....He was so lovely and generous. Our conversation was so delightful, and the intimacy was every bit as yummy. The irony, he said it was my twitter that made him decide to contact me, lol.... And you'd understand the irony if you read yesterdays's blog. It was about me leaving twitter for a while....Perhaps I should rethink that. Because if there are other gentlemen like him, silently watching my twitter account with an intention of meeting, it's a platform worth nurturing. But I'll see...

Anyhow, thank you Mr.C, for making me feel so appreciated, and for being you!! Thank you so much! You're amazing, and a true gem  

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Taking a break from twitter

19 Nov, 2024

I've decided to step away from my consistent and constant posting on X(twitter). It has become boring and financially pointless these past couple of months. I'm sure I'll be back to it at some point, just not sure when. I've to many other things that I should be putting time and effort into that give me more financial and personal rewards. Having strangers ogle my pictures, and make sexual remarks, with no intent on booking me, or even ever offering a small pittance every now and then, as a thanks for my efforts, has become typical and tiresome. I'm sorry to the few who have been generous, thoughtful, and supportive towards me, you know who you are, but sadly you're the minority, and I'm very sorry if you see this as unfair........If I come back to posting, hopefully you'll still be there. If not, I understand.....We all have to do what is best for ourselves. I'll still be putting up occasional pictures on instagram, and bluesky, but I won't be engaging, nor checking dm's or messages.....If you want to meet, you'll have to do what is no longer in fashion, lol, and call....or fill out my booking form, on this site. I wish you all happy days ahead......



12 Nov, 2024

I read a tweet the other day in which another escort commented that "being ourselves" wasn't what clients are looking for.....I believe what she meant was being specific to an escorts other professions, or specialities. One of my other professions was an esthetician...Her point if I'm understanding her comments correctly, is that no client would want me to go on about beauty/ esthetic services, or to have a discussion about them...But being an escort, esthetician, and the other things I've done and  learned, is what makes me who I am, lol....and I like to talk about all of that. Some clients appreciate that. Although I understand her point, and that she was meaning that when a client meets an escort, they're generally meeting them for a fantasy. They don't necessarily care about that escorts "real life", or their other abilities, or even if they're actually acting or not.

However, I don't completely agree with her. I understand that many escorts are "performing" for their clients. Their identity and social media is playing to the crowd, and that those fantasy portrayals are, for some, what's desired.....And that is great, for them. However, I'm not an actress.  Nor am I interested in being anyone but myself. My socials and these blogs I write, are indicators to that......I also understand that I'm probably loosing some clients because of my choosing to be authentically me. On my twitter, I post things that interest me....I don't just post sexy pics. my schedule, or other sexy ladies. In this blog I write whats on my mind...sometimes that is interesting, sometimes redundant, and sometimes it's harsh and every now and then I'll write something sexual....Regardless, I write about how I feel about particular topics based from my experiences, my emotions and knowledge. See that as you will......

It's a shame that in this biz, more aren't open to accepting all types of people, and all types of business practices. I notice that so many in this biz will communicate how things "should" be done. Instead of just accepting that not everyone is like them and offer a more welcoming and less judgemental approach......


I've got a gripe...

12 Nov, 2024

And it's directed towards those who condemn the escorts who book tours to the same city and at the same time another escort does. Can you all not realize that some of us choose to travel when we have other things going on in those cities. Some escorts plan their bookings to other cities based on family plans, spouses being away, other work hiatuses, kids holidays, and other reasons or occasions..... Not everyone can schedule their travel plans to suit those of others. And I don't think it's my or your job to sort through numerous ads to see who is going where and when.....I have said this before, and I'll say it again...I've been in a small city when I was told at least 2 other more popular ladies were there, and we all did just fine....Doing well in a city isn't specific to who is or isn't there.....I believe, that no matter who is where you are, the clients will see who they want, and who is their type, regardless of how many other ladies are there.

So could some of you PLEASE stop going on about this subject. Please stop saying that an escort who doesn't check with others is being unprofessional, thoughtless, or unfriendly.....It is hard enough to arrange travel and other plans, without adding the pressures of having to learn the schedules of multiple other travelling ladies and the necessity of having to work around those......If you can do that, if you have the ability to work around others plans, great, that's wonderful, and that is you. But remember, not everyone is like you!! 

 It boils down to this. If people want to see you, they'll see you, regardless of who else is in the same town/city or state.... if they don't want to, then obviously they'll choose another. And to those clients who say, "Oh how do I choose".....well, see them all, one, or whom you'd like to see the most, and see the other ladies next time....It's not that complicated, lol.

Lets try and be more understanding and tolerant of one another, instead of making assumptions and criticisms for how and why some do as they do.....thanks!

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Home at last!!

15 Oct, 2024

I hope you had a wonderful holiday/Thanksgiving. Mine was beautiful. The weather was great, I over ate, as usual, and was in the company of some of my favorite people. As nice as it is to get away, it's always nice to be back home.....

Today/Tuesday Oct15 I'm blessed to have my day booked, and will be considering dates for Thursday/Friday. My schedule continues to be filling up with gentlemen who are kind, considerate, and wonderful lovers.....No gossip mongers, game players, or malicious idiots to contend with lately....thank goodness!! To all those who continue to support me, thank you!! It is your kindness, genrosity and positive energy that gives me purpose, and brings joy to my work.....Happy Tuesday!


Happy thanksgiving .....and some other things.....

07 Oct, 2024

For those unaware I'm away as of tommorow, Tuesday Oct 8. I'll be accepting bookings for Tues Oct 15th....I'll be offline and unavailble to respond to messages until my return on Monday Oct 14th. I'll be out enjoying new hiking trails, new restaurants, old friends, some family, lol, and whatever else I can fit into those days...... 

These past number of months have given me so much to be thankful for, so this thanksgiving will be a special one.....To all those who've visited me, gifted me, and who've been supportive, thank you so very much. I am so very grateful to all of you....May you have as many blessings as I've been bestowed....I feel so privilged to have met so many wonderful gentlemen and I'm grateful that the few rotten ones haven't spoiled my love for providing my services. I love entertaining gentlemen and I'm happy and proud to be called, what anyone would consider a true girlfriend experience. Although I use a pseudonym (Cristy), my persona, and personality are my own, and not alterted to attract anyone. I am who I am.....Some appreciate that, and others won't, and I'm fine with that. My sustainability within this industry is clearly predicated by my authentic love of escorting. No fakery needed.....

On another note, these two quotes I saw on twitter this morning really struck me as I found them quite poignant.The last one made me laugh.....

On a final note, but a very important one.....Lets remember.....While we are all celebrating our blessings, many are going without, many are suffering. Lets do what we can to help. Lets remember the devastation that has hit the south and south eastern states in the U.S. ....So if you can donate, please do so. I won't list where I've donated, or to where you should, I'll just ask you do your research to find an appropriate charity or organization that you feel safe giving to and thank you if you're able to donate....

Blessings to you and yours.


A weight has been lifted....

04 Oct, 2024

It's been a long time coming and although I'm okay with the outcome, it's a sad ending....

Years ago and after my fathers passing I came into a bit of money, most of which I squandered, but some I used to invest in some property with a relative.The plan was to build a business with them on some of it, and a small home for me for when retired. But over the years this person started allowing people to use it without consulting with me, allowing camping there, has lake frontage.... then they sold off a part of their land to another relative, again without consulting me....The plans we had initially made were no longer of interest to this person, which was hurtful and confusing.We were supposed to consult one another when any decisions were made concerning the land....Them ignoring that over the years strained our realtionship, and after they had sold off one of their businesses, which made them quite wealthy, they changed even more. Money does that to some....So a number of years ago I put my parcel up for sale, which caused a strain within my entire family. Apparently whats good for the goose isn't good for the gander.I didn't consult anyone, as I owned it, and had every right to sell it if I choose, yet others didn't see it that way...Anyhow, after a lot of legal crap, and family fights, that relative recently agreed to buy my portion, and they can now shove it up their uppity ass, and I can be done with them and it....My dad would be so disappointed, and hurt, but I felt it's better to walk away and to stop fighting.Not all dreams come true and things happen for a reason......Good or bad.... My realtionship with this person is long over so this sale agreement won't solve that, but I will have peace of mind and a bit of money to invest.....This time I'm going to try and be smart with it..... Time to move on....I now believe the dumbest thing I've done was to investment with family....Never again!!


so this is on my mind....

03 Oct, 2024

I have mentioned this before, as it was brought to my attention by a client....and it's happened again.....A lady who dislikes me is going around telling clients she sees, not to see me. Clearly her vindictiveness hasn't affected my business, but knowing of it has upset me. I'm upset because I find this type of vindictiveness so childish, unnecessary, and so very unprofessional. This person has never met me, nor has she ever spoken to me via text or a phone call. Her behavior is ridiculous...and yet It seems to be a common theme in this industry.....If an escort is disliked by one, then those who are friendly with that one will pile on and that group will try to ruin the reputation of the disliked escort. And the main way to do this seems to be by telling clients not to see "so and so"....Imagine being so insecure that you have to try and control who your clients see....Imagine thinking that you have the right to determine who your client sees!!.....I can't imagine being that petty, and I do hope that some of these guys they are talking to have the good sense to understand what's happening and why....

The business of escorting and companionship is supposed to be about meeting people that you can feel safe with, have compatibility with, relax with, and share intimacy with.....not meeting people to hear them spew garbage about those they dislike and have never met.....Shame on anyone who plays such dirty games......Shame on anyone who piles on with those who are so bitter and spiteful.

We all have a right to dislike people for whatever reasons, but when we advertise oursleves as being a professional, then we also have the responsibility to honor that decorum. Being professional means keeping your personal feelings separate from your business dealings....Look, don't associate with those you dislike, don't recommend them, don't speak to them....that is all fine. But once you start mixing your dislike or hatred with your business dealings by  spreading rumors to your clients and peers and asking and expecting them not to see certain people or to not work with them, then you become unworthy of your professional title and you clearly have no idea of how to act maturely, nor responsibly, and certainly not professionally. I'd go as far as to say that anyone who connects with a person acting this way, should be weary........but that's just how I see it.

In hindsight....I think one of the major problems in this industry is more than not, there are ladies who advertise as and pretend to be "loving what they do", all while truly loathing it. It is often them who act out and become vindictive. It is often them who will do anything to gain clients....It is often them who'll manipulate anyone to get what they need..... so, again be wise, and be weary when dealing with people in this biz.....


Another break....

02 Oct, 2024

October is turning into another fabulous month. I met with a new client yesterday, and he was amazing in every way, thank you to him for being so lovely.....And a couple of nights ago I had the most fun with another client I have met before, another escort joined in the fun and it turned into a memorable date....Later this month I have a date set up with another client I've spent much time with. He is one of the most interesting and intelligent men I've met. I can't wait to see him....All in all, October is shaping into a very memorable month.....

I've decided to take some time off next week. So I'll be away as of Tuesday Oct 8th returning Monday Oct 14....I hope to hear from you then... 


Welcome Fall......(updated)

22 Sep, 2024

Summer was once my favorite season...The beach, sunshine, longer days, warmer evenings, etc....but with the changes of the climate, summer has become so hot and humid here in Halifax, outdoor activities are to uncomfortable for me to enjoy.I find myself spending more time indoors, and I love to be out. I much prefer the less humid days and cooler nights that come with fall. So it's now become my favorite season. I love the crisp air, the colors nature shares with us, and the holidays that come with it...Halloween, Thanksgiving....So I say," welcome fall, I'm so happy you're here"....

It has started out fabulously for me, I've been very busy. And as of Monday Sept 30-Friday Oct 4-I'm fully booked. I may consider some dates for Sunday Oct 6-Tuesday Oct 8th, then I'm considering a vacation extending from Wednesday Oct 9-Monday Oct 14th.....Thank you to those wonderful, interesting and sexy gentlemen who keep coming back to visit me, I hope you know how much I cherish the time we spend together......I will update my schedule as those dates draw nearer, and I'm certain of my vacation plans....I wish you all an amazing fall season.


Some women I admire....

20 Sep, 2024

There are a few women in my industry that I genuinely admire. This blog is dedicated to them. 

I'll start with 

@Velvetskye. Not many have her sense of humour nor integrity. I admire her a lot.

 EastcoastKimmy @eastcoast_star. She has overcome so much, for such a young woman. I admire her strength, her work ethic, and her intelligence. And after meeting her in person, I can say she is also extremely pretty. She stands up for many, and like myself likes to call out the wrongs and highlight what's right....

@Cougarnikkixo surprised me a few years ago with her willingness to help me with some bitcoin stuff. Her willingness to help many in this industry and her down to earth, fun attitude I find extremely attractive and sadly uncommon.I wish more were like her. I also admire her for never being one who joins band wagons of hate or whorearchy.....

@Msbsxxx-Brooklyn styles....I remember talking to her a few years ago and her kindness, and down to earth openness really impressed me. I've conversed with her a few other times, she is another, like Nikki, who stays neutral, and keeps it real. We need more like Brooklyn here on the east coast.

@JessicaRabbitxo one of the sexiest women on the net, imo. She is a caring, kind, and an oh so feminine woman. I admire her immensely....

These are a few, there are others....thanks to these ladies for being role models that I believe others should want to emulate

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September, thank you.....

17 Sep, 2024

This month has been amazing thus far and will end even better.The last week of this month sees me spending 3 days with a wonderful gentleman I've met previously, and then I get to spend time with another amazing gent who's invited me to enjoy a boat ride with him. I'm wondering how I've become so fortunate to meet such lovely and generous gentlemen this month.....Well with that one exception, lol. To add to all this excitement is this glorious weather we've been having. Hoping it will continue.....May this month bring you many moments of good times, prosperity, and great companionship!!


Stop with the fucking balloons!!

15 Sep, 2024

It's been said by many enviromentalists, animals activists and the sensible...Releasing balloons into the air won't reach your loved ones in "Heaven".....the only things they do is to kill widlife and pollute our waters....PLEASE stop with this unnecessary and harmful ritual. I'm sorry for your loss, I'm sorry your are hurting. Please find another way to heal....Releasing balloons isn't the way.....

Below is a picture of a dead fox, which was found without wounds or an obvious cause of death so it was autopsied....A balloon was found in it's digestive system....imagine the suffering this poor animal experienced before death.....


It was bound to happen....

15 Sep, 2024

So this week has been amazing. I had two dinner dates booked, my favorite kind of dates. One was Thursday, on which the client extended for an extra hour, and the other was on Friday....that one was well, a disaster. 

 Friday's date was with a new client...When I entered his hotel room, he seemed distant but somewhat friendly. It was a 4 hour date, and  when I arrived,it was a half hour before the restaurant opened, so I had assumed we were just talking to get to know one another, while waiting to leave for the restaurant. I was sitting on the end of the bed, he sat on the sofa across from me.I gave him lots of compliments, while discussing a variety of topics. Everyone has some positive features and I believe in pointing them out. We all feel more comfortable, I believe, when we show our appreciation for whomever we are with. He obviously didn't feel the same, lol... He had said he had purchased a bottle of wine for me, so I suggested we have a little before dinner, We talked for about 15/20 minutes or so, then he got up and came over to me and pulled out the top of my blouse to look down my cleavage....that surprised me as it was a bit aggressive and he never asked. I said, "did you like what you saw"...he hummmed, and hawed , sat down again for a couple of minutes, we talked more...10 minutes or so, he stood up again and poured us a bit more wine. He then asked for a hug, which I obliged....While hugging me he again reached for my blouse, but at the bottom of it, and tried to lift it off of me, I said "wait"... "we'll get cozy after we come back for dinner."....He said "he wanted to see what he was getting, and that he didn't want to have sex right then"......We both sat down again and then just like that he said, "you know what Cristy, I'm not feeling it, I just don't think I could have sex with you", I'm going to pay you and you can leave, that is some easy money for you".....I was in a bit of shock....I apologized to him, (not sure why) as I found him to be aggressive, cold, and rude. Upon picking up my things, I told him that I was a bit shocked as this had never happened to me before, He replied, "really, I'm surprised"...I asked him what me meant, he clarified that he was surprised that no one else has asked me to leave, lol.....Wasn't that nice of him to say!!  But yes I had said that because I have never, in all my years of escorting, have been asked to leave a clients room, until Friday....So I suppose I've been "lucky". I've had clients I've met not return, I've had some dates that haven't gone smoothly, but I've never been asked to leave, until Friday. And only a douchebag client would add the remark, "that it was easy money for you"!! Going to a strangers hotel room, is nerve wracking in itself, conversing and being friendly with someone who is closed off, isn't easy either, and add to that, him gropping and insulting me! That is NOT what most would consider "easy money". So thank you "sir" for ending the date, you did us both a favor...and Thinking our conversation he mentioned that he has read my blog.... and upon booking, he had mentioned seeing another lady, a lady I've had issues with, and whom I've mentioned in recent blogs, unfavorably, but I wonder, could there have been some collusion going on between the two of them.....Hmmmm something to ponder....Or perhaps he is just one of those asshats that we all get to meet every now and then.


How sad...

11 Sep, 2024

Although this type of disrespect and commenting against "local ladies" is expected on that forum, and by those speaking, it still surprises me and I find it so unnecessary, insulting, and sad. I also find it sad if and when any escort has to deal with the childishness that some act out. We all deserve the right to offer our services here and anywhere, peacefully, and without provocations from other men or women....

Certainly there are escorts who play games with other escorts, but pointing out that this happens only from "locals" is naive and wrong. Nasty, disturbed, troublesome escorts travel too, and never forget the large number of men who get enjoyment from messing with an escort who's turned them down, or done something which dented their thin armor of egotism. Yes there are good and bad people everywhere. Being local shouldn't be an implication....and bear in mind some people lie....just because something is being said, doesn't make it true (speaking generally, not specifically to the case of the escort in the included thread)....It is funny how quickly some of these guys will favor a particular escort all while demonizing another/others, they've also seen and enjoyed. Some of these guys are so easily manipulated, it's almost comical.....


The biz.....

11 Sep, 2024

As someone who has been in and out of this industry, in all it's aspects, over the span of decades. I believe I have the experience and knowledge to speak about it. When I speak about it, I do so honestly, and because of the things I have experienced, and am experiencing. My work within this industry has included working for angencies (locally only), running my own outcall services (locally only), being an independent escort, becoming an online escort (meaning learning how to advertise online, learning review board culture, & the transition from outcall only to incall & outcall), dancing ( for private parties, I've never danced in clubs). It has been a journey, to say the least. Over those decades I've left this industry many times and for years to work in other fields, but escorting has always drawn me back. It's an industry that has caused me much turmoil, and shown me just how horrible some people can be. It's also brought me much enjoyment, taught me how to value myself, it's helped grow my confidence, taught me how to handle difficult people and other pertinent people skills, it's improved other skiills I learned in an other professions, namely, massage, and has increased my patience for many things. Because of it, I've learned buisness management skills, website building, picture taking skills, editing skills, phone decorum, and many other skills.Many of which schooling could never teach. It's an industry that I believe I'm well suited for, and which I thoroughly enjoy. Many of my clients are amazing, intelligent, kind souls, who are not only wonderful lovers, but who've also shown me the good side of mankind. I'm so very thankful to all of them....even the bad ones, as they've also taught me a lot!

This industry certainly has it's perks. Being independent, being able to work within the hours I choose, see who I want and when I want, is a blessing and freeing....This is the only business that has afforded me those things.....As I've said, it's also taught me a lot about, and just how low some will go to gain it and noteriety. People in this business have taught me to watch and listen, and listen more. As many of them say one thing and do another. That reviews mean little.They should NEVER be a guide to discern a persons character. As the two seldom coincide. There are many well reviewed ladies who stoop to levels that still surprise me....The cattiness of many of them is unbounded....An example...A few years ago I had met a local lady...when I felt comfortable allowing her to come to my rental I had back then, which was a 3 unit building and was up for sale, upon entering, that lady said "oh your building is for sale, I'm going to buy it"....then we when sat down, she looked at me and asked "are you menopausal"......Wasn't she friendly!! When I think of it now, I find it funny, because I know her more....cattiness and thinking she is overly capable, is part of her schtick. I've also connected and have met a couple of ladies who'd give you the shirt off their back, without expectations. But I assure you, they are a minority. Escorting is a hard buisness to navigate. It can play with your sense of self. Many clients are toxic, even more so than some of the escorts....You really have to have an understanding of humanity, psychology, and patience with one's self to thrive within it. All in all, I believe the rewards I've reaped have outweighed the downfalls I have faced.

It's an industry I'll always fight to normalize, meaning advocating for it, as it being a valid profession. I'll also always stand up against anyone who is a bully, who is a liar, and those like that redhead, who travels around Canada, living out of a suitcase and her little black minion, who pops in and out of this buisness to brag about her "high education", she's apparently been gaining, since I first met her back in the l ate 90's, early 2000's .......who have "tried" to take me down. Btw, does it take 20 + years to gain a masters, or a PHD    .....I'm proud of my journey, I'm proud of my resilience, and I'm grateful to many I've met because of, and only because of this profession. I hope that the stigmatization of our industry will become a thing of the past, and that being open about being an escort will no longer bring social, economic, or personal penalizations to those choosing this profession. I hope those days come soon....


I don't get it....

09 Sep, 2024

So the school shooter in Georgia is going to be tried as an adult...  

Yet the 16 yr old in Toronto who has been caught torturing and killing animals is being protected.  His identity is being withheld and the charges he'll face are minimal.He was arrested and released... Both these kids, imo, are psychopathic, and both should face equally harsh sentences.The first kid was taught to kill animals by his father, and praised for doing it. Teaching a child to hunt, praising them after a kill, is problematic, clearly. Children have a hard time understanding death, and children are so very impressionalbe.To teach them to hunt and kill at a young age, *might* be a lead into killing, and enjoying killing anyone, or anything.....And if you think that is a stretch, prove me wrong.... It is possible that the praise the child received for hunting and killing animals made it easier for him to later target humans....In the latter case, in which that child killed and tortured pets and other small animals.....his parents too have to hold some accountibilty. Both of these kids are a danger to society, and because one killed humans, and the other only animals, at least as of today, The law has decided one should be tried as an adult and the other looked at as being a youth, and protected by youth laws....I don't get it, nor do I agree with those decisions. Both are murderers, both are clearly disturbed, and both clearly have a lack of respect for life. I'd say the animal killer is more of a danger to society than the school shooter. Especially since his actions aren't being taken seriously  His arrest will amount to nothing, and the protection of his identity will just encourage and able him to continue with his demented thrill kills. Most documented serial killers all admit to starting out killing and torturing animals....That behavior is not normal, nor should it be minimized because the victims are "just animals", or "just pets"....I know many think differently than I. I realize that many consider human lives more important than other animals. That in itself is a whole other discussion for another time. Regardless, when anyone is known to enjoy killing anything, I say lock them up. They are clearly dangerous to all. To enjoy killing anything, regardless of the species, is not normal.The intent and action of the crime should be considered as importantly as who the victims are. Just how I see it. 

Sidetracking....on the subject of guns...I found this post poignant   


If you expect discretion, then give it!

05 Sep, 2024

The irony of this business, the clients who preach regularly about not screening, not sending deposits, and to not give an escort any personal details when booking a date, are the same clients who'll post the most personal and intimate details about the escort they seen and the experience they shared. Leaving nothing to the imagination.... Discretion to them is a one way road, and they drive on that road with purposeful carelessness and complete disregard for the escort. They just don't understand the meaning of discretion....They are blind to their own improprieties....They'll never take responsibility when a date goes awry. They'll group together on their board and post complaints about an escorts looks, service, etc, etc, without ever considering that a bad date might have occured because of the clients inappropriate conduct or poor hygiene ..... As far as they're concerned, a bad date is always the escorts fault. 

 It has been said that some of these guys have created their own site on which they list the actual addresses of escorts homes and incalls, which by the way is illegal....The lines some of these guys cross is shocking and ever growing. It's just sad that men who seek out our services have such disregard for our safety, and such little respect for our privacy. If these guys can't trust the escorts they seek intimacy with, then why do they want to meet them....It just doesn't make sense to me. When these guys who have no shame in shaming someone they've paid to sleep with, they show their despise for women, and lack of maturity. When they have no problem discussing and rating woman's bodies like they're parts in a tool store, they reveal their misogyny....These guys don't care about boundaries, nor do they respect women in general....It's a sad reality and the most difficult aspect of this business and why many of us screen and screen heavily. We all want to weed out these types of clients.


"She wouldn't answer my questions"

04 Sep, 2024

All to often I'll read a post a review board guy has made complaining about some escort who wouldn't answer the questions regarding sexual services provided, which he posed via text/phone or email.....I'll never understand why these guys won't get it through their thick skulls that it is illegal to discuss paying for sex!!! So if you discuss payment, and then ask "what's included", you have just solicited for the sale of sex, which is a crime. Read 213 of the criminal code and educate yourself concerning the laws regarding prostitution within Canada.....If you want an escort to explicitly tell you what sexual services will be provided when you visit, you are putting that escort in a precarious position and you're committing a crime. So please stop being so stupid!! Read an escorts ad, read their media, then draw your own conclusions as to what will transpire upon meeting. If you cannot determine from their ads, what they offer, move onto to someone who's ad you can decipher. I don't know any professional escort who'll discuss specific services with a potential client. Firstly, it's in poor taste, secondly, and again it's illegal to purchase sexual services. Lastly, how can any client who expects an authentic experience expect any person to tell them what will happen before they meet in person. Chemistry cannot be fully determined without meeting in person. A clients mannerisms, their attitude, their hygiene, all play into what will or will not transpire between the client and their escort. So to promote an escort as being difficult, or a possible scammer, because they wouldn't list their services for you when you asked them via text/phone call or email, is irresponsible, unfair and foolish. So AGAIN, to those who expect  an escort to answer sexually explicit questions, please stop. Do your research, and think before speaking and PLEASE show us the respect we derserve for wanting to protect all clients.

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The long weekend....

04 Sep, 2024

I took off last week to enjoy some time with friends and family and to celebrate the holiday weekend. I made no announcement about where I planned going or when I planned on leaving. This will probably continue.I feel it's best for my privacy. I lost a few clients because of my abrupt departure but I am fine with that. There are times when I like to do things without planning, and without the thoughts of the needs of anyone but myself. Taking time to myself to satisfy my needs is a necessary part of self care. I'm sorry if this sounds selfish. This summer has been busy, and I'm grateful to all who have been keeping me busy. In order for me to continue giving my best, I've realized I need to take at least a week off per month....and perhaps more.....As much as I love entertaining, I also love my alone time. As a loner, a true loner, I need solitude more than many. That solitude however will never be without my beloved little dog. He is the one being I never tire of.

So now that I'm back in the city, and have had a couple of busy days, I'll be putting off accepting clients until Friday, perhaps I'll see you then  


Lies and jealousy...

25 Aug, 2024

I'll never understand some clients. I'll never understand why some of them choose to make up lies when they want to see another escort, or when they can't or choose not to follow through with a promise they've made to me.....I find it silly and unnecessary for any client to lie me..... Some will lie about not having money to afford my services, or not having money to purchase something they've claimed they wanted to purchase from me, or lie about not being able to see me, all when I know they've booked another lady, lol..... If a client meets another lady he prefers over me, I'm happy for him, just say that and move on to her, or don't say anything and just move on. My feelings won't be hurt. I understand this business...... If a client would rather spend his money elsewhere, or on other ladies. It's your money, spend it as you choose, and how you choose to spend it is not my business. Again, there is no need to invent a story, there is no need to lie. I'm well aware that these transactional dates are never monogamous, nor permanent. They're not meant to be!!! So please act like a grown up, man up and just tell me truth, or don't tell me at all, but again.... please stop with the silly lies.... I appreciate the men who want to see me, but never think I'm naive enough to believe that I'm the only one being seen by you.....I don't own any of my clients....They should feel they have the right to see whomever they choose to see. I'll enjoy the time we share while it's shared, but when it's over, it's over..... Should the client want more of it, then book it, but please remember, there is no reason to lie to any of us about why you can't or don't want to book more time, nor should you lie to any of us in order to book a date.....Just be honest. It's not difficult! This is a business. There is no judgement. All I hope, and I'd hope any escort expects of any client, is to honor the financial commitment you've made to us, to respect our time, our boundaries, to be hygienic and to be on time.

I'll never understand some escorts.....I'll never understand why an escort becomes jealous of another escort because a client they've once dated moves on to another escort.That should be an expected part of this business. No one should think of these transactional dates as being permanent, nor as commitments beyond the payment process, or  monogamous....I'm sorry to be blunt and matter of fact, but when a married or partnered man is willing to cheat on a partner he's committed his life to, you can bet that he's not going to be exclusive to you.There should be no reason in these transactional relationships that a client feels the need to sneak around. Nor to be secretive towards us. He should never feel the need lie to any escort about who or how many he sees. And I often wonder, could it be the lies that some clients tell escorts that spur the jealousy that often arises between some of them....Regardless, it's my practice and belief, that each time any client sees me, I see that as the last time. So if he does contact me again it's a nice surprise...I never have expectations of any client as far as him needing to be my one and only. I'll treat them as best I can when they're with me, and I'll hope that whomever he chooses to see outside of our time together, does the same. No escort should feel that they have exclusive rights to any client, and if any client makes any escort believe they have exclusive rghts, then those should be guaranteed with a financial commitment, not an emotional commitment.The only promise clients should make to us is those we've agreed upon and that when they book a date they'll follow through with it, and if they can't follow through, they'll honor our cancellation requirements. For any escort to berate or to become hateful towards another escort because a client who was once good to you, has now chosen to be good to another escort, is unprofessional and immature. This is a business, these dates are transactional, each person offering them needs to understand that, and each person purchasing our time needs to remember you are purchasing time, leave your emotions out of it......These dates aren't meant to be love connections. They are a form of escapism. You are meeting with someone who you can connect and feel comfortable with for temporary moments. We share our time, we share many things, but when that time is up, the connection should end, until the next time, should the parties agree to a next time....

Lets all act respectfully, maturely, and professionally. There is no need for telling lies, nor for becoming jealous, sneaking around, nor playing games. Thanks for reading....



23 Aug, 2024

Discretion is what all who are active in the escorting industry expect and offer. It is paramount to all else, so we are taught. Yet should it be?......As it is also what protects the time wasters, the slime balls, and the game players from being publicly outed, and they know this. If any escort who has been harmed, whether that be physically, mentally, emotionally or financially, were to publicly name their attacker, the escort would then be deemed unsafe, or untrustworthy by many within our industry, especially by those who deem themselves to be the stewards of sex work.....You know those escorts who consider themselves the righteous & the know it alls, and those clients of escorts who post prolifically on those review boards.... In this industry many frown upon posting names/info, publicly. However, it is favored to post such info on blacklists.The problem with those lists is that not every escort has access to them, as they are only shared among "friends".....and as we all know, not all escorts are "friends", nor do all escorts care to help those who aren't part of their inner circle. It's a shame that protecting one another in this industry isn't paramount too. Blacklists are limited in their reach, therefore, imo, ineffective at helping to curb the actions of those who don't care about, who wish to harm, or who have no respect for escorts and our time.

I have named a few people in my blog, who have caused me issues, who have deliberlately wasted my time, who have played games, or caused me harm, but the reach of my blog too is limited. Although it's read by a high number of people, it's still not enough to stop the ill intended, and quite honestly, short of jail time, and even then, some people just can't or won't be stopped. The ramifications for defending myself by posting names here in my blog gives some in this biz, other escorts, and their clients, ammo to accuse me of being untrustworthy, all while they out people they deem troublesome. The hypocrisy in this industry is rampant..... I believe that when someone is harmed, then they should handle it in whatever way they deem necessary and without cristicism or threats to reputation from others. Defending oneself in and out of this industry is the most difficult aspect of it. Not only do we have to defend ourselves from some of our peers and clients, but also from the stigmatization  general society puts upon us....So how should one protect themselves safely from the ill intended? That is the question. My answer, is do what you feel is best for your own sanity and the heck with what others will say or think.....People will, after all, say things regardless. In the end, we have to look out for ourselves and be at peace with the decisions we make while doing so. Although I do believe discretion is paramount and I offer it to all my respectful clients, my safety, and the safety of others is too. One shouldn't over shadow the other.....Peace of mind is also important. Anyone who has had to deal with a malicious person has my sympathy. It is never easy to defend yourself, nor is it always successful. But we must defend ourselves. We must protect ourselves, and in whatever way we deem necessary. Regardless of what the "stewards of sexwork" deem right or wrong!!


Summing up the week.....

18 Aug, 2024

It's been a busy and fabulous week.....I've enjoyed time with some amazing people this week. Took a harbour cruise, had an amazing dinner date, and ended the week with a cuddle date with one of the most generous men I've met. I'm so very grateful to all of you!!

I also made the mistake of responding to an internet troll yesterday...but as I've said in the past, when shitty people cross my path, there is always a beautiful soul who comes in to wipe away the shit stain.......and that is what occured yesterday....Good always prevails.....

So I want to discuss a comment I had made to a post mentioning clients who upon booking ask "how many times they can cum in the hour".....My response was "I try to avoid those types of clients, as I want to attract men who see me as a human being and not a cum receptacle"......It is my belief and because of my experiences with those who've asked me that question, that they are just wanting to pay a lady, any lady, who'll allow them to orgasm as many times as possible within their alloted time. They don't care about mutual connection, chemistry, nor are they striving for repeat engagements. I don't want those types of clients. I strive to meet men who want to enjoy the experience of companionship and the comprehensiveness of it and who seek a regular to see. I no longer want those guys who are seeking "pound fests" and who are interested in just the sex acts. There are other ladies who they can choose, and who will happily fulfill those needs. The beautiful thing about this industry is that we all get to choose with whom we want to engage with. The ugly thing about this industry is there will be those who'll try to project their ideals of how we should engage and with whom, and when we don't follow their ideals, they'll throw their tantrums and lash out with derogatory name calling and other childish insults. Again, I get to choose the types of clients I see. And those who simply want another pussy to pound aren't for me. I want to meet men who enjoy authenticity and the organic flow of connection, conversation, who enjoy and appreciate intimacy, who respect discretion, and who understand a womans body, and see meeting an escort as more than just seeking sex for a particular number of orgasms. If you have a problem with that, then enjoy your problem, and I'll continue meeting and enjoying the amazing men who enjoy what I offer...... Now here is to another amazing week .....Lets make it a beautiful one.


Birds of a feather....

16 Aug, 2024

Something that has been on my mind.....Is there truth to that phrase, "birds of a feather flock together".I wonder.... Can those with the character traits of a bully, who lie, and who enjoy besmirching others, have friends who have good character traits.If so, why would a person of good character want to be in the company of someone who will willy nilly throw someone under a bus....

At this stage of my escorting, it's important to me to interact with, and only involve myself with and support those who have integrity and who are people of good character. I don't want to support anyone who would knowingly associate with or befriend those known to bully, besmirch, lie about, or harass another person.I've experienced to much hate wihile being an escort. I've experienced having lies spread about me, being bullied, harassed, insulted, and threatened, for no justifiable reasons. I don't want anyone else to have to experience that type of treatment. There are far to many in this industry who have no issue with attacking, belittling, lying about or besmirching those they take a dislike to, and their friends or associates have no issue ignoring their actions. I don't want anything to do with any of those types.....I do believe that if you can knowingly ignore the wrong doings of a friend then you become complicit in their actions. You become birds of a feather....

Some will insist that any of us who have the ability to choose what ever we choose in this industry, be that friends, clients, our rates, the hours we work, etc, as being a privilege, I see it as choices.We all make choices....we all get to choose. When a person chooses to befriend or associate with those known to be vindictive, or who enjoy tearing down those they dislike, then by your choice I have to assume that you're the same.....I understand that there are those in this industry who are in it only to make money, and while doing so, will interact with whomever will guarantee or increase their earning potential, regardless of their character, or actions towards others....That is their right. My right is to steer clear of those people and to call them out when I know of them, as I don't believe it's right to ignore malicious actions or deeds.Ignoring them is encouraging them, imo. Money isn't everything, peace of mind is, and I have peace of mind when I know that those I engage with are those who'd never encourage or ignore hatefulness, vindictiveness, and maliciousness. Nice peoplle, those of good character, encourage kindness, and work to uplift others. They appreciate differences in people, and if discourse arises, they work to settle it amicably, not with vengence or vindictiveness.Those are the kind of people I want to support and engage with.

So associate with whomever you choose, that is your right, I'll never tell you not to....but I will decide your character by your choices.


Another internet troll.....

14 Aug, 2024

On X this morning there is a person by the handle @Am_Blujay who was offended by a beautiful 51 yr old women posing topless...she was dressed in pants, holding her breasts while she took a selfie. This offended this person, and not because the woman wasn't attractive, she is very attractive and in shape, but because she is 51 yrs young. He felt she shouldn't be doing that at her age, instead he said "she should be at home playing with grand kids" !! I say what if she doesn't have grand kids, what then should she be playing with, lol.....

 Coincidentally, before I came upon that thread, I had posted this picLol!!! Being that age, of course I took his comment, and others made in that thread somewhat personally. I just can't understand this age shaming some do, nor will I accept that what I do with my body, as being wrong, embarrassing, indecent, some said. If you don't like looking at something, don't's that easy. If you don't agree with another persons lifestyle, don't live like them, that is also just that easy. To put upon another, your ideals, is aggressive, closeminded, and ignorant. Far to many feel they have the right to proselytize......Let adults do what they want with their own bodies. It's not your buisness!! If someone isn't harming a child or an animal, you shouldn't care! I think Am_Blujay has to much time on his hands.....Perhaps he'd be happier if he had his hands full of pretty breasts like hers, or mine  ....But then again, people like him are only happy when they are insulting those different to them.


The GFE....

10 Aug, 2024

Back when review board culture had some relevance, the common acronyms, GFE, PSE, FS,  were purported to be indicators to specific services provided by the escorts.This is no longer true, and hasn't been for quite some time....Review board culture spurs a lot of misinformation....

Hard core board members will still insist that if a provider lists herself as a GFE provider then she *must * allow deep french kissing (DFK) and bare back blow jobs (BBBJ), at the minimum....Within the porn star experience(PSE), they believe it * must * include cum in mouth (CIM), deep throating (DT), cum on face(COF) and some will also say, anal is also a necessary part of determining the PSE service.....I say they are wrong....Acronyms such as GFE, PSE, FS indicate a STYLE of service, not specific services.

Full service, FS, is a style of service that is offered and sought by those who don't require an intimate connection.A full service provider will concentrate primarily on satisfying their clients sexual needs, within their set boundaries. Often, not always, FS escorts will offer shorter date sessions, example-15/20/45 minute dates.... 

As I see it.... the GFE, girl friend experience, means that your experience, as long as the clients hygiene and manners are as expected, will leave the client feeling like they are on an a real, non transactional, romantic date. It is about companionship, intimacy and connecting.Those of us who offer this experience cater to our clients in such a way as to make them feel as if they are the only client we see, or want to see. I feel that any escort who offers this style of service has the desire and ability to delve into the art of intimacy in such a way that FS workers can't, or don't want to..... As the GFE is a comprehensive, and often emotionally laborious service.The client will fee that the intimacy is authentic, reciprocal, and different for each. It involves talking, flirting, and intimacy that involves chemistry and compatibility.Many GFE escorts will encourage longer dates, 2 hours plus.... The PSE experience is more hard core. The connection is built more on physical needs and attraction.Companionship isn't required.PSE is more about lust and satisfying that lust and less about intimacy....It's raunchier, more vocal, and very energetic. *Some what* like you see in porn movies. PSE escorts typically offer that style of service starting by the hour.....I see the GFE as satisfying a clients emotional and sexual needs, the PSE satifies the sexual only. But remember all experiences vary and are fantasies provided by professionals....Some escorts will truly enjoy being with you, and some will create the illusion that they truly enjoy being with you. Both should be respected.......

When booking an escort you should never assume that you'll receive specific services based on acronyms used. Since it seems we all still use them interchangeably and read into them different meanings. Ask questions when booking...I will also say, that if you contact an escort who advertises as GFE and you expect and require specific services to occur, then probably a GFE experience may not be for you. As I've said, it is an experience....and one that is built on a certain level of chemistry and emotional involvement. It involves companionship, and it's meant to create an intimate connection between those involved.To insist on it including specific services isn't appreciating the authenticity of it.....Better, imo, to seek out a FS provider.

So to those who go on a particular review board to insult, or to condemn an escort because the escort they saw advertised GFE, and didn't offer them a BBBJ, shame on you!! There are many resons why some clients are given or not given particular services...Some of those reasons are often on you, and could be because of your hygiene, the energy you bring, your manners, your compatibility or lack of, and how you treat the escort. All those things play into how any escort determines how far they will or won't go with any client. No escort should be demonized, or criticized for not providing a specific service.It becomes a he said she said and, imo, discussing the sexual activities shared is just indiscreet. Of course there are exceptions....if a client meets all the criteria of a good client, and has found an escort willing to discuss beforehand which particular services they'll offer them, and those particular services agreed upon by the parties involved weren't provided, then that is a different story. But again, it's a he said she said...Clear communication and discretion in this industry is always important, and as important as understanding the usage of escorting acronyms....Lets face it, some escorts will agree to providing many services to the client upon booking, just to gain that clients buisness, then forgo offering them for the fee agreed fee. That is dishonest, and unfair. And btw, discussing receiving sexual services for $$$ is illegal.....Regardless many clients will whine about not receiving a particular service, when it wasn't offered for good reason. I say to any client, if any escort promises you specific services before they meet you, see that as a red flag. Most professionals will never guarantee particular services. Since a meeting in person is necessary for determining many things. Some *might* say that X,Y or Z service is "likely" to happen, but imo, it's irresponsible to insist that those services *will* happen. What if the escort notices a rash or something else suspect on your genitals, or an offensive odor, or you have become aggressive, or won't take no for an answer, those instances it would be justified for the escort to end their date and refuse any type of sexual intimacy.....

When you seek an escort just be honest and realistic about your expectations, and do your research....then I'm sure you'll have a great and satisfying experience with no need to go onto any review board to blabber about what you did or didn't receive. Keep in mind professionals respect and require discretion, and being discreet has only one meaning.....which means that you keep things between the parties involved!! Thanks for reading  



Piling on......Edited, lol, lots of misspelling

06 Aug, 2024

(yikes, just reread this blog, my apologies for all the misspelling. Hopefully I've corrected it all)

Once again twitter is full of escorts bashing one another.....Every now and then an escort will post their dislike to some types of clients, services, or lengths of bookings....Sometimes these comments can be taken as insulting, as some word them poorly, and some will intentionally word them to be sarcastic.....Then you'll have lots of escorts take their frustration or disagreement out on the OP of the tweet. They pile on.....I used to partake in this piling on. If I saw a post I found in poor taste I'd also add a harsh retort. It's been a long time since I've responded that way....I finally realized that piling on, that insulting, or joining groups to defame anyone just encourages more bad behavior. It takes you to the same level....If someone is insulting someone, or something, insulting them back doesn't solve anything. I believe that hate spurs more hate....If I find it necessary to respond I try to do so with understanding and either ask a question as to why this person feels as they do, or believes what they say, or I just stay out of the conversation. Sometimes people say things out of emotion, without thinking. Sometimes hurt people say hurtful things, and sometimes uninformed people say things they wouldn't if they knew better, and sometimes people are just mean. When they are being intentionally mean it's best just to remain mute.

Anyhow, this "piling on" seems to be happening more and more. I see it as bully behavior. To many people are to quick to lash out and quick to judge. More need to be understanding and less invovlved in other peoples thoughts.....Just my thoughts for today.....May your day be peaceful and prosperous


An erotic tale.......

03 Aug, 2024

It was one of the hottest days we've had this summer and so Allan had planned a pool party for some of his friends. No better way to end a long hot week .... Allan was a tall muscular man, with dark hair, baby blues, and a confidence many admired. He worked in finance, and had built a reputable business and gained a great reputation, with his clients, friends, and lots of women......

Ice was the last thing Allan needed for his party, so he decided to run to the local gas station......As he approached the ice machine he was stopped in his tracks. The most gorgeous woman Allan had seen in a while was struggling to load bags of ice into her car. Sable was tanned, blonde, and built to fuck.....She was wearing cut offs, and a tight white tee, that had become somewhat transparent from her handling the bags of ice....As Allan approached, she stopped and dropped the bag she was holding......He had startled her......she bent down to pick up the bag and Allan had to divert his eyes from staring at her perfect cleavage....but as the perspiration slowly trickled between her full, round breasts, and with her erect nipples so obvious, it was hard to look away..... Allan became hard..... he wanted her....She asked if he could help her.....and at that moment, he knew she'd be his...... 

She told Allan that her air conditioner wasn't working and she was buying as much ice as she could fit in her car. She wanted lots to fill up her bath tub so she could lay in it to cool off....Allan smirked as he pictured her doing so, which got him even harder.....She must of noticed.....As she had glanced down at his bulge and smiled back at him.....Allans cock was throbbing. Not only was her body desirable, but her face......her eyes, those lips....Allan wanted to taste and touch all of her.....He invited her to his party, but she declined......she then asked if he'd like to come with her to help her unload the ice at her place....Allan was struck....he had a party to host, yet he couldn't pass up this opportunity....He couldn't say no to her.....He went with Sable and as they pulled into her driveway, their desire for one another was unleashed. She climbed onto him and started grinding into him. Their mouths met and they devoured each others tongues.......He reached under her damp t-shirt, undid her bra and then pulled her t-shirt off of her. He sucked her nipples as he cupped her prefect breasts, she moaned loudly.....she reached for his throbbing cock.....stroking it outside of his tight shorts.....struggling to unzip them, they both laughed.... it was an awkward few seconds. He pushed the seat back so she could have more room...she slid down between his legs, and took his cock in her mouth, she moaned with delight at his thickness. He pushed into her mouth....She stoked him as she slid her tongue up and down his shaft....deep throating him as she toyed with his balls....Not only was she gorgeous but she was giving him the best head he'd ever had.....Staring at her as she sucked and licked him, only made him harder and hornier.....he had to be inside of her......he pulled her up ontop of him, kissing her perfect breasts, while unzipping her shorts.....she wiggled out of them.....then he slid his hard cock into her tight wet pussy....she was so tight he moaned loudly....she kissed him deeply as she rode his hard cock until she came..... when he said he was about to cum....she slid off him and took him into her mouth and sucked him until he exploded.........they both collapsed into each other, hot, sweaty, and both in need of cooling down......"We should unload the ice", Sable said coyly, Allan laughed..."if it hasn't all melted".....They unloaded it into her tub and both enjoyed cooling off in it....Allan was late to his party..........Lol.


Down that rabbit hole....

01 Aug, 2024

Oh lord I did it again, I responded to a Maga on my twitter feed. Ugh....You'd think I would have learned my lesson. No matter what proof you provide these cultists, no matter how politely you respond with common sense, they'll disbelieve, come back with profanity and ridiculous commentary, while making assumptions and insults concerning my beliefs, lifestyle, and my thoughts.....They just can't handle that there are many people, like myself, who dislike the orange felon because of the things that come straight from his own mouth. Not because of what the news puts out.... But because of the promisses he's made and failed to complete, or even start, his misogyny, racism, and incompetence and again because of the lies that come straight out of his pursed, whiny little lips/mouth.....

I am posting this because I believe if I say anything out loud then it becomes easier to follow through with it...So..... I will no longer engage with any Frump supporters online.You heard it here, lol.... They're just not rational, nor able to have civil discussions, or accept truths about their cult leader.......So please hold me to account if I fall into the rabbit hole again, lol....


Whats in a name...

29 Jul, 2024

If you didn't already know, most escorts use pseudonyms. Some of us choose a name that may be descriptive, E.g.-cristylonglegs, one of my previous names, or a name that we simply find attractive, or a name we might enjoy because it has a lyrical sound....for many reasons we choose a name then typically stick with it throughout our escorting career. However, there are some of us who also enjoy a change, because we change.....I've changed my name 3 x's now. I started with Cristycurves, then Cristylonglegs, now Cristymature....And I'm presently thinking of another change......The problem with that is it can be time consuming changing ads/websites, socials, etc, etc....and living down the foolish notion that some like to perpetuate that those of us who change our names have something to hide, or are running from someone or something....Well until some favored lady decides to change their name, then a name change becomes just another thing an escort other words, some in this industry are scruntinized for doing just about anything, and then there are others who'll be excused for doing just about anything. It just depends on which group you belong to and kiss ass for....

Anyhow, back to changing my name.....This time around I'm going to consider a name that is strong, independent, different.... Some I like...Sutton, Bree, Drew,  Valerie, ....and the search goes on.I get bored with the same things, and change can be good....Time will tell if I make the change, as I've said it's a lot of work to make all my ads/website and socials updated with any changes.Maybe I'll just start using my given name, lol......


Thanks but no thanks

27 Jul, 2024

I understand that some men who visit me want to thank me by writing favorable words on sites which allow reviews, but please don't. I know I have blogged/spoken about this many times, but it seems I need to explain myself again. It is beyond kind for any gentleman to thank any escort by writing complmentary words after a date, and I get that  is their way of saying thanks for a good time. However I believe that discretion means that we don't kiss and tell. No one needs to know who I've met with and as I've said many times, if we didn't mesh, no one needs to know that either, and I don't care. I always look my best for clients and provide a very personal, intimate professional service. If you didn't like me or it, nothing I can do....I give all respectful my best, if that wasn't enough for you, oh well.....and if you liked or loved me and my service, the best way of thanking me is to pay me a return visit.......

I love building connections with men. If we mesh, I'll always look forward to seeing you again, and again, only you and I need to know that.....

While expressing my strong opinions about reviews and the boards who thrive from them, I never intend to insult those who use those systems properly . I realize some people find them helpful. I just want some to understand my perspective and to also respect it. We all have to find what works, and also respect those who work differently. What I find annoying and petty, is those people who prolifically post on the boards and try and convince others that their way of thinking is the only way, and that if an escort doesn't have reviews, or is anti review that the escort is some how unworthy of being seen or sketchy.....There are many of us who are anti review, and not from fear of negative comments, or criticism....some of us just want privacy and see discretion and as a two way street. If you expect it, then give it.....And in the end, another persons opinion of me will never change mine, and I just don't need to hear yours.....


How low can she go....

25 Jul, 2024

You know that redhead who travels around Canada living out of a suitcase.....well apparently *she* can't go any lower....once again I've had another client who's spent time with her, who has then booked me, tell me she told him NOT to see me. She should understand that when you tell *some* people who not to see, that often times, causes intrigue, and cements that persons decision in wanting to see me, lol.....

I've been told by a few clients over the years, that she has brought my name up, without any mention or encouragement on their part. Before I went away on vacation, I had met a new client.....and once again...... this seems to be a story always other words, it's not new news, as I've heard it before and from a few clients.

I've blogged about this vindictive, obviously insecure beotch and how she teamed with some others ladies, years ago, to have me kicked off of the review board Lyla....apparently that wasn't enough. Apparently she also seeks/has sought to ruin my reputation...... I have to assume many of the games played on me following 2015 (the year I got kicked off of lyla) and possibly even prior to then, have been instigated by her and her ilk.....Since I don't really believe in coincidences, and since there are far to many incidences that have occoured and with those people who were followers/admirers and or clients/duo partners of hers.....She seems to enjoy recruiting people to hate whom she hates.....and why? Well I can only assume it's because I've stood up to her. I've called her out on some of her bullshit, and I've blogged here about some of those incidents. She doesn't handle well, being wrong, or being talked back to....obviously!

What I find astonishing is that she has no shame in presenting herself as a professional! How is it professional to tell clients who to see and who not to see.There are a few women in this industry, and yes they all support one another, birds of a feather, as they say, who seem to consider themselves to be the "stewards of sex work", the "escort police", and the "know it alls of escorting" . As they seem to feel just in pointing out to all who is to be favored, and who is to be villified, deserved or not....  

 When any escort tells their clients not to see someone simply because they have dislike for them, that escort is no longer acting in a professional capacity, but in a selfish, immature, vindictive capacity. They are NOT concerned with their clients well being, they are only concerned with their selfish spite. Each of us should feel just in warning clients of dangerous escorts. Those with nefarious intentions, who rob, or who do anything that would put a client in jepoardy. Yet this one is telling clients not to see me because I've ruffled her tail feathers......How pathetic!! Imagine being that vindictive, that threatened. Imagine stooping that low. There are a few ladies in this industry that I dislike, yet I have NEVER told any client not to see them......Why? Because none of those ladies, to my knowledge, has ever done anything to a client, besides lying to them about other ladies, that would jeopardize the clients well being. I also believe that when a client comes to me he doesn't book me to here my gripes with some of my peers, he visits me to receive good service, have interesting and positive conversation, relaxing massge, and share in some intimacy. I'm sure there are those clients who enjoy her type of cattiness and gossip, all you have to do is  read any of those review boards she is a member of, to know this. The boards thrive on that crap, and they are full of members with her mindset.....and a few who have the sense to call them out! Unfortunately, the latter don't post often, nor speak out enough.

Anyhow, there isn't much I will do other than gripe and explain myself here. As I won't stoop to her levels, nor is it in my character to play the games she seems to enjoy. I'll stick with the belief that those who want to meet me, will, regardless of who says what. I know there are men out there who can think for themselves. Who can read between lines, and who appreciate those of us who advertise professionalism, all while practicing it. 


I'm not an applaince...

23 Jul, 2024

Appliances are reviewed, cars are reviewed.....they are objects....I'm not. Please don't review me. I don't care what you think of me, with all due respect. I'm not saying your opinions aren't valid or that they don't matter in general, I'm just pointing out that I don't need to hear them, whether they be good, bad, indifferent or inbetween, nor do I feel others need to hear them.I know who I am, and what I bring to any table..... I know that I provide a quality service, that I'm attractive, by most standards, and that I have intelligence and experience....If you don't think so, so what, and who cares and if you agree with my feelings of myself, I'll also say, so what and who cares, lol........ I offer a service which is extremely personal. All escorts do. It's intimacy.....And that intimacy is predicated on those involved having and reacting to the chemistry felt. And if that chemistry is not what. Move on. It happens..... It doesn't mean I did anything worng, or that there is anything wrong with me, or you. It simply means we weren't meant for one another. When people meet  so many things play into them getting along it's ridiculous to assume that when they don't that someone was at fault....Not having chemistry is not a is a fact. Some you have it with, others you won't.....

I don't expect to be everyone's cup of tea.....nor should you. Those who I mesh with, return....those who I don't mesh with will either gripe about it on some random gossip board, or if they're mature and get what this industry is all about, will simply move on and meet with another escort to find that chemistry.......

I'll never understand the need some in this industry have of having their clients boast about them by writing kiss and tells or even just flattering words.....Of course it's nice to hear someone compliment our efforts/service/looks...but it shouldn't be what determines your worth in this industry, nor should those words be what you rely on to deem yourself successful. What any client thinks of you shouldn't change or form your own opinion of yourself. In this industry there will always be those people, both escorts and clients, who'll use the review system to attack or to sully a persons reputation and those who'll unfairly use it to promote someone they favor and those who use it as it was initially intended. Just to write about an enjoyable time they had...which I still don't understand the need for. When you meet an escort and you enjoyed them, return for another visit, that is the most prudent way of supporting any escort. Since we are here for financial gain.....and although flattering words can gain some new clients, return visits, and on a regular basis, are what will gaurantee us having a reliable income source.

So next time you think about writing about an experience you had perhaps rethink things.....Is it necessary for the escort you're writing about to have others read about your opinion of them?.Ask yourself are you writing this for you or them...are you being honest, dishonest, vindictive...And if you've a negative  story to tell, ask yourself.....did your hygiene meet the escorts criteria.Did you contact them appropriately. Were you generous, did you have a good attitude, good energy. Were you ontime. Did you push their boundaries.....etc, etc. So many things play into anyone having a good time or a negative time......Think before you write....Who does it benefit, in the end.......Perhaps if your intimacy is something you need to share with others, then perhaps leave out the word intimacy, and discretion when discussing it. Since once you open your mouth about who you've seen and what you've done with them, no longer are you being intimate, nor discreet.And if you're expecting those two things from the escorts you seek, but not willing to offer it to them in return, you're also being a hypocrite.....

Thanks for reading....


Back home....

23 Jul, 2024

Hi, I'm back from my vacation, and I will be available as of Thursday,July25th. 

I had a fun vacation with lots of road trips throughout eastern Canada, dining out and revisits with friends and family. Most days the weather was great, but I have to admit this summers heat and humidity is taking it's toll on me. I don't do well in this hot damp weather. I am looking forward to fall weather, when temperatures cool and the air is clearer.

As of now I have no plans of visiting NB or PEI, nor Sydney for work. I was thinking of going to Sydney, NS this summer as a work and vacation trip, but I think I'll be travelling again in August to another province for another vacation. My regulars are keeping me busy here at home (Halifax) so any of my travels in the near future will be for personal reasons only. Thanks to all those who enquire if I'll be in their province....however I would prefer they just read my media....that would tell them where I'm working. But on that note, it's the frustration of many of us (escorts), that so few men who reach out, no longer to bother reading the information we take the time to put out. It would save so much time if only clients/potential clients took a few moments to read......

Anyhow, I hope your summer is going well. Be safe, have fun and I hope to see you soon    


"where else to look"

08 Jul, 2024

Lol, it was just yesterday and in my previous blog that I mentioned that lurking on the review boards had become boring and pointless, because the usual suspects just keep poting their redundant crap, until this   So in this thread as you will read the OP is asking for recos of other sites where escorts advertise, or can be found. And of course the usual suspects, or a couple of the usual had to throw in their negativity and again, more of their typical redundant whining...."Halifax doesn't have enough escorts", "they're to expensive", "to many hoops to jump through to book", yada, yada, yada....

So some sites were mentioned, but allow me please to correct their mistakes....Massage republic is a great site. It is one of the few that allows us(escorts) to either pay for an ad or advertise for free. Paying puts our ad at the top, and they still allow us to use CC cards for payments....It also allows us to list specific services, should we choose to. I love it and I'm grateful for it. Most of the ads on there are up to date, so please ignore one posters comment that inferred they weren't. Most providers love that site. But like many sites, some escort don't bother to update their ads. Most are now paying more attention to social media accs, such as only fans, X(twitter) and instagram, and many others.....VIP Favours, another site mentioned in that thread is owned by the review board on which this thread is posted. So it's kind of funny that they mention it, without knowing that.... Alot of the ads or profiles on both of those sites ironically (Lyla & VIP) are also outdated.....regardless, you can still find lots of ads/profiles that are also up to date....It always angers me when some of these guys promote the wrong information and especially when some of them are so insulting towards the local ladies here. In that thread they are also comparing independent escorts, to agency escorts... of course there is a vast difference in fees and variety...Agencies are typically cheaper than independents since they have many ladies working, and working more often and longer hours, so they can afford to have lower fees...Independents charge more because we carry all the costs that are involved in being an escort, and which are plenty....Never should the two be compared. These guys clearly can't see beyond their own noses, to understand and appreciate the difference.

Halifax has a large variety of beautiful ladies, and continually hosts some travelling beauties as well. The problem for alot of those guys in that thread, is it is often them and their ilk who won't screen and who constantly promote to not give deposits, so I'm sure the variety here for them is lean.. Since the professional ladies here and who tour most often require screening and deposits ...But even if that weren't the case, these usual suspects would complain if it were raining women, and they were all free. They have to whine about something.....

Massage republic and Tryst both are great and professional sites.....Never fear using them. Then if you find someone on there that interests you cross reference them on their socials.......and please take anything posted on the Halifax forum of Lyla, with a grain of salt......


Sunday, lazy Sunday....

07 Jul, 2024

It's been a relaxing weekend, after a rather busy week. A fun and exciting week that did end with a rather uncomfortable circumstance....but like any bump in the road, this one too will smooth itself out....

So today is another one of those days that keeps me inside. This wet gloomy weather is not inspiring me to want to be active, nor outside....So I've some free time to write about some things on my mind....

As much as I try to ignore all the vitriolic blabber about those American presidential candidates, it's starting to wear me down. There is so much of it, it's become unavoidable. Any post or news broadcast I see with Trumps face makes me want to vomit, and any post I see of Biden has me rolling my eyes.....what a mess it all is. Being someone who looks for character, who appreciates education, and articulateness, Trump has always put me off, and now, to the point where he incites my violent side. I want to punch his face until it becomes pulp, lol.....Out of those two candidates, both are poor choices, but one has to be chosen, so that has to be Biden......God, I hope November comes quicker than a horny boy.....

Now something I know more about....escorting. I've noticed lately that those review boards I lurk on and criticize frequently, have been very quiet. There are only a few of the same ole posters making the usual banal comments and ridiculous summations about this profession. They're so ridiculous they don't deserve addressing.I've come to learn that since you can't fix stupid, it's best to just let those guys entertain themselves and leave them's all become so very boring and typical.

A couple of things I am noticing now is that clients, genuine clients, and by that I mean men who have no ill intent, who simply want to book me for an allotted amount of time, are always happy to provide a deposit, and fill out my booking form.....It's a nice change. Of course there are still ner do wells out there, and a few I'm sure, will still probably slide through my booking process, but all in all, having a screening process, and requiring deposits has been the best decision I've made. And having a conversation with a potential client is, at least for me so very important in determining a great date. This week I declined meeting with two gentlemen. Both seemed fine, willing to provide what I required, but with one ourconversation was so awkward, I felt it best to decline. He may have been nervous, but if over the phone was that awkward, I have to assume, in person would be equally so. The other man, I just couldn't relate to and so I felt it best to decline meeting him. I feel lucky that I can pick and choose with whom I want to meet. I'm busier than ever and I'm grateful to those wonderful repeat clients who are keeping so......

July has started off great, and so I'll be taking a little vacation to visit some interesting people and places come the 15th of July until the if you've been wanting to indulge, nows the time  Till next time....Happy Sunday!!


Thank you June.....

03 Jul, 2024

A little late getting to this, my apologies. To all those who helped make the month of June one of my best, Thank you!!!! I had a blast. Although it ended with horrible news coming out of the USA, concerning that ridiculous decision by Scotus....Anyhow, I'll  continue to keep the faith.

July has started out well. I've a busy month planned. I'll be taking a short vacay come the 15-23.....and pre-bookings are filling up......I wish you a fabulous July. 


It's the long weekend......and a few new pics

27 Jun, 2024

As I write this I'm not sure if I'll be in town or if I'll take a road trip come Friday eve....I'm busy today and Friday with clients. I do know I'll not be accepting clients over the weekend. I'll be doing things with friends and family......So I'll wish you all a beautiful long weekend and I hope your time off is relaxing, enjoyable and fun filled. I'll post again here and on twitter when I'm back and available.....The pics in this blog were taken this week....


Having a conversation....

27 Jun, 2024

It's no secret that I like to speak with my clients before meeting. However, and because some guys like to play games. I no longer have a conversation with any client until and after he has filled out my booking form and provided the necessary ID and picture/s which I require for screening purposes. For some I'll also request a deposit prior to that conversation because I've had a few guys who even after providing their info and having a conversation no showed and never responded to my requests for explaining why...So clearly this methodology isn't fool proof. As there are those out there who'll spend their time filling out my form, providing pics/ID, and speak with me just to waste my time.....It's crazy that there are people who play these types of mindless games....Anyhow I still feel having a conversation as being my best screening tool since I choose my clients based on compatibility, not based on a need for monetary gain. Asking for a deposit, is also a huge benefit. Most timewasters, most game players won't part with any of their money......


On this rainy day....

24 Jun, 2024

I have some time to blog today, so whats on my mind?...Well....

Today's topic is about those in this business who'll I'll refer to as the "mean girls". These mean girls earn that title because they are those escorts, who are often of high reputation, with many fans, followers, and reviews...They are those women who'll target one of their peers, and recruit a client/s, or their partners/spouses/boyfriends/girlfriends, or other "mean girls" to destroy that peers reputation. Yes you've read this correctly. There are those in this business who are seemingly popular and who put on a great show as being a grounded, professional provider, yet who are so immature,vile and vindictive, that they will do whatever it takes to destroy the reputation of a peer they feel needs to be "taken down". And this peer needs not to have committed any acts that are nefarious, untoward, dishonest, dangerous, or even deceitful. They just have to have become disliked by a "mean girl", and that could be simply because they've stood up to them, disagreed with them, or pointed out something negative or questionable that a mean girl has done. These mean girls have no boundaries either when it comes to "taking down" their target. Their egos are so distorted that they feel they have the right and the ability to ruin someone's reputation. So who are these mean girls...well I could name a few, lol....but I'm sure you could too. So I'll let you decide who they are..... I will say this. Question reviews....question reputations, those things can be manipulated, bought, invented, etc, etc....instead look for character, who someone supports, more importantly who they don't support, that should tell you something... Since mean girls tend to gravitate and be accepting of those   who are similar looking, with similar reputations, and similar mindsets....As one of those mean girls once posted...."She doesn't mix with "craigslist girls"........smh! Yes mean girls also display what the industry refers to as whorearchy ( which is a hieracrchy of whores)....where one escort will determine the value of another based on her reputation, her style, clothing, rates, clients seen, etc....It's all very shallow, childish and gross!! 


Quotes that I like..

14 Jun, 2024

Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

We cannot control the evil tongues of others; but a good life enables us to disregard them.

I can't understand people calling themselves religious and being hateful. If a preacher is preaching hate, to fear God that's not religion, that's not helping humanity, that's organizing an army to defeat somebody. Mojo Nixon

Happiness can exist only in acceptance. George Orwell

'Age' is the acceptance of a term of years. But maturity is the glory of years. Martha Graham

Egotism is the anesthetic which nature gives us to deaden the pain of being a fool. Dr. Herbert Shofield

It is better to give love. Hatred is a low and degrading emotion and is so poisonous that no man is strong enough to use it safely. The hatred we think we are directing against some person or thing or system has a devilish way of turning back upon us. When we seek revenge we administer slow poison to ourselves. When we administer affection it is astonishing what magical results we obtain. Thomas Dreier


This elder is my friend.....

13 Jun, 2024

A little bit of this and that...

11 Jun, 2024

I haven't had much to say lately, lol, isn't that a surpirse....I've been busy with my biz, socially, and being out more because of the warmer weather doing this and that. All those things has kept me away from posting here. But recently I read a thread on a review board, which got my hackles up. So here I am, with the need to say something!!

 The thread I'm speaking about was made by some guy who seems frustrated because he feels there aren't enough "new" 18-21 yrs for him to choose from and that there needs to be more "flavours" of women. .....his quote-"I miss the days when there were new younger sps trying out the market locally. I'm not talking about anyone outside of the legal age, those legit, verifiable 18-21 yrs olds who would start in the industry. I'm frustrated with the influx of Asian pretenders, I do love Asian women, But I would like different flavours.....end quote

So all those asshats who follow his mindset are going to say that because of my age, that because I'm older, I'm jealous because I can't compete.....That's the route they'll take.That's the argument these types of guys always will make when any of us speaks out against their misogynistic garble.....Because these predators will never admit to being exactly what they are....Grown men who get off on chasing inexperienced, pubescent looking girls they can exploit, manipulate, and control.....They have issues!!!

Note he states "new" clearly he has a preference to inexperienced females. That is a sign of a male wanting the ability to manipulate and control ....Then he states, 18, but not anyone outside of the legal age....Clearly if he were in another country and younger were legal, I guarantee he'd be chasing her.....I don't have enough words to articulate just how wrong this is......other than it's wrong! It's predatory, exploitative and it's gross.....These guys will claim that older women just aren't attractive to them....and perhaps there is some truth in that. Not in their case, but for some, I do understand the reality that some people dislike the physical signs that come with aging. But if that were *just* the case, if the signs of aging were their only reason for being attracted to "younger"  then they'd be also chasing later 20's-30-40 yr olds...As most women don't show physical signs of aging until 40 +....No, these guys *always* go for those who have just entered the "legal" years.That speaks volumes.....

From my early online days, and my start on the review boards, and my introduction into that culture,(2011) I was amazed and shocked by the standards accepted and the verbage men were allowed to get away with when speaking about us....I'd often comment that it was condescending, and disrespectful, but doing so often got me into hot water, and push back from other board members. They weren't open to anyone with a differing perspective towards escorting.  

I enjoy what I do. It's always been a choice for me and not one made for a need to survive. I have never felt competitive either. As I've never compared myself to anyone, nor did I or do I have a desire to want to out earn anyone, or earn a specific amount of money, in a specific amount of time.I've also never cared if I was thought of as popular, or not.....I've simply wanted to meet some nice people, while having some fun and to be compensated while doing so. I also am outspoken, and have no fear about being blunt, especially when I feel something is wrong, or unfair. Sometimes I may be reckless with my words, but reckless or not, they are always truthful.....That has won me a lot of enemies. I've learned that people don't like hearing the truth, and that there are many wolves in sheeps clothing in this industry and they don't like being revealed, lol. So many ladies pretending to love what they are doing, all why despising it, and lots of men masguerading as gentlemen all while being predatory perverts. Years ago, around 2013 and until my removal from the review board in(2015), then known as cerb, now Lyla, 3 women in particular, Lexy Grace, Emily Rushton, and Gabriella Laurence, and I'm sure a few others, all worked together to get me evicted off that site. Lexy Grace was the intitiator of it all....and why? Spite, vindictiveness, jealousy....all three had a superiority complex in those days, on that site, from my opinion, and all three are pretentious, malicious and vindictive cowards. Two, Gabriella, and Lexy, from my understanding are no longer active in the industry. Although I believe Lexy comes back into it every now and then. So beware, that woman is troubled, and trouble!!....Edit-and whether or not this is a coincidence I can't prove or say, but she has renewed her ad on tryst, and mine, which has been following all that sites protocols, and which has never received any reports, is now receiving reports!! I'd say it's no coincidence, as this is just how she acts, she's sneaky, vile and just that petty!!

This industry will always be plagued with the good and the bad. The good intentioned, and those who'll do anything to get ahead, and to get head, lol.....Clearly having a good character isn't a trait needed to be a successful, nor a popular participant.......

 Time has been fairly kind to me. I've learned that being vengeful towards those who've tried to harm me is pointless, stress causing, and a waste of my precious time. In the end, karma and time will decide who has deserved what...... as it treats us all to our just rewards. 



31 May, 2024

I've used 34 exclamation marks, the same number as the number of counts that bastard was found guilty on. I am beyond happy, but won't gloat, until after the next election. Since I know this conviction won't stop his deluded, ignorant, violent, stupid followers from voting for his sorry ass, giving this miserable, lying, foul mothed, racist, preverted, cowardly, pathetic, felonious piece of shit, a slim chance of  being elected as the next president of the U.SA. 

 Some of you know just how much I dspise Trump, I think that isampained to run to be president of the U.S.A., I've griped about his awful character, his narcissism, his constant lying, his racist actions, and his perversions. A person's character means a lot to me, and his is as foul as they come. I truly believe he has no desire to make his country better, I believe his only desire is to line his own pockets, and to garner power so his fragile ego can be stroked every time his followers gather to praise his sorry ass. The lies HE spouts, HIS actions, HIS crookedness is what got him to this conviction, yet he still fails to admit to that. His narcissism controls him. He is a weak coward. A  convicted felon!!!! And yet he says he is innocent, that the trial was rigged, and disgraceful. No Asshole, the only disgrace, is that you are still allowed to walk free, and that you are not YET prevented from spouting your pathetic, cowardly lies!! I'm hoping this judge, who Trump is still calling corrupt, takes this into account when he sentences him July 11th, A day that can't come to soon!! Now I'll go back to doing my happy dance!!  


I can't say this enough....

28 May, 2024

Before you hire an escort research them!!! Google their name, their phone number, read their ads, their website, their socials.....RESEARCH!!! Then contact them in a professional, respectable manner.

To often I'll hear of, or read a thread on a RB where a guy is complaining about a date gone bad. Gone bad because he was scammed. He chose a scammer, and not an escort with good intentons of providing good service. Scams can be anything from robbery, to threats, to deposit rip offs, etc... What is also a constant in these complaints is that the escort being spoken about, or reported, is one with no history of regular advertisements on multiple platforms, nor a personal website, fan sites, or social media presence. They typically only have one ad on one advertising platform which they repost regularly, or every now and then. That should have been a red flag for that client.....Yet instead of these guys taking responsibility for their lack of research and carelessness, they'll blame our (professional escorts) screening methods and deposit requirements. On their threads they'll comment that you (the client) should never use your real number when contacting/booking an escort, only use a text app-WRONG!! I know no pro's who'll accept bookings from those using text apps,or blocked numbers.We need to be safe, and in order to be safe we need to know who we are meeting. Having your REAL number helps us identify you. They'll say that giving an escort a deposit is "being stupid", and a big no no-WRONG!! A deposit is used to secure your desired time with us. Without a deposit we have no reason to book you because without that depoist we have no reason to believe that you are sincere in following through with the date. Any pro's I know require deposits! We see clients who refuse to give deposits as being insincere and time wasters. The facts remain, professional escorts are easily distinguished from those who intend on scamming, if a client does their research!. Pro's advertise regularly on multiple platforms, and they keep their ads updated. They have a visible web presence. Most have and maintain a personal website rife with information and proof that the escort is real, along with other fan sites such as Onlyfans, and a strong social media presence on twitter(X), instagram, bluesky, etc....If guys would stop jumping at the shiny new penny and booking them without researching them, then they'd stop being scammed so often....... But instead, they'll continue to blame our us and our screening requirements as being problematic, instead of taking responsibility for their lack of research. I will never blame clients in general when I mistakingly fall for a client who has ill intentions, the same should be expected of those review board guys who create their scammer threads to whine about screening and deposits.....The nefarious are out there, and we both have to take precautions to protect ourselves from them. We (escorts) need to protect our lives, we do that by screening you...... You need to protect your finances.....You do that by researching, by having clear communications, and by using your big head when booking an escort!!

Thanks for reading!!


Getting back to it....

21 May, 2024

I'm finally feeling better, stronger. I'm going to still take it slow the next week or so. I'll be accepting dates, but only those being prebooked. I want to plan out the next numbers of days, and will prioritize my regular/return clients and those who prefer longer dates. I'm excited to start seeing clients regularly again....I hope to see you soon    Come have a taste  


Contemplating moving......

19 May, 2024

It may be obvious now that I don't hide to much anymore. The only person I protect from knowing of my lifestyle now, is my Mother. Knowing wouldn't change her love for me, but with her old school values, and her concerns for the opinions of others, her knowing would cause her unneeded pain and worry. So I continue to keep it from her. She isn't on the web, nor would she listen to gossip anyone sent, or spoke to her. So her finding out is unlikely. The rest, I could care less, and this attitude developed when I was pushed into having to make a desicion to move 5 years ago. It was back then that I was outed to the condo board that ran the condo complex I was living in. Then my landlord was pushed into trying to evict me. I hired a lawyer and fought to stay, but gave up the fight because that environment became toxic once a few people found out I was an escort. For 15 years of living there I was considered a perfect neighbour and tenant, until they knew of my escorting, then I suddenly wore a scarlet letter.....People wouldn't get on the elvevator with me. They would distance themselves when walking past me as if something was going to jump off of me and onto them....Neigbours who I once spent dinners with and took them to visit their mother in the old age home, would no longer speak to me....etc, etc. So I decided to give up the fight and move.....That fight to stay in my home, back then, taught me alot. So when I went looking for a new place I didn't put enough time into researching the neighbourhood, nor surrounding properities. I suppose it was the state of mind I was in at the time.....I just wanted to get moved and to find a place with a private entrance and which allowed me to house my dog.

  I've been at this address for 5 yrs now, and have been fairly comfortable here. Really no major or concerning issues. What's bothered me is that most on my street are uncaring about the state of their properties.They are unkempt and messy looking. The building I'm in is neat and my little area (parking and entrance) is also, I take care in decorating and keeping it tidy, but that isn't enough to distract from the messes that surround me. When I drive onto my street I find it embarrassing. Mind you my apt is lovely and large inside, but again, the messes outside surrounding my building are offputting......My rent is still comfortable, considering the times, and I'm safe and discreet as far as my escorting goes..... so my dilemma is do I stay and just try to ignore the messes, or move and pay 100's more a month for neater surroundings......I'm divided....The few I've discussed this with say to stay. That my ego is leading this, and that is partly true....I've got a good landlord, I'm comfortable, my neighbors are for the most part quiet, just messy, lol. And the extra rent I'd have to pay would mean cutting back on my shopping, and social outings. Although it would be doable, would moving be a reasonable decision? That is the question, that is my dilemma.....Time to think hard on this.....

On another note....

Through all my ups and downs, this quote is what I remember. It is it that reminds me that no matter how another sees or treats me, it won't invalidate me.   

Quote-Let today be the day you stand strong in the truth of your beauty. Journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others.”-Steve Maraboli


My first client in more than a week......

17 May, 2024

Some of you have been wondering what happened to I'll try and keep things fairly short, lol.

Years ago while visitng a client I was beaten up. Back then most of us charged a rate, then for certain acts we'd expect and ask for more money. When I explained this to that client, after preforming one sexual act with him, he became enraged, pushed me off the bed, grabbed my purse and tried to take back his money. Of course I fought back.Once I've been paid, naked and you've had access to my body, you don't get money back!! In that fight at some point he kicked me in my lower back so hard I flew across the room. Long story short, ever since then I've had back issues. After that event my doctor sent me to a specialist and it was determined that my discs were herniated.The specialist recommended I find whatever therapy works, as he said everyone finds relieve in different ways. I tried acupuncture, massage, physical therapy. I believe acupuncture was what helped me, along with a supplement called Zyflamend. That time took almost a year of trying multiple types of threapies, pain/inflamation meds and supplements, until I healed. Every now and then that same pain reoccurs, but doesn't usually last long. Sometimes a week, sometimes a month or more, sometimes just a few days..... I can just be leaning over to brush my teeth and that can ignite pain in that same area. Anyhow, that pain reoccured a couple of weekends ago.I panicked because I couldn't work and I had planned on taking a trip to visit my mom for Mother's day. She is elderly and having health issues, so every moment I can get away to see her is important, and treasured.Thanks to some generous gents, I was able to go, having heated seats in my vehicle made it comfortable to drive. After some R&R with my mom and the kindness from some generous gents, the healing process this time was fairly easy. 

 Last night I saw my first client, and he was a gem.I've been blessed lately. One of the nicest men I've met in a very long time. I was treated like a queen. He had a beautiful suite, lots of snacks, which he ordered just forme, and a lovely bottle of wine. He was a generous lover, and a generous tipper. I can't thank him enough. 

So as of today I'm feeling pretty good. And will plan on being back in action fully as of Monday. Again... I can't thank those who've helped me enough. I am so grateful to all of you.....


Just getting back....

15 May, 2024

I'm home now and doing much better. A little R&R does wonders. Although I wasn't able to help my mom do any work around her home while visiting. However, our time together was wonderful and it's important to me to visit her as often as possible, as her advanced age won't guarantee many more visits. 

 While getting my messages/emials, I received a nice surprise from a gentleman who sent me a nice gift on Monday, thank you sir. I now have 4 favored gents.....It's always nice to know that there are some people who'll have my back when I need a little assitance. I can't thank you all enough!! Here is to better days ahead!!


New quotes

09 May, 2024

I'm a deep thinker, a people watcher and  a reader. I'm always reading quotes of all kinds, they often help me put things into perspective. These  seem approriate for now


And then there was this asshole!

08 May, 2024

So I had planned on taking some time off to get away and to visit my Mom for Mother's day. So I had planned on working up until the day I was to leave(Mon-Fri) in order to have some spending money while away. Those plans changed when I put my back out, which has limited my abilities to work.So I worried that I'd not be able to get away to spend Mother's day with my mom, as I can't keep taking from my savings. It is this income(escorting), and my savings that I live on.....and my savings has taken a beating these past couple of months. So on Monday I thought why not ask on twitter(X) if some of my admirers would or could contribute to my "vacation" fund...I often see other ladies asking for things regularly, and as hard as I found it to do, I did the same....Now think of that ask as you will, but first understand that I am a companion. I get paid for my time and I spend an awful lot of it on twitter posting for free, countless pictures and videos, and replying to lots of men who have never contributed anything ever, nor booked time with me. So should I feel bad for asking them for some contributions? Should I feel ashamed? Well this one asshole certainly hoped I would. Imagine seeing someone asking for help, and you respond like this .....

Thankfully two very kind gents messaged to let me know they had sent me something which helped me forget that asshole, and will also enable me to visit my mom without needing to dig to much into my savings. One gent I had met, the other I have yet to meet. Both have been very kind and generous on more than one occasion. This whole thing has taught me something, and will change the way I now engage on twitter. The "reply guys" have shown themselves, and to them I will no longer reply, nor entertain.The assholes like the idiot above, I forget about and just block.The thoughtful and generous guys I'll hopefully meet again in person and offer them some extra time.....

  It's embarrassing for me to admit needing help, and being in pain. As I pride myself on my strength and independence. Anyhow, here's hoping the next couple of days rest will help me heal and get back to doing what I love......


On vacation.....

06 May, 2024

I'll be away on vacation as of Friday May10 back on Wed the 15th. I won't be checking my messages until my return so please be mindful of that. Thanks and I hope to see you soon  To the two very thoughtful, kind and generous gentlemen who were kind enough to send me some $$ for my vacation, I am truly and so very grateful!!



03 May, 2024

As much as I talk about the negativities within this industry, I'm also lucky to be contacted by some of the loveliest gentlemen. To them I'm truly grateful. Some of those men are my clients, and others are strangers to me, who, like one generous gentlemen did this morning, reach out via email to send a generous financial gift, just because.....To all of you, thank you, thank you, thank you.....It is your kindness and consideration that keeps me going.


Dear sugar babies.....

02 May, 2024

Please becareful with who you give yourself to and please don't under value your worth....

So I see by this thread  that some of the little local pickles are now turning to sugar babies, because as they said (quote) "they don't have as much "wear on them", are much prettier, with far better bodies. Escorts can't go hard long, and sugar babies don't have 10 before you"....end quote. How do these guys know how many partners these babies have or have had or how many any escort sees? And go hard for long? If a client has been refused "going hard" by an escort it's because she just wanted to get it over with, and there was no chemistry. So that is on you, the client, lol. 

I don't know many escorts who see 10 or more clients in a shift, and there are a plethora of ladies in this biz who are facially and physically stunning....But to speak that way about a female, "they don't have as much wear on them", is telling and just disgusting.....How much wear does he have on himself!!! This way of speaking/thinking is sickening, and seems to be the mindset of many who now plague and post on that awful board. Clearly, intelligence and respectfulness is no longer a prerequisite to become a review board poster.

The issue with these guys, imo, is control. Wanting the ability to push boundaries, which they can't get away with when with an escort, and to control what happens within the arrangement and to spend less money while wielding that control.....

I feel sad for the ladies engaging with these guys as they don't realize just how they are being deceived and played.....Good luck to them is all I can say.


How pathetic!!

30 Apr, 2024

Apparently there is a "person" ( I say person, because some believe this person to be a female, although this person represents themselves to be a male) on that review board I despise, who has made a "secret" website on which they are outing escorts (listing their incalls), and other private information. All while making claims that some escorts are worth seeing and others are not. Apparently they've deemed themselves to be "escort whisperers", lol.....This "person", who I won't name, because they don't deserve the attention, is private messaging other "hobbyists" on that board, and encouraging them to join their site, and to also speak openly about their experiences when they do join. When I say openly, they are encouraging members to speak about details not allowed on review boards, nor what would be mentioned by those who respect discretion. This "person" whined in a thread on that review board that "hobbyists" were to censored there, so in revolt, they've made their own platform where their cowardly asses dish and dramatize all their escort visits......I have always abhorred these types of cowards. I call them cowards because I see anyone who has a need to make claims about anyone while using a fake name on a hidden platform, as a coward.If you have something negative to say about someone at least author it, or say it to their face..... Anyone who'd set up a visit with an escort as a ruse, or without allowing that escort to know their review board name/handle, just so they can report all the "details" back to their "brothers" is a coward. Real men respect discretion and gentlemen don't kiss and tell. These people are neither. The lack of respect these goofs have is immeasurable. Visiting with any escort should be about having some fun then leaving. Not an event you take part in just so you can then relay details to other gossip hungry losers. Not an event that you take part in then nip pick apart every detail just because... Imagine if escorts got together and made a website just so we could talk about our clients, their bodies, their flaws, hygiene, where they lived, their jobs, etc, etc.....Imagine!! I'm truly and utterly disgusted by the lack of discretion and respect so many show. Discretion was at one time paramount in this industry, now it's a joke....What is even more sad is that the review board seems to be aware of this persons activities and is still allowing them to be a member, go figure!! No surprise to me though. That board has been laughable for's moderation is bias, and pathetic, and it's vetting of members is a joke.....What a sad future this industry faces with the likes of those people involved in it.....


Good bye April...

30 Apr, 2024

I'm thankful for all this month has brought to me and grateful to all those gentlemen who honored me with their company. 

 April was a very good month. Tomorrow in comes May. I'm hoping it too will be a month that brings lots of good times.......

So here is a look back into April....It started out rather slow, and with some not so nice weather, but it quickly progressed into warmer days and lots of new bookings.I've decided that collecting ID from new clients to be somewhat pointless, and now prefer getting deposits. So many timewasters seem to enjoy offering up ID's to book appts they never plan on following through on. At least when I collect a deposit, I've something that makes holding a time slot worthwhile and there seems to be alot of clients who have no issue paying a deposit. I've met some lovely new clients this month, who've returned....and there is no better compliment than a gentlemen rebooking after a first meeting.I've also had some clients from years past return. That too is very flattering...

 The warmer weather has me out walking more, which makes my dog happier, lol. I hope it'll also help me work off some of those extra calories I've been enjoying. I thought our appetites waned with age, mine seems to just keep increasing. I've been enjoying some of our local eateries, and have a couple of new favorites. I hope you understand why I won't mention them here....Grocery prices keep surprising me, that is one thing that hasn't waned.....and the future of that heppening doesn't look hopeful either. How families make ends meet now makes me wonder. So many now are struggling. I'm so very thankful I'm still doing fine.....So as we slide into a new Month, I'll wish everyone peace, prosperity and hope....hope for a bright future, warm, sunny days and lots of goodtimes  


I've been so busy...

26 Apr, 2024

I've had so much going on of late, I haven't had time to write or think.... Personal things and my clients are keeping me very busy, and the warmer weather, well somewhat warmer, lol, has been keeping me outdoors as well. So I haven't been on top of posting ads/writing blogs, or doing the things that extra free time allows. However I'm hoping today and the weekend will allot me some.....I hope your time is being spent as you like and enjoy....Until next time, be safe, happy and be good to yourself  


My little gold bikini.....

17 Apr, 2024

It's one of those outfits I've had for quite some time but have only worn one or twice in the past, like many other outfits I have. I pulled it out last week and took some pics. Some turned out pretty good, a couple of them, meh...Like many of my pictures, some look good because of the pose, the lighting, etc, others not so great for those same reasons. I'm just grateful that my body, which I've not always been very kind to is hanging in there... ( I seldom exercise now, I eat poorly, and far to much, lol) ..... I hope you enjoy the pics.


What's wrong with me?

15 Apr, 2024

What is wrong with me......It's a question I often ask myself, lol. Why do I always feel a need to defend people, and often people who'd probably step over me if I fell. I seem to have a persistent need to defend those who I feel are being unfairly demeaned or bullied. I'm of the opinion if someone hasn't maliciously harmed you, or anyone else, if someone hasn't committed a crime, then why use a social platform to try and harm them? 

In my industry this happens on review boards, in other industries, the social platforms such as X, facebook, instagram, tiktok, etc, are where people go to tarnish someone. Back in the day, when you had an issue with someone you ended up with a face to face with that person, or a phone call, it was kept personal. No one advertised their spite like the cowards of today....It's even more pathetic that these clowns use pseudonmys when they do their online bullying, as they don't have the courage to identify themselves whilst demeaning someone they've apparently met and had so called issues with. So much hatred now and over such petty things. Whatever happened to just moving on....


My new red teddy.....

14 Apr, 2024

I went shopping the other day and bought some new lingerie. This red teddy was one of the purchases....I have another new outfit I'll post at another time. I was disappointed in the selection in store at Victoria's Secret...La senza didn't have much either....and as someone who prefers shopping in store, it's becoming more difficult to find cute things.........


14 Apr, 2024

Why do people have no issue with looking/sounding stupid? All my ads request phone calls and to read my website prior to calling. My website is clear about how I prefer to be contacted, and that I don't respond to text applications, emails, or texts without specific booking details. The end result of contacting me in a manner to which I don't accept is either you become blocked, or that your email is sent to why bother? Yet so many still continue to contact me using text applications, or text without any information included, or send an email with foolishness...... I have to conclude that there are some people just enjoy acting stupidly and wasting their time.....I'll never understand them.....What a shame that respect has been taken over by stupidity.....


It's James again.....

09 Apr, 2024

So this "James Nicol"(which is an alias, btw), who's reco I find distasteful, in it's cavalier disregard for another human being, is the same "guy", who a while ago, had posted about me on this crap review board, lamenting how shocked and disturbed he was that I, as a non member of that site, could read material written on it. He added that stupid comment to a thread, now deleted, that was bashing me..... So when I saw another of his ignorant comments disguised as a review, it prompted me to write this blog.....

Here is a link to the reco thread, his reply is at the bottom,

You may not find it as distasteful as I, but read through this blog, and perhaps my explanations will change your opinion, and perhaps they won't.....

 Most know how much I dislike the review board culture, and reviews/reco's in general. Everything about most reviews/reco's are indiscreet, unnecessary, of no general benefit, imo, and always subjective. Although I dislike All types of reviews/reco's, I have to accept that anyone has a right to post one, on a site that allows them, pertaining that the person being reviewed/recoed, allows them.  *But* it is also my opinion that anyone who adds unnecessary fodder to one, such as James has done, by stating, "there are far more beautiful local providers who provide better service" just playing to his preferred crowd, sucking up, being intentionally rude, and a bully. His opinion I hope, is taken with a grain of salt.

   For any client to state in any review, that there is better, more beautiful, sexier, etc, is unnecessary. It's just plain mean and so blantly subjective, it does no one any benefit, other than the authors ego..... Your "better" may be the next persons mediocre, etc... and if you are a decent person, don't you want to benefit people in this industry? If you did, you'd write things that are respectful to all, and generally helpful to all....examples- the escorts locale was easily accessible, had stairs/elevator, had parking, or not, was clean, or tidy, etc. The escort was representative of their pictures, was friendly, or not. Was punctual, easy to communicate with, or not, contacting them was easy, or not.They made you feel comfortable, or not, etc.... But bear in mind, some of these things too could be construed as subjective.... Your negative comments should be kept for those who are intentionally harming people!! This woman allowed James to be with her intimately, and he is now going to complain that she doesn't measure up to his other companions, and offers services which are restrictive?......Think about that!! How utterly immature and petty!!

  Were you aware that an escort will often restrict services when there is an issue with a clients hygiene, if the client is being a little to rough, if they can't seem to understand a no, or if there is no chemistry, etc, etc......bear that in mind!! I don't know of this person James recoed, so I've no horse in the race, other than to point out how he and others like him, who write such needless comments, are problematic to our industry. I believe that any guy who adds an opinion like James "type" of opinion, is being a bully, thoughtless, and rude, for no good reason. Sorry for being redundant....His type are what makes the review board culture so despicable. Stating petty things about an escort or their services doesn't benefit anyone and those petty things could harm the escort, so why say them? Why portray yourself as being a petty person, an asshole, or just another review board bully.

That particular board was at one time considered a recommendation board, which practiced the motto "if you've nothing nice to say, say nothing at all"....Some of it's decent members still follow that, but others, like James, seem to have forgotten it, or simply don't care to continue following that motto or to be decent or thoughtful person.

Some of you should understand, that for any escort, any type of negative comment can sometimes greatly affect their business. If you simply didn't find them as appealing as another, or their services as wonderful, just move on, as those are things are so very subjective, stating them doesn't benefit anyone. Unless an escort has deceived clients, robbed them, or played other harmful games, they don't deserve being negatively impacted by unnecessary comments, such as those written by James. Sorry to out you James, but you continue to speak like an asshole, so.....

To further explain why I'm so upset by all this..(and I'm speaking generally) is no easy task for some escorts to allow themselves to feel safe and secure, alone in a room, with a stranger. Then to allow that stranger intimate access to their body, is for some, foreboding. Yet they proceed, because they need that income. The escort tries very hard to make sure their clients are properly and fully serviced as promised, yet sometimes that can be difficult, for many reasons, which can often be contributed to the client. Then after all that, some escorts have to also deal with the negative impact stupid comments posted on stupid review boards have on their ability to make that income, along with the personal insecurities it may create for them...... So for any client to thinks it's appropriate to jump onto some stupid review board after a date on which nothing nefarious has happened, to write how he didn't get "enough" service (which is the same as saying restrictive service) Which is the same as saying "she didn't suck my dick long enough, or without a condom", or "she didn't allow me to finger her", or "fuck her ass", or "cum multiple times", or "fuck her in every position known to man", or didn't allow me to stick my tongue down her throat", etc, etc, because it's my personal experience that guys who typically complain about services being restrictive, usually want all, or most of the forementioned.......Then to also complain that the escort, who allowed him to see her naked, and allowed him access to her body, to penetrate her in some way, "wasn't as beautiful as others he's seen" is beyond indiscreet, immature, and petty!!......The cavalier ignorance with which people like James  displays is shameful! Can you not understand that some graciousness and gratitude should be given to anyone who'll accept some money in exchange for something so very personal?......Escorts aren't objects. We shouldn't be spoken about, or compared to one another, as if we are disposable or ratable. If you think we should be, if you don't see a problem with this, then your misogyny needs to be checked, and your attitude changed...


Silly assumptions....

02 Apr, 2024

The things I've read concerning no review policies, are silly. I simply can't understand why some men who seek out escorts have to make assumptions about those of us who initiate no review policies. 

Some of the stupidity said .....

 "We're afraid of being reviewed"-Not true. I've been reviewed, and well reviewed at that! Looking back, it bothers me knowing I allowed reviews.. I see them as being extremely indiscreet, unnecessary and pointless. I advertise as authentic. If everyman I meet has the same experience can I really be authentic? Some form of connection and or chemistry has to exist, and when it doesn't would it be fair to write something negative? What one person treasures, another may not....

So no, I'm not fearful of reviews, as I said I just don't subscribe to the silly notion that they prove or mean anything, or are of any benefit for either party.

If you properly research an escort, if you read their posts/ads/website, and if they allow a phone conversation, and after all that if you can't decide of that escort is someone YOU want to meet, then you shouldn't be meeting any escorts.

"Her service must suck"-another stupid comment some guy made about those of us with no review policies. No buddy, they only thing that sucks is your thought processes.....

"Something is wrong with her"- No, those of us with no review policies have finally awoken to the fact that there is defnitely something worng with some who proliferate those review boards. We're tired of reading unnecessary salacious remarks, indiscreet information, and crude comments often written into reviews.

"She's not safe"-If she has no reviews something is wrong, she must not be safe.......Sure buddy, sure. Perhaps some of us prefer attracting men who take the time to research, and who can decide for themselves who they'd like to see....

 Making silly assumptions about anyone, then having a need to post them on toxic review boards, without any knowledge as to why the person chooses to do as they do, is the act of a fool......

This example of a couple of guys speaking about a massage provider are exactly why I dislike and see reviews as pointless....

Some have called this woman beautiful, amazing, but then you have these two guys with their silly, unnecessary comments...



02 Apr, 2024

Some of you may know how much I love the doggy position. I love it because it gives me the ability to stimulate my clit with my vibrator, while you fuck me slowly. I love when you tease my pussy with the tip of your cock, then thrust it deep inside....Tease me....feed me your cock, make me beg for more of it. Give me just the tip, then fill me.....fuck me....fuck me right, and you will make me cum hard all over your cock. Want to try doggy with me?


Happy Easter!!

29 Mar, 2024

I hope the Easter bunny is good to you this Easter. May you be blessed with prosperity, kindnesses, and happy days....Hippity hop  


Hello Cape Breton....

24 Mar, 2024

Call me crazy, I'm heading to Sydney again, lol.....I'm going to be heading out Tuesday (Mar26) morning, arriving later afternoon and staying unitl noon on Thursday (Mar 28). It's been more than 2 yrs since I've been there so if you've been wanting to meet, and you're in the area, now is the time!!

 I'll be offering well groomed, respectful gentlemen massage, companionship and sexy delights. I'll be bringing with me some lingerie, my favorite toys, and other things to make your visit a fun and exciting time.

I hope to meet you there!!

Thank you Sydney!! So many lovely, sexy gentlemen there. I'll be back this summer  


isn't that the truth!!

24 Mar, 2024

My favorite postion.....

20 Mar, 2024

Some of you know just how much I love the doggy postion. Ass up and face down....Some of you also know just how sweet tasting and tight I am.....

 Doggy position allows both clitoral stimulation, and those slow teasing thrusts of your cock, which I love so much. I'm a woman who can't orgasm from penetration alone. In doggy I can use my vibrator, while you fuck me slowly until I soak your cock with my cum.....


The British say it well///

19 Mar, 2024

Found this on twitter, thought it was on point...

A British writer penned the best description of Donald Trump I’ve ever read: “Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?”  A few things spring to mind. Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed. So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief.  Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever. I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility – for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman. But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty.  Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers. And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness.  There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface. Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront. Well, we don’t. We see it as having no inner world, no soul. And in Britain we traditionally side with David, not Goliath. All our heroes are plucky underdogs: Robin Hood, Dick Whittington, Oliver Twist. Trump is neither plucky, nor an underdog. He is the exact opposite of that. He’s not even a spoiled rich-boy, or a greedy fat-cat. He’s more a fat white slug. A Jabba the Hutt of privilege. And worse, he is that most unforgivable of all things to the British: a bully. That is, except when he is among bullies; then he suddenly transforms into a snivelling sidekick instead. There are unspoken rules to this stuff – the Queensberry rules of basic decency – and he breaks them all. He punches downwards – which a gentleman should, would, could never do – and every blow he aims is below the belt. He particularly likes to kick the vulnerable or voiceless – and he kicks them when they are down. So the fact that a significant minority – perhaps a third – of Americans look at what he does, listen to what he says, and then think ‘Yeah, he seems like my kind of guy’ is a matter of some confusion and no little distress to British people, given that: • Americans are supposed to be nicer than us, and mostly are. • You don’t need a particularly keen eye for detail to spot a few flaws in the man.  This last point is what especially confuses and dismays British people, and many other people too; his faults seem pretty bloody hard to miss. After all, it’s impossible to read a single tweet, or hear him speak a sentence or two, without staring deep into the abyss. He turns being artless into an art form; he is a Picasso of pettiness; a Shakespeare of shit. His faults are fractal: even his flaws have flaws, and so on ad infinitum.  God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid. He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart. In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws – he would make a Trump. And a remorseful Doctor Frankenstein would clutch out big clumpfuls of hair and scream in anguish: ‘My God… what… have… I… created?' If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set.” -Nate White


And so I've learned.....

19 Mar, 2024

I'm grateful to those gentlemen who decide to spend their time with me and I do my very best to make each client I see a happy and satisfied one. Those who return for repeat visits, I cherish.....So if one of them requests something I don't generally offer, I'll consider, as my clients happiness trumps least it did.....

So the other day I indulged the whims of a client I have seen before. He's a great client so I wanted to make him happy. His request was a common one, shower sex., so we suds up, lol.... He enjoyed it, so he said, I on the other hand, did not!. It was awkward, slipping and sliding every where, and I honestly don't understand the attraction to it. Penetration doesn't feel as good because it's so wet, and I dislike getting my hair soaked.....

 To each their own, but after that session, I realized, my comfort level must trump my clients. If I'm going to continue to advertise my services as being authentic...I can't be at my best while pretending to enjoy something I truly don't enjoy. That just makes me an actress, not an authentic provider, and I pride myself for my authenticity. I believe that sets me apart. 

 I enjoy offering the services I offer and those differ from client to client. When I'm given the opportunity to allow those services to shine, I'm a true GFE, pertaining that the client is clean and fresh smelling.....I play off of our chemistry, compatibility and my intuitiveness.....Your energy can tell me lots...

 The services I don't enjoy and won't consider now are....., feet worship/ foot fetishes, receiving spankings, anal sex (only tried it once, and not interested in trying it again), golden showers, domination, and, lol, obvioulsly, shower play.

 Services I do enjoy, kissing (prefer light kissing to dfk), bj's (lovvvvve giving those)...covered, and occasionally uncovered for those special gents), massage ( I am told I'm one of the best), sex (favorite sex positions -doggy and missionary), edging( I love getting you rock hard and ready to bust, then slowing down, and taking you to the edge again.)...., titty play, (as some know, I love having my nips sucked), rimming(receiving), fingering(only with those who have very clean, trimmed nails), msog, dirty talk (I'm one of the best), bondage, role play, toy play, prostate massage, and dildo play. 

 My favorite dates are dinner dates and those dates that are longer, 3 hours plus. It's those types of dates on which I can feel the most relaxed, amorous and titillated. It's on these dates where we can let our guards down, take our time, and enjoy each other completely without the worry of our time running out to quickly. There is nothing more erotic, imo, than sharing delicious food, drink, along with sexual activites....As a sapiosexual woman, I derive as much, if not more pleasure, from being mentally stimulated, as I do from clitoral stimulation....  

So lesson learned...... As much as I want and enjoy making my clients fantasies a reality, and satisfying their desires. In order for me to be at my best, those fantasies, and desires must also align with my own.....I suppose I already knew this!



Mentioning addresses...

17 Mar, 2024

It no longer shocks me that our local review board has allowed some of it's careless members to once again post a providers location. They named the street/road/ave.....Then, when one responsible member mentioned that it was wrong to do so, it was played off as no big deal. ......Here is the issue, mentioning any providers locale, be that a street name, a neighborhood, a hotel, etc, puts that provider in jeopardy!! Any respectful, intelligent person who interacts within this industry knows this. Anytime a providers locale is made known publicly it jeopardizes their safety.That's all that should need to be said to make it from happening over and over again!!! It opens them up to stalkers, possible landlord issues (if they're renting), looky lous, and other needless problems. Far to many review board dickheads thinks that's it's a joke, and no big deal and it's always them who cry the loudest when some infinitesimal issue occurs when they're "hobbying".... I'm surprised that  redhead that always has something to say on that board hasn't said something  .......

The recent foolishness on that board seems to be getting worse. Guys making disparaging comments about local ladies, guys making uninformed comments about reviews, and other immature nonsense. In one thread you have one guy praising two local girls, and their service, then you have another guy stating that they aren't good, and not for him.....hence my opinion about reviewing an escort encounter. Intimacy isn't something anyone should want to rate or review like you'd do to any other inanimate object, it should be discreet. After all, discretion is first and foremost in this industry!!  And intimacy is far to subjective.If a provider is providing an authentic service, it's never going to be the same, from one client to another....and one mans gold might be another mans bronze, so how does speaking about that openly, aide anyone? Another reason is, as in the instance mentioned above, people hear negative comments far more loudly than they hear postive ones. And more often than not, guys will make negative comments unnecessarily,and undeservedly. They'll weaponize their reviews or use them to promote someone who may not necessarily deserve promoting. It's a flawed system, used by flawed people, imo....and  as far as I'm concerned and I'm sorry to say, any provider that uses those boards is aiding in promoting that behavior by using those boards.......It's sad that there are so many within this industry who think of themselves only, and not about how their actions, or inactions are hurtful and or harmful to others. They promote their willingness to be helpful or considerate, all while being selfish and inconsiderate.

In this industry there will always be gentlemen and review board dickheads..... Gentlemen undertand discretion, respect it, and they treat those they visit, like human beings,and not play toys,or objects. Then you have those review board dickheads who get off on talking about their "conquests" . They have no idea of discretion, nor an understanding of intimacy. They think fucking is a sport, and anyone they fuck they have to talk about. Perhaps that's all they're capable of, and that's all they've got to talk about.....

Shame on me for lurking again....   


Here we go again....

12 Mar, 2024

I'm speaking about the American election. It looks like another battle between that orange turd and Joe Biden. So much crap now on social media, it's hard to ignore most of it. My despise for the orange turd began after hearing his taped quote "grab em by the pussies". I started reading about him, watching him speak( body language), hearing interviews, and found my despise justifiable, especially as time went on. His ease at lying, promoting hate, racism, and destruction of bills that would protect the enviroment, also fed my despise. 

It wasn't long before 2016 that I had joined a review board, based out of Ontario. With each post I made I'd get a guy that would berate and insult the posts I made , me or both. He followed me incessantly. It was four years into my membership on that board, that this stalker admitted to having booked me when he was in Halifax. It took me a few days to recollect exactly who he was....then I remembered it was that client that had compared himself to Trump, back in 2016, lol. I remembered him distinctly. A very average man who was rude, uncomfortable to talk to and pushy.... Upon entering my bedroom after his shower, while I was laying on the bed, he leaned over and said that he was just like Trump. That He was a dynamic which caused me to burst into laughter, and I said to him that "yes I could see the resemblance"....I remember how angry that made him.It was my laughing AT him, that I believe angered him. He dressed hurriedly while spouting insults and when he left, he slammed my door so loudly one of my neighbours peaked their head out......This prompted me to despise Trump even more. As each time I'd see Trump on Tv/online, I'd be reminded of that other douche bag. I did beleive the two had much in common. Both hateful, narcissistic, mysogynistic, cowardly bullies, with a clear need to beltittle people in order to feel bigger, better, wiser. They're attention whores.....with the self control of a child and the empathy of a psychopath.....

I stopped my interactions with that awful client by leaving that review board, and by ignoring all his further attempts at bulling/stalking me. But now here we are again, entenched deeply in Trump shit for the next number of months....That is much harder to ignore, as it's everywhere.....not sure my sanity will survive seeing his stupidity day after day.........Lets hope these months pass quickly and that the end result will be him losing AGAIN!!...

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#Sydney, #Nova Scotia

10 Mar, 2024

I had posted on twitter a couple of weeks ago about going to Sydney, as it's been a few years since I've visited, and the responses were favorable. However my Halifax clients are keeping me busy here. So although I still plan on going, when has yet to be decided. I'm pretty sure it will be this month, if not, the first part of next month. I'm looking forward to revisiting again. See you soon.....



"Nice tits"

03 Mar, 2024

That was a response I had received from a twitter follower to one of my recent posts.I responded to him with sarcasm..."What a romantic compliment". To which he responded "romance doesn't exist any longer it's all about sex and lust". Well I don't believe that, and even if it were true, if you want to compliment a woman, please do it with more class than that....

I suppose that, because I post provocative pictures some might think it's to be expected to receive some crude replies....and perhaps thats true. Regardless, I believe that you can be provocative whilst still maintaining some class. I don't know any woman, in this business or out, who'd want to interact with a guy who throws out those kind of remarks, beyond just taking his money, that is.

If you want some positive feedback, then communicate politely, with class and some intelligence. 


Happy March.....

01 Mar, 2024

Welcome March. I hope this month will be a prosperous, happy, peaceful and productive month for you. 

I'm contemplating making a roda trip to a couple of cties I haven't been to in a few years, namely SaintJohn, NB, Sydney, Nove Scotia, and possibly Truro, I've never visited there. So perhaps we'll have a chance to meet there. Until then be well and have a beautiful weekend.



27 Feb, 2024

Screening by escorts today is a must and commonplace. It has become a must because unfortunately, there seems to be an overwhelming amount of people contacting escorts just to waste their time, or to be problematic. It is also imperative that our safety is protected. Knowing who you are is the first step in doing that. Knowing who you are is important for many reasons. Speaking for myself, I screen to protect myself from time wasters, and to also get a sense of compatibility with my chosen gentleman.

I don't have the pressures of having to meet a certain number of clients per day/week or month so it's important to me that whom I meet has something I find interesting and or attractive. I plan and I enjoy my dates, and as much as I can fake my way through a date just to take the cash, I'd much rather spend my time authentically and with someone I choose to be with for reasons beyond the cash only.

When I screen I want to see government id, prior to meeting, which is sent either by email or text. I give screening instructions when booking my date. As they can differ from client to client. I seldom have a problem getting id's or deposits, so when a potential client refuses that request, my spidey senses go off and I assume him to be a potential time waster, and block. My ads/website and social posts all state that I screen, so if someone is contacting me without wanting to be screened, they are wasting my time! There is nothing attractive about a potential client who contacts me while being uninformed, not having read anything I've written. It tells me that he's really not intertested in me or respectful of my needs. Especially if he contacts me to prattle on about how unsafe giving his info would be. I've met far to many gentlemen with lots to lose, who've trusted me, and who have had no issues doing so.

It is passe to expect an escort to say "come on over" to X street, apt, or room X....without you providing a deposit, id, or both. If you are hearing of, or meeting those types of escorts, I'd say if you weren't robbed, or scammed by them, you're lucky, and to beware if you're contemplating meeting one. The first sign of a professional escort, is the fact that they screen. No if's ands or buts about it. Gone are the days of simply picking up the phone and ordering....and we can thank those guys and gals who've taken it upon themselves to purposely waste an escorts time, and this is usually done out of spite, jealously, and their inability to be successful and or happy.

Remember we are professionals, we are aware of safety issues with phones, the internet, etc, and take precautions to protect the information we collect. Of course I don't have the same protections your bank has, but I'm quite sauvy and work with professionals who have helped guide me with helpful tips, and procedures to assure me that what I do collect is done so properly and safely. Remember, I choose to meet the men I meet. They are important to me. They all have something I like and treasure about them. If anything were to happen to them or their information it would be crushing to me. So please respect those of us who treat our business/lifestyle in a professional way. In the end, It is in your best interest.



20 Feb, 2024

This blog was inspired by a recent exhange I had with a person on twitter(X)....I was reading a thread started by another escort who stated that "a client doesn't need to tip her."....I responded to one of the respondents "that since we are in a service industry, getting tipped should be as common for us as it is with any other service provider", ie: massage therapists, nail techs, estheticians, beauticians, waiters/waitresses, consierge, etc, etc....Of course I received a couple of ridiculous replies. One being "that we shouldn't expect tips, because we are our own bosses, and set our own rates", and an idiot asked "if the service was ordinary is it free", that stupid question didn't deserve a reply. Another person asked, "since clients pay upfront, do I expect the tip before or after the service is given"....... My response, even though I suspect the question wasn't posed in sincerity,( I appologized to that person as he contacted me to assure me that he was sincere in his question), and I realize that I'm in the Maritimes, where review board mentality is rife, " the expectations of clients I have are for him to be on time, respectful, clean and to be discreet, and that a tip as I see it, is to show appreciation for the service ****received****". Therefore it'd be safe to say, that a tip would be given after the service was given, since received is past tense....although some nice men do include it upon payment,lol. 

I also believe that the escort who made the statement "you don't need to tip me", is typical to many, when it comes to responding to clients.I believe many escorts will always speak politely and only with opinions that favor clients.They won't speak with honest emotion or opinions, on open forums, about their expectations of clients, as it could harm their earning potential. I on the other hand, don't care, lol....Long gone are the days to which I will cow tow to anyone for financial gain. Long gone are the days of me worrying that some guy will speak negatively of me on some review board, if I speak openly and honestly about this business or of my experiences. No longer will I put up with any abuse, bullying, or prepetuated beliefs about how an escort should behave. When a client hires an escort, they pay for that escorts time. What that escort provides, how they provide, and how many times, is entirely up to that escort. The client didn't purchase rights to her body he paid for a segment of her time!The fact that some guys still think they can influence any of that because of their board membership, is telling to how they view the escorting industry and those they engage with. Be aware of them!!

It's them and their ilk who'll prattle on about how escorts earn to much, don't pay taxes, and that we shouldn't expect a tip, because their money is hard earned, and we don't deserve more of it because we make enough......These are usually the same guys who'll also expect to get off as many "rounds" (their language, not mine) as possible per visit. Who'll expect their shower time to be off the clock, and who have no concept of the meaning of discretion and  they gossip on those boards, more than church ladies gossip to one another! Their misogyny is evident to everyone but themselves....These are the very types of clients I hope will never again cross my doorstep. 

 The fact remains, we provide a service, a very special, intimate service, and one that requires multiple skills, patience, and courage, as it can be very dangerous at times.....So yes, I definitely believe we derserve to be tipped and that when the subject of tipping serviders is broached, our service shoould be included in that discussion,. Whether or not you decide to tip, is entirely your decision. But be aware, that when partaking in the service industry,and escorting is part of the service industry, tipping is commonly's a polite way of you expressing your thanks for the service given,

No surprise that this blog and my opinion would ruffle the feathers of a few cheapskates, lol. As this twitter post below indicates...This type of response is typical behavior of those misogynistic review board 

bullies. It's also a sign of immaturity and pItake some time and work on his lacking communcati

oIn skills.His anger has clearly clouded his reading ability...No where in any of my posts was I "demanding" that we be tipped. Ibroached this topic and was trying to make a point that as a sex worker, we provide a service, and although different to many other services, it's still a service. Therefore tipping us should be as common as tipping any other service provider. And as one gentleman stated, "tipping is a polite way of showing someone you appreciated the service given"....

 My comment to his post above was "thanks for telling us how you really feel about sex workers. I hope you find some happiness".To which he responded below, lol...His disdain for sex workers in general is evident in his responses. Which is scary, because he follows alot of sex workers, and seeks out their services.....


Allow me to indulge you.....

18 Feb, 2024

There is nothing I enjoy more than indulging the desires of a gentleman.I love it when I know a man is comfortable in my company and feels safe expressing himself freely..... I love tempting him with my curves, teasing him with my soft voice and sensual words, and pleasing him with my sexual skills. The skill I enjoy performing the most is my erotic blow job......... 

There is nothing more erotic than stimulating a man to where he moans heavily and becomes rock hard. Feeling him throbbing in my mouth is the most sensual feeling.... Watching his horny reactions as I suck the head of his hard cock, stroke his shaft and suckle on his balls, this always gets me wet!!

You should contact me so I can worship your cock until you feel ready to explode in my mouth.....


Doing my happy dance....

17 Feb, 2024

Some of you already know how much I despise Trump, so yesterdays ruling made my has given me cause to do a happy dance, lol. A long happy dance. I won't celebrate to much though, as I know hoping for another persons downfall, even when well deserved, can often backfire.

But it has been fun reading all the twitter of the funnier posts was this one, lol. It's actually a video. If you follow me on X/twitter, have a look. It's funnier with the video playing......


Cancellation fees....

16 Feb, 2024

It seems that there is some confusion for some guys out there on how these fees are handled. This blog is because of a recent event with another escort and her client......

That client had cancelled on her within a 24 hour period. He had his date booked, and for whatever reason, cancelled, and told her to keep the deposit. Fair enough. YET....while paying her on their next date, he was short and said he'd pay at the end of the date.....hours later, he then said the deposit he had given her a couple of weeks past, could be used to cover the remaining cost. WRONG!!!

That is NOT how cancellation fees work. Nor do you, the client, get to determine how we use them, or how much we require. Unless your escort tells you that your cancellation fee or deposit, can be used for a future date, then and only then should it be. If not then presume it's for the time missed.

We all have different expectations, and most escorts will list those on their websites or within their ads, pay attention to them. We will also mention those upon booking. Again, pay attention. If you cancel, you are responsible for compensating us for that time missed. No ifs and or buts.....If you don't agree with these fees, then pick someone who doesn't have any......good luck with that!!


Your opinion matters.....

16 Feb, 2024

Part of the reason I prefer my clients calling me to book their dates is because I like having conversations with people. However, those initial phone calls are kept short. Because as much as I enjoy talking, my phone time is limited, especially with initial contact. A persons voice, it's inflections, particular questions asked/answered, and opinions held, will all determine whether or not I decide to meet you. 

Upon meeting I like having interesting conversations.It's a part of the date I look forward to.Those conversations tend to become more interesting when the person I'm chatting with holds differing opinions to mine. Often times, I can learn things from those with different perspectives and playful banter can be fun and sexy!!

Speaking of which.....I had a long conversation with a recent client I met in Fredericton. We talked about alot of different subjects, it was very enjoyable. The particular subject we disagreed about was my previous blog. The blog in which I named and pictured a couple of trouble makers I had encountered while in Fredericton. He felt my doing so would look unfavorably upon other words, he felt that my naming them could cause other potential clients to feel unsafe with me, because I might do the same to them.....Although I understood his point, I disagreed with it. I explained to him that there are guys who intentionally set up escorts, and then there are guys who just flake, chicken out, or who have legit set backs. We can tell the difference.The latter you excuse, or ignore, and move on from, the others you have to name. If they are not named, then they'll have the confidence to do it again and again. And although I realize that my reasoning sin't foolproof, it's what gives me peace of mind. I could do more.....

So, although your opinions matter to me and that I value them and any sage advice, they won't always change my opinion or my actions:)

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And then there were these two assholes..

09 Feb, 2024

Can you imagine waking up one day thinking, today is the day I’m going to contact Cristy just so I can stand her up., just so I can play mind games with an escort..... What type of mindset could a person have when what they set out to do is to try and cause a stranger to them,  trouble? What kind of man contacts an escort, books her, then intentionally doesn’t show up for the time booked.….Well.... you’d have to ask the jerk pictured, or Dave the chef. 514-882-3276. They both willingly booked time with me with the clear intention of not showing up.Dave didn't even have the courage to answer his phone to offer an apology, or an expplanation. The other goof disconnected his phone!! I get a few time wasters each time I travel outside of Halifax. Most timewasters are obvious, and you roll your eyes at their stupidity and childishness and move on. Then there are those few like the two I'm blogging about here, who I have no shame in naming, and or posting their picture. Guys like them take pride in their games, and need to be shut down.They are intentional and pathetic. Guys like them need to be stopped. Whether or not naming and shaming them will do that, is yet to be seen......

  The guy in the picture was so cowardly he disconnected his phone after he booked me, lol… "Dave the chef" the other timewaster, told me that he was a hobbiest, and that he had regular ladies in Fredericton and Moncton…. Aren’t they lucky ( I say with sarcasm) he also claims to enjoy using the review board site Lyla. Dave has given me one more reason to detest hobbiests, and that stupid review board…. Let’s hope these losers get a life and find something better to do with their time other than playing games with escorts!!

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06 Feb, 2024

I'm excited to be making my way back to #Fredericton, #NewBrunswick, this Thursday, Feb8, staying until noon Saturday, the 10th. Fingers crossed, the weather will co-operate, and allow me to travel safely. 

I'm hoping to meet some familiar clients, and some new ones too. Don't be shy to reach out,902-444-0414, I prefer phone calls. I hope to make your morning, afternoon, or evening, a sexier one....lets meet and have some fun!!

What I expect of you: 

Please be well groomed. Clean nails, on hands and feet, nice teeth, fresh breath, and if you have an allergy to dogs, please let me know, as I travel with one.I expect you to be discreet, ontime, and to keep the time you've booked. To those who try and waste my time, lol, I keep notes....

What you can expect: 

I'll be well groomed, dressed in sexy lingerie, heels, and stockings. My service is authentically offered, unrushed, and professional. I have a great sense of humor, and love to laugh. I want to spend time with gentlemen who are simply looking to relax and enjoy some good times, free of gossip and drama.And as I said before, timewaters, I keep notes!!


Recanting, rehashing...why?

02 Feb, 2024

Sometimes a person will ask me why I speak about my past experiences, especially of those involved in them.... Well, because I never forget. I move on, but again, I never forget and I believe some of those memories deserve rehashing.Especially when those involved have never apolgized.

 I can forgive anyone, but only when given an apology, and a sincere apology. Although I know those who I've had negative interactions with will never apologize as they'd first have to admit to being in the wrong. Something they're incapable of, and you could never convince them any different. So as long as you're reading this blog, you'll notice there will be times where I recant and rehash and often, for no particular reason. Sometimes things come to mind and I feel the need to discuss them again..........Happy Friday:P)

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Happy Feb!

01 Feb, 2024

Welcome February!!! I'll be working today Thursday Feb1 -through Sunday Feb4th, 10am-10pm....and I'm feeling generous!! I love longer dates, 3 hrs plus, so for these few days I'll be discounting my 3hr date from 950-to 750....this will end as of Sunday Feb4 @ 6pm....I hope you'll be wating to indulge and celebrate this new month with me!!


Valentines day.....

01 Feb, 2024

Love day, or as others know it, Valentine's day, is a day on which we show those we love, care about, or admire, our appreciation by gifting them something they'd enjoy. That might be cash, candy, flowers, a beautiful dinner out, or one made at home, etc, etc. This valentine's day I'll be away and offline. So, if you are someone who'd like to gift me something, I'd be ever so grateful and appreciative and maybe, just maybe I'll send you a sexy picture back, for showing me just how much you appreciate me....I've some graphic pictures I'm willing to share with the right man...... You can send your gift to [email protected] 

I wish you an amazing, special, love filled Valentine's day.....



27 Jan, 2024

At this stage it's important to me that when I meet a new client, we have some things in common, some compatibility. Clearly, I'd be far richer if I accepted any date I was offered without caring about this. But I do this for as much my own enjoyment as I do for the financial gain. So who I choose to meet is important to me. I also hope it's important to those who choose to contact me. Although it does seem that lately so many contact me now without reading my website, or with care towards how I prefer to be contacted. I'm getting more and more younger men wanting to meet because they've a milf fantasy......not really my cup of tea. I'm not looking to be some young guys... "Stiflers mom"....

I'm attracted to intelligent, well groomed, mature, well spoken gentlemen, who contact me as I request, within the hours I advertise, and for the reasons I write about. My dates aren't soley sex based. I'm interested in the men I meet. I like having a conversation, I enjoy pampering them and I enjoy pleasing them. In order for that to happen without me being artificial I have to have some sort of attraction, which comes with having some compatibility..... So never be offended if I refuse you. None of us is for everyone. I want those I meet to leave happy, satisfied, and wanting to return. In order for that to occur they have to see more in me than my physical features.....So here is to meeting the right people, for the right kind of fun:)


Lexy Grace.....

26 Jan, 2024

So you may wonder why I am openly mentioning this person by her alias and why I'm being so unkind with my words.........Well..... when someone, who over the years has written and told numerous lies and insulting comments about me, with the intention of bringing harm to me, my reputation, and business, I will no longer be mute, discreet, nor kind towards them. I will always name openly those I know to be spreading lies and who have no issue trying to harm me, my reputation, or my business.....

But why now?....Well her name has come up a few times recently, and it triggers me.I do believe there is someone up to no good, as it's no coincidence that when I make mention of someone, a thread will soon appear on a certain site speaking of that person......I had mentioned her name on twitter in response to some post then not long after, someone had posted a thread asking if anyone had seen her recently, and then they responded they had seen her and that she is now toothless, and that life must be very hard on her..... That comment has since been removed. Now I see there is another thread where someone is mentioning her in a positive light, would that be a coincidence or damage control? Anyhow, anytime I see or hear her name, it reminds me of just how shrewd, callous, calculating and vile she has been and sometimes I find it cathartic to vent about her here. Especially, since I don't believe people like her change. 

So here is my remembrance of her.....I met her decades ago when I had escort services. She had called me looking for work. Remember what I said...She called me. Anytime we worked together, SHE called me wanting to work, wanting to make money.... And when any escort was interviewed, they were asked specific questions, and I explained how I worked, and asked them to show id. So they had a choice to work or not, within my boundaries.... She later bragged in an online post how her id shown was her sisters, as she, (Lexy), was supposedly underage. She wrote how she had found it funny that she had deceived is that funny? By doing that she had put me and anyone else in my company in jeopardy of a police bust!!....Back then it was next to impossible to get black girls appointments. So I never interviewed many. 98% of men who called wanted someone white, preferrably blonde or brunette, young (19-25) and petite or young and Asian.....older/mature escorts too were also hard to find appointments for, back then.....Yet many years later, Lexy would tell others that I worked her like a dog. How did I work her like a dog, if I couldn't get her much biz?.....She contrived many lies. Another was trying to convince many that I was the one who was reporting posts on craigslist, because she claimed that I was jealous of everyone, especially her. Back then craigslist was where many people advertised, and it was at that time, that posts were being removed because of the U.S. taking a stand against trafficking, and online escort advertising. Eventually no one could advertise there and the sections to advertise in were removed completely. Yet she tried hard to convince many that I it was all my doing.....I wish I had the wherewithal to know how to screenshot then, as I'd be able to post her exact words here today.... She also tried many times to have me kicked off of the review board, cerb (now lyla), on which I was a member, (2011-2015), by reporting me for whatever she could contrive to be against their rules. She contacted the mods there numerous times in order to convince them that I was running services whilst being a member there, which wasn't the case. The amount of time and effort she put into having my reputation and membership revoked, was impressive, lol. She did eventually succeed with having me evicted from that site, along with the help from Emily Rushton, Gabriella Lawrence and probably one ot two more, lol....Which did me the world of good in the end....My reputation however, they'll never tarnish....

So to whomever is stirring the pot now, by writing threads about her, go ahead and stir...I speak the truth. Lexy will have to live with all the troubles she caused, all the lies she told. Because I'll continue to recant them anytime I see her name mentioned. She'll try and convince others that I'm wrong, that she never did any of it, yet there are others who have experienced that side of her. There are others who know......Lexy has to live with her karma. Some will try and protect her. But karma gets us all in the end.....So perhaps there is some truth in what that person wrote, that Lexy is toothless, and looks like life is being very hard on her, if so,  perhaps thats her karma. Which I won't celebrate. I find no comfort in another persons hardships. However, I will also feel no empathy, nor sympathy for someone who has been so very cruel and dishonest and for no good reason. I believe there are people who have good in them, and then there are people who are no good. One type you forgive and try and understand, the other, you warn others about....


Bait n switch......

26 Jan, 2024

I've written about this before, and I'm being some what hypocritical, as I believe there are no hard and fast rules within escorting. Yet this bait n switch thing has got me thinking differently. I believe it is a rule, and one that should either be followed or not. Yet often you can read where some escorts who are using random pictures as ther own,( bait n swtiching), are condemned, called unsafe, unreliable, and run out of the business. While on the other hand, you'll read recommendations and praises of other escorts who've also used random pictures instead of their own. So is it wrong or right to use pictures to advertise that are not your own? Either bait n swithing is accepted by all or not by anyone at all......I think it is unfair to allow one racial demographic to use this form of advertising as it's norm, all while random escorts are condemned for doing the very same thing...... 


Falling from grace.....

26 Jan, 2024

Recently, there have been warnings posts about a once highly praised lady.The posts claim that she is taking deposits without providing services. Basically, stealing from clients......I don't know the truth of these rumors, or posts. I, like anyone, can only make assumptions based on what is written, which I detest doing. Because we all know that sometimes people will post lies just to defame someone. The issue I have, and why I'm writing this, is if there is any truth to those rumors, why isn't anyone reaching out to this person to see if they are alright? Someone doesn't go from being trusted and praised, to thievery, without something serious going on. I'm concerned for her. If this is happening, then this person is obviously in need of help. I'd like to know why her "community" members, her peers, her duo partners, are not speaking up, and also displaying a sense of concern? It's just crickets..... I find this all very sad and disturbing. BUT, then again, I've seen this happen before. I've seen those who have "fallen from grace", belittled, ignored, or even made fun of in the past.....It seems in this industry those who are quick to praise are also quick to defame.....and those who'll support you while you're raking it in, will throw you overboard, when you no longer can......I've yet to see much empathy shown from most who claim that this industry is a "community". Hopefully in this case somethings will change. Hopefully, if those clients who have made claims of being taken advantage of, are being honest, then I hope she'll make things right with them and that they will be forgiving. If she is in need of help, I'll hope she gets the help she needs. I for one would be willing to do what I can.....

 On another note.....I will continue to hope that those who take part in this industry, will come to understand that we all should want to be supportive, kind and respectful to one another, regardless of our personal feelings towards anyone. If we have any humanity or empathy at all...Since any of us who have been in this industry for some time realize, at it's best, just how difficult, and trying it can be. So....When any of us errs, or falls from grace, we shouldn't just sit back and watch, we shouldn't jump to condemn, instead we should offer help, be supportive, want to educate, to do something positive......Not condemnation, nor enjoyment at watching someone fall. We should also want to quiet those escorts and clients, who try and purport false narratives concerning the industry, and bias towards some of it's members. We should have the courage and concern to speak out against anyone trying to be harmful towards another. We should want to educate anyone who brags about their status, who equates success in this industry by who they see, or by how much they earn.We should explain why this way of thinking isn't true, nor helpful to them or anyone else.....This false narrative that any one escort is better or worse than another because of how much they earn, by how many reco's they receive, or because of who they see is so very old and tired. Your ideal of success may be night and day to mine.Yet in our industry we are constantly encouraged to measure up to someone else's yardstick, instead of our own.Sometimes those pressures can cause some mental health issues for some. We all have value, and NO ONE has the right to determine yours. I measure my success by my own values and needs, I suggest you do the same:) I will never force my values on you, and you should never force your values onto another.

In this industry, there are no hard and fast rules, other than the ones we each make for ourselves. Since we all offer different services, in different ways, and to different clienteles as independent contractors. What I may accept and except, another may not, and so on........

 Be happy with where you are. If you want to go further, I wish you a safe journey, I know you'll get there.

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Outfit requests....

17 Jan, 2024

I've spoken on this subject a few times, having read something recently, prompts me to broach it again....

Sometimes you'll hear a client praising an escort for dressing as he requested. He'll compliment her for being "easy to get along with"....the problem with that message is that it infers that those of us who dislike outfit requests, as being difficult, or not wanting to please our clients. Which isn't the case. A date with someone, especially someone new, is a little nerve wracking to begin with, and when someone expects you to dress up as they want, and not as you'd feel comfortable, can add to that nervousness.....I understand that some clients have a look they find sexier than others, and that they fantasize about, yet they need to also keep in mind that the look they want may not suit the escort they've chosen to meet. They should also know before making those requests,  whether or not the escort is open to them.

I want to look my best, for any client, and I know what styles of clothing suits me the best. I also have a certain style of dressing that helps me to feel in the mood, and sexy. So I'll always prefer to choose what I wear. I have no judgement towards those escorts who'll do what their clients request, that's their buisness, not mine, nor towards clients who have a need to expect a certain dress code. However, clients need to know that we're all different regarding the services we offer and how we offer them. No client should want to make it appear that an escort who dislikes clothing requests, is being difficult, or less accommodating. We all have preferences, and people who have preferences aren't being difficult, people who push their preferences upon another, are....

  What clients need to do more of is research, reading ads/websites, and listening to an escorts likes/dislikes. That way they can more easily find someone who'll suit their whims. We all advertise to give our clients insight into what we offer, don't allow, etc....please pay attention to that.  


A thank you......

15 Jan, 2024

Some of you may not realize just how important you are to me. So I wanted to use this opportunity to tell you.....Your company is titillating, stimulating, interesting, endearing and cherished!!..... You can turn a mundane day into an exciting one, and a horny woman into a satiated one, lol.......When you book a date, you give me something to look forward to and someone to get dressed up for, and I love getting dressed up!!.....I love our conversations, cuddle time and just how safe and desired you make me feel......Not only have I made some wonderful friendships, but your visits have also enabled me to express myself openly in many ways, and without fear of judgement. I'm so very grateful to those who've entrusted me with their identities, and their confidences.Trust is so important in our ongoing realtionships and I'm so very grateful for your trust in me.....You've all helped me to grow my self confidence, my bank account, and experiment with my desires. I'm even grateful to the bad clients, as they teach me things too, mostly, how not to behave, and how grateful I am for those who visit me regularly. So to all of you, who've appreciated all of me.....Thank you, thank you so much!!. 2024 has started out brilliantly and I look forward to our future dates.....


Oral hygiene

12 Jan, 2024

I'm sorry to hurt anyone's feelings, but I have to be honest.....Nice white teeth matter to me. When I meet a client and if he has obvious missing teeh, or if they are clearly unkempt looking, for whatever reasons, I'm not going to want to be intimate with him.I understand that there are some medications and some health issues that can change the colour/quality of the teeth, and I feel for anyone if they are experiencing this. But I don't want to be put into a compromising postion of having to tell anyone to their face that I can't be intimate with them. I have to have an attraction to my client in order to be intimate with him. That starts with their hygiene....Oral, and body. He can be short, tall, have hair, no hair, scars, be missing body parts, be small, big, obese even, have a disability, or not, I don't care. But teeth are a thing with me.....We all have our things....I've said this many times in the past and it seems that some like to ignore this, and show up with bad teeth, expecting great service.....that isn't fair to me. I also have a preference to seeing non-smokers. The smell of weed or cigarettes is a turn off also....So please understand, I don't expect my clients to have chicklets for teeth, but they should look like they visit a dentist regularly, and please if you're a smoker, you'll have to go a day or two without smoking, prior to seeing me, if you want to get the smell of cigarettes especially, remains in and on you for days after you smoke.....I respect and honor my clients wishes, they too should do the same for me..... Thanks for understanding

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So far.....

06 Jan, 2024

2024 has started out busy and sadly, with some drama.....Why is there always some kind of drama popping up. Yesterday I learned that an escort, by the name of LexyGrace, who seldom posts, or advertises now, at least to my knowledge. and who I suspected for years, of trying every tactic to discredit my name/reputation, was brought up by someone. They confirmed everything I had suspected about her. But what was so upsetting, is the maliciousness of those lies, and how many other people she had recruited in her campaign against me. I knew she was troubled, since level headed sane people don't act as she has acted, but I had never realized that she was that deranged and evil. It never ceases to amaze me the lengths some escorts and clients will go to disparage someone they've taken a dislike to. It's psychotic behavior, imo!! Back in 2016 there was another evil soul who stalked me, online and off, for years. It was a few years into his stalking that he admitted to singling me out to meet in person. He admitted openly on a review board that he had come to see me, without letting me know it was he who was stalking me on that review board......His stalking, bullying, and childishness lasted a few more years, until I stopped posting there, and when covid hit, the boards went quiet and he migrated to TERB, under a different pseudonym with a similar but more subdued personality. Apparently he had to find found new targets and a new stomping ground. As his former stomping grounds no longer entertained his behavior, and his  previous handle/name was sullied because of it.  

I've disliked a few people throughout the years. People I've met through escorting, and a few in my personal life. When I dislike someone I cut ties to them. and do my best to avoid any places I might run into them. I don't start hate campaigns, nor do I make up lies about them, or recruit others to hate on them. So please excuse me for venting here about those who've done the opposite to me. As I find it very hard to understand. I try and reassure myself that those who hold no bias will see the truth for what it is, and ignore the lies. I do find writing these types of blogs draining, and prefer to stay postive and concentrate on all the blessings I have......Happy January. Lets have a great month and enjoy a fabulous new year!!


2023, a year in review.....

06 Jan, 2024

To be honest, I can't remember how 2023 started, lol....but it ended rather nicely. I had one of the nicest Christmases  I've had in a while. Thankfully the year didn't involve to much much drama, more happy times and fun dates.This fall however, was somewhat disappointing financially, but that's what my savings are for, the slow times. 

 2023 will be remembered as the year I met some truly amazing men, reconnected with some from my past, said goodbye to a couple of clients, whom I'll miss dearly, and sociallized lots with a few friends, and I started touring again. That is kind of exciting....I've plans to contiue taking road trips to visit Matime cities and their lovely gentlemen....All in all it was a good year....I'm looking forward to 2024....  Wishing you many months of prosperous, happy and peaceful times.



31 Dec, 2023

I see that the local review board has proven itself to once AGAIN be nothing more more than a site that accepts, encourages and shares slanderous gossip. That "community" should be ashamed of itself, and where is that steward of sex work to call out the bad behavior .....(I say with great sarcasm) and for those wondering what I'm talking about....there are a few members on that site who with their air of superiority, seem to think they've a right to police the actions of other escorts, and clients, yet they only seem to do it when it involves a certain few they they always stay silent when inappropriateness involves unknowns......

The most recent inappropriate thread on that site involves two of it's members naming a leolist escort, and claiming she has aids, is a drug addict and supposedly  psychotic....their proof......  links to some garbage sites on which anyone could post, and that they've "heard".....

 This type of  slanderous posting infuriates me, as it's gossip without evidence, and the worst kind of gossip. If false, it will destroy this persons reputation and could cause them to harm themselves!!!!  If it is true then take appropriate action with the appropriate authorities, if you are truly concerned for the community, that is!! If this escort is aids positive, then they shouldn't be escorting, but you cannot go posting that someone is carrying diseases, without actual proof. Even then, posting their real identity, doxing them, is also inappropriate. If I was the escort being called out, I'd be at my lawyers office this morning, and having a dectective finding the identity of those posters. Then I'd be filing a suit not only against the posters but also against that review board for allowing them to post that stuff there.As that sites motto is.... "If you've nothing nice to say, say nothing at all"....  And shame on all those there who haven't called anyone out for posting that stuff!!!

If you are going to post that anyone is a health risk, you had better come with hard evidence.I have no patience for bad actors, and they include those who spread malicious gossip, and those who are working within this industry with health or mental health issues that could harm another. 

But lets also be much as we all want everyone to be healthy within our community, there is no one other than doctors, and the law who have a right to diagnosis, and charge anyone, so lets allow them to do so. None of us have that right....and none of us will ever know who is actually disease free, and who is practicing safe sex.....unless we see their actual health records and are in their beds. What anyone does behind closed doors is only known to them, and others that hear about it, are hearing gossip. If this community chooses to thrive on this type of gossip, and continues to allow such malicious types of postings then it's demise is inevitable and those of us who turn a blind eye to any of it are imo, as bad as those bad wonder that those outside of the escorting community see it so negatively......

If you are **truly concerned** about a person within the escorting industry being a danger to it, in any way, then you take appropriate actions with the appropriate authorities. You don't go on a crappy review board and post links to other gossip sites, and claim "you've heard" as your proof.......unless you are one who gets off on watching the cesspool that such gossip creates. 

....if you're wondering why I haven't linked the thread I'm no longer willing to link that site to my blog. It doesn't deserve any views doing so would give it.

EDIT- Thankfully I see that thread has been removed. Thank you to whomever acted to have it removed. Yet, the person who posted it is still a member, and those who added to, and took part in the thread are also still members. This just speaks to the patheticness of that site......Allowing those who post shit like this to remain as members shows them that their behavior is acceptable. 

To those who wonder why I lurk on the boards if I detest them so. It's because I love my industry so, and I want those who who bring negativity, harm and misinformation to it brought to light. It seems that the boards are where most of them like to hang out.....


Just getting back......

31 Dec, 2023

I'm just getting back from my Christmas holiday, and it was so lovely, and relaxing......My Christmas was spent in the company of those I love and hold dear, and was quiet, food filled and just the way I like it. The weather disappoined, as I do like the cold and snow for Christmas, and it was green and mild. That is the only complaint I can make, lol.....I hope you had a happy, fun and peaceful Christmas, and may 2024 be your year!!

I'll be reflecting on 2023 in the next few safe, and enjoy doing whatever it is you plan on doing.....



18 Dec, 2023

I am very grateful to the two gentlemen who sent me e-transfers to help out this time of year. Their thoughtfulness is sincerely appreciated. 

As much as I love Christmas it's also a sad time for me as it's the time of year I have lost my dad, and a dog. Even though it's been years, their loss is always felt, especialy this time of year. So when anyone goes out of their way to think of me, I'm beyond grateful. No amount is to little, as thoughtfulness has no amount......I wish you all a happy Christmas, and if you're struggling, know that I'm thinking of 

you and wishing you strength and wellness.

Edit-Just getting back from my Christmas break, and opened my email to a lovely generous surprise...thank you sir for your generosity, and for thinking of me, I'll keep you in my thoughts!!


My Christmas Schedule.......

17 Dec, 2023

I'll be seeing clients this week Monday-Friday 10am-10pm then I"ll be away from Saturday Dec23rd- until Saturday the 30th.....I hope you'll want to celebrate the season with me. Wishing you a happy, peaceful, prosperous  Christmas and New year.


My PEI trip

17 Dec, 2023

I just did a two nght stay in Charlottetown to earn some extra Christmas shopping money. Those who know me, know that spending is my vice, lol.

 It was a decent trip. The drive over was a little worrisome as it was so windy, and I was worried the bridge would be closed, lucky for me it wasn't apparently it seldome closes, and usually only to high sided vehicles, so I was told. My hotel was okay, a couple of minor issues with the room, but nothing worth complianing about. The gentlemen I met were lovely, met a couple of new gents, who were wonderful, and some familiar ones who are always a pleasure to visit with, so I'll probably go back, but I think I'll keep my PEI trips for the summer and fall.Then I can also enjoy the Island and all it has to offer.

I only had a few timewasters this trip, which was a nice change. One timewaster in particular was stupid enough to use his business phone when calling me to make his fake bookings. To this day I'll never understand the mindset of those who get off on making fake bookings and playing the other childish games timewaters play. But to them I'm grateful, as they've taught me resilience, patience and how to be a better escort. They also make me appreciate the good clients, more than ever......Intelligence has never been a timewasters quality, so I'm also sympathetic towards them, and their sad little lives.

So thank you Charlottetown, and to the lovely gentlemen who were so generous to me there.See you again soon....


Be a rebel....

17 Dec, 2023

Especially this time of year, many of us should be very grateful for having what we have. So many have so much less......Yet still, with all that is going on, with all that we have, to many still want more, complain, and think that money, title, and power are what's important......


Want to stuff my stocking?

09 Dec, 2023

I'm planning on being in Halifax until the 22nd possibly the 23rd of December then I'll be away for a week or so celebrating the holidays with friends and family. So if you'd like to meet before the new year approaches, now is the time. I'll be accepting appointments daily 10am-10pm until I leave for a holiday. Come and stuff my stocking, lol...... Lets get tangled in the sheets and make some magical Christmas memories!!


Do you want convenience or do you want health?

08 Dec, 2023

Going into 2024 we all can bring change, and it's not as complicated as it may seem, but you'll have to give up some things .......And perhaps I'm over simplifying, but if we all only shopped local....local raised, sourced, and locally made, imagine the differences we could make. Imagine supporting small businesses, instead of those corporations that are now controlling us and our governements.....Imagine the changes we could make for the next generations, the planet, our health....Imagine.....cue John lennon, lol.....seriously though, Isn't it better to shop local, doesn't it make you feel better when you know you've bought something made within your province or your own country, and that which will help someone's small business grow and add to our local economy. Sure it may cost more than something from Dollarama, WAlmart, or Amazon, but think of that extra $$ you may pay as an investment into your local economy. Everything starts with one, lets at least try and make a difference for 2024, or even better start now.


Clean your ass!!

08 Dec, 2023

Isn't it sad that we as escorts have to speak about men needing to wash their asses! But sadly there are still far to many guys who pay little attention to their back ends before visiting with us.

On twix (twitter+x) there have been 2 ladies mentioning having issues with guys leaving poo stains on the chairs and sheets, in the past day. That's not only disgusting, it's shameful. Grown men shouldn't need schooling in body hygiene!! Thankfully I haven't had this issue for quite some time, but be assured if I encounter it, I'm going to tell you directly and perhaps not diplomatically. As it's not my job to point out to you that you forgot to wash yourself properly. If you want to know how clean your ass is, take a clean wash cloth and wash your asshole, if you see residue, then you need to clean it more, it's not complicated.  But, no pun intended, don't be harsh with the rubbing, you don't want to create any nicks. Use unscented wipes/soaps. So please save us, and yourself the embarrassment of having to stop mid-date to tell you to go clean your ass!!


Please be mindful.....

06 Dec, 2023

Amid all the hustle, bustle and excitement of Christmas, remember there are those suffering and just trying to get through the day.....please be kind.



05 Dec, 2023

It's the advertising site that tops google in all escort searches and It angers me that I still have to post there to garner clients. I don't post often, once, twice weekly, but even that is to much for my liking. Yet it seems necessary. The most recent upset is their announcement that they've converted our payments from  british pounds to Canadian dollars. You'd think that would be a good thing right, until I realized they've once again upped their fees, so although I now pay in Cad$ it's no cheaper, as a matter of fact, it may now be more expensive and we still have to buy cryptocurrency to pay for our ads.....This advertising site, which also owns the review board Lyla and another advertising site, Vipfavours, has done nothing to curb the scam ads which plague it, and which cause the real, safe advertisers to have to bump our ads more often to gain visibility. Although I'm speculating, and I hope I'm wrong, but perhaps all those fake and scam ads are a planned strategy.....There are only a few sites that allow escort ads, and most aren't used as frequently as Leolist. I'm hoping that will change. Others that I often recommend are , , and


Ho, ho, ho....

04 Dec, 2023

It's time to light the lights and celebrate another Christmas with some new Christmas lights pictures...I hope you like them

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Happy December...

01 Dec, 2023

Lets fill this month with shenanigans, fun times, and lasting memories....Wishing you all a magnificent December


If you see someone......

30 Nov, 2023

Thank you Chelsea.....

29 Nov, 2023

I came upon this post on twitter( Iwon't refer to it as X, lol) by Chelsea Handler, who was scolding some asshat for making fun of Dolly parton....and only Chelsea could say it like it is and like her, I too will be tits out until I'm 90 +, if I'm gifted to live that long. Watch the video

It always sickens me when people age shame. As I've said a few times, I've had to listen to ageist insults since my late 20's, when I was in the biz back then, for the short time I survived the cruelty of it, while working for agencies. One agency told me at 27 that I was to old to work, lol, imagine what they'd think of me now, LMAO!!!! The truth of the matter is any woman of any age can do anything she chooses, and dress as SHE feels appropriate. We all should have the right to live as we choose. It's a shame that some people have been brainwashed into thinking that we as women need to look, dress and act a certain way as we grwo older. I say, live by your own rules ladies and strut your stuff as long as you feel like strutting it.

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I'm in the mood.....

29 Nov, 2023

For Christmas!! I hope the season finds you happy, healthy, and enjoying all that goes along with the spirit of Christmas. It's my favorite time of year. I've been decorated since early November, lol, and as some of you know, I shop almost daily, so my shopping too has been finished. Although it's easy for me to find something more to buy, lol......Everything about Christmas brings me joy, even the snow and bitter cold, lol. I love walking and driving around to see the lights, walking through the stores amid all the husttle and bustle, listening to all the Christmas songs, and watching all the movies, the new and old ones. It's all fun, and the treats, the cookies, chocolates, turkey, cranberries.....yum!! Ho, ho, ho....happy holidays!!


Well thank you Fredericton.....

29 Nov, 2023

To those gentlemen who took the time to visit with me, I thank you. You all made my visit worthwhile. I met some new clients and had visits with some clients I hadn't seen for a few years. All of them were lovely, fun and left me wanting to revisit. I'm so grateful!!

Most of my previous visits too were drama free and fun. Fredericton and it's surrounding areas seem to be places that produce gentlemen. I have had a few timewasters and losers in the past contact me, but for some reason this part of N.B. attracks fewer. So no wonder many ladies like to tour there, including myself. The professionalism of the gentlemen imo, is unsurrpassed to other Maritime cities, including Halifax!

My Moncton visit last month was also profitable but fraught with idiots, timewasters and losers.....even so, I'll probably go back. It's close and an easy drive, hotels are comfortable, so why not.Charlottetown may also be on my return list, will decide later this week. As I'll be visiting one of these cities just before Christmas, so stay tuned!! Have the best day. 


Are they mentally ill?

14 Nov, 2023

What would make a man want to waste the time of an escort? What must be going on his mind to want to create a phony image and make a fake date?  

From time to time I'll be contacted by some random guy who'll put so much time and effort into trying to convince me that he wants to hire me, that that in itself becomes a red flag. The other obvious traits,which I'll leave out, quickly tells me I'm dealing with another obvious timewaster who has no intention of ever meeting.Dealing with these guys always leaves me wondering, why do they go to the trouble?.....They set off all the red flags, always speak a certain way, say some of the same things, and never agree to providing a deposit. They'll agree to providing id and pictures.Yet when they provide their pictures and id, they're often obvious in their doctoring, and when I talk to them via a phone call, I find it amusing that their ways of speaking are so much alike and telling. I wonder if they all follow the same script that someone has written from some time wasters master class, lol. But seriously, what do these idiots get out of doing this petty time wasting? Is it a mental illness that provokes them to call up an escort to pretend to want to meet? Normal people wouldn't play such stupid games, nor would they want to waste their own time in such trivial ways. So if it isn't mental illness, then what is it?If you have an answer for me, I'd love to hear it, message me @[email protected]

There are some escorts who'll just say this type of behavior is expected and just part of the business. I don't agree with that. To me that is the same as saying that if I worked in a bank that I should expect and accept that I may be held up and robbed...and just move on when it happens.

These guys who time waste are calculating, and intentional. They are NOT just guys who've become shy, or backed off of a date for other reasons. When a guy is called a time waster, it is obvious that he intentionally played games just to waste my time or someone else's. We contact them, and give them every opportunity to make up for their time wasting, yet they never respond, because their intention was to waste our time and to be disingenious. So my resolve will now be posting their pictures, and phone numbers. If someone is going to intentionally play games with me, I'm going to let anyone wanting to know who they are, know. So let the sex work saviours come out and spout off about how wrong they think doing this is, all while they post guys names and numbers on different sites themselves.......they can fuck off. What is wrong, is those who  PURPOSELY play games with other people, and yes they are easily identified from any other types of actual clients! I'll never feel bad at making known those who intentionally set out to harm another person, in any way. 



10 Nov, 2023

Kissing is an art, it's how we express our attraction to another person. Sometimes we kiss to show affection, admiration, and sometimes as foreplay to initiate sex....

There was a time not long ago that I'd refuse any gentleman the opportunity to kiss me. I once had the impression that I needed to withhold some intimate act, kissing in particular, for my personal life only. Yet through introspection and being honest with myself, that has changed. My personal life is escorting. since I no longer date any other way. So no need to withhold kissing, and I have always loved kissing, the right man, that is. That man should have fresh breathe and attractive looking teeth. Good hygiene, be it dental, nail, hair or body, is a turn on, and will always determine just how intimate I'll want to get with any man. I love all styles of kissing but please allow me to initiate deep french kissing. As that requires a certain chemistry. If I don't initiate it, then keep it to soft, lustful lip kissing.....When you are attracted to someone, it's only natural to want to kiss them. I'm excited to possibly share some kisses with you!!

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Fredericton, N.B.

07 Nov, 2023

I'm excited to announce that I will be visiting Fredericton. N.B. Monday  Nov 20 - through Wednesday Nov 22nd. If all goes as planned. I most likely will have my dog with me as I plan to take a brief vacation after that trip.......If anything changes I'll post here....I hope to see you there



05 Nov, 2023

For those who don't know....if you have an gmail account and want to seach for escorts, and you have your gmail logged into while searching, your results will be sanitized, meaning you'll not see any results. Even with safe search turned off. So if you want to seek out escorts in any city, make sure you use another browser, or that you're not logged into your gmail account......

Edit-So all the search results are working....Hmmm.....There were a number of people on twitter/X complaining about this also. I wonder what is happening......Anyhow it seems to be back to normal.

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Silly questions....

01 Nov, 2023

I'm often asked questions by new clients that I'll find funny, silly and sometimes insulting. One of the most commonly asked questions is "so how long you been doing this"..... and it is also one of the silliest, imo. Because why does it matter? What difference does it make if I've been escorting for a month, a year or decades.....Believe it or not, escorts do NOT have an expiry date. Although review board goofs will argue that. Our involvement in the industry ends when we decide to quit/retire, not when some goofs determine we're no longer worth seeing. If an escort has been involved in the industry for years, thats not an indication that they've started at a particular age, or have been accepting clients daily/monthly, for all those years. Some of us started later in life, some earlier in life. Some of us have been low volume, some high volume, some full time, and some part time. Meaning that the hours spent meeting clients shouldn't be assumed because of the years we've been in the industry. Another question that I find silly, is "how many men do you see in the run of a day/week/month". I've already answered that here, yet when asked in person, I wonder, why are you asking this......why does it matter? The quality of your service isn't affected by who or how many I see, so why care... and my or any woman's body won't be any less sexy, beautiful, or desireable because of the number of men she's intimate with.......Another...... "Are your tits real", another stupid response usually is ...."is your dick real"....and know, by asking this, and any other stupid questions, you've just ruined the mood, therefore most likely ruining our date. If you come to meet me and wonder anything about me, that shows you've done NO research, or haven't read anything I've written, which again, will ruin the mood. Remember intelligence and respectfulness are attractive! "Do you have any savings, any debt", Ahhh....unless you're my banker/accountant/or money manager, that's not your business, or concern. "Why do you do this"...although I dislike this question, and find it impersonal, I will sometimes answer... I do this because I can, I like it, I'm good at it, and I find it fun. I'm a single woman who doesn't like to date conventionally, so I have some of my social and most of my sexual needs met by escorting. "When do you plan on retiring".....None of your business.....Worry about your retirement plans, not mine, lol. 

 Remember when your with an escort, it's about having fun, living out a fantasy. So don't ruin that opportunity by asking silly, stupid, unnecessary questions.....we, the escorts, like to be left with good memories too!! Thanks.


Welcome November.....

01 Nov, 2023

Well here is November, and it's welcoming those of us in the Halifax area with snow......ugh. It's to early.....I have a busy first week, with client visits and social outings. My second week will be spent treating myself to some pampering, running errands, and other personal activities. Then after I get my snow tires on, around mid month. I was hoping to plan a trip to Fredericton, but because our weather is so unpredictable it's best I wait until after my snow tires are installed. I hope I can make it work, as I haven't been there for 2-3 years...... If you'd like to see me there, please reach out -902-444-0414- and remember, phone calls only please....

 For those interested...... I'm a very sensual gfe provider, who never lists a menu. Because the service I provide each client, is as individual as they are. It is their hygiene, the chemistry we share, and the connection we have, which will determine just how close we become and determine the intimacies we share. One thing I will never do with any client, is support gossip, or the condemnation of any escort. There are a few I dislike, but our time together is not about them or anyone else. It should only include things that will enhance the time we share. I expect to be respected by anyone who contacts me.That respect starts with contacting me in the manner to which I prefer, not which is more convenient for you and by reading in full, my ads/website, and following their direction. When speaking with me, your wording, the questions you ask, your willingness to answer my questions,your tone, etc, all will determine my desire to meet you, or not. I am fortunate to have the ability to pick and choose with whom I decide meet. I enjoy meeting men from all walks of life, and ethnicities, and prefer quality, over quantity. I'm here to make and repeat some memories, rather than meeting a particular financial goal....So reach out, perhaps we'll have a connection which may lead to some provocative fun!!


My Moncton visit.......

27 Oct, 2023

Some of you know I've decided to do some touring again. Not to much, just a few visits to cities near by every now and then. I started with a trip to Charlottetown, with my dog, to see how he'd do in a hotel. He did okay, so I went back and he wasn't so good. And both those trips were quite uneventful as far as nuisance callers, or time wasters.So I sought out a boarder for my dog, to try that approach for my next trip. I decided to take a short trip to Moncton, N.B. while he was with the boarder. To see how he and I would do apart. Moncton is close and I hadn't been there for a couple of years, so I booked a two day trip....... and all the time wasters, prank callers and idiots apparently saved themselves for that trip....I had one man call me numerous times while I was in Halifax after I had announced that I'd be going, who insisted on seeing me, Tuesday Oct24 at 5pm. He was polite, so I had a few conversations with him. He seemed to need assurance that I'd be arriving that day. I'm sure he must called more than 6-7 times, prior to me going to Moncton. And then again the day before my trip, lol. Then of course at 5pm on the day he wanted to meet, he disappeared into thin air, apparently, lol. I did send him a text telling him I was awaiting his which he never replied, then I left a voicemail to let him know I had booked another gentlemen. I only heard from him when he called from another number,which was an app number, pretending to be someone else, trying to book another His voice is very distinctive. Can you imagine going to that much trouble....and for what? Poor guy.

On my drive up to Moncton I was surprised by the number of texts, and a few phone calls that I was receiving.It gave me a sense that this trip might be worthwhile. The texts annoyed me, as I can't respond by text while driving, and my ads all request phone calls. Most of these men were asking to book, or promised to book, yet the majority also disappeared into the abyss once I arrived and was ready to host, lol. Perhaps there is a big sink hole in the Moncton area that's swallowed up all those guys, lol.....So my first day there was what I can only describe as a shit show of nuisance callers, time wasters, and rude guys, who had no idea of how to speak to a female. With all my experiences in this industry, it still surprises me when some men speak so crudely. Thankfully there was a couple of nice guys who saved that day. 

Wednesday, my second day, turned out to be a much better day, as far as receiving fewer nuisance callers and game players. I met some more lovely gents. A couple of them were generous and tipped, one young man even brought food for me, and a very handsome young regular of mine called, who I hadn't seen in a while. All in all that day left me exhausted and happy. I left early the next morning, without waiting for any other clients. I just wanted to get back home to my dog....Leaving him was hard, and although I know being apart is good for both of us, and that he and my boarder got along better than expected, my next trip will probably include him.....

I"ll never understand the mindset of those people who go out of their way to play such imbecilic games, like calling, just to hang up in my ear, or who pretend to want to meet, or who just make themselves sound and look stupid by making calls and texts with crude, ignorant language..... as so many do lately. I can only hope that they get the help they so obviously need to heal from their troubled minds. 

To those interested, my next stop will be Fredericton, sometime in November.....will annouce in a week or two. the dates.....See you soon....


Some wise advice...

22 Oct, 2023

This quote is authored by Maria Kanellis.....


 Get knocked down, get back up.

Always be a fighter. Don't be afraid of the punch...

Don't be afraid of getting back up...

Be afraid of giving up.


Another shit show.....

21 Oct, 2023

Today, (Saturday), transpired into a shit show.....some information was passed to me concerning a local escort, who has apparently been telling people that I'm dangerous, and advising her clients that I and another lady, should be avoided. After hearing this, and out of anger and frustration, for continually having to defend myself from this type of maliciousness, I reacted out of emotion, and posted about this on twitter. I was angry, angry at this person for saying what she has said, and at myself for making it all public. In the end, people will believe what they believe, regardless of it's truth, or source.....So making it public, was a mistake on my part. But for my own piece of mind, I will always feel the need to defend myself from such poison. Hence my blogging about it here. It's important to me, that I speak my truth and here, I believe, is a fitting place to do so.

I have been blocked by her on twitter, and have her blocked, so I couldn't dm her to ask her personally there, but I admit, I should have tried contacting her in another way, before making my post. Not that doing so would have changed anything..... I did find her number, after the fact, and sent her a text asking why she was saying such things. And of course, she denied saying anything, and asked me to not make accusations without having proof. I'm not sure what proof she'd want, a voicemail of the conversation, or a copy of a text, email, or what?.....Would proof then give her cause to make an admission?....I doubt it, and those who are innocent, imo, wouldn't have a need to ask to see proof of their actions, because if they were innocent they'd know there would be no proof. She then accused me of sicking my hounds on her, ( not sure what that means, or who my hounds are supposed to be) she also said "that she was sorry that my business was so slow that I have to start drama and believe false rumors".....Apparently she seems to think that she knows how many clients I see or don't see, and I'm sorry, but telling clients that I, or anyone should be avoided, is starting drama....*She* started the drama....and the fact that she responded to me as she did, by insulting me, speaks volumes........There are a few ladies, and some guys in this community, who are like her, and who just can't keep their comments or opinions of other escorts, to themselves, and who like to perpetuate nonsense, and spread slander. You'd think by now, I'd be used to hearing the nonsense.

I'm of the belief that anyone has the right to dislike whomever, yet taking that dislike to a level to where they have a need to defame a persons character as a stab at trying to ruin the persons livelihood, is beyond petty, unnecessarily cruel, and speaks volumes about the depravity of those who say such things. 

Edit-So I've deleted the twitter thread. As I said, I wasn't feeling great about having posted it there to begin with, and I feel this blog will be enough to explain things. I've tried to keep my twitter feed clear of drama, and only for posting my ads, for promoting other ladies, and things that make people smile, laugh or think. However, I firmly believe what I've been told, no matter how much she denies saying it. Since the sources from which it has come, don't have anything to gain by making it known. They have no motivation to want to harm her.They just believe she was wrong for saying what she said.

Going forward, I will ask anyone that hears anything said about me, to please keep it to themselves. As my knowing only leaves me feeling upset, and doesn't really serve me any purpose other than giving me cause to have to defend myself, once again.

  She and anyone else like her, will never admit to what they have said or done, and those hearing or reading it all will believe one side or the other, regardless of who says what. So it's really pointless to give this type of stuff any attention. 

I understand that being honest, isn't always easy, nor is admitting fault. But when you're caught, you're caught. So it's best just to admit your guilt, apologize and move on..... Doing so, I feel, shows strength of character.... those who continually deny their actions when caught, and who spread such maliciousness, are, as I see them, cowards. They don't care about being real or honest, nor do they have the courage to be so. 

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On the road again....

21 Oct, 2023

I'm looking forward to another road trip. I'll be in Moncton, N.B. as of Tuesday Oct 24 mid afternoon, leaving Thursday Oct 26, noon. As usual I'll be hosting incall only, no outcall. I hope to meet you there.

I'm excited to be travelling again. I have plans to visit Fredericton soon and other Maritime cities and towns. Obviously, as we head into our winter months, travel will be dependent on fair weather.



13 Oct, 2023

If you weren't already aware, I'm a pleaser. When I'm intimate with a man, I derive the most pleasure from arousing and getting him off. Of course I love to reach orgasm too, but it's far more fun for me to make him horny and cum, in, or all over me......I love the sensation and the visuals of it.

I'd like to think my skill in providing oral pleasures as being highly honed, although practice makes perfect. So if you'd like to be my subject to practice on, I'm hosting today Friday Oct13th. Why not treat yourself to some long slow licks, some ball sucking, shaft jerking, deepthroating, edging fun. I promise to make your toes curl.....


New Brunswick....

12 Oct, 2023

I'm contemplating a trip to Nb towards the end of October....Thinking of stopping in Moncton for two nights then onto Fredericton for a couple of you think I should? If you're interested in seeing me in either city, reach out. I prefer phone calls (902-444-0414), thanks. Will update soon.   


I'm confused......

07 Oct, 2023

Again on the review board OWNED by Leolist, more escort clients and escorts are complaining about the scammers that plague Leolist. What confuses me is that they are complaining on the review board, Lyla, which is owned by the advertising site Leolist, and speaking as if they're separate entities. Why don't they just message the moderators and ask why the owners of those sites allow scammers to place ads. Do that, instead of pretending that one site is better than the other..... Ask them why the owners and or moderators, have the ability to vet people before they join Lyla, and then ban some for stupid or petty reasons, yet they continue to allow those who are actually ripping people off and putting people in dangerous situations to advertise, over and over again, without any repercussions. 

The only reason this concerns me is that I advertise on Leolist. And I get quite tired of some of Lyla's members spewing the nonsense that that review board some how is a safer, and a better place to post, than Leolist when again, they are one and the same, and run by the same people. Quite honestly, they both suck. But we all have to advertise somewhere, and Leolist is the leading site in google searches, at least for now. So I say this again, for the hundreth time, if you're going to throw one under the bus, take the other with you, all while including the fact that they are owned and run by the same people, and if you're going to make complaints, complain to their owners, and ask them why they won't put a stop to all the scammers, and please stop perpetuating that membership on any one site is an assurance of anyone's professionalism, proof of existence, honesty, or any sign of good character.There are lots of game players, trouble makers and other ner do wells who *are* Lyla members. You don't become washed with saint hood because you join that site.....An individual sets the precedence of professionalism, and good character, not because of the advertising site or review board they are posting on, or have membership to!!! 

On the topic of text apps....more and more men who seek out escorts are using text apps. Which are disposable phone numbers. I for one, will not deal with any client who uses one. I expect any client I'm to meet to have a registered cell number. If I'm going to be alone with any man, I have to know who he is, and him having a real number, along with other information provided, will give me a sense of safety, and trackable data, should he do anything nefarious to me.Those who refuse to give id, and other personal details, and who use text apps, are hiding more than their escort indulgences. They usually have an agenda, and that agenda could be something as stupid and childish as just wanting to waste an escorts time, or something more sinister, such as physical harm. Whatever the agenda, those guys using text apps, often have something planned other than just wanting to have some discreet fun and I block and ignore them all. That cannot be compared to those escorts who use text apps to advertise. Many escorts use apps instead of having to purchase two phones, or two numbers. Remember the client seeks us out....... An escorts advertising, social media, websites, should give the client all they need to determine the escorts professionalism, and proof of being real  ......If more clients did their research and actually read ads/websites/socials and most importantly, verbally communicated with those they wanted to meet, fewer clients would be scammed.

  Any escort who requests deposits/id's, and who'll only deal with those clients who'll provide such, should be those escorts you'd want to deal with, not avoid. Yet for many men, they'll choose those escorts who only use texting as a way of communication, and who also won't ask the client for any personal information, or a deposit......Think before you contact someone, with your big head!!


Happy Thanksgiving!!

07 Oct, 2023

I'm back in Halifax and excited to celebrate Thanksgiving. I'll be stuffing my face with food and drink tommorow/Sunday, then back to meeting some sexy gents on Monday/Oct 9.....My trip to PEI was wonderful, I had lots of fun meeting some of my familiar friends and meeting new ones too. I may go back again before the end of the month or first of November. I'll be planning a trip to New Brunswick thereabouts, as well. I hope to connect with you....


Hello October....

01 Oct, 2023

And in comes October......I've had an amazing, busy summer. Now that fall has come things have slowed but I haven't, lol. I'm energized and wanting to explore, share some good times, play and please. And so since things have slowed for me here in Halifax and I've been here most of the summer, it's time to get on the move, so I'm thinking of doing some touring around the Maritimes....First stop Charlottetown, PEI....will you meet me there? I'm planning a short trip to #Charlottetown this week-Thursday Oct 5-Saturday Oct7-noon....I may do a stop over in Moncton, NB for one night upon my return.....will see.....

To those who may be interested in visiting with me on my travels, please note that I do travel with a small dog, and so I appreciate those gents who are understanding to the things that may arise with that. 

 I adore meeting gentlemen who are mature, laid back, hygienic, and who don't follow "hobbyist" culture or use their shtick. So if that sounds like you, and you're looking to have some unbridled, drama free, authentically offered relaxation, then please call-902-444-0414. I'll be offering 30 min sessions-@250 and hourly sessions-@350. I hope to meet you soon.


When Curtis called.....

30 Sep, 2023

 Three seconds in I knew Curtis was.....1.  a time waster, 2.... He was one of those review board mongers and 3..... He wasn't anyone I'd want to meet. 

The call started off some what typical, as it always does, with his type. He started by asking redundant questions, and by making rather mysogynistic comments. One comment was concerning my age, and then he began asking me how long I've been "at it", and then saying "it's nice to see someone your age still at it".......Hmmm, I thought, "still at it", lol. "I wonder how long he's been "at it", and how old he is", lol, yet I didn't ask, as I do try and be polite with everyone, at least initially...........  He then asked "when I'd be available", as he was coming into town for a couple of days...(all time wasters will ask when "you're" available, without letting you know what time/date they require). I explained myself and my expectations, patiently and politely, letting him know what I required for a booking, yet he continued aggressively asking me questions, and questions that could be answered should he have heard my replies, or read my website, and some were pushing boundaries. When I  reminded him of that, he was dismissive and again, ignored my replies. We ended the call with him saying he'd be in touch, and I agreed that would be fine, then I hung up and vomited in my mouth (figuratively), lol.... He was so evidently one of those guys who consider themselves a "hobbyist" and one I would never consider meeting, but who I'll always politely speak to. As they are known to have the most fragile of egos and to be very inventive as to how anything they involve themselves in actually transpires.....I'm not sure why "hobbyists" always use the same old shtick, speaking manner, tone, ignorance, etc, when contacting an escort, yet they do, and ultimately give themselves away. I have to assume, it's how they have to get off, because no one wants to get them off in person, lol.

  Escorts appreciate clients who are informed when they contact us, who speak to us with respect and consideration, not as though we're disposable merchandise, and who show regards to our needs, not just their own......Curtis failed on all those good luck to you Curtis....

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30 Sep, 2023

Not long ago a client asked me for a date, out to eat....He was surprised when I expected that date to be a paid one. I too was surprised, by his surprise. I have some lovely gentlemen that I see, and who I enjoy visiting with. Yet I'd never consider a visit with them without a payment. I don't date anyone conventionally. Meaning all my physical and social needs are met through my escorting dates, and that is how I like it. I now have the luxury to pick and choose who I see and when. I'll admit, sometimes I'll swing into a "money making mode" and tour, or work just to accumulate some extra income, but the majority of my dates are just for my pleasure, and to meet my social needs, even so, they require payment. I'm not looking to get involved emotionally with anyone, although sometimes that can be a fine line, so having the boundary of payment keeps that line secured, at least for me. So when any one of my clients suggests meeting for free, I feel insulted, hurt, and find that very selfish. Why would he think that my time at one point is worth paying for, yet at other times, is not, and why would he want to cross that line and make things awkward? I would hope all my repeat clients would understand my needs and want me to prosper.They should know their donations help me with doing so........So please respect my boundaries.It just makes things so much simpler, and then allows for completely relaxed, unbridled fun.....


Clothing/outfit requests,,,,,

30 Sep, 2023

Why I dislike them...

Often times when I post a new picture or pictures, I'll get some clients wanting me to wear the outfit in those pictures. The problem with that is....

When I take pictures it's usually while I'm waiting for a client to visit, or when I'm bored, lol. So that outfit has already been worn, perhaps even a few times. Or was chosen just for fun for a picture pose. Another reason is, sometimes what looks good in photos doesn't always present as lovely in person. I know my body, and what looks best on it. So what I choose to wear for a particular client, is done for that and a myriad of other reasons. I also tend to pick what I am in the mood to wear. It's important for me to feel sexy when we meet, as that energy will also be felt by you, and that isn't something I can pretend. I'm not an escort who can put on an act. I'm authentic and I'm also a pleaser. So if you request something that i'm not in the mood to wear, I'll feel conflicted and awkward as I'll want to fulfill your request, yet if I do, it most likely won't be comfortable, nor will I feel sexy and it's important that we're both comfortable......

  Certain clothes/lingerie, music, lighting, all play into helping me get into the mood for romance, isn't that what you want, more than a particular outfit? I understand that some men have images in their mind of what is sexy, or what they may want to see, but understand, as women, we know what looks best on our bodies and what we need to feel "in the mood". Fantasies are lovely, but sometimes best to remain fantasies..... So to those who like to make clothing requests, please be understanding as to why I may not fulfill them. Thank you.

Some of my most recent pictures....



26 Sep, 2023

I was reading some posts on X(twitter) and noticed a comment by an American escort. She had a picture of an expensive watch, and commented that " she bets none of the "hookers" has one of those". Her other comments also lean towards passive aggressively putting down other sex workers who don't wear designers brands or follow her style of escorting. There are many online like her. I find it sad that anyone would feel that they're defined, or better than because of their lifestyle, clothing, jewelry, or shoes. I feel people like her are deluded. To think they are better than because of how they live, or what they own, wear, eat, etc, is delusional. People are defined by their character, by their humanity and compassion. At least that is how I see it.


In comes fall....

22 Sep, 2023

I love fall and all that comes with it. It arrives officially tommorow Saturday Sept 23....With Fall comes my heightened need for entertaining. I'll be available more, as I'm home more, and hoping you'll want to book an intimate date, in which we can get cozy, cuddle, kiss and ignite the fires of passion. I'm still preferring pre-planned dates, with 24-48 hours notice.I'm easy to book and contact. All I expect is for you to read my website, provide what I require, then call-902-444-0414..... Hoping to meet you soon.....Here's a taste of what you can expect...a couple of my most recent (taken two days ago) pictures


Just a reminder for those on twitter/X

22 Sep, 2023

I've reminded a few gentlemen in the past months to be aware that when registering on twitter/X using your real name and then following escorts, or any adult material, will link all who follow you to those same people/material. Meaning, anyone you allow to follow you(if your account is a private one,)or anyone who decides to follow you, if your account is not a private one can see who you are following. So my advice, if you've a need to be discreet, is to have one account with your real name, that you use for friends/family/business, and another under an alias name for following escorts and other adult material, if you have a reason to keep certain things private......Just so you know.....


Same site, same old crap....

20 Sep, 2023

Speaking about lyla....and this thread...   I've screenshot the response that I wanted made note of because usually when I make a thread from that site known here in my blog, the thread ends up being deleted from that site. The thread was questioning the legitimacy of an escort. The "loser" that sparked me to write this blog, Coco1, felt comfortable and justified to post that escorts locale, which has since been removed from that thread, thankfully. Although, and not so surprisingly, he hasn't been and remains on that site. And I'll call any guy a loser, who with such ease and stupidity, feels comfortable jeopardizing any escorts safety, by posting their location or any other personal deatils.

 I'd like to thank East coast Kimmy for once again being a voice for all of us, for having integrity, and for taking a stance against another entitled, misogynistic review board loser. Kimmy posted politely, and articulately to him to let him know how wrong and dangerous posting an escorts locale is. Clearly his fragile ego couldn't handle a woman correcting him. 

It is wrong for any client or any escort to give out or make mention of any escorts locale, and I was surprised that another escort in that thread, who often posts about the rights and wrongs, do's and dont's of escorting, said "that he could  have privately messaged that escorts locale to the person who started the thread". That is bad advice!  NO ONE  has the right to openly or privately share an escorts locale, other than the escort who hosts out of, or owns that locale.

As a rebuttal to Kimmy's response, as seen pictured below, he (Coco1) lashes out and comments about most escorts on that board being "way past their best before date" and that "young in demand escorts" wouldn't have the time to respond to him because they'd be to busy to do so". Clearly he's also stupid, and out of touch, because Kimmy is a young and in demand escort!

Sadly most guys on those review boards hold his attitude.They join those boards to suss out barely legal escorts and to spew and spread their mysogynistic views of women in general. Most who hold his values, feel that any female past 23 isn't worth their while, and shouldn't be escorting. And even though they seek out escorts, and their services, they also see escorts as being lazy, unitelligent, peons of society, and escorting as a poor choice of a career...... Rather hypocritical, wouldn't you say?


This angers me so.....

17 Sep, 2023

I was corresponding with another escort this morning and she mentioned that she has been experiencing an escessive amount of troublesome clients and internet trolls. I do believe the economy, high cost of living, has created and turned some people into hateful beings. I may be wrong, but I believe that when some go through hard times, they have to take their troubles out on others. When some people are unhappy, they will attack anyone in their path, or lash out at those with differing thoughts/beliefs. They don't want anyone they deem unworthy or unlike them, experiencing success or happiness. I have experienced this all throughout my escorting career. What I find most troubling is the amount of cowardice involved. Most of these people hide behind anonymous phone numbers, and or board/social media handles. Never do they have the courage to identify themselves or to face their target in person. The internet has certainly provided them weaponery. All I can say to any escort experiencing this, is to screen well, and to ignore, as best they can, those with the intent to time waste, and to act out other nuisance behaviors. Those who commit more egregious acts should be made known to all, and possibly to the police. Our safety needs to be taken seriously and those who endanger it, need outing.

I don't know how to stop all the crap that goes on, I do however understand what starts it, and why, in most cases. I do hope those who are bothering this person get the help they need and move onto more productive lives. Nothing is more self defeating, personally injurious, and a waste of precious time, than spending it purposely bothering and hating someone. 


The strom....

17 Sep, 2023

I'm back and in one piece, lol....I came back a bit early for fear the winds might blow apart my outside decorations and deck furniture. Thankfully the storm didn't do the damage forecasted. I hope all survived as well. My time away was lovely and has me planning my next getaway.....Today I'll spend cleaning up some leaves and putting back my decorations....As far as getting back to accepting dates, I'm considering a few during this week Monday Sept 18-Friday the 22nd, perhaps that'll be with you........I wish you a beautiful day!!


Retiring, etc.....

06 Sep, 2023

Don't worry, I'm not retiring, lol. This blog is to inform anyone who may see it, that when an escort does retire, PLEASE allow them the ability. 

 Starting threads on review boards asking, "have you seen so & so", or "is so and so still around", lazy(because if they researched the escorts name/number they'd find information to answer their own question/s), intrusive and annoying. Reach out to the escort via the method they've advertised (be that text/call or email), if it's still available. If you receive no response, then you know. AND, If you haven't seen any activity, and there has been no recent advertising, no social media presence, no activity on their board account, then it's safe to assume they aren't working any longer, and either retired, or moved onto something else. Some people will leave quietly, with no notices, others will make announcements that they are retiring. Regardless, asking repeatedly "where are they", "have you seen them", is intrusive. When an escort leaves the industry, they often do so for many reasons. Some of those reasons are often personal and not shared, nor anyone's business. Unless openly discussed by said escort. Therefore, starting threads to ask people where the escort is, or what they're doing, just encourages others to make assumptions which can lead to gossipy threads full of nonsense and other unnecessary drama. Guys need to research more. Instead of starting threads asking questions that can easily be answered just by googling an escorts name/number......So please stop being so lazy!!


I'll be away again....

05 Sep, 2023

For those who may not have noticed my schedule page, I'm accepting an appointment for Wednesday/6th then I'll be unavailble until Sunday/17th. I'll not be answering my phone, nor responding to any messages until my return. See you then, I hope.



04 Sep, 2023

Today's twitter find... I echo it's sentiments.....

Could it have been a better weekend!

04 Sep, 2023

I don't think so!! The weather was amazing, and I was able to do whatever I felt like doing. Went to a cute little restaurant, watched a couple of interesting documentaries, went shopping again, lol, and spent some time in our gorgeous parks, with my bestie, my little dog.

All in all, it was an amazing weekend, and I'm ending it at home today, savoring my solitude. I hope you spent your weekend enjoying whatever it is that satiates your soul....Have the best labor day:)


Isn't it curious.....

02 Sep, 2023

Isn't it curious when men who fuck women behind the backs of their partners/spouses, and who congragate on sex sites/escort review boards to discuss and rate those women, will start a thread shaming a woman because she has switched careers from doing something they consider "respectable", to doing some form of adult entertainment. Some how these men seem to think that going into adult entertainment, or sex work, is a step down from any other career. They imply that we (those of us who make those choices) should be ashamed, embarrassed, or that we've some how failed at life. If we have choosen sex work, or adult entertainment as a career, lol!! Yet there they are, on a review board, bragging about their conquests, and giving tips on how to sneak around without getting Apparently in their minds, it's only congratulatory when "they" screw around, or partake in adult entertainment, I say with a big eye roll.....  

 I find it curious how some will judge the actions of another, all while doing something untoward themselves.... The woman who was being criticized, rated, and judged in the thread that promprted me to write this blog, is an actress who was once on a very popular series, and who is now apparently performing on onlyfans.Some of these "guys" seem to find that repugnant. I see her choice of being on onlyfans as just another acting role. I don't feel her choice deserves the judgement, assumptions, or condescention these yahoo's are giving it!! Apparently they haven't heard that expression, "Those who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"..... So what if any woman decides to switch's not your business, nor mine, to criticize. We all make choices for various reasons. To make assumptions as to why and judgements towards, especially when playing in the same field, only makes those judging and critquing sound like hypocrites, and pathetic ones at that. How can any man judge a woman for performing a job they seek out. How can a man who regularly seeks out women to fuck outside of his own relationship, then turn and criticize the women willing to fuck him? It's all so pathetic, it's funny, and it's all so telling, it's pathetic!

I'm going to recommend these fools do some introspection, before they once again judge, rate, or berate another woman. When they complete that introspection, if they've the fortitude to do so, perhaps then they'll understand just how foolish and hypocritical they sound....But I won't hold my breathe. Because those who flock to those sites, those who create those types of threads, tend to have misogynistic and narcissistic personalities. They will never be able to see their own hypocristy. They will never understand their ego, nor will they be able to admit to having an unhealthy perspective.

The saddest truth about sex work, is that many who seek us out, despise us. They have little to no respect for us, or what it takes to be in this industry. And most of that type seem to gravitate to, and congregate on those review boards. 



Why reviews are silly....

27 Aug, 2023

Bill thinks I'm wonderful, Joe thinks I'm okay, and Tim, thinks I'm not for him......(The names and opinions used are fictitious) So what does that make me....Wonderful, okay, or not for Tim, or just confusing, lol..... 

Lets face it, if you accept being reviewed as an escort, then you have to accept the good and bad reviews.They go hand in hand. Believe one, don't you then have to believe the other, and if that is the case what review determines the escorts worth? Thew good or the bad reviews? I hate using that word, worth, yet that is exactly what the review system is telling people. That this escort is worth seeing, or is not worth seeing. Which I find is very condescending and egotiscal. Egotistical, because for any client to think he has the power to change/increase or descrease an escorts worth by stating his evaluation of the time he spent is, imo, egotistical and self indulgent.I believe most escorts who offer an authentic experience will receive a mix of good/bad and mediocre reviews. Those who never receive any negative comments, I'd question. Since reviews are subjective, it wouldn't make sense for an escort to only recieve positive reviews, unless they were conspired or solicited. Because even the most beautiful, flawless, and most pleasent escort, won't or can't please every client, and it is foolish to believe they could. Personalities aren't always what they present them as when screening, people can act out inappropriately when in person, services may change because of hygiene issues or other factors, etc, etc, and we all can have a bad day. So how would you determine an escorts worth, if reviews are can't, nor should you. As your experience with them may be exceptional. My point is in this type of service industry, if the intimacy shared is authentic, relying on the experiences of other clients to dertermine yours is akin to believing that you will give and reciprocate the very same energy/touch/taste/mood/sexual abilities, as another person, which is impossible. Unless you've been cloned, lol.

 Other reasons to questions reviews.....Some clients will write negativity just to give an escort bad publicity, and some will write positivity just to give them more exposure, deserved or not.

 We all should want to help one another stay safe while seeking companionship,so those who write a review to inform others of this I understand and support, but unfortunately many also want some of their peers to fail, and will use whatever methods, and systems to accomplish that, reviews being one of them. So as far as I'm concerned, if you read only glowing reviews of anyone, question that. If you read only negativity, question that. And question everything in between. Reviews are just opinions, for the most part, and as we all know, opinions vary, are subjective, they can be used for nefarious reasons, and like assholes, everyone has one, lol. To those who think you can believe/trust those written by what is considered, a long time review board member, or a "valued" member, remember they too have motives, favorites, and opinions. So when seeking a companion, choose wisely, and read wisely. My best advice for finding a compatible companion is to speak to them, ask pertinent, polite, non sexually graphic questions.Those of us who wish to keep our clients safe, will not answer questions that point to you, the client, paying for sex, as doing so is illegal. You are purchasing our time. I'd recommend steering clear of any escort who freely discusses selling sex services.So always becareful, aware, and remember, only you can decide who is best for you...Not Bill, Joe or Tim.....and have fun!!


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New social platform

27 Aug, 2023

I was introduced to a new social media platform yesterday, by one of the nicest ladies....It's called bluesky social. Since twitter became X, and even before, many of us were being shadow banned, even evicted from that platform for just being escorts, and for showing our adult material, even the tamest stuff. This new platform (bluesky or allows adult material, and doesn't ban for that reason alone. So I joined. It's still in beta, and new, so it will take some time to garner a following. And to join you have to be given an invite. Those invites have to be earned, by posts. So I can't invite anyone until I earn an invite. Anyhow my handle there is I'm hoping it'll over take twitter/X before to long. We all should have free speech......I hope to see you there



Yes, I'm jealous.....

19 Aug, 2023

Of Madonna.....Have you seen her!! She looks like a thirty year old! And before you say it, yes she's had some work done, but so what, and who cares. I think she looks marvelous. There is nothing more impressive, confusing and powerful, than a mature woman, who looks young, yet has the confidence and strength only their years of experience can bring.....You go girl. I'm a fan!!


I have to share this....

17 Aug, 2023

One of my twitter followers sent me a link to this story which is so eloquently written. It's sad. I could so relate to her feelings......



15 Aug, 2023

I've noticed for some time, when I scroll through twitter there are so many age related tweets....examples-"If you can remember this ( there will be a pic of some item from past decades) then you are X years old"....or ......"you're old if you did this when"..... or "how old are you"...."if you played with these toys, then you are X years old"......etc, etc......Is our society more age obsessed than ever? Or am I just being sensitive? 

 It has always irked me when anyone makes passive aggressive comments about older folks, or when I hear those who openly insult anyone who is past an age that is considered no longer youthful( that number is subjective). I believe those who make those types of comments are those who are afraid of aging. Which is funny, imo. Why be frightened of something that is as natural as breathing? Aging is a part of life. A wonderful part, imo. If you take care of your health, you have nothing to worry about. Besides, getting older is a privilege that not all people will get to experience. Aging can be a wonderful teacher.....Certainly no one welcomes *some of the things that comes with getting older", but what is the alternative? those who think they've something special, because they have youth, to them I say, experience too is special. Aging brings that. To those who belittle the aged, because of their older looks, I say, look in the mirror, because your attitudes are far uglier than anyone's wrinkles. To those who think they aren't going to be "old" some day, I'm sorry you've seen your future as being so short......

When people start seeing one another as individuals, each valuable and unique, regardless of age, size, looks, or social standing, only then, imo, will humanity improve...


Prayers for Maui

15 Aug, 2023

Some things are just to hard to talk about....the devastation there is gut wrenching, to say the least.When you see what many are experiencing, and have experienced because of those fires, it certainly makes my troubles seem miniscule....Prayers to all those affected.


Funniest thing on twitter today...

13 Aug, 2023

Guys don't be offended, it's just a joke.... a funny one imo


Rate increase...

10 Aug, 2023

I apologize to those who'll find this unfavorable, but I've decided to raise my rates for those appointments booked after 6pm, 50$. So for any appts booked after 6pm it will now be 400 hourly instead of 350...... Most of my clients book between 10am-5pm and any days I have those looking for evening appts are often days in which I've had no daytime appts giving me little motivation to stay in a booking mood for the rest of the evening. I'm hoping that the little bit of extra cash will prove a motivation for me to accept more evening appts, esepcially on those days where I haven't been working, or getting any bookings.....


Why I blog....

10 Aug, 2023

I found this pictured quote prolific and a perfect explanation as to why I often blog about contentious subjects.....Others would say it's because I love drama, but those "others" are often those who start the drama, so who cares what they say anyhow, lol. 

 Other reasons I blog, are because I enjoy writing about many things and I like to keep those interested, abreast of my thoughts, opinions and activities. I'm often told by many that reading my blog gives them peace of mind booking me, as it shows them that I'm real, and someone with interesting perspectives and obvious intelligence. I also hope that it instills in those gentlemen who are looking to meet me, that I'm someone who enjoys meeting interesting, diverse gentlemen and that conversing is as important to me as are other fun activities...... 


I'm back....

09 Aug, 2023

I had a wonderful vacation. And as per usual, I need a vacation from my vacation, lol. It always takes me a few days to get back on a somewhat regular schedule when I return. While away, I sampled lots of different restaurants, found some new hiking trails, and was blessed with great weather to enjoy those days lounging. All in all it was a relaxing and enjoyable trip. Now I need to work off some of those calories, decide when to start hosting again, and get some groceries, lol....see you soon!! 



27 Jul, 2023   This story angers me so... Another police dog killed. The thing that irks me is that those animals don't choose to be in jobs that are a threat to their life and well being. We put them there, we force them to do those jobs. We train them to risk their lives. They have no idea that doing what they do could take their life and I'm very sure if they could speak and were asked, they'd choose another path. Officers that are killed have chosen that job, and know the risks going in, animals don't. It wasn't that long ago that two police dogs were killed because their handlers had left them in a car in extreme heat. With one, apparently there was a malfunction with the car. So they say. But who knows.I wouldn't trust them to tell the truth....They'll protect their asses and sacrifice the dog, because it's "just a dog"..... I think it's time to stop testing on animals, and time to stop using them as defense weapons.People need to handle their own crap and stop putting innocent animals in peril...just my two cents.... 

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26 Jul, 2023

If you were to google the word "mature" you'd find it's meaning as "having reached an advanced age"....So I'd accept that term to define my age, lol, but someone 33? I saw on a "hobby board" (review board), where some guy was referring to a 33 yr old in such a way as to indicate that she was old.....If she is old, I must be considered an antique on those boards, lol. Sad how so many on those forums as so small minded, and lack an understanding of humanity, respectfulness and cannot see the beauty in all ages of adulthood.


Lyla....edited...edited again Aug 10

24 Jul, 2023

Lol, yes I'm lurking again..... this site (Lyla) can be a source of entertainment. Not great entertainment, but often the ridiculousness that is posted there can be somewhat funny. So when I've some free time and I'm bored, I'll read some of the drivel posted on some of the "hobby boards".....

This thread        stood out. Not because I know any of those people, or because it was special, but because the silliness of it. You have one guy making posts about how much he likes one specific escort, and another poster finding that suspicious and griping about it. Let me say.....many of the posters on that board, and for many years, have done, and do the VERY SAME THING. Yet no one calls them out or raises brows at their behavior.....why? Because that site allows some to get away with crap, and doesn't allow others....Back when I was a member, there was a client with the initials RG, who would constantly post about a provider with the initials one called him out. There are also MANY others who also show favoritism to specific people. It's how most hobby boards work. They have their cliques. So to the guy complaining and suspecting, I'll say, move on...unless you're going to call out ALL the people who favor their favorites, lol. People favor people. The only thing wrong with that is when it becomes obvious that some can get away with doing it, while others can't, and that is the theme on that board. If you spend anytime there you'll get to see who is moderating, who the admins are, which ones are posing as clients and even other providers, and who they favor, lol.

Edit: I see they deleted the thread this blog is about. That seems to happen when I link one of their threads  here in my blog, it gets deleted. That site has never tolerated anyone speaking honestly about it.....

I'm adding to this because after reading that site  yesterday I noticed a review of a particular escort, an escort who has in the past called out anyone who did anything questionable, and who had appointed herself as an advocate for the industry( and is clearly anything but). This review was from a "client" who had joined the site only hours before writing her review.....YET no one called that review as being questionable, nor that "client" as being suspect because it was written by a member who had just joined. So...once again, I point out, on that site, Lyla, it just depends on who does what, as to what drama will unfold. Some can get away will crap, that others can't.... and it's laughable, at just how obvious it is!


Sending etransfers......

24 Jul, 2023

This morning I woke to find a lovely gesture in my email. An etransfer gift from an admirer. Thank you so very much to him....And I will donate some of it. You touched my heart!!

I want to explain something about sending these lovely gifts though....

When anyone sends an escort, or content creator an etransfer, please remember to use the password as something nondescript-example, perhaps use the name of the city that person lives or works in....and it's best to put any messages in a separate email, or if you want to include a small message DO NOT make any connection to escort or content work. Yes, our work is legal in Canada, and I and others do pay taxes, but even so, more and more banks are cancelling the accounts of known escorts and content makers. I hope no one will be offended by this reminder, I'm just putting it out there so no one loses their ability to bank, and that your gifts get through without interuption, or complications. Thanks again for your generosity and thoughtfulness.

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Good communication matters

23 Jul, 2023

There is nothing that will dry a woman's panties quicker than a poorly spoken man. Curt, illiterate sounding, poorly written, disrespectful, impolite texts, voicemails, and emails make us cringe, and deserve a block or an ignore. A man that takes the time to provide the details we all ask for in our ads and on our websites, and social media with respectful, professional sounding communication is what we all scroll through our phones looking for.

  How you approach us initially in your communication leaves a lasting impression. Those "hey babe", "was up", "you available" guys and their like, are the ones we want to avoid and if you want to meet an escort who'll treat you like a "boyfriend" and not a cash machine, then your communication with us should be polite, professional, respectful and intelligent. Sounding educated, intelligent and having manners, matters, since any worthy, memorable date starts with good communication, and it is always that talk that moves things along into more intimate scenarios. I have yet to meet an escort, or any woman, for that matter, who was wooed into a date by some guy saying "hey babe I wanna fuck ya, you available", or some other crude, disrespectful garble......Just because we may post intimate, seductive wording, and or pictures, isn't a suggestion for you to contact us in the same manner.....First and foremost we are business women, approach us with that in mind. And remember what you say within all your communications will set the stage for how you are perceived and treated. Well spoken, respectful gentlemen, always make my panties wet.....


Busy, busy, busy.....

22 Jul, 2023

The nerdowells, bullies and deperadoes seem to be busiier than ever. You know those losers who spend their time trying to affect negatively, or interup the lives of those they target. 

These past few months have been great for me, so it's no surprise that I'm being targeted..The losers despise when I speak about my happiness, doing well, and good luck, lol. Yesterday, Friday was an especially great day/evening.....The irony of these game players, is that when they appear, I have a day or days, or an evening or evenings in which something wonderful happens. So although every now and then some idiot will do his or her best to ruin my run of good fortune, it always backfires on them as more good fortune comes my way, lol.....So no matter how hard they try, I'm going to keep being positive, grateful, and secure in knowing that no matter what some loser tries to do, the universe, my guardian angle, or whatever energy keeps giving me positivity, will keep giving me more, and more, and I'll continue prospering and enjoying each day to the fullest.

May good fortune also come your way!!


Serial killer caught.....

16 Jul, 2023

I seldom post about such stories, but this one struck a nerve.

It took the police more than a decade to catch this guy, and I'll be one to say, "because all the known vicitims were sex workers".....When violence happens to us the police just aren't invested in finding our attackers, and seldom do they believe that we aren't the instigators.They seldom see us as vicitms, even with all the bullshit talk over the years with human trafficking, about how they are there to aide sex workers, to help us exit the profession.....What a bunch of crap!! They see us as criminals, and time and time again,  they  treat us in such a way that it makes us regret seeking out their help!

This suspected killer is typical to many clients we see, as far as his age, appearance, and professional standing......Although, I, like many other escorts, avoid  clients like him, who contact us via an app number or from a burner phone number, as he was using to contact all the women he is alleged to have murdered. Many guys who use these, use them for nefarious reasons, not just because they are wanting to hide their philanering from their partners or spouses. If a client becomes problematic, and we need to report him to the police, and we only have an app number, the problematic client becomes more difficult to track down, and that time could mean someone else"s life or death.

 This story should be a reminder to the "it's to risky for me to screen guys" why escorts who do screen, screen, and why part of that screening is insisting that you have a registered phone number to contact us from.This should also be a reminder to those escorts who allow clients to use app numbers/burner phones, why it's unsafe to do so....

Screen, screen, screen,  and ask for a registered phone number....  we have to be careful out there.

Edit....Of course after I made a comment about screening on twitter, I got a few ladies saying that screening isn't 100%, that instead of using this man as an example to screen, we should see this as a reason to realize that screening doesn't fully protect us....well okay, point taken. Yet my screening involves finding out if the client is using a real number, so in this instance I would have declined meeting that man, because for ALL his contacts he used a burner phone. And if we're going to speak about screening not being 100%, lets bring up condoms, they aren't 100% either. Medical practioners will tell you that you can still contract an sti/std while using them. And although you'll hear many in this industry promoting the importance of using them, and rightfully so, you'll not hear anyone saying that they aren't 100%.....My point..... Nothing we do is 100%. We all know this, to suggest this serial killer be an example that screening isn't 100%, imo, minimizes screening importance, and gives the "I won't screen guys" another reason to whine about and to justify not screening. The fact remains, it's better to screen than not, and it's better to use condoms than not. Some knowledge, some protection, is ALWAYS better than none at all!!


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I'm here.....

11 Jul, 2023

I've decided to wait until August before I leave the province for some R&R. I haven't been working much, so as of now, it seems silly to vacation, when I'm basically on vacation, lol. Life is good. Fingers crossed it'll continue being so.....Have the best day


Then this happened!!

08 Jul, 2023

I had a great Friday and Fri-evening.....then I wake to some idiot hag calling my phone, leaving stupid voicemails... in one she said "that she was "Shawn's" mother in law, and that "we" know"....So I called her back to find out what the fuck, excuse my language, she was talking about. I asked her who I was speaking to, she responded, "none of my business", and "that I had better stop messaging Shawn, and that "we" know", then she hung up.....Lol!! So... I'm still not aware of what she is talking about, or who "we" or Shawn is.....I sent her a text telling her to tell Shawn and WE, that if any of them message, or contact me in any way I'll be going to the police. As funny and ridiculous as I find this type of nonsense, it also angers and annoys me. And when I get dragged into this type of crap I've no problem handling it professionally, either by retaining a lawyer to handle it however they can, or by contacting the police and letting them do something or both..... The gall of her to contact me that way!! It is also cowardly, stupid, and irresponsible. If there is a Shawn, it is that person she should be angry with, and only that person. As an escort, I don't initiate contact with any man. They initiate it. And if I find their contact to be professional, and to my liking, I'll respond to them, if not, they're ignored. 

If there is a Shawn, and Shawn is having dates with an escort, this woman and her group need to be angry at Shawn, not the escort. I'll never understand the mindsets that think otherwise. Women often get angry at the philanderers sexual partner, not at the philandering man, lol, it's all so stupid!

I'd love to have a day/afternoon/evening in which some idiotic drama isn't thrown at me.....just one please!!



08 Jul, 2023

I follow a lovely lady on twitter, by the handle "Miss Kitty". She posts the loveliest quotes, this one resonated with me......


Because this happened!!

07 Jul, 2023

I hadn't intended on writing another blog until my return from vacation, but because of a recent incident, and my change in vacation plans, I'm wrting this today, July 7.....

I've said it before, that my screening isn't always successful in weeding out the assholes from the nice guys, and this most recent incident has proven that once again. However, I'm aware that I can't always be to hard on, nor blame myself for letting one slip through, as some assholes are just very good at pretending to be nice guys, until they don't get what they want....

I recently spoke to a guy who wanted to book a same day appt, which was a Monday, I was unable to accept him, and suggested the following day, or later in the week....He choose the following day (Tuesday). I received his screening information, and then proceeded to ask him some questions. He had said he understood everything, had read my website, and would probably want a 2 hour appointment, but would start with the hour then decide....I had told him upon booking, I had to know how much time to block off. He settled on an hour, and we set our date for 6 pm that following evening.The following morning at 933am he sends a text cancelling. My website and I both make it clear about my cancellation policy. As you can see from the text  pictured in this blog, he pretended he wasn't aware of it. So I proceeded to call him to make it clear and he was nothing but rude, pushy, and insulting. He insisted that he's cancelled flights many times with an hours notice, without penalty, and that he's also seen lots of other ladies who've never expected anything from him when he's cancelled with them.(So I think it's safe to assume, that he thinks all escorts should operate like airlines, and because some escorts he's seen does things their way, all others should follow suit, lol) He then told me I was all about money....his words, "so it's money, money, money"....and that I was being unprofessional and that he was planning to reshedule.....LOL!! I said, funny you made no mention of resheduling in your text. He had an excuse and an answer for everything......Looking back,when we had our conversation there were a few red flags that I should have paid attention to. The first was when he seemed to think he could book the time he wanted, how he wanted. He seemed a little annoyed that I wouldn't allow him to decide how much time to book once he got here. Another being, upon him telling me one of the reasons he chose me was because of my having no tattoos, he then proceeded to be somewhat condescending towards those who had them. He made others comments which I ignored, and now realize I shouldn't have. As I do believe those guys that compare us, and who make even minor criticisms of how another looks, operates, dresses, etc, are most often the guys that will be problematic. As has been the case once again....

 This asshole has recently moved here from Alberta, so lucky for the ladies there, and unlucky for those here who'll actually get to meet this goof in person. Although he insisted that he'd not be calling anyone here if that is how escorts in Halifax operated....How dare we expect to be paid when a client cancels....How dare we!!! 

I shouldn't have to explian this, as those with common sense and thoughtfulness, get it.....for those who don't, I know I'm wasting my time writing this, but here goes anyhow, lol.....When I accept an appointment and block off a time for you, I'm not answering my phone or advertising to attract another client. As I've filled the spot/s I wanted/needed filled. So when you cancel, especially same day, that gives me no time to regain that income, or to fill that spot. I also have my own personal things to work around and reshedule, which I've done when I've accepted your date. Is it fair that your inconvenience becomes mine.  Is it fair because something comes up for you that I then should have to spend more time and money to advertise again to regain another client......  For anyone to think they can just book and cancel on a whim, is selfish, unprofessional and irresponsible! Responsible adults take care of their obligations, and once you book something/someone/sometime, you've obligated yourself to it. Your change of plans shouldn't inconvenience another, nor do they negate your obligation. 

To the assholes out there who are as disrespectful, and as inconsiderate as this goof...grow the fuck up and take care of your obligations and act like a grown man!


My last blog....

27 Jun, 2023

A reminder......

This will be my last blog until I return from vacation on the 21st or so of July...

I'll be accepting a few appts as of Monday July 3rd-until the12th, then unavailable until the 21st. I will post when I'm accepting clients again. Enjoy your time and I hope the sun shines on you....



Victorias secret...

26 Jun, 2023

My new Victorias secret body you like it?



26 Jun, 2023

 To be kind.....

*And as Maya Angelou said, "Be present in all things and thankful for all things"

Other quotes I love....

*"I want to be like water, to be able to slip through fingers but hold up ships"-Michelle Williams

*"This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections"-Saint Augustine

*Time & Karma...

When a bird is eat ants, when the bird dies, ants eat it...

One tree can be made into a million match sticks, yet it can take only one match stick to burn a million trees 

Circumstances can change at anytime...

Don't devalue or hurt anyone in this life...

You may be powerful today, but time is more powerful than you!-Author unknown

* "I find that a ducks opinion of me is influenced by whether or not I have bread"-Mitch Hedberg

*And a couple by me....

"Beautiful people aren't perfect in their appearance, but kind in their hearts"

*"The pretentious believe they have it all when they become highly educated, wealthy & gain status..."The intelligent believe they have it all when they share kindness and show compassion" ......



A reminder

25 Jun, 2023

Just a reminder....I'll be out of province from July 14th-21st or so....I'll be away enjoying the summer weather, hopefully some good food, beaches and some good hiking trails with my little buddy, my dog, lol..... I'll post again upon my return and when I'll be available again.....Until I see you. Be safe, smile, and enjoy your summer.



25 Jun, 2023

And hypocristy....two things that are prevalent on those hobby (review) boards.....There you'll hear married men who boast about their trysts, condemning women who cheat on their partners or spouses.Only there will you hear some members praise their favorite board, then condemn it in another thread, lol. Only there will you hear of married men gasping in utter disgust after learning that some escorts they've met were married, or partnered.....What's good for the goose isn't for the gander on hobby boards, I say with a big eye roll.....Only on a hobby board will you find the mindsets that believe having sex with multiple partners as being a "hobby". Only on a hobby board will you hear men claim that a female is past her prime after 23 years old. Only on a hobby board will you read about men being as indiscreet as could be, then complain about escorts who are wanting to be safe by screening clients..Apparently it's okay for these guys to post all their intimate details, yet when an escort wants to know who they are, that is,what they considerate dangerous to their discretion and indiscrete, lol...I mean, how dare an escort want to know who she may be meeting!!......and to think that many members on those boards are over 50/60 years old....that I find sad and scary....scary that men with that much life experience could have such small, messed up minds. I've got to stop lurking on those cesspools.The foolishness, misogyny, bias, stupidity and hypocristy spewed on them is headache material and always leaves me feeling like I need to shower to clean off the dirt I've read.....Rant over, lol.....



22 Jun, 2023

Those who follow me know I post (tweet) alot on twitter. I also spend alot of time supporting my peers by rt'ing their posts, and scrolling through and reading the tweets of strangers and other subjects I find interesting. While scrolling this morning this tweet, from a gentlemen I don't know or follow, caught my attention, it brought tears to my eyes.....I commented to him, as it moved me with emotions. I just can't imagine being told this type of news and then having to tell others about it. And he had the kindness and thoughtfulness to send out best wishes to his followers..... When you hear of or read this type of information, it certainly can put anyones daily problems into perspective. I can only hope his last few months are his happiest and that he is able to enjoy all of them. I hope he is comfortable, without pain, and will be blessed to experience things that will leave amazing memories for his loved ones....I wish I could hug strong someone must be to face such news.....I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers.....Maybe you could do the same.


Feeling remorseful...

22 Jun, 2023

During a conversation I had recently, the news of the Titanic submarine was broached and I responded to it with some snark. I hadn't been following the news of it, I had just heard brief snippets. Which had made me roll my eyes and lack sympathy, as I had felt it was wrong and foolish to want to take a "trip" to gawk at the gravesite of those Titanic travellers. I had felt at that time that the sub passengers deserved the fate they faced....After watching different news stories the past couple of days, has me changing my tune..... One piece of news that I found very interesting was that the wife of the pilot of that submarine was apprently the great great grandaughter of one of the affluent couples who had drowned on the Titanic.....     After watching what's been going on the past couple of days, has me now feeling remorseful about my attitude, and feeling very sorry for those aboard, their friends and families. The fear and stress must be insurmountable....Sadly it's not looking good, and the likelihood of them surviving is looking very grave to nill......A very sad story....


Maybe it's time to move.....

22 Jun, 2023

Vienna is said to be the most livable city. I heard this on the news this morning...who knew. Perhaps it's time to move, lol.


Legalization Vs Decriminalization and those opposed to both...

21 Jun, 2023

There is an ongoing back and forth on twitter right now between those who advocate for decriminlization of prostitution and those who want the industry eliminated altogether. I stepped into the argument, which I now regret, and instead of continuing there I decided to write this blog.....

  I have never completely understood the hatred held by those who want the escorting industry shut down, nor the reasoning for their claims.They insist that closing our industry will eliminate sex trafficking, and pimping.....How naive! For anyone to believe that those who commit those atrocious crimes would disappear if prostitution was criminalized, or eliminated completely, are blinded by their hatred of the industry, and brain washed by governments, and anti sex workers. People are pimped and trafficked where selling sex is illegal, people are pimped and trafficked where sex work is decriminalized.....Criminals don't care about laws! I don't know how to eliminate pimps and traffickers and the other trouble makers within our industry, nor do I have the energy to advocate. However I'll always speak out. I will also continue to believe that elimination of our industry would harm more than it would help, and I'm certain that no matter what is done, the nefarious will find ways to commit their crimes and abuses.

To better understand the decriminalization vs legalization argument I've included two articles that explains the difference better than I could   .........  There are also many other articles on the subject. Should you care to google and read more. To read about the twitter back and forth concerning advocacy for and against you can read that here

I will always support the industry. I understand I was and have always been privileged within it, as I chose and have continued to choose this lifestyle. Not out of necessity, but for many reasons, which I've discussed in other blogs and will again at another time. I'm privileged because I get to choose my clientelle, how often I see them and the services I"m willing to provide to them. And even though I've experienced harm, negativity, and other undesirable issues while escorting, I'll still defend and support it as I've also experienced lots of good because of it......  I don't believe the industry itself is the issue, I believe that some within it are. Selling ones body/time, or however you want to frame it, doesn't cause the issues, how people go about doing so and why, can create issues. Men are going to screw around and cheat on their partners whether or not there are prostitutes, and people are going to be forced into labour whether our industry exists or not. Rapists will rape, with or without prostitution, and the drug trade will also florish, regardless.Women will be sexually harrassed, abused, and used with or without our industry. Because evil exists, and criminals exist. Both will continue to flourish and find ways of exisiting with or without our industry.....

Lets talk about the pros of escorting, at least from my experience... It's helped grow my self confidence, it's taught me how to read people, it's allowed me to earn more than other jobs I've had, it allows me autonomy and it provides me with social entertainment that I'd not seek if I were working in another field. I"ve met some truly interesting and lovely gentlemen because of it.....I've also learned how to use a computer because of it, how to build a website, to advertise online, to edit and take pictures and it's taught me lots about about my own sexuality. Sure you could say that other jobs could have taught me some of those things too, but if other jobs are supposed to be so much better, why then did I keep coming back to escorting? And even though I haven't had alot of other job experiences, I've had enough to know that escorting suits me, and that I prefer it over the other types of work I've done . I'm also of the belief that some of the negative aspects of what happens within our industry can also happen within other industries/jobs. People are people, and no matter the work environment, and the type of work, issues can arise, do exist, and abuses can occur. Certainly escorting and prostitution has it's own unique issues, but they have yet to out weigh the pros, at least from my perspective and experience. Some people will insist that escorts sell sex only, I'll continue to insist that I sell my time. Since my abilities and services, my clients desires and expectations often extend beyond only sexual services. Many of us seek out companionship and intimacy.And sadly many others within our society continue to use their moral beliefs as a justification for wanting the escort industry shut down.They feel that monotizing sex and having more than a certain number of partners as being immoral, wrong and unhealthy.....They have been brain washed into believing out dated and unreasonable sexual and dating practices and they need to get over themselves....... Sex isn't precious, it's common, normal and a basic physiological need. Nor is any one way of having, or sharing it right or wrong, pertaining that those involved are of adult age and willing..... It's pleasureable and we do crave it. Sometimes just for the orgasmic delight of it, other times for the intimacy it creates and sometimes for both of those and for other healthy reasons....When adults decide to have it with other willing adults, however they decide to share sex, should be for them to decide, and that shouldn't be judged. It's normal to want human touch, closeness, intimacy, companionship and paying for all or any of that, shouldn't be shameful, nor criminal. 

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When lines blur

21 Jun, 2023

Sometimes I'll meet a client who'll blur the lines between escorting and conventionalism. He'll make me forget I'm being paid for my time. I'll feel comfortable enough around him to where I'll want to loosen my boundaries, and shut off my "spidey senses". As I'll feel a sense of safety and understanding. He'll make me feel so special that I'll crave his company. And as much as I crave this type of encounter, and as exciting as it is when I meet such a special man ( which doesn't happen often), it's in these instances that I"ll question myself, my purpose, and my professionalism. It causes me great conflict. Since I've told myself that I don't want a conventional relationship, and that always remaining professional and maintaining boundaries, are important to me.... My past experiences also remind me if I do let down my guard, or relax my boudaries, I'll only have regrets later...........

 Life experiences and years of escorting have taught me to be suspect of everyone.That most people have an agenda and more often than not, people are out for themselves....So to protect myself, I've learned to hone the skills of reading body language and to listen to voice inflections, etc, to decipher a person's sincerity and their true intent.....  Clearly, I've still some honing to do, as I've misread a few, as past experiences will attest....I've misread the good intentioned as having an agenda, and missed the signs some with agendas had shown. But in fairness to my skill, there are also great manipulators out there who've also honed their skill. I'm always on the lookout for them.....

 In the future I think for my peace of mind, I'll have to remain steadfast with my boundaries, and if I meet another gent as special as one I"ve met recently, I'll have to make it clear that I can't mix personal feelings with business engagements, as much as I may want to. I have to keep business as business.....



An ode to dad...

17 Jun, 2023

This is a poem I wrote to my dad a few years after his passing. It's been more than a decade now, but I miss him like it was yesterday.....You would have liked him. He was a tall, proud man. Business wise, honest, generous, and responsible. He never had a bad word to say about anyone, and when you were with him, you'd never be allowed to put your hand in your pocket. He gave me more than I deserved, was always there for me when I needed him, and he tried so hard to teach me financial responsibility. I still see his smile, hear his laughter, he had the best sense of humour.....He wasn't perfect, he had flaws, but he was my dad. I loved him for trying his best, and I miss him so.....To those who are also missing their father's, may the memories of him bring you smiles on this father's day.....

 To all the dads out there, may your day be a special one, filled with love, happiness and those who mean the most.......


It seems things never change.....

14 Jun, 2023

Imagine a client telling an escort he's enjoyed spending time with in the past, that he won't see her again, if she continues interacting with another escort. This other escort, btw, is safe, professional, and has no knowledge or memory of that client...I wish I could say I was surprised by this petty childishness, but this type of behavior has been seen, or heard of, ever since I became an independent escort.The immaturity and vileness of some within this industry just never ceases, and it comes from both clients and escorts.....

Every one of us has the right to interact with whomever we choose. But NO ONE has the right to tell another who they can interact with! Then to use what you think is your power, by revoking your patronage, your $$$, to inflict negativity onto another, is a new level of low. I say this also to those escorts who'll tell their clients not to see another escort, simply because they've had personal issues with them, is also another level of low. Dislike whom you choose, but for fucks sake, be professional and act mature! This isn't elementary school!

There are a few people I dislike in this industry, some are escorts and some are clients. I'm also professional enough that if a client were to ask me about one of the escorts I disliked, because he wanted to see them. I'd tell him to contact them and that it was for him to decide if they'd get along. I'd keep my personal opinions to myself. If a friend were to ask my opinion of any of them, I'd tell them....My dislike of anyone is for me to deal with and unless it was because of safety issues, telling clients about it, I see as unnecessary, unprofessional and petty. That is how we all should treat our peers and clients, imo. Business is business and personal affairs should be separated from it. I won't and don't expect another person to dislike someone simply because I do. And I'll trust that people of good character, will be able to discern the character of another and decide for themselves whether interactions should continue or be severed.

I do believe that money is causation of most of these immature and negative behaviors, that, and some insecure personalities...... I believe noteriety fuels many, also. So many escorts will do whatever it takes to be the "stand out", "the escort of the moment". And so many escorts will do whatever it takes, to make the amounts of monies they need to lead their lifestyles. Including being malicious/spiteful to those peers who don't fall into their social or money making circles......So many clients will do whatever it takes to become favored by specific escorts, or to become the "man of the moment" on those review boards......And they all justify all they do....It's sad really. Maybe one day things will change. I'll continue to hope......


Another reason to hate people!

14 Jun, 2023

Years ago when the Atlantic cod fishery collapsed, the demise of the cod fishery was blamed on seals, and other predators. Humans certainly wouldn't blame this shit show of bears and wolves being shot from planes and helicopters (in the link above  explains) in the guise of protecting the caribou.....When will humans take accountability for over fishing, for over hunting, for land destruction, for destroying our water ways, for climate destruction......I'll tell you...NEVER!! It's always another species, according to the asshats that allow and create these culls. I hope with all my hope that karma finds all of them and sends them straight to the same place those poor animals ended up!

and another example..... I see on this mornings news people are having trouble because of geese pooping on their parks grass and there is an uproar. People are complaining ..... How dare an animal inconvience humans by acting natural and by pooping...I say to those complaining....ask those fish, and wildlife that live in and depend on our seas, oceans, lakes and rivers, how they're enjoying the shit we dump into them. The oil spills we cause, the pollution we dump, the deforestation, etc, etc.....How do you think those animals should react to humans? Oh wait...we're human, we own the planet, we get to destroy it at our whim, and we also have the right to kill any other animal that causes us inconvience, right?.......WRONG! Humans are the most invasive, destructive, selfish, and stupidest animal species on this planet!! We should be ashamed of ourselves!!



13 Jun, 2023

Here we go again!!! 

 It has been brought to my attention that there is a person who claims to have seen me when I was using the moniker, Cristycurves,(btw, I used that monker between 2011-2015) who has also stated that associating with me will cause this person to not want association with those who do, (childish idiot).This person is claiming that they've heard and found out that I'm from Kentville, NS....So clearly there are others who are spreading these lies....Those who know me, know this information isn't true. And this "living in Kentville" is a new one, lol, because in the past I've also been accused of being from Sackville, NS. I've never lived or spent time, or grew up in either place.This person is also insisting that I have children....which I haven't had. Just to be clear and frank....I've had two abortions, both were necessary. I have never adopted, given birth, or had another birth children for me.... They are also saying that I was in banking there, again wrong....My past employments I won't speak of here, as that would give some to much information to dig into to create more rumours. But I can say I've never been in banking in Kentville or any where else in this province.....where this person contrived this information I don't know. But for christ sakes, I wish those who gossip and spread gossip would at least get their facts straight! If I had children, I'd proudly speak of them, if I lived in Kentville, I'd acknowledge that, why hide it? And if I was a banker, no shame in that either....I do hope that this person sees this and has the courage to contact me to apologize and explain why they are spreading so many untruths!! But then again, ever since I became an independent escort and joined the online review boards, so many rumours have been spread about me....sad thing is they never get their facts straight. It's shameful and pathetic that anyone feels comfortable spreading untruths about anyone, yet in this biz, it seems to be commom place and something that a few sick minded idiots enjoy doing.So to end.... I say to this idiot, "dislike me all you want, anyone has that right, but when you mention my name, or any of my monikers, you best add to them what's true, and not this type of stupidity". It's not a good look for you, or for anyone who follows your path!!


I will add....for many years I was frightened that those outside of my very small circle would find out about my lifestyle. I feared the repercussions, as there can be many, from people not wanting to associate with me, losing tenacy (that's happened), etc, etc.That was then..... I've distanced myself from most of my family for many reasons. My father is deceased now, and I've now been open with those who matter most to me.This type of freedom is powerful..... The only person I now protect from knowing of my lifestyle is my mother. And not because she'd stop loving me,or not want to be around me, but because she is the church lady type. She has very old school values, beliefs and she just doesn't need to know.She is aged and her last years should be spent living without the worry that knowledge would cause her. So I feel there is no need to tell her. She has no computer, no cell phone, still uses a land line. So I've no fear of her being able to find me online. I've family in lots of businesses, and different lines of employment that would give them knowledge...Some know,, some don't,  and so what, who cares.... After being outed at my previous residence, and now open with the people I care about, I've no fear of being outed again. I refuse to hide from anyone anymore, other than my mom.... So to those who are spreading rumours, who like to make up lies, who play silly little games. I recommend you make sure your closets are empty, and that you also have no one you are hiding your secrets from, who might be affected by them.....

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Loving the peace.....

07 Jun, 2023

I don't know what took me so long to use the block feature on my phone, but thanks for it, as now most days are filled with peace and messages from those I want to hear from. There was time when the nuisance texts such as, "hey", "hi", "you available", "rates", etc,etc, were endless. Now when I see one, I simply block and move onto to those who send all the required information in their text. Lol, it's finally sunk in....if a man is serious about meeting me, he's going to follow my easy contact/screening instructions. No longer will I take the time to try and reason with or explain things to anyone. My contact instructions are simple, written here on my site and in my ads. If someone can't bother to read and follow them, that speaks volumes.....I've learned those who ignore those instructions are ALWAYS time wasters of one form or another. So to all those lovely gents who'll been so respectful, who follow my instructions without issue, and who are keeping me busy these days, I say thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 

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Where you can find me....

05 Jun, 2023

Here are some of the sites I advertise on, in no particular order....




05 Jun, 2023

So I'll be off twitter for a few days as I've a search suggestion ban, apparently. I retweet alot of other ladies and post my own pictures and from what I've read about these bans, those are some of the causes for receiving that type of ban. It doesn't prevent me from posting, nor from logging into my account, it just prevents my account from populating. It suggests staying off twitter for 3-5 days in order to have the ban lifted. It also suggests removing aggressive or combative tweets....Anyhow, being an escort online is becoming more and more difficult as so many platforms are limiting our exposure.....Thankfully I can still post here in my blog, lol, for those few who read it......See you soon, and I wish you all a beautiful day...

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I let the cat out of the bag....

05 Jun, 2023

This year I began socializing more, reconnecting with a few friends. Which as you might expect came with some issues, as my lifestyle isn't known to any of those people. I was growing tired of making excuses, and tiptoeing around some questions that were posed to me about my spending, income, etc....So the other evening I let a couple of trusted friends, one whom I'm closer to than the other, know of my truth, how I earn money and date. Both ladies I feel I can trust, but I socialize mostly with the other, so I care more about her opinion.....Both took it quite positively, to my surprise and relief. So I'm now both relieved, and somewhat shell shocked. Shell shocked because I still can't believe I told them, lol.....hopefully we will grow closer because of it. If not, I'll I get that my lifestyle isn't the norm and for some, understanding and accepting it is a hard pill to swallow, even though they don't disagree with it. We all have different morals and beliefs, so time will tell how they settle with it, and me....Now if I could only get my mother to understand it, lol.....


Throw back Thursday.....

02 Jun, 2023

Throw back Thursday.....that is the day when some people post pictures of themselves from the past on twitter. I did that this Thursday, see the pictures above and below. And it got me thinking how far I've come, and how much I've changed physically. The latter not for the better,lol, but my oh my, I'm impressed with my strength and resilience. I've overcome and have learned so much. Time can be a great teacher....Looking back can be fun and interesting.....I hope your life journey is being kind to you and teaches you all you need to know. 


Welcome June.....

01 Jun, 2023

The past couple of months have been wonderful for me, and I'm grateful for them. June is looking just as great......Yet the past couple of days have been awful for many and our province....The wildfires have devastated many, our forests, and killed many animals. So my happiness wanes. It's hard to smile and feel great in light of so much suffering. I pray we get rain soon.Please do what you can to help, and for all of our sake, follow the no burn rules. All these fires have been human caused. It breaks my heart to see destruction of this planet so many are causing.....There is no other more reckless an animal than the human. Only we are stupid enough to destroy the only home (our planet) we have....It seems we'll never learn.


Here we go again......

17 May, 2023

So on twitter, there is an American escort who is now being chastised, blocked, muted, encouraged to be ousted from the "community", because she is "putting us all at risk". She posted a selfie of a client who didn't follow her screening protocol properly. I won't link the thread, because I don't want it to garner more attention.Those escorts who are rt'ing and quoting the post should also know by doing so, they are allowing that poor mans unnecessarily posted photo, to be distributed more. I don''t agree with what she did, as I believe the only time a client/potential client should be doxed, is when they have been *proven" to be of harm to anyone and  then that should, imo, involve the police. I also disagree with these threads on twitter on which other escorts gang up on, and bully an escort, who they feel has done something untoward to the "proverbial" community.   

   Every escort I know, including myself, preaches the old standard words, "we're independents", "therefore we have the right to run our businesses as we see fit". This standard saying is repeated anytime an escort commments on another escorts rates, the services they offer, etc, etc, etc....Yet in instances like how this escort handled her client, it suddenly becomes everyones business and about "protecting the community". No longer is she an independent, no longer is her business, her business! She is apart of a community. Even though many commenting to her have never known of or interacted with her. They claim that she is putting "us all" at risk, and that her actions gives those clients who are reluctant to screen, another reason to be weary in doing so.....And there is some truth in that. BUT and again, if we are all independents, with the right to run our business as we see fit, then how that American escort decides to handle *her* clients  is apart of her business practice, and should also be her business alone, not ours to judge. Because they are her clients when they are booking her, and they should know how she operates, if they do their due diligence and research her. If we are going to use the "it puts us all at risk" reasoning for vilifying her, and as a justification for outing her as being a "risk" to the "community", because of how she operates her business, then we should then extend that belief to how we all operate, with much of what we do. Because how we charge, how we provide our services, the services we do provide, whether we screen or not, ask for deposits or not, how we advertise, what we say, etc, etc, can also be seen as, affecting us all, and to some degree, can cause some harm, and be the reason for some clients to be weary, inappropriate, problematic, etc, etc. So either we agree that we can all do things independently, or we elect a leader to comprise a list of how things are to be done the same, by us all....Until then, none of us has the right to police anyones business/business practices, nor should we want to.

 As I've said before, this "community" many escorts will comment towards, and lament about protecting, only ever seems to exist when it comes time for some escorts to gang up on another escort/s.....or when someone tries to volley positive feedback/support for their ways of thinking, or doing things. And it also seems to be these very same types of escorts who'll regularly defend their own business practices, by lamenting how they're "independents", and therefore they get to do things their way. They will also very easily exclude, or oust anyone from their "proverbial" community who doesn't follow their same beliefs/practices.....It's all so very hypocritical, imho and perhaps I'm seeing it all wrong. Either way.... it's time we all minded our own businesses, and not those of others. If we are going to keep pushing the "we are all independents" strategy, or, we all start operating the same......At least that's how I see it.


What would you do?

17 May, 2023

I was having this discussion with someone, and ever since, it's been on my mind. As it's a subject that causes me to wonder, what's right, or wrong, or perhaps there is no right or I ask, what would you do.....

  When you know of a person who isn't of good character, or who's hurt other people, who's said or done things that weren't kind, but they are good to you, so would you, should you, become friends with them, or do you keep them at bay, and disallow them from becoming friends. And if they are connected to other people you associate with, do you also keep those people at bay? As they say, "birds of a feather flock together"....If there is truth in that statement, then if one person is bad, doesn't that make those whom they associate with, also bad? I feel this way about some of my peers. There are some in my industry who I think are cold, calculating, backstabbing bitches, but does that mean all those they duo with, or associate with, are also like that? I mean, can nice people associate with those who aren't nice, while remaining nice? This is a conumdrum for me......I tend to cut off all those I think of as "bad", and I also cut off most they associate with. But am I doing the right thing? The same applies to those I befriend outside of my "work". I won't remain friends with those who associate with people I know who have hurt or who've been means to others. And the hurt could be anything from gossiping, to theft, dishonesty, etc, etc.....So what would you do, and am I being to harsh? I believe that how anyone treats me isn't the only thing that should factor into my decision on whether or not to become their friend. How they have treated others should also factor into my decision .....but maybe I'm wrong? And btw, I also feel this way about the clients I see. If I know of a client who's verbally bashed, who's time wasted, or who''s done anything unkind, or unprofessional to another escort, I won't see them. And if I've met them, without knowing of their behavior, and they've treated me well, and find out after the fact of their behavior. I wouldn't rebook them. As I believe, not all money is good money....but then again, maybe I'm wrong?


Eroticism of ass play...

16 May, 2023

 Is there anything more erotic? For many, the asshole is a favored erogenous zone. Stimulating it properly can produce some very, very strong orgasms.....At least for me...... I love having my asshole licked, fingered and teased. There is nothing that will guarantee an orgasm more for me, then when a man is licking my clit, fingering my pussy, and my ass, all at the same time. A small dildo can come in handy for those times....I love a man that loves to rim. All that stimulation drives me wild and gives me the strongest orgasms. I've also had really great orgasms while a man is licking and fingering my asshole, while I'm in doggy position playing with my vibrator. 

 Although I won't lick a man's asshole, I do love to finger it, while I'm sucking his cock. Prostate play is sexy...... That is the least I can do, especially for those who are skilled at pleasing me.....Once I get a man hard by sucking and licking his cock and balls, I'll slowly slip my finger into his asshole and gently fuck it, while deep throating him. I love how this can make a man moan and hopefully explode all over my big tits.........I'm getting horny writing this. Interested in some ass play?


Hey Fredericton....

15 May, 2023

I'm excited to start planning a trip to visit you. I hope you'll welcome me with open arms....I'm planning on being there in June hopefully13/14/15th.....if all goes as planned. I will confirm by months end. I'm hoping to bring some sunshine your way....


Free pictures.....

11 May, 2023

I'm often asked why I post so many pictures for free....why I don't have an onlyfans, or another account on which I'd make $$ for my content....My answer "Because I don't want such an account, nor do I have the energy to put into maintaining one"....Content creators work hard....I often call myself lazy, jokingly....But I suppose there is truth in that when it comes to creating profitable content. I put lots of effort in giving my clients a great date, yet the work required to maintain and create an onlyfans, or like accounts, at least for me, would be more like work, and not fun and entertainment. At this stage I'm interested in doing less, and meeting a few nice guys every now and then to spice things up. I've enough regular clients now to keep me amused, satiated, and financially comfortable.....Every now and then I'll accept a new client to add to my interest, or if I'm wanting to purchase something beyond my regular bugeted wants/needs. The pictures I post are for all of them.....Usually I'll take a few selfies while waiting for a client to arrive. It's those I post here, on my instagram, and on twitter. It's quick, easy and something I enjoy doing. Doing anything beyond that would be to time consuming and feel to much like work. The best part of escorting for me now, is I get to see whom I want , when I want.As they say. "quality over quantity". Who I spend time with now matters to me more than how much I can earn. I do admire those ladies who are killing it with their content and wish them years of success. I'll admire from the sidelines while enjoying doing my thing, my way......Thanks for reading and enjoy your day!!


Silly things hobbyists say.....

04 May, 2023

Here are some silly myths that are perpetuated and comments said by men who call themselves "hobbyists"....(A term used by review board clients)

"She has no reviews, so she can't be real, or any good"

-Wrong! Many escorts have posted no review policies, therefore have no reviews, and do very well without them. They don't want to be apart of review board culture, nor a member on any of those sites. For them, discretion involves keeping things behind closed doors, and shared only with those involved. 

"Thousands of views on Leolist, and no ones seen her"

-Never assume anything. How many views anyone or any ads get, means little, other then their ads have been seen by x amount of eyes. The same can be said about escorts who aren't mentioned on the boards. Never make assumptions about their popularity. Some escorts prefer discretion, and don't want to be discussed on review boards, nor reviewed. So just because their name isn't being bantered around or publicly mentioned, doesn't mean they're not popular, busy, or not being seen. Some of us value privacy, discretion, and prefer not to be gossiped about or discussed! Our clients know how good we are and for some of us, that's all we want and need!! 

"Older escorts should charge less"

-Wrong! This one always makes me laugh. Apparently "hobbyists" believe we have an expiry date and that experience devalues us.The irony in all of this...many "hobbyists" who prepetuate this notion are often older hobbyists or hobbyists who've been seeing escorts for many, many years, lol. Apparently only they can age and continue to participate in this industry (I say with an eye roll and lots of sarcasm)!

"Never pay a deposit"

-Wrong! Reputable, professional escorts request deposits to secure their time, it's common practice. Reputable, professional escorts will have active social media account/s, websites, and updated ads on multiple platforms.They are easy to spot. Hobbyists who complain about deposit scams often are scammed because they neglect to research and verify the escort they choose.They typically pick an escort with one ad on one advertising platform, who've no other information to cross reference. Research involves reading the escorts media, googling phone numbers/pictures, and speaking to the escort. We (reputable/professional escorts) spend lots of money and time putting together and posting content, so clients can feel comfortable in knowing about us and that we're real, so you'll feel safe and comfortable contacting us. Problem is, so few take the time to read our media, yet, will take the time to post their complaints about being scammed. Spend some time researching, it'll benefit everyone involved.

"Avoid, they have a negative review"

-Wrong!! I'd be more suspect of someone with only positive reviews....Fact is, no one can please everyone, and not every client that an escort will meet will be compatible. No matter how well we screen, or how much we converse.Some dates just go awry, sometimes for the fault of no one, sometimes for the fault of the client. Intelligent people know this. Problem is, there are more than a few "hobbyists" who act unintelligently, who'll never accept blame, and who seem to thrive on being slanderous and cruel by writing unnecessary and often untruthful words out of spite, or as revenge. So take reviews with a grain of salt. They aren't always trustworthy. Remember they are just opinions and can be written without being earned or deserved. Some use them to malign, or to favor someone they're trying to promote, without ever meeting them. And some use them for what they are intended, to *respectfully* and *truthfully* speak about an escort they have seen and enjoyed time with.

"Beware of those escorts who ask for ID"

-Wrong! Safe, reliable, professional escorts screen and those of us who screen, screen using different methods. We do this for the sake of our safety.There are so many troublesome clients out there, requiring picture ID is one method that is now common practice within screening. If that makes you uncomfortable, then find someone who doesn't screen, or who doesn't ask for ID. But I'd suggest to be leery of those escorts who DO NOT screen, as it's typical for scammers, and problematic escorts to just give out an address / room number without asking any questions, or without requiring any screening at all.

"Rates determine quality of service"

-Wrong! We all charge what we determine we want or need for the time we are providing. Good and bad service can be found within all price points.

"If the escorts asks for ID, then I should be able to see theirs"

-Wrong! Our advertisements, websites, and social media all provide the most discerning client with enough information to confirm our professionalism and validity. We request your ID or other information, to confirm that you are who you say you are, to offer us a sense of safety by knowing who and what type of person we are meeting. Many escorts will also use app numbers to advertise with, yet will only deal with clients who have a real/registered phone number. Again, for us it's about safety, and knowing who we are meeting.

"If they're not a member here ( insert name of hobbyists preferred review board) then I won't see them, because the best escorts are members here (insert review board name)"

-Wrong! BUT... It's every "hobbyists" right to choose to see whomever and for whatever reasons. Keeping in mind that it's also the escorts right to decline any client for whatever reasons. BUT, if you believe that belonging to any one review board  makes an escort any more credible, or better than another, then you're believing something silly, and untrue. An escorts professionalism and validiy has nothing to do with what sites they belong to or advertise on. We all know of some escorts who've been verified and validated on some of those sites, who've turned out to be problematic, and or scammers. 

" I saw xxx (insert escorts name), she's in abc neighborhood, and hosts out of the hotel/apartment/home there"

This is so wrong!! Anyone who feels comfortable telling everyone where any escort is, no matter how vague the description of the location is, should be avoided and membership revoked, imo. Those who without thought put us in danger, are themselves dangerous. Even if a general location is listed in an escorts ad, let the escort advertise it. It's NOT your job to do so. 

"I heard all about xxx (insert escorts name) from xxx (insert escorts name)" ", so beware of her, or you shouldn't see her, because of what xxx (insert escorts name) told me"

Any hobbyist who's willing to spread gossip, is someone to avoid. Any escort who spreads gossip, is someone to avoid. If that is how they are spending their time together, see that as a red flag and not who or what's being gossiped about. If you want to know something about someone, ask them!! Or let the person with the personal experience speak about the issues.Spreading gossip (second/third/fourth hand knowledge) is what busy bodies, drama seekers and trouble makers do. Don't take part in it!! We are adults, so lets act like adults!! And remember, if someone is gossiping to you about someone, they'll be sure to gossip to another person about you because most who gossip, aren't selective about who they gossip about.....

"She advertises all the time, she must be desperate for business"

Wrong! How often any escort advertises is all about personal choice. It's not an indication of anything. Again, never assume. We all operate differently within this industry and for differing reasons.

"I saw her and she was great"

Without sounding redundant....Beware of some of those hobbyists who post frequent reviews and who post prolifically on the boards. Many of the frequent reviewers are often the worst of the worst as clients. These guys pick and choose who they'll treat well, and who'll they abuse. For whatever reasons....I'd recommennd any escort be cautious of the guys who are always posting on review boards, and I'd also recommend the same of the guys who are believing what those hobbyists are posting and why. These guys have an agenda.....The ones I've met did all or some of these things.... tried to bargain my rates, were pushy, gossipy, told lies, over stayed their time, were rough, deceptive and demanding.

I'll be adding to this list as I come across other silly comments/myths. Thanks for reading...


Review boards.....again.

01 May, 2023

As I wait for my client to arrive, I'm writing this as a recent thread on twitter, got me a little angry. Because far to often in threads about the negativities of review boards, only the slobbyists are mentioned. Never is there mention of the escorts who pander to them.... And before I lose my train of thought, I wanted to write this.....

I often see some ladies make posts about "slobbyists" (a term used for egregious hobbyists) and (hobbyists is the term used on review boards for the men/clients who are members). They'll criticize and speak about the abhorent behavior of these guys, and for good reason. But they'll also neglect to mention that these guys exist because escorts are seeing them and giving them service and the boards that these slobbyists live on are also the same boards some escorts promote! When I mention this, these ladies always become defensive and will come up with a myriad of excuses as to why escorts see who they see and why that is not their business who other escorts see.....Yet they'll also speak about the importance of community, keeping everyone safe, being supportive, etc......If that is the case, then what others do, who they see, should matter to us all, as it does affect us all, if we *are a community, that is......I understand that some escorts don't have the privilege of choosing who they see and I am sympathetic to their needs, but in most cases the escorts who are griping about slobbyists, and who are promoting the review boards are the escorts who DO have the privilege of choosing their clients. No matter how or why an escort does as they do, we should all want to be honest about how and why review boards and their problematic members exist...... The fact remains, there is no such thing as community within escorting....everyone is doing whatever they need to do regardless of how it affects anyone outside of their circle, and review boards exist because both escorts and clients use them. It takes two to tango... Bad clients exist because someone is servicing them and the boards provide them a place to post their slobbyist garbage.....If you slobbyists to disappear, if you want a sense of community, you have to stop servicing problematic clients, stop promoting the boards and start respecting the needs of escorts not only who are within your circle, but within the profession. Or the cycle of slobbyist behavior will just continue. Escorts need to stop being complaisant, complicit, and start taking responsibility for their part in the negativites caused by review boards and their troublesome members.... But most won't. Because some don't care where their money comes from, they just care that their money comes. And some won't speak out honestly, as they've a fear of offending their peers and clients.......So the cycle continues........If you want change, you have to be willing to make changes. Or continue to complain about the same things happening over and over again.

**This well written piece from an escort I follow on twitter, explains why she has chosen to have a no review policy, and her perspective concerning review boards. I suggest reading this well written post by the lovely Samantha Skye , with her permssion, I've linked it here


Firday's picture, with Sunday's thoughts......

30 Apr, 2023

It has been a fabulous week, and tommorow, it'll be the start of a fabulous new month. I'm looking forward to new adventures, warmer weather, planting flowers and dedicating myself to exercising more. I'm still walking alot, but it's time to start targeting specific body parts, lol. I'm also going to start visiting other provinces/PEI/NB more often.......Haven't decided if I'll start in May, or June......My little dog did pretty good behaving himself when I was in Pei, so I'm going to try again. As you can see I don't like to venture to far from home, but it is nice to have a change of scenery every now and then. I'm also wanting to purchase a new vehicle soon so adding some $$ to my savings would help with that. So I plan on making May a busy month.....

Whatever you choose to do with your day, and the coming month, I hope it's something that brings you joy. Have the best Sunday, and maybe I'll see you in May!!


I couldn't have said it better.....

30 Apr, 2023

It is true, in anything we do we'll get the good and the bad. This lifestyle I lead, has given me opportunities to me some fabulous people, and it has also shown me exactly who I don't want to be......So to the good and the bad.....I thank you!!


To those timewasters....

28 Apr, 2023

Things have been going great for me this month, and I suspect that'll continue. So it's no surprise when things are going great that the idiots, time wasters, and trouble makers come out of the woodwork to try and change my vibe, lol..... They seem to be able to smell my happiness, lol and that seems to disturb them. So they'll call, email, and text their foolishness and stupidity. Some examples....Callling from a local number to tell me they want to meet, but can't send their screening info because they are in a different country, lol. They want a long dinner date, but can't send screening info at the moment, yet want to know my availability. Sending screening info that isn't theirs.....Sending screening info then avoiding calling to discuss meeting/compatibility.....texting their info, then disappearing, texting from app#'s (non registered phone numbers), texting stupidity like "hey", "Hi", "What's up", etc, etc, and expecting a reply, lol. And many, many more......

To all of them.... Please be aware.......I ONLY consider accepting a new client AFTER he has sent me *his* screening information, AND AFTER I've had a conversation with him, via a phone call. UNTIL those things occur, I WILL NOT consider any date request. Even then, after I view your ID and have a conversation with you, I'll take some time to decide. There has to be something I find interesting about you, or I have to feel some sort of chemistry with you, in order for me to want to meet. Some people must not realize, I've enough regular clients to keep me busy without a needing new clients. Money isn't my sole motivator. This lifestyle I've chosen is as much about me entertaining myself, as it is to supplement my savings......So to those people who are following my activities, and seemingly disturbed by my contentment and success. You've just proved once again that you've to much time on your hands, discontentment in your heart, and a clear need for redirecting your energy. Please find something/s productive to do, you'll feel better for it!!


Intelligence is sexy......

26 Apr, 2023

You can have all the muscle men, and the good looking studs, just let me have the men with intelligence, confidence, compassion and humor. He can have any body shape, my interest is in his mind.....Intelligence is sexy!! Even though I'm steadfast in many of my opinions, I enjoy different perspectives, learning new things and hearing someone speak on subjects they've experience with and knowledge of. Any man who is emotionally intelligent, book smart, educated, and who has a higher iq, will have my attention. Smarts are sexy, especially when coupled with compassion and humor. I'm not highly educated, for various reasons, and I respect those who took the time and spent the years learning a trade or gaining a university degree, or degrees......I respect and admire anyone who's found their path and who's happily travelling, or who has travelled it. University always intimidated me. And even though I thourougly enjoy pleasure providing ( a clients term for my profession) I've always wanted to find that "something" I could do, and do openly. Escorting as you may know, isn't something one can be open about. There is so much stigma surrounding the profession, being open about it can lead to negative repercussions, so I've experienced. I'll continue to enjoy it regardless, but I have to admit I long to have a job/profession that society wouldn't frown upon. I'd love to be able to proudly proclaim, "I'm a such and such", when asked "so what do you do" ?.....and perhaps I'm looking at this all worng, perhaps I should proudly proclaim I'm a pleasure provider....but once you've lived through the negative repercussions of being known as an escort, it makes one more leery of doing so, again. Even though my experiences have also taught me that a persons profession/title/education does not determine their character, I still admire educated people. And even more so, those who are educated, intelligent, and compassionate. 


My vejayjay.....

25 Apr, 2023

I recently made a post on twitter about  men with very large penises.....I had a recent date with a young gentleman who was a sweetheart, but sadly I couldn't do much for him. As his penis was supersized....yes, lol, he could have been a horse!! As much as I may try, my mouth can only open so wide, and my little vejayjay, can only handle certain sizes.....As one tweeter said, you can't expect to push Godzilla down a rabbit hole, lol. The point of the tweet was asking for those guys who have very large penises, to forewarn me, as I don't like to disappoint any client. The point of me seeing you, is to offer you an escape from the mundane, to delve into your fantasy, and to satify that fantasy. If you are so large that I can only stimulate you with my hands, and sexy talk, then I'm going to be unhappy, and I'm sure you will be also. So it's always best to be open about your size prior to solidifying the date. I'm here to make my clients feel better, to indulge their desires, so please lets be open and honest with one another prior to booking so we'll both be happy and feel satisfied. There is nothing worse than feeling that I've disappointed someone, and nothing more awkward than having to discuss such things face to face, when that time should be for having fun, not discussing do's. don'ts and what should be. Thanks for understanding.

Read More

Thank you....

25 Apr, 2023

To Mr. S...thank you for appreciating my writings, for your thoughtfulness and your $$ gift. I appreciate your kindness. Sending you many kisses..... 


No truer words spoken....

21 Apr, 2023

More sage advice found on twitter.....

When they call me old.....

18 Apr, 2023

When they call me old.....I post some nudes, then say......and!   Btw, I'm only heartless, (wink, wink) when seen in person!!


Great advice

18 Apr, 2023

Everyday I try to improve. Some days are harder than others. This pictured quote, from one of my twitter followers, struck a nerve......Often times I gripe about the same things, with expectations that doing so might change something....I realize some things, and some people will never change, no matter what I say or do. I have to be the change I want to see or feel. And that change simply means removing those negative people and or their actions, from my thoughts......Not the easiest task, but one worth working on, one day at a time!!

... get what you give!!

16 Apr, 2023

It never ceases to amaze me that there are still clients out there who treat escorts like they are their personal sex toys. To be twisted, prodded, poked as they choose, and as often as they can.These "clients" believe showing up on time and clean, is initself all that is needed to prove they're respectful clients.They believe when booking a slot of time, be it 30/60/90 mins or more, means that all of that time is to be spent on the bed doing as much as they can within that time span. They'll refuse a massage, because that time being massaged takes away from the time when they could be poking, prodding........They have to get their "hard earned" monies worth!! These types of clients are what I call "review board guys". They call themselves "hobbyists".......They are known to see many escorts, and run quickly to their nearest review board to post about the encounter they've just had. Discretion means little...... Review boards are their havens.They spend as much time and energy on the boards as they can spare. I'd even go as far to say that some of these guys have an addiction to those boards. When they deem they received their "monies worth" from any escort, they'll brag and recant their experience with a tell all review or recommendation. Once they write their tell all, and if they decide to meet that escort again, they'll expect a discount for what they consider "promoting" that escort with their positive review/recommendation. If they felt mistreated, ( even when deserved) they'll also recant their experience embellishing it with untruths so as to garner sympathy from their fellow hobbyists, and to teach that "mean escort" a thing or two, lol.......How dare any escort put them in their place or deny them any service!! These guys are also known to book escorts in sneaky ways. Sometimes they'll go out of their way to book escorts who refuse to see them for being a "review board guy", or for any other reason, by hiding their review board handle/posting history, when making their booking/inquiry. They'll use a different persona, use a different phone number, etc. As they feel entitled to see whomever they decide to see......

Yes these "slobbyists" still exist....and they exist in part, because *some escorts consider any money good money, and *some escorts will see anyone as long as that "anyone" will willingly positively review them! 

Companionship isn't about "getting your monies worth". It's supposed to be about enjoying the company of someone you feel you may connect with. It's about relaxing, having fun, and sharing the pleasures of intimacy in a mutual way with someone you're attracted to. And if the connection for whatever reason, doesn't happen, you don't create drama and sulk, you move on with the acknowledgement that sometimes people mesh, other times they don't. Intimacy with another person is special. If you measure it's worthiness by how many sex acts you get, and how often within your time together, then you've missed the point of connection. If physical acts  are all you expect, then stop pretending to be concerned with connection and express that you're simply interested in getting as much mileage for your $$$$. At least then we can know and decide for ourselves if we want to put up with that kind of treatment or not. The problem is, more often that not, review board guys expect to get lots of "mileage", but post like they're all about wanting to connect.....they lie, they deceive, and play games....and when an escort does the same to them, they whine, gripe and complain...then run to warn their fellow hobbyists about those shameful escorts who take advantage of them, lol!!!

Anytime I've met a guy in person, who I regard as a review board guy, my back goes up, I get turned off, and will respond in kind. A gentleman will be treated as such, a pig, likewise!!!! Energy begets energy. Treat me like I'm some amusement ride, and you'll likely regret the ride. Treat me like I'm your partner, and you'll want to return for more.......


I'm home.......

15 Apr, 2023

I'm finally back in Halifax. I had a great tour to Pei, then I left the province for some R&R, just arrived home today, Saturday the 15th. Being away for more than a week certainly makes me miss my routine, and clients.I'll be taking appts again as of Tuesday the 18th, I hope you'll reach out and book some cuddle time, till then, have the best weekend!!


Do you like big nips....

02 Apr, 2023

For those gentlemen who enjoy large nipples, enjoy these.....I've lots more unpublished photos I'm willing to share with those who are generous $$$. Email [email protected]


No truer words spoken....

02 Apr, 2023


02 Apr, 2023

Charlottetown here I come. I'll be arriving Tueday April 4th mid afternoon, leaving Thursday April 6th by noon....I hope we'll get to spend some time together. I'll be travelling with a small dog so please be advised.....He's sweet, well behaved, but this is his first time staying in a hotel. So I can't predict how he'll behave.

I've booked a spacious room and will be bringing extra towels/sheets, and other amenities, to make your visit a comfortable one. The hotels are still limiting their supplies, and cleaning services, hence my bringing extra. It's been a couple of years since I've visited, so I'm hoping this trip will go smoothly and leave me with the desire to want to tour there again. If it doesn't your Island will still be one of my favorite places to vacation, as I find the people there always so kind, accommodating and relaxed. So either way, I'll be back. The troublemakers won't keep me away:)

A few things you can expect with me-

My service is never rushed, and always includes a relaxing massage. I thoroughly enjoy massaging and prefer using a non-scented body cream vs an oil. One of the compliments I receive most often, is regarding my massage technique and touch.The other is regarding my oral talents, lol. So for those who enjoy either or both, why not treat yourself. I'm always dressed in lingerie and heels, it's what I feel the sexiest in and I've packed 5 different outfits so you'll have a few to pick from. I wear my finger nails short and unpolished and have had pedicure with polished red toenails. I'm always freshly showered and enjoy wearing my favorite perfume, Coco Madamoiselle by Chanel. So if perfume is an issue with you please let me know before hand. My rates are 250 for 30 mins-350 for 60 mins. With hotel costs, gas, bridge fare, etc, this visit has set me back almost 1000$ for my 2 day stay.... so my rates are more than fair. Any other questions, I'd be happy to answer, feel free to call-902-444-0414. Hoping to see you!


Yay, I'm hitting the road again.....#PEI #Charlottetown

24 Mar, 2023

I've lost track of time, but I believe it's been at least a couple of years since I've visited Charlottetown, PEI and Fredericton, N.B. I'm looking forward to buckling up and hitting the road again to revisit your fair cities. I will be bringing along my little dog, so for those with allergies, or dog issues, I'm sorry we won't be able to connect. For anyone who does decide to visit, please bear in mind this will be my first tour with my little guy, so I can't guarantee how he'll respond to guests visiting in a hotel room. He does well at home, as he has his own room. The only way to tell is to try, so please bring your patience, and know that if our date does become interrupted by him or uncomfortable for you because of him, I'll make things right in some way.....Hoping to connect, and will post dates soon.


Happy Spring!!

20 Mar, 2023

Wishing you all a fabulous spring. I/m happy to welcome longer and warmer days.

What's new....

I'll be offering 30 minute appointments again, at my discretion.  Meaning there will be times when I'll decide whether I'm in the mood to accept them, or not. All new guests will be expected to book 60 minutes or longer(preferably 90 mins). A 30 min session is just to short to of a time span for me to get comfortable with someone new.

A little about this pic...the only changes I made was cropping it. It was taken later part of Febuary/2023. It was taken before a date, as many of my selfies are. The client had requested that outfit.


Panties and a white tee....

18 Mar, 2023

I don't generally accept clothing requests because what I wear and how I present myself is mood dependent. Most often when I'm hosting I'm wanting to feel glamorous and sexy. To feel that way, means wearing slinky lingerie, heels and silky stockings/stayups. Every now and then, especially for longer dates, I'll relent and cater to the request of my client. More often than not, those requests are for a casual look. A look such as this Tee and panties set....which has been one of my most favored, a few others have been Lu'Lu's and a tee, or Jeans and a tee.....out of all those the most comfortable for me was this tee and panties.....Maybe I'll wear them for you one day.....


I love this quote.....

18 Mar, 2023

Although I don't believe everyone is a genius, I understand we all learn differently and have different abilities and talents. We're all unique....Which is obviously the gist of the quote.


Sage advice....

11 Mar, 2023

It's interesting how some things just fall into place, and just when I needed them to. I had gotten some bad news the other day which has been causing me some upset. Then I get a phone call...... after a couple of years of not hearing from a special gent, he reappears just at the right time and set up a date for Friday.Then a dear friend invited me to dinner that evening..... Both offering some very sage advice.....

The sage advice from my client, was to stop posting about review boards, lol. Omg, that made me laugh, when he said it.....mostly because of the expression on his face..... He said while catching up on me, he had read through some of my tweets on twitter, and my blog. He deduced, that I was sounding like a "broken record" (his wording), lol. He also recommended that I stop reading what's posted on the review boards, and to keep my opinions of them off my social media. He felt in was in my best interest to delete any of that stuff from there, and to also stop commenting about them here in my blog. He felt all that stuff wasn't flattering to me, nor did it show the truth of my character. He felt the drama those boards creates wasn't worth my time. He felt I should concentrate on more important topics, and the things that make me laugh. Which he can easily do.... He said he understood why I disliked the review boards so and claimed to agree with much of what I've said about them. He also felt that people will gravitate to them or not, regardless of how I felt, and regardless of how often, or how articulately, I pointed out one should. So although I made him no promises, lol, I did say, "I'd try". I care about this man and his opinions, and I take his advice seriously, as I know he has my best interests at heart. So I sincerely will try......I did delete one post, lol.... Anyhow, what a privilege it was to have seen him. Catching up with someone I've bonded with is so rewarding, in so many ways, and came at just the right time.......Then to end my Friday I got to spend the evening with one of the nicest people I know.....We had a beautiful dinner, and a long conversation about alot of different topics. She can certainly make me think. I've met lots of people throughout my life, and very, very few are as unbiased, nonjudgemental, or as understanding as she. The term "one in a million" certainly fits her to a T, I'm lucky to have her as a friend.....So my Friday and my Fri/evening were just what I needed, as was the sage advice given.....I'm hoping I'll adhere to much of it. 



09 Mar, 2023

Could it be a coinicidence that lately, anytime I have a guy unfollow me on twitter, some of his followers are a couple of the same people..... Hmmm...... would these, could these people be spreading malicious gossip? I wonder, could they be recommending to some guys, "it's best to stay away from me".......I'd say,.....sure seems plausible, so yeah....."probably", lol. I'd also say, "don't let the door hit you " . Unfortunately in this biz you have to be very aware of who's doing/saying what in this biz, as there are some who are cut throat and scheming in order to get and keep clients, and those who'll stoop to new lows to revenge those they dislike .

  Although I don't take much of what goes on within the social media platforms I use, to seriously, I do try and keep a breast of who is following/unfollowing me. Not because it matters much to me personally, or even for business, but because of the amounts of texts, calls and some dm's I get which often contain foolishness, such as threats, insults, and other stupid stuff that cowards tend to say/send. Some of it I read, some I delete before reading or hearing. Some of it can be entertaining, lol. Whats most entertaining is when some of those who think they're authoring their communications secretly, leave trails which are often easily followed back to social media, and or review board handles, which are then followed back to actual names, lol. Even some blocked callers can be found out. Some aren't as smart as they think they are...... The only people I'd ever consider taking seriously, are those who have the respect to speak to me face to face, even then....... Anyhow, I've decided to take a break from twitter and instagram as I've recently found out about a family members declining health. Some things are more important than me posting pics, retweeting, and wondering who's following or unfollowing me and why. 


Gas chambers.....

09 Mar, 2023

Perhaps some of you weren't aware, but gas chambers are still used for euthanizing animals in shelters, albeit, more so in America, than Canada.. I ask you to read about this to educate yourself and if you would, help to end their use completely. One article explains why they're not humane.......,a%20thing%20of%20the%20past.

A story of a dog who survived the gas chamber


an interesting article about the study of euthanasia in shelters within Canada


Will we get along?

08 Mar, 2023

I'm a laid back person with most people and I consider myself easy to get along with. I'm also a person who reacts to energy, and I'm very intuitive. So when I'm meeting a new client  in person, his energy, his demeanor, will help create or change mine. It may add to or take away from the mood I'm already in. Point is, how you react to and treat me, will help determine just how I react to and treat you. 

Even though I screen well, and choose my clients carefully, I can never be completely assured that we're going to be compatible until we meet in person. You can only read into so much by seeing a persons id, by hearing their voice and by asking specific questions. 

 So when we're not compatible, that doesn't mean something went wrong, or that there is something wrong with the client or me. No one should expect, or be expected to get along with everyone, well..... except for in this industry, lol. Only in escorting do some think that if two people didn't click, then one or the other must have done something wrong , or that there was something wrong with either person. And it's more typical that the escort is the one blamed for the "wrongs". Although, there are those reasonable, intelligent people who escort, and who visit escorts, who know that not every date will result in fireworks or compatibility. When it doesn't they respectfully move on and as long as something nefarious didn't cause the disconnect, they leave it at that. They don't blame the other person, or gripe about them and the time spent, on a review board. sadly they are in the minority...... Wouldn't it be nice if everyone that involved themselves in escorting saw and understood the realities of it, respected the discretion we all want, and treated everyone with dignity.......


My diet...

28 Feb, 2023

Some of you know how much I love to eat, and that I eat lots of good and bad food. I go on binges....When I'm on my healthy eating binges I shop for the best food, usually organic fruits, veggies, wild caught fish, etc.....I've been doing a lot fo reading on fish/seafood and came upon this article, from Quora digest, which I had forgotten I was a member of, lol. Anyhow, this article has lots of interesting comments about the fish Talapia, and how some other fish are farmed. If you're interested, have a read.... 

From previous articles I've read, I have learned that many frozen fish, including Salmon, are to be avoided if they're farmed in Asia, particularly China. Do your research as there are to many reasons to list why I suggest avoiding.....If I aim to eat healthy I will no longer buy any seafood that has been farmed/fished or packaged, from any parts of Asia.......


A new decade....

28 Feb, 2023

And so it begins....the 50's......I will admit it is a little daunting, I mean, escorting is, especially here in Halifax, an industry that pushes the notion that in order to be wanted/desired, successful and busy as an escort, you have to be young...Which, I can attest, isn't the case. I've said many times, that when I was 27 I was told I was to old to be escorting, and I've been in and out of this industry since then. So apparently I've had lots of years of being successful, while being "to old", lol, as I've never had an issue making money in this industry. I will say, I never thought I'd remain in the industry as long as I have, as tend to get bored with most things fairly quickly and I've never gotten bored with escorting. I did leave the profession many times for various other reasons, and sought out other opportunities, but nothing worked for me like escorting, so to it I returned, and here I remain .....If you had asked me back then, my thoughts on being a 50 year old escort, I might have had a different opinion, even different expectations for this time of my life, but we never know what the future holds. So what will this next decade bring, will I continue escorting and become the sexiest old lady escort, lol...who knows........Even those with the best made plans can't determine what the future will bring. 

 I will say I am the most content that I've been in a while and I am the most confident I've ever watch out, lol. I think as we grow older nature nutures our souls.... it teaches us what is important and what isn't. I find I no longer have patience for those who are shallow, narrow minded, and who put on pretenses. I now crave the company of authentic, selfless, caring, sincere, honest humans. Time passes to quickly, and I don't want to waste any of it on the wrong people or doing anything I don't want to do. So here is to eating good food, enjoying the company of wonderful friends, travelling to new destinations, making connections with some fabulous gentlemen and creating some wonderful memories.....


Twitter drama.....

24 Feb, 2023

There was more drama on twitter recently...More piling on.....An American escort wrote some rather unflattering comments about touring ladies. It was my understanding that she was incensed that a gent had considered her being a (FMTY) "fly me to you lady," the same as being a touring lady. She felt the two had no similarities, and that ladies who toured were gross because of the number of clients they had to see to meet their monetary needs and because in her opinion, seeing more clients, would cause the likelihood of catching std's. This lady also made a comment that BV (bacterial vaginosis) was one of those std's easily caught and spread when seeing a higher number of clients.That comment alone caused more uproar. Notably, as BV isn't an actual std, so some say..... Bv is caused by an imbalance of good and bad bacteria growth in the vagina. You can get it without having sex...yet.... Some will insist it is a STD as it generally occurs among sexually active women....although, "they", meaning medical practioners, don't know specifically what causes BV....and when googled it does comes up under STD's...I"ll allow my doctor to determine which category to put it under. My opinion about seeing a higher number of clients as being more likely to cause catching an std, obviously the more people you have sex with the more risks you take. But I also believe you can have sex once, with one person and catch an std...So whatever someone else does sexually, as long as it's with another willing adult, is none of my business......anyhow.....

The reason I'm writing this blog, is because I found it upsetting at how many piled onto that American escort, and used her "bad moment" as their moment to shine. So many copied and pasted, or quoted her comments and added their own demeaning comments about her.....That American escort made a stupid and unnecessary comment and instead of correcting her, most made fun of her, belittled her in the very same way her comment was belittling towards touring ladies...... But how does that make them better? Doesn't that make them as bad as her?.....AND.... How does that correct anything? What examples are they? If you want /expect better, don't you have to be and do better. What happened to "community", to helping one another improve....what happened to acceptance and understanding.... Why didn't someone just say to her that her comment was harsh, unfair and to please redact it....But no, they just turned the tables and did exactly what they themselves were upset at, and started denegrating and making fun of  her. So that American escort blocked everyone.

 In this industry you have so many escorts blabbing on about how this is a community, how we're all here for one another, LOL!! Yeah right...until someone within the community says something wrong, then they jump all over them and bully the person into submission. Then they'll sit back feeling all justified when the escort who was in the wrong, becomes unable to operate or earn a living........So many in this industry are so two faced, it's laughable, sad, and truly disturbing......but typical..

Out of all of it, I was most surprised when one local lady, whom I had thought was "Switzerland", by that I mean, I thought she was accepting of all and understanding to most, made the comment towards being blocked by that American escort,  "I don't give a fuck"....The harshness coming from her, truly surprised me. But then again, I don't really know her. And when I saw her showing lots of love towards another local lady known for throwing other escorts under the bus I thought, Birds of a feather? If her comment was so harsh because she felt that American escort was deserving, you can't take a stand against her, then show love to someone who acted in the very same way to other escorts...... I mean physically/mentally/verbally you can do whatever you want..... but imo, if you do doing so makes you two faced.....but then again, maybe she won't give a fuck, lol...... Many in this industry only care about those who bring them business, who'll advance their career and that American escort has no affect on her income, nor "community"......Nor will my thoughts/comments,lol.....  To them, community isn't everyone within escorting, it only includes those that they work with, visit with, and who bring them in $$$$....everyone else, is fair game....The lesson I've learned from all of this, is my skills at discerning nice people still suck, lol, and that I'm so happy to be a free thinking independent without a modus operandi and without feathers,lol........



A twitter discussion....

17 Feb, 2023

I had a little bit of a back and forth with a twitter account. The stance the person was taking was that when asked why you do sex work, saying that "you love it", or "like it" wasn't a complete answer, She felt it required a rebutal....I answered that I thought that doing sex work because of the love or like of it, was a complete answer. Or as complete as any other answer, that was found to be acceptable, to her. Which was for the money, out of desperation, obsession with money, obsession with attention or an adrealine junkie.....I do think that she meant to say an explanation beyond those couple of words, not a rebutal, but I could be wrong. Although after further reading of her posts, it does seem she isn't a fan of escorting, or in favor of sex work as being a positive form of employment, or a justifiable profession (she is a retired escort). So perhaps she would expect a rebutal to someone saying they loved sex work because she can't or couldn't understand how someone could like or love escorting. And there in lies many of the problems within our industry. To many are doing it, under the guise of loving it, all while they detest everything about it. Many of them detest people like myself, who do it willingly, by choice, and who like and even love much about it. She lamented that sex work wasn't like any other profession, and that if anyone loved it, they'd do it for free......I had a problem with her last point. I agree that sex work isn't like other professions, but what does that mean.....because it has inherent differences to other professions, does that make it less worthy of being accepted as work, as a profession? And don't other professions have people working within them who claim they love their work, all while taking a salary. One can like or love what they do for work and still expect payment for it, lol. Choosing a job you enjoy while getting paid, is the best of both worlds. I suppose some people just can't fathom the thought that some of us, like/love escorting........

Of course there is much wrong within our industry. We have no set rules, no price guidelines, no true leaders, nor any unbiased, well meaning platforms set up to assist us. We just have review boards who own advertising platforms, that are only concerned with making $$$$, and not advancing our industry. These boards are run by clients and other sex workers. The boards are cesspools of misogyny, bias, favortism, games, agendas, and the review sections of most, are used as weaponery to either hoist up a favored escort, or to ruin one who is disliked. They do nothing to advance our industry, instead they stagnate it with their outdated practices and beliefs. They show Joe and Jane civillian how broken our industry is, and just how indiscreet many within our industry are. The boards and many of their members cement the general publics views about escorting/sex work being bad, problematic and injurious. Many board loving escorts claim to love the independence escorting offers them, all while claiming that other escorts should do things as they do......Some board loving escorts aren't even independent. Some are trafficked, some are being encouraged to work by their partners/boyfriends/spouses, while their clients who are board members turn a blind eye. Because those escorts are liked, well reviewed, and often offer lower rates.The typical review board client tends to be the type of guy who seeks out lower rates, who jumps from woman to woman, and who views them as objects and not as independent business owners. They enjoy objectifying each escort they see and they don't view escorting as anything other than a service used to satisfy their own sexual needs.They disregard the companionship, the art of massage, the intimacy shared and the discretion many of us seek. To them it's just about graphic them escorts are objects, not human is because of these types of clients, that some escorts hate the profession.....So what is the fix. How do we better ourselves....getting rid of review board culture and the boards would be a start. But that is unlikely to happen, so we remain stagnant with an industry frought with unresolved issues and filled problematic people.


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For the love of cock....

16 Feb, 2023

Many know how much I love to worship a clean cock. It's my favorite activity to perform on a willing client. Nothing is sexier to me than feeling a man grow hard while I'm sucking, licking and nibbling on his cock and balls.....I've many clients who also love eating my sweet tight pussy. But I have to be in the mood for that. Cockworship seems to be something I'm always in the mood for. I love the taste of a raw cock. Licking it's tip, suckling on the balls and stroking it's shaft until it's ready to bust....My deepthroating abilities just get better with time. Seldom do I choke, and I love when the tip touches the back of my throat. I can feel a man grow harder when this happens. Although I don't swallow, seeing him squirt all over my bigs tits is almost as erotic. Why not stop by and allow me to show you some worship....

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My pictures

16 Feb, 2023

On *some pictures I use a soft filter, on others I'll try and blur the background, others I won't touch, as with the picture included in this blog, because they look good enough to me, just as they were taken. This particular picture seems to be a favorite with my clients. I took it this past week.... It's funny how things are viewed. As I've said many times, what I see as attractive, others often won't, and what others see, I often will not.....


What happened to discretion.....

13 Feb, 2023  I was made aware recently of a "review" made of a visiting escort (linked above). In it, the "hobbyist" described the escorts incall without naming it. The description would have allowed anyone to have figured out where it my upset about this is that it puts the escort in jeopardy.....Allowing anyone and everyone to know where any of us is troublesome for many reasons.......Everyone in the industry knows this. Everyone in the industry also knows that first and foremost showing both escorts and clients/potential clients, discretion, is the most important aspect of any date, with those of us with professionalism and  respect for those we meet, that is. So what happened to his being discreet? This hobbyist from my understanding, has reviewed many, and is a long time member, so he should have known better!! In my opinion, I think he gets off on his replays and enjoys critquing every point of an escorts appearance/ locale, for the regale he'll get from his fellow hobbyists.........Imagine if an escort had mentioned a clients outcall locale with as much indiscretion....The same idiots that seem to think his step by step description as being acceptable, would have thrown that escort in their warning section and villiainized her......Where are that sites podium pounders? You know the ones that proclaim themselves to be the  stewards of the sex work community....... why aren't they calling him out for being so careless.....I'll tell you. They are minding their business on this because of one or all of these reasons.... 1. It doesn't affect them, or anyone in their circle. 2. This idiot has probably postively reviewed them. 3. They just don't care, because speaking out about this would probably not elevate them.

 Just another example of how the stupidity and recklessness on that site continues without hindrance......

Update-I also had posted this on twitter, and it now looks like the thread/review has been deleted, thankfully, albeit a little late...and why was I, a non member, the only one upset by recap, since the thread can no longer be read, the hobbyist described the hotel, which part of Halifax it was in and the type of entrance the escorts room had in such detail that anyone could have narrowed down where it was....

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todays twitter find....

08 Feb, 2023

I so relate to this....


I fall for raw conversation, those in which I know the person is not playing,

not pretending to be someone they aren't. I fall for carefree inadvertent smiles,

those which aren't intended to impress another. 

I fall for what is real.

I fall for souls, not the skin carrying it.

The author of that quote was to small to read, but it's on the picture I included in this blog. Have a lovely day



07 Feb, 2023

If you peruse any of the review boards, you'll notice a pattern with many of it's members. They are anti screening practices. Many will lament about the horror stories they've encountered with scammers. They talk about rip offs, hold ups, no shows, ect. All of which are awful and should never happen to anyone. But if you were to research those scammers being spoken of, you'd also notice that most of the scammers were escorts with no personal website, no history of advertising, nor any social media accounts. They just had an ad on a site with pictures that attracted that unsuspecting client. And more often than not the scammers ads always have a look of "to good to be true", yet the client falls for it any way.....

These same clients are also those board members who denounce escorts who screen. They'll insist that allowing an escort to know their identity will only lead to trouble. Even though the only trouble they've encountered was with escorts who DID NOT screen.....With anything, you can never say all or every....yet I will insist that the majority of those who screen, and who require a client prove his identity, do so because we CARE about our safety, who we see, and our business.We want to provide our clients with a safe and enjoyable time. Those of us who screen want return clients, we want our business to flourish and to continue. If we were to misappropriate a clients Id, or money we'd be finished. Escorts who are professional SCREEN should be a motto, it should be something cemented into the minds of all who enjoy taking part in this lifestyle/business. Professional escorts will have personal websites, social media accounts, multiple ads, which are updated and we invest in ourselves and our business. If a client were to take the time to research their chosen escort, they'd realize and know this. The problem with scammers flourishing lies with the client. Most who are ripped off didn't research, nor did they care about the escorts business practices. We all must remain safe and do what we feel is necessary to protect our safety. We also need to start calling out those who denounce screening practices. We need to see screening as good business practicde and not as a red flag. Professionals screen, it is that simple.

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My twitter find....

30 Jan, 2023

Yes I'm back on twitter....this quote posted by one of my followers I found to be so on point especially for those of us who are NOT into the review board culture, which is built on praising those they favor and shit talking those they dislike..... Self confidence, believing in ones self, is the best weaponery any escort can carry.Especially those of us who see through and speak out against the veil of fakeness and fraud review boards promote.

quote-You glow differently when your confidence is fueled by belief in yourself rather than the validation from others....



28 Jan, 2023

Apparently the circus is in town as I've a clown contacting me by calling and texting me at 746 am to ask if I am the same person as another advertised lady....This other advertised lady has a totally different look than I a different phone number, much lower rates, and different advertising  style, yet this idiot asks if we're the same person........I replied because I was awake getting ready for a client, my reply was curt and sarcastic, I asked what kind of drugs he was on...his reply was  "that he didn't want to get a rude 65 yr old cunt mixed up with an older quality lady, and because of my answer, he knew which one I was" I wish these clowns would get my age right, and realize that insulting my age, or my looks is as unoriginal and childish as it gets. And if any guy contacts me outside of my clearly advertised howrs, with such stupidity, he should expect  that my reply, if I give one, will be anything but  polite. When you show me your entitlement, your stupidity, your disregard for anything I post, EXPECT me to give you just what you deserve!! Happy Saturday, lol.



27 Jan, 2023

I post lots of pictures, on my website and socials (instagram/twitter). When I do I do my best to post those pictures that show me in my best light. I don't feel the need to post pictures that show every pore, wrinkle, or anything else that may be seen as a flaw. I also believe that any escorts pictures are meant to be representative of their appearances, not biographies of every physical detail the person has. Since we are selling a fantasy, and our time, not rights to our faces/bodies. If a client believes he has the right to see "everything", perhaps instead of buying an escorts time, he should instead, consider marriage, lol.

 I'm not suggesting that we should misrepresent ourselves, nor should we post pictures that are so far off that they don't look like us. I'm meaning that since photos remain online for what may be forever, and because they can been seen by all, we need to be careful and that we require discretion with our advertising. Since many of us aren't face out (showing our faces in our pictures), and we also don't want to be recognizable by friends, family, coworkers, ect. So along with wanting to look our best, to be seen in the best light, we also need to be somewhat vague with what we post. Which makes advertising/posting pictures and information difficult. We want to show ourselves honestly, without showing "ourselves", if that makes sense. So to those within the sex work community who think it justified to critque some for how they advertise, how they post pictures, or why or how they do as they do, perhaps think before you speak. This business is difficult for many, why make it harder. We need more understanding, more kindness within this community, not more hate and criticism. Thanks....

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You never know....

25 Jan, 2023

I was saddened and surprised to read the other day on twitter, a known, and who I think is a  physically stunning escort, recanting her experience about being berated by a client she had recently seen and how that left her feeling. During her emotional and forthright posts, another escort chimed in to insult her further.The most egregious act any escort can commit, imo, is to be so unfeeling, that they do nothing to empathize with the situation, but pile on to add insult to injury. Something that happens far to often, especially around here.....This stunning escort was so openly and honestly candid it was heartbreaking. I was surprised and caught off guard by all of it. Surprised because this escort imo, appeared to me to be one of the most confident, perfect, and certainly one of the sexiest in the business. Back when I was researching where and how to advertise online as an escort, in 2011, her profile and website would always appear in my searches. I was awestruck by her beauty, professionalism and admired her popularity. To hear now that she admitted to be suffering from body dysmorphia, came as a great surprise. I thought how could someone so seemingly perfect think they're not....It just goes to show that we never know what someone is going through, or feeling, just by seeing them, or by reading their posts, or  by what others have to say about them....And to think that a man would berate her because he felt she wasn't as she represented herself, or not to his liking, angered me, and proved to me that there is no pleasing some. Many of us in this biz receive vicious comments from clients/want to be clients, from time to time. Her recant was proof that no one is immune to any of it.

 There are awful people out there, and some of them get off on berating whomever they can. Most are cowardly and do it online, whilst hiding behind an anonymous handle, and a small few will make themselves known.....  I can assure you, from my personal experiences, any of those who've hurled insults my way, and I'm sure, towards others too, are never those gifted with good looks, and seldom, even intelligence. It seems what people hate about themselves, they'll hate about someone else..... Kind people, people who are happy, and who have humanity, just don't go out of their way to berate anyone, especially because of the way they look. So always, when negativity comes your way, look to the source, never allow the negativity to cause you to question your self-worth.


The best

11 Jan, 2023

There are people who have to tell the world how wonderful and beautiful they are. Then you have those who are wonderful and beautiful, and so the world takes notice, and tells them. The latter, will down play the praise and want others included in it, as they're inclusive. A personality trait of the humble, and those who have humanity......There is nothing more attractive than a person who walks through life with humility and humanity. They know their abilities, they have confidence, they are aware of their strong points and their weaknesses. They also know that we are *all* human and as such, we all have strong and weak points. They don't spout off about being "the best", as that infers that the rest are inferior to them.They prefer to be positive rather than negative towards anyone..... Spouting off about being the best, is the song of the arrogant. They don't care about making anyone feel inferior, they are centered on their own self perceived greatness. The humble who have humanity, don't have that mindset, nor do they perform for  hearing praise, they prefer to give praise. They don't seek out compliments, they prefer giving them......They are genuinely kind, inclusionary, understanding people. In this industry, as in many other industries, you'll come across a few who suffer from the delusion of thinking that, " they're the best". Telling them any different would be akin to whilstling in the wind. They can't see past their own noses..... They lack the grace of being humble, and of having humanity. They are however....  funny to watch....

Someone who has humility, and humanity would say, "I'm going to do my best today"and they'll be happy for anyone that does even better, The arrogant would say, "I'm the best at whatever I do, any day" and no one is better....The arrogant always has a desire to be heard, seldom do they listen....they always know best, and will claim to have the best...the best talents, the best friends, the best looks, etc, etc....except delusions, they'll never admit to having those, lol!!

Lets celebrate those who have humanity, those who are humble. The world needs more kindness and less arrogance......



Name change?

10 Jan, 2023

Being in this business opens one up to hearing lots of opinions. I've learned to only listen to those which come from a reliable and a well meaning source. So recently I had the pleasure of meeting a new client, and during our conversation he pointed out that my usage of "mature" in my name and ads, was in his opinion, doing me a disservice. He felt the adjective didn't describe me as he felt I looked younger, at least from the neck down, lol. He also felt it made me sound like an "old lady", and not sexy......In saying this, it was another client who told me when I had chosen the name that he liked it, quite a bit. I started as cristycurves...I changed that because I just tired of it, then I became cristylonglegs, which I also tired of as I wanted a name that could be seen as a real first and last name...cristy, although my choice of spelling it is uncommon, is a common first name, and Mature, is an actual surname. And because of my advancing age, I though it was appropriately descriptive.....Perhaps I need to rethink this, lol.

I know name changes, even number changes gets some on those review boards making assumptions that these changes are only done to hide something, or for nefarious reasons, but that foolishness, I ignore. So I'm once again looking to change....perhaps I'll use a handle instead of a name..... like "lingeriemodel50" kind of like the sound of that.

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09 Jan, 2023

This morning I had the pleasure of speaking with another lovely lady in the industry, it's always nice to connect with someone who is professional, real, and not about drama. During our conversation, I was interrupted by a blocked caller. This blocked caller started calling me at 748 am.....and did so 11 times, lol. I did answer his call a couple of times, only to hear this sad reject of a person go into a rage about how I'm old, a mutt, and need to retire, etc, etc, LOL!! I was in such a good mood after speaking with my lady friend that his tirade got me laughing....I mean, the ridiculousness of some man calling up a woman on a blocked number simply to try and insult her with his poor grammar, can only be seen as pathetically funny.....It is always humorous to me when these cowards call. I say cowards, because these losers always hide behind a blocked number. They want to rage, but never have the courage to identify themselves.....they ALWAYS call, and ALWAYS from a blocked number. Never do they have the courage to say what they have to say in person..... and I'll add, these idiots are never young themselves. I know that this goof is linked to some other escort/ their is a group of ladies known to some of us who have nothing better to do than to get their clients and boyfriends involved in their dislike of other ladies. These "ladies" advertise as pros, but their behavior is clearly anything but professional. This industry certainly has it's perks, but it also attracks losers like that guy too......

On a more serious note.... The lovely gent I spent a couple of hours with last night made my whole week. He was so sweet, kind, attractive and memorable. To him, I say, thanks for being one of the great clients.

Update.....  the loser on the blocked number just called again, making it 12 times this morning, lol. Imagine having that the end of the day this" person" had called 16X's, last time at 618 pm. 

update.... Jan10/2023 so far this morning starting at 813 am he has called 3 x's.....he continued calling until 1245 pm...what a loser!!



06 Jan, 2023

For those wondering....yup, I'm suspended from twitter, lol. Woke up to log on and got the notice...... it's because I used a pic that showed to much skin, as my header pic, they've decided to permanently suspend my account. I have written an appeal, but I don't expect it'll bring any change. Oh well, time to start making $$$ for my photos and posts any how. I've given them away for free for to long. So I'm going to be moving onto onlyfans as cristymature, if I can figure out how to use it, lol. I've also created an instagram, cristyofhalifax (cristymature was taken)....which I probably won't be to active on. I've never cared for instagram...... and find Instargram to be a bit conservative for my liking...anyhow, we'll see what the future holds...stay tuned, lol. If I get my only fans set up, I'll no longer be posting new pics on my website, they"ll be posted on onlyfans for paying clients only or I may create a locked section here for clients willing to pay to view....... Thanks for understanding.

update...I was considering joinging only fans but the registration process is to intrusive for me at this time. I'm surprised at how much personal information they require. Regardless, it is done for safety reasons, I understand. So for now no Onlyfans....I've been recommended to join Fansly but will see. I'm really not someone who is interested in becoming a content "creator" we'll see in time. Perhaps I'll decide something different. Stay tuned.


Reviews continued.....

03 Jan, 2023

In my previous blog, "reviews" I spoke about the pointlessness of reviews. This thread from Lyla, which btw, isn't the site I was speaking of in my review blog, is a perfect example of just how differently one escort/masseuse can be viewed by different people. It's also a perfect example of how an escort/masseuse will be spoken of if she is liked or disliked.... if liked, she'll be described as younger, more attractive.... if disliked, she'll be described as older, and less attractive. Regardless of her actual age, and attractiveness. This happens all the time and is typical to most reviewers. 

If you want to know if an escort is right for you, research them, read their ads, social media, websites, then talk to them, if you vibe with them, then make a date, then you can decide for yourself. Ask yourself, is there another person who knows you better than yourself? Is there another person who can decide for you better than yourself, who you should see? If you answer yes, then ask them to choose your escort, lol. If you answer no, then as I said before, do your research, talk to the escort, then visit them.....

There are some people who vibe, who have chemistry, so obviously they'll have a great time together. Then you have those guys who may not have that same level of chemistry, but will still get great service, because of their generosity. They tip well, visit often, or buy nice gifts. All those things garner some clients some special attentions. That is to be expected. Even though I do my best to provide all my guests equally great service, those who offer me more $$$, as long as they are also respectful, will also win more affection and probably be given priority when booking. I'm in this to have fun, but I'm also in this to make money. I'm also going to treat people as well as they treat me. Show me disrespect, be rude in any way and you'll get the same. Some guys aren't honest about their own behaviors when they go to write their crap about some escorts. They leave out their negotiating, or their switching times/dates around, or other nuisances that cause some escorts to treat some clients unfavorably. So my point, take what is written about anyone with a grain of salt......and think about the various scenarios that may have initiated the review/s written.



03 Jan, 2023

I've been made aware that there is a review site that has me listed as being reviewed a number of times. It's not a site I can visit so I don't know who has reviewed me, or if the reviews are even real, complimentary, or uncomplimentary. I will say, none of them should exist. If they have been posted after 2018, at which time I asked to no longer be reviewed anywhere, and at which time I put in place a no review policy. As most who know me know my dislike for any reviews. I find them pointless, tasteless, and unnecessary. Any client who has enjoyed time with me flatters me more with a revisit, rather than writing something complimentary. Beauty is subjective, and chemistry between two people is not something that can be invented, it occurs or it doesn't, and that doesn't mean the escort you shared it with has anything better or worse than another. It simply means that you either connected with them or you didn' for anyone to think that if one client finds an escort mind blowing, that another will also, is foolish and naive. Some people connect, some don't. In these types of intimate relationships, thinking that good reviews means anything other than an escort has seen that number of clients and more, is naive......... if an escort is bragging about their 30 pages (or any number of pages) of good reviews, well you should easily be able to calculate the numbers of clients that escort has seen, which also means very little, other than that escort sees more clients than others, possibly. I hold steadfast to my opinions of reviews...many are written in promotion of an escort who is favored, many are written to besmirch an escort who is disliked, many are written as a way of rekindling the experience , a type of soft porn, and many are written falsely. It's not a system that is worth anything.....nor does it do anything to better our industry..... So again, please keep my name out of it and whoever is reviewing me please stop. I have a no review policy in place, that is to be respected, and when it's not respected, I will take action!!




03 Jan, 2023

It's a new year, and changes are going to occur, but will those changes be positive ones? We can only hope. I don't foresee much change in my life, as things are pretty much the way I want them to be, yet I'm also aware that unforseeable occurences can bring unwanted change, so I'm always prepared too. I may start looking for a new apartment. That is one change I may make for 2023..... Now that the housing market is starting to cool, this year may be the time to move....I have been longing for a unit that is more luxurious and definitely more soundproof. That is my biggest issue with where I'm living now. The lack of decent soundproffing. I'd also like something smaller. Having 2 baths/3 bedrooms is nice as is the extra living space, but it just prompts me to buy more stuff to fill it when I get into my redecortating a 2 bdrm or even a spacious1 bdrm would be better and feel cozier......With rents topping over 2200 monthly now, for something nice, making the move will cause me to likely have to live more frugally, which would take some learning. But nothing ventured, lol, and as I tend to say, it's always fun to learn something new, lol...........

 So in 2023 will the escort industry change? Doubtful. Canada will still stand with it's kangaroo laws allowing us to sell our services whilst keeping it illegal for clients to purchase them. Purchase sexual services that is. Selling companionship in itself is not illegal, hence the reason why so many professional escorts will insist on NOT openly discussing or advertising blatently, anything sexual. However you still get the blockhead clients who think it's okay to text, call, or email to ask an escort "how much for a bj", or "how much for sex", or "how much to fuck", etc, etc.....But as the saying goes, "you can"t fix stupid", and after reading through some of those review board forums lately, there certainly is still a whole lot of stupid going on......There are still those guys expecting a "Charlies Angel" to suck and fuck him for a 100$ an hour...By that I mean, no matter how cheap an escorts rate is, those clients who seek cheap, still expect the escort to be perfect, along with the services and locale. There are still, those guys who'll complain about "deception" from escorts, when they act deceptively towards the escorts they book. Then you have those guys who look like ogres, and who'll deride any escort who doesn't meet their beauty ideal.....Yes in 2023 escorts will still have to put up with those goofs who plague those boards, spitting out their misinformation, lies, foolishness and other crap....Blessed are the escorts who have honed their screening practices to avoid most of these jerks....I'm better than ever at screening now, although no escort is clever enough to avoid those small few sickos who make it their mission to find a way to visit an escort just so they can say they visited, to post exaggerated lies in retaliation, and to out the escorts location. Those deceptive twisted guys will sometimes be aided by other becareful out there. Know who you are meeting, see their ID, and make sure to ask them pertinent questions before you book any client. An escort can NEVER be to careful!! 


Happy New year!!

02 Jan, 2023

What a wonderful Christmas I had. I got back on Friday, celebrated New Years Eve with a few friends and now I need a vacation from my vacation, lol. I haven't decided yet when I'll be accepting clients again, as I still want a couple more days to wind down from all the festivities.....

Now to address some childishness that has apparently occured while I was away.... once again on the review board Lyla, which I'm unable to post on, my name has been mentioned by some goof, who calls himself "fatboyNOTslim". This disgruntled hobbyist (I say disgruntled, after reading some of his posts, which indicate that he hates the escort scene here, and the city he lives in), thought it was "cute" to say "Cristy sends her love GT" on page 2 of this thread   No big deal really, it's actually childsih, and seemingly attention seeking. Yet, I respond to most things when my name is mentioned.  .......Apparently he also reads my blog, lol, and his response, I presume, was initiated by this blog . And of course, Ms.Manda laughed at his attempt at humour. I'm not they say, "birds of a feather".....However those who are professionals in this community, would see the unbalance of allowing members to speak of me, or anyone else, on a site where we aren't allowed the ability to retort.

I'll never understand *some* of that sites members.Their behaviors are so often hypocritical, unprofessional, two faced, chidish, and unbecoming. Does something happen when a person logs onto that site to make them that way? Or could these characteristics just be necessary to being a Lyla member? Whenever they have a problem with me, or with what I have to say, they go and post their comments there, on Lyla. Never do they have the courage or apptitude to respond to me on twitter, email, text....where I can retort, lol. Nope, they, in all their bravado, an attempts at being funny, ( I say with sarcasm), always post where I can't respond. So I bring my retort here, in my blog. Which then gets them whining, and their panties all twisted, for me mentioning them in my blog, LOL!!!....So the foolishness continues....

I must also add, concerning that intial thread, "an aging problem", where a few guys were whining about some escorts being dishonest about certain things. Note that some of these same guys have no issue tellling the escort they book lies. Most of these guys when asked if they've a profile on Lyla, will lie and say no, when in fact they do have one. That is problematic, because having the ability to read a hobbyists posts can be very telling for some escorts. So when a potential client lies about that information, he clearly has something to hide, which screams trouble, and points to a person with an unsavory agenda!! Any escort who would support a hobbyist like that, in any way, isn't a professional, nor should she be trusted!

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Have yourself a merry little Christmas.....

20 Dec, 2022

I'm away Friday Dec 23rd-until end of month or so. I will update once back. I hope you all have the happiest of Holidays. Drive safe, eat lots, drink responsibily, give what you can, and be kind to those who are having hard times....See you soon!!

Lol, I didn't want to give this guy attention, but....

16 Dec, 2022  Some of you know that when I read something I find problematic, I've got to speak about it. I wasn't going to say anything about this foolish thread as I didn't want to give the author of the thread, nor that site any attention, but the rant was so skewed, I couldn't keep my big mouth shut!

So this person who posts upteem times a day on a review board, felt the need to rant on about how abhorrent it is when mature women don't act, look, or dress age appropriate. He states in his post that others opinions aren't important, he thinks what he interesting perspective to hold as a prolicfic review board poster, when opinions are what any review board are fueled by and based on. Reviews are opinions, as are comments to any posts....And as the lovely Danielle commented, why would some guy in his 50's, who states, "he only dates 20 somethings", even care about what any mature woman does concerning their dress style or looks....Why does he feel it's his business, and why does he care? Seems to me to be a passive aggressive way of trying to insult a certain age demographic, which is, imo, a clear sign of  his own personal insecurities....And he also states that it is not the business of others what age/s he decides to date, all while he insisits mature women should adhere to what he thinks is age appropriate. In other words, he can judge and mind other peoples business, we just can't do the same to him.....Typical mindset of a deluded review board hobbyist/moderator, or whatever he is on that board. And may I point out, any adult should be able to date whom they choose, but when you reach a certain age and you *only* choose those who are 20/30+ years younger, that speaks to issues you are having with aging.....So instead of crtiquing what others do concerning their age, perhaps some introspection into your own aging issues might be a better use of your time, Greenteal.

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Feeling blue....

10 Dec, 2022

As blessed as I've been, these past few days have left me with a case of the blues. Perhaps it's all this wet and gloomy weather.....Each year I look forward to Christmas and all it offers, but it is also a time of year that carries saddness with it. My father passed years ago not long before Christmas, as did one of my dogs..... Sometimes that sadness over shadows all the fun and festivities, which seems to be the case this year. My father was a very generous man, who loved celebrating Christmas. He loved to eat, to visit friends, family and to give gifts to those he loved, worked with, or just met . I know he would want me to be having fun and not pining over him.Yet Christmas just feels empty without him. My blessed little dog, with me nearly 17 yrs, was a survivor, up until her last battle. She was my best friend and had helped me get through many rough times. The toughest time was saying goodbye to her.This year it'll be my third Christmas without her, yet the grief is still as strong. I know I was lucky to have both a loving father, and a beloved dog I bonded so closely to, yet sometimes memories aren't enough......

I hope you are feeling festive, and are able to chase away any blues you may be feeling and celebrate instead all that there is to be thankful for. I've posted one of my Christmas lights pictures, I hope that helps brighten your day.....

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I 'm an experience, not a last minute thought.....

04 Dec, 2022

I offer last minute appointments when I have the ability to be available. I also expect a bit extra, (50$) for those now. As I hate rushing. So if I have to rush for those unwilling to prebook, or for those whose schedules don't allow preplanning, and drop what I'm doing, I expect to be compensated for doing so. However those dates won't be often, as I'm not comfortable with the notion of being someone's last minute thought, nor do I enjoy feeling rushed. I offer an experience, and to do so takes preperation and planning. I put a lot of time an effort into preparing myself, and my incall, to host. I want to be able to look forward to a date, not become stressed to accommodate one and I hope to attract those gentlemen who appreciate that. I understand there are those who find it harder to preplan because of their schedules, but that still doesn't change my preferance, or my perspective. We all are different, and therefore should do what works best for ourselves without conflict or pressure. 

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Ho, ho, ho.....

01 Dec, 2022

Happy December!! Tis the season. I'm in the mood to be merry and bright. Christmas is my favorite time of year, and even though we are in trying times, I am being blessed with abundance, meeting great clients, the friendship of good people, health and happiness. I wish you all of this and more throughout the holidays and the coming year.....Lets celebrate. I'll be in the city until the 19th of December....Happy holidays!!


He claims to be a good client.....

22 Nov, 2022

A while back, on a trip to Saint John, I had a client, who poats/posted prolifically on that city's review board, contact me wanting to meet. He contacted me as I was entering my room, and asked to be seen ASAP. I told him I was just arriving and needed X amount of time to unpack and to get ready, he responded, "no you don't"...he said he only had so much time and could come over right away. I told him, "okay I'd rush" the 15 mins I was rushing to prepare, he called back to cancel......15-20 mins later he called again to say he could come over. He did this a couple more times.....back then I was concerned about pleasing those who posted on those boards, for fear of having negative things said, ( thankfully I've changed and no longer care, and have found my voice). When this client showed up, our time together was less than comfortable. He was rough, and expected as many orgasms as he could muster, causing him to run over the 60 mins.......Which is typical of those review board guys who consider themselves "good clients". He had reviewed a lot of escorts, and I thought how could so many put up with such behavior from a client. It was after seeing him that my opinions of review boards and many of their members changed. That experience proved to me that much of what is said by many on that, and other boards, holds no water and can't be trusted, especially by those who consider themselves " good clients".

A good client treats the escort hired, with respect. A good client doesn't treat the escorts body or their time, with the disrespect that person showed me. A good client will want his escort to be comfortable, and to also have an enjoyable time. A good client will book the escort according to that escorts requirements and not barter their time, nor their fee. A good client will never have to identify himself as such, as his actions will speak for themselves......

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What a nice change....

18 Nov, 2022

I am wallowing in gratefulness this morning and what a nice change to write about something positive in my blog. The past two days have been unexpected...As I mentioned in my previous blog, there is a pair of Michael Kors boots I fell in love with and in my lust, I posted about them online. To my surprise, one twitter follower, whom I've never interacted with, sent me a lovely message and a generous $$ gift to put towards the boots, then another generous gent sent me a gift card to also put towards them.....then I had a regular client contact me for a 2 hour session that same day....With all that, I thought I was ahead of the curve. That date allowed me some extra spending money and those gifts allowed me to also buy myself an early Christmas present.Then of course my luck ended, my dog injured his leg, lol. I'm laughing not because of the injury, but because of my luck.... I get steps ahead, then fall more steps backwards....I couldn't get a vet appointment so all that was left was emergency and the cost to xray and visit there would have been over 600...There goes my extra money....I vented on twitter about this....and as soon as I was about to head over to emerg, my vet hospital called and said they will fit me in....his visit and xray there was $405....another twitter follower who I wasn't even following text me to ask if he could send me some $$ to help with that bill. I was dumb founded! This gentleman had shared with me how a dog had saved his life, and he had the $ to help, and this was his way of paying it forward.....The kindness and generosity of these people has left me shocked, crying, giddy, and so very, very, very grateful. Things like this don't usually happen to me. I'm used to rude comments, put downs, slander, and other negativity, not generosity and kindness. Perhaps the tide is turning. The other good news... My dogs injury turned out better than expected. He has no break or fracture...he just needs rest and metacam for a few days........again, thank you, thank, thank you, to whomever is watching over me, to him or her, and those generous gents......I am humbled by your kindness and I promise to pay it forward.


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Day to day....(edited)

16 Nov, 2022

November has been surprisingly busy. I've only 1-2 days a week so far to where I can do as I want. I've many personal appointments this month, along with booked clients that have consumed much of my time. So it's left me with little time to attend to my blog and other things I do when I've the time. Today is one of those days where I can relax and do my own thing for a few hours, including writing this mish mash of a blog. I've had an enjoyable week. I'm all decorated for Christmas, and have hopes that December will also be busy. Christmas is my favorite time of the year and I like to stretch it out as long as I can. Yesterday I posted on twitter a pair of Michael Kors boots I want for a Christmas gift, hoping that one of my followers might buy them, lol. It doesn't look promising. I believe they'll be a gift I'll have to buy myself. It seems that most twitter guys come for the free pics only and are not interested in paying for anything....oh well, win some, lose some. Wishing you a happy, fun and interesting day...see you soon!

Edit-This morning I had a lovely gent etransfer me 300 to buy the boots....yippee....thank you again to him. This will be my Christmas gift.

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Lest we forget....

11 Nov, 2022

I salute our fallen hero's and thank all the men and women who have served and are serving. I am grateful for all your sacrifices.

Implementing deposits......

09 Nov, 2022

As of today Nov9/22 I'll be requiring a 50% deposit for any dates booked. If you book an hour 175 is required to be paid through etransfer upon booking. 2 hours, 300, 3 hours 450....etc, etc. Guys that book and then cancel within 24-48 hours who refuse to pay my cancellation fee, which they agreed to pay upon booking, have made this necessary. A few bad apples always spoil it for others..

I do have a discreet email for those transfers. I will share that upon booking. Thanks for your understanding.

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My apologies.....

07 Nov, 2022

I'm so sorry to anyone who had their hopes up for meeting me in Charlottetown, or Fredericton. Things have been busy here in Halifax for me, both with my regular clients and with my personal life. I just can't seem to find the time to plan a time to get away. I'm still hoping to get away, just when is still up in the air.....

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Happy Halloween

31 Oct, 2022

Wishing you all a safe, fun and Happy Halloween. I've my broom ready for take off, so if you see me fly by,

It's expected...

29 Oct, 2022

My screening changes depending on who's wanting an appointment. For some I'll request they send picture ID. Although that, nor any type of screening, will not guarantee that the client booking will follow through with their appointment, nor does it mean they'll honor my cancellation policy. There are those assholes who just don't care .There are guys who book just to find out incall locales, or who get off  on just wasting an escorts time. So I expect every now and then to have to deal with these assholes. Although my intuition isn't always the best at determining who is up to no good, and who legitimately has to my most recent ordeal will attest...... 

Recently I had a gentleman pre-book me for a date. Everything had gone smoothly in the booking process, and I was looking forward to our date. The day of he followed all my protocols. Yet I had a nagging feeling something just wasn't right...and sure enough, within the hour of our meet time, he sent me a text to cancel our date. The text seemed contrived...... I then sent him a text asking him to send my cancellation fee to my gmail. He text back quickly that he couldn't he didn't know how...... We had a further exchange of texts/calls with him promising to pay my cancel fee. Then more time passes and he texts that he can't do an etransfer....he didn't know how. Another red flag, I thought, lol, I mean, who can't do an etransfer?.....In the end, this man did pay me, along with giving me a lovely card and a bottle of wine. He did have a legitimate reason to cancel and thankfully for him, that reason no longer became urgent...... we agreed to laugh about all of this the next time we will meet.

All the years of dealing with so many dishonest people has engrained in me that most are dishonest, when in fact that isn't really the case. I know there are good guys out there, of course, many of them are my regualr clients...... I just have to learn to be more trusting and patient with some of them......Thank you to him for being so gracious and kind.

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29 Oct, 2022

November is turning out to be a very busy month for me. It's booking up fast so to my regulars and those who are considering meeting me for the first time, please pre-book. It avoids disappointments and makes things easier for me, thanks.

Both Novemember and December will be busy months, as I'll be in and out of the province. I've lots of things going on in my personal life, and many requests for visits to other cities. So I'll be doing some travelling.  Both months are going to be exciting.....Stay tuned.


You are not everyone's cup of tea...

29 Oct, 2022

This is a quote I saw on twitter, and a good one to remember.

                            *You are not everyone's cup of tea*

 The world is filled with people, who no matter what you do, no matter what you try, will simply not like you. But the world is also filled with those who will love you fiercely.The ones who love you, they are your people.

 Don't waste your finite time and heart trying to convince the people who aren't your people that you have value.They will miss it completely. They won't buy what you are selling. Don't try to convince them to walk your path with you because you will only waste your time and your emotional good health. You are not for them and they are not for you. You are not their cup of tea and they are not yours.

 Politely wave them along and you move away as well. Seek to share your path with those who recognize and appreciate your gifts and who you are.

 Be who you are. You are not everyone's cup of tea and that is okay.

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I found this comical....

27 Oct, 2022

It was brought to my attention the one of the lady that made a huge fuss about me being a racist, does duo's and associates with a lady that requires clients to identify their race on her booking form. How funny is that? I've never asked any of my clients what race they are, this must just be something the non-racist (note my sarcasm) people ask.....My goodness, some of the women in this industry are comincal in their hypocrisy!!

 Isn't it funny how some are so quick to point out the flaws, faults of a person all while denying or even seeing their own. How perfect they think they are. I wonder if they are happy living in their delusional world. 

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I'll say it again....

21 Oct, 2022

It would be nice if more would realize that the reasons someone chooses escorting are as varied and as different as the personalities are of those escorting.....not every escort has the same goals or reasons for being in the industry. Assumptions shouldn't be made.....

I chose to get into the biz intially for very different reasons to which hold me in it today. I stick with it because I can and because I have regular clients who add to my life, and I still derive some excitement meeting new clients. I don't strive to make a certain amount of money daily, weekly or monthly. I strive to enjoy myself. I compete with no one other than myself.....I want each day I'm blessed with to be better than the one before. So don't be foolish enough to presume anything about me....or why I'm still around. I'm not to be compared to, no one should be. We are all different and we should be celebrated for our differences, not shamed for them.....

I'm fortunate and grateful to live a life I choose and one which I enjoy. I'm sorry to those who this bothers......well not really, lol.


My training......

21 Oct, 2022

For those who don't know....I've been working with a personal trainer for the past weeks only going  2x per week) so progress will be very slow...... there are still no major physical changes, that I can notice. Although I do feel my arms are stronger, as are my legs. I've paid for more sessions. So I surprised myself for continuing. I'm not one to stick to things that are scheduled......Apparently I'm challenging myself and I'll admit I'm anxious to see what changes the following months will bring. Here's to being the strongest I've ever been.....


A twitter quote....

15 Oct, 2022

This one is apropos....

quote- Before you spread gossip about somebody's life and their failures...

            Remember, there are chapters of your life you don't want read out loud either.

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15 Oct, 2022

Why do I consider myself an intimacy specialist.....

The many years I've been in escorting has taught me that sexual gratification is only a part of what being intimate with someone encompasses. To offer a person an intimate experience entails offering them respect, acceptance, kindness, and appreciation. I see it as allowing  a person to feel completely comfortable as they are, and without a need to perform, or pretend. Within the experience, they should feel completely comfortable expressing their thoughts, beliefs, desires, without argument or judgement and that they can be vulnerable, while feeling safe while being so.

Any client I share my time with I would hope will have those feelings and when they leave, the knowledge that those feelings were for our eyes and ears only. 


Don't be this guy.....

14 Oct, 2022

My third meeting with this client was prebooked on Saturday for the following Wednesday.....The first date with him went relatively smooth. The second was rocky. He called an hour before to cancel, then after a few back and forths, agreed to show up for our scheduled time, albeit, a bit late. There were some other frustrations, but I forgave them, as I thought he was just a disorganized, but nce person......Until Wednesday arrived. He was asked to call an hour before our meet time to get a refresh of my locale. We were to meet at 1pm. Noon came and went, then at 1210, I messaged him....... He asked what day it was, then claimed he had forgotten all about our date. Without going into specific details of what was said, as those details might identify him, he made a bunch of excuses, and said to give him 5 mins and he'd message back. I gave him 20 mins and still no word from him. So I called him. He said he'd get back to me,  that he was in the middle of this time it was nearing 1pm. I messaged him asking for payment as he was obviously not going to make our scheduled time. And as per my website states, if you cancel within 24 hours, full payment is expected.After a few more back and forths, he agreed to e-transfer my hourly fee, which is 350. By later afternoon I still hadn't gotten his transfer so I messaged him asking when it would be sent..... he made more excuses and all he said was that I would get it. Supper hour came and still no payment. So I sent another message. At this time I was angry. He said I would have it when he got back to his office. I checked again and still no transfer at the end of the night. So I messaged again and now he was telling me I'd have it first thing in the morning and that me waiting a day to receive payment wasn't unreasonable...........First thing in the morning came and went and no payment. After arguing with him again, he said I must be 1030 am I received 300. I sent him a text telling him thanks for shorting me 50$. He responded that "he knows people that have to work 2 days to make 300", and that he honoured our agreement, and shame on me, sad really".....

This asshole who is now blocked, seemed to think that it was his right to decide when an escort should get paid, and how much they deserve to be paid. He made no apologies to me for messing up, nor did he accept any accountability for how things transpired. He just blamed me for being desperate, and greedy. Desperate, lol, well I am the type who'll spend 3000 to collect 300. It's the principle. I'm also not greedy. I didn't expect more, I wanted what was agreed upon, my hourly rate!!

So to those who have his mindset....when you book an escort, you make a commitment. If you cannot fulfill that commitment by showing up, then it is your responsibility to make that person whole, finacially. It is not up to you to decide how much the escort deserves, nor when that transaction is to take place. The escort deserves payment within the time the date was booked, not when you find it convenient to send it. Adults take responsibility for their actions. Assholes don't!!


Personal Training

12 Oct, 2022

 I just had my third training session. So obviously no physical changes yet. What will change, and which has to change, is my diet. As my trainer said, if I continue to fill my body full of junk, my training will be pointless. I've been lucky, all my life, to have been able to eat what I wanted, and how much. But as I'm getting older, the daily junk food intake has taken a tole on not necessarily my physical appearence, but certainly it has affected how I feel, and is contributing to the lack of energy I have. So as of today, those dietary changes begin.

I decided to hire a personal trainer to become physically stronger, and too gain the confidence to know that I can protect myself in any situation. As he said, when your body becomes stronger, your mind will also. 

I'm not sure how long I will continue to train, as it's expensive. I'm hoping at least and until I see some physical results. As I am also wanting to look more physically fit. But time will tell how long this will last, and if I can commit to improving myself. I will say, I think hiring this person is one of the smartest things I've done in a while. 



This is the last mention....

12 Oct, 2022

This is the last time I'm going to speak about the post I made about Indian clients.....I will no longer explain myself, nor respond to anyone, positive or negative, who message me about the topic. All negative comments are forwarded to my lawyer, and the positive/supportive ones will remain unanswered. I'm done with this!!

My post albeit poorly worded, was initiated by the unprecedented amount of pushy, stalkerish, rude Indian men who've been contacting me for quite some time. Just yesterday, I had another Indian man contact me by calling first. He said he found my ad on leolist and "read it". In that ad it stated that I will not see anyone with out first providing proof of their id.  When I asked the Indian man, who called himself "Jimmy", where his ID was, as he had not sent it, he proceeded to argue with me. I cut him off and told him I'd be blocking him. He then proceeded to text me, before I could block him. In the text he said "I didn't need to block him or see his ID because he was real and mature". Then this morning I wake up to a message from him on the escort site, city of love, asking why I blocked him and that I didn't need to. It is this type of harrassment that I've been receiving every day, and only from Indian men, and I wanted it to be stopped. What is sad is, most ladies in the biz experience some sort of troublesome event while working, or know of someone who has, and yet none of those ladies who've been mentioned in this drama, not one bothered, or cared to message me to say, I understand what you're going through, but perhaps reword your post, or to say anything supportive at all. They just jumped straight to the promotion of claiming me to be a racist on twitter, then on Lyla !! So I came to write in my blog. in my defense. Anyone should expect that I am always going to defend myself at all costs, and agaisnt anyone. I'll never understand why the majority of people involved in escorting, both clients and escorts, seem to enjoy grouping together to bully someone, rather than to be supportive or understanding. 


The worst kind of clients....

10 Oct, 2022

I've met many a wonderful client.They are typically professional gentlemen, married, or not, and simply looking for moments of pleasure and escapism. Once those moments end, they'll  then disappear back into their daily lives, until their desires are again ignited.They undestand that screening is a necessary process, and seldom do they decline it.They are not interested in speaking about their escapades. Nor do they  gossip about people in the business, or about those they've met. They aren't trouble makers, and if issues arise they settle them respectfully, and quietly.They don't seek out, nor participate in drama. Reviews boards are of no interest to them. These are cherished men..... 

The worst kind of clients are just the opposite to all of the above......Visting with escorts becomes a hobby, a game for them. They join review boards and post prolifically and become entrenched in all that is said there, and even into the lives of those who are mentioned on the boards.They make other peoples business their own, and discretion is an uncommon theme to them. Drama is something they seek. They will book an escort without letting the escort know of their review board identity/status, as a way of seeing some escorts who are steadfastly against seeing these types of clients.They are keyboard warriors, who get off on writing anything and everything, positive, or negative, about any escort they deem worthy of their comments.They actually believe they can affect change with their board memberships, and commentary, lol. They'll loudly cry foul if an escort does the slightest thing wrong on their dates,  never accepting any blame, and seldom will they agree to be screened, because they'll claim, "they've to much to lose".....When in fact if it became known that they had visited an escort, no one would give a crap. Because most of them, in their day to day lives, are invisible people. These types of clients are more often than not, blue collar, working under someone. They often cry about how hard they work for their money, and will be the first ones to gripe about escort rates rising, quoting what we should charge, and what services we should offer for those fees.They stand out on the boards like lightening in the sky, and they are the worst kind of clients. Please don't be like them.....


Apparently you can generalize about Asians.....

09 Oct, 2022


Where are those stewards of the sex work community to attack those within this thread.....

That site and some of it's members are so full of hypocrisy, if hypocristy had a smell, you'd be able to smell it from where you sit....

Time and time Asian escorts/sex workers are lumped together as a group, and called out for being different things, namely "bait n switchers". And no one calls out racism. Nor do the stewards come prancing to cry foul.....Apparently it's acceptable to them to make generalizations about Asian sex workers,......And where are all those righteous men and women......Why aren't  they proclaiming how they have worked with, know of, or have hired many wonderful Asian sexworkers, who are not bait n switchers. I mean, how dare anyone lump an ethnic group into one category and call them anything but wonderful! I'll tell you where they are.....they are sitting on their hypocritical asses with their mouths shut because it's not a topic they care to defend. A board member in that thread even joked about pimping, yet the steward and her crew never copy and pasted her quote to start a thread to highlight just how awful and wrong  pimping is, or to chastise that member for saying such a thing!!.....why? I'll tell you. Because on that site and within sex work, there are a plethora of hypocristes and they allow some people to get away with just about anything, and others they attack. As far as they are concerned, its not what someone says, or how it's said, it's who says what, and about who, and where they say it....... it's just that simple.

To clarify, I know Kim pointed out, in that thread, how wrong the comment about pimping was, and I thank her for doing so. I do not consider her one of the stewards, nor has she ever attacked anyone. Whenever she has corrected anyone she has done so with diplomacy and politeness. I don't believe her to be a person who take sides, or who enjoys starting fights. I believe she wants fairness for all. There are those within sex work who are Switzerland. They have no bones to pick, they don't group with people to attack anyone,  and they'll point out wrongs/wrong doings, without bias. It's just a shame that they are the minority.

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Happy thanksgiving....

08 Oct, 2022

I hope you get to enjoy lots of yummy food, shared with good friends and family. May the weekend be peaceful, and realxing for you...enjoy. I know I'm going to .

So what have I learned.....

08 Oct, 2022

The past couple of days have been interesting to say the least. And they've reaffirmed things I've already assumed and experienced with and about other sex workers....... that is, those who like escorting are one type of personality, and those who dislike it are another. Those who dislike it will stop at nothing to protect the fake roles they play ......

I've always stood by the belief that those who truly enjoy escorting, who are professional within it, treat others within it with understanding and acceptance. They are often people of good character. They understand the hardships that come with being an escort and they're honest about them. They sometimes will speak openly and candidly about the issues that come with being an escort and the clients they deal with. They are often willing to share tips to help, even uplift fellow escorts, and not just the escorts they partner, or duo with, or who'll bring them gains, but all escorts. They're not physically nor verbally violent, and they understand and accept the different business models and mindsets many have and choose to use. They're not competitive, they're complimentary. Those who are working stricktly for financial gain, and who escort begrudgingly, are most often those who'll attack, gossip about, gain up on, and do other insidious, even nefarious things to those peers they deem problematic or not complimentary to their beliefs or ways of doing business. They are  fiercely competitive. Anyone or anything that they feel will harm their earning power, they'll attack.These types of escorts will stop at nothing, even recruiting their husbands/partners, to visit the escort they've deemed their enemy. So as an escort, if you befriend another, it pays to know who they are personally nvolved with. It's a sad statement to make, but there are more escorts escorting out of need, rather than choice, more who dislike it, than those who enjoy it. Most escorts are actresses playing a role they begrudgingly yet convincingly play. Some do it so well, they'll even convince you to believe that they are nice people. Never will they openly admit how awful some of their clients are or can be, nor will they speak honestly about their escorting woes. They only want people to see a rosey picture, as they believe that will convince more clients to visit them, with these types, it's all about attracting clients, and not being a real person.....With them there is no end to the lengths they'll go to protect the roles they play....that is until they decide to step off the stage they play upon, and that stage is most often a review board, lol.



EDITED again.... becasue of a threat....I opened a can of worms continued........

06 Oct, 2022

Not moving on, lol......Since I can't get this link  to post in my previous blog, titled, "I've opened a can of worms" get the whole story you'll have to read that blog, then come back here, as the person in that previous blog, who I referred to as the "local escort", has found a need to recruit her pet, James Nicol( his persona name on the review board Lyla), and her side kick Berlin Moss( and who has changed her name again, now to Evie Rosewood), to continue the discourse my original post created and take it onto the review board they belong to. The "local escort" has taken it upon herself to act as a steward of the sex work community. And clearly her end goal is to have me ousted from that community, lol.....I am impressed that she or anyone thinks they have that power. Since, in reality, not one of us holds any more power than another. Although you'd have a hard time convincing some otherwise. There are those who think they do, and they are typically those same types who think they have the right to police what another does, or says.

When reading my previous blog, you'll note I never mentioned the local escrorts name, or any names. Although she claims I did. AVA Marie, and Berlin Moss, came forward and have outed themselves creating and by posting in their thread, and so I'll admit, Ava Marie was indeed the "local escort" I was speaking of. I singled her out not because she unfollowed me, but because of her hypocristy. Ava claims she was upset over my comment about Indian men, in the previous blog, she feels it is racist and hateful. So be it. Yet she decided to support another escort who is also spewing hate. The difference being, that hate was directed at me, and apparently it is acceptable to Ava, to demean a person, based on their age, looks, and professional abilities, you just can't mention their race, doing that, as far as Ava seems to be concerned, is where the line is drawn. My view is, If your going to take a stance against hatred, you have to not encourage it, nor support one type and turn around to condemn another. So..... it now appears that out of retaliation, and as I see it, as a need to look superior and to sound self righteous, she got together with James, Berlin, and probably others, to create a thread to encourage more hatred towards me, although they'll justify their actions by claiming that thread was created as some honorable act. In that thread they lamented about how awful I've been to a whole race of people, and proclaimed the necessity of posting my comment on their board to warn others about how awful and hateful I am, and the harm and danger they claim, I've brought to the sex work community and that they are going to save their community from my!!......I did think Berlin Moss was above all that, and to wise to get mixed up in this foolish drama, but her comment about white men in that thread, has proven me wrong. .  

So Ava wants people to believe that I'm recruiting other sex workers and creating a platform to spread hate ....well, read my blogs, and you decide. Then explain to me what she is doing with that thread and the commentary within it.....Are they trying to spread peace? She also claims that that I'm an internet bully, and a racist. Again, you can go ahead and make your own conclusions. I haven't asked anywhere, for anyone to side with me, I haven't asked for anyone to be ousted from any community, yet she has.... I called her a hypocrite, and in my opinion, that thread she created, in itself proves that point. She isn't being honest either, when she claimed I am spreading lies about her. I did say, in that previous blog, that she was a hypocrite, that she gossiped, and that we had a phone conversation, all of which are true. When we spoke on the phone she made unflattering comments about 3 different escorts, I consider that gossip. We spoke on the phone, because she was wanting tax advice, which I volunteered to give her. She also bragged about knowing everyone....She didn't come across as very discreet. I won't go into detail about what she said, as it would require naming the other escorts, and why involve them....... I told no lies. I may often put my foot in my mouth, and say things without diplomacy, but I speak the truth. And James, you poor soul, lol, you just can't figure out how someone who is banned from your precious board can stil read posts posted there, lol!! That seems to anger you, yet you are sneaking onto my twitter, without invitation, to copy and paste my comments back onto your foolish thread. So you too are a hypocrite. Birds of a feather clearly flock together.....I know some people are going to read all of this drama, here in my blog, and on that thread, and make their own conclusions, good and bad........ regardless of what I, or what any of them say......So be it.

Edit-The thread linked in this blog has been deleted. And although it was what prompted me to write this blog, and even though it's now been deleted, I'm still keeping this blog up. As the drama is continuing. I *cannot* prove, at least *not yet*, but I do suspect that many of the calls and attempted bookings these past couple of days, have been instigated by some of those in this blog. 

 People can try and police what I say, and where I say it, they can even twist my words to suit their agenda. In doing so, they should expect that I'm going to defend myself and take any other legal action necessary, to protect myself and my privacy. 


But wait.....perhaps I can prove somethings...... (Saturday Oct 8/22) I woke up to a dm on my twitter from one of Ava's duo partners ( which I've forwarded to my lawyer) threatening me. She threatened me with legal action, apparently "she knows a lawyer", blah, blah, blah........well we all do, lol. Then she threatened me physically. " some of what she said was "this wasn't going to end well", blah, blah, blah..... and that "someone can book me then jump me" she said a few other things in her message, in her broken english.......She was threatening that if I didn't remove their names (Ava & Berlin) from my blog, those things will happen.

They are all angry because I have their names, here in my blog.... So lets dissect this......these ladies are angry because I have mentioned them here, in my personal blog, AFTER they, on a public discussion board, openly named me as a racist!!!!......Ava had accused me of a few things in that thread, so as a retort and as a way of defending myself, (since I couldn't respond on that discussion/review board) I wrote my blog.....

Talk about hypocrisy. Ava, in her thread/post had called me an internet bully and other things. and here I have another one of her partners messaging me with threats. Messaging me, then blocking me, so I don't even have a way to respond to this person, lol. So who is the bully!!! And who is the one encouraging other sex workers to group together to spread hate! I don't take being threatened lightly, nor will I put up with it. I am an easy person to get along with with, but if you name or mention me, I'm going to name and mention you. If you attack me, rest assured, I'm not going to sit back and ignore you. If you call me out, I'm going to speak about you. You threaten me, and I'm going to take that very seriously and take the actions necessary to address that threat. So come at me any way you people want, I'm ready!!





I opened a can of worms.....

05 Oct, 2022

 Daily, I'm faced with men contacting me, who are disagreeable, argumentative, pushy and rude. So out of frustration, I made a post on twitter. These men have one thing in common besides their bad behaviors, that is their ethnicity. The post read " I'm now tempted to write on my ads "No Indian men". 9 of 10 of them are menaces. I hate to be so blatant, but how else can one eliminate those who time and time again prove themselves to be awful clients".......I agree it's not worded well. Many of my comments often are poorly worded, especially when written in haste and out of frustration. I was wanting to differentiate that group of men, from others, because they are the majority of those who contact me, and the majority of those who are the hardest to deal with, in my experience, and I wanted a way to stop them from contacting me. It had become overwhelming and so common, I had to generalize. I'm well aware that there are troublesome clients from all races, but in my experience, the overwhelming amount that I get are Indian men. I have never had this many bad experiences with other races, being as consistent or as repetitive in their bad behaviors, as it's been with Indian men. Of course I've also met a few great Indian men, and it's common sense to know many more exist, but the majority of them must be contacting all those escorts who claim me to be a racist, and "that all their best clients are wonderful Indian men". Because those who are contacting me, are routinely rude, crude, argumentative, starlkerish, difficult and unwilling to screen. When the same thing happens, with the same types of people, over and over and over again, we will all generalize, eventually. Those who say differently, speak for fan fare and self righteousness, not to be honest. On another note, no one was bothered by me not wanting to see women. I advertise to men only, apparently they don't see that as discriminatory....I'm allowed to choose which sex I can be intimate with, I just can't mention race, lol.

 As a result of my post, all the right fighters, racist fighters, discrimination fighters, and podium pounders, came out to proclaim me racist, hateful, and as one "idiot" said-quote- " I see you're already older and not very attractive so I understand why you don't screen heavily because you will lose clients and you pretty much see anybody that contacts you. Maybe screen a little bit to weed out the time wasters and haggles just my opinion"-end quote...... So....apparently I'm not only a racist, I'm also an improper screener, well, an unattractive and old, improper screener. LOL!!  The funniest part of that remark, besides it's obvious stupidity, was allowing me access to her 32 followers so I  could block those who follow her stupidity. In particular, a local escort, who unfollowed me, and followed that idiot. This local escort, had proven her character previously in a phone chat, in which she gossiped about and demeaned other escorts, and claimed to know everyone. So it didn't surprise me that she'd want to follow such an idiot. As they say, great minds think alike and birds of a feather, flock together....... She certainly is no loss. I should have disconnected with her after our phone conversation.

 The poster of that quote proclaims herself to be a racist fighter, and is going around twitter, so she proclaims, "to save everyone from racist sex workers", all while posting from an anonymous account.....She is apparently to cowardly to identify herself. Anyhow, her new supporter,  the local escort who unfollowed me, and her crew, I hope will be happy in one anothers company. Perhaps they can help grow that idiots followers.....All while they gossip about those they, with one face, befriend, and with the other, demean. One thing I've learned from this is that there are a lot of hypocritical escorts. They portray themselves one way online, and as another way in person. As one person said, many of those raging at me claiming I'm racist, probably have "no black men" listed in their ads!!

Being honest about my personal experiences within sex work, never comes easy, nor without discourse or without receiving vitriol from those who need their 15 secs of fame, and to preach from their pedestal, how their experiences are not like mine, and that they've never had the issues I'm having, blah, blah, blah.... When I posted about not wanting clients under 30yrs, many flocked to say how wonderful younger men were, and that some of their best clients were younger.....In this case, concerning Indian men, many flocked to say how wonderful Indian men were, and how some of them were their best clients, LOL!! What they think that proves, or why they think their experiences have anything to do with mine, still baffles me. I do know if they experienced the kind of discord, nuisance, rudeness, and other foolishness, day in and day out, they'd be singing a different tune. When a certain group of people prove themselves to be consistently hard to deal with and a nusiance, how else can one react other than to want to eliminate contact from them all. What else can be done to reduce the influx of inquiries I get from them? If everyone were to be honest, they'd admit that we all make generalizations, right or wrong, good or bad, based on our own experiences. And of course, not one person on that twitter thread could give a helpful answer as to how to stop or help end the contacts, other than to brag about how comprehensive their screening methods are. Which insinuates mine are not! All some could do was to chastise me for grouping all Indian into one category of being bad clients, when in fact that is my fucking experience!!. Something I found funny, from the comments, particularly from the comment made by the "idiot", were the comments about screening. I've mentioned on twitter in a previous thread, a while back, about how all escorts should screen. And I received discourse and vitriol for that too. I was told that "those of us who can screen are privileged, and the minority," lol. That not all escorts have the ability to screen, and that we should be understanding towards those who can't". Those very same people who said that, were some of the very people critquing me for sounding racist.

 Those who've met me know I screen well. That I won't meet a client unless he provides photo id, plus another form of proving their identity, and then I require a phone conversation.To determine our compatibilty. I have other methods of screening also, that I sometimes use. So to insinuate that I don't screen, or that I don't screen well enough, is hilarious, and stupid! I turn clients away daily because many won't screen and yes most are Indian men!!.

It never ceases to amaze me how many escorts will jump onto a thread/topic that is controversial and use it for their "podium/pedestal moment", their moment to be the savior, the right fihter, all while clearly being a hypocrite and an attention seeker. Like one lovely lady said, "many of our peers are fake people, and it's best to stay in our own lanes, like a race horse" right she is. 

It was sad to see how some felt comfortable dm'ing me to utter their support, and to comment how they too experience what I've been experiencing with Indian men, yet not comfortable enough to voice their opinion openly in the thread. I was upset at one man who dm'ed me and included that he was of a monority and didn't feel my post was racist. I told him to mention that online, and he proceded to say something totally different, albeit still somewhat supportive. I understand the cost of speaking openly and honestly, and I also understand that some can take backlash, others can't. Some can afford to lose the followers remarking on controversial topics brings, others can't. So I understand them wanting privacy and I thank them any how for their support.To those who enjoy being hateful, instead of being helpful, I hope your days ahead are kinder to you.

I have since locked my twitter account and deleted the post. This morning I had two idiots commenting to me, both claim to be saving the internet from people like me, one once again, an anon account with 0 followers, the other some good doer, wannabe super hero, claiming that my profile pictures are taken from another website, and his follower list was 26.....I can handle discourse and vitriol, I can't stand dealing with crazy people, and liars. So I reluctantly decided to somewhat seal that can of worms. .....Moving on.....


My 3 hour date.....

02 Oct, 2022

I was lucky to meet a new client recently, who booked a 3 hour date with me. He made the screening process quick and easy, and he was lovely to speak with througout that process. When we met, I felt totally comfortable and attracted to him. He was so laid back and gentle.

When I meet a man who is so wonderful, I always feel as though I never gave him enough. I'm so used to getting inundated with assholes and the entitled, that when I meet someone so wonderful, sexy, and so easy to please, I feel that I should give them more than I do. I do try, and hopefully he was satisified. If he reads this, I say thank you for being a gentleman, for being a delightful client and for making my evening!! It was an honour to be in your company, and I hope we'll meet again.


You can help....

02 Oct, 2022

I'm asking some of you to take some time and join twitter. It's an easy platform to use and just as easy to join. All you need is the internet, and an email. You can make your account private or public. You can use your account anonymously or with your real name, that is your choice. 

I am asking some of you to join to benefit shelter dogs. There are so many in the USA who are killed just hours after intake, because of the high volume of dogs turned in. On twitter you can follow some of those shelters/accounts and retweet their ads for dogs in need of homes. Retweeting gets those dogs more visibility and a better chance of being homed, instead of being euthanized. And believe me the euthanization isn't a painless process for many, as some shelters are still gasing their dogs. In that process they dump a dozen or so dogs in a metal drum and turn on the gas, the dogs choke to death, the lucky ones die before they are dumped into a garbage truck and  taken is one of the most painful ways to kill an animal. Some shelters also use the needle, but not in the way your pet is euthanized at the vet, when it's time. They jab the needle directly into their heart, again, very painful, and often, not a quick death. So please, take a moment to sign up. Then seek out shelter dogs ads, and retweet them. You just might save a life!! Thanks for your help!!


As a side note, if you're on twitter you can also see many of the escort ads also, world wide. Just beware that those who follow you,can see who you are following. So if you have a personal account, those who are your friends/followers will see that you follow escorts. However if you join twitter under a pseudonym, then who you follow won't matter. 

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Welcome October!!

01 Oct, 2022

Although fall came a week or so ago, I never feel it's Fall until October comes. It's one of my favorite months. We have Halloween and thanksgiving to celebrate, along with the cool, crisp air Fall brings. I love walking on these sunny cool days, snuggled in a cozy sweater and walking boots. The only downside to this time of year, is knowing that it's going to get colder, and that old man winter is just around the corner waiting to pounce on us. And although there are aspects of winter I enjoy, I hate the disruptions winter storms can bring and those days that are just to frigid to be outside. So although October is 31 days, I'll hope it'll last into January,lol. Have a great month.


Being late....

30 Sep, 2022

Certainly things come up that can upset anyone's best laid plans, but when you are late for a scheduled appointment you've made with an escort, it is beyond rude, to not offer some sort of compensation when you arrive. Any client who doesn't offer a financial apology is inconsiderate and cheap and most likely will not be invited back!!

The couple of times I had to reschedule or wasn't on time, I offered my clients a discounted rate. Being respectful and thoughtful towards another persons time speaks volumes.

Those who visit with me know that if I book a client, I'm probably turning another away, as I'm very low volume and I'm not comfortable seeing clients back to back, even within a few hours. Seldom will I book 2 clients in a day. If I book you at a certain time, then I'm prepared to visit at that time and in doing so, I've willingly put off doing other things and I hate having time wasted, or abused.  you can never get time back, once it's gone it's gone. If you leave me waiting for 30-60 mins because you didn't plan properly, or because your plans became disrupted, best thing you can do is to contact me to let me know and assure me that you'll compensate me for your tardiness, or rebook after you etransfe my fee for the lost appointment. 

Booking an escort is a commitment, and not something you can just forget about. We are running a business and one we take seriously. That is why most of us ask for deposits, and or ID. To stop those who think abusing our time is no big deal. It's harder for them to do so when we know who they are, and have some of their money!!

So to end...if you're running late, politely let your escort know and be prepared to make it up to them by offering extra $$ and all will be forgotten!


Batten down the hatches...

21 Sep, 2022

A storm is a coming.....I'm nervous about the hurricane expected this weekend. I've so many potted plants, lawn furniture and decorations to put away. Thursday/Friday is going to be busy. The grocery stores will be mad houses these next couple of days. I'm thinking of getting a hotel room, as I believe if we loose power most of the larger hotels have generators, or I could be wrong. Anyhow, be safe and lets hope we all get through this storm without to much damage.

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privileged, blessed or advantaged?

21 Sep, 2022

I started a discussion on twitter because I was wanting to know if I was wrong with telling a relative that she is privileged for being able to achieve a high education, because she was born with a high level of intelligence. For having the type of intelligence that enabled her to earn a medical degree. Many chimed in, some seemed offended by my usage of the term privileged, as they claimed to have also achieved a high education, but they had to work hard to get it, therefore they weren't privileged. I tried to explain that I saw being born with high intelligence as being a privilege. Others felt my terminology was wrong, that my realtive had an advantage, a gift, or was blessed. Some felt those words were better suited to my query. 

Quote- "A wise man once said that the battle we're in is over the dictionary", end quote......I see privileged, blessed and advantaged as synonyms. Although being blessed has religious connotations. Others will differentiate the three. If you look up the dictionary meaning of privileged, they use advantage to describe it. It is described as a special right, advantage, or immunity afforded to a person or a group. Well isn't having a certain level of intelligence only afforded to certain people, or certain groups of people? Not everyone is intelligent enough to become a doctor, not everyone can comprehend, science, math, those subjects required to achieve a medical degree, so in my mind they have privilege.

I also understand that there are different types of intelligence, and a person is not unintelligent if they can't earn a medical degree, or achieve a high education of another sort. I have artistic abilities. I can write, draw, decorate, I am creative with makeup, etc, etc. That is a type of intelligence, and I'm privileged to have it. As those skills are not afforded to everyone. Yet I don't have the intelligence to understand the subjects required to become a doctor of any sort. Again, that is why I see having a certain level of intelligence, a privilege. But perhaps I'm looking at it all worng. It was an interesting discussion, and fun to read the comments. I'm grateful to all those who added their perspectives.

 I'm always interested in learning and hearing different views/ideas. You just have to be patient with me, as I'm hard to convince that how I think isn't always the right way to think, lol.



20 Sep, 2022

So I've finally found a daycare for my dog that I'm happy and comfortable with. So taking him there a few times a month I'm hoping will help him with his separation anxiety while giving me some time alone. However, they don't board dogs, and the boarding facilities that I've visited, none of which, have made me comfortable enough to leave my dog with them. So if I do end up touring soon, it's looking like my little buddy will be coming with me, lol. That will certainly make it an adventure. All I can hope for is that he behaves and the clients that visit, are understanding. I will update again towards months end. In the meantime, enjoy my new gallery of pics "Lacy and black"


You're an asshole client

18 Sep, 2022

Doing any of these will make you an asshole client.....

If you're the type of client who mentions anything about another escort you've seen to an escort you're visiting, you're an asshole client. Never mention another escorts locale, services, etc. Discretion should be afforded to escorts as well as clients!!!

If you ask your escort personal questions without being invited to, you're an asshole client, you're also nosey!

If you compare one escort to another, to judge their worth, you're an asshole client. We're all different, we all have value, regardless of your opinion.

If you ask for services that were not offered or agreed upon prior, while in a session, then you're an asshole client

If you contact an escort and ask the escort for information that is clearly posted in their ads/websites or social media. You're an asshole client! You're also lazy. Read our ads/websites/social media. READ!!! There, we post our rates/schedules and most other pertinent information needed. There is nothing more annoying to any escort than some dummy texting/calling/emailing, saying "hey, how much"....... "you available", etc, etc........

If you are a client opposed to providing your ID or a deposit, yet you contact an escort who clearly posts that they require one, the other, or both, then you're an asshole client.....

If you rant on and on about your escorts looks, such as asking about their boob job, or make up, hair style, or anything else that isn't your business, you're an asshole client. Having tact is a sign of maturity, and respect. If you've none, you need to get some unless you enjoy looking and sounding like an asshole client!!

If you brag about your income, material possessions, job title, car, etc, to impress your escort, you're an asshole client. Bragging is ugly, and doing so will make the most attractive man, unattractive. Besides, what difference do you think any of that stuff will make? It's all irrelevant unless you plan on leaving it to one of us in your will!

If you constantly *complain about not being able to get a hard on, for the second or third time, or because you came to fast, within a session, you're an asshole client. Enjoy the moment. If you have one orgasm, enjoy it and be grateful for having one. Having multiple is fun and fantastic, but they don't always happen, nor can lasting any amount of time ever be guaranteed. Escorts are not sexual magicians, you control your body, we don't, we can only assist. And complaining, or whining about your inabilities, and or blaming your escort for not making it happen again, is just immature and annoying. Companionship isn't just about how many times you cum, or how long you can last or get to bang...if you're  type of client, who thinks companionship is just about sex, look elsewhere, please don't contact me.

If you argue an escorts fee/rate, you're an asshole client.

If you complain on a review board about escorts raising their rates, you're an asshole client. It's not only your dicks that need to raise, our rates have to also. We have a right to keep up with the economy.

If you show up late, and leave late, without tipping your escort, you're an asshole client.

If you leave the escorts bathroom or incall in disarray, you're an asshole client. How you treat an escorts incall speaks volume to how much you respect yourself, and that escort.

If you book a session and cancel without giving that escort any $$, you're an asshole client. Booking an escort is a commitment, and regardless of why you cancel, that commitment needs to be honored either by showing up or by making the escort whole financially.

If you talk about, or brag about the intimacies you've shared with an escort, you're an asshole client. Discretion should be assured. If you expect it, then you should honor the escorts right to it as well.

If you think  because you've paid a certain fee, you've bought the rights to that escorts body, you're wrong, and thinking that way, makes you an asshole client.

If you want to be thought of as a good client, book us/contact us in the ways we request, show up on time, pay what we ask without argument, be hygienic, respectful, discreet, and if you can afford to, tip, and then leave on time.....Doing those things will make you memorable, and win you an invitation back.





The truth about escort rates......

18 Sep, 2022

Some will agree with this blog/my opinion about rates, others may be offended, and or disagree. Regardless, it's my blog, so I'm entitled to my opinion.... 

The truth about escort rates is they rise, like everything else.....

As many of you know I've been in and out of this industry for decades.....when I started rates were 130/150 hrly +, give or take. For those rates, we would only do certain things, as the agency took a percentage of that fee. Most escorts would expect at least, an additional 100 or more per hour for full service sex and a blow job, and blow jobs then, were always covered. That was back in the late 90's.....forward to 2008 or so, it went up to 200/250 hrly, and escorts were still getting their tips on top of that hrly fee. Then in 2011 when I became an independent escort, I was charging 260 hrly+. I noticed other ladies were charging 300 hrly, and easily getting it. I decided to up my rate to 300 hrly, all in, for a GFE Girl friend experience) service. I kept that rate for 5 yrs or so then went to 320, after the pandemic to 340.....Which I still feel is to low, considering how much everything else has increased. So although many of us are now making more hrly as independents compared to my agency days, we still don't end up with much more in our pockets, considering all the expenses we have to pay to keep our business going. However, clients have for decades, had to pay minimally 200 hrly+ to get full service from a safe, attractive escort. So now in 2022, It never ceases to surprise me how many clients, (not my clients), will gripe about 300 hrly+ being to high. Yet, everything else has gone up substantially. Apparently, they feel we should never get ahead. Their small brains think we just need to see more clients to make ends meet. They feel, because they can't afford higher rates, that then higher rates aren't justifiable. They fail to realize that escorts provide a luxury service, and that those services aren't entitled to anyone. They also fail to realize that there is a difference between agency escort rates and independent escort rates. There are Montreal and Toronto agencies who send girls to Halifax, for a substantially lower rate then many independents charge. The agency ladies, I believe, don't know their worth, if they did, they'd expect more $$$ per hour. As it stands, the agency girls are paid lower but make up their costs by seeing multiple clients perday/ per visit....and an agency can keep their hrly fees lower because they have multiple girls bringing in multiple $$$ per day....Independent escorts charge more because we incur all the costs. We pay our incall fees, phone fees, travel fees, taxes, photo fees, social media/ads/website fees, amenities, etc, etc. Agency girls incur none of those costs.....So to compare an agency cost, to an independent, is just foolish and unfair.

As an independent, I'd rather have a higher rate, and see fewer clients. And that is what most who are charging 300+ hrly feel. Quality over quantity. Those who charge less are typically higher volume,  meaning they see more clients to maintain a certain income and they're also less discerning, as $$, and not compatibility/chemistry, is their motivator. There are always reasons for those who charge below a reasonable rate, charge what they charge, and those reasons are sometimes unsavory and seldom good. They are either purposely undercutting other escorts, to steal clients away from them, or working to feed a habit, or to support some loser. 300 hrly is a very reasonable rate for an independent escort to be charging today, even years ago. 400 hrly is also easily justifiable, when you compare prices from years back, to today....

Most of us who understand and know anything about this biz, despise those clients who seek out the cheapest escorts.These clients are also the ones who expect the most services.....such as, msog (multiple shots on goal-to cum as many times as possible within the purchased time), bbbj (bare back blowjob), multiple positions, dfk ( deep french kissing), massage, and cim(cum in mouth).... for 200/250 hrly or less. They often are review board members and will loudly praise those they find who'll offer those services for those unreasonably low rates. Those clients will also be the first to gripe the loudest about those of us who are charging 300 hrly +.

So if you think your 200/250 hrly or lower cost escort is a are right. Those who charge those rates and less are charging them for a reason. I'd carefully research those reasons, and be very, very careful........

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Lets be real....

14 Sep, 2022

When I write a blog, I'd hope that those reading get the sense that I'm forthright and that I although I'm not often diplomatic, I do care how my words/thoughts may affect someone. So my intention is to never intentionally hurt anyone's feelings, while I'm express myself in my honesty.


This blog is about clients, escorts, and the sharing of both.......The reality of escorting is that I see men who are married, or coupled. They are the majority of my clientele. So you could say they are being unfaithful to their spouses/partners, if we're going to be frank. So if they are capable of being unfaithful to the person they share their life with, what would make any of them think that I'd expect that my clients would be faithful to me. Meaning, as an escort, I fully expect and assume that any client who sees me, will probably be visiting with other escorts as well. Of course there are those clients who like to find someone and stick to that one person, commonly, there are also those who like variety.....And I say to them, enjoy!!!  For me, or any escort, to be upset by a client who chooses to see more than one escort, would be foolish and inappropriate. This business is not the place for the jealous, or those who are thin skinned.

 I tell clients, who I feel are reliable and respectful clients, should they ever require using me as a reference, or would like my input as to the safety, or legitimacy of another escort they'd like to meet, I'd oblige them. BUT that doesn't mean I'm going to research, write to, or do your leg work for you. If a client contacts me and wants info on any escort, again, this doesn't mean gossip, this simply means, me giving my opinion on whether or not the escort is known and legit. But if I do that, you have to have that escorts information at hand. The client will have to provide me with a link to that persons website, ads, or social media. I'm not going to search through pages of leolist, or google search some name, UNLESS you are providing me with compensation for my time and effort. Contact me with a link, keep it short and simple, and I'll be happy to oblige a few minutes to help assure you'll be safe in someone else's hands. But expect me to do your leg work, then I expect compensation,  that should be common sense.

So if you're a client who thinks I'll be jealous, or offended, if you seek another, please think again, I'm not that type.This business is built on trust, openness, having fun, and not on monogamy or having to sneak around, between client and escort. That doesn't mean that I need to know who you see or won't see, it just means you shouldn't feel a need to keep which escorts you see as hidden as you keep your activities hidden from your partner/spouse. 

Would I prefer my clients see only me, well that would make things stronger for me financially, and probably sexually safer, but I am a realist, not a dreamer, lol. So lets just have fun shall we, and lets be adult about it, thanks:)


Phone apps

12 Sep, 2022

I'm going to give a brief explanation as to why most escorts prefer real cell numbers over app phone numbers.....

Namely, because they are often used by shady people, to do shady things...... When we block someone from contacting us, some don't take that well and so they will get an app # and try and sneak their way back into another booking. Which is very creepy. If an escort turns your booking request down, move on. Stalking them, by trying to circumvent our screening process with another identity, and a new number, is nothing short of sick!

If you were to cause harm to an escort, tracking down an app number to identify you, is harder for the police to do, and sometimes impossible. Therefore, we automatically become suspicious of those who use app numbers. Clearly, if you're using one, we are going to assume you've something to hide, and meeting me, or another escort, isn't that something. As an escort, our primary focus is our clients. Protecting their privacy is paramount, and ensuring that their experience is a memorable one, is our goal. Therefore, trust is important, especially in the beginning. So when I see an app number on my phone, more often than not, I'll ignore.....If you want to be taken seriously by any escort, approach an escort seriously. Using an app number to contact us, isn't the way to do that.

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12 Sep, 2022

Some of you may be aware of a review that was written about me, which I blogged about. I deleted the blog, because the review has since been removed. I was angry about the review, namely, because I have a no review policy, and ignoring that is just rude! The review was somewhat flattering, although it also contained insulting assumptions, and I believe, was written with the agenda to promote drama and other negativity...... So since then...... I've come to learn, that an escort, who for years has maligned my looks to whomever will listen to her, and who seems to enjoy gossiping and spreading lies about numerous escorts, has been in contact with the author of that review.... could their contact be coincidence?.....hmmmmm

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I'm almost there.....

11 Sep, 2022

Some of you know I've been in search of a boarding facility for my dog, so I can return to touring. I have narrowed it down to a few spots. The hoops one has to jump through for some of these places are a bit ridiculous, and time consuming, but if that is what is required to keep my dog safe and comfortable, then so be it. I'm just waiting for times for our meets to be set up, then I'll be able to select the right spot for my little man.

 It'll be exciting to revisit the Maritime cities I've visited in the past, namely Fredericton, and Charlottetown. I'm hoping my first revisits will happen in early October. To those who have inquired  wondering when I'll be back. thank you and I'll look forward to seeing you all very soon. Until then,  enjoy these last days of summer.....



07 Sep, 2022

I deleted my previous blog titled "Well, well,well, because thankfully, the review the blog was about, has been deleted. I contacted the asshole that wrote it and he messaged the site to have it removed, and thankfully they removed it. I also spoke to a lawyer. So going forward.....Anyone else who feels at ease posting their insulting or slanderous drivel about me, shaped as a review, or who posts anything untrue, should know that I won't contact them, I'll have a lawyer do so, and they can then deal with the ramifications of their posts. Of course anyone can phrase an insult as an opinion. And courts may see it as just an opinion, but understand, the courts will see it. I will no longer tolerate any abuse from anyone. I clearly state on my website, when you decide to meet with me, you agree to the terms that are written on my website. Namely, that I have a no review policy. That is to be respected. My privacy is to be respected! And anyone who wishes to ignore that, or who is willing to be indiscreet with me, shall receive the same treatment and more. Say what you want, as long as you're willing to be accountable for your words. And if you think you're safe saying it behind an anonymous handle, on some stupid review board, think again. Those review boards are no more secure than any other site and when you spew slanderous words, or hateful, or harmful rhetoric, you'll be found, and you can then argue a justification for your words in a court of law. That type of audience may not be as entertained by your childishness as are your review board sycophants.

I take escorting seriously. It may be entertainment, but it is entertainment that I enjoy, and value. I go to great lengths to assure I meet with sound minded, *compatible gentlemen, who's time I'll enrich as much as they'll enrich mine. Their privacy matters to me as much as my own. That too I take very seriously. No one has the right to abuse that. So if you are someone who thinks you can breach my trust just so you can play some kind of game, or to invent some drama, be assured there will be a price to pay for that.


Her again!!-Edited...

01 Sep, 2022

There is an escort in Ontario whom I've had issues with in the past. My issues with her were her confrontational ways, rudeness to other members on the review board we were both members of, her fakeness, lack of respect for our industry, and her know it all attitude..... She had a penchant for ganging up up some of us, with her verbal attacks. She used to refer to me as "crustycunt", lol. That was when I went by the handle "cristycurves". She never did well with her insults on her own, she always had to double down with whatever member she choose to be a sycophant of. I have little respect for those like her, who'll kiss ass and play roles just to win attention, and or clients. I prefer honesty and authenticity in people. Over the years she has changed her name, and personality, numerous times. So whoever she truly is, I feel, has yet to be discovered. So naming her would be and counter productive. I do hope however, that my gripe/this blog might cause some to think about how they truly feel about our industry. If they feel, or speak, as she does, perhaps it's time they exit escorting, and find somewhere else to go and or something else to do.

 Does it make sense? If an escort is claiming she does escorting part time, and only for fun, would she then spend copious hours advertising herself on social media, ads, and posting on multiple review boards? Would she offer specials to her clients if she weren't trying to draw in more business? And why would you need more business, if you claim to always be busy, as she claims? These are some of the inconsistencies the escort I speak of represents......

She claims to have another business, and in the past, referred to that business as her "real job". I took issue with that, as I felt it inferred that escorting wasn't a "real job" and her referral told me just how little respect she truly has for our industry. She has since changed her posts, and now refers to her "other business/job" as her "real world work" Apparently we, (other escorts), are living in an "unreal" world.  

 What has prompted me to gripe about her again, was her advice to a man, who is new to seeing escorts, whom she gave advice to and posted it on her favored  review board, he too is a member of and was asking questions there. She told him it was best not to give deposits until he was into the "game" more, and that the date was all about him, the client. I took issue with her referring to escorting as a "game" and her recommending not giving deposits, "until"!! I also believe any date is about *all* parties involved. And all involved need to be accountable for whatever happens on the date.  If the date goes awry it shouldn't be soley blamed on the actions of the escort. And that is the type of crap that is perpetuated by the likes of her, and on those boards. Seldom do review board clients accept accountibilty for their own bad dates. Now....You may feel I'm being nit picky with my gripes, as they're technically about how things are worded, in part. But how we say things, what we say, typically comes from our true feelings of the subject at hand, and has ramifications. And...if those within our industry show such disrespect, and disregard towards escorting, or won't take it seriously, how can we expect those outside of it, to do so.

Escorting for some of us, is fun. It is something we do as entertainment, not to support oursleves or our family. That doesn't give any of us the right to make light of it, or to make escorting seem as if it's a walk in the park. For many involved, it's their primary source of income, and they work very hard at maintaining that. Any loss for them is fundemental. I feel it's a slap in the face to them, to continuously perpetuate such frivolous, untrue comments about escorting.

I hope this person, who claims to be running a business aside from escorting, and who is also escorting,  claims to have a family, and claims to be busy, yet, has hours upon hours to spend posting on all of the review boards daily, soon, will shut her mouth, and allow those who are authentic, and who have a true respect for our industry, to be the ones posting advice!

AND...let me add, it is very safe for any client or potential client to give a deposit and his id to a professional escort. IF they have researched and can validate that the escort is a business person, and not a fly by night scammer. Once again, I'll explain how you can do that.

 Once you find an escort you'd like to meet, look to see if they have a personal website and social media(twitter/instagram/onlyfans, etc). If not, that is a red flag and I'd avoid. Escorts who are looking for repeat clients, and those who are not, I'd be leery of, have established advertising profiles. Meaning, they have ads on multiple advertising platforms, they have up to date websites and or social media accounts, such as Twitter, Instagram, onlyfans, etc...). Read those....Then you should be able to establish if that person is real/reliable and for you. After researching, contact them the way they request and have a conversation. Ask pertinent, polite, non sexual questions. Although it is legal for us to sell sexual services, it is illegal for you to buy them, so to ask any escort, "how much for a bj", etc, is just stupid, and unprofessional. And only ask questions that are not already answered on their website, ads or social media posts. For example, we all list our rates somewhere, so if you contact us to ask "what are your rates" more often than not, you'll be ignored. Understand the redundancy. We all get copious amounts of pointless texts/emails/calls on a daily basis. Make yours stand out by sounding intelligent, serious, detailed and respectful. Speak to us as you would any other business professional, because that is what we are.....If you think less of us, perhaps you should rethinking contacting any escort. As respect garners respect!

Professional escorts requesting deposits and or ID is the norm now, and not a red flag. To those idiots on the review boards who claim different, because they fear being black mailed, outed, or whatever post your explicit drivel, and admit you pay for sex, on a public forum which you protect with a simple password. So.......stop perpetuating your foolish ideals, and silly paranoia. about escorts being the ones who'll misuse your information. When you are already doing that very thing. And to that Ontario escort, who spends endless hours on review boards sucking up to their posters, and perpetuating foolishness such as reviews being necessary to being a successful escort, that reviews should contain graphic details or clients will be plaugued with endless pm's asking for more details, that deposits aren't required, clients should only provide a name and phone number, that ID isn't required, and the other nonsense. Go take a holiday! For someone who *claims* to escort part time and only for fun, you certainly put full time effort into your part time fun, and why are you trying so hard to convince so many to join that review board you favor.....Hmmmm....something isn't right with you, something is smelling very fishy in Terbtown!!

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I'm accepting texts.....

31 Aug, 2022

Good news for some of you...I'll now accept texts to book an appointment. However a voice call will still be necessary to validate that appointment. So although you may set up your appointment through text it will be our voice call/conversation that will be the deciding factor to whether or not I'll accept your request. I hope this makes thing a bit more convenient for some....

My screening requirements will never change. No matter how you initially contact me, I expect you to provide photo id through text......I will not meet any gentleman who will not either provide his photo id through text, or pay for the appointment through e-trasfer, in full, upfront.

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I appreciate you!!

29 Aug, 2022

I'm speaking specifically to the gentleman who sent me the lovely email with the etransfer attached, thank you again! I get so many pointless emails/texts, it's nice to wake up to with good intention. I appreciate your kind words and your $$ gesture.

I'm also appreciative to those gentlemen who return to see me , time after time. I look forward to your visits and appreciate the time you share with me.You add some spice to my life and also help fund my lifestyle, I'm so very grateful. I hope I add something special to your life too.

Gifts are lovely to receive, as are kind words....I hope those reading this will receive one, the other, or both today.

Thank you


Found this on twitter...

27 Aug, 2022

I thought it was a very profound quote...

Life is the most difficult exam...

Many people fail, because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.

I don't know the quotes author.

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I don't have a brand....

25 Aug, 2022

As an escort, my personality, and my looks are mine. Of course when I host a guest I'm more dolled up than I would be on  regular days, yet I don't have a brand. or a particular image I'm trying to portray. That means I'm not portaying myself in any way other than being myself. Like it or not, I'm me online, offline, in person and away from my clients. For clients and in my personal life, I wear what makes me feel sexy, or comfortable, depending on my mood, and I don't follow any set trend in lingerie, or street clothes. 

I give many props to those who brand themselves, as it's a lot of work to maintain separate indentities and act like another person. I just find all of that to complicated and draining. 

Being myself has gotten me some wonderful clients, and I've also lost a few too. Since I don't pretend, and I'm not very diplomatic, my reactions to some guys haven't always been well received, lol. Those reactions were certainly earned by them, meaning they deserved what they got, but if I were a brand and soley interested in pleasing and attracting clients, I'd have biten my tongue more often, and acted differently. And I'm not insinuating that branded escorts accept abuse. I just believe they are more motivated to please and attract clients and for different reasons.

But make no mistake, I do love to please, wink, wink:) and I also hope to attract. I just want to attract more genuine men and I want to please a man because I find it titillating, not because I want to impress him or win his business. I no longer want to meet guys who contact me only because I wear specific lingerie/clothes, or because I have specific body parts that appeals to them. I hope to attract those who want more than just a roll in the hay. I hope to attract men that appreciate a person of substance, and who is authentic:)


How things have changed.....

25 Aug, 2022

In 2011 when I joine the review board, then called cerb, now Lyla, I did so using downloaded pictures. It was my first time posting anything online. I had my first computer, and knew if I wanted to remain relevant in the biz I had to go online. I was terrified of my family seeing me, especially my dad....So I had someone search out the intenet for a few pics that I felt were representative of me, yet not me, to use. Well...... you would have thought I had commited the ultimate and most egregious of sins......Many members on that site asked to have me removed, many deemed me "not worth seeing".....flash forward to the past couple of years, and using downloaded pics is now tolerated, even accepted on that site.......and some of those same members remain, and have yet to retaliate against anyone doing exactly as I had done.....

Back then Cerb/Lyla separated itself from all the other review boards by calling itself a recommendation board, and disallowing anyone from posting a negative review. Which is good on the surface. But many clients would sneak in sneaky comments in threads about particular escorts, like "My mom said if I haven't anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". Well, after reading that  comment you knew he was telling others, that the escort being spoken about, wasn't worth seeing and that the comment was a disgusied negative review. Which shouldn't have been allowed, as the site prefaced itself as allowing ONLY positive comments.But yet it was allowed. Fast forward, Lyla now calls itself a review board. Although it claims it doesn't allow reviews, just recommendations, lol....Figure that one out.

When I started there I learned many of the acronyms used in this industry,(Gfe, Pse, FS, BBBJ, BB, DFK, etc, etc) and decided to advertise as a GFE (girlfriend experience). As that is what I felt I offered, and, on that site, under it rules and other information, they described Gfe, Pse, FS, as styles of service, not a menu of services offered. Yet, because I didn't kiss, nor offer BBBJ, I was literally bullied into having to use a different acronym.Many told me I couldn't consider myself a Gfe provider if I didn't offer certain services. And at that time, it was expected and encouraged to suck bare dick. Something I had been previously taught was not allowed.....When I made comments eluding to it being more risky, I'd be lectured, and shamed for even mentioning it. Fast forward to the now, lol, you'll get raised eyebrows for offering kissing and bbbj's, lol.....Many escorts will even say they won't clients of those who offer bbbj, or Gfe types of services...Clearly, what is acceptable by many has changed, what hasn't is the judgement and the bullshit fakery of those who judge claiming that they are accepting of all and all about community.

Back then some of it's more prolific posters and popular escorts would proudly lament how they wouldn't interact or even acknowlegde "craiglist girls", in other words, if you weren't deemed as having elite status, and well liked by that sites main members, you would have a hard time winning clients........Fast forward to now. Not much has changed, lol. If you hang with the "well liked" you'll be "well liked". What has changed though, is...and because of social media, and the reach it has, is members attitudes..... if you belittle any other types of escorts,by insinuating they aren't as good as you, someone will step up and set you straight. So now those upity ones have had to change their tunes,... somewhat. They're still phony, still upity, just not as obvious about being so.Publicly they'll pretend to be accepting of all, yet offline, you'll see a different act.

It is funny to see how things swing from one extreme to another and how hypocrital some people are and have been and  just how silly it all is.....

Certainly back then, that site had some really nice people on it, and has today, as well. Yet they never seem to be the prolific posters, nor do they have enough clout to bring positive changes, obviously. Because even though things have changed, they haven't improved, nor has having review boards improved anything within our industry. It's a shame, because our industry is fraught with problems.You'd think more would want to work towards fixing/improving those instead of making things more complicated, dangerous and troublesome for many of us within this industry.


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Found it on twitter...

24 Aug, 2022

It's a quote which I though was lovely, that I found on case you can't read the picture of it which I included, here is the quote:

Love for a cause, not applause

Live to express, not impress

Make changes, not excuses

Be motivated, not manipulated

Work to excel, not to compete

Listen to your inner voice, for there in lies the answer to a life worth living.....


Is Karma real?

24 Aug, 2022

Recently I heard of a person from my past who is doing very well. Finacially and so on....I believe most would consider this person to be a true asshole. When I knew him, he was a liar, manipulator, bully, thief, coward, and the list goes on......I have to question if karma is real now, because consistently, it seems that those with the worst characters, those who are the most vile humans, seem to be  those who get ahead in life. It is very disconcerting. Perhaps I'm over thinking this, and perhaps I'm wrong. But I've seen to many awful people living the good life, while those who are kind, compassionate, honest, philanthropic people, struggle to stay above water.....But then again, I suppose none of us knows what truly goes on behind closed doors, and often, what looks good on the outside, often, can be a mess on the inside. I'll never wish harm on anyone, but I will smugly smile when those who deserve shit storms, get theirs......

 So I posted a shorter version of this blog on my twitter and someone responded....quote: Psychopathy and social anxiety disorders make dissociation and lack of empathy work. As a matter of fact most ceo's and even top political leaders such as presidents and other world learders are diagnosed with this. It's a trait they need to possess to control subordinates.End quote.

Hmmm, isn't that interesting....It explains a lot.

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Implications of how we offer our services......

21 Aug, 2022

It is often said by many escorts that how each of us decides to run our business is our business, and no one else's. Yet, and often, if it becomes known that a specific provider is offering a more risque service, such as bareback bj, or very risque services such as, bare back intercourse, cim ( cum in mouth), swallows, accepts creampies ( allows a man to ejaculate into her pussy). Then many providers/escorts will protest against, or at the minimum, speak out against that escort and condemn their business. Which is hypocritical. Either we allow all escorts to run their business as they choose, or we don't. Each of us knows that what we do individually, affects the community as a whole. So should we mind our own business, or should we mind everyone's business.....We can't seem to make up our minds when it comes to this. 

I'm against any very risque services. I believe in being safe, and I believe what each of us does and says, impacts us all. Far to many clients are expecting these very risque services, because they're being offered. If something wasn't made available, then it wouldn't be asked for. Yet I don't think it is my place to tell any escort what they should or shouldn't offer. So although I'll speak about what I think is right or wrong, I'm not going to confront anyone to tell them, they are right or wrong for offering what they decide to offer, nor would I condone anyone causing them trouble. Wouldn't it be nice if we all played fair, if we all played safe and, offered rates that encompassed our needs and not to undercut other escorts. Then this industry as a whole, would be less complicated, and troublesome. Yet competition among escorts, and pressures from clients, always rears it's ugly heads. Causing much of the strife we face. You also have some escorts who try and set themselves and or their cliques apart by deeming themselves as being "the best", "the sexiest", "the prettiest" , "the hottest" in town, etc, etc. Inferring that all the rest of us are lacking something, or not as good as, or not as hot as them, lol. To them I say, it's good to have confidence, but it's better to be realistic.....What is hot to some, may be tepid to another. If escorts and clients would stop with the comparisons and accept each individual for their unique qualities, and know that there is no such thing as "the best", much of that type of childishness would cease. I believe we all have unique qualities, and what may be lacking in one area,  may be in abudance in another area.....It would be nice if some shone their light, without the need of dulling another persons light, and if clients stopped comparing one escort to another, and instead, became more tolerant and appreciative towards the differences among us. I hope one day this industry becomes more about comradery, and less about destroying some and competing.....


This is the wrong way to meet me!!

15 Aug, 2022   ( this thread has since been deleted) They delete all the threads that I link here in my blogs, lol..... 

 To go on a review board which I dislike to ask "if anyone has been with me recently" will CERTAINLY not win you a date with me. If you call me twice and leave no voicemail, then post on a public board asking if I'm still active, you will CERTAINLY not win an opportunity to meet with me. Most people with any common sense realize that there are times when a phone call cannot be answered, so they leave a voicemail with call back instructions! I work sporadically, I'm very part time, as this website explains, so I do miss lots of calls. When I'm not working, my phone is off and put away. But I do check it once a day, usually at the end of the day, so if you leave your details, name, date requests, and call back details, in a voicemail, I'll return your call within 24-48hrs, or within the time you've specified. It's not complicated. BUT to be so indiscreet, impatient and tacky, to ask publically if anyone has been with me recently, I find, is beyond tacky, and unnecessary! I am anti review, anti review board, and I expect anyone who has met me, or who wants to meet, to respect my privacy, by keeping my name and details off those boards and not for public fodder. I offer all my clients absolute discretion, so it should be only fair that they offer me the same respect!!

So........., I think it best you reach out to another escort.

I'm fed up with the foolishness and drama those review boards create. I want to attract men who can make their own decisions of wanting to meet me from reading my website, my social media, and my blogs. Not because of someone else's opinion of me. I want to attract men who respect discretion.....Not review board panderers....

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The perpetuation of industry myths....

14 Aug, 2022

As with many other negative aspects of the escorting industry, untrue myths too are often perpetuated on review boards......

Some of the myths are....

If an escort changes their name, or any part of their brand, ( media/looks/advertising), etc, that is a red flag and they should be avoided-MYTH, and untrue. It's not uncommon for escorts to change their names, and other aspects of their brand. For some of us, change is fun, especially for those of us who've been around for more than a couple of months or years. Some people embrace change, others don't. That doesn't mean those of us who change anything are to be avoided, or thought of as suspect. People change over time, so why shouldn't their names, etc. Unless an escort has a nefarious past, then there is no reason to question or to be suspicious of any changes an escorts decides to make.

An escort with a higher rate/fee, is a better escort-MYTH and untrue. Escorts from all price levels can be great escorts. It's up to you to research the escort you choose, to determine their greatness, professionalism and too find YOUR perfect match. Only then can you determine if that escort is great for YOU.

Trashy escorts advertise on certain sites, and classy escorts on other sites- MYTH and untrue. An advertising platform no more determines the class of an escort, than does the shoes they wear. Escorts choose to advertise where they do for a myriad of reasons. To judge an escort by where they advertise is shortsighted and foolish.

Having a large number of positive reviews means an escort is better, more relevant-MYTH and untrue. There are escorts, like myself, who don't want and don't allow reviews. And there are escorts who garner reviews in dishonest ways, by offering discounts for them, or other favors. There are also people in our industry who use the review system to unfairly elevate, or to unfairly devalue those they like or dislike. Some reviews are also written by clients who haven't even seen the escort they claim to have seen. It is a system that is severly flawed, and has as much dishonesty, as honesty, involved within it. Remember, reviews are opinions, and like assholes, everyone has one, so take them with a grain of salt. 

Escorts who've been around a long time are still around because they can't make enough money- MYTH and untrue. Yes, there are some who are silly enough to believe this is true, lol. The truth is....there are escorts out there who truly like what they do and escorting is their "thing". So they continue doing it. I fall into this category. When you find something that works for you as a source of income, entertainment, and erotic pleasure, why change it? You should only change it when it becomes tiresome, no longer brings in income, or when you start to dislike it.

If so and so says something, it must be true. Not necessarily a myth. But some put unwarranted relevancy on what certain people within our industry, say. Some people believe that if a particular client, or escort, who's considered established, says something, then it must be true. In this industry it is always best to ONLY believe what YOU see, hear, and experience. Often times, things are said with an underlying agenda, and many often speak about stuff they've heard, and not personally seen or experienced. So it's always best to avoid people or the comments made by anyone who has a penchant for gossiping about others, or who regualrly garner information from sources they've no  personal connection with, and rely on only what you've personally experienced and know to be true.

An unsatisfactory, or dissatisfying date/session/experience, means the escort you experienced it with is no good. MYTH-and untrue. As long as you weren't ripped off, robbed, beaten up, or experienced other nefarious actions, then your negative experience could have been caused by many factors. To understand why, you could have an honest discussion with that escort, and try another session, or just move onto another escort who may be more suited to your personality, and needs. Not all escorts are meant for all clients, and vice versa. This is another reason why reviews aren't often helpful. Whats magic for one, can often be disenchanting to another, and vice versa.

Escorts without professional photo shoots aren't professional, or shouldn't be considered as high end....MYTH and untrue. I've never had a pro photo shoot, and have always done quite well. I believe as long as your pictures are depictive of your in person looks, then that is all that should matter. Although, I'm aware there are those clients who only seek out escorts with professionally done photos. To that I say....To each their own:)

If Mr. Fancy pants saw an escort, than that escort is fancy too-MYTH and untrue. The fact remains that affluent, well heeled clients, see all different types of escorts. I believe some escorts are disillusioned into believing that if they wear a certain type of clothing, advertise on certain sites, and only interact with other like minded/similar looking, or similarily styled escorts, that specific clients with contact ONLY them or their type. Not so. Again, there are many affluent clients who like a variety of escorts and that variety is not extended to only similar escorts, it's more often extended to escorts who are dissimilar to the regular ladies they see. They'll seek out escorts who are from all rate levels, with differing body shapes, ages, and styles. As some say, "variety is the spice of life".

As I said before, everyone, including myself, experiences this industry, and the interactions within it in their own ways, leading us to have strong opinions and ideals as to how things should and shouldn't be done. I suggest you form your own opinions from the experiences you have, from what you've seen with your eyes, and heard with your ears, and not someone else's. And try not to judge anyone. We all have reasons for doing what we do.....lets try and be accepting and understanding towards those reasons, pertaining that those reasons are from good intentions.  



Oh leolist......(edited)

12 Aug, 2022

Many of you know the site, it's the one that google first displays if you search out an escort.  It is run and owned by a review board, and reluctantly, my main site for garnering new clients. Something I'm going to have to rethink. As many who seem to flock to it now, are not the types of clients I wish to attract. Of course I have gotten some great clients from there, but more often than not, now, most are time wasters, and those who are not willing to screen. It also allows many scam ads, and it now forces us to pay for our ads in crypto coin. Which is a difficult and a more expensive process. They've also, for some unknown reason, begun to erase the number of views an ad gets. When my ads had 100's of thousands of views, they went back to zero and continue to go back to zero, at any point and time.....that can be problematic, because there are those clients who put worth in an ad which has more views. Example, if my ad has 76 views, and another has 7600, a client may believe the ad with 7600, is more credible, or  some how "better"....Which is not true, even so, some mindsets can't be changed. So why are they erasing ad views? Your guess is as good as mine.....

Here are other escort sites on which you can find reputable ladies, without as many scam ads, and the other foolishness leolist is creating. I hope they become even more popular than leolist. But when seeking out an escort, no matter which site you choose, always, always research the escort. Look to see if they've a personal website, a social media account (twitter/instagram/onlyfans) and ads on more than just leolist. Then speak to them. A reliable and professional escort should sound professional, and know their business. Most escorts now request deposits, and require screening, meaning you have to show Id. Bear in mind, when you are wanting to be intimate and alone with another person, they have a right to know who you are. For safety reasons alone. Use your big head, and your little head will thank you!! Edit- I may have to rethink recommending this site. I just looked at it recently and there were lots of fake ads and I couldn't find the recent ads on it that I had placed. It's a shame as it's free to advertise on. Remember no matter where you locate an escort cross reference her name/number to confirm if they are real. A real escort advertises on many platforms and advertises regularly.... 

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Patience is a virtue......

08 Aug, 2022

Recently I hosted a client and a couple of upsets occured while doing so. He was understanding, but I could tell he was also a little upset, and I probably would have been too. 

I have two phones, a work phone, and a home phone. My home phone is always left on, perhaps I'll have to rethink that.....It is a number only family, close friends, my doctor, hair stylist, etc, has, and I know the times they call or text. I host around those times. So if it were to ring while I'm hosting I'm  going to assume it's an emergency. Likewise when my doorbell rings. Anyone who has my address knows that I only answer my door/doorbell when I know that someone is coming to my home. On this evening, not only did my home phone ring, my doorbell was rang over and over again. Both these intrusions upset me every bit, if not more than, they did my guest. The doorbell was rang by a neighbors child, who claims to have been at the wrong door, I did answer, because he wouldn't stop ringing it. The phone call, which I didn't answer, turned out to not be an emergency. Sometimes things happen, at the most inappropriate times, and when they do, hopefully, we can be understanding and move on. I apologized and then gave my client some extra time. Although he seemed appeased by the apology and extra time, I still wonder if he left with a bad impression......

It is always my intention to make sure all my clients, even those I didn't mesh with, leave with a good experience. I find it upsetting when any client has a less than pleasuable experience, and I'd want to do whatever I could to make it better.I also have to realize, some clients will be understanding, and some won't.....


Then and now...

04 Aug, 2022

Please don't read this blog as me being, conceited, self deprecating, or being thirsty, (seeking attention). This blog is neither. It is some honest tid bits about then and now, and was spurred, when a client from long ago, rebooked today......

 When I now look back at some of my earlier photos and videos, I see how truly lovely I was. Certainly far from perfect, and clearly not everyone's cup of tea, but not to shabby, lol. I had beautiful skin, a very toned, slender body, soft, thick hair, bright clear eyes, gorgeous full (yes naturally full), lips, and big, perky boobies. I had all of that. Yet I couldn't see it. There were so many haters who'd post put downs, and insults about me, that I began to see out of their hateful eyes. I became insecure and unkind to myself..... In life, an attractive, intelligent woman, no matter the profession, has a lot of wars to fight. Jealousy is usually the biggest enemy, which infects many, and does so in this profession, especially. It is kind of sad when I think back to how I allowed low lifes and ner do wells take over my thoughts. But I'm also proud of myself for surviving so much strife, sadness and the difficulties I had face. Two of the biggest blows I've had to deal over the past few years with were the deaths of my beloved dogs, and being outted, to where I had to move out of my residence of 15 years...the stress of those things took it's toll. My dogs health issues weren't caused by anyone of course, but their care was expensive, and that in itself was stressful, as was losing them. I spent tens of thousands trying to prolong their lives......I loved them so. Trying to earn that money to put towards their care, however, was very stressful. As there were a few people who tried everything in their power to prevent me from doing so. My outting was also caused by jealous, hateful people in my industry, and that too was expensive and stressful. It also taught me lots. Every stressful event, be it caused by another person/s, or just a part of life, I believe, is a teaching moment. I've matured a lot, and although I'm no longer as physically lovely, I think my understanding of people, life, and all that growth, supercedes everything else.

 Over this past year I've had a few clients who saw me years ago, reach out and want to revisit. Which imo, is very flattering. I'm flattered that I'd be remembered after so much time. It also causes me a bit of stress....Because I wonder do they expect me to look the same, or will they be understanding towards aging? I do post recent pictures, but even then, some men still see things differently than they are....Back then, I looked night and day, to what I do now....and the new booking from another client from my past, prompted me to go back in time, post an old video, and to reminisce.......  I'm surprised at the changes, time, stress and my junk food binges have brought about, lol. I say LOL, because I also find it funny. Pysical looks me so little to me now. I suppose I just see how superficial all that is.....Yes, time has flawed my physicality, but it has also matured my sensibilities and my mind. It has made me appreciate what is truly important. For that I'm grateful.... Maybe those clients will see that too:) 


Good bye RG...

31 Jul, 2022

I was shocked and saddened yesterday to have learned of Roaming guy's passing. He was only 61. I had first come to know him in 2011, when I joined the review board cerb, now known as lyla. Back then, and up until his demise, he was one of it's biggest supporters, and avid posters. He was one of the good guys. A true friend of sex workers, and a real gentleman. If he was your friend, he'd defend you to the end. Our online friendship was not always smooth, and for a while it was unfriendly, but in time we came to understand and supported one another. His twitter presence will be missed. His morning tweets always made me smile, as did his comments about his cat Beatrix.

He will be greatly missed, and I hope the new journey he is on will bring him rest, peace, and may he be surrounded by many beautiful women....RIP RG


Companionship, so perfectly explained....

30 Jul, 2022

The lovely Miss Bespoke has given me permission to post her comment/thread here. I wanted to post it because I felt she articulated, so nicely, how I feel about companionship, and how clients seeking an authentic connection should approach it also. If they want something more than just a physical experience....

I understand that for many clients, they just want to relieve some stress, by having a nice massage and releasing, once or twice, etc, and that some of those experiences can be amazing and repeat worthy. Yet, to have an actual connection, to meet someone who will be memorable beyond the physical, you have to spend more than 30-60 mins, one time, and you have to be with someone you click with, and not just on a physical level. It is those dates, those clients, I enjoy spending time with the most. 


Some people!!

30 Jul, 2022

This blog is about this thread taken from a review board....  And why you may ask has it upset me so, to include it here? Because, within it, you have some passively aggressive people trying to convince some, that because of the legal case mentioned in the thread, that it is another reason to NOT give an escort any personal information upon booking!! That you shouldn't screen! Although they say "of course we(escorts) have a right to screen", but then out of the other side of their mouth they say "beware if you do" or" I won't screen, I'll just look for an escort who doesn't require screening" . These types of comments are as silly as the law the government has enacted for escorts...They allow us to sell sexual services, but make it illegal for clients to buy those sexual services........How can we screen, if all clients agree that it's to dangerous to allow screening. How can we sell what can't be purchased......Both equally foolish, both equally damning for escorts.The last comment made by "Fatboynotslim" is the most foolish......- quote" They can run their business as they see fit, and clients can determine the level of risk they're willing to take. I'm just saying that disclosing personal identifying information does not come without risk for those who are in a position to be extorted"-end quote.

So everyone is safe, it's only those who are in a position to be extorted who should be careful? Who is in a position to be extorted? Is he meaning that those who've more money, more noteriety, should be more careful? Such a foolish comment. As a matter of fact, those gents I've met, who've lots of money, or who are known, or who run big businesses, are always the ones most willing to be screened. They know the importance of doing so, and they know those of us who do screen, take the whole process of escorting/booking our clients and their safety, very seriously. It's always the "average Joes", who noboby would care to know about, who have the least to loose, who are always the ones to raise concerns about being scammed and holler "Don't Screen". It's always those guys, who seek out the unknown escorts who look to good to be true, with no reputation, no social medias, no other ads, other than the one ad they saw, in which the pics are usually stolen, who do get scammed. Then that guy that got scammed because of his recklessness, and because he didn't research that escort, who will then try and convince everyone that giving *any* escort personal ID, as being a bad idea!!

*It is safe to give screening details to a professional escort!  By professional I mean, an escort who respects themselves/their business/theirclients. And you can tell this if you research that escorts websites/ads/social media, and by having a conversation with that escort. An escort who respects their business, who works to attract regular clients, and who wants to garner a good reputation, will protect your identity as strongly as they protect their own.They want you to return and they want their business to flourish!!  You can't flourish if you go around extorting, scamming or identifying clients!! Only when a client has been abusive, has stolen from us, or physically harmed us, would it be necessary to divulge their information to the police. We have our physical lives to protect, you have your id....think of that balance.....

My clients are from all walks of life and I treat them all, equally well. I protect them all, equally well. Unless one were to harm me, would it be necessary to divulge their identity, even then, I'd find it difficult to do so. Yet there are so many idiots who get on these review boards and try and make it seem that we're all out to extort and be reckless with our clients information, whenever an opportunity arises.....This angers me so, and I wish more would speak up against these types of comments they make, and the notions they try and perpetuate. I believe the types of clients who make such comments, the ones who are often crying wolf, are often the ones giving reasons to cause us to have to screen, and to have to ask for personal information when booking, how ironic is that!! 

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Fee change...

26 Jul, 2022

I appreciate all those who take interest in me, and then want to book a date. Many of you are the highlight of my days/evenings..... However, I often feel taken advantage of when I'm not given my preferred notice of 24 hrs or more. To often I get calls from clients requesting me to book them in with little notice. I find this frustrating and stressful. As I like to plan my days/afternoons/evenings, ahead of time, and I don't like disappointing or missing any clients either. So in order for me to now feel comfortable in accepting short notice appointments, I feel it is only fair for those who require them, to pay me a bit more for that convenience. I decided that an additional 60$ will suffice, bringing my hourly fee for short notice appointments to 400 hourly instead of 340. Those who continue to pre-book will continue to be offered my regular fee of 340 hourly. I understand that it is difficult for some to preplan and so I will continue to accommodate your requests, just for a little bit more $$. I hope you too will be understanding towards my need for the increase....If this causes me to loose clients, to them I'm sorry to say goodbye, but my piece of mind, and comfort, must now come first. I appreciate those who'll be understanding and oblige my needs....


Opinions, opinions.....

20 Jul, 2022

As the old adage says, "they're like assholes, everyone has got one. Something I learned a long time ago, no matter what a client says about my looks, service, etc, be it positive or negative. Those comments will never change my own opinions or my self-worth. I have great confidence in myself, and in my abilities.  Although most men/clients I meet are very sweet, and complimentary, every now and then one will come along who'll try and test my confidence. 

 This business can be hard on ones self esteem, if we were to take some of the comments/opinions of clients, personally. There are lots of wonderful, kind, positive clients, but there are also ne're-do-wells, and trolling asshats. They all have opinions and they all want to be heard, believed, and listened to. And no matter how lovely any escort is, there will be someone who'll come along and point out that escorts flaws.....Some clients will find my lighting to dark, others not dark enough. Some will find my sexual talents spectacular, others mediocre and some, everything in between. Some will attest that I'm exactly like my photos, others will see me differently. Some will love my lingerie choices, some will prefer casual clothes. Some will like my incall, some will find it not to their liking. Get my point? No matter what, no one can please everyone, nor should they want to. Never take personally, what others have to say, nor question your worth because of negative comments...Form your own opinions, do what you like, offer what you're comfortable with and do your best. Only then will you find satisfaction, only then will your self esteem be safe.  


We can do better....

15 Jul, 2022

This blog refers to this thread on twitter..... 

I believe anyone with a vested interest in this industry has the duty to speak honestly and openly about the good and bad of it. We need to weed out the bad apples, to call out those who are abusive who enjoy spreading lies and gossip. We, as escorts/providers, should want all our peers to succeed, and all respectful clients to enjoy whomever they choose to see. We should see our peers not as competitors, but as partners. No one should feel better than, we are, after all, all doing the same things, just in different ways, in different places, for different rewards. Stop perpetuating myths such as having multiple reviews makes any provider better, or that wearing certain name brand shoes or lingerie, means that the provider/escort is then more successful, or worthy of being seen. Elevate one another, embrace the differences in each, and understand we all have different needs. No one is better than, just different:)  Professionalism should be determined by how a provider manages their business, treats their clients, on how they support their peers and how they respect discretion. Not because of how much money they're making, or because of who they see, or duo with or because of their goals..... Clients need to be called out, when their actions are injurious to any professional provider, without just cause. Any client or escort who's aim is to "ruin" an escort/provider just because they dislike them, needs to be confronted.The pettiness of anyone trying to ruin anyone because of not liking their service, looks, who they partner with, or attitude, is just that, petty. We should want to get rid of the thieves, scam artists, those who are trouble makers and the trolls, not those you "just don't like". We are adults, and we all need to start acting as such. This business can be tough, draining, and without reward. Lets not make it more so for anyone trying their best to do better for themselves and others.

If you're a provider here sre some things you can do to be supportive...

Charge a justifiable rate. Which means a rate appropriate for the times (2022), the economy, etc. Not because you're trying to undercut your peers.

If you have a good client who is seeking a change( wanting to see someone else), recommend not just those you do duo's with or like, reco those escorts who'll meet his needs, or whom you know are also professional and will treat him well.

If when speaking to other escorts or clients and gossip about another is brought up, stop it before it becomes the topic of your conversation. If someone is talking to you about someone, they'll talk to someone about you.

If one of your peers needs help with anything, social media, website building, crypto currency, references, etc, help them if you can. We all have knowledge and talents for different things, share that when you can. Paying it forward comes with great rewards and satisfaction and offer help for free if you can, not everyone is thriving.

If someone is asking for financial , or mental health help, don't look down on them, offer some, or a referral to someone who might help. We all struggle from time to time, that doesn't make anyone weaker, nor does it mean they're not successful. It just means they need some help at the moment. Remember abundance comes and goes, and life is never *always* rosey.

If you're a client here are some tips for you....

If you are a review board member, use those forums respectfully and honestly, as they're intended. Intially, I believe they had good intentions, that they were set up as a way to elevate providers, and for likeminded people in the industry to learn about and grow the community. A complete opposite to what they are today.

If you've met a provider you didn't like, simply because of their looks, or because the chemistry wasn't there, move on. Posting that you didn't like their face, body, etc, is of what benefit? It helps no one, and can harm the provider. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.....and when chemistry between two people isn't there, it's no ones fault. Chemistry is either there or it's not, it can't be created. 

If you can't  afford a proviers rate, find someone you can afford. When everything else increases our rates have to also, and you should expect that. To hope we'll charge less, or claiming that a provider is "to expensive" is just rude and inappropriate. Some things will always be out of your reach, reach for what is within your budget and be understanding to those with increasing rates.

Stop pushing reviews. Stop believing they've any proof of anything other than that provider has possibly seen the clients who've written them. I say possibly, because there are those who write reviews for escorts as favors, or those who write them for themselves, etc, etc. It's a system that is full of flaws and anyone who says that reviews are a necessity for success, is mistaken. If you and your provider are set on having them, then write them realistically and honestly. Don't say that this provider is the "Best", unless you've seen every provider out there. Make comments that are realistic and helpful to others.....such as they're safe to see, their incall is near/far, in a safe area, that they were clean, ontime, professional, looked like their pics, and provided the service/s discussed, etc. However, it is my opinion the best help any escort can receive from any client are return visits and generous tips. Praise is lovely, but you can't take that to the bank. And what you shared with said provider, will never be the same for another client. You can't duplicate chemistry, nor is your ideal of beauty necessarily someone elses.....

Read our media (ads/websites, socials).Be respectful, speak articulately. Follow our protocols, and remember we require discretion also!!

Lets all do better, I''m trying, I hope you will too.



13 Jul, 2022 

Found this article on twitter, and I wish her the best of luck and I thank her for her bravery in coming forward. I hope that she'll recover all that is owed to her.I would also hope that they name the client. Why? because he's a thief. He stole from her and deserves his crime and name being made public. 


It's just so very sad....

29 Jun, 2022

I heard the news of a Canadian escort passing away, and I'm heart broken by it. Not because I knew They( Non-binary), but because, if any of the gossip is true, it is a tragedy. A tadgedy because someone so vital and young is gone before their time. They is known, and I knew of they from my days on the review board, cerb. There They was popular, and posted frequently. But as some know, what we display on the outside isn't always as we are feeling on the inside. Not every struggle fought is known, and sadly not every battle we fight, is won. I had heard of the rape, and as someone who's experienced that violence, I wanted to reach out, but I didn't know what to say, or how to say it. And since I wasn't someone close to they, my reaching out somehow felt inappropriate.  Sometimes words don't help anyhow. Sometimes those types of experiences scar us beyond repair, and sometimes the cruelness of this industry (escorting) can also.

 What is even more tragic, is this will happen again, to someone else, the causation will continue. Because as much as some will mourn, few will take a stand and speak out about the perils  we regularly face within this industry, and how to stop and or improve them. This industries vilest will continue causing strife, and they, like all those who died before they, will be forgotten, not by those who loved and cared for they/them, but by the industry in general. It all just breaks my heart....

We need to have a better community. We need to stand up for one another always, regardless, if you like them or not. If they're a professional escort, and run their business professionally, and if they're a client who treats all they see wilth respect and consideration, then they deserve support. This foolishness of only supporting those who you think of as being at your level, or not competition, or who are in your clique, etc, is childish and needs to stop. Clients and escorts both, need to call out those looking to harm any of us, and that harm could be anything from gossipy or scathing posts, or as violent as rape, and everything in between. What you see as being injurious to a person, maybe survivable for them, and what may appear as survivable to you, may not be for another. We are all affected by different things, in different ways. Open your hearts instead of your mouths. Talking shit about someone on a review board isn't cute, or brave, it's childish and cowardice. Attacking someone when they are most vulnerable is cowardice. We should want to protect one another from any forms of violence that occurs within this industry. Anyone who enjoys harming anyone needs to suffer criminal convictions and those injured should have the whole of the industry helping them heal.

Rip, dear soul, and may peace find you on your new journey.......


Escorting then and now.....

27 Jun, 2022

The differences in the escort industry between my agency days-working for and running them, and now, are vast, imo. In my agency days we were taught that volume was the thing, the more clients you could see the better. An hour apptointment meant the guy could cum once, and had nothing to do with the 60 minutes. Sometimes an hour appt was 15 minutes....It certainly never exceeded the 60 mins booked, unless additional monies were paid, Unlike today, where many escorts will offer extra mins for free to keep or attrack clients. If the client wanted to cum more than once, he tipped. We didn't do 1/2 hour appts, We hustled for tips, meaning that most escorts would want extra money for intercourse and the agency/hourly fee would typically cover a handjob and or oral. Bearing in mind the hourly fee back then was far less than what is charged today, and we only got half of that. So hustling for tips was necessary and that was just how things were done. Competition wasn't obvious, as most agencies were charging about the same fee and the girls who received the most calls did so because they had good bodies, pretty faces or both. Not because of how many tmes they made their clients cum, or bare services they provided. Then clients just wanted to get off with an attractive escort and then have you leave. They were happy as long as that happened. There were the occasional dinner dates, and multi hour dates, those too weren't fuck fests, like many clients demand and some escorts encourage today.( And by a "fuck fest", I mean when a client expects and an escort will encourage a client to cum as many times as his time will allow) The types of services offered back then, as far as I knew, were far more vanilla than what many offer today. Then, an escort would be fired for performing any type of bare services. BBBJ (bare back blow jobs) didn't exist, at least not at any of the agencies I worked at, or ran. Then came review boards......(my experience with them occured mostly between 2011-2015) and the internet. Things changed drastically. The agencies in my city at least, fell by the way side, and ladies became independents. With the review boards, BBBJ became normalized and almost necessary, if you wanted to be reviewed well, that is. And being reviewed well became a necessity to most escorts ability to gain clients. And many clients caught on to this and weaponized reviews. Clients knew if an escort had enough negative comments, the client might be able to ruin or effect an escorts business. So regardless of an escorts looks, skills, location, if a client wasn't happy with her, he'd write a negative review or comment in retaliation. If an escort held a grudge or saw another escort as competition they'd also scheme to have negative reviews/comments written about that escort. Truthfulness, no longer mattered,  positive reviews did ..... In my opinion, the review culture, also encouraged escorts to compete against one another. No longer would escorts openly admit  the realities of escorting or defend one another, instead, pandering to their clients became more important, and the norm. Clients pushing boundaries became the norm, expecting escorts to perform more for less, became the norm. Review boards became sites where cliques formed and those escorts who often were the highest reviewed, seldom were so because of their beauty, or skill, but more likely because of  how much service they gave for the least amount of money, who they did duos with, sided with, or which client they sucked up to, or sucked, to get that review. There are clients who aren't terribly liked, but will be seen because they are known to write nice reviews if they are seen. Review boards became popularity contests and places where clients gathered to boast about who they got to bang for the longest period of time and for the least amout of money. Everything that happened between the client and escort no longer remained private, but fodder for public viewing, all while those same clients demanded discretion and escorts preached about discretion being foremost.....see the hypocrisy? No longer could escorts make money by seeing volumes of clients, unless that escort had immeasurable energy and few other responsibilites. There are only so many hours in a day/night, if you see my point. Review boards also made it shameful for an escort to admittedly be escorting soley for income, how dare they!! If you admitted such truths on the boards you'd be brandished by all those escorts who claim to love all their clients and who also claim to suck every ounce of cum out of each of them. You'd also be brandished by some clients who believe that you can only be a good escort if you love what you do, if you enjoy fucking all your clients and only see a certain number of them per day/night/week/month......And here we are today......Obviously things weren't ideal back then, and certainly haven"t been up until today. We've still a ways to go. What is changing, imo, and thankfully so, is review boards and their participants no longer have the hold/influence they once had. Thanks to social media, many escorts are willing to speak out honestly and be more supportive towards one another, regardless of why or how we escort. Honesty is becoming more attractive/acceptable and the pandering less so. Those boundary pushing, cheap clients too are losing their audience and control, finally. Lets hope thngs continue in this direction. Lets face it, escorts want to make money, and clients want to have some fun. I believe in a fair exchange for both. But both parties need to be fair and realistic about what they seek and will gain......



Best tweet of the day, perhaps month......

26 Jun, 2022

Is awarded to @johnfritchey   for saying "Canada must feel like they live in an apartment above a meth lab"   I've never laughed so loud......and yes John,  I can confirm that many Canadians are feeling that way.

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Some of todays thoughts....

26 Jun, 2022

Today is a day for relaxing, tweeting and blogging.....I posted a couple of tweets today as they're topics that have been on my mind. The first was a comment about those female escorts who hold themselves as examples for all escorts, yet claim to escort simply for the fun of it. These women shouldn't be comparing themselves to other escorts, nor holding themselves as examples for all escorts, as they are worlds apart from those escorts who escort to support themselves and or their families. The latter don't entertain for the fun of it, certainly they may enjoy many of their clients, but not in the same way as the aforementioned, how could they. Sharing oneself, intimately, intellectually and sexuallly for the fun of it, isn't exhausting, nor does it drain ones energy in the same way as doing so in order to make a certain amount of money, time and time again. The escorts who escort as a job, see multiple clients on a regular basis and don't often have the luxury to stop because they're tired, sore, or in need of a break away. If they enjoyed them in the same way as those who do it "for the fun of it", they'd be worn out in months. Some ladies need to keep their opinions off the review boards if they are escorting as a hobby, or simply for the fun of it.  Their privilege/fun, isn't comparable to that of a regular escort. Certainly we all have a right to set up our escort buisness as we see fit, but when doing so we should also be aware that what we say and do can sometimes be seen as examples, or even set precedences. I certainly believe in to each their own, as long as there is some thoughtfulness towards others incorporated in that. I enjoy escorting, and I'm privleged  to be able to do it part time, but I still treat it as a job. I"m not seeing clients j*ust* to meet my sexual needs, nor because I'm in need of some fun, I see them  to add to my income, I treat this as a job. When I tour, I treat it even more so as a job, as I see multiple clients in a short span or time, or I expect to see multiple clients. And certainly if I were to allow all of those clients to treat me as their personal blow up doll, or if I was seeing them simply to get my kicks, for even a 1/2 hr date I'd be worn out quickly.  So if you think I'm sounding hypocritical, understand that I've escorted over many years, and for many different reasons. For many of those years it provided my only source of income. I've lots of experience in many dfferent aspects of escorting, hence my  belief that I've a right to speak about  this industry.

  I hope that those women who claim to do this only because that is how they get their "kicks" and who advertise and boast on review boards about how much they love getting fucked, hard, often, and how it's like "paid dating".... yada, yada, yada......, please understand your examples aren't for setting standards, nor for comparing to others. So please stop speaking out about how any escort should operate. You aren't the norm, some question, if you should even call yourselves escorts. Perhaps take your comments to Tinder, a sugar daddy site or keep them on your website/ads..... They're not helping anyone but yourselves. And shouldn't we all, as a community, want to help one another......

My other thought was concering clients. The types of clients who talk as if they can control all of what we do, charge, offer, etc...You know, those review board idiots who think if they post a few negative comments about any escort that they'll have the ability to end the escorts business or when they comment about our rates, or services, that they'll have influence within our industry. Thankfully our ability to advertise beyond their review board comments/ reach, protects us from that. These idiots don't seem to realize that consumers also compete for our services......There are many of us out there who have the ability to pick and choose who we see and that  our client base doesn't begin and end on review boards.....

My other thought.....what a nice day it's turned out to be. Enjoy it:)

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Don't be one of those guys........

22 Jun, 2022

When contacting a sexworker (SW), escort, or provider, please, please, please, don't be one of those guys who prattles on about how good you are in bed, or how big your dick is . Please, please, please don't contact me or any provider to tell us how young, hung and good looking your are......

Firstly, we don't care!! Secondly, and most importantly, if you ask a sw what sexual services they provide, and for how much, you are breaking the law! In Canada, a sw can sell sexual services, but it is illegal for anyone to purchase them. I know that is confusing, and ridiculous, but it is the law. Hence the reason we sell our time and hence the reason, those of us who are professional, and who hold our clients interests foremost, will NOT discuss sexual services upon booking. We discuss booking our time. Doing so, provides you impunity. So..... If you want to impress a sw, contact them as they request to be contacted, provide them the information and or deposit they require, and then book them for a multi hour date, that is what I/they, will find sexy......

We don't care what you look like, nor do we care how sexually prowess you may be. Your physical attributes, or sexual talents won't mean anything to most professional providers. What will mean something, is your hygiene, your respectfulness, treating us as business professionals, by speaking to us with articulateness and manners, by following our booking protocols, by being discreet, and showing up on time. Those things will garner you all the sexy attention you desire.

 I love my sexy time with my clients, and I adore worshipping their cocks, but I don't want to be sexually regaled before our date. Save that talk for the bedroom. Hearing from a man that speaks with intelligence, manners, and an interest in me beyond just my physicality/pictures, or sexual abilities, is always what will make me want to meet them. I now prefer to have dates that involve more than just physical intimacy. I enjoy meeting interesting men, from all cutures, backgrounds and professions. I enjoy conversing, and getting to know a person. But that is me...for others it each their own.

So to recap....when contacting a sw, use your big head, and your little head will thank you!



What does being discreet mean.....

17 Jun, 2022

When I book a client and ask him to be discreet, I expect......

when coming to my locale ......It should be common sense that most escorts/providers use aliases. So if you were to encounter a neighbour upon entering my locale and if they were to ask "are you visitng (insert my real name)" you don't say no, I'm visiting Cristy! Just say yes and carry on.....You never use any providers name when in a public setting. Outside of our dates, we are strangers to you. So please refrain from even noticing us in public or using our aliases. Some of us work from our homes, and anyone within earshot hearing someone calling us a name different to our own, will arise suspicion, don't do that to anyone!!

If you become confused about which building or street you're looking for, don't circle around, or wander about looking lost. Pull over somewhere discreet and call me to get further instructions, or to clarify the ones given. Walking up and down a street, talking on a phone, looking and or going to the wrong doors, looks suspicious and will alert someone to your activity. I don't want that, you shouldn't want that either, so pay attention, when details are given!!.

NEVER, EVER, share any providers locale with anyone. How would you like it if we shared your information? Discretion means keeping things between you and I ONLY, and "things" mean EVERYTHING!

I have noticed recent comments, reviews, posted about me. I DO NOT appreciate those! Even the most flattering ones. Posting anything about our encounter anywhere, goes against all principles of discretion. I expect discretion always!!

Use your big head gentlemen when visiting. And understand that being quiet, and inconspicuous is important, thank you!



What the heck....

17 Jun, 2022

Something is either in the air, or water...I've never received as many idiotic requests, or have I ever had so many rude and entitled asshats contacting me, as I've had in the past month or so. June thus far, has been very disappointing. I hate responding to anyone in a rude and confrontational manner, but sometimes it is what is called for. When someone contacts me and has the audacity to state they've read my requirements but expect me to forgo them because they are inconvenient for them......I just can't refrain from being anything but rude. They don't even have the sense to offer a financial these types are also those who'll even ask for a discount.....grrrrrr

To clarify, all new clients, are expected to call , not text, and that is clearly stated in my ads/website.I accept texts from clients I've met and have had recent (6 months) visits with. Yet day after day, I get texts with "I know you prefer phone calls, but"......"I know you only do incalls, but"....."I know you only see gents over 35", but..... "I see you prefer phone calls, but, I thought I'd email"....etc, etc...BUT? But what? That your an entitled, thoughtless asshole, who has no regard for my needs and thinks they're so special that they deserve an exemption from my requirements, WTF!! Where are all these idiots coming's exhausting and ridiculous. What happened to those who could read and comprehend simple instructions, and who have the respect to respect another persons requests. I hope this isn't a sign of the times.

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Should I mourn the loss......

13 Jun, 2022

As some of you know I spend a fair amount of time on twitter. And why not, it's convenient, easy to use on a laptop or phone, and provides some advertising, and connecting ability. So anyhow, in doing so, I also keep track of who follows, and who unfollows me. I like to keep my feed clean and fair. Those who unfollow me I tend ot unfollow, and or block, those who follow, if they're a potential client or a regular client, I'll follow, if a provider/escort follows, I'll follow and reciprocate likes and retweets, as I want to help them grow. So now, when I notice an unfollower was a client I've met, I smile with the thought, I'm sorry we didn't mesh, win some lose some and I hope you meet someone who'll rock your world. Of course I wasn't always this nonchalant about clients who seemingly didn't like me.In the past, I found it to be hurtful and took it personally. I now realize it should be expected. No matter how well I screen, and how wonderful my service is, and how well we seem to mesh in our conversations and with our expectations of one another, when we're intimate, sometimes things change,  and sometimes things don't go as planned for a variety of reasons. Sometimes people just don't mesh when they meet in person. 

 I also have those clients who I meet and who rebook each time they visit because we get along so well, and meet each others expectations. We just click and each visit gets better, or holds it's value.

 Every provider and client should understand that just because you think someone isn't a good match, or who is, doesn't mean anything, other than to you. It's why the review board culture is so pointless. It creates unreasonable standards of who is good and who isn't. Show me a client who believes any escort they like, should also be liked by everyone else, and I'll show you a review board regular. Show me a client who believes any escort who gets a bad review, or even one dissatisfied client, is an escort who isn't  worth their salt. Show me an escort who claims she's never had an unsatisfied client and I'll show you someone who isn't being honest. We all can be let down, we all can have bad days, we all will somehow not live up to someones expectations, those are the realities of this business. To expect perfection, that you'll be pleased just because someone else was is foolish and naive. To believe all of what you hear, is foolish, gossip is rampant in this industry, for many reasons. Be fair, be honest, and be kind, and you'll all do just fine, Happy Monday:) 


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What a week....

09 Jun, 2022

First it was an injury to my dog, then my primary advertising site, decided to remove my ability to use my CC card to pay for my ads, and instead only offer me the option to pay with crypto currency....grrrrr. Thankfully a lovely twitter follower agreed to offer his help. He got me set up and I was able to purchase more ad posts. I'm not sure what I'll do  when those run out, as I found the whole process tedious and complicated. Time will tell...But just when you think things can't get worse, I get calls from some lovely new clients who have booked some multi hour appts. As I've said before, when things get bad, good does come along....I hope your day is filled with all that is good:)

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Possible Frdericton/Moncton dates

09 Jun, 2022

I've posted dates for NewBrunswick. As long as things go as planned I'll be visiting Frdericton July 12th-13th-Moncton the 14th-15th......will update closer to those times, thanks for your interest

No harm in asking, or is there?

31 May, 2022

As some of you know, my little dog was bitten recently by another dog, and required surgery. The bill was over a little under 1200. I paid it, and yes I could afford to, but I also asked for some help in doing so. Asking for help is not something I like to do, or that is typical for me to do. But I thought why not, others do it, and I could use the help, especially this month. He has another surgery pending, and I've other expenses that need taken care of, and his care won't allow me to work for a few days. So should I feel shame for asking, is it in poor taste? I'll leave that for you to decide. I will say, I am most grateful to those who reached out with well wishes, and who were financially generous and donated, I won't forget their kindness. Life can throw us curve balls and when that happens no one should feel shame asking for help from time to time. 

If you're wanting to help, you could send a deposit for a future session, or send a donation via etransfer to [email protected]  thank you!!

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30 May, 2022

I've had numerous inquiries lately, from NB & PEI gents asking when I'll be returning. For those interested, it'll be soon. My dog gets neutered this week, so once he's healed, I'll be hitting the road. I plan on doing some road trips and will mix vacationing and working on my stops. As usual I'll be in Moncton, Fredericton, And Charlottetown. I hope to see you on one of my stops. I'll post definitive dates in the weeks to come. Thanks for asking:)


Spread kindness....

30 May, 2022

It is never a good idea to allow the opinions from other people cloud your judgement of a person you've never met. If someone is talking spitefully about another, instead of doing the same, look into why this person who is spreading the gossip, is so full of hatred. People often say nasty things about others because of jealousy, because of their own unhappiness, competiveness, or for many other petty reasons. If you've heard someone spreading malicious gossip about another person, before you form an opinion, or have the urge to continue the spread, get to know the person being spoken of. Look into them, find out for yourself if they're worth you spending your precious energy in a negative way, by also disliking them. And find out if the one spreading the gossip is hurt and in need of some healing. Perhaps you could help all involved by offering a compassionate ear, or a shoulder to cry on. It's always better to spread kindness and promote accpetance rather than joining a hate train, and spreading malicious gossip. 



25 May, 2022

Yesterday when I heard the news of the latest school shooting, I was shocked, angered, and saddened, yet I carried on with my day/evening. But this morning, somethings changed. I've been crying, and I feel broken by this latest shooting/news. I didn't sleep most of the night. So much suffering in this world.....This is the second 18 year old who's gunned down innocent people in a matter of days. How and why does this type of hatred grow? What feeds and nutures it? How can someone so young have so much within them? I'm not religious, however I am spiritual, and I believe all those lives taken will live again and I'm sorry I don't have the power to change things so this won't happen again........All I can do is hope that their loved ones can find peace in the coming days/weeks/years.


Advice to heed.....

19 May, 2022

There is so much talk now about clients being scammed and escorts needing real information from clients in order to feel safe. The fact is, if you take part in this lifestyle, as either a client or a provider, the chances of your real information being shared is a possibility. Both, client and provider have to be careful who we do business with. But remember, the provider/escort will always have more to lose.....We can screen, we can also be choosy with whom we meet, that still won't guarantee that a person won't go rogue and try and take our life when in our company. You also hear of clients being robbed, and yes sometimes with in lies the difference. As a client, this is a choice....this isn't your livelihood. You get to research a provider to determine their professionalism. Doing so will almost eliminate your chances of anything nefarious happening to you. Most, ( I say most, because with anything/anyone, there are always exceptions) professional escorts won't jeopardize their earning protential, or their reputation by mishandling a clients information or discretion. A professional escort will work to have clients return. Returning clients (regulars) are what keeps any providers income reliable. Professional escorts/providers will have a personal website, a strong social media presence, advertisements on more than one site, and sometimes a presence on review boards, (which if you didn't already know, I detest. But my detest for review boards is another story, I've often told). If you *choose* a provider who has no online presence, other than 1 ad on 1 advertising site, with a few pictures that often are to good to be true, plan on being scammed/robbed, or worse..... Pros put a lot of time and money into their ads/websites/blogs/socials, etc, and we screen!! We ask you questions. Most pros want to meet with those they feel they'll have some compatibility with. Those who are out to scam, won't ask questions, or require any info from you, they'll just invite you to their locale, or will want to come to yours. They won't care who you are or what you do, or why you want to see them. They just want your $$......When we screen our clients, we do so to determine compatibility, and to verify that your real and serious about meeting. And even though we can verify a clients real info,  we can't always determine a clients character, or motive for seeing us, so again, we are always more at risk.

It is never nice to be outed, that is why we all use personas. To protect our true indentities. But being outed, will never be as bad as being physically assaulted, raped, or mudered. I can say this out of experience....I've been outed, more than once....and find it funny now that people still think telling people my real name, or anything else about me, as being a big deal, or will result in anything...Once people know, they know, lol. My only concern for protecting my identity in the past was to protect family members. But that is no longer something I worry about either. However I understand for married/partnered clients, being outed is a serious worry as it could potentially ruin their relationships, and possibly their careers. Which I hope will never happen. But when anyone steps out on anyone, risks are inherent and taking those is a choice for a client. Providers aren't always able to choose, as escorting for many is their only way of surviving, paying bills, and or for being their livelihood. For clients, it's a choice, a luxurious treat, and not a need.

So.... for either client or provider, I'd say if you've a lot to lose, if being found out could destroy your life, opt out of this profession/lifestyle. If you feel you can't trust the person you've chosen to do business with, then don't. Chose someone else, or don't partake at all. But the reality is, especially in these times, being found out is a possibility. Even when you protect all your bases. Welive in a world where there are cyber stalkers, and nefarious people who sell info. And that info is gotten in many different ways. I believe just being online in the most innocent of ways now puts anyone in jeopardy of being located, outed, or used.... in the end, we all have to weigh what we're willing to lose or gain for the transctions and actions we take part in. Just be careful and be safe.

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I've been socializing......

17 May, 2022

As a true loner, by all it's definitions. I caved and accepted an invitation to a couple of outings and broke my solitute. I agreed to meeting some new people. But doing so has just reaffirmed my reasons for becoming a loner in the first place, and for not wanting new people in my life.

I'll explain...... When you meet new people the first question they ask you is "So what do you do". I'm not a good liar, and I'm also a bit of an instigator. So I'll often give an answer which holds some truth, by saying, "I'm retired". To a certain extent, I am. Or I'll throw out hints, by saying, I'm a kept woman", lol, "you don't want to know", lol. Or "it's to shocking for you to accept", lol. I say those things to a certain few, depending on how nosey I feel they are being, or, if I feel they're asking to "size me up", to determine my worth, in their minds...... Then I sit back and listen to all of them talking...this crowd, were people of higher incomes, some retired, some with notable positions in life. Many were commenting about how they loved meeting new people of all types. Yet they only lit up when someone mentioned those of greater wealth, or those with more prominent positions than themselves.  The typical stuff about who lived here, there, who's house was worth more, who travelled here, there, blah, blah, blah, was all of what seemed to be of interest to them. So much for them being accepting of all types and supposedly not impessed by fluff n stuff.

I keep my social circle very small now, within and out of sex work. I've learned by experience that those who claim to be accepting of all types of people, are often the most critical. And since I've suffered the ramifications of what happens when it becomes known that I am a (sw) sex worker, by being asked to leave a rental after a very long tenancy, by being outed by a man I was seeing, after I confided in him and he promised to keep my secret safe. And after being rejected by numerous people who gave me friendship, or what I percieved as friendship, when they thought I was someone with a "regular" job and not a sw (sexworker). By being turned down by other rental agents, by being rejected as a volunteer by some organizations, etc, etc. All of these things happened, and more, when I or someone else made it known that my lifestyle included dating for profit. Most people judge a person by their profession/lifestyle, by where they live and what they drive. And seldom does anyone accept this lifestyle without judgement or preconceived ideas. When some people know what I do, they no longer want anything to do with me. Regardless of my kindness, generosity, trustworthiness, etc. People judge, and people are biased. Most people want to be around people who can make them look good, or better. People in general do not preceive sex work, no matter how much you make doing it, as being respectful. They want to be surrounded by those who have a higher position, more money and like minded hobbies. It takes a very special person to surround themselves with those who walk a different, or more controversial path and who have different beliefs. It takes confidence, and a strong sense of self to do that. Most people don't have those qualities, most are so busy trying to impress others that they forget to impress themselves by just liking what and who they like.....instead of what society deems they should like or accept.

I'm so happy to be in a place where I can hug myself and truly appreciate the person I've become. I'm so happy to be able to meet people and appreciate them regardless of their position/status, where they live, wealth and instead see them for their character, compassion and kindness.  I'm still a work in progress, but I know I've progressed and will continue to do so with or without other people:) You don't need to be accepted by other people to be whole, to life a happy life. What is important, is that you accept yourself:)

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What a day, what a day!!

12 May, 2022

It's Thursday May 12 and expected temps in Halifax are to reach mid 20's's summer!! Time to get naked, lol....How can you not be in a good mood on a day like today:) I'll be taking today to enjoy this lovely weather then back accepting appointments Monday May 16th until July 13th, then I'll be away again for a week or so. Taking a week or more to enjoy scenery and other things in other provinces each month seems to be just what I need. Although I only see clients a few days out of each month now, I still find a need to take time to myself and a change in my surroundings is good for the soul. I hope your day is as beautiful as the weather here. Enjoy!!

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Hello May....

01 May, 2022

Welcome May, I hope you bring us warmer weather.....

 I've neglected my blog lately, sorry. I've been so busy with personal appointments, clients and other things that I've not had the time to post. I've also not had much desire to write lately. I do go through these blips every now and then where I lose interest in certain things, then when away from them for a time, the desire returns. I'm enjoying my new twitter account, and have been tweeting a lot. That hasn't changed. And the irony with twitter, is since my account was hacked and I had to start a new, my pictures seem to get more likes and attention, lol. Funny how things work......I'm taking a short road trip this week, so I won't be posting anything this week. Perhaps when I return. Until then I wish you a week full of prosperity, fun, happiness and memorable moments. Be kind :)

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Happy Easter...

11 Apr, 2022

I've a busy week, and wanted to take a moment while I have one to wish you all a very happy, safe, peaceful, and fun Easter holiday. I hope it is filled with all that you love and of course, yummy chocolate and delicious food. Be good to yourself....



02 Apr, 2022

More about my twitter hack, lol....So tonight I got back my old twitter handle @cristymature.... it was available. I was surprised. So I'm even more puzzled as to what the hacker was trying to do and to what gain he or she thought they'd have. As I told others, this person also tried to enter my gmail account but wasn't successful, so they obviously wanted more than what my twitter provided. What that would be is anyone's guess. The only thing they've been successful at doing is confusing some people and causing me to lose my 6500+ followers....which in hind sight is not much of a loss. As many of those followers weren't doing anything for my account anyhow. So onwards and upwards. I've regained a couple of hundred in the past day and a half, and slowly and surely will get back many more.At least I'll be far better able to interact with the new followers and find out who is truly supportive and who is not. Lets see what tomorrow brings:)

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Happy April!!

01 Apr, 2022

You know what they say, April showers bring May flowers, lol. Welcome to April, and how coincidental that it is raining....I hope this month brings you prosperity, good health, happiness, and lots of sunshine:)

 So a few things I have to let you know about and that I'll be doing as of today.... I'm retiring...I'll be giving up my dog and moving to Italy. :)

Happy April 1st:)

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Well it was expected....

31 Mar, 2022

My twitter account had exceeded 6500 followers, so it was expected to be compromised at some point. By whom, I'll probably never know, but I'll say this... I've been outed, had to relocate my incall, I've been verbally threatened (over the phone), have had degrading threads on review boards written about me. So having my twitter account hacked, isn't such a surprise. Some people just can't stand to see someone they dislike, doing something successfully, and doing it happily. So I created another twitter @cristyofHalifax...lets see how long this one will last, lol. I'm not sure when some people will learn, but isn't it obvious that you can't knock me down permanently. I get back up each time, dust myself off and I become stronger and more resilient. Life is good, and each day is another day to win, to enjoy, and to face and **overcome** any challenges that come my way. :) See you on twitter, leolist,, in google search under (Halifax escorts),,,,, topescortbabes. com,,, and many other sites on which I advertise, lol.

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Lets be honest...

30 Mar, 2022

One of my peers was asking about website building platforms on twitter today and it reminded me of something....which prompted this blog.

 I mentioned my website platform, cuties-tools as one to use. But I also made the comment that as an escort, it is our duty, imo, when choosing advertising platforms and when creating our ads/websites, posts, etc, that we do so with originality, and with the intent to not step on anyone's toes. We should want to be professional about it all. By that I mean, when choosing the same website building platforms, we shouldn't choose the templates other escorts in our area are *already* using. We should want to stand out, to be authentic, original, and build a brand that is indicitive to ourselves, not another escort. When advertising on the same advertising sites, we should do the same, and be creative enough to develop writing styles, phrases, poses in pictures that aren't carbon copies of other escorts on the same sites. We should all want to be individuals, having our own style, creativeness, and not compared to another. Yet there are two providers here in Halifax who use the same website platform and template as I *was using*. When I had become aware of this, sometime ago, I had made mention of it to one of the ladies. I had politely brought to her attention, that she had chosen the same template/print style as I was using. It fell on deaf ears, as  she carried on using it. Apparently she has no issue  with being a copycat. I have since changed mine. I was deeply disappointed to learn that another known escort would have such little concern about the unprofessionalism of her actions, rather inaction.  But what can you expect from an escort who also seems to have no issue also charging siginficantly less than, (100$ + hourly less than) other escorts in her category/class. I can clearly assume by her actions, that some women compete the only way they know how, by undercutting and copying others.....So lets be honest. When you are going to make comments about how wonderful some of the escorts are, because she is often praised, please also be honest about their transgretions, and call them out for those too. It is blatantly unprofessional to knowingly copy your peers. It's catty, tacky and in poor taste to do so. I know some of you have noticed this, as you've made it known to me.....Some people care to see the truth, others just don't care, and why don't some care?  Because the transgressions benefit them. Sad to say.


That slap!!

28 Mar, 2022    I fell asleep while watching the Oscars and missed all the drama. But after seeing the footage and hearing opinions on twitter, I too feel that Will Smith slapping Chris Rock, was inappropriate, and unnecessary. I do support Will Smith telling Rock to "keep my wife's name out of your fucking mouth", in defense of his wife. As Rock's joke was in poor taste and I'm glad he was called out for it. But it should have ended there and should have been done off screen. Smith should have confronted Rock privately. Smith's actions were classless and over kill. And although Smith apologized to the Academy, he also needed to apolgize to Rock, for hitting him. That would have also given Smith a moment to explain that certain jokes, especially those about diseases/health conditions, towards the person suffering, are in poor taste, not funny, and shouldn't be any comedians subject. They both were inappropriate and set a poor example for all men. 


Please be aware..

26 Mar, 2022

There is a warning section on the local review board where clients can post names and information of those providers/escorts who've scammed them. I am all for anyone making a devious scammer or violent person known to all. Yet the problem with this "warning section" is that *anyone* can easily join that site and then post anything they want. True or not. The warning section is not vetted in any way and therefore becomes a he said she said. With no harm done to the nefarious posters, but a possible ruination for the provider (escort) the untoward has targeted. Then, you add in the boards busy bodies, who have something to say about every post, and who will add to these threads without any useful, known, or new knowledge of the situation being posted about. You end up with threads full of misinformation, gossip, and needless drama for some escorts.  With no consequence towards malicious clients, or the busy bodies. Those who are allowed to post in this section, imo, should at the very least, have to show proof to the admins of the site that they've met the provider they're speaking of, and both parties should have the ability to defend themselves before a warning is posted. Of course there will be exceptions...but if that site truly cared about keeping everyone safe and that truths are being posted, they'd do their part to better vet that section. 

 Recently I read a thread in the New Brunswick section where 2 members made a claim about a provider. Their claims, imo, were suspect as they had joined the site the day they posted their comments. They hadn't included any information other than the providers name and city. And have made no further posts, nor comments. The provider, who is a member, defended herself by saying drugs were involved and that is why she left the clients home. Another member also noticed the suspicious nature of the posts and commented that they should be questioned.  Had the thread been left at that, one could decide that this is just another he said she said, and move on to better things.....YET.. one of the review boards busy bodies took it upon himself to post a screenshot of the providers ad, with her picture. With no regard to what was said, or to whether or not she is guilty or  innocent. He just had to let everyone know who she was, with no added information about the clients mentioned, nor the incident....Apparently we don't have to know their history (insert sarcasm) The busy body obviously has no care that the posts could be vindictive, and or fake. He is typical to many on that board and  just had a need to add drama. This recklessness is another example as to how these types of posts are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed. 

I will attest, after my many years of working for services, with running services, and as an independent escort. That when a client is intoxicated, or using drugs, it is always best to not accept the date to begin with. If it wasn't obvious to you that the person is drunk or high when accepting the date, then while there, becomes difficult, it is best to just leave. And yes the client will often object, and sometimes violently. They'll seldom blame themsleves. And thanks to review boards, they can now turn that anger into public fodder and needlessly bash the escort online. Knowing they'll have busy bodies who'll add to their nonsense. These review boards need to do better, and some of their members need to get a life and find something better to do than adding drama to issues they've no knowledge of.

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23 Mar, 2022

We all experience them. Change can be self driven, or change/s can occur naturally. I've recently noticed some changes in myself when it comes to intimacy with clients....There was a time I was needing to be sexually satisfied, in order to have a sense of fulfillment when with a client. Now I find myself wanting to please more than I want to be pleased. I find it almost anxiety producing when a client says "I want you to cum".  I know some clients get turned on by a women orgasming, and when I can't, I feel I've let them down, that I didn't provide them with a satisfactory service. Having a satisfied client is important to me. Yet I do think there are some men who could use a refesher course on what makes women orgasm. As I've experienced some men expecting me to "cum on demand", lol. So many things have to fall into place for women to reach orgasms. I need more than just sexual stimulation. I also need mental stimulation and the ability to relax, to feel comfortable and safe with my partner. My mindset has to be just right. All these things don't always occur, and wanting them to or expecting them to, can also produce anxiety and not an orgasm. So... I now feel a preference to meet with men who prefer being pleasured or who won't be disappointed if I don't orgasm. I no longer mind men who are somewhat selfish in bed. I understand that some guys feel as I do, and get the same thrill satisfying a women, as I do satisfying a man. Those men will probably be better off seeking another escort. Since I'm not one to pretend I'm enjoying myself, or to fake an orgasm. I'd rather be honest and enjoy doing what I know I can do well. Rather than to pretend to orgasm to satisfy those clients who require a woman to orgasm. True intimacy shouldn't involve any pretenses, it should be real, honest and stimulating for all involved. Thanks for understanding:)

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Happy St. Patricks day.....

17 Mar, 2022

I'll be celebrating today, I hope you have a day filled with luck, fun and happiness.

Some St.Patrick day trivia.....


My daily wishes....

17 Mar, 2022

With each new day, I start with hopes that people will show more compassion to other species of animals. That people will understand that fear, pain and love are expressed by all species. That we all will see the value in people, not based on their credentials, material wealth, or intelligence, but in their character. That those, including myself, who are strongly opinionated, will become more open to being understanding and accpeting towards opposing views. That kindness will be everyones goal. and that it is something you experience today:)

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Don't be like this guy ....

14 Mar, 2022

On Sunday, I had a client pre-booked for an early evening appointment. He seemed lovely, provided my necessary screening information, and agreed to my instructions on getting my locale information. He also said he'd inform me if his flight was delayed. When the time came for him to contact me to get my locale information and other details, he didn't call. I let 10-15 mins pass, still no call, so I text him. He said his flight was " just" delayed....although I believe that it had been delayed, the "just" part I did not believe.....  a few flights were cancelled/rescheduled that day/evening, because of the high winds. Yet he still didn't contact as he had promised, I had to reach out to him. He made no offer of a cancellation fee, just a promise to try and rebook when he arrived in the city. This is never the right thing to do. It is the clients responsibility to make it right for missing an appointment. Having a trip delayed, although frustrating and inconvenient, as the client, you shouldn't expect others to share in that inconvenience.I'm very low volume, on the days I decide to work, I typically see only 1 person. So If I prepare to see you, I turn down other clients, and won't have an opportunity to recoup that planned income on that day/evening. Luckily for me, another client did inquire, and he readily accepted my screening process and ended up making my night worthwhile.To him, I'm most grateful. But that kind of luck isn't typical. So please, if you are reading this, and if you book an escort, never leave them hanging ...nor without a cancellation fee, it's just thoughtless and rude. Thanks:)

* Update, there was no futher contact from this man, so I do believe this person was deliberate in booking me and no showing..... it's just sad how some people use their time to try and disrupt another persons. And isn't it typical that karma stepped in to correct things. I just love Karma:) 


Texts vs Phone calls......

02 Mar, 2022

Ever since texting became in vogue, I disliked it. I find it impersonal, and annoying. If I have anything to say to someone with whom I may be in any kind of a relationship with, I want it said either ear to ear, or face to face. Call me old fashioned, or just old, lol. I don't care. It's my right to have my preference. This stance is something I hold to also as an escort. If I'm going to meet a gentleman for an intimate date, I want to be able to hear his voice beforehand, and to communicate with him in a manner that I feel comfortable with, and that is an over the phone conversation. For anyone to imply that my means of cummunicating is less discreet and more likely to be recorded, simply because it doesn't work for them, is naive, unfair, and far reaching.

I was saddened to read a comment by another escort who I held respect for, comment that men who want phone calls only want them so they can jack off in the listeners ear, and (quote) "that phone calls are * never * discreet, because no one can insure-(should be *ensure*), that phone calls are not being recorded"(end quote). I understand that this may have been her experience, and I'm sorry for that, and that many escorts prefer to communicate through texting and or emails. That doesn't mean one mode of communication is better, or safer than another. I can ensure her and others of this, and that is..... NO ONE can ensure anyone that any of our communications, regardless of how they are being made, are completely discreet. I make and receive calls regularly, and all have been discreet as far as I'm concerned. No one was within ear shot, and to my knowledge, no one else was listening in, other than my intended person. I can be as certain of this as she can be that no one, other than she and her intended person/s, are viewing her texts and or emails after she sends them. Fact is, we live in an indiscreet world and most everything we do and say can be intruded upon, by anyone with enough prowess and desire. So lets not make comments, implications, or assumptions, concerning how another conducts their business, that could incite paranoia or which could lead to misinterpretation. Thank you.


John Oliver

01 Mar, 2022

Check out his show, he"s on Crave. His latest episode spoke to the hypocrisy of laws concerning sex work


Why we don't like being told what to do...

01 Mar, 2022

An interesting article on this topic....

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Can I practice on you?

28 Feb, 2022

 Fellatio, penile mouthification, cock sucking, pipe cleaning, knob gobbling, tonsil tickling, pole diving, giving head.....Whatever you call it, I'm longing for more practice. Will you be my willing model?

My love of fellatio is well known with some of my clients. There is nothing I find hotter than making a man harden and squirm as I taunt and tease his cock and balls with my velvet lips, strong tongue and experienced touch.The taste of a clean, freshly showered man is intoxicating to me. I want to fill my throat with every inch of him, and gently suckle his balls while my fingers softly dance over and stroke his perineum. Hands, lips, mouth and tongue, all in erotic concert to create the most stimulating reaction, for my deliciously horny man. The sights and sounds of a horny male are almost as satisfying as an actual orgasm for me. I'll be sure to take my time, stroking, licking, sucking, and driving his stiffness down my silky throat as he moans and encourages me to suck, lick and stroke him more vigorously....until his orgasmic juice splash all over my big juicy tits....

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27 Feb, 2022

I found Febuary flew by and soon in a couple of days March will be upon us.I'm calling March, the month of hope. I'm excited about it. With all restrictions lifting, and travel becoming easier I'll be planning some exciting road trips. I've found a dog sitter too, so not having to have my little dog in tow will also make things easier for me. Not all clients appreciate a pet in the room after all.....

Lets hope that all the promised dates for restrictions being lifted come to fruition, and that the weather becomes complimentary for road travel. If so I'm looking forward to seeing you soon #Fredericton #PEI #Sydney.....Be safe, stay positive and have the best day


Please be informed...

23 Feb, 2022

It's always nice to see another escort who is passionate about her service, our industry and peers. And with all due respect to this lovely lady.... It is also distressing when someone with such passion is so biased and misinformed. I'm speaking about this thread   and the last  comment from Jessy Celeste on page one. In which she makes claims about reviews and the advertising site leolist. First I'll address what I find hypocritical about the comment in general. Throughout her comment she makes negative claims about the advertising site, Leolist. She is negatively reviewing an advertising site on a site which claims to NOT allow negative reviews. And on a site which also owns the other site she is bashing, lol. So why doesn't she ask Lyla, why they don't do more to vet the advertisers on their site, to help stop the "scammers". I understand why Lyla's mods or owners won't step in to make clarifications, as it's a win win situation for them. If people are chased away from Leolist and directed to Lyla, they still get their business, and vice versa....... Jessy also claims that the leolist vetting/verification process is a joke...yet it is the very same process Lyla, which she claims to be a better site, uses to vet it's member escorts..... and as a part of it's vetting, Lyla asks you to become vetted on leolist and vipfavours first as you can see here you look on any of Lyla's advertising pages ( where the escorts advertise), you'll notice that in order to become an escort member, you need to show that you've been first verified on both those other sites (Leolist/Vipfavours), or to take a picture holding a sign, just as Leolist requires, The irony in this is quite funny ........SO...if one vetting process is a joke, so must the other be. I also find it sad that someone could be so delusioned into thinking that any particular site will gaurantee anyone anything, as far as safety, quality of service, or reputation. It was on Lyla, then called Cerb, that I experieced being ripped off, scammed, outed, bullied, manipulated, etc, etc, by some of it's members. Some who still remain. The sad truth about this industry is that it has many grey areas, many flaws, and many hurdles that need over coming. Those involved are made up of the good the bad  and there is no proven way yet to rid any site of it's troublesome members and citing bias, and untruths, will do nothing to help with any of it.

I realize we all feel just in speaking positively about those things that do well for us, which fill our needs, etc, but in doing so we also need to look at all sides of the coin, to think of others and to speak with unbiased, informed  truths. 


I'm hopeful....

21 Feb, 2022

Did I hear things clearly, that all covid restrictions will be lifting as of March 14th? If so, what great news. I'm hopeful, that with such news, some normalcy is returning, that we'll be able to move about more freely, and enjoy a less restrictive society. Although, if you were to judge by the amount of shoppers in the stores lately, you could assume normalcy has alrready returned.....And none to soon for me. I've followed all the rules, am triple vaxxed, I sterilize and or sanitize everything, and will continue doing so, but I will ditch the mask wearing as soon as it's permitted, that I'm sick of. March can't arrive soon enough!!



Why I deleted my last post.....

21 Feb, 2022

I was going to blog about my escorting experiences, past and present. I've decided to wait, to keep those for another time, maybe even a book, lol. I've many experiences to speak about. Some gross, some sad, some funny, some scary, and many are heartwarming, even intriguing.....Until then......



20 Feb, 2022

Some of you may know that I enjoy twitter and that I tweet regularly. It's a rich resource of a variety of topics, easy to use and something to do while I sip my morning tea, lol. This one article which I cam upon this morning, pushed my buttons.....I'm sick of seeing, hearing about and reading about those given privilege because of their religious beliefs. I'm all for helping people. For wanting those downtrodden to be afforded the opportunities the rest of us are afforded. But I draw the line, when you impose hardships upon yourself because of a "God" you've decided to believe in! ......Well my religion, and my God told me that I have a right to own a home, and that I should own one for free.....( Note my sarcasm)

 And speaking specifically about Halal.....isn't it odd that those who follow it's practices, will turn to science and not their God when it comes to defending how they saughter their animals. They'll justify slicing an animals throat as being humane by referring to scientific quotes which supports the notion that their slaughter practices are no more inhumane then conventional slaughter practices....You mean their "God" telling them so isn't proof enough? (Note my sarcasm)...Interesting how they'll justify, demand, support, etc, many things because of, or based on their religion. Yet to validate, and to try and prove their points, they'll refer to science...#hypocrites 

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10 Feb, 2022

Quote- " I hope XXX is legit as we need more variety in Halifax. Hopefully she helps drive down the cost a little as I find Halifax very expensive comared to other places in Canada"

This is a quote from a guy on a review board. And typical it is to those who post there. It just shows how little respect and appreciation this guy has for sex workers. Inflation is the highest it's been since the 80's. Costs of everything have risen, and all he can hope for is that we make less, so he can get his dick sucked for cheaper!!! GRRRRRR. 

So let me school you Mr. cheapo....The service we provide is a luxury. It isn't a necessity for life. It is a treat. If you can't afford it, don't buy it, or go make more money! Many of us set our rates in conjunction with the economy, and costs of operating. NOT to satisfy your cheapness, nor your budget. To hope that we all make less because someone has decided to offer lower rates, is disrespectful, selfish and thoughtless. But typical to the thought processes of some review board idiots. 

My last bit of advice for you and your like.....If you're to broke to afford us, move on and quit whining about what you can't afford......if you're not broke then.....As one of my twitter followers said...."put a crowbar in your wallet and pry it open"



08 Feb, 2022

She had so many supporters.I  didn't know her but admired her from afar. May she RIP.

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The day of love...

07 Feb, 2022

As Valentines day approaches I thought it would be fun to share some stories about it's inception....

I will be away on the 14th, so sadly I won't have the opportunity to share in the romance of the day with any of my clients. However if you are wanting to celebrate it a little early and get romantic, kiss, cuddle and muss the sheets, I'll be available this week, Tuesday Feb 8- Friday Feb 11- noon.....

However you spend the day, I hope it's filled with love.....



Happy Valentines day:)


So the bullshit continues...

02 Feb, 2022



This would be none of my business, but the person involved in this drama is also the very same person who some time ago, felt entitled and justified in copying and pasting an excerpt from my blog, not a link, but a full copy and paste onto Lyla, and brought drama from that site into my life...... ( and btw, this site,, which she took the excerpt from, is Dmca protected). It remained on their site for a number of days before it was removed, and again, at no cost to the copy and paster. This person who claims to have an "unapologetic mouth", seems to be able to get away with just about whatever she chooses to do on Lyla, with the mods and admins of Lyla and some other sp's aiding and abetting her. I can only imagine the anger and distrust the client who was outed, must now feel......What will she post next? That sp only area, and the site itself, has always been a  popularity contest and places where gossip flourishes, favortism rules, and it just depends on who's back is being scratched, as to whom will end up ousted (banned), or safely stayed within it. 

  It's been a number of years now since my membership was ended on cerb/lyla, and before that happened, I too was ousted from that sp only area....why? Because a still active ebony member, who loves butterflies, felt the need to report me to the mods because she wanted them to believe that I was a safety risk. Back then, I was a new kid on the block, a new member to Lyla, she had been a member for 3+ yrs, at that time. Being new, initself, was threatening to some. I was also strongly opinionated, even more so than I am know, lol....I was also not part of any escort collective, and I had differing views on escorting to many on that site. Namely, I didn't believe that any bare services were safe......In those days, and because of what I had been taught, I believed  that giving oral without a condom was a big no, no. Yet for many on Cerb, (Lyla) then, bbbj was common practice, a necessary service to be provided if you called yourself a GFE escort, and touted as being safe......I've since developed a different perspctive A different story for a different blog, lol)...anyways, back to the rat who reported me, lol....... She told them that I was still running escort services, lol. She told lots of people, lots of different things. She does seem to enjoy perpetuating untruths....At that time, anyone who was affiliated with, working for, or running escort services, was deemed unsafe to be allowed into the sp only area. The irony is, at that time, she was said to be still working ocassionaly for different services.....I wasn't. I still had two of the phone numbers, but I no longer had any employees, nor was I advertising as a service. I no longer wanted any dealings with other escorts and I was completely independent. I had my fill with dealing with escorts who had no problem working for pimps, lying, stealing, etc....When I joined Lyla, then called Cerb, I advertised openly using one of the phone numbers. I wasn't hiding it. As it would have been silly to move to online advertising and independence with a new number when I had so many clients who still favored finding numbers from the newspaper and the phone book and who wouldn't know how to reach me had I changed that number. No one I associated with had known anything about review boards, back then.... I kept the second number because I had paid nearly 6000$ to purchase it (I paid off the existing bill left by it's former owner) and, had I just let it go, another unsavory person in the biz would have gotten it....So.... this vindictive ebony escort, who by the way, back then, and unbeknownst to me, had worked for me, and apparently everyone else who was running services.  And who also claims to have a "truly sweet, one of a kind personality", must have forgotten her "sweet side", lol. She must have found her spiteful and vindictive side, the day she reported me. The effort she put into convincing some that I still had affiliation with my escort services and that I wasn't trustworthy was impressive. So... I was evicted from that sp only area....and here we are today. Different type of drama, with different players ....But the same vindictiveness, favortism and ass kissing, seems to be occuring . Another sp (escort) has been shown to have posted a clients complete id in that SP area, for all to see, and she still remains a member, yet another was banned for being honorable. Funny how some can get away with some things and others can't. And no, to my knowledge/experience, showing one another full client id's isn't necessary, nor common place. Sharing the names and numbers of problematic clients is....

 The seriousness of this imo, is being overlooked and will only make things harder for some of us to assure clients that their information is safe in our hands. Unless a client has been proven to be threatening, violent, or dangerous, only then should his indentity be made known. Even then, I'm not sure that posting it in a review board sp area, where no vetting is done, is the best way to deal with it. And Lets be honest, there are those escorts who do share information from that sp area , among their friends, (clients and escorts)....even though they're not supposed to, and not always with good intentions, or for valid reasons. So, what is allowed to be posted within it, should be very limited and carefully vetted. Dangerous people need to be dealt with beyond review board posts, and dealing with them needs to inolve the police or other professionals who know how to handle matters properly. Outing anyone is a serious matter.....and how that is handled is important. 

 So, as it seems, and even all these years later, there are still the same types of games being played, the same types of favortisms being shown, and the same disregard for those who aren't part of the "in crowd"(few favored escorts) of the day........ Although this is no surprise to me, I do hope that it opens those eyes who are surprised by all of this, to exactly how biased and unsafe those types of sites (review boards) actually are. I don't believe that there is any truth in their statement about them wanting to keep all escorts/clients safe. If that were the case, all their members would be shown the same treatment, and their concern for the industry and those involved within it would stretch beyond their site. From my view, nothing has changed, if anything, it's become worse.... 

*Update*....see the thread on  titled "Nervous Nelly" in the discussion section of Nova scotia escorts for more.....

 The hypocrisy within the thread is entertaining to say the least.....So...this outed member (NN) is now being described by a couple of escorts, to be a trouble maker, someone who no showed them, had multiple profiles, said to have written some fake reviews, had shown id that was questionable and so on. BUT another escort, who is NOT a part of those escorts clique, has come forward to claim that she met him more than once and was treated very well by should he have been outed by having his personal details posted in that sites Sp (escort) only decide. I will add, that on that site( Lyla) and over my years when I was a member there, there were a few male members who played the same types of games as this other guy (NN) is being accused of playing, and they were never outed in this manner, nor banished from the site. As a matter of fact, one of the outspoken ladies in this thread, actually defended one such client, because he paid her and treated her well. This is why I continue to have disdain for that site and for some of it's members. It's a biased site run by hypocritical people who'll allow their favored members and friends to get away with the same shit they'll ban or condemn others for. An example of Lyla"s bias towards some, a member named vegeta85, a couple of years ago, said quite a few disparaging remarks about me and posted them on another site and showed himself to be troublesome, yet no one from Lyla complained then about his posting crap all over the internet and he was allowed to maintain his membership on Lyla. (Remember, Lyla claims to be a site all about community, and protective of *all* ladies) A couple of years later..... He went on to make disparaging remarks about the escort (SA) who outed the other member (NN) and posted those remarks on another site (sp411) , and for that, Vegeta85 gets banned from Lyla. (SA) comments in the (NN) thread  that the reason for his ban was because " he cross posts bs on sp411 (another review board) but note his doing this only became problematic when he did to SA!!....... She (SA) also makes the claim that because a client treats one escort well, doesn't  mean he'll treat others well......Yet one of her friends defended a client who did just that .This client booked a few ladies all for the same day/time and only paid a couple of them, me being one he didn't pay. He was also known to have stalked another escort, yet he paid (SA's) friend and treated her well, so he was defended and said to be a good client. On Lyla, it's not about inclusion, but just depends on who does what to whom as to what action, or inaction will be taken and the only time a serious issue is addressed is when it happens to one of the members who is favored by or a part of the board...... I had to laugh when (SA) used Vegeta85's posting stuff from one site to another as the reason for his ban, as she (SA) did the exact same thing to me....As I mentioned before, she had no issue in the past, copying an excerpt from my blog and then pasting it on Lyla, lol,.......maybe she'll post this one too!!......Seems she can " cross post stuff all over the internet", yet, apparently, when someone else does it to her, only then does it become problematic...... The hypocrisy is rampant, the bias pervasive, and the bullshit they like to spew about "being all about community", and protecting all ladies, is just that, bullshit. 

 To summerize.....An escort outs one guy and chases him off the site/review board because he was said to have been shitty to her (SA) and some of her(SA) "friends". Yet another escort who is not a part of their clique came forward and commented that this guy was good to her and that she saw him a few times without any issues and she gets mocked by SA and is not given any support. Other shitty clients who are good to the escort (SA), and her friends, yet shitty to those who aren't members, or whom aren't part of (SA's) clique,  apparently get to remain anonymous and maintain their memberships!! And good lord, it turns out, the escort, (SA), that percipitated all this drama, is a part of Lyla's town council, as she claims in one of her comments, LMAO. It doesn't get any more ridiculous than this!! GT's last comment concerning the admin of that board, hit the nail on the head!

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Lol, apparently Zachmont needs a lesson....

31 Jan, 2022   .....

Apparently if you are not a member of Lyla, you are then a "random Leolist escort", lol, and since I and so many others, are considered  "random" people on leolist (LL) and not lyla members, we are, according to this "Zachmont", also not worthy of being a first timers choice. LOL!! When will these deluded review board suck ups realize that Lyla and LL (Leolist) are one in the same. They are the same sites, owned by the same people, who have the same motivations, and that a review board doesn't determine any escorts value, nor does their membership on one determine, nor guarantee, that their service will be better than or safer than any other escorts. Most of those who advertise on lyla, also advertise on LL, so those who continue to perpetuate the myth that good escorts are found solely on Lyla, are being silly. I get that some like to stick with a site that has treated them favorably, but being realistic and honest with people should matter. And just because a site treats you & your friends well, doesn't mean that site is better, nor faultless. Stating that all lyla escorts are safer, or "better than", just isn't truthful. Review boards support escorts who purposely undercut, who knowingly use an identical website template as others use in their area, who act like mean girls, and  who do other unprofessional things. How is that being supportive to the community? Affirming that because someone has a membership on Lyla or any other review board, means anything beyond simply having a  membership there, is far reaching and nothing more than a personal opinion. As well as having some wonderful escorts/clients, Lyla and other boards, also has member escorts who are unrealiable, not independent, and who provide any thing but safe services. Escorts don't suddenly become professional/safer/better because they join a review board, lol!! Those sites also have plenty of clients who are disrespectful, low ballers, rate negotiaters, liars, and game players.

 To believe, that a forum, or any advertising platform makes any escort good, more professional or more worthy of being seen, is foollish and naive, as does believing that because someone has gained the favor of, or the disdain of, a few clients (having favorable or negative reviews/recos) means anything beyond that they've met some clients who've they've meshed with or not meshed with, or done favors for, or refused service to. And lets be honest, what is said about any escort in any review or reco, is usually said for some sort of gain....remember that. If you want an escort that'll be good for you, use google. It holds no bias. Google Halifax escorts/or imput whatever city you're in/escorts, then peruse those links. A realible, safe, professional escort will advertise on a few different advertising platforms, and also invest their time on social media, such as twitter/instagram/snapchat/onlyfans, etc. It is those sites that'll also hold less bias and give you more insight to the escorts personalities, and other clues that'll help you determine who is right for you.....  Then once you find someone on those advertising sites  whom you feel you're attracted to, look to see if they have a personal website and recent ads posted, read through all of those. Most pro escorts do have a personal website and advertise on multiple platforms, and it's within those that'll you'll find rates, and all the details that will help you determine if the person you're reading about is right for you. It is also preached on review boards that a good escort has to have multiple reviews......that is a fallacy. Many professional escorts have a no review policy. So there are great escorts with no reviews.... Because some of us have learned just how manipulative, self serving and abusive reviews/recommendations have become and we don't want to be a part of any of that. Once you have selected the escort who most interests you, and you've read through their website/ads, contact them as they request. Then have an honest conversation about what you seek, and what they are willing to offer, bearing in mind that speaking about sex for money is illegal. So no explicit questions. You're doing yourself a disservice by sticking to only one site, and to only those one, two or even a few escorts who've been recommended. Doing so will only limit your choices and cause you to possibly miss out on meeting that someone who is exactly right for you, and not just right for Zachmont or his like, lol.

There are plenty of escorts and even more clients who despise and avoid review boards. When someone isn't mentioned on one, that should be thought of as a positive, not a negative, since some of us do value discretion and don't favor gossip!


What makes a good escort....or a good client

31 Jan, 2022

The truth about escorting is that those of us who sell our time, do it for a variety of reasons, and many do it willingly and some do it reluctantly. Some do it because they've no other choice/s, not because they enjoy it or even because they've choosen it. Some do it to feed a habit, some do it for thrills, some do it as a lifestyle/way of dating. Some do it simply for temporary financial gain, some do it for all the forementioned.....I do believe that the only way to survive within this industry, to remain sane whilst doing it, is to do it for legimate reasons. Meaning, you see it as a means to an end, as a stepping stone, or you do it because you truly find enjoyment/satisfaction in all or some aspects of it. Doing it because you've no other choice, or to feed a habit, or for any reason that isn't healthy for your mental, or physical health, will only bring problems to you and those you see.And I say this based on what I've seen/experienced personally.  As much as I believe there are great, intelligent, and kind people, both escorting and purchasing the services of escorts, I know there are also those who are cruel, abusive and looking to take advantage of others. And the latter includes escorts and clients......

I see abuse between escorts often. It's like being in high school all over again. Body shaming, age shaming,  name calling, undercutting, copying print material, copying brands, styles, and another form of abuse is when escorts enjoy classifying one another. Meaning they put escorts on different levels of worthiness/value/successfulness and then act like mean girls towards those they feel are below them. They'll praise and only associate with those who are of a certain price level, who advertise with pro photos, who see certain types of clients and host from specific types of incalls. They'll demean, shun, and distance themselves from other escorts who don't operate the same, and encourage others to do the same. Or they'll just shun those escorts who aren't of their mindset. They assume every escort aspires to reach or achieve their preconceived idea of success and style of escorting......I've learned that many escorts who operate as such are most often those who despise escorting the most......Monetary gain, noteriety, especially within escorting, can bring out the worst in some people. Recently there was a quote from a Lyla escort who mentioned that she understood that girls blurred their faces in ads for privacy reasons, but because clients have told her differently, she now believes some girls are better off not showing their faces. She also went on to say that "good escorts" don't stay in motels, only hotels, lol. WRONG!! I glean from her quote, that her and her clients discuss who is attractive and who isn't, which is so childish and unporfessional, and that she believes that where an escort stays determines an escorts value....which is incorrect!! But typical to the behavior and chatter of a few misguided, uppity escorts who belong to the review board, Lyla. Clients too, can be abusive in various ways. They'll demean specific escorts who don't bow to or worship those they review positively (their favored escorts), or towards those who haven't serviced them to their liking, or who don't meet their physical standards. Clients and escorts alike have used the review system/review boards as a tool to abuse and manipulate others in the biz.  In it's inception, I do believe it was a system started with good intentions, to keep both parties safe and informed. But it's since been so perverted and misused it no longer serves a worthwhile purpose other than being a tool for those escorts and clients with ill intents, and self serving motives.

The facts remain, good escorts exist at all price levels, are escorting for a variety of reasons and host from all levels of accommodations. A good escort is a good, trustworthy person, someone of good character. It's as simple as that. What they own, where they advertise, what they wear, should never be what determines their character, nor worth as a human, or escort. A good escort provides their patrons with safety, good service and has no ill intents or manipulative motives towards their patrons or peers. They simply want to exchange a discussed service for a decided reward. Good escorts exist in all legal age brackets, advertise on all different styles/levels of platforms and dress in all different styles and manners of clothing and lingerie. There are also great clients of all legal ages, affordability levels and with varied looks. Clients aren't "bad" because they seek intimacy when they are already coupled, nor are escorts "bad" because they sell their time/sexual services for only monetary gain. People are complex beings, with complex issues, and not all have bad intentions. We have to learn to hear beyond what is being said through gossip, and see beyond what people show us visibly. I always encourage clients to talk to the escort they want to meet and escorts to speak to their clients and to be honest about what you each want/expect. You have to learn to hear sincerity and learn to see what the signs of abuse and missuse are. It should matter that you seek out someone who is a decent human being, and not someone wishing to harm themselves, or anyone else. You also should learn to make your own decisions when choosing who to see. Only we can determine who will be suitable for our own needs......



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Why phone calls only.....

19 Jan, 2022

Since I'm occasionally asked why I request phone calls only, instead of texts, I'll once again answer....I feel I'm very good at hearing red flags, and sensing from voice inflections who will and won't be ideal to meet. I've learned a lot over the years about personalities and the games some people play in this industry and I can often detect things when having a conversation within the first couple of minutes......The questions I ask also help me learn certain things....and the questions I ask will differ from person to person. Determining who is going to be a good date is a skill, and one that although isn't fool proof, certainly helps me prevent wasted time and energy. Every escort will want to be contacted in a specific way for their own reasons, please respect that.

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Oh January...

18 Jan, 2022

It may not be apparent when you meet me, as I'm a glamour girl through and through.....But I love being outdoors, hiking, or enjoying other outdoor activities. This month, it's been rough going. The weather has been such a mixed bag of freezing temps to fierce winds to heavy rain, that my outdoor hikes have been greatly limited. It's left me somewhat bored, and restless. A good day is one in which I've walked dogs for a couple of hours, hiked a new trail or walked to a store......walking is my favorite exercise and exercise is something that I need daily. Of course there are other things I do, but the start and often end of my day is only good when walking is involved. Today is anotber wet one :( but I'm going out However you enjoy starting and ending your day, enjoy, be safe and be kind!!



Yes they should be banned.....

11 Jan, 2022  Only qualified persons and within controlled areas should fireworks be allowed. I'm sick of idiots with a need to hear bangs, and flashes of colored lights, having the ability to shoot them off anytime and whereever they choose. So yes, please ban consumer fireworks!


How to find a safe, reliable, professional escort

10 Jan, 2022

I wonder if the guys who need another's opinion of who they should be intimate with also ask other's about what foods to eat, what color underwear should be worn on any particular day, and other things that are, well, clearly personal, and only discernible by one person, the person seeking the intimacy! I wonder this because you see daily on review boards, men asking other men, who should be seen, who shouldn't, who's safe, etc......It used to make me laugh, cause me puzzlement, now I just feel sorry for those who have no idea of how to choose a companion for their needs.

So once again I'll list what you need to know in order to feel secure about choosing an escort who is safe to meet.....

Goggle is your friend and holds less bias than any review or recommendation board, use it to your advantage! Google Halifax escorts, or insert whatever city you're in/escorts then cross reference the links you find. Escorts who are invested in their business advertise on mulitple advertising sites.....I believe that an escort with a personal website and or a strong social media presence, will most likely be the safest bet...why? Because they are investing in their business and their reputation, and doing so means they will also want to invest in a clientele. This means they'll want to attract clients who will repeat. "Regulars" or "repeat clients" are important to all escorts who wish to remain relevant for any length of time. And in order for a client to repeat or revisit an escort, that escort needs to provide a good and safe ( safe, meaning no harm will come to the client)  service and will have something in common with that regular client. This means the escort and the client will share some compatibility and chemistry. AND this is NEVER something a review or reco can convey to you. Compatibility and or chemistry can only be experienced *personally* and only you can determine if you will have chemistry/compatibility through *personally* communicating with the escort. Another persons positive experience will never guarantee that you will have the same or even a similar experience....So in order to assure yourself you are meeting someone right for you, *YOU* need to converse with the escort. I cannot reiterate this point enough... If that escort won't talk to you, either by text, email, or over the phone, see that as a red flag, and move onto someone who will converse. Ask appropriate, non sexually explicit questions. Any professional escort will be offended if queried about specific sex acts. Speaking personally, I seek to meet men who choose me based on more than my physicality. I need metal stimulation in order to be sexually stimulated, and there are many others like myself. It's one thing to politely ask what isn't allowed, it's another to graphically list sex acts you expect to engage in. If a menu of sex acts is all you seek then look for escorts who advertise those and take your chances........It's a given that any professional, discreet escort hired will provide a clean, respectful client with service that will satisfy. And remember it is illegal to purchase sex, it is legal to buy our time.......So it's just silly to expect anyone who deems themself professional, to answer questions such as how much for a bj, or for msog, can I lick your pussy,  etc..... Be honest with yourself about the rapport you experience with the escort you contact.... and do not ignore bad rapport. DO NOT choose someone based solely on their physical traits, unless that is all you care about. And in that case, none of my advice will likely matter. Because no matter what I say, you are thinking with you little head and that is the head you'll be lead by.......and that is the head which most often leads men into problematic situations. And please know screening is common practice. Escorts who are safe to see will want to screen you ( meaning they'll ask you questions, and request proof of your identity) and each will have a different method of screening which suits their needs. Never argue this, if it makes you uncomfortable, simply move on to someone else. Screening is done foremost to assure ourselves that the clients we accept will do us no harm. We also screen  for compatibility/chemistry and other reasons. A professional escort will never abuse your information. We want it protected as much as our own privacy. After all, We want you to come back.

Professional escorts advertise on more than one platform and many tour different cities, provinces, towns, even countries. Check the escorts ads and read them!!...... We also have presence on one or more social media sites. If an escort is new and only advertising on one advertising site, and has no social media presence, see that as a red flag and move on. Most escorts today invest more time on their social media, than on any other platform. Be that onlyfans, twitter, instagram, snapchat, facebook, is there or their personal websites that will educate you the most about the escorts personalities, boundaries, likes/dislikes, attitude, requirements, etc, etc. Read all their information before you contact them. There is nothing more off putting than receiving contact from a client who asks "how much", "are you working", "how do I book", etc, etc. When all the questions asked are clearly listed on our ads, websites and other media.....

Choosing who to see initially, should be easy for you. Since it's only you who knows what you like and why you are wanting to see an escort. Determining whether or not the escort is "safe" to see also can only be determined by you, and is not a difficult task, if you use your brain & follow my tips^. Also..... How an escort expects payment won't always determine red flags.....Some safe to see escorts want giftcards, some want etransfers, some request deposits, some only accept payment in person. We all have different reasons for why we accept payment as we choose. Again, first and foremost, research the escort. If everything else looks good, there is no need to question their payment methods. Again.... Google and see how many ads the escort has, check for a personal website, & social media presence and read all of it. Then talk to the escort, either by email, text or via a phone call. Only then will you be able to know if someone is right FOR YOU. John, Bill, Tim, or Tom, etc, might have had a great time with an escort, but their time was good because of the rapport they had, because of what they payed, because of how they engaged, because of what they said, and or possibly promised.....etc, etc. Remember that. Not all of what some say about some escorts is shared honestly in reco's and reviews, nor through dm's. Not all clients are actual clients either.... Reviews and reco's can come from having an agenda attached as can personal opinions. Some clients will only promote escorts who've given them a discount, or who advertise lower rates, or who perform specific services. Some clients promote an escort they've become personally smitten with, in an attempt to gain further attention from that escort....there are many, many reasons why some escorts get rave reviews, and not always are those reasons honest or earned.

Again....Use your, and research. If you rely on reviews, be mindful of who's writing them. Be reasonable, sensible, and honest with your expectations when choosing your escort. Explain to the escort, with polite, articulate words, what you expect, and be mindful and informed of what the escort offers and which boundaries are implemented. Then when you are sure you've made the right choice, enjoy the relaxation and shared passion your choosen escort will offer you....

But no matter how many of us explain what to do, what not to do, you'll still get RB (review board) idiots doing the exact opposite all while expecting a postive outcome.....

After writing this blog it came to my attention about an established escort, who's been verified on the local review board, and who has a professional website and who has an implemted DNR/DND (do not review/do not discuss) request. Who was being discussed on the local review board. The guys were questioning her legitmacy???? The stupidity, and lack of respect shown to her in that thread is just sad....and once again is representative to why I despise review boards. Even with clear instructions of how, what ,when, where of how to connect with escorts, even with all we advertise, even with clear do's and don'ts posted on our sites, you get review board idiots who ignore all of it and post, and ask whatever they choose. The boards have given these empty headed, brainless idiots and their like, a forum to post on to exploit and abuse whomever they choose. I call them idiots because that's how they look and sound, as this lady spoken of has offered all those wanting to see her, all the necessary material for them to be assured she is professional/verified/real and safe to see!! Yet they still question her safety and legitimacy, and even with her DNR/DND in place they also ignore that and open a thread asking about her. (the thread has since been removed, thankfully)

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Aging as an escort....

09 Jan, 2022

It's funny to look back at my early years in this profession, back when by all accounts, I'd have been considered young. Back when all I thought was important was being young. Back when others without any value, could influence my thoughts, my actions. To compare how I was then, to today's version, is interesting.....and yes sadly funny. Sad to see how some useless, unimportant , hateful people influenced me. Funny to think I was truly that naive and gullible.   It's now been a couple of decades that I've dabbled in all aspects of the escorting business. Within the first decade I popped in and out of the industry. I'd dabble in it then leave and move onto other professions, and aspirations. Yet I always came back to escorting.....Within the second decade, and with all I had experienced and learned, I stayed, feeling more comfortable with it, and more secure about how to handle all that was thrown at me. In this decade, I limited the time I devoted to escorting, remaining part time, while doing volunteer work and keeping it and my personal life as my priorities.

I've changed a lot. Physically, and mentally. I see things for what they are, not as some review board toitwaffle says they should be. I ignore negativity, gossip, and listen only to relevant people who make statements based on theory, science, and who've no agenda, or ill intent towards their peers. I'm still soft hearted ( no one can change that, thankfully). Although what nfluences me, what makes me think, what turns me on, has all changed. What used to turn me on was so simplistic back in the day. Now as I've aged, and grown, to be turned on requires more mental stimulation, than just physical lust. What catches my eye and tweeks my interest, isn't fleshly perfect, not sparkily's aspects of a persons character. Deeds of kindness, consideration, it's about humilty. Sure I still love being touched, kissed and seduced, but without  the mental stimulation, without my partner having specific characteristics, then he might as well be stroking/kissing a guitar, as he'd get a better response, lol. Cheers to getting older. It may mar our flesh, but how it grows our minds, how we see things, is beautiful and thank goodness for that.




Quote of the day....

09 Jan, 2022

Found it on twitter   quote... 'There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self"-Ernest Hemingway

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I think this is a brilliant idea...

06 Jan, 2022

On twitter a person suggested, to celebrate Betty whites 100th birthday, Jan 17/2022, we should all make a donation to an animal charity on that day. Sadly the renowned animal activist, actress, comedian and all a round amazing human being, passed away on Friday December 31/2021. As has been said, Heaven is now much brighter....

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04 Jan, 2022

There is no other sexual activity that I crave more than giving a horny man a good ball licking and cock worshipping. I love getting on my knees and showing a healthy, clean cock just how much I appreciate it. It's often a toss up to what I'll adore more, your balls, or your tip and shaft...and although I don't allow cim (cum in mouth), I must say, I'm often tempted. I love all shapes and sizes of cock, truly, but I have to admit, shaved is a preference. And not because I dislike the look of hair on a mans genitals, it's because it causes interuptions in my playtime. Stopping to pick hairs out of my mouth is neither sexy, nor fun. 

My technique...although it often varies....

 I like to take turns licking and sucking, using my lips and tongue in conjunction, to bring you to your stiffest ability. Then when I feel you are reaching your peak, I'll change my technique to tame you. I love watching a man cycle in and out of sexual bliss.The sounds and facial expressions are as exciting as the act itself. I love to dance on your balls with my tongue, teasing, taunting, gently suckling each one. Slowly I work my way up your shaft paying close attention to the head where I'll dance my tongue until you twitch with desire.....while my tongue and lips entertain your cock, my fingers will gently tease your balls and perineum. Sending waves of pleasure throughout your body, and sometimes a finger may slip into your asshole...... And beware, my stamina and hunger for cock worship are vast, I can do this endlessly.....Would you like to participate:)


It's Zoonotic....

02 Jan, 2022

When will people learn that factory farming does nothing but feed greed, and spread diseases. It's time people woke up and started to realize that cheaper meat is bad for our health, environment and for animal welfare. We need to embrace and encourage those who farm responsibility and who respect their animals. Until we do we should only expect viruses like covid 19/delta/omicron, to continue on......

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Happy New year!!

31 Dec, 2021

I'm so excited to welcome in a new year. I expect 2022 to surpass 2021, in only good ways. I've had a few struggles in the past year, but thankfully they were only minor. And I believe they were minor because of how I reacted to them, not because they were insignificant. I've learned anything can be overcome, especially when you understand what deserves attention, what does not, and what is important in life. 

My clients have been wonderful, and their return visits have solidified just how appreciated I am by many. I hope they feel as appreciated by me. In my years of escorting I've learned that many clients seek escorts out as much for the intimacy of a personal connection, as much as some do for simple sexual gratification. People crave to be with a person who will accept them as they are, with whom they can confide honestly without judgement. And with whom they can trust to hold all their intimacies privately.Sex is fun on it's own.Yet when someone decides to share their inner secrets, deepest desires and their bodies, that connection surpasses just a sexual one. It bonds two people and makes the sexual intimacy more profound. I say profound, because even as close as we can become connecting with oneanother mentally, soulfully, and physically, there are still boundaries that are not crossed, and that understanding, makes such relationships, imo, profound .

So to all who read this, may your New Year be filled with memorable connections, fun, happiness and much prosperity. Happy 2022!!

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I'm back...

30 Dec, 2021

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and are preparing for a safe and Happy New year celebration. I'm back in the city and will be accpeting phone calls for booking dates after Jan 4th. I hope to hear from you and wish you all a New Year filled with hope, happiness, love and prosperity.

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Ho, ho, ho...

13 Dec, 2021

Wishing everyone a happy, fun, peaceful and safe holiday season. I'm available this week, Dec 13th-Dec 17th by appointment then away until Dec29 th....I hope to see you then...

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Lets have a naked party

02 Dec, 2021

It's finally December, my favorite month. Christmas vibes are in the air, and I'm in the mood to celebrate. Lets have a naked party. Just you and me....What better way to ring in the holiday season. Lets stand under the mistletoe, kiss, caress and then move into the bedroom for some playtime that would make Santa blush!!. I'm waiting....

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Found this on twitter

29 Nov, 2021

Some of us need to consider this......

Quote- When a flashlight quits working or just grows dim, do you just throw it away? Of course not, you replace the batteries.When a person messes up, or finds themselves in a dark place, do you just cast them aside? Of course not, you change their batteries. Some need AA, attention and affection. Some need AAA, attention, affection and acceptence. Some need C, compassion. Some need D, direction. And if they still don't seem to shine, sit with them quietly and share your light.

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27 Nov, 2021

It was an eventful day. It started at 10 am, visiting with a lovely gentleman. A man who took the time to read my ads, website, and who booked me with the notice (24hrs) I prefer, and respectfully so. He was gentle, considerate, smelled fabulous and brought me a gift ( so thoughtful). As I was getting ready to meet him another client I have seen a few times contacted me at 935 am asking if I could see him that same morning, I replied I could at noon. That way I'd have enough time to clean up, get set up again and to take a breather....he said no, he was hoping for earlier.....( keeping in mind, this is a client who contacts me 1-2 x's yearly. Who I have explained to before that I need 24 hrs notice, especially for morning appts),  so my snarky attitude towards him was well deserved......Hmmm, I responded, "should I cancel my 10am". He responded "That's up to you". Needless to say I suggested to him to seek out ladies who'll book asap, or within 30 mins, who don't require their clients to be considerate, or even polite. I then went out for some shopping therapy and to find some of the black Friday sales and to enjoy the gift I was given. Upon getting home, another client, who claimed to have seen me before, contacted me again, wanting to meet. I say again, because he's reached out a couple of times, but my availability never suited him and with promises of contacting me again with more notice. This was at 330pm....I told him I could be ready for 5 and would consider an hour appt, he had asked about a 30 min appt.....he responded that he couldn't meet for 5 as he had obligations for that time. Hmmm, I thought, WTF is wrong with some of these guys. If you are contacting me at 330, and have to be somewhere for 5, you are either lying about your commitment or just confused about my requirements, and with travel time, how would even a 30 min visit be possible? So he's another guy who I've since blocked from my call list, and it felt so freeing to do so. Why would anyone think that I'd want to spend any amount of time with men who can't even take into consideration any of my requirements or needs. Apparently some think their 250-350$ will make or break me, lol!! Please understand, at this stage in my escorting life, money is not my only motivator. Who I spend time with means more. How you treat me either motivates me or repels me and I'll do without clients, if the pool is only full of the likes of those two from yesterday. Thank goodness for the good guys!!

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How to get a good reaction from an escort....

25 Nov, 2021

Lets face it, there are some clients who simply don't care about the escorts they contact. They simply want what they want from them, and on their own terms, regardless of the escorts needs.They show no respect for the escorts they contact. They don't read their ads, websites, or even do any research. They see their pictures and if they find the escort appealling, they contact that escort in a manner that is convenient to them, not as the escort requests and for service asap. Without consideration to how much time needed the escort has indicated in their advertising. It is also these types of clients you'll notice that have the most problems with being ripped off, bait and switched, stood up, etc, etc.....and who'll also complain the most about such incidents on review boards...... 

If a client wants to be treated as a "lover", as a "boyfriend", and not just another "wad of cash", and avoid any misdeeds, when visiting an escort, then show they need to show the escort contacted some respect. Show us that you are worth our time.When contacting an escort, introduce yourself. "Hey's", "was ups", "how you doin", etc, leave most of us shaking our heads laughing, then hitting the ignore buttons, or hanging up, and moving onto clients who are interesting, articulate and worth investing our time with. After all, who wants to spend time with illiterate people who can't even introduce themselves properly. To get a sense of compatibilty, which always leads to a better date, research the escorts social media. Read their linked website/s, if there is one, and read in full, any ads they have posted. Follow their requested contact protocol, and give the escort the notice they request. Respect and considerations, garner respect and considerations.... If they request 24 hours notice to book a date, don't contact them and ask if they'll see you in 20-30mins.....If they require a deposit, don't contact them and complain that you can't provide that deposit because of this reason or that reason. If an escort requires a deposit and you aren't comfortable providing one, move on and find an escort who doesn't require one. If the escort requires you provide  ID, to verify your identity, provide that or move on. Reputable, professional ladies set up protocols because they are reputable, professional and reliable. They put time and money into their advertising, websites, and other media, and do so to attract clients that are willing to follow their requests. Not to waste time on people who are illiterate, inconsiderate and rude. We provide all this necessary information to inform you of our validity, availability, and to give you a sense of our personalities, likes and dislikes. All you have to do is to take a few minutes to read our media/posts. That is the very least you can do.......not much to ask of you in order for you to spend time with a beautiful companion.

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Don't paint us all with the same brush.....

20 Nov, 2021

The biggest mistake any client of any escort will make is comparing any of us to oneanother. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we're all different, and we all have the right to present, advertise and market  ourselves as we see fit. That includes pricing our time and or services as we see fit. Not as any client deems we must, or should. And as much as I don't understand why some escorts price themselves below what they could ask, I also realize it's not my place to judge, nor are their reasons for their pricing any of my business. It is also the mistake for any one client to assume that because some escorts charge a particular rate, that then it's the rate we all should charge. We all may offer some of the same services, yet we offer those in different locations, with differing skills and techniques. We all also expend differing costs for those services, and yes it is the client that should incur those costs. As with any business person, your costs of running said business shouldn't exceed your earnings. Some escorts don't mind seeing multiple clients to meet their costs, other escorts have higher rates so they can meet their costs, all while seeing a smaller number of clients. We all have differing motivations.The client has the right to choose which types of escorts he prefers, but when he believes his choices are for all and expects all escorts to operate as his choices do, he loses credibility.

 It could also be said that price isn't always a determinate to anything other than what someone charges......An 80$ bj may be better than a 400$ bj, and a 400$ bj may be better than an 80$ bj......The only thing you can be assured of when you see like pricing by a variety of escorts, is that there are people competing for clients. And the only thing that can be determined about rates today, is that there is a variety. It's best for all to remember that this is a luxury service, not a necessity. It is a privilge for any client to be allowed such personal interactions with any escort. And the cost requested for those interactions should never be questioned, nor judged. Either pay it or don't. And if you don't find the rates fair, or to your liking, it's not your business,  so shut up about it and move on......

I base my rates on the number of clients I want to see, the types I want to attract and what I deem an acceptable fee for todays economy. If I could charge 300$ in 2015, why wouldn't I raise that rate 6 yrs later, especially upon the rise of everything else.Yet some do deem that as unacceptable, lol. I don't know of any other business where clients complain more (especially review board guys) about  escort rates rising,  than in escorting. Apparently we are the only people expected to pay more for everything, (hotels, gas, rent, supplies, internet, advertising, etc, etc) yet have no increase in our income. I'll never be able to control what people say, or think about this subject, but I can certainly add my comments. And when what is said condemns any escort for raising their rates, be assured that I'm going to add my 20 cents,lol. All costs rise, escort rates should also. When they do, as a client, you get to choose to either accept that fact and pay them, or shut up and don't.


Once again this site contributes to inappropriateness...

13 Nov, 2021

Yes I'm speaking about the review board, Lyla...I won't post a link to the thread of which I speak, as that would bring more attention to it. It is a thread alerting members to the death of an escort. My anger for him doing this, and for the moderators allowing it to be posted is, I believe it is infringing on the escorts and her families privacy. I don't understand the mindset that would think this is okay. It's intrusive and insensitive. Do her friends and family know she was escorting? Would she have wanted them to know? Would that escort have wanted anyone outside of her clientelle to know? Did any of her clients even know her real name?  Many of us hide our lifestyle from some family and friends, that is our right. For another person unrealted to, or without permission to post such news, is thoughtless and imo, selfserving. 

To the guy who posted this. I'll may have posted this with good intentions. Perhaps you don't understand that your post identifies her to all. Your thinking that not posting a link to her obituary, provides her and her family some privacy, is being foolish and naive. You posting her death with a link to her escort profile, outs her. How many ladies that age have died in that area recently? People can do their own searches and put 2 & 2 together. Posting this was unnecessary and inappropriate as is allowing the post to remain, Lyla moderators!!.

Update-thankfully the post has been removed. But imo a little to late. It was up long enough for numerous eyes to have seen it. Allowing them to know who the person actually was. This just solidifies my despise for review boards. They do nothing to improve escorting. They simply provide a safe place for those who've a need to post gossip, to be vindictive, to show off, and who enjoy posting their pointless comments. The boards only feed the appetites of bullies, liars, perverts and misogynists. And to be clear, men who appreciate and desire women aren't perverts. It's their actions and comments that discern a gentleman from a perv. Men that consider having sex with women, a "hobby" for example. Who gossip about the sexual activites shared, that's a perv. Men who contact an escort respectfully and then when in their presence respect their boundaries and treat the escort with consideration of their needs, and when not in their presence respect their privacy, are gentlemen.


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13 Nov, 2021

I was triggered by a picture posted by a twitter follower this morning, to write this blog. I have unfollowed this popular lady because of her proudly posing in a Chinchilla cropped jacket and lingerie. Doing so certainly made for nice visuals, but the deafness to the cruelty of vanity furs  that pictured and pose displayed incensed  me. And in 2021, if you don't know just how cruel, and unnecessary the fur industry is it's my opinion that you're just ignorant to reality and I just won't support someone who isn't sensitive to this. 

Years ago I too was blind to it and sought out expensive clothes trimmed in fur. I still have a custom fitted pink wool suit, with collars and cuffs trimmed in fur, which I paid more than 5000.00 for more than 15-20 yrs ago.On one of my gallivants to Montreal, and in Westmount square was a boutique shop that sold it, if I remember correctly. I only wore that suit 6-7 times, but hold onto it as a reminder of my stupidity. We all make choices in what we will put up with, ignore, and or accept. My choice was to become aware, compassionate, and less vain. Learning how fur animals are slaughtered and housed was enough to make me never wear their furs again. And for those who compare the leather trade to this, unless your speaking of exotic skins, which I too object to, then you've no point to be made. If an animal is a food animal and it's skin is then used for leather, I won't put up such a fuss, as I don't see it as the same as killing an animal for it's fur/skin alone.

Although I wish the world would become vegan, or even vegetarian, arguing against killing animals for food I've learned, is a fruitless effort. Arguing against using fur as vanity clothing makes sense. As it's just not necessary to sustain life, it's simply about your vanity, and your lack of compassion.There are many other clothing products that can keep us clothed and warm and that are also attractive and fashionable. If you need to wear fur to feel pretty, rich or for any reason, you're attributing to a horrendously cruel, unnecessary industry. And that isn't pretty!


Jingle bells, jingle bells.....

12 Nov, 2021

I suppose some will say it's to early to decorate for Christmas, but that's okay, it isn't to early for me. I've started. Christmas is my favorite time of year and I enjoy all of it. The food, the decorations, the music...... and this year I'm more excited and more appreciative than ever to be able to celebrate the season. It's been nearly two years since we've been able to congregate with friends and family,so this year is a special one. I'm feeling the Christmas cheer and hoping you are too!! Merry, Merry:)



06 Nov, 2021

It's the oddest thing. Men who insist on meeting with an escort who doesn't want to see them for whatever reasons. Then they become vindictive and play games with the escort who has declined them, or turned them away. It's as if they feel slighted because we can choose who we want to see. These guys will book, then cancel, or play other childish games, just to be vindictive, or as some sort of "payback". Some guys who are dead set against showing any proof of ID, will still contact escorts who clearly advertises that they screen, and require proof of ID. Then will promise to send it, all with no intentions of doing so.....Why? Some of the petty things some guys do, are well.....petty, pointless and so very childish, it's laughable. My requirements for clients are all clearly written on my indulgence page.Yet many will still try and circumvent those requirements, or play games because I have them. It's the oddest thing.

There are men who won't see mature women. I don't contact those men and play games, or become vindictive towards them. There are men, who prefer petite women, I don't contact those men and play games. Etc, etc. Get my point......

Some people need to grow up and realize escorts are business people. We have a right to choose our clientele. Just because you may want to see an escort, doesn't mean that is your right to do so. If an escort wants only non-smoking clients, if you smoke, DON"T BOOK. If an escort wants men of a certain age, and you are younger than that age, DON"T BOOK. If an escort wants to meet with men who have good teeth, and you have no teeth, DON"T BOOK. If an escort requests good hygiene and you're a slob, DON"T BOOK. Etc, etc......You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand this. You do have to be able to read and follow our requirements and requests to become a client, and that isn't to much for us to ask!!


Want to join me for a shower?

01 Nov, 2021

See my shower video on my profile on get wet together!!


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Happy November!!

01 Nov, 2021

It's another new month and one in which I'll be possibly touring to a couple of cities. I'm considering a trip to Charlottetown and one to Sydney. This week is a busy one for me, lots of personal things on the go. Once it is over I'll post dates if I decide to tour. My only hesitation with touring now is once again having a pup. That complicates things, as some may assume. So if I do tour I expect only those who are understanding and accpeting to those of us who travel with a pet to be booking. Have a great day and see you soon!!

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Happy Halloween!!

30 Oct, 2021

Halloween is a spooktacular time of year. I love dressing up and perpatrating tricks on people, lol. I also love candy. Although I don't get trick or treaters at my door I still but lots for me and to donate so less fortunate families can share with their own. This year I'm going dressed as someone other than "Cristy", LOL!! I've put much effort into my costume, to fool a few. It's fun to surprise people. I hope you and yours have a safe and fun Halloween.


Come at me all you pervs...

26 Oct, 2021

I'm ready to hear all those pedo pervs throwing out their stupid comments to me because of my disgust over men drooling and begging for Toffts towards a young lady on the local board advertising as 19. On that board it is also often posted "to be weary of those who advertise as 18/19 as they're often younger". Yet here we have men in the 40's/50's/60's all clammering for someone to take one for the team (TOFFT) so they can have their turn at this barely legal newbie 19 yr old teenager. Like lions circling a wounded antelope...... It's gross and sickening. And if you can't see why, then you are in need of someone explaining the concept of maturity, decency and gentlemanly manners to you.

There should come a time in everyone's life when they realize what's right and wrong. What is justifiable and what isn't. Desiring a younger woman might be natural, but there is a line there that should be drawn. Mature adults know where that line is. Decent adults know where that line is. Pedo's, pigs and pervs don't care.


What you charge...a thread for escorts

25 Oct, 2021

I thought this thread found on twitter is brilliant. It discusses escort rates


Rate increase.

17 Oct, 2021



I've grappled with the idea of raising my rates since the beginning of the year, especially after receiving  a major rent increase. Along with the rising food and gas prices, and with just about everything else going up, I've no choice but to raise my fee slightly, to keep up. I'll be raising it from 320 to 340 hrly as of Nov 1/2021. My half hour rate, which I now only offer when touring, will be raised from 220 to 250. Mostly because I'd like to weed out the types who take this session because it's a bit cheaper, rather than, because of only having that much time to spare. After all, my prep time and clean up time take up as much as my hourly fee. The only difference is the physical intimacy lasts just a bit I think the increase is justifiable. However, I understand those who'll be put off by this. For them there are other lovely ladies to choose from with differing rates......

I've always set my prices to a point to ensure that I'd attract a certain caliber of clients, which hasn't always been the case. I still get the few guys who can't afford my prices, but still insist on seeing me because they feel they've that right. I hold no judgement over anyone's work position, or walk in life. However, I do have a right to choose with whom I'm intimate with, and I prefer to entertain the type of gentlemen who can easily afford such fees and who choose their companions based on things other than $$$. In saying this, I realize there are also those who can easily afford my prices and who''ll want to see myself or other companions, just because they can afford us. Those types I also try to avoid.....I am low volume. I say this truthfully, not as an advertising ploy. So therefore when I decide to meet a gentleman, I take that time seriously and I want to enjoy the time spent as much as he does. So it is very important to me that I meet with men that are going to meet certain criteria, and who will add sometihing to my morning, afternoon or evening. Just as I hopefully will to theirs.

Paid companionship, as I see it, is a luxury service. It's not something anyone is entitled to, or needs. It's a treat, an indulgence......It's something that should be planned, respected and appreciated. Not gossiped about, or haggled over. Thank you for your understanding.....

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Happy Thanksgiving....

07 Oct, 2021

It's that time of year when we all get to be thankful. Although many have lost and suffered throughout this never ending pandemic, we call all still find something to be thankful for. I hope that this weekend will find you able to do so. May you be surrounded by those you love, may your cupboards be full and may you only experience happiness this weekend. Wishing you all a safe, enjoyable and delicious weekend. I'll be unavailable from Friday-Tuesday. Accepting clients for Wednesday-Saturday. Have fun!!


Again with the misinformation about GFE...

05 Oct, 2021

And of course it's on the review board Lyla....

1. Please stop perpetuating that the acronym "GFE" defines a menu of sexual services!! It does not. It represents a style of service, namely a style of service that gives the client the assurance that those advertising it will give them an experience that feels real, that makes them feel like they are with a girlfriend, instead of someone they've paid. A GFE escorts ultimate goal is to make the session feel authentic, natural, the client desired, and the whole experience feel nontransactional. The review board Lyla, at one time, (not sure if they still do, even listed this).  But certainly not in this thread!! I was once again disappointed to see that the boards mod never once reiterated this....she simply closed the thread.That board seems to  have a problem with clarity and truths.

It's disheartening to see one of their escorts again spreading misinformation and making unnecessary accusations about other escorts. I also found it interesting that this same escort reposted the list of recoed escorts in that thread without throwing any of them under the bus, when in fact, and I say this without any judgement, that some on that list are known to provide the very services she is protesting against......

I will suggest that anyone so worried about spreading disease, should abstain from having any kind of sex with multiple partners, especially partners whose sexual health is unknown. Just because you use condoms, doesn't guarantee that you'll be protected from an STI. It certainly lessens the risk, but it doesn't eliminate the risk. The only safe sex, is no sex, or sex with a partner that has tested negative for all sti's prior to your intimacy with them. Even then, that is no guarantee. As tests results are only indicative to a certain number of days, and false negatives can happen, and negative test results can be given all while still having another STI. Unless you test yourself, and your partner each time you have sex, there is a possibility of contracting something and transmitting it. All in all, we must use common sense, and yes using protection is better than no protection. But as adults we all do what we are comfortable with. And as escorts, the last thing we should be doing is judging one another.......Do what you are comfortable with, and allow others the same respect and PLEASE stop perpetuating the misnomer that GFE defines a menu of certain sexual services!! Thank you!

I'll also add, that a professional, reputable escort, doesn't need reviews, or an ad that lists them as being "verified" to be considered real, professional, or reputable. Return clients are any escorts assurance that they're doing what's needed. Our ads, social media, and personal websites are enough for anyone to evaluate our professionalism and validity. If there are people who feel those things aren't enough and therefore need another persons opinion, or some websites check mark( verification), well, that's their problem, lol......Even those with limited intelligence can distingusish the professional and real, from the unprofessional and scammers.

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Thank you!!

03 Oct, 2021

To my many regulars who've been keeping me busy, thank you!! To those new gents who've been so respectful, who showed up on time, and were so much fun, thank you!! You've made this never ending pandemic bareable. Being respectful, on time and discreet, makes me only want to visit with you more.

For a small few, just a kind reminder of what not to do

Never show up early to an incall and linger around waiting. If you find yourself early and your companion can"t see you yet, find a coffee shop, store, or somewhere else to park and wait. 

Never use your companions name if other people are within earshot. Most of us use a pseudonym and calling out our companion name may incite an uncomfortable conversation between your companion and their neighbors!!

Be aware of the gifts you in particular can elude to some gossip, if you are going to an incall which is  where your companion lives. Since suitors are usually the ones that bring flowers.....

Being discreet, means not allowing anyone to assume why you are going to a specific locale. You go in quietly, and leave quietly and as inconspicuous as possble. Looking like you are lost or confused will alert anyone looking to something suspicious and bring unwanted attention to you and your companion. If you become confused call your companion with your issue/s from a neutral locale then head back to the incall.

If your companion gives you instructions on how to enter, IE: don't ring the doorbell, or just walk in, etc, etc, follow those!! They are given for a reason. If you are asked to park somewhere, park "somwhere"!! Instructions are given for a reason and they are meant to be followed!!

If you call your companion and there is no answer, calling back multiple times will make you seem stalkerish. It's impolite and unnecessary. Most have voicemail, leave a message! When I can't answe my phone it's either because I'm with a client, busy with something else, or I'm not working!! I have a personal life and that too can be very busy and there are also days that I want to enjoy away from technology and other people:)

All in all it's mostly about using your common sense and respect. Please always be keen to use both....

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The good. the bad, and the ugly....

03 Oct, 2021

The title is a short version of what every escort experiences on any day of their schedule, even those of us who screen. We all have had the good, bad, inbetween, even ugly experiences with clients. But if you screen well, your experiences will be more often good and great, rather than bad, inbetween or ugly....

 I feel bad for the younger, or the inexperienced escorts whose negative experiences happen more frequently simply because of their inexperience, or lack of screening, or ability to screen. To them I say please learn to screen properly and screen well. If a client is a review board member research their posts, they can be very telling. How they speak online will give you a sample of how you'll be treated. Do NOT accept a client telling you the tired line "they've more to lose than you" therefore they can't provide you with any screening information.....ask for their ID, you've a right to know who you are meeting. If they decline to prove their identity by either providing a selfie, governement ID, or with links to their online profiles, or in another manner which allows you to confirm their identity, decline them. You have more to lose than just their money should you deal with these types. More often than not, those clients who refuse to screen do so because they've an agenda to harm you, or because you knowing who they are will identify that they've already harmed someone else. And harmed may mean simply posting trash about someone. But beware, that someone could eventually be you!! Clients with the most to lose, are from my experience, the most likely to appreciate those escorts who screen and they will give their information willingly. Good clients are suspect of escorts who DO NOT screen.

 If a gentleman is flattering you, but demeaning to others, beware. If they gossip about other escorts they've seen, beware, as they'll eventually gossip about you too. If they openly discuss personal details about anyone, beware, they'll discuss yours as well. A good client is a discreet client.They don't discuss anyone they've been intimate with, other than mentioning them in regards to references. They don't demean other escorts or clients, for any reason and they don't negotiate, nor do they complain about anyones rates. Good clients are appreciative.They understand that this industry is meant to be diverse and they're respectful to all varities of persons who advertise or indulge in it. They understand the need for rate increases, and that all of us do things differently. They don't compare one escort to another.

Good clients are NOT those who post on trashy review boards. Don't be fooled by those who post trash about others, all while they praise you. Be assured, if you service these types, your turn for being trashed will come......Those clients who trash talk are indiscreet, even with those they've "appreciated". Everyone becomes their target eventually. These trash talkers hate the fact that they have to pay escorts for sexual attention. They hate the fact that they can't manipulate every new escort or this industry to meet their needs. They are especially hateful towards those escorts with experience and who have the sense to ignore them. These types of clients are immature, misogynistic, self loathing, gas lighting average joes. They are unsuccessful in their dating lives, and most often in miserable marriages.They are sexual failures and the only way they can get off is by manipulating those half their age, or younger, as they've no idea how to interact with more mature adults. These average joes are most often over 40, angry at the world for their failures in life, and rage against escorts who won't see them, or who they can't afford, manipulate or harm. They'll whine about the most inconsequential things and never accept blame for anything. Thankfully, they are a minority.

There are so many wonderful and balanced men, from all walks of life, that frequent escorts, and who make each experience a fun, enjoyable and memorable one. So stay true to yourself, only accept clients who make you feel better about yourself, and who accept your conditions. Any client who tries to dissuade you from doing things in a way you're comfortable with, isn't someone you should see. Always stand up for yourself, and put your needs first. Treat your clients with respect and make it known you expect the same. When escorting, PLEASE never allow the comments, or actions of a few useless goofs ruin it for you. Anyone can be successful in this industry with hard work and determination. We all have something to offer and we're all valuable. So never accept anyone telling you any different!!



26 Sep, 2021

I was asked to write a blog about this topic, and as a former Esthetician, I've a bit of experience with hair removal. In my past I did a lot of waxing.....but now that lasers are available, that might be a better option for those who desire a more permanent solution to removing their hair. 

So..... my opinion is those with lots of pubic hair, if you want your escort to enjoy doing oral on you, remove as much of it as possible, please. You can shave, wax or have laser removal. If you shave, you'll probably have to do so daily. Get a quality razor, gel foam for sensitive skin, and first trim it back, then take your time to shave the rest away. With waxing, depending on your hair growth, once a month or every 6 weeks will be necessary. Again, the first step is to trim it back to about 1/4 of an inch then apply the wax in the direction of the hair growth, then apply the wax removal strips and pull in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Lots of tutorials online, just goggle hair removal/waxing. With laser hair removal I assume it takes about 6 sessions to have permanent results on one area of the body......Remember to exfoliate any area on which you remove hair, As ingrown hairs for some, can become problematic. Again without writing a long how to , it's best to goggle and watch some tutorials on exfoliating. Never be embarrassed by your hair, or lack there of. There are many salons that do hair removal for men, on all boady parts, you just have to research to find one in your area.

I love hairy men, and men with little or no hair. It isn't pleasent though giving oral and having to stop mid play to remove hairs from my mouth. So at the very least trim it back to as short as possible, to avoid this from happeneing. Or book a session with an escort who is willing to do hair removal as an extra service....some of us do:) And remember, your hygiene will determine just how close any escort is willing to get with you. Happy hair removal!!


An example....

26 Sep, 2021

I met with an unbelievably sweet man recently. We've met before.....our dates are so comfortable, exciting and relaxing. From our conversation to intimacy it is all wonderful. So imagine if he left me a would be flawless and overtly complimentary. I had another client with whom things just felt awkward. He didn't speak much, he didn't react to much at all, yet a few weeks later he returned for another awkward visit.....which will be my last with him. Imagine if he reviewed me.....Imagine reading both those reviews. How would either help determine your interaction with me? Do you see the point I'm trying to make? Truthful reviews mean nothing when it comes to intimacy. As chemistry, compatibility and attraction all determine just how great things will or won't be and those determinants can only be discovered by meeting, not by another persons opinions, or by their personal interactions.

The notion that anyone would believe that an escort needs flawless reviews to be a top earner, or to instill a client with sense of "she's worth seeing" is foolishness, and nothing more than a wives tale brought about by review board owners and review board culture followers. It's a game.....

 Hitting it off with someone is amazing....but just because someone does, doesn't mean the person is great, better than or anything other than just someone you clicked with and because you clicked with them will not guarantee another will.......It's time people stopped falling for the ploys of reviews, who's got more, less, etc.....they don't mean a thing......

If you want to know if you'll mesh with an escort, communicate with them. Research them. Read their webistes/social media, etc.....then you'll have an opinion, your opinion, to whether or not you'll get along.... and that opinion IS the only one that matters. 


Sorry for my absence....

26 Sep, 2021

My personal life and regular clients have been keeping me very busy......Today I've a few minutes and so I've always found it curious that so many in this business will often make posts or comments about being an independent SW (sexworker) meant that as such we get to run our business as we see fit. IE: charge what we want, see whom we choose, work when we want, ect, etc. Yet I've noticded that these same people will often throw out do's and don'ts of how to operate our businesses.....Now I understand that *sometimes* this is done to help out newbies, as a kind gesture to help. Aside from that, I"ve noticed these "do's and don'ts" often come across instead as instructions as to how things should be done. We all want those starting out to avoid the mistakes we've made, yet we should also beaware that just because somethings we do works for us, they may not work for another and just because we feel the need to advertise, dress, or work a certain way, does not mean another should.....we all have our unique ways, please don't suggest that one is better than another......thanks!


And so the adventure begins.....

13 Sep, 2021

It's no coincidence that the next few days will be sunny skies, when things go this rightly, the weather too co-operates. My exciting journey begins tommorow and I'm so many changes coming. Hopefully your coming days will be lit with happy moments and excitement. See you soon!


My life just changed!

12 Sep, 2021

Well things have certainly changed for me on the past 24 hrs, I'm doing a happy dance, all while crying. I'm excited and's going to be a very interesting week.....keep your fingers crossed for me....

Those who claim to be #1

10 Sep, 2021

Be careful of those who promote themselves as being the best, #1, or better than, as often it's these types who'll stoop to the lowest levels to gain that perceived position. They're desperate for attention, and in need of acknowledgement and will do anything to gain notoriety. They'll also try to destroy anyone who threatens their position or who knows their true colors. Of course, like with anything, there are exceptions, not everyone promoting themselves in such a way, has malicious intents, nor are despicable human beings. Yet this one person, who pops in and out of the business, fits my description to a T!! She is a review board member, of course, as those boards seem to cater to such personalities. She thinks of herself as being "truly sweet", uses every adjective to describe herself that is known to be complimentary, lol, and has often copied many of my words. She even had the audacity, at one time, to claim that the expression "quality over quantity" was coined by her...imagine, lol!

So, three years ago I was doing quite well and had been quietly living in an upscale neighbourhood, in a condo building. Apparently knowing that ruffled the feathers of this spiteful, retaliatory person. As evidence of my escorting was gathered and handed over to the condo board, which ruled over the building I was renting a condo in. I don't often speak of this, but today for some reason, brought back the memory....I had lived in that condo for over a decade, and even though I disliked some things about living there, I had planned on staying, at least until my dog had passed. But that was cut short because of my outing. And in truth, I could have stayed, but because of people knowing my business, remaining there became uncomfortable, so I chose to leave. In the end it was a good decision. I'm now in a larger, more comfortable, and much more private locale, albeit, in a lesser neighbourhood. I've come to realize that no matter where I choose to live, as a renter, my home will never be a permanent one and not because of spiteful individuals such as her, but because of my desire for change. I'm also aware that as long as I do well, there will be someone angered by that, and on the look out to do whatever they can to try and change lifestyle. This same person worked hard, with a few others, to have me removed from the local review board, back in 2015, so her spite is long lasting and I suspect will surface again, lol.....I smile when I think about all this, as it just shows how much of a threat I am to her, and apparently a few others as .....I believe that some people can't stand to see an escort thrive, especially an escort who actually enjoys escorting. So many in this business promote themselves as loving what they do, yet in truth, they hate everything about it. Wouldn't it be nice if those people could find their peace, and allow others to live in theirs?


"when sex workers speak who listens"...

06 Sep, 2021

A worthwhile read....

Lyla again!!

06 Sep, 2021

Once again this review board has allowed one of their members to post retalitory crap on their board.

 In the general discussion area one escort has started a thread to "warn others" that another escort has an STI and is spreading gonorrhea. The escort posted a leolist list link to the escort she claims is spreading the STI, and Lyla, the review board, has allowed this......

I take issue with this because how does know the escort has the STI? Have they seen the medical tests and if so, how do they know those tests are real, and not from a malicious source?.....How do they know this isn't being said/done just to ruin this escorts name/reputation..... how do they know this other escort isn't saying this out of vindictness. Even if they had seen the medical records or been given medical proof that any escort or client has an STI, they do not have the right to post anyone's medical issues, with good intention, or not and should not be in the business of gossip, or of accepting second hand information/papers/pictures, etc. That is crossing a very dangerous line and should cause everyone upset. No one should be okay with this thread and should be advised that if this board allows this type posting, then I'd be very wary of them having any of your personal information......

A review board does not have the right to post anyone's personal information, that includes medical histories, real names, addresses, etc....A review board is not the place for anyone to make medical diagnosis, nor should names, or pictures, or links to those be allowed.....Review boards ARE NOT places that have the experitse to review medical tests/records, nor should they even accept them as proof of anything.. If I were that lady mentioned, I'd be calling a lawyer, and doing so ASAP!!! Shame on you for being so unprofessional.

We all want each and everyone in escorting to be safe, yet there are boundaries that can't be crossed. We all want those who are acting out in dangerous manners to be stopped, yet there are right and wrong ways of making sure they are stopped. 

Shame on all of you who continously and fervently support this board for not calling this out!!

Update: So the post has been removed, and in it's place, a post saying that "specualtion" isn't allowed on their site and that " Since when? It wasn't all that long ago one of their most coddled members copy and pasted one of my blogs onto there, with her specualitive comment that I did not want to be a "Team player" and other such posts have been posted in the past!! The updated post also said "that luckily the post wasn't up that long"....seriously!! It was up long enough to harm that escort! Shame on you for being so careless. Your site controls leolist, yandex, Vipfavours, and I'm sure I'm missing some other sites.... you've the ability to prevent this from happening! You've a mod/greenteal, who's ontop of every single post, yet this sladerous post was allowed to sit unnoticed! Why? Because it bore no information about anyone your site deems important, or worthy of protecting. Had it been about one of your minions, you know it wouldn't have even been posted. So much hypocrisy and favortism there....The mod also added that they didn't want to have to moderate everyone, lol....isn't moderation about moderating everyone/the whole site? Or do they just moderate those who don't kiss their asses....



06 Sep, 2021

I'm publishing this number because the person who owns it doesn't understand the words "stop calling", "I don't want you calling me", etc. If he contimues, next step will be police involvement. This person has left numerous obnoxious, crude voicemails and at all hours of the night and early mornings. His voice is shrill, loud and crass. His manner in which he speaks is uneducated and crude. I've spoken to him to ask him to stop, and his comment was "because I am what I am (an escort) and because I advertise online, I should expect calls like his"......


The problem with Iphones is you can block lots of numbers, and they won't show when they call, but the blocked caller is still able to leave voicemails.....

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Just wow!!

05 Sep, 2021   It's shocking to me that this has happened. Women's rights once again have been set back years......Now in Texas at 6 weeks a fetus is considered a human being and so it's illegal to abort, even if the child is conceived out of incest or rape. Yet they'll kill you if they deem you guilty of a crime.....Well Texans, get ready with your injection needles. because with this law you'll eventually bekilling many of those fetuses you deemed to precious to abort, come their adulthood. Because when you force people to have children, and those children grow up in abusive families, develop with mental issues because of incest, or become neglected from being unwanted, problematic adults they become and those adults go on to committ crimes, and sometimes serious crimes . So save them at 6 weeks, but kill them at 15-20-30-50 yrs of age.....which is better?

Quote-When the penalty for aborting after a rape, is more severe than the penalty of rape, that's when you know it's a war on women!!

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03 Sep, 2021

Just getting back from my latest trip to Charlottetown, and once again, I was treated so well by the gentlemen there. My drive over was quick and easy, my drive back, a little less comfortable because of the storm, but  I left early enough to miss the worst of it. The hotel I chose was lovely and quiet. All in all, a great trip. I'm thinking my next trip over will most likely be late October, or early November. I hope to see you then.


What not to do....

27 Aug, 2021

I get a fair share of new clients, and with most, things go well, even great. But sometimes things just go  awry......

In order for any date to be a good or great one there has to be some sort of chemistry. That can come from having things in common, to being attracted to a persons mannerisms, or having physical attraction, etc......Even with that, how a client reacts when intimacy occurs, can change that chemistry very quickly. If a man treats me like his personal blow up doll, by instructing me to move this way, do this position, now that position, then turn this way, then another way, then do this, touch that, do this, that, and the other thing, and so on, I'm not going to react positively......If you keep bringing up how the last person you had sex with liked it that way, so you assume I would too, then I'm not going to react postively. Sex should happen naturally, it needs no script, and it differs from person to person. Following a script, or needing to spew out instructions every second, isn't comfortable, nor appealing. It's great to know what you like and dislike, but there are ways to communicate that without sounding demanding or like an instructor, lol. If you are one who requires such sexual specificity, you should mention that before booking. You should also know that women are all different. What turns one on, won't another, and so on......When you visit an escort for the first time, you should have expectations of having some fun and relaxation, that you'll be safe, and provided with what was promised. Having unrealistic expectations, is unrealistic! You should also know we aren't sex super stars with incredible sexual secrets we pull out for every new client. We're sensual beings who react to each person's energy and their treatment of us. That can be said for even the most seasoned escorts, as having experience doesn't mean we can create magic, or raise the dead. If the date doesn't turn out as you expected, that too should be expected. Anytime you meet someone new  you should have expectations that you may not click, and what you had hoped for may not occur. When this happens you move on, as long as you weren't purposely deceived, or taken advantage of. If it was simply about not clicking, or not having chemistry, you don't  run to a review board whining and complaining, you move on and find someone more compatible and learn from your experience. As the client, your part in creating a wonderful experience is as vital and required, as is mine, or the escort you choose.......Often times unsucessful dates are caused by a clients poor hygiene, untruths, demands, or other things clients do. Like being a smoker and booking with an escort who specifies no smokers!! if your escort says they don't want to be with a smoker, don't book with that person if you smoke. I clearly state on my website, that I prefer non-smokers. Smokers, even freshly showered smokers, will smell like smoke, and the smell of cigarette smoke is a huge turn off for me......please respect that. All in all contacting an escort is a privilege not a right. That escort has a right to refuse anyone for any reason, and that refusal doesn't earn you the right to verbally abuse them for refusing you. If you contact the escort in a polite professional manner, show up on time, are hygienic and pay the required fees,  and are as you presented yourself to be, then your date should go well. Bearing in mind, visiting someone to have some companionship is a luxury, not a right, and as long as you seek out someone professional, and have reasonable expectations, problems shouldn't arise. Do your part and we'll do ours:)


A worth while read

23 Aug, 2021

This twitter feed has some great articles worth reading

Wake up Scotians!!

22 Aug, 2021

Did you forget that back in 2014 it was the conservatives that criminalized those who sought to purchase sexual services and aspects of selling those services! Do you really want more of that style of government. Do you truly believe that the government belongs in our bedrooms?

My lifestyle and those whom I live it with are no more criminal than anyone else. The types of gentlemen I visit with are respectful, hard working, tax paying responsible citizens who pose no more problems by seeking out someone like me than any other consumer does. My industry no more creates sexual deviants than do the movies, or any other genre of entertainment. The conservatives and their morals are far more deviant and calculated to harm people, than I or any of my clients. To want to wipe out a whole industry, to eliminate trafficking is as nonsensical as wanting to remove religion to wipe out wars......well perhaps that might work and so wasn't the best example,lol. 

Sex doesn't create or encourage deviant behaviors......those who promote this notion are often deviant themselves, behind closed doors. Think before you vote....the conservatives aren't the answer........nor is wiping out an industry to stop the crimes committed within it.


It's cultural.....

20 Aug, 2021

The other day while leaving a Walmart parking lot (I know...shame on me for being at any Walmart), I noticed a man leaning on a shopping cart while his wife unloaded the groceries. I could tell they were Muslin, by her clothing...... After she unloaded all the groceries into the back of their SUV, she jumped to reach the top of the door to close it. She had to jump a few times to reach it, he stood by laughing, as he watched her. Once it closed, he pointed her in the direction of where to return the cart....I sat and watched in amazement. When she was out of view I  drove by and hollered at him for being such an asshole. I posted about this on twitter just to get opinions on whether or not I over reacted and should have minded my business.....

A couple of people made the comment "it's a cultural thing".....that comment, whenever made to any instance, always irritates me. It does so because justifying, or accepting something just because it has history isn't acceptable to me,and it's not a justification. Bad behavior, cruelty, violence, etc, is just that. Because history has allowed something to continue on, doesn't mean it should continue.....


Things that annoy me....

18 Aug, 2021

Especially people who've a need to prattle on about how educated they are. Imo, those who do this are insecure about their societal status and therefore have a need to let anyone within ear or eyeshot know what they've studied. People who also brag about their incomes, or anything else they have, are the same.....

Smokers....if you enjoy it, that is your right. However, it isn't your right to include me in your enjoyment. Take your bad habit to where you won't affect anyone who doesn't smoke.

Loud music.... I love music, my tastes in it are ecletic and range from rock, to rap, to big band...and so on. I don't need to hear yours, though. If you enjoy music, do so, but please be mindful, not everyone near your listening space needs to hear your music anymore than they need to hear mine.

Messiness.....I am very clean, and exceptionally tidy. I don't expect people to be as anal about cleaning as I am. I do think that keeping your property tidy is a sign of showing your neighbors kinship and respect. I dislike anyone who doesn't take reasonable care of their property and home. Leaving garbage strewn about, lawn unmowed, weeds unkept, etc, is unnecessary and thoughtless to those who live nearby. Even the poorest of people can be clean and tidy.

Stupid pet owners.....Dog owners who don't pick up after their dogs and cat owners who think letting them roam freely is just and normal. Shake your heads idiots, it isn't normal, nor just. How would you like your yard, or entry way was used as a daily litterbox. How would you like to see dead birds or rodents on your doorstep daily....Cats can be leash trained just as dogs can be. They can also easily adjust to living indoors, or on a lead in a yard.

There are other things....but those are a few that top my list, lol. Have a happy day and may it be one without annoyances:)


My stance.....

18 Aug, 2021


On the election.....Pc goverment now rules in Nova Scotia.....and I'm not happy about that. I made a couple of posts on twitter in which I griped, and can't do much beyond that. I'll sit back now and watch things unfold. Maybe it won't be so bad, maybe it'll be worse that I expect, time will tell. I wanted NDP, because of their rent comtrol a renter that was important to me. Halifax is quickly becoming a city for the rich only. If I want to continue renting on the penisula I'll have to either work more, to make more, or buy a property, which I've never wanted to do.....I've had many opportunities throughout my years in Nova Scotia to purchase a property, but have always chosen and preferred renting. Purchasing was to finite. I could never decide where to buy, and that responsibility for me, is unwanted and overwhelming. So even though I realize renting has no financial benefits, it benefits me in other ways and works for me, even with the absurd and recents increases. So a government that makes promises to improve things for renters will always get my vote.

Harper and his cronies, namely Peter Mackay, left a stain on my memory....a stain that won't ever be erased. Pc's will never be my choice, unless they do something magical and I've never believed in magic.....

On's heartbreaking to watch what is going on. It is said with Taliban rule, women will now have to be completely covered when in public, and chaperoned by a male, but is that any different from what has been going on for centuries, and do they really want the democratic changes we've tried to bring to them?. I don't delve into this to much, so my knowledge is limited. I will say I'm against any organized religion that causes people to live lives guided by foolishness and untruths. I hate any religion that insists a need to eat particular animals and instructs killing them in ways that incurs unnecessary suffering as necessary. This angers me to no end and I see more and more of this happening here in Halifax. More and more Halal butcheries are popping up, and that disgusts me, the restaurants that serve Halal meat, disgust me, those who eat Halal meat, disgust me.....If you're stupid enough to believe that in order to gain respect from a make believe God you need to make another innocent being suffer, you're in my opinion, an idiot, and on my do not want to know list and if you and yours who follow such beliefs suffer, so what and who cares!.

The BC fires..... I've donated to the charities helping out, namely, animal charities that help rescue wildlife and displaced domestic animals. I have empathy for what people have lost and endured, but my heart will always break for what animals suffer. They can't escape without human intervention, nor ask for help, like we can. It's all very devastating.

On the pandemic.....I appreciated all the help the Liberals offered those in need. I never begrudged anyone who used Cerb as it was intended, nor any of the other help the government offered. I often commented online against those who'd make negative comments about those monies creating lazy people, people who no longer wanted to work. Imo, it gave people a lifeline to remaining housed and fed. concerning mask... I believe in masking. I always wear one and have had a few civil arguments with educated people who feel they don't do what is claimed. I also believe in the Vaccines, and I am double vaccinated. I'll also get boosters if recommended. I also respect those who don't believe in vaccines. That is their right, although I do feel, not vaccinating is being selfish, and thoughtless towards fellow citizens.

On global warming.... to be brief and's real, happening and man caused. If you're not doing your part to help change things, and especially if you have children, you too are an idiot, and on my do not want to know list. 



An interesting perspective...

16 Aug, 2021

I read a brief interview from a Canadian escort in which she commented about how wrong the media gets our profession. That they either depict us as needing rescuing, or they glamorize sex work in an unrealistic way, as in the movie "Pretty Woman".  Although there is some truth in her opinion, we also have to blame ourselves for creating these views about our work. So perhaps the media hasn't gotten it wrong, but is simply  basing their opinions and views based on what escorts and clients project.....I found it ironic that the person doing the interviewing is a review board operator, and also makes claims that these misconceptions are dangerous, yet takes no responsibility in their part for creating and allowing them to be perpetuated. Those within the escort community often glamorize and condemn many aspects of our profession and some of those glamorizations and condemnations take place on the very board the interview is written, lol, and on other boards as well. Before we can expect people outside of our industry to understand and respect all the aspects of sex work, we, (clients and escorts) have to stop creating polarizing, unrealistic and negative images of it.

Peruse any review board and you'll find a plethora of people making claims about how fabulous escorting is, and how many wealthy clients they have, and trips they take, etc, etc. You'll find that these escorts making these claims are held in esteem and as examples to emulate.  On these boards seeing a certain type of clientele is seen as being reflective of your status. Those who see older (senior) clients are viewed as desparate, old, etc. Those who see blue collar guys, are seen as less successful, or less attractive. Who we see, how many, etc, is often depicted as a sign of  our success or failure at success. Peruse any review board and you'll find many comments about fantastical sexcapades, and how much money they made having them, or make, and how much fun they have having multiple sex partners, and how much sex they need. Seldom will you hear anyone speak out about slow times, or the difficulties faced within the business. Doing so will result in judgements of that person being unpopular, unsuccessful, or is doing something wrong. You'll also read denegrating, judgemental comments about clients and escorts who are of a certain age, or from a certain income bracket. You can find graphic, insulting comments about escorts looks, services, rates, etc. So, how the heck can we expect anyone outside of our industry to respect any of us, or to get it right, when we allow such garbage and exaggerations and untruths, ourselves. 

Before we can expect any other sources to depict our profession with any accuracy, we have to start doing so. If we do not want the media to depict unrealistic glamorizations of our industry, we have to stop idiolizing and praising those small few who attain such a lifestyle. If we want respect from those outside of our industry, we have to start with respecting each other. That means clients and escorts from all walks of life, and of all ages of adulthood. If we want those outside of our industry to stop making assumptions about us, we have to stop creating reasons for them to make those assumptions.


Lets role play....

16 Aug, 2021

I'll be Burger King and

 You be McDonalds....

I'll have it my way and

You'll be loving least I hope you will....

I'm accepting appointments all week. 10am-10pm by appointment. I prefer to not use my vibrator, and a dick a day will keep my vibrator away.

Have a decadently delicious and fun day. I'm hoping to hear from you.


To elaborate...

14 Aug, 2021

I was angered by a tweet by the local review board, and therefore tweeted some of my thoughts....  To elaborate on them.....

I'll always react to comments made that aren't truthful and that apply to the escort industry. Their try at insinuating that they're a better and a different review board than the rest, makes me very angry. The fact that they purport that they dislike misogyny, words like TOFTT, (which means take one for the team). An expression which is used often by "hobbyists", who are members of their, and other review boards. The expression encourages a guy to go and have sex, or meet an escort just to report back to the rest of the members what her service, looks, etc were like. Then add, "if you dislike negotiating", then join our board. Yet they have many members who are known to negotiate, and they allow those members to remain. They have members who often and regularly use the term TOFTT, and they allow them to remain. They have members who are known misogynists, and yet they also allow remain.....

The fact remains, that as long as you host a platform on which men are allowed to rate/review/or even discuss escorts, then misogyny will exist. Reviewing women's bodies, looks, sexual abilities, is in itself a misogynistic act.

There is no viable need for a review board to exist, other than to allow some to profit off escorts. If you have a genuine desire to help escorts, to bring betterment to this industry, then have a platform on which industry issues are discussed and reviews aren't allowed. It is dishonest and naive to purport that any review board can be good, different, or better. As long as reviews are allowed on your board, then you are the same as the rest. You can brain wash some younger escorts into believing you're better by making fluffy statements and by handing out gifts, but it remains that you still encourage all the negative by your very existence. Wise escorts know, especially with the onset of social media, clients don't need a review board to be ensured of an escorts professionalism, or authenticity. It is a fallacy pushed forth by review board owners, and by some of the members that reviews are needed and beneficial to any escort. Any one escort can flourish and exist without them. Repeat business is what makes any escort able to continue working for years, not reviews. Repeat business, even new clients, can be gotten simply by providing good, honest service, and regular advertising on social media and advertising platforms. Clients can find a plethora of information on any escort simply by reading the escorts website/s or social media accounts. Those who like and want reviews, are those who enjoy reading about themselves and those who enjoy recanting their intimate encounters. Both types need personal validation and attention and neither are concerned for the betterment of the industry, but only their own personal needs. More than not, escorts are against reviews and their boards, some just won't speak out against them. And some won't speak out because all they want is to make $$$$ and they'll take their money from anywhere and anyone. Regardless of the harm doing so causes.


Oh the humidity.......

14 Aug, 2021

The weather across the Maritimes has been unbearable this summer. If it isn't raining, it's foggy, and if it isn't foggy it's sunny with 100% humidity. It hasn't been weather that encourages me to be outdoors. I'm thankful to have a gym membership and enough money to shop with, lol. Those are the two activities I've been indulging in the most. And may I say, when I shop I do it with a conscience. I try very hard to avoid anything made in China, to buy local, and avoid buying things heavily packaged. I don't have all the answers, nor do I know how to do all things right. But I try hard to have a very small footprint, and to be conscious of what I use and purchase.

All in all I shouldn't complain to much about the weather here. It certainly is better to be drenched in wet, humid weather, then to be sweltering in the heat that BC and other parts of the planet are experiencing. It's hard to imagine that there are still some people who don't believe in climate change, or that climate change is man caused. Please do your part to minimize your foot print. Buy local when you can, recycle, walk more, and be conscious of how your lifestyle affects our planet. Thank you.


What is community....

12 Aug, 2021

I've often wondered what is meant when I read the term "community" when used by some escorts and clients, most notably on review boards. Are they referring to those they know, those who are members of the review board they belong to, or to all escorts and clients in general?

My understanding of community, is a group of like minded people living near one another, or, who are involved in the same activities, etc. Hmmm, well if that is the case, I hope I'm excluded. Those whom I've seen use the term "community" often are those who play one role online and another role offline. By that I mean, online they represent themselves to be welcoming, helpful, discreet, respectful people. Then you meet them, or communicate with them, and you quickly realize, they're gossipy, trouble makers, who scheme to play games with those they dislike, and create illusions to win over others. They are not community minded, but the complete opposite. 

I appreciate authenticity, and people involved in this industry who resepct it and all those involved in it. Who truly want to be involved in it, because they enjoy it, not just because they need to make extra money or have a need for notoriety or drama. I appreciate people who aren't judgemental, who respect privacy, who don't spread gossip, and who understand that within the escort industry, diversity is needed. Not just those who are like minded, similar looking, similar aged, or who belong to some review board they favor. 

The review board that is commonly used here in the Maritimes, and whose members often refer to as a "community", is known to have members who've stolen clients money, clients who've been abusive, escorts who've plagerized other members material, who've outed other escorts, who enjoy spreading malicious gossip,  some who have a desparate need to be seen as being better than, and who have other unfavorable and unsavory characteristics. If these types of people are considered "community", then I'm so thankful to be unassociated with them. I see that one of their most vindictive was recently given money for sex worker day. Imagine giving a woman known for belittlling, mocking and outing other escorts, being rewarded by a review board.....the actions on that board are so often laughable and sad!! I can't wait for that interview, lol!!   


Something changed...

11 Aug, 2021

As some of you know, I post new pictures regularly, and sometimes I'll post some of them in my blog. Something changed as I can no longer copy and paste a picture and any I include in the featured image file are always to large to view even when I down size them to almost minuscule size. So for all new pictures you'll have to see them on my pictures page. The already posted pictures on other pages won't change, unless and until I can copy and paste some again. Thanks for understanding...


I'm back....

11 Aug, 2021

I'm back in Halifax and recouping from my Fredericton trip. It was busy!! So many sexy men there, and thank you to them for sharing their time with me. I made some new friends and hope to see them again soon. I took some time to visit some friends in other parts of New Brunswick and had a lovely time exploring, shopping and discovering some new restaurants. Although masks are now not mandatory throughout N.B., I was pleased to see most people still wearing them. We're still not out of the woods yet as far as covid is concerned.

I'll be taking a few days to rest and relax by myself, as a loner, being around people for more than a couple of days, can be over whelming at times, for me..... I now need a vacation to recoup from my mini vacation, lol. I plan on accepting local dates Sunday or Monday. I hope to hear from you then. Stay safe, have fun and be kind.


A worth while read

01 Aug, 2021

Especially the second reply from @thievingwhore

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Remember to put that glass down....

01 Aug, 2021

I found this sage advice on twiitter:

Quote: A psychologist walked around a room as she talked stress management to her audience.  As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they'd be asked the "half empmty or half full" questions. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired "How heavy is this glass"?

Answers called out ranged from 8 oz to 20 oz.

She replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter". It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn't change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes".

She continued, "The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about thema bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed- incapable of doing nothing.

Remember to put the glass down.


Can you see the irony....

31 Jul, 2021

I know sometimes I dwell on certain subjects here, so forgive me if again I do this.....But have you ever laughed when you read a comment from a man who visits escorts, when his comment is related to the escort he's visited not being truthful about her weight, age, services, etc...... Yet he is a married person, cheating on and obviously also lying to his partner......

And please understand, I'm not defending escorts who lie about themselves to rip off guys, or to do other malicious acts.....I just see the irony in someone who lies, complaining about another person lying, lol.....

That's it for today, it's a busy one for me. I hope your day is a productive and happy one

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Want to piss me off...

29 Jul, 2021

When you are out walking with one or more people, and you can't bother to single file and insist on remaining shoulder to shoulder, be prepared for my attitude! There is nothing ruder than people demonstrating their thoughtlessness of others by encompassing the whole sidewalk when passersby approach. Especially in these times when social distancing is important and recommended. It never ceases to surprise me how often this happens and by those of all ages. The other day I encountered two 40 somethings, very fit women who I passed twice, and each time they forced me onto the grass. I surprised myself by not confronting them, and the anger of me not doing so, leaves me to vent by writing this blog. That was the latest incident, many others have occured since the onset of this pandemic and yes many I've confronted. Some just ignore me others respond with expected fuck offs, lol, others apologize.....People have some respect for other peoples space, thanks!!



28 Jul, 2021

I threw up in my mouth after reading this subject, "First or last", and no surprise of course it was written by a hobbyist and on a review board. It was a thread asking if a client of escorts should be the escorts first or last?.....Grrr....of course it would take the mindset of a hobbyist to think that we'd be some how "fresher" if seen first, or somehow less desireable, or less worthy, if seen last. Good lord, some guys have warped brains. As a professional escort I book my clients appropriately. If I were to see 3 gents in a day I'd be as fresh and prepared for the third as I'd be for the first. Then one of that boards longest members and who is most likely well past 50 yrs of age, of course responds with a comment about his needs for early morning weekend appointments and all the "young 20 + escorts" wouldn't be available to him because they'd be out partying on Friday evenings, boo hoo, hoo.....and they wouldn't answer their phones on a Saturday morning.....Good lord......

Aren't we lucky to have review boards ( I say that with the most amount of sarcasm I can muster), who'll post such trash to feed the mindsets of men so daft about the female anatomy I bet some would believe that an escort who sees clients daily, becomes looser with each one she agrees to have intercourse with. Aren't we lucky to have review boards where men who are old enough to be grandfathers are supported and congratulated for chasing girls young enough to be their grand daughters......Ugh!!!


Some clarification.....

26 Jul, 2021

A few things things I'd like to make clear.... 

I call myself an escort, and as an escort I do not sell my body, nor sexual services, I sell my time. When you book with me you are paying me for that allotted time. Not for a bj, Fs, or anything else, you are paying for my time only. Stop making assumptions that all escorts do with clients is to suck and fuck. Although I enjoy some of my clients in physical ways, we also engage in other activiites. I as well as many other escorts, have the intelligence and abilities, to entertain in many ways. If your narrow mind can only conceptualize escorts with sexual activities, that is your issue not ours.

When you contact me from a text app number, I block you, immediately. When you are a stranger to me and you text me, I ignore you. I advertise phone calls only, and from registered cell numbers. NO TEXT APPS. When you ignore my contact protocol, that tells me you are thoughtless and only have regard for your needs, and not mine. So I most certainly will not want to meet you for any reason, nor for any amount of $$$$. You see, there are some escorts who are able to choose with whom we want to meet with. We aren't solely driven by the desire of monetary gain.

When I ask you for a picture of yourself, that doesn't mean one of you taken back when you vacationed somewhere years earlier, nor of you standing beside some fancy car, you took at another time. Unless you plan on gifting me the car, then showing yourself next to yours, or another persons car means nothing, and won't be accepted. When I ask you for a picture, it'll be one of you in the momnet, a quick selfie, holding something I request, or a picture of your governement ID. I don't meet with strangers, nor with those to insecure to allow me to know who you really are. It is up to me to determine what I'll require from you. Your only choice is to accept that or to move on.

The amount of compensation I request for my time, is also entirely at my discretion. It is not up for negotiating. Your opinion of that is not wanted, nor do I care about it. Either you accept it, or you don't. 

I'm a kind person, but never mistake that for me being weak. I'm very confident, independent, and I know my worth. I've no issue taking anyone to task who abuses my name, or reputation, should need be.



25 Jul, 2021

No one has said it better than Miss Eliot Emerson on twitter. Please see the thread

This blog is dedicated to .....

25 Jul, 2021

One of the most integral women in this industry and I say this after being in and out of this industry for some 20+ years and meeting many.....

I dedicate this blog to the lovely, unbiased, intelligent, gracious, impressive, hard working, honorable and accomplised Miss Athena Lust!! Thank you for being a shining example for all of us. Thank you for making me think, for giving me reasons to change, a desire to be better and to understand that even though I'm flawed, I'm as worthy as anyone. You accepted me when others didn't and stood  for me when others wouldn't. You see the good in all people and accept their flaws, without wanting to throw them under a bus. You wish everyone success, without measuring your own to theirs, and you see when people wrong one another and forgive their faults. Thank you Athena for being you, and for being someone we all can learn from.

Now, before I lash out at the liars, gossipers and those who act jealously, I think of you. I ask myself what would Athena do or say, and I move on from the hate and instead of lashing out with spiteful words or actions I seek instead to accomplish something positive with my time. I turn that negative into something fun, prosperous and not wasted time. I now only read the words and wisdom written and spread by those who are truly kind, who seek betterment for all, not just those they favor.There are to many in this industry who enjoy watching another fail, or fall, who pretend to be someone they are not and who perpetuate misinformation, untruths and gossip, in order to gain notoriety in this business, I don't need to add to that list. I'll let them wallow in what they create and instead of pointing them out, I'll seek out those like you, as few as they may be and do as you would. 

Thank you Miss Athena Lust, thank you for not only being a shining example of how an escort should conduct themselves, but for showing us how humanity should. May whatever roads you travel always be paved with kindness, prosperity and goodness. Should you ever vanish from my social media, your kindness and words of wisdom will forever remain in my thoughts and heart, big hugs!!  

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Isn't this the truth....

25 Jul, 2021

Rumors excite the stupid, facts excite the smart. 

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Well that was refreshing....

24 Jul, 2021

I'm back in Halifax from a week+ of relaxation and visiting with friends and family. I enjoyed my time away, taking road trips, hiking, and dining out almost daily. Now that I'm back, I'll enjoy some alone time before I accept some dates with clients, some time next week. It's funny how each time I vacation, I come back and need a vacation from my vacation, lol. It always takes me a couple of days or so to settle back into my lifestyle. As much as I love to get away, it's always nice to come home and sleep in my own bed, and awake to solitude. As a true loner, keeping company everyday, even if just for a week or so can be exhausting.

 Over all, It's been a great summer thus far, I hope yours is going as well. On my next road trip, I plan on making my way to Fredericton, sometime next month, if all goes as planned. Maybe I'll see you there. Stay safe, have fun and be kind:)



Their logic is illogical....

13 Jul, 2021

Does it ever make you scratch your head when some guy will believe what a stranger to him says about an escort he is wanting to meet, yet he won't trust that same escort enough to screen( provide details about himself) for her? Does it ever make you wonder how those who say they practice discretion yet also promote reviews, can do both without compromising discretion? Is it logical to expect discretion from a person, then accept them openly writing about the intimacy you've shared? Can an escort be consistent with each client and also be considered authentic? Is it logical to expect that a truly authentic experience will occur from one to another. For it to happen, chemistry, compatibility,  moods, and the stars have to align and when that happens it can't be replicated. So to review that experience isn't beneficial to anyone, as it's not going to happen like that for anyone else. Writing about such an experience only offers fodder for the soft porn addicts, not helpful information for those requiring, or wanting it.

The logic behind the premise of review boards and reviews, has never made sense to me, nor does that of some of the board members. The very existence of reviews belies any concept of discretion and only promotes those who are "of the moment", and are not of any benefit to the escort industry as a whole. Seldom do you read reviews of an escort who is years into her career. In the first couple of years of an escort's career is the time when the escort will receive lots of reviews, but the longer an escort escorts, the fewer the reviews will become. For some reason, that wonderful escort who was once new on the scene, is no longer the wonderment once claimed to be.....and have you ever noticed on these boards, that the clients never age, yet the escorts all get old, lol. By that I mean, the boards all have their group of the same guys reviewing, posting, commenting, decade after decade, and their boards will be supportive towards them. Yet when you have escorts having the same lengthy memberships, they're often ridiculed for being old, or told it's time to retire and seldom shown support by the boards they remain on, as their popularity wanes.

Another illogical and common practice on review boards is when their client members comment about how untrustworthy escorts are who advertise with stock pictures, text app numbers, or numbers with another provinces/countries exchange, and vague personal descriptions. Yet these same clients expect the escorts they want to visit to accept the same type of vague information (a board handle, with no picture and a text app number) from them when screening........ The more you decipher review boards, their premise, and many of their members ideas of the industry, the more illogical and unnecessary they appear. 

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08 Jul, 2021

I'm back from Pei, and ready for a few days of rest. The Pei men wore me out, lol. Thank you to all who took the time to visit me, I truly appreciate your patronage, and for leaving me with a desire to return. You were all gentlemen. To the two who cancelled last minute, with no offer of a cancellation fee, thank you also. You've shown me who to avoid next time:) All in all, PEI is a fun place to visit and your lobster is better too! I bought some cooked lobster at MR seafood and it was delicious.They also had some other food goods I bought. It's a very clean, nice shop and one that was recommended by a client. 

That's all for today.

I hope to visit your beautiful Island again before summer ends. Happy Thursday.

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Busy, busy.

03 Jul, 2021

It's been a busy start to summer. And with borders opening and restrictions lessening, even busier days are ahead. This blog is to thank those clients who've over these past months have been a great support, not only because of your patronage, but because of your supportive words, and for encouraging me to keep writing as I do and for advising me to never cower to the trolls and the actions of the ill intended. 

To all of you I say a very sincere thank you❣




Clients hush!

03 Jul, 2021

To those who think they've the power to control an escort either because of their posting abilities, or because of the size of their wallets, think again. There are some of us who control all of what we offer and do......and try as you might, you'll never change that!


What do you call it when a man tells a woman what to do with her body, or with anything? What do you call it when a woman is told to sell her body in a particular way, for a certain fee, or for a specific amount of time? Can you think of another industry in which it's largest percentile of clients are male, and whose services sought are sold by mostly females? Where in this same industry, those male clients, then form forums so they can have a public place to post their thoughts and comments about these women with intent to control how the services are offered? Where the clients/customers also rate and review these women, and then use that perceived power to intimidate the women into succumbing to the customers demands? Can you think of another industry where there is a forum that accepts and allows it's customers to comment on it's service providers personal issues, locations, how they dress, their looks, what they offer, how, where, etc? Can you think of another business/industry where the customer feels comfortable, even entitled to, calling the business owner to suggest the rates charged are to high and should be what that customer deems fair ? 

In the escort industry, these types of customers often refer to themselves as being a "hobbyist" and the forums they post on are review/recommendation boards. All the formentioned happens there and because of them, and by some, is considered to be acceptable and the norm. I consider those types of clients, entitled bullies, some even act like pimps. One such entitled client is represented in this thread  This "boomer01" is a client who with no issue will call/text/email an escort he wants to see, and will then negotiate her rate to what he can afford. This very client has no issue with posting personal details about an escort he knows. This very client seems to have no boundaries he won't cross. Even if this is not done with ill intent, it is problematic and causes issues. And his comment in the fore mentioned thread about name changes, is just another example of an entitled client making a generalization and summation as to how we shouldn't operate. "Escorts are bad if they change their name". I suppose he added, the "it's not always the case" into his comment because he has postively reviewed those who've changed their names and doesn't want to look hypocritical, lol. One of his favorite ladies was even quoted as saying, "change is good".....Listen.....Escorts change. We change our phone numbers, our names, our locales and sometimes even our rates. We have that right! Escorts get to do that. Especially when we're independent entrepeneurs. As such, how we run our business is up to us, not you. If you don't like those changes, or how we run our business, to bad. There will always be other customers who will like and appreciate it. As much as there may be "hobbyists" commenting to and posting reviews about us and our services, in hopes of enacting change, there are even more escorts ignoring them, and changing only when or if we decide.

 In an industry that offers a service that is as individual and as personal as ours is, expecting everyone you want to visit to operate as you expect, is foolish, entitled and arrogant. In our industry, there is no norm, nor no right or wrong way to run an escort business. The only way to run *your* escort business, is in such a way, that you the escort, are comfortable with doing.  So if you the customer, client, or hobbyist, doesn't like how a provider/escort operates their business, find one who suits your needs. Using boards/forums to post your negative comments, assumptions, and thoughts, with hopes of intimidating some escorts into cowering to your whims, or needs, is bullyish and pimpish and shouldn't be tolerated by anyone, and certainly won't be by me! 

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Happy Canada day...

01 Jul, 2021

Understandably a more somber Canada day this year. For those gathering with friends and family, I hope your day is filled with sunshine, love and happy momnets.

Happy Canada day

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Guys please..

30 Jun, 2021

If you're going to go on a review board to ask questions about an escorts legitimacy, imo, you're being lazy. All escorts can be researched. Either by image searching our pictures, phone number, personal websites, or if the escort allows them, by researching their reviews/recommendations, and more importantly by contacting the escort in the manner the escort requests and having a conversation with that person. If after doing all those things you still can"t decide if you *should* see the escort, then imo, it's best to not. But if you must ask quesions on those boards, PLEASE remember: Some escorts do use stock photos, and thank you to Greenteal for pointing out that doing so isn't a reason to dismiss an escorts legitimacy. They're used to protect the identity of some escorts and as has been said, as long as they're respresentative of the escorts appearance, the usage of stock photos shouldn't be questioned. If the escort doesn't respond to your contact, move on. Don't infer that because the escort hasn't responded, that the escort is then unreliable, or not real. There probably is good reason. We also do our research, and if you contact us in a manner we don't accept that could justify you being ignored, ghosted or blocked. Or we may not like what you write under your "hobby" name. There are valid reasons for an escort not responding to you. So mentioning you've been ghosted, ignored or not replied to, isn't beneficial to anyone, unless the reason for it happening is known and mentioned. Personally, I do not respond to and block those who text me, instead of calling, and I won't call back anyone who's left call back instructions, if a certain amount of time has passed. If after a conversation, I ignore you, then you've given me cause. How you speak, your tone, wording, questions asked, etc, can be enough to earn you an ignore/block or even being ghosted. Please, if you use a review board, and have a "handle" ( an alias name used on the board), mention that when contacting us. Hiding the fact that you're a member is dishonest and shows you've a nefarious agenda, or something to hide. Please remember to use your big head when wanting information about someone and the best person to answer questions about an escort, is always the escort. When you contact us, speak politely, professionally, and in full sentences. No one wants to hear crude, illiterate language. Last but not least, we all have bad days, think about that before you've a need to go onto a review board to throw someone under the bus.



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The border is open....

26 Jun, 2021

So you have to isolate if you come from NB, then you don't, then you do, now you don't again, lol. So a few ladies are now booking their travel times....NB will soon become saturated with NS ladies, lol. I do plan a NB trip, but I don't want to over lap my travel plans with other ladies, which I fear may be near impossible as it seems.  Since we're all restless and wanting to leave NS for a change as soon as possible. My plans for a PEI trip are still on depending on their border restrictions allowing me in. Hopefully I'll find out this week. If not, I've appointments that will keep me in NS until after the 8th of July, so after the 8th  I may make a NB trip. If you're interested in seeing me, watch leolist, or massage republic, as they are the places I advertise most. Stay safe while enjoying our new found freedom:)


Once again on Lyla....

23 Jun, 2021   

True to form on this board, and once again, Lyla members gang up on ladies who aren't part of the "Lyla pack". To criticize and gossip about their competitors services. One escort even attempts to explain that because there are four ladies working together that they're then endangering the clients who visit them, because they are running a "common bawdy house". If that is the case, then any ladies sharing an incall, or who do duo's, trio's, etc, together from their incalls, are then also running a common bawdy house, right? As it's been explained to me, by a few lawyers over my years in this biz, that any location used, regardless of the number of people using it, for the purposes of prostitution, is then considered a "common bawdy house". So every client on your board who visits a lady for an incall session, is then in danger! Greenteal, you better warn Lydiahardwood!! (I say sarcastically)

I found it even more upsetting to read another escort feeling justified to openly repeat gossip from one of her clients and no one calls her out for doing so. She lamented  "her client went there etc, etc,". If he had a good or bad experience be professional enough to tell him he should be the one to recant his experience, not you. Even then, I thought negative reviews/comments weren't allowed on that site, yet here we are again with another thread being contrary to what that site promotes. When someone has a negative experience or comment, and writes about it, we only hear one side. So how does anyone know the truth of it. How do we know that the negative experience wasn't initated, or caused by the client complaining. Unless someone has been robbed, beat, or caused someone danger, or harm, there is never a justifiable reason to throw anyone under the bus. Yet again, here we are with this review board doing just that for no justifiable reason, other than to spread gossip and make assumptions. These ladies being spoken about, aren't putting anyone in anymore danger than any other escort/s running an incall. *Perhaps* they *may* be less professional, or less experienced than some.....if so, so what. Again, that isn't cause for reporting them or for placing their name in warning sections. It's angers me to see how easy it is and how comfortable some feel ruining the business of those whom they've no connection to or know. Why not try and offer advice, or support? Isn't that what your site likes to promote, how supportive and accepting they are? ( which makes me laugh, because of it's hypocrisy, which once again, this thread being allowed, shows)....

Look at it this way...... if 2,3 or 4 known Lyla ladies get a date with a client, or two, and they meet at one of the escorts locale/incall, is that not then the same scenario as what's being complained about. Is that not the same situation, Ladies grouping together to offer services out of a residence, or hotel room? Would you be so quick to report those "known" ladies, and their activity? Or does it only become questionable and reportable when services are offered by unknowns and those not popular on Lyla?

Update: Well the mods removed the quote from the escort that included the gossip she spoke of from her client. Yet they still allow Greenteal and others to blather on making assumptions and passive aggressively making negative comments. His and Bendovers referencing the "trailer park boys" is a poor attempt at making a point. The whole of that thread is filled with presumtive speculations made by people who've clearly no knowledge of criminal law regarding our industry. Shame on that site for allowing the thread to remain! Another comment made in that thread which I find funny was from Harborsmoke - he said he's been hearing rumors of underground strip clubs popping up around the city and that it seems counter productive for those ladies to be underground yet advertise.You just have to love how clients like him and others, have no issue openly gossiping about escorts activities!! This seems counterproductive to discretion!! 

And who said they were underground? It also seems counter productive for a review board and it's members to promote discretion, expect it, then in the most flagrant ways, be counter productive to it's intent. Some of Lyla's members need to consult a criminal lawyer and learn just what is legal and what is not, within this industry. Perhaps then some might pay more respect to discretion. As this industry still has sections of it still considered illegal, and yet, which are considered acceptable to be openly spoken about, taken part in, and promoted on that site.The fact that they can't see the hypocrisy in that is laughable!! So to those who still feel comfortable grouping on a public review board together to poo poo or promote the activities of sw's, remember, being discreet doesn't mean talking publicly, or spreading gossip. 


So today Lyla made the tweet below.  -and isn't it funny that in the thread this blog is about those very things are being done and with no consequence.....

 No judgement on what services I offer
 No bartering over the services I offer
 No arguing over my rates
 No judgement on what I choose to do for work

Greenteal seems to be latched onto this group of ladies and their activities for some reason. He continues to srutinize what they offer and seems incensed that they edit their ad, lol....I find this interesting because there was another group of ladies who are all Lyla members who worked together out of one incall and often at the same time. Yet he nor any other member  ever had concerns of them running a bawdy house....The double standards on Lyla are never ending.

This industry isn't very complicated, if you don't like someone, their services offered, not offered, or rates, etc, then don't visit them. But to continuously follow and then go online to yammer on about them shows an obsession, not legitimate safety concerns, imo.



Wise advice....

22 Jun, 2021


A lesson learned....

21 Jun, 2021

A day is never wasted if you learn something. Yesterday was no exception. It reaffirmed that awful people exist and that no matter how much hate someone tries to throw at me, I will thrive and overcome. I have learned that no matter what I may face on a daily basis, having people in my life that love and care for me, gives me the strength and fortitude to over come anything. Love is truly the strongest armor any of us can carry. With it, anything is possible. 


Fathers day....

19 Jun, 2021

Fathers day is a hard time for me, as I no longer have my dad to honor in person, just his memories. He was a tall, happy, handsome and fun man. He had dignity, confidence, thoughtfulness and never had a bad word to say about anyone. His sense of humor was keen and he used it often. I miss him dearly. If you were with him, you were his treat, never would he allow you to pay for anything. He would give me, or anyone in need, the shirt off his back, if that was all he had. He was my ally, and would have done anything he could for me. He died of cancer years ago, and fought it gallantly, but in the end, it devoured his body and spirit and he gave up. I held his hand as he passed. Even he wasn't strong enough to beat cancer. So in his memory on this Father's day, I"ll honor him by treating myself to lobster and cake, two of his favorite foods....after all, that is what he would be doing, if he were here. Love you dad....

To those of you who still have your father, I hope you get to spend some time together. To those who are celebrating their fathers memory, I send you hugs ........Happy Father's day.

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His wonder has me wondering....

17 Jun, 2021

At almost 11pm, last evening,all that some goof had on his mind was, wondering how wide my asshole is. Can you imagine! So should I measure it, ( I ask sarcastically), and does he deserve the answer, LMAO. Another day, and another idiot exposes itself..... 


It's a worthy cause....

17 Jun, 2021

Some of you know about dog meat eating countries and the horrors these animals experience before being turned into food. In China, and other Asian countries, it is believed that the more the animal suffers before death the better their meat will be.

This is one organization that is trying to educate and stop the trade, at least in Korea   If you can donate please do, thank you.

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14 Jun, 2021

In the past I was reluctant to kiss many of my clients. I found that in order to be passionate and genuine with a kiss, I had to have feelings beyond the sexual for the man I was kissing. Slowly, and with the patience of a few clients, I started to experiment with kissing. Slowly I began to connect sexual arousal and kissing. Slowly I began to shed my beliefs about needing to be emotionaly connected to the person I would kiss.

Now, with the right person, I find kissing can really ignite more passion. When I say the right person, I mean, those with exceptional dental hygiene, and who can kiss. Not those who use their tongue like a stabbing knife, nor who suck your whole face into their mouth. Kissing, at least for me, should be soft, and slow, and again, depending on the man, can be fun with or without tongue. 

If you'd like to ignite some passion with some kissing, give me a call. I've got beautiful lips(so I'm told), we can practice on;)


Just wow....

12 Jun, 2021

Jenesis, aka, Jessica Rain, is once again blubbering on all the review boards. She is upset that there are sites out there who copy and paste escort ads from one site onto another and how dare they do it to her ads. It happens to all of us JJ, not just you. Grant it, it isn't professional, and it is annoying, yet you can't stop it either. Even though she boasts that she will, and can....... Her comments on terb concerning this.........     and her responses to Jasmina are typical to the Jessica Rain I knew. Boastful, over confident and uncaring. Albeit she is a much milder version in the Terb thread.  Read her comments on lyla about the same topic....   ......especially the last paragraph of her first post.This seems to be a whole new act, and apparently her new persona, Jenesis. It seems she now needs the support of other escorts and wants to be seen as caring, introspective, concerned and appreciative, lol.  (Yeah right!!)

In the past, I spent a couple of years being subjected to, and watching her responses to others, on a review board we were both members of. It was sickening, how easily she berated some, and how she enjoyed and encouraged others to as well. She was a bully. She enjoyed insulting anyone who had differing opinions to hers, and proudly boasted "how she didn't give a fuck", about what anyone thought, or if you gave back to her what she doled out. She would proudly boast about how she didn't need this biz, because she had a "real job"( her words) and that escorting was something she did for kicks.That she only sees 3-4 clients per month. Yet she advertised/s often, offers discounts and tours...Most escorts who brag about "doing this for shits and giggles" and not as a means of making ends meet, or as an extra income, don't spend the majority of their time posting on onlyfans, advertising on multiple platforms, and posting and pandering to hobbyists on every review board. Just saying....

Anyways, I wrote this blog because in this industry there are a few people who stand out for being consisently awful, and unforgettably so. They are abusive bullies, with phony personalities, who will manipulate anyone to get what they want and need, and she is one of them. I found these posts typical to her patronizing, boastful, over confident, schizophrenic personality. Even though, on terb, in that thread, she is a milder version of the person I knew her to be when we were both members on Caerf. On Lyla, she's another new version, which I don't recognize. She is apologetic, pandering and needy, lol. Jessica vs Jenesis, Terb vs Caerf, vs Lyla, lol. Apparently it depends on the forum, to which personality she'll portray. It appears her new persona "Jenesis" has less self confidence and self esteem than Jessica had, lol, the poor soul seems lost. Maybe the two persona's will somehow meet in the middle and form a whole new one.....;-)

Good on Jasmina for standing her ground and for standing up to this two faced bully.


Good advice

11 Jun, 2021

                                      Quotation (Ref.power of positivity) - Padamyar FM -  

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I'm so excited....

11 Jun, 2021

You'd think it was Christmas, or that someone was handing me a winning lottery ticket, if you were near me, and saw just how excited I am today. But no, none of that is happeneing, I'm not getting any presents, nor is today a holiday to be celebtated. I am however getting to meet a bluenose pitbull, and for me, that will make this day one to celebrate. I can't wait!! Simple things make me happy, dogs make me delighted, pitbulls make me swoon.I feel so lucky today. 


True enough...

09 Jun, 2021

  Be yourself no matter what. Some will adore you and some will hate everything about you. But who cares? It’s your life. Make the most of it.                       


The industry.....

08 Jun, 2021

After a couple of decades in and out of this industry, in all it's aspects, I will say, it's been a hell of a ride. I've had lots of fun, but because of it, I've also endured some very painful hardships. I've been finacially successful, but also financially irresponsible. My ability to make a lot and to do that time and time again, year after year, led me to some very reckless spending. Which taught me some valuable lessons. Through the ups and downs of this industry I've learned lots about myself, my resilience, and lots about other people, their motives and just how vindictive, catty and petty some can be. My biggest mistake was believing what the trolls, jealous competitors and hate mongers spewed. How I reacted to all of that was also wrong. But again, living through all that has been a teaching moment, has helped me grow and it shone a light on many seedy souls, who were and are masquerading as professional people within this industry. So to all of them, I say thank you for all you have taught me.

To those entering into this biz, I'd say...... be honest with yourself about what you want to attain and achieve, and for how long you want to remain an escort. Whether that be for short term, a long term career, or if you decide it to become your lifestyle. That is only for you to decide. There is no right or wrong length of time. Please don't let other people make decisions for you, nor allow anyone to define you, but yourself. Market yourself wisely and advertise often and on as many platforms as you can find. Find your niche. That maybe as full service worker(independent), a dominatrix, a dancer, agency owner, masseuse, phone sex operator, or online media creator, etc. This is most important. If you hate doing sex work, or if you are doing it for money only, that will resonate, if not intially, it will eventually, that is inevitable. I believe it is those who do sex work, and who hate doing it, who'll end up most harmed by it. If you fnd you hate it, find something else, or seek out a different aspect of this industry that you might enjoy better. I'd recommend not showing your face in your advertising, remember the internet has a very long memory, and society isn't friendly to those of us who choose this industry, regardless if we enjoy and are proud of it. If you have future plans of other ventures outside of sex work, the repercussions of having a past involved in sex work, could lead to some future loses.Those loses may be housing, job/career, volunteering, belonging to clubs/groups/organizations, friends, family, etc. I'd also recommend never showing full, or even partial nudes, unless you're being paid for them. Once you expose yourself for free, it's hard to then go to charging for media/visuals that are already out there.Once you've been seen nude, you've been seen nude. Word your ads articulately, professionally, and describe yourself how you want to be seen, not as some might see you. Build a website, and add all the information you want your clients to know, within it. Display your best pictures in it, and those can be professionally taken or selfies, both are acceptable. Write a little about yourself, a bio, your likes, dislikes, what you expect from clients, and the types of services you offer, and the rates you expect for those services, and remember your rates are for you only to decide. Your feedback, the inquiries you receive, will be all over the map, don't take any of them to heart. Be resilient, develop a thick skin, and always, always, trust your instinct. You'll attract all kinds of people, some of those will want to demean you, others will try to control you, others will want to use you. Some will befriend you. Think of yourself first, and foremost. That isn't being selfish, that is taking care of yourself. Be thoughtful of others, but put your needs first. Be giving, but give to yourself first. Be genuine with your clients, treat them well, your staying power is dependant on repeat business. When I say be genuine, that doesn't necessarily mean you have to be "you", you can have a persona. Just be true to whatever persona you depict. Most importantly, only divulge the information about yourself you are comfortable with everyone knowing. People gossip, people lie, people exaggerate. Be especially wary of anyone telling you about other people. If they are gossiping to you about someone, they will gossip to others about you. Don't fall prey to review boards. Nor the belief that you need reviews, or people posting publicly about how great you are for you to be relevent. Your are great, if people can't see that through your advertising, and from meeting you, then change those. You are your best advertiser and advocate. Not the word of others, or some guy who thinks public boasting, or demeaning is necessary. Most good clients don't partake in review boards. They want and respect complete discretion. Long term clients, the repeat guys, don't peruse the internet for other peoples opinions of an escort. They choose an escort, then peruse that escorts media to ensure that escort is what they're looking for. If there is chemistry, they return. If not they move onto someone better suited to their needs. They don't go and vent on a review board. Best of luck, and I hope your journey is one paved with positive experiences and many exciting moments.


The law of mirrors.....

07 Jun, 2021

                                                      Quotes About Spiteful Words. QuotesGram


Some pictures....

06 Jun, 2021

Here are a few new pics that I like, hoping you do as well.



Sunday musing

06 Jun, 2021

                Many people can't handle the truth. And when they hear it, they attack you by deflecting their crazy problems on you. It takes courage to speak the truth, especially when the consequences are not favorable. But speak the truth'll find it's absolutely liberating.                Image                


Laugh of the day....

02 Jun, 2021

      Found this on twitter                                                                             


More twitter gold....

02 Jun, 2021

                            Saw this on twitter and once again @organisedescort hits the nail on the head.....                           

... thoughts.....

01 Jun, 2021

In my early years of escorting and review board membership I learned that giving and receiving references was the best way to vet clients. That they were needed, that we shouldn't ask a client for their personal information. I also learned that some providers who expected references, never gave them, and some who gave them did so with not so good intentions. I've also learned that some ladies will support shady clients. My opinion now is, that the best person to make a decision about whom you should see, is you. Use your intuition, and screen the client .....screen, screen, screen!

I've never found references beneficial or reliable. Even back then... From my experiences, many providers just weren't honest when it came to client feedback. Unless you are friends with, do duo's with, or are part of a providers click, most likely the feedback you'll get, if you get any at all, won't necessarily be honest or useable. There are to many providers who when asked to recommend a client, will then contact the client and talk him into seeing her or one of her friends/duo partners, or will embelish the recommendation, when they know the client is shady, dirty, or not someone they like, or will not reply to your request at all, or will give a recommendation even when they can't remember the client clearly. I've learned that many in this business are more money motivated and biased, rather than being morally driven. I find it just makes better sense to screen the client well, than to rely on the word of someone you don't know. Even though none of us knows the motivations of another person, in the case of references, I think it is safe to make assumptions that any info given as a reference might not be reliable, or worth receiving and should only be considered as a last resort.  

To those who still use and rely on references, all the best.


June 1st

01 Jun, 2021

      This might just be a great month. Nova Scotia is starting to ease the restrictions, weather is warming and as of Tommorow we can once again enjoy dining out, albeit on a patio, but still something is better than nothing. Guess where I'll be tomorrow!!                             

                                                   Good Morning Happy First Day Of June Pictures, Photos, and Images for  Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter



30 May, 2021

I love twitter. On days that I'm home and when I have no planned dates, or other responsibilities to attend to , I'll tweet for an hour or two, sometimes longer. It's fun, and interesting. I always find lots to tweet about and many things to retweet. I try to promote any ladies following me by retweeting their ads,  and I try to bring awareness to some rescue orgs that I follow or come upon. There is so much on there, so much to tweet. Politics, cooking, news, restaurants, movies, music, fashion, travel, makeup, how to tips of every kind, dogs, and more dogs, lol. Sometimes I also tweet to make a point....

Yesterday I made this tweet:

People say: "Don't post that pic, you look fat". Don't show more pics in that outfit, you've worn it before"."I liked your other name better". "you post to much to often"."you shouldn't put that in your blog"."you show to much in your pics"  Me: "(insert emoji with open mouth)" .... People say: "why are you so negative".

My tweet was an attempt to point out that when anyone criticizes a person for being negative, yet the person being criticized endlessly receives or experiences negativity. To then expect them to remain and act positively, is a bit daunting and unfair. It's also never constructive to tell someone to not do things we ourselves might be doing. Or to change, when we might need to make the same changes. If we're going to give anyone advice or make comments, we want positive feedback from, we should make sure the advice or comments don't come across as criticism. We should also exemplify the behavior we expect of other people.  

I found it rather poignant that another woman had also tweeted in the same moments, about receiving unsolicited advice. She had recieved some unsolicited advice from another provider about the content of one of her posts. The post was a picture of a tractor store. The person giving the advice felt that picture might mar the image of the high end brand this other woman had. The woman that recieved the advice, and I, then had a discussion. In which I suggested to her, that people should only give advice to those they're very close to and with whom they have developed trust with. If not, it's intent could be misconstrued. The woman replied to me that any unsolicited advice is never a good idea and that advice coming from a base of arrogance is never worthy. To which I then had a light bulb moment, and agreed.....How interesting that her tweets related so much to my tweet about receiving a lot of negativity. It became even more clear to me that when any of us, even with good intentions, tells another person they should change something about themselves, or that we should do something different, we're not being helpful, nor kind. It is unconstructive and arrogant. Especially when the person giving the advice also needs to make the same changes, or exhibits the same behavior they suggest needs changing. Advice of any kind can be a slippery slope and can be taken as criticism. How we deliver it, to whom we give it, and what that person is used to hearing, all needs to be taken into account, before doing so. We should think, are we really giving advice, or are we really just criticizing, and am I qualified or justified to give either. If so, we should bear in mind, even when it's given with integrity, by a trustworthy person, and delivered properly, it can still be misconstrued and it's intent questioned. 

So if you want my advice, lol, you'll have to ask for it......


Very true

29 May, 2021



Stalker or idiot?

29 May, 2021

To the person with the micro dick and deformed brain who thought they were clever sending me a text from a text app number saying "Are you available tonigt, I saw you walking up XX street and you were wearing a XX colored jacket" is some tips.......before you do this again, to anyone, make sure you send your text to the right person. Secondly, sending anyone a text like this makes you sound like nothing but a stalker. Thirdly...I understand this lock down has been hard on many, and as you've shown, caused some to experience lapses in good judgement, stupidity, and other unflattering behavior. There is help out there, please fill your time finding some, thank you.

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Did I hear this right?

28 May, 2021

Is it true that we may be able to travel to PEI after June 27th?....If so, guess who's coming. I'll keep hoping as this latest lockdown has me stir crazy and in dire need of a change of scenery. Happy weekend!! See you soon #PEI

Not so Happy Victoria day....

24 May, 2021

This holiday is a sad one for me, and not one I celebrate. As a few years ago, on Victoria day, I had to rush my second dog to emergency. It was there the vet misdiagnosed her with a terminal illness. It ended up with her being euthanized........I'll never forgive myself for not getting a second opinion, or for not doing more.

 I had gotten that sweet dog from a rescue group, and she had been through so much by the time I had gotten her. She travelled from another country to Ontario, then to here, Halifax. She had been used as a breeder in a puppy mill and came to me with a few health issues, some we caught and treated, others were obviously not diagnosed properly. She was also scarred, one scar was in her eye, which led to her developing glaucoma, which eventually took her sight. Btw, Cullen/Webb eye specialists in Moncton, are some of the best vets I've come across..... She was a dream dog, as far as personalities go, and deserved so much more than she had experienced in her life....I only got to spend 4 years with her and I hope there is a heaven for dogs, if any derserves one, she does. RIP sweet girl.....

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3 more weeks.....

21 May, 2021

Well, Wednesday the announcement that the continuance of the lock down will last until at least June 9th was a major blow to my feelings of hopefulness. I'm now skeptical that we'll have a summer in which travel will be allowed, even just within the Atlantic provinces.....Although I shouldn't complain.....All in all things are good. I've some exceptional clients, plenty of food, enough money to sustain myself and the weather here has been great for walking. Yes this lock down has been trying, boring and it seems to never end, yet things could certainly be worse.

Stay positive....  



18 May, 2021

I'm a pj's kind of girl. I love mens style pj's, button up top and pull on bottom. I will often buy some from the mens department and wear just the top to bed. If we ever do an overnight these pj's pictured just might be the ones I wear.....Btw, I love doing sleep over dates with gents I've developed a rapport with. For details give me a call-902-444-0414 For those who can't meet in person and would like a bed time story, I do sexy phone chats, see my rates page for more.....











Isn't this the truth....

18 May, 2021



Yes it is...

15 May, 2021


Hate trains....

11 May, 2021

Have you ever met people who when they dislike someone,  can't dislike that someone on their own. They have to recruit anyone who'll listen, to hate that someone as much as they do. I call that forming a hate train.....

 Imagine being so insecure, hateful and pathetic, that the only way these people feel gratification, is when they can have their hate shared......Step one for these types is spreading lies, exaggerating facts or just spreading gossip about their target and to anyone who'll listen. These types of people are often egotistical and obviously, very needy. So much so that although they've no medical experience, nor medical degree, they'll feel justified and capable of diagnosing another person's mental health. Then they'll feel justified to run around emailing, dm'ing, calling and or texting anyone who'll listen, that their diagnosis, isn't an opinion about their target, but a fact, because they say so. These types of people never accept accountibility either, and they always play the victim. They become so vindictive and immersed in their hate that they recruit strangers, friends, and or aquaintances to also play games with the person they hate.They'll convince them that their target derserves whatever comes their way.

 Imagine too that if this person works in the same industry as the person they hate. They will then do all they can to ruin the business activities and reputation, of their target. It will never be enough for them to just ruin their targets personal reputation.....Imagine being so egotistical that someone feels they have that type of power, or capability....... Imagine being so vengeful that they also have to post rumors, lies, and gossip *anonymously*, and on different forums, in an effort to create more hate, and to give themselves more credibility.....imagine being so hateful.....Imagine holding such a grudge.

I can imagine that travelling around Canada, "living out of a suitcase", as a married women, fucking strangers, could make a person just this hateful, vengeful and vindictive. I can also imagine that a women who has to be so obviously fake around men/women, in order to suck money/friendship out of them, could become jealous of those who are self sufficient, confident and independent, therefore causing just this type of vindictiveness. Perhaps it pisses off such a hateful person when they know the only power they truly have over anyone, lives only in their own small, hateful mind and perhaps the minds of some of their minions. Perhaps it pisses off such a hateful and vindictive person when they see that their hate train just keeps going in cirlces, never getting anywhere, or accomplishing anything. Other than causing someone like me to blog about such a hateful and vindictive person, lol. 

Following hate trains never gets anybody anywhere. They always crash and those passengers aboard, always end up injured.....



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Happy Mothers day...

09 May, 2021

To all the people who care for others, who nurture and support someone, Happy Mother's day.

I'm grateful to still have my mom, but saddened that another year has passed in which I've not been able to share the day with her in person. My mom lives outside of Nova Scotia, and this will be the second year in a row in which a lock down has prevented my visiting her. I hope she'll still be with us next year, so that visiting in person might be possible. If you have someone you call mom, in your life, and can visit with them in person, be very grateful for that ability.....

Love you Mom!!

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This sickened me....

05 May, 2021

I was at the joe howe super store in #Halifax the other day and was shocked at just how crammed the lobsters in the lobster tank were. I realize they are a food animal and one many won't pity, because some people don't believe they feel pain, nor care. Regardless, even crustaceans deserve humane treatment and proper housing. No food animal should have to suffer before it is killed and by the way, the death these animals have to endure is also barbaric ans inhumane. Imagine yourself being boiled alive. I've always grappled with this, and eating them has always been controversial in my own mind. Seeing them housed like this settled it for me. Lobsters will no longer be on my dinner plate. #Loblaws #realatlanticsuperstore do better, be better!



05 May, 2021

It's been more than a couple of weeks since I've seen a client. Normally my dates are quite sporadic and especially this past year, fewer than normal, which has been by my choice. However since this recent lockdown, I've decided to deliberately hold off all dates. If the lock down is lifted on May 12th, then I may start advertising again at that time, or as soon as next week. 

 It surprises me that when I take extended breaks how awkward I find seeing my first client is. It's almost as if I've never escorted before, lol. So I always hope that when coming back, my first client will be a regular, or at least someone I've met once before.Here is to hoping Nova Scotia gets a grasp on lowering the covid numbers so once again things will relax and we can once again enjoy ourselves without the worry of passing, or catching the virus.

Stay safe!! 


Double standards......

04 May, 2021

Why does a review board that touts being "pro escort" continue allowing disgruntled and or vindictive clients to post information, which btw, isn't vetted in any way, about non-member escorts, in a warning section. In this particular post The client is angry because the escorts shorted his time..   And although I feel a 30 min session should be 30 mins, I don't think those who shorten a session by mins deserves mentioning in a warning section post. And did you notice the client only mentioned his concern about the covid travel issue, **after** meeting them. Where was his concern about them "isolating" prior to meeting? Imagine if escorts were allowed to list openly on that same site, all the lyla member clients who over stayed their sessions of 10 mins +. I assure you a majority of those who regularly review, and post on that site would make the list and many of them also post on other boards using different "handles" (names). Should clients who use numerous handles also deserve being warned about? Should clients who use numerous handles be considered scammers? Or do they get  a pass because they are "members" who'll rave about other "certain" members....... The double standards on this review board never end....and why is it only non-member escorts are ever mentioned in that section?

A warning section should be taken seriously. It should be vetted properly, and only those who pose a danger to the "community" should be mentioned within it. It shouldn't be a space where vindictive, or "petty Pauls" get to post because their dicks weren't sucked long enough, or because their session didn't go as they feel it should have. The only people that should be warned about *aren't* those who advertise with two names, or who may shorten is those who deliberately put others in harms way. Those who are a safety concern. We all know some (clients & escorts) in this biz don't play fairly, nor nicely. We all know some hustle more than others, that isn't cause to try and ruin their business or their reputation. Just avoid them, or don't return.....But to cavalierly and openly post their ads/names in a warning section, shouldn't be allowed. It's not nice to shorten a clients session, it's not nice for a client to overstay....these things we discuss in private. They don't cause anyone danger.....And as I mentioned previously, the fact that this client griped about the escorts being from Ontario and not showing proof of isolating properly, after the fact, just shows how petty and vindictive some clients can be. Because we all know had these escorts given the 30 mins and did what that client wanted, he'd not have cared if they had isolated. He wouldn't have mentioned anything....... Learn to vet those warning posts properly or don't allow them at all. If in fact @Lyla is truly concerned about protecting *ALL* escorts, and not just it's revered members.

And why do I care about the activities of people I don't know, on a site that I dont belong? Because I believe in fairness, not favortism. I love this industry, and want it and all those without nefarius intentions, to thrive. I want review boards to hold themselves to the standards they promote.....I know that is a big 

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Welcome May....

01 May, 2021

Although you'd never know by our weather, it's May!! A new month bring renewed hopes that lock downs will end and travel will resume. I'm hoping. I'm stepping outside of my typical pessimistic self, and thinking positively, lol. 

I hope May brings you happiness and prosperity. 

For those who weren't aware, I'm on a hiatus at least until our lock down is lifted. Which has been quoted as being May 12.....if that changes I'll post my availability on twitter @cristymature/massage republic/vipfavors/leolist.


Lock down blues....

25 Apr, 2021

I have some lovely regular clients. Some are thoughtful enough in these times to send financial support, some even send payment for a future date. That is so appreciated. It tells me that not only do they value my time, but also my companionship, they care and respect me. Obviously, they don't feel comfortable meeting during these times when covid risk is higher, which I understand, as I too pull back from regularly seeing clients.

 The money I make in this biz is basically my spending money...well at least it is some months, lol. In these lock downs I find frivolous spending more problematic for me. It's in these tmes I'll online shop, or go in store and buy things I don't really need, out of boredom. These lockdowns are boring. I'm obviously not creative enough, or I'm just not good at creating tasks for myself, to keep myself occupied, other than shopping and eating, and both are harmful to my health, lol.

 Yesterday I felt like cooking pasta sauce so I went to buy groceries and was surprised to see that all the other stores were open. I thought that only essential stores( grocery/drug) would be the ones open during this lock down. So I went and bought a new pair of athletic shoes, and another hand bag. Neither can I justify purchasing, lol. Well I suppose I'll be walking more, so the shoes will get some use. Soon I'll need more than the three closets I already have, to house my I've purged a lot of my hand bags when I did some spring cleaning the other weekend. I know that shopping trip wasn't very responsible.....we're in a lock down and shopping for unnecessary items shouldn't be part of my daily activities. But why are they allowing non essential stores to be opened, yet they shut down hair salons, gyms and spas? That doesn't make a bit of sense to me.  

This will be a long month. I'm going to try and smarten up and stay home as much as expected..... I'm going to be so very bored......

 I don't understand how this latest lock down will accomplish anything more than the others had. Lock downs lower the numbers temporarily. Then they open back up, the numbers rise, and we lock down again.....what are we accomplishing other than creating cycles, impairing people's mental health, increasing finacial stress for many and reeking havoc within families....

Ugh, I need a vacation, from this lock down vacation, lol. 

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When they gossip...

23 Apr, 2021

There are many sayings about gossip, "Gossip dies, when gossip hits a wise person's ears", "If they"re gossiping to you about me, then they'll gossip to me about you", "if gossip were food, many would be over weight".  

When people talk and all they have to say about someone is negative, then you know the problem isn't the person being gossiped about, it's with the gossiper.  People who are kind, and who truly want better for other people, don't spread hate, nor is all they see in someone, negative. They"ll see the good too, and try to encourage others to see that good as well. They'll ask questions, and see all sides of a story, before relating it to another. So many in this industry, especially in the Maritimes, are known for spreading untruths about other escorts they've never met, or whom they've only read about, or heard about, from another escort, or client. It's sad really, and some really seem to enjoy spreading those stories. I've heard many times how "so and so" sad this or that, about me. Yet, I've never met this "so and so" , nor have I ever talked to the person, either. My number is widely published, yet no one has ever called to question me about truths or untruths, or why I've written what I've written, or to ask why I feel the way I do. Which speaks volumes. It tells me that there are some in our industry who enjoy "taking someone down", or who enjoy trying to destroy another person's reputation without knowing the truth, or both sides of said story. In this industry, at least as far as Maritime standards go, if oyu don't see things as your peers do, if you don't promote their favorite board, or duo partner, then your considered troublesome, jealous, dramatic, etc. The problem is never them, lol. "They" never err.

 We are all guilty of talking about other people we've had experiences with, even about those we haven't had experiences with. What I see as problematic, is when you purposely gossip to harm someone, or when you gossip to try and convince others that the person you dislike should be as disliked by others as well. I obviously see no problem with speaking openly about experiences, both negative and positive, which you've had with someone. If you're doing it to explain your side of things, or to simply speak about your experiences. But again, it's not okay if you're doing it to only gain support for your hate or with hopes that your gossip will do the person harm. My experience with a client, lets say, won't be the same as that of another escort. So if I'm saying something negative about that client, it's for a reason. I have no horse in this race. Escorting for me, is for my social entertainment. I don't need x number of followers, duo partners, nor noteriety in this industry, of any kind. I've no interest in gaining a reputation to be known as "Halifax's best", nor do I need to see a certain amount of clients per day/week/month, to meet financial goals. I'll survive nicely without any of it. But ask yourself, could the person gossiping to you about me, do the same? When I speak of others in this industry, it is because my experience with that person I speak of or blog about, has often been misconstrued, lied about, or exaggerated, and it's important for me to make my side clear, or to have it known that a particular client might not be as he represents himself, and could be dangerous. Say what you will about me.... at least I can comfortably say, I don't hide. I author all my comments. Nor do I circumvent truths to gain clients, escort friends, or to gain support of any kind, within this industry. I don't kiss ass....can you say the same? 


Age bias....

20 Apr, 2021

This blog was prompted by this thread  and because it is something I've experienced most of my escorting career and a topic I have addressed and will again.

Thank you to the lovely Katherine for adding her valued voice to the topic, and for making great points. I miss our conversations.... 

I remember being called old as far back as my late twenties. In this business it is the misassumption that escorts are only as valuable as our physical attributes and our age is only deemed worthy until it hits the "middleness" of life. Once you pass the 40 mark, the innuendos and snarky comments you'll hear from clients, usually review board guys, and other escorts, are frequent. Thankfully I see things for what they are now. When those who want to belittle, or devalue us, they'll strike out and their only ammunition typically is to attack our looks and or age. It is funny when you think about it, as we all age, and just as I'm getting older, so are others. So it only makes sense that I'll always have people my age and older seeking a companion they can relate to. It's no surprise that there are men ( I mention men because that is who I see) who prefer to meet with a woman closer to their age, rather than their daughters, or granddaughters age. Many of these same gentlemen also seek out companions for the companionship and conversation. A date for them encompasses far more than just a roll in the hay. 

It has taken me a lot of years to understand the psychology behind those who name call and put down, based on looks and age. I'm also aware that aging doesn't equate maturity. Sadly there are those over 40 who are often the ones who belittle others because of age and looks. We can assume they do so because they are insecure about their own aging and looks. Age bias will never go away, but lets hope that discussing the topic, and seeing it for what it is, will help make the voices of those who like to promote the bias less audible. 

See age as you will, but remember no matter your age, there will always be those younger than you, and those older, and only the lucky get older....... the alternative isn't as nice, lol.  


Where will it end....

17 Apr, 2021

The most recent lock downs in Ontario has me heart sick for all of it's residents. We all know what it feels like to live with restrictions because of Covid, but here in the Maritimes we've been lucky to be able to be allowed some freedom within our provinces, unlike Ontario and other provinces. I just can't grapple the latest acts by their government, especially with the extra power they've given the police. Being able to stop and question anyone found outside of their homes/residences is imho, just going beyond necessity and is a perversion of power. I'll respect the advice of the medical professionals and believe that all of that is necessary to quell this virus. But it all still seems radical.

We've been locked down and have followed protocols, yet time and time again, we still face an increase of cases. I would think that if masking up and staying at home doesn't surpress, or stop the virus, then perhaps we should look at other remedies, or move on with life. At some point normality has to be allowed. As it's been said,  even the vaccines can't prevent some strains of this contagion. So the governement can't keep closing businesses and expecting people to remain locked in their homes. Lock downs can be as destructive as this virus. I'm no longer sure about what is worse, hospitals becoming overwhelmened or the lives of some people being destroyed because of the ramifications all these protocols have caused. I just hope an end to all of it is very near.

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New pics...

15 Apr, 2021

As some of you who follow me on twitter may have noticed I've posted a few new photos. I'm more motivated lately to take them as I tend to do this as I'm getting ready for a date. And I've been accepting dates on a regular basis again. You may have also noticed that some of those pictures are without my stay ups, and show my very white bare legs, lol. Some also show me in casual clothes. As I've had date requests for both. I've also been advised by some I talk to, that along with the many rumors spread about me, that there have been things said disparaging my legs, lol. So I've posted enough bare leg photos to show that although my legs are very pale, they are also gloriously, lean, long and perfectly imperfect. Isn't it sad how some people in this industry try so hard to make some us look bad, so they'll look better. 



good advice

15 Apr, 2021


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A summary....

13 Apr, 2021

It's been an interesting spring thus far. I ventured out on my first road trip, which was to Sydney, and it was enjoyable. I'm hoping my second road trip of the year, to Fredericton, will come to fruition and be as worthy. With the bubble opening on the 19th, I'm hoping for many road trips in the next few months, throughout Nova Scotia, and the Maritimes. I've become more open to accepting more casual types of dates, where I dress down, and on some, I even ditch the stay ups, lol. Which wasn't so bad. If the gentlemen gets turned on by that, then I suppose I can too. Although I will admit that I'm a glamor girl at heart and my preference is to be dolled up for my dates, I just feel sexier that way. I've learned it's best to stick to "friends" and making friends, who are outside of this business. As once again, it's been proven to me that *some women* within this business aren't interested in being true friends, they are sycophants, and only friendly and loyal to those who'll gain them an advantage and who'll help them earn more $$. Keep in mind, some of the clients we confide in, confide in others.

 I've also learned that I have some very special clients. A few I might even consider friends. Men who've been there for me through this whole chaotic year and who continue to make escorting pleasureable and worth my while. I have also been surprised by the influx of phone dates I have been receiving, which I'm discovering I'm very good at, and having so much fun with. Getting to know some gentlemen from all corners of this planet, in itself is exciting. I even bought two new toys to add to that fun. I've always been attracted to men who have an accent:) Who thought talking sexy would be my forte, lol. All in all, the past few months have been pretty good in most ways. Here is to hoping the good continues and just keeps getting even better...... well all now know the opening of the bubble is being postponed until May 3rd. If it opens then I'll make make new plans for a Fredericton trip. Stay safe, smile, and have a lovely day.


Scrubbed clean...

11 Apr, 2021

An older article but one that is informative, regardless. It's about the take down of  escorting ad sites in 2018 because of fosta sesta


Go to your doctor....

11 Apr, 2021

I don't know why review boards think they are the place to promote and quote sti's facts and fictions ( btw the acronym STD in no longer used by health pros because symptoms aren't always noticed and sexually transmitted infections don't always turn into sexually transmitted diseases(std"s)) I can only assume since their members are those who involve themselves with different partners and different sexual activities, they then believe themselves to have the experience to become armchair doctors.

In my time on the local board GFE was the thing, and Gfe by all those who posted on that board, had to include a BBBJ, French kissing, and the minimum. I was often told I couldn't and shouldn't be advertising as a GFE as I didn't offer BBBJ. They would often post threads about BBBJ's being safe, that you couldn't contract specific sti's if you gave or received one....basically if you made any posts that were anything but pro BBBJ you'd be shamed out of the thread. Today it seems escorts are on the opposite end of that conversation now. Now they promote covered Bj's only. Yet many are still allowing uncovered oral on themselves....To much misinformation is still being perpetuated.

I believe anyone seeking advice about what can be contracted and what can't and why, should only be seeking it from your family doctor, or a doctor at a sexual health clinic, not the internet, nor an escort review board. It is only health professionals who should give advice as we're all in unique situations with differing health conditions/situations. Example... Some people need to get tested yearly, others more often. Some can be more susceptible to contracting something because of medications or they take, or because of health issues they already have, etc. Again, only a doctor should/can confirm this. Only a doctor's or another health professionals advice should be heeded when wanting facts about sti's and YOUR health situation. The only common knowledge that can be promoted and supported without a medical consult is that if you are celibate you'll remain safe from contracting a sti.

So if you are involving yourself with a new, and or multiple partners, seek out a health professional to discuss how often you should be tested and to have any sexual health related questions answered. Be safe and enjoy.....  


Something for you...

07 Apr, 2021

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Happy Easter.....

01 Apr, 2021

Wishing everyone a peaceful, delicious, happy and fun Easter weekend. I hope you are surrounded by those you love and who show you love back......Eat, drink and be Mary.....or Jane, Susan, Bill or Bob. Be whomever you choose to be, please, just be kind :) 


Groups representing sex-trade workers launch legal challenge of Canada's prostitution laws Social Sharing

30 Mar, 2021

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The games people play....

30 Mar, 2021

On Thursday March 18, I was having a back and forth on twitter with another escort. This person is a fervent supporter of lyla, and in a tweet made a comment about how not having to advertise on leoslist had brought her some peace. I read that as another lyla member once again bashing I took offense to that tweet as there are a few lyla members, Waterat being a constant one, who frequently bashes leoslist and those who advertise on it, and in turn sings lyla praises.....The hypocrisy in this is that they are the same companies...owned by the same people..... Some how these people seem to believe if you join and advertise on lyla, you become washed of all your sins, lol, and a better class of escort/client....and when you join lyla it makes you trustworthy, so they claim, lol!!!....In this twitter exchange I tried to point out how hypocritical and annoying it was, seeing these same people bash leoslist over and over again and then some of those same people get upset when I talk about how distructive and awful I think lyla was and is to our industry. I was told I continually slandered lyla. Apparently they think it's okay for them to speak negatively about a site they find problematic, yet if I or anyone does the same to their beloved lyla, it becomes "slander"....... Hmmm, slander? I thought something can only be considered slander when it is a lie. Anything I've spoken about I've experienced, so it certainly isn't slander. But I suppose any of us becomes defensive and protective of those things that benefit us, regardless of the harm they've done to in this case. Those who defend the review board Lyla, do well by it and have no regard for it's past and present indiscretions, nor do they seem to care how it negatively affects the escort industry today. They are blind to any of it.......

Anyhow, another person became involved in our argument and suggested I reach out to join Lyla, lol...imagine me joining a review board........The interesting part of all of this is a day after all this foolishness happened I received a text from someone claiming to be lydiahardwood..(Lyla's admininstrator)...(I've included the text here, and note it's a Vancouver number) but was it really lydia texting me?.....I replied to the text and that reply remains who do you think **actually** text me, lol..........oh the games people play..... 

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Even back then.....

27 Mar, 2021

Even back when my body was said to be nearly flawless, I was also called fat, old, ugly, fake, plastic, etc, etc....I posted this picture on twitter last night and it brought back all those memories. The good and the bad.... Some of which I'm still living. People name calling, inventing lies, mocking me, making assumptions, blah, blah, blah. Hate never ceases to exist, and jealousy never goes away, so it appears. After all these years the one thing that is consistent in our industry is the amount of insecure adults it attracts who are emotionally childlike and vindictive. Talk truthfully about this industry and they rebel with the tired old name calling and attempts at ruining reputations and or business......Try as they might, I continue stronger than ever......I hope you will too. Hold your head high, love yourself and know that those who lash out that way are themsleves broken........


Remember this

22 Mar, 2021


She pity's sex workers....

21 Mar, 2021

I'm referring to this person and conversation on twitter.....

Sadly I interacted with her and as you can tell from her replies she has a skewed and very biased view of people in my industry. Certainly escorting has it's issues as do some involved in it. Yet people like this "hellcat"(her twitter handle) woman seem to have a need to believe we are all alike, have no ability to add to society, nor any value as human beings. It saddens me how some people so blindly judge us. I will also say that no matter the job/occupation you involve yourself with, it will not determine whether or not you raise a family, build friendships or add to society. All of those things are choices people make regardless of the work they involve themselves with, and it is ignorant and ill informed to think other wise. I will also say that when I worked for other people I felt more "fucked" than I do escorting. When I ran another business, not related to escorting, I kissed more asses than I do now, and I also had far less freedom of choice and work hours, etc, than I do now. I kept coming back to escorting because it worked and works for my personal and financial needs.That shouldn't need saying, nor explaining. It is somewhat of a lifestyle, and it definitely is my chosen career. I hope someday people like this person will see beyond their own morals and misguided judgements to realize that some of us need and enjoy work that differs from the usual and that acceptance of others is a path to happiness.


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Yipeee the bubble is back....

20 Mar, 2021

And spring has sprung. I'm excited to hit the road on Tuesday for a couple of days in Sydney. I hope to see you there. Then next month, as long as the bubble is reinstated I'll be making my way to Fredericton April 20-22nd. I'm excited to see familiar and new friends....Stay safe!


Don't be a jerk....

18 Mar, 2021

Guys when you decide to contact an escort do so as that escort expects, not as you find convenient. If a text is requested, text. If a call is requested, call, email, same.....

When you request a specific time and the escort gives you her available times, and the time you want is not available, don't start sweet talking and begging to be seen asap, now or anytime the escort HAS NOT specified. We state or list our available times because that is when we are available. It's not complicated, and it is inconsiderate and rude to try and circumvent those times.

And please know how rude it is to contact someone outside of their posted hours. Calling me at 4am, when I post that I'm available between 10am-10pm, is certainly not going to cause me to want to meet've just shown me how inconsiderate you are.

I adore Respectful, thoughtful gentlemen and those, and only those gentlemen will win my attention. I don't need to be sweet talked, flattered, or made promises of repeat visits. I want to be understood, respected. Following my contact details, available times, and booking requirements, is how you show me respect. It proves to me that you are worthy of meeting. It is that simple.

So please don't be a jerk, be a respectful gentlemen and every escort you see will thank you.


Why screening is so important.....

16 Mar, 2021

In all my years of escorting I've had every type of character contact me and often not for wanting a date, often for malicious reasons. Some succeeded in meeting me, whether it be just to see me, so they could then mock what they had seen, or to learn my locale so they could spread that information or use it against me, or for whatever other reasons such small minds can contrive. One such person, Demien3k5, circumvented my screening back in 2016. He is a character known in the escorting circles as a regular to the Toronto incall massage services, and as Jessica Rains side kick on the review board Caerf. while I was a board member  2015- until early 2020....In the screen shot included you"ll see how he himself admitted to meeting me and not for the want of a date, but for his agenda. He and Jessica, now known as Jennisis, for all those years did what they could to make my time on that board miserable, by stalking, slandering, mocking and bullying me. Demien is a 60 something disgruntled trick who would fervently boast about his wealth, and all the super stars he fucked....From my beginning days on that site he and his wing woman ( Jennisis/Jessica) would insult and attack anything I'd post. If I posted that I was vegetarian, Demien would post a thread on cow slaughter. If I made a comment that won favor with other members, Jessica or Demien or both, would come along and tear it apart. Pointing out it's misspellings, misquotes if any. They do/say whatever they could to illicit a reaction from me. They had an agenda...What entirely that agenda was, or is, I'll never understand, yet one exists/exisited. To prevent this happening to you, screen, if you can, and screen well....Read board members posts. And don't favor them if they are hating on someone you dislike. Because if they play games with them, they are very likely at some point to also play those same games on you.....BE WISE and BE AWARE!!

 So the moral to this story, and the point of this blog is to show some that it is important to be very careful of some of those people within this industry. There are many sheep in wolves clothing. Screen each client carefully and be leery of those "fame seeking" escorts. If they are prolific board members, screen them even more..... Trust your gut and be aware of those board members that post prolifically. They all aren't what they appear to be....As in Jessicas case. In many of her posts in those years on Caerf, she'd belittle our industry and brag about how she didn't need to work, that she had a "real Life" and a "real job" and that she only escorted for shits and she eluded to in the screenshot I've included. Which I realize doesn't prove much, but do your own research, there are lots of remaining posts on that site that show that side of her. I suspect that was one of the reasons for her name change.... as she has a propensity and a need to be seen as someone important, in a positive light, and as a supportive person towards escorts/escorting and those on the boards. On another instance, she tore into a board member whom she diagnosed as being mentally ill, and who she then told to kill "it" self. She called the person "it", because they were a person who didn't address themselves as being male or female......Please see people for what they really are and not the roles they play. Only then will we be safe within this "community" and only then will it improve.


I agree...

15 Mar, 2021

I couldn't have said it better...

14 Mar, 2021

It never is Just a Dog to me! It's my family ! | Dog poems, Doberman love,  Doberman pinscher dog

How Ironic....

14 Mar, 2021

How Ironic that a review board and it's staff, would post such a tweet. How ironic that a forum known to encourage, put up with, and often defend abusers, would put out such a tweet. Are they feeling guilty? The boards certainly have lots of "friends/members" who abuse, so perhaps.

But since you asked, and even though you prevent me from answering your tweets directly, I'll answer your question.......People like you, and your board, defend abusers all the time, by simpy existing and because, doing so benefits you and your board. You turn a blind eye to most of it. Because it brings in the $$$$..... The abused, the survivors, don't speak up because they see what those of us who do speak out against you and your ilk, go through, and have to put up with.  But You know that.....In this industry, if you speak out against abusers, such as review boards, and their ilk, you'll end up having to spend your entire escorting career defending your reputation, fighting off malicious lies, standing up to bullies, who are typically the boards owners, and or their most prolific posters, and or it's most promoted members/advertisers, and or other ner do wells who have been brainwashed into thinking that running a forum that encourages men to see women solely as sexual objects, for people to openly boast about their sexual prowess, who've they've fucked, how and when, who should be fucked, and who shouldn't, and how we all should be proud to hear such talk or to be talked about in such a way, as being a "positive" in our industry. Then out of the other side of you and your board members  mouths you'll lament about how discretion should be heralded and how women should accept themselves and their flaws. It's all so blatantly hypocritical, childish, indiscreet and obvious. Yet you still try so hard to make it into something else.... So here is an analogy for you..... No matter how much perfume you spray on a pile of shit, it's still going to smell like and be a pile of shit.....No matter how much you pretend to project an image of trying to understand and be empathetic towards sex workers, as long as you promote reviews, and their forums, you'll also promote and represent abusers.......But whatever sells and whatever makes your board popular is okay........ right? 

As long as you and the members who are at this moment flourishing, are happy and content with what is going on, that is all thart matters, right? Forget about those affected by your actions, and who speak out about the issues caused by your exisitence. You'll just ban us and then convince those flourishing members that it's not your boards that are problematic, it's people like me/ them/us. People like me who are career escorts. You know those who your boards most often mock. Because escorting is only meant for the young, and for a short time, right? That is what your boards promote, after all....and that is never something your boards address. Escorting as a career....

   Review boards in their inception may have been geared and with intentions to be supportive to all escorts and of all ages, and may have supported escorting as a career, not just as a stepping stone. But that has certainly changed. But you won't address that, right? Doing so just might show you and many of your members in the wrong light.... It's funny how your prolific male posters/members are all 60-70+ years old....and have been with lyla/cerb nearly since it's inception. They still post the same pics, say the same things, chase after whoever joins and becomes popular, and the cylce continues, lol. No change there.  No knocking those old farts.....The same old guys always chasing after new young girls, lol...Yet the female members who are older escorts, are soon forgotten,  seldom mentioned nor encouraged to post, are called old, and often shamed for remaining in the industry after a certain age.........In it's truth it's all very sad, but it can be funny to watch....funny to watch because it's all so artificial, condoned, and obvious.....


Today's quotes

13 Mar, 2021


And my own....Weak in point are those who counter a person's opinion with personal insults. It is always clear that a person who throws out personal insults when they don't like what a person has said or represents, has no valuable point to make, and only shows themselves to be pointless.


The absurdity of it all........

13 Mar, 2021

I've tried hard this past year especially, to be more excepting of others opinions, to take what I read onine with a grain of salt, and to try and understand the perspectives of some of the authors of articles I've read . I know how I interpret things isn't always how they are meant to be interpreted, and because I disagree with something it doesn't make that something necessarily bad, or wrong. Yet I also know I've a right to speak openly about what bothers me, and what I find wrong. Without being attacked personally because I do so. Anyone has a right to disagree with my point of view, no one has a right to belittle me because they dislike my thoughts. Adults can have differing opinions without resorting to personal insults. But then you have the internet. Which gives far to many the confidence to say things they'd never say in front of me or you anonymously. To brag, to troll, and too become someone they are not. In my industry this type of behavior is most prevelant on review boards. On this issue, I am not so accepting of other opinions, especially from those who support or defend review boards and who deny accepting the flaws the boards have and issues they cause. I feel as long as something exists that causes more harm than good, it needs to change or be removed.

This year I've spoken out loudly about my disdain for review boards, more than ever before. I've done this because I feel they've become even more toxic and harmful to my industry. Sp411 is living proof. When I speak out, I have taken into consideration the thoughts and needs of those who rely on them. As when I speak I am speaking not just for my own beliefs and needs, I'm also speaking on their behalf. I want the industry better for all of us. Sadly, I feel, they never have the same consideration for me, when they praise and defend the boards. 

 If we're all going to be honest, and by we, I am meaning escorts and clients within the escort community. We'll admit that we all know that most escorts are out there selling their bodies, because even though we say we sell our time, we all know first and foremost, what attracts most clients, is the physicality of the escort. We also know, some are selling their bodies out of necessity, not because they're horny or because they enjoy escorting. The narrative review boards promote is that all their escort members are horny and insatiable, and their clients are all generous and considerate and everyone is happily comingling......Yet in truth, there are clients who put little consideration into the needs of the escort they contact. They ignore contact protocols, the escorts working hours, and other important specifics the escort requires. The clients I speak of, want what they want, when and where they need it and speak to us as they see fit and contact us at their whim, with no remorse or apology. Some of them even resent the fact that they see escorts and eventually some of those clients will take that discontent out on some escort/s at some point and time. Remember I am speaking generally. We also are aware that many escorts on review boards aren't actually wearing Louboutin heels on their dates, and driving to see clients in their 100,000$ cars, or inviting a client over to their penthouse incalls to sip on Cristal, while they beg you to lick their pussies. We also know that most clients aren't ultra wealthy, gifting their favorites with Patek Philippes or Birkin bags, and only see escorts occasionally. We also know the escorts who make it known they make enough to afford such luxuries as 1000$ + shoes and 100,000$ cars, also can be known to belittle those who don't, and also create stigma's that being a well heeled escort, or one who is struggling, makes one or the other, better or worse. Clients too are guilty of this..... They create hierarchies, which are then promoted and supported on the review boards to which they are members. Another reality is that many escorts become escorts not because they're more sexually aware, advanced or even more sexual than other people, and want to share that sexuality. They become an escort because that is their only or last resort, and this is another of the reasons I take issue with review boards. The review boards do NOTHING to help those escorts struggling or who do escorting reluctantly. Review boards however do everything to support and promote those escorts who pretend to be loving escorting and living the posh life because of it. The boards also allow the clients who use and abuse escorts, membership, and a forum and platform on which those clients then promote their misogyny and bitterness. I mention those escorts who pretend to love escorting, because many do pretend, and this pretense isn't always done maliciously, it's done so some can survive and thrive. In order to be successful in this business most have to pretend. Since honesty in this business is known to ruin people...... so many involved in the community will ignore the realities of it. Some are aware and don't want to know the reality of it. Some just don't care to know and some won't admit to it even when they do know. 

Another example of civie people who are board admons not truly understanding sex work and those involved in it, is this thread.......In this particular thread  , on the review board Lyla, it's representative "lydiahardwood" feels asking sex workers and their clients, if any of them "struggle *being present* during sex"  as being an appropriate question to ask the "community".  ........when I first read this I thought this "Lydia" was making a joke, then I realized once again this person was being serious, ignorantly serious........and I thought how ironic..... Does this person truly not understand sex work? Can this review board admin truly be that naive or ignorant? The irony in the question  "do you struggle to be present during sex" when posed to a sex worker is almost comical. Almost as comical as asking the clients who see escorts, if they struggle "to be present during sex" with their spouses/partners they cheat on.......... I think if civie people/review board admins, truly want to learn about sex work, or to understand their own sexual issues, perhaps they should seek out a sex educator, therapist, or better yet, become a sex worker. They should put an ad up the review board they promote, rent a room, and see some of the boards that for a few months, then come back and respond to some of the questions posed and which they have wanted answered. Then and only then will they ever truly understand sex work and what it means to be a sex worker..... I'm tired of civie people patronizing us by stating they "want to understand us" all while they make money off our asses, without doing any actual sex work. I take issue with any person who supports the fallacies of this industry, while ignoring the needs of those struggling within it. No one should believe that their "success" should be yours. Nor should it be promoted that if you don't look a certain way, make a certain amount of $$$, if you aren"t of a certain age group, or if you aren't a duo partner or friend of a "so and so" you then aren't valuable, worthy or respectful, within this industry/community. 

When review boards stop giving voices to the types of clients who use them as their own podiums to abuse escorts they dislike, and uplift those they favor. When review boards stop giving voices to clients who talk about escorts as if we are a commodity. When review boards begin to be show acceptance to *all escorts* and stop supporting biases. When review boards start representing escorting truthfully. When review boards give escorts the safety and ability to be honest. When review boards start respecting and demanding discretion.....that is when I'll stop taking issue with review boards.


Quotes of the day....

12 Mar, 2021

Amy Lee - If people are making fun of you then you're...

Quotes about Making Fun Of Others (34 quotes)

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And this happened....

10 Mar, 2021

The past few months have been interesting at best....I've had one incident after another pop up that required unplanned spending of significant monies. But how boring would life be if it were always smooth sailing, and what happened, was what was expected to have happened.... It seems without those incidents my life at this time, would be rather boring and uneventful, thanks to this pandemic....I can't travel, go to a movie, eat comfortably at a restaurant, visit friends or relatives, or even casually go shopping without fear of contracting or possibly spreading that virus. And although I now go to the gym, that experience is hampered because of the masking up, all the wiping down, etc, and I understand the need and appreciate my gyms respect to detail regarding safe practices, however it does make working out even less enjoyable. Although I did recently hire a trainer, to learn an exercise routine. At least this might help me learn a few new exercises and change some things about my body that I'd like to improve. Like my calves, abs and back muscles....hopefully in the next couple of months all of those will start showing more defenition. And hopefully in a couple of months I'll be able to take trips outside of Nova Scotia, to show off some of those changes and to visit those I've been missing. Lets hope things change in a positive direction for all of us, sooner than later. Happy Wednesday!! 


The filthiest side of escorting....

08 Mar, 2021

Those outside of our industry, and who think it shouldn't exist, will say that all aspects of escorting are filthy, and unaccpetable. That regardless of how you sell sex, it can't be respectable. Those of us who've been in the industry for many years, and who've experienced the good and the bad of it, will disagree.

It can be respectable for sober consenting independent adults to seek out one another for company. When they seek each other for reasons that aren't harmful to themselves or another person. When they respect safe practices, boundaries and discretion.

 Escorting used to be an industry with standards and where discretion was respected. Adults sought out adults, and they were always discreet about it in every way. No one talked about who saw who, when, where etc, etc. Clients were seen as clients, not allies, and escorts held respect for one another. Cliques weren't the norm, neither was backstabbing, nor hierarchy......We all looked out for one another. In my early years of escorting it was easy to discern the good clients from the bad and the pimped girls from those who weren't.  They didn't have review boards to hide on. There were standards that we all followed and supported.... No one was approving of the older guys that obsessed over girls who were 18 or 19, so they could use and manipulate them, nor of the pimps who coerced ladies. Both these types of guys were seen in the same light.....No one supported unsafe services, no bare anything. Ladies didn't disparage or undercut one another to gain clients. Rates were uniform, or 10-20$ higher or lower. It wasn't rates that determined who called who, it was the escort/s and how the escort/s provided their service and again, we all practiced safely and for the same $$$.....we all hustled.... 

When the internet arrived and review boards were born, they became a haven for the perverts to prowl, the competitive to compete and unsafe practices were turned into accepted practice. 18 yr old escorts were considered acceptable, even when approached by those 3x's their age. It became rude to assume an 18 yr old to be too immature to sell services, and it was also said that it is no ones business to critique what age a man finds attractive. Board members became sellers of the notion that certain unsafe services were suddenly safe, and the gfe was born and promoted....argue that, and those revered board members would soon ruin your reputation. Pimps and that culture is said on boards, to be frowned upon, well, as long as one of your friends, or a revered member/s weren't part of that culture. If they are or were, then they'll be accepted/acceptable. Boards push the importance of being "independent", to escort by choice, yet they do nothing to ensure their members actually are escorting willingly. If an escort is pimped and known to be, as long as she is good to her friends, and her friends are reputable board members, and the clients love her, she'll be considered a "good escort" and an approved board member..... Rates became something that couldn't be discussed, as they were deemed "up to the escort to decide"....yet escorts quickly learned if you wanted to be popular, all you had to do is lower your rates, and have few boundaries. Undercutting became the norm and an acceptable practice. Boards promote competitiveness.Thanks to board culture, the industry became rampant with disrespect and hypocrisy.....

So if you want to participate in pimp culture, the disrespectable, and the seedy side of escorting, join an escort review board... where perverts skirt the law, where ladies who aren't independent, pretend to be, where unsafe practices are encouraged, and prevelant. Where you can be as dishonest and underhanded as you like, as long as *you only* pick on those the "revered members" don't like, or don't work with, or who the boards owners or mods, don't favor.

Welcome to escorting in 2021,... where if you're an escort...... you'll charge less, do more, kiss the right peoples asses, literally and figuratively, join the right clique, and you'll do just fine. 

Where if you're a client, you can be sleazy, gossip, lie, ask for a discount, offer a lady a review, then she'll give you a discount, and maybe even offer you her friend, or one of them. Your hygiene can even be lacking..... Yes you can be all of this and the boards will love you, and then some escorts will too.... All you need is money, right? It is 2021, after all.


The immaturity of the mature...

07 Mar, 2021

Those who take part on review boards claim to be adults, as most boards like to purport they vet their members to be sure of them being of legal age....Yet if they're mature.....

Why do so many of them feel the need to disparage a persons name, and or demean a persons appearance, simply because their thoughts differ? Why can't people just respectably disagree?

Why can't those who demand discretion also offer it?

Why do some  "guys" find it necessary to publicly discuss a womans physical attributes, positively, and or negatively, then rate them? 

Why do older men think it flattering to publicly lament about how gorgeous someone half their age, or younger is....or speak publicly about what sexual acts they'd like to, or have performed on those same people ....?

Why is it considered flattering to have someone publicly compliment how good a person is in bed and which acts they perform best? Why isn't intimacy kept intimate and that privacy respected ? Do you really think telling me how good I suck your cock, is a compliment?.....

Why do so many turn a blind eye to those "guys" who ignore and or circumvent all the rules put in place by escorts, and or the platforms the escorts advertise on?

Why do so many engaged in a profession which heralds discretion, act indiscreet?

Why do so many praise a review board that owns an advertising platform which does everything to make their advertising more expensive, and nothing to rid itself of scammers to help ensure it's advertisers are their priority? Why condemn the advertising platform, yet praise the review board, when both are the same company? 

Why do so many think it alright to publicly announce any escorts misdeeds, and then justify ruining her reputation, yet also justify hiding the clients misdeeds in order to protect the clients privacy?

Why....because this is the mentality and actions encouraged and taught by those who run/own, pander to, and belong to review boards. 

Review boards are self serving cess pools of misogyny, bias, misinformation, bullying, outings, gossip, favortism, and intentional lies......and those boards are a detriment to our industry. 

If you want our industry to improve, you rid it of review boards and those who pander to them.




07 Mar, 2021

There is a thread on twitter   talking about the Nordic model, and how many swedish prostitutes want it implemented   ---- Swedish sex trade survivors back international campaign for the Nordic Model via

In the twitter thread and in the linked article it is "statistically" said that most prostitutes have a history of poverty, sexual abuse, or both, and that engaging in prostitution had caused many of them to have PTSD. ....So they believe criminalizing our clients, (which is the basis of the Nordic model) will heal those suffering, and will lower those statisitcs??!! I believe that the issues for "many" aren't the act of prostituting, they are born by sexual abuse, and from poverty. Not the profession/s those who suffer them, choose. There are many professions which employ people with histories of abuse, poverty and other issues..... Decriminalize prostitution/escorting and you'll strengthen many involved in it. Thus giving power to also help rid our industry of it's varied internal issues. Address poverty, sexual abuse, and other abuses and you'll help heal society.
I'll never understand how criminalizing our clients, us, or our profession in general, will do anything other than further traumatize those needing help, and protect those with nefarious intentions within our industry. As it stands, in Canada, we can sell, but those who buy can be criminally charged. This only subjects the sellers to further dangers as it makes our clients reluctant to screen, and causes many other safety issues for us. 
If society was taught that escorts were providers of a service and not immoral peons that too would bring great and positive change for many. If the police treated our complaints with the same urgency and sensitivity as those coming from "regular Joes & Janes", that too would help bring positive change. Wiping out our industry, won't cure those who suffer poverty, or sexual abuse. Wiping out our industry won't cure PTSD....Think more compassionately, more progressively, and more logically, if you truly want to heal people and bring about positive change. The issues here aren't prostitution, the issues are poverty, and abuse....address those and you'll heal many.

Something to remember....

04 Mar, 2021

A curious case....

04 Mar, 2021

The human mind can certainly can cause a person to scratch their head trying to understand it's complexities....How people think can often be frustrating, backwards and hard to rationalize at times........For example: I am a single woman who derives her sexual and social pleasure from engaging with gentlemen who don't expect anything beyond our time together, and who'll also pay me for that time spent. Some in society believe those who date this way are then sinful, immoral, justifiably judged, and worthy of being blacklisted from communities, positions in society, clubs, groups, other jobs/professions, etc....It has always confused me as to why some adults become incensed, or disgusted by what other consenting adults do in their private time. Why does anyone concern themselves with another persons dating life? Especially when they know those willingly engaged are consenting adults, and not harming anyone.....I think what is disgusting and immoral, is to impose outdated sexual or social norms, on other people. It is time consenting adults were allowed to choose their partners and dating styles without shame, or the law stepping in. It is time nosey, petty, ultra conservative people stayed out of consenting adults bedrooms and private times.....

Vent over, thanks for listening...Happy Thursday



Today is...

04 Mar, 2021

March 4th....and don't let anyone get you down. There are those who'll try, but ignore them, they are those flawed people who are unable to accept their own imperfections, and inappropriate actions so they'll point out and act against yours....





Idiot of the day

03 Mar, 2021

902-225-1995.....has texted numerous times in the past from different his text was "heyy"... and remember all my ads request phone calls only. They also specify gentlemen over 35 yrs..... he called....and asked "are you able to book" ?  I replied "I assume so" that is an odd question and I didn't know if he was asking if I had the ability to, if I had the time available, or something else.....I then asked "how old are you", his reply, "25", I asked, "can you read"? His reply...."Ha, haaaa...."  So this was nothing serious you might think, yet when this person thinks it's alright, fun, and a joke to contact at his whim, over and over again, it becomes harassing, abusive and justifiably actionable. Apparently some believe these "types" should just be blocked and ignored....and I'd agree if it happened, once, twice or even 3x's...yet when a person gets blocked then gets another number to circumvent that block and does this over and over, and over again it becomes an issue and again, actionable. So to those who think they've a right to criticize my actions and turn them into me being indiscreet, and untrustworthy.... take your opinions and shove them up your ass, thanks!!

I think this song is dedicated to him.....

I advertise my phone number to respectful gentlemen. I make it clear that I want to be called, not text, and by those over 35 yrs. If you think you've a right to abuse my time, my phone number, or my name, simply because I post my number publicly ..... I too will take action against you.....No person should have to be subjected to abuse, nor bullied for standing up to those who abuse.....


I hope you heal....

01 Mar, 2021


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01 Mar, 2021

It's a new month, one that brings us closer to normalcy, spring and many new adventures. I hope this month is kind to you and brngs you prosperity, and everything you love and need.

Happy New Month Of March 2021 Messages And Wishes | TechSog

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Give if you can....

22 Feb, 2021

Many in the industry are struggling to pay their bills. Many across Canada, and past our borders too. Many are also too proud to ask for help, so I'll speak on their behalf.... If you have a favorite lady, and have extra $$, consider sending her something to show your support. No amount is to little.....

Animal charities are also suffering greatly, and need more contributors, please consider them as well. Consider making a donation to your local no kill shelter, I'd certainly appreciate that!!

Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity.....My cups overthrowth with gratitude:)


Random acts of kindness////

17 Feb, 2021


Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 14-20, 2021.
Will you participate?
In these times it is easy to loose patience when in public and even when online, I'm guilty of that. Yet I also try hard to do the better thing, which is to stop and react with a more positive approach, to be thoughtful and kind. Not only because it feels better to do so, but because it'll make someone else feel better too. When you walk away from someone, or a stiuation knowing you've done something to improve someone's day, that has a long lasting and positive effect on all those involved. So whether it be just holding a door for someone, or buying the person in front of you their groceries, or walking their dog, running errands, or just calling someone to see how they are.....if you can, and not just for these days of "kindness", lets all work to be kinder, and to do randome acts of kindness everyday.....thanks :0)
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Happy heritage day....

15 Feb, 2021

I forgot about this holiday....not much of a surprise since most days this past year, especially, have been holiday like for me. I haven't been working much, until recently. Having another day to relax is always something to look forward to. So no matter what you choose to do to relax, or to do today, I hope you enjoy it and that your day is filled with happiness.



13 Feb, 2021

I'm happy to see more and more escorts demanding screening and deposits. I've know for a long time, those who refuse screening are always the ones who'll waste the escorts time, who'll no show and never compensate for doing so and who'll cause other trouble....if the client refuses a deposit, you can also bet he plans on not showing up, or knows there is a possibility he will miss his alloted time. 

Escorts hear the tired excuses over and over about how much a client has to lose, should it become known he is seeing an escort....well, to them I say, perhaps then, you shouldn't see escorts. Any professional escort will protect your information as if it's her own. That is what we are paid for, our priority is keeping your information protected and private..... Divulging clients business, will only ruin the escorts. And statisitcs clearly show that any client that has been found out was found out because of his lack of care, his stupidity, not because an escort has divulged his information. 

Escorts need to know who they are meeting, especially in these times, should covid be contacted. Beyond the other obvious reasons, namely safety....As a companion knowing who you are and a few other details about you, also helps us determine compatibility. Which is important to those of us who offer authentic shared intimacy. So there is no justifiable reason for any man to remain anonymous when wanting to meet with an escort...none. It is amusing when I see the review board members whining about screening. These guys post prolifically on their chosen board using their pseudonyms, thinking that they're protected and anonymous. They are if they feel comfortable posting openly on those public sites, they especially, have no excuse to not feel comfortable offering their chosen escort their identity. Screening is a must. A responsible, professional escort will demand it, and a respectful client will agree to it, it's just that simple. 


Success and happiness....

12 Feb, 2021

I find it curious that so many people determine a persons success by the clothes they wear, the car they drive, the education they've garnered, the amount of $$ in their bank account, and or the address they reside in. Once all those are gotten or achieved, then it is assumed the person is "successful", therefore happy. As they've all the symbols required by society to determine such a conclusion....right? After all isn't that what happiness is....achieving ones goals, gaining all desired possessions. But what if someone finds success in just being happy. What if someone is happy with just the basics in life....shouldn't that too be celebrated and seen as being successful? I think whenever, and whereever a person finds happiness that means they are then successful.....and they've achived the most important goal. So perhaps instead of being impressed by material objects, the educational achievements, or the $$$ in someones bank account, look deeper, and ask is that person happy.

 Happiness should be something we all strive for. And from person to person, happiness means something different. Be considerate, be understanding of this. Your ideal of it may not be someone elses. So never measure yours to theirs. Doing so is a sign you aren't happy....think about that. Happy people don't compare themselves to others, nor do  they put down those who aren't like them. They're to busy enjoying all that makes them happy....   


Review board cowboy's

10 Feb, 2021

Are you wondering what I mean by a "review board cowboy".....well they are those guys that ride a review board like a cowboy does a horse. The review board is their second home, they post often, have something to say about everyone, and everything, and often hold menial postions in their lives outside of the boards they plague. They may visit escorts often, write reviews often, and will always take part in either boasting about specific escorts, or they will enjoy demeaning the escorts who have spoken out about them or against their favored board. They often demean those escorts who won't see them, or who they've deemed unseeable because of some gossip they've heard, which they'll also enjoy spreading about. All while they'll preach out of the other side of their mouths, about just how important discretion is. Btw, discretion to them only applies to them, or those they deem worthy of it. As these RB cowboys have no issue outing anyone they feel deserved of being outed. These review board cowboys are the church ladies of the escort industry. They're plentiful, especially on #SP411 and imo, most of them should be avoided as should the money they'll sometimes part with, and btw, another tell tale sign of these cowboys, they'll *always* eventually gripe about how "hard earned" their money is, in at least one of their posts.......

On all the boards, and the ones I *was* a member of , Lyla, Caerf and the worst of the worst, #sp411, you can spot these guys blindfolded.... When you have the unfortunate pleasure of meeting them in person, you won't want to meet them again...well unless $$$ is your only motive. They are one of the reasons I've always advertised to *mature*, *educated*, *professional*, *entrepeneurial* *gentlemen*. Because seldom are RB cowboys any of the forementioned.... 98% of the review board cowboys are blue collar guys and there is nothing wrong with blue collar guys, as long as they're not review board cowboys.... Another one of the RB cowboy's qualities is entitlement, they feel they have a right to see any escort, even if the escort chooses not to want to see them. They will hide the fact that they are board members to circumvent any escorts screening process if they so choose....they post anonymously on the review boards also because they don't have the courage to make themselves known while making their snide remarks.They know even those escorts who see review board guys, will be turned off by their style of posting..... Many will try hard to circumvent an escorts screening too fool that escort so they can see her so they can have some gossip to post on their favorite board. They think it is manly to boast about seeing an escort that didn't want to see them.....They'll find it funny and entertaining to have "fooled" an escort.......Imagine if those in their lives, outside of the boards, knew how pathetically they behaved and how they entertained themselves...... I suppose this is one of the reasons they work so hard to protect their identities. Ironically, they actually have the least to lose, yet they will always be the ones griping the loudest about their safety and not wanting to divulge their identities (screen), because they've so much to lose, lol!!  They will also have to ask their fellow cowboys who is worth seeing. Apparently these geniuses don't have the skill to decifer a professional escort, from a scammer. And again, they'll justify their need for gossiping about different ladies as a means to protect their "hard earned money", and their "safety".....It is funny to see how brazen many of these guys are behind their computer screens........then you meet them in person.....and later learn just how small their balls really are......

Feb 23 update.....

Well, well, my blog has apparently and once again incensed some of sp411's "unregistered" review board cowboys, lol. Their delicate ego's can't handle this "40+ wine aunt", as one called me, calling them out....Btw, what the heck is a "wine aunt"? LOL!!! Another "unregistered goof" was seemingly angered because I misprinted  two words.....ugh, please throw me over the bridge, that mistake is at least worthy of that punishement, lol (big eye roll), and another  goof, who said, while hiding under his anonymous handle, "I've seen her a few times", and "she was happy to take my "sleazy" money"....Well, I'm not sure why "he" feels his money is "sleazy", but I will agree, I did happily accept it, if in fact I did see "him", lol. AND... although I do not *yet* know who "HE" is, I'm sure I will soon...... And wasn't it nice of him to keep coming back to see me, apparently he likes "wine aunts", lol! Now had he the courage to let me know he was a board member, I could have had the opportunity to refuse him. But he proves my point again about these review board cowboys, that in fact, these cowboys don't have the balls to be honest, to allow us to know whether or not they belong to a board, so we can then *choose* to see them or not. They feel they have the right to see us, whether we want to see them or not. They're entitled jack asses, and it's a game to them. They play their games and then whine about their grievances anonymously. Such big strong boys they are...... And they have grievances because they get confronted by those of us with courage to call them out on their bullshit and childishness. So please do vote with your "hard earned dollars" RB cowboys, lol. Because if the only clients left are goofs like you guys, I'll happily wait for gentlemen with spines, courage, and who've not a need to plaugue review boards, and believe me, they out number all of you. So continue to hide behind your anonymous handles, while you spout your vindictive childishness and retributive once again justify why review boards and their ilk should be avoided.



100 ways escorts can support one another

09 Feb, 2021

One of the lovely ladies I follow on twitter wrote a very thoughtful, important and heart felt blog, she has allowed me to share here, She has outlined 100 ways we can help and support one another....take a moment to read it and more importantly, put into action some or all of the suggestions made.  Thank you Audrey. Imagine if we all put into action these suggestions, how much better things could be and how much stronger, wiser, happier, and more productive we all will become.......

Every escort out there would do better if instead of seeing their peers as competition saw them as partners in business. I'm not speaking about those escorts who do support each other because they're friends, or who do duo's together, etc. I'm speaking about escorts supporting all other professional escorts. Imagine if we respected our clients enough that when they wanted to see another escort we recommended another lady not simply because we liked her, or hung around her, or because we wanted that escort to gain that client. We put our feelings aside and reco'ed another escort because she fit that clients criteria....that is imo, just good business practice and a practice I have followed for years. There are a few ladies I truly dislike, for various reasons, but some of them treat their clients well and hold a professional appearance, so I'd reco them if they were the type my client were seeking......Unfortunately to many in this business, especially in Halifax, hold grudges, and harbour jealousy....which I believe is fed by the review boards, and their prolific posters, who seek to cancel some escorts  and idolize others. Many escorts fall prey to those types of clients......So many escorts in this industry also hate that they're in this industry, and the artifice of having to advertise and act as though they love it, often manifests jealousy and other negative reactions towards those of us who genuinely enjoy being an escort and escorting. Yes it would be a better industry, if more people were thoughtful, understanding and kind, without bias. If greed, jealously, and contempt didn't exist. But escorts are human beings and when you mix humans with business, those negative feelings and reactions often rear their ugly heads......But good intentions and caring thoughts can also manifest positive reactions, which is what I hope Audrey's thoughtful suggestions will do.

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01 Feb, 2021

I'm welcoming in this month with hope, optimism and excitement. I hope that it'll be a month that will bring us closer to normalcy, I'm optimistic that an end to this pandemic is nearing, and I'm excited because I'm returning to accepting appointments regularly, 10am-10pm daily, by appointment, 2-24hrs notice required. I hope you'll join me....give me a call 902-444-0414. I'd love to indulge all that you desire......Lets have a spectacular February!!


Another reason I hate zoo's

30 Jan, 2021

They call themselves a business?...How can anyone sleep at night wanting to profit off of caged animals, living in conditions unnatural to them! Now because of covid, they're a month away from running out of food for the 2000 animals they house!! So soon these animals wil either be euthanized, or starve?




The truth about sex trafficking....

30 Jan, 2021

 This article is a great read that explains clearly why sex trafficking legislation is severly flawed and a guise for eliminating consenual paid sex trade.


Why we must be careful....

29 Jan, 2021

Do you respect your escort? Do you barter for a lesser rate? Do you expect your escort to perfrom high risk services? Do you promise to review or recommend your escort if she does ABC services, or if she'll give you a discount? Do you promise to be her regular for a lower rate, or for riskier services? If you answer yes to any of these questions you don't respect your escort, nor yourself....There is a rise in std's/sti's and there are reasons for that. Many escorts are working due to dire financial needs, the pressure of having to perform risky services may not be something they can refuse. Why encourage that, why would you want to take advantage of someone who is vulnerable? Lets face it, our rates are a kind of hazzard pay. Since we (females) are the ones taking most of the sexual risk. So, Imo, an escorts rates *can be* reflective to just how much respect and care the escort has for herself. A higher rate tells me the escort is telling her clients that she expects you to also respect her and her boundaries and she may also be charging more to limit the amount of clients/risk she is willing to take. A lower priced escort, who performs risky services, tells me that she is needing more clients,( and that need may be her choice, or it may not be) and she also *may be* willing to take more risks with her health, which also puts your health at greater risk.

Women are more at risk at contracting std's/sti's. Our vaginas have a larger surface that is more vulnerable than the penis, which can be completely covered, giving it more protection. The vagina has a delcate ph balance. Any insertion of objects can introduce bacteria which will then mess up that ph, resulting in at the least, yeast infections, and often more serious problems. Due to the fact that the vagina is an internal organ, it can be harder for women to notice symptoms in their vagina. Men are more likely to notice sores and rashes on their penis because it is external. A sexual exchange between a man and a woman will never be an equal one. Studies have established that women have a higher biological risk for contracting STIs and HIV than men, with a higher probability of transmission from men to women than vice versa.  


1 A woman’s anatomy can place her at a unique risk for
STD infection, compared to a man.
• The lining of the vagina is thinner and more delicate than
the skin on a penis, so it’s easier for bacteria and viruses
to penetrate
• The vagina is a good environment (moist) for bacteria
to grow
2 Women are less likely to have symptoms of common
STDs — such as chlamydia and gonorrhea — compared
to men.
• If symptoms do occur, they can go away even though the
infection may remain
3 Women are more likely to confuse symptoms of an STD
for something else.
• Women often have normal discharge or think that
burning/itching is related to a yeast infection
• M en usually notice symptoms like discharge because it is
4 Women may not see symptoms as easily as men.
• Genital ulcers (like from herpes or syphilis) can occur in
the vagina and may not be easily visible, while men may
be more likely to notice sores on their penis
5STDs can lead to serious health complications and
affect a woman’s future reproductive plans.
• Untreated STDs can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease,
which can result in infertility and ectopic pregnancy
• C hlamydia (one of the most common STDs) results in few
complications in men
Women who are pregnant can pass STDs to their babies.
• Genital herpes, syphilis and HIV can be passed to babies
during pregnancy and at delivery
• The harmful effects of STDs in babies may include
stillbirth (a baby that is born dead), low birth weight (less
than five pounds), brain damage, blindness and deafness

7 Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common
sexually transmitted infection in women, and is the main
cause of cervical cancer.
• While HPV is also very common in men, most do not
develop any serious health problems

We all deserve respect and no one should want to take advantage of another. Think when you choose your escort. Take everything into account. As escorts, think and ask questions of those who seek you out. Self care is important and it is better to be safe and enjoy your fun without adding extra risk for all those involved.

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When will it end?

28 Jan, 2021

Covid, covid please go away and never come back, you need to become a memory not news of the day....

I'm so anxious to travel, to visit other Maritime cities and meet my clients from away, and make some new friends. Whenever the borders reopen I'll be packing a bag and hitting the road. This once stay at home companion, will become one who goes from city to city, all across Canada. I'm looking forward to many new adventures......


A good read.....

24 Jan, 2021

I found this on twitter and found it interesting. It is a thread about the beginning of review boards. Have a look, you mind find it interesting too.


Scam artists?

21 Jan, 2021

Back in December I had purchased advertsing on the website It was a nice looking professional site that came up on the first page or two, of a google search and since the price, 19.95/monthly, was reasonable/comparative, I signed up. Then January came, my payment was taken, yet the website disappeared. None of my numerous emails have been replied either have they been kidnapped, I say facetiously, or they are scam artists. You decide. Should they reappear, I'd think twice about signing up with them. Their payment processing name is under True North Media Solutions.


What a day!!!

20 Jan, 2021

The orange turd is gone!! A new day has dawned, and better years are ahead. Hope and decency are here again!! Congratulations to the U.S.A. for coming to your senses and dumping that crook, con, bigoted, lying, misogynistic, classless, racist, greedy buffoon. Today I'm doing a happy dance and celebrating with the rest of the world!!!

1000+ Interesting Celebration Photos · Pexels · Free Stock Photos14,418,408 Celebration Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

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Laugh of the day

20 Jan, 2021

found on twitter....Image

A shout out...

17 Jan, 2021

Some of the lovely "fellows" ;) I've had the pleasure of.....and  one I have yet to enjoy


Austin Hope

Joel Gott ( he was introduced to me by another fellow)

and that Black Stallion....

Thank you!!


Reviews and recommendations and other ramblings

11 Jan, 2021

This is a topic as you've noticed I speak often about and because it is a subject I'm passionate about and bears repeating. Escort review boards are the bane of 90% of escorts working today. Most will only admit this privately, as openly boycotting these sites can hurt their reputations and affect their bottom dollar. Those who dare speak out are often maligned, bullied, or disavowed by escorts and clients..... Those are issues I don't worry about, any longer. Since my inception into escorting, there has always been someone out there trying to diminish my reputation, my looks, my credibility, my intelligence, and my existence........I'm now so used to it that hearing compliments seems strange.....

When I screen my clients one question I ask is " are you a member of a review board" they answer that will determine whether or not I want to meet them. Here is an example as to why I try hard to avoid review board members (hobbyists)..... It was mentioned by a couple of airheaded "hobbyists" on the worlds trashiest review board, "sp411", that one, or a few "hobbyists", should circumvent my screening practices so they ( hobbyists) could then visit me, then it was said, "after he rubbed his jizz off my chest", tell me that "hey I'm so and so from that review board"....The airheads thought doing so, would be really funny...... Since this "mentality" is common among "hobbyists"/review board members, you can see why I'm interested in avoiding as many as possible and why the need to speak out about them exists. There are also a few good guys who are members, and who don't understand this mentality and use the boards too meet their needs, whatever those needs may be......and I will admit, you can sometimes also find useful information on them, but that benefit will never out weigh the negative issues they cause within our industry. Even "waterat"  (Waterat is the review board-"Lyla's", more prolicfic supporter, poster & self appointed escort know it all)  knows about the issues they cause, yet he  ignores and never discusses it, he only supports and touts just how wonderful "his review board, lyla is", and he can be seen regularly posting on there, stating "that no other site should be trusted, nor should any escort who isn't a member", as the quotes from him below will demonstrate, I could have posted  more, but that would take to long, there are to many lol.........

Quote/Waterat-there is a solution/resolution: use lyla.

I've seen a few ladies from leolist but they also all happen to have lyla profiles.

Lyla is always my go-to contact reference but many ladies have identified that they don't get enough interest and bookings from lyla - and there is always the issue of 'review board' (yes, I know, lyla is a recommendation board) culture and the difficulties that creates for ladies.


Many of these problems could be eliminated by the the repeal of Bill C-36 and the legalization of sex work without the government attempting to regulate it. end quote


Quote/Waterat-Simple homework, avoiding leolist and sticking with verified Lyla members is the most effective search method.end quote


and yes "Waterat", Lyla is a review board, not a recommendation board, as they themselves advertise (see this blog ) His continual efforts to convince other guys to steer clear of the advertising site leolist, and others like it, is funny to watch, since Lyla & leolist are sister companies, and one advertises the other. His misunderstanding of many of the issues we face as escorts too are frustrating. As his first quote will reveal..he states that escorting should be "legalized"..... no it shouldn't!! We want decriminalization, not legalization!!....But this is typical of any review board member, displaying bias and spreading misinformation. 

....Often times upon meeting, the clients I meet, and who aren't board members, will query me as to what a review board is...and when I simply say "they are sites where you post a review of your experience with the escort you've seen"....the looks of surprise, confusion, and just eww, always make me laugh...bear in mind, most gentlemen I meet are entrepreneurs, highly educated, getlemen who have common sense....they simply don't understand why anyone would want to post about an activity they expect to be discreet. Nor do they feel intimacy can be intimate when it's discussed on public forums and they wonder about the mindsets of those who do. The common concensus among those I see and most of the escorts I converse with is, that review boards don't serve a useful purpose and in their minds, are more harmful than beneficial......So it is frustrating to me that more escorts won't speak out publicly, yet will admit privately how much they detest them and how awful they think they are. And many of those same escorts will also gripe about me not "practicing what I preach", and I say back to them, "pot calling the kettle black"!! 

Escorting is an amazing industry that allows women to operate a buisness that they can model as their needs determine, and it gives gentlemen from all walks of life an opportunity to seek out companionship in it's many forms, in a discreet manor, yet review boards undermines all of that.....So I say to some of the escorts who won't speak openly, be the change....and to the clients who don't take part in them, thank you!






Aren't we lucky to have sp411......

08 Jan, 2021

I hope you know that the wording in the title of my blog, was me being facetious....Sp411 is a review board that is the shame among review boards....They don't get any more vapid, pointless or repugnant.

Years ago when I was first made aware of the review board sp411 I joined and I did so without knowing much about it. As some might be aware I can be rather spontaneous. It didn't take long before I learned just what it's owner, Chase's game was, and just how sleazy the site was. Sp411 is that doofuses entertainment. He has built that site to encourage the clients of escorts, and disgruntled, vindictive escorts, to post the sleaziest and most graphic details they can muster up, regardless of their truthfulness. The more graphic, personal and slanderous the posts, the more Chase enjoys it. Then if you complain about the posts being lies, slanderous or hate motivated, he'll offer to remove them if the escort will pay 1000-2000$.....that payment, he'll tell you, will also give you an opportunity to see the ip addresses of those who made the post/s. With those ip addresses you might be able to track the poster, so they like to purport. If you do, you'll then be encouraged to post their info on his site, and they'll be able to have it removed, if they too pay 1000-2000$...Of course these payments are guised as being payment for becoming an "administrator" or some other foolishness.....and Chase watches this all play out publicly, this is how he entertains himself, this is his life......He incites drama, and he jerks off to the cause and effect of it all.  

Sp411 is the review board noted for being the site where the cowards flock to post under "unregistered" names, or fake names (handles), the addresses of escorts, and other personal details and lies they think might harm the escort they take issue with. It is one thing to make mention of someone and problems they may have caused you, or to speak about issues you've encountered because of someone, or about experiences you've had and post those on your personal platforms, blogs, or social media, or any other place that doesn't encourage unknown people to add lies, or other harmful rhetoric.That all can be done without discussing the persons real name, address, health/medical issues, family members, or any other details that might personally identify said person/s. But that wouldn't entertain the small minds of those entertained by sp411's maliciousness and vindictive intent. There they enjoy having people outed, lied about and bullied. And anyone who is a contributing member and who is aware of all of it, is complicit in those actions!

A few of it's sleazy posters are PEIguy555, Gogofmagog, Vegata85, or as I know him, Mr. Two faces, and Rickkkm, this goof has some strange obsession with Sophia and Meghan. I consider them sleazy, because any person who takes part in causing drama for kicks and giggles, and who think it funny to consider meeting an escort who doesn't want to meet them, just so they can then tell the escort they fooled her, and then post that crap on sp411, are sleaze bags and deserved of being called "sleazy".....  These and the other goofs have no boundaries they won't cross, nor do they take issue with repeating gossip, telling lies, or just stirring the pot. They seem to thrive on all of it, and spend much of their time obsessing about the escorts who either take them to task, who won't see them, or who they can't afford. Then you have those "unregistered" cowards ( some of whom are those aformentioned goofs, and other members pretending to be someone else), who only have the courage to post their lies and bitter retributions, anonymously, as "unregistereds". Aren't they all brave and shouldn't they be proud......

All in all, this sleazy, ghetto review board tops the list of places where desperado's flock, where the bitter go to blame, and idiots go to post their idiocy. 

Here is an example....some "person" posted that I thrive on drama, and that my blog was full of it. Yet on sp411, this same person is posting on a site that thrives on drama, on a thread that is spurring drama, about someone being dramatic....does it get any stupider, any more hypocritical? also have people making comments about how much time I spend blogging, and posting on social media/twitter, and there they are making comments about what is in my blog, and on my twitter. Apparently they are  following all my social media activities, LMAO!! Does it get any stupider than that? The foolishness they contrive is ridiculous.... You'd think they were all high school students..... Yes, sp411 certainly wins the prize for being known as the site where the desperate & vindictive go to post.....and to all the unregistereds who've claimed to have seen me, aren't you brave hiding behind your anonymous handles, making foolish claims and put downs, lol. Thanks to all of you for proving my point about review boards and their ilk....



What am I?

08 Jan, 2021

ImageImageWhen a review board doesn't even know what it is....

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It's been a good start...

06 Jan, 2021

The first week of the new year is nearly over, so far it's been a peaceful and relaxing one. I've dedicated this week to self care. My hair appointment, dental cleaning, perdicure and possibly a massage.....Going to the gym and walking regularly. Now that we can make appointments for workouts it makes it easier for me to dedicate specific days and times for some exercise and some is better than none. Now that the restaurants have reopend I'll be dining out a few times also. Next week will become my start of eliminating certain foods from my diet, as I start a cleaner diet. All in all I've promised myself that 2021 will be a year of growth, heathier living, and learning. It's going to be a great year!!


Happy New year!!!

30 Dec, 2020

23,999 Happy New Year 2021 Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from  Dreamstime


I'm not sure why I'm so excited for this new years eve, but I am...Today I'm shopping for my party supplies, and decorating for my little get together. My big party, lol, will consist of 3 is covid times, so no big gatherings this year. We'll have fun regardless. I wish you all a safe, happy and fun New years eve, and lets hope 2021 brings an end to this pandemic and a return to some normalcy. See you in 2021!!

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A week in review....

29 Dec, 2020

Christmas has come and gone, and it was certainly different this year.  There was no going away/travelling, no family gatherings, nor any parties. Although I still cooked and had some fun. Now I await the New Year's eve/New Year, and it too will be dfferent, or will it?

So what else happened in the world of this Halifax escort, this week, lol....well..... I've been fed some interesting gossip, and it seems there is an escort or two, conspiring retribution for some of my bloggings, lol. Isn't it ironic, I'm being fed gossip about other escorts spreading gossip about me, and in turn, I'm writing about that gossip......But note, I call gossip, just that, which is hearsay... and I also call some things experiences, which are those things I've personally seen, lived through or dealt with.....I prefer to blog about the latter, but some gossip deserves attention, so......

 It's being said that  a few of lyla's hobbyists are being contacted and fed crap, accusing me of writing posts I haven't written and claiming I'm doing things I haven't done. Busy bodies have to be busy, I suppose. "Some people" aren't happy to dislike me on their own, it appears. "Some people" only have courage in numbers, so they have to contact others to join their cause and in the process, they exaggerate their case, by spreading untruths, in order to justify their cause. I'm starting to understand the term "community" now, when those "Lyla" members use seems they mean it to say, "you are only part of our community, when you like who we like, and dislike whom we dislike", lol... Irregardless people will say whatever they choose, and people will believe whatever they choose....and life goes on, lol. That site has always thrived on is a review board after all. It is also typical of many in that "lyla"/community to disregard the bad behavior some of their own exhibit. I would go as far to say, some bad behavior is even encouraged, as long as the bad behavior isn't shown to some of their favored few. I recently read one of the recent interviews they post on their site, the person interviewed was a hobbyist, and a person I have met. He was a decent guy to deal with in person, yet previous to us meeting, his contact method and communications were inconsiderate and unprofessional. I still question myself for meeting him because of those communications, and since he often likes to offer himslef up as somewhat of a "mentor" to other hobbyists, I pointed out to him, after our meeting, his inappropriateness and how I hoped he would consider his mistakes, before offering others advice, but my comments were ignored. Like many of lyla's hobbyists/client members, they treat some ladies with respect and will regale priases on them, and others they'll disrespect as they like, without apologies,....and they get away with this behavior, as long as they continue to sing the praises of a certain few. Like on all the rest of the review boards, the phrase, "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours" is a phrase that is put to practice often.

So what else happened? Well..... I met some new "friends", and some old, and they helped make this Christmas week a happy one, to them I say thank you and for them, I'm so grateful. Thanks for beng *gentlemen*......


For those who don't understand my continual babble about and disdain for review boards, I'll

They're self serving...

They're hypocritical to discretion. Many members who join them often gripe about how much they have to loose if they were to be found out, escorting, or for being a client of an escort. Yet many of those same members post prolicfically on the boards and talk, often brag, about who they see/sleep with, how much fun they've had, where they had it, etc. The fact that they don't get the hypocrisy in that, is just bizarre and the fact that many feel when someone writes on an open forum, that they are worthy of having sex with, as being a compliment, or necessity for success, is just sad.....

From board to board, it's always the same members posting &  the same members reviewing and the same escorts being reviewed......"you scratch my back" syndrome.....

Lyla in particular promotes how escort friendly they are how & they are all feminists. Yet most of the threads on their site have misogynistic undertones or are out right misogynistic, or posted by members who brazenly display their misogyny on other forums, and play "nice guy" on lyla and escorts who promote themselves as loving escorting, yet hate it and are then hearalded for their pretenses, lol.

They're full of dishonesty, pandering and vindicitveness.

They do nothing to help the industry, nor those struggling within it. They're biased, and some have become a monoply, owning other advertising platforms. Which can be funny to watch, ar least in the case of lyla, as many of their members will often complain about, even denounce, one of it's sister sites....It's kind of like someone going to Sobey's to complain about lawtons....or saying you shouldn't shop at Lawtons, all while they shop at Sobey's

All in all, review boards comprise just a small number of those who participate in visiting escorts and offering escort services. Most intelligent people see them for what they are and realize they're not needed to enjoy being an escort, or to enjoy visits with an escort. Intelligent people are also aware that relaible/professional escorts can be easily distingusihed from scammers, if you take time to read an ad and or webiste. They don't need a review board to teach them that.....


So what will the New year bring?....... More gossip, more review board babble, more drama? Probably, lol, but I will do my best to steer clear of it all...wink........

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I couldn't agree more......

26 Dec, 2020
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Ho, ho, ho.....

24 Dec, 2020

Merry Christmas...I hope all your Christmas wishes come true.

This year is different for me, it's the first time in many years that I'll be spending it here in Halifax and without family. And that may be a good thing, lol. At home we always did the same things year to year to celebrate, and I'm still sticking to a couple of those traditions. On Christmas eve I'll be going for a drive to enjoy the Christmas lights. After that we"d come home for a Christmas drink with friends & family, open one present then off to bed to await Santa.....Although I won't be opening any gifts. This year in I asked those who give to me to instead donate to a charity of their choice. I did request they choose an animal shelter, since it was to be my gift......I will be going for a drive to see the lights here. There are so many to see in Halifax. Particularly the 2 homes in the south end, which are owned by a couple of doctors, who each year put on a light show that has to be seen in person to be appreciated. It's amazing!! This year they've also made it easy for those visiting to swipe a phone to make a donation to the Salvation army. After the light show, I'll be spending a couple of hours with a lovely gentleman, enjoying him, and some rum and egg nog. Then it'll be off to bed to wait for Santa Claus, lol.

At home on Christmas morning, we rise early, open gifts, enjoy a large breakfast, then out for a long walk, then off to visit friends and family.Then home to cook the turkey with all the fixings...This year the weather will put a damper on going for a walk, as it's supposed to rain, and be 12c. Not very Christmasy feeling. Well.. I'll be cooking most of the day so that will be fine. I will cook a meal just as my mother would. Turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberries, potatoes, squash, turnip, peas, carrots, and corn and some rolls, speaking of rolls after these few days of eating, I'm sure to add a few too, lol. Then it'll be pumpkin pie and whipped cream for dessert. And no I'm not making soup out of the turkey bones. I've been asked that question by quite a few already, lol. Making a turkey dinner, and cleaning up afterwards is a lot of work, and as much as I love homemade turkey soup, dealing with the turkey for a couple/three days is all I want. After that I need a change. After that, Christmas is done for me and I'm seeking to do and too eat things unrelated to Christmas.....

So....... no matter if you're away from home, alone, with family and friends. I hope you are able to find some joy in the season and celebrate it in a way the brings you peace and happiness.

I hope Santa finds you too......:-)

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Merry Christmas to me....

21 Dec, 2020

Thank you to the lovely gentleman that brightened a dull day. Your surprise made my day, thank you and a very Merry Christmas to you....

Just so it's clear......

21 Dec, 2020

I have advocated for this breed since my start into dog/animal rescue, volunteer work, many years ago.... and I will continue until my voice & body no longer able me. After reading this post^ I suppose I also feel a kinship with them since being a sex worker also illicits the same types of reactions from people when they know of my work. They too have misconceptions about sex workers, and our work, and often because of hear say and misconstrued/false information. Pit bulls and any dog that falls in their category, are dogs, in the end, and are as lovely a companion as we allow them to be. 


Haven't heard about the female condom?

21 Dec, 2020

Well now it's time you had......

if you've never heard of a female condom, this article will explain it well. It is a shame they aren't more easily found and more widely used.....

Venus envy is one place a version of them can be purchased


Blog post from Sienna Charles, pros & cons of showing face

18 Dec, 2020

This woman is a talented writer with an interesting very well written blog..... This particular blog explains the pros and cons of escorts showing & not showing their faces...


18 Dec, 2020

Yay, it's a snow day....some of you will hate me for loving the snowfall, but it's days like this that I long for throughout winter. Crisp air and a freash snow fall make going for long walks so much fun.....I love to shovel the snow to. So if you've got a driveway or a walkway in need of shoveling, send me a message, I'll clear it for you, lol. Happy snow day!!!




Snow and rain the forecast for New Year's Day in Nova Scotia | The Star

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Use your tongue....

17 Dec, 2020

I bet you thought this was going to be a blog about cunnilingus,, it's about nipple stimulation. 

My large, soft and eager breasts are always ready to be devoured by a hungry man. My nipples are very sensitive and enjoy lots of attention. I"d love you to cup my breasts gently, and to suck my nipples firmly. A gentle nibble too, can send waves of erotic pleasure throughout my body. It will drive me crazy with desire and a need to fill my mouth full of you. I'll suck, lick and worship your cock, teasing it's tip with my hardened, suckled nipples, until you are as erect as they are and you beg me to fill my wet eager pussy full of your stiffened cock....thats when I'll mount you and ride you until you explode inside of me.....yes baby suck my nipples, I'll reward you well for doing so.


Help them reach 10.000

13 Dec, 2020

They are trying to reach a 10.000.00 $ goal, if you've some extra, please help. Even if you don't have extra, maybe give up that coffee, for a few days, or even a visit with me, lol. I'd rather see you support a worthy charity as I'm doing fine. I've donated, please help if you can, thanks for caring....

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Phone sex.....

12 Dec, 2020

I just started offering phone/texting dates and I'm loving it. I'm often complimented on the sound of my voice, and my ability to stimulate a man through conversation, with or without graphic sex talk. Being sexual comes natural to me, as does talking openly about what turns me on, I'm very uninhibited that way..... I love hearing a man become aroused, that arouses me, sometimes being explicit vocally without any visual stimualtion can be intensly erotic. I love to whisper into a mans ear what I want him to do with my body, and what I want to do to his.....Call me, I'd love to tell you  902-444-0414

All phone sessions require payment by e-trasfer prior to confirming a time.....only after the payment is received will details be confirmed and discussed in detail.


Today's funny tweet....

12 Dec, 2020

We're not like other review boards
Our priorities are:
- Keeping the community safe
- Banishing misogyny
- Breaking the stigma
- Remaining positive
- Providing a free service for Providers and Clients

When lyla tweeted this^ today^ I had spit out my tea laughing........How do they think they keep this community safe? And they are exactly like any other review board, identical in fact, other than having a different name!!

Apprently they've forgotten their priorities.......

 ALL review boards pander to clients who are long term hobbyists and who chase after newbie escorts to mold them into the types of escorts that suit their needs. Review boards don't exist to better escorting, they exist for their own revenue. They promote who is most popular all while disregarding who needs their help the most. One ass kisses the other, is the routine, decade after decade, and escort after escort, client after client. The escorts and some clients change/come & go, but the same ol shtick continues......

They allow guys to go on their site and post warnings of random escorts, the problem with that, is *NONE* of those warnings have been proven, or are even questioned. As we all are aware, many in this industry are spiteful and will post stuff just to be vindictive. So allowing random "warnings", endangers some escorts, and unfairly ruins others. Lyla does nothing to keep the community safe, other than prattle on about how they do things to "keep the community safe". They support and encourage escorts who are privileged members, yet do nothing to help those who are just surviving. Any review board is designed and operated to cater to "privileged" escorts and clients who can afford them......They allow members to berate other non-members/members, albeit, passive aggressively..... they allow members to spread rumors, and make false accusations which they allow posted on their site and they seem to enjoy and encourage that behavior. They allow and encorage the same male members who've been there for decades, to post gobbly gook about how we should provide our services, what we should charge, how to dress, etc, etc. Clients have a right to have a perspective, but they have no business making comments which are designed to be "how to's" about how we should run our business, or where we should advertise, or how, etc..... They encourage those same members to create threads displaying women in various skimpy attires, and this is problematic because the threads never display diversity or do anything to project positivity or encourage inclusion among women. The women are always the same shape, color, sizes and ages. How is that being positive or breaking stigma...Many of lylas members are misogynists, they may not display their misogyny overtly on lyla, but that sites administrators are aware of the crap those members display on other crap sites like sp411, yet they allow, even encourage those members to post. Lyla's only saving grace is that they allow their escort members to post ads for free.....And for that some of those escorts kiss lyla's ass, and the male members asses, lol. All in all, it is funny to watch. And it's even funnier when a site that is so full of hypocrisy, tries to differentiate itself from something it is exactly like....Alas....It is the curse of some to be blind to their own faults and in turn create an illusion of good deeds...........Thankfully some of us have good vision.

AND!!!!....Anyone who uses the term "community" when referring to the escort industry should understand that term is meant to represent inclusivity, all escorts/clients. Not just those within your clique, those you like, those whom you feel are worthy of belonging, or those who are members of your board.


A must read....

11 Dec, 2020

With Visa/mastercard removing pornhub many sex workers have been left without another platform they need to survive. Reports of sex trafficking was the reason for the removal, which imo were exaggerated. That site like many are being targeted under the guise of saving some from sex trafficking. Yet facebook, where thousands of reports have been made, remains intack and thriving.....Sex trafficking is an issue, a problem, but please understand it is being used as a tool to take down the sex industry. The whole truth is not being told to the public. Please educate yourselves. Please see the whole picture....We need to save exploited sex workers, however destroying the industry, and those working by choice in the process is not the right way.

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Prostate massage....

11 Dec, 2020

All you need to know about prostate massage

How to Do a Prostate Massage

If performing prostate massage for sexual purposes, it often helps to achieve a state of arousal first. Doing so moves the gland into a slightly upward and backward position as the penis becomes erect.

At that point:

  1. Apply lube liberally around the anus.
  2. Insert an index finger slowly to the first knuckle and start masturbating.
  3. Pull the finger out and re-apply lube.
  4. As you continue to masturbate, replace your finger back into the anus, this time to the second knuckle.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you reach the third knuckle.
  6. Once the finger is fully inserted, search for a rounded lump roughly 4 inches inside the rectum and up towards the root of the penis. This is the prostate.
  7. Gently massage the prostate in a circular or back-and-forth motion using the pad of a finger. You can also apply gentle pressure for seven to 10 seconds, again with the pad of a finger rather than the tip.



I love bringing a man to orgasm this way. Watching him become so aroused that he begs for more as I massage and  masturbate him. I bring him to the pinnacle, then withdraw, until his ecstasy is uncontainable......

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A little bit of this and that and a lot of griping.....

10 Dec, 2020

So this morining I tried to post the picture I've included in this blog onto leolist, as I made a new ad there this morning.... and to my surprise the picture got deleted. On a site on which a mutiude of it's advertisers display their wares "openly", if you get the gist, they delete my pic because you can see a glimpse of one of my lips?....This reminds me of my time advertising on Lyla, years ago, when I had posted a picture in which I was wearing a g-string, but apparently that g-string allowed a glimpse, and I'll say you'd have needed a micrscope to have seen the"glimpse" of my pubic hair. The mod deleted it and gave me an infraction, and a warning that if it happened again, another infraction would be given and also I'd be kicked Here inlines the hypocrisy....not long ago I had seen a thread posted by one of the lyla admininstrators complaining about how their pictures were being deleted from instagram for being to explicit.....maybe that was karma, lol. So to those who might be confused by this story, lylal is a review board, one of many I often gripe about, it also owns Vipfavors, an escort advertising platform, and leolist, another escort advertising platform and the same site that kept deleting my picture for being to "explicit" So the moral of this story. if you're going to delete pictures for stupid reasons, you shouldn't be surprised when instagram deletes yours......

Another last night I had my website DMCA protected. As I was a little upset that one of lyla's minions felt entitled to copy and paste an excerpt of my blog, onto their site. But I haven't done anything about it as I saw it as a tit for tat. I've copied and pasted some of their stuff onto my blog, so.......but not that I'm protected and if it happens again, my money will be put where my mouth is and I will react lawfully. Griping here in my blog will not be my only reaction.....

And another gripe..... I paid for an ad on Massage republic, doing so makes your ad top all the others, all but those ads who've paid too. So wouldn't you know no sooner than my appears all the idiots come out of the woodwork, lol. Here's a snip it of the message he sent...........quote-"I eat pussy feirce text me I'll make you happy... Very happy"-end quote. What is with these goofs who think if they bragging about their sexual prowess is attractive. It makes me vomit in my mouth and then LOL!!!....


This and that.....It's Thursday, and it's snowing. I woke up to what I think of as being a perfect wintery day. I'm excited to get out and enjoy it before it turns to rain. Since the gyms have been closed long walks have been how I've been getting my exercise. I can't seem to motivate myself to do  weights or other types of exercises at home. I need a gym to go to for those. Lets hope they open soon......

Happy Thursday!!


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Tis the season....

08 Dec, 2020

What a different Christmas this will be. For many of us it'll be lonely as we won't be able to travel to see loved ones. This pandemic has changed things in many ways, and it has made life difficult for many. Yet many of us still have lots, and lots to be grateful for.... Struggling are many charities, who depend on donations to keep them going. So please, to those who can, give this without that something you've been longing for, we can all do without something in order to help another. Thank you for your generosity and I wish you all a holiday season filled with all that you love....





03 Dec, 2020

How would you define success? The dictionary defines it as accomplishing an aim or a goal....Since we all have different aims and different goals, when someone infers they are more successful than you are, or that they are succcessful and you are not, wouldn't that be rather presumptuous and arrogant? Aren't they saying, everyone should be like them, and should want the same things, and should want to reach their same goals?....Wouldn't that be a silly and selfish way to think?...

So.... when one escort implies that she is more successful than another, what do you think she is saying....that she has sucked off royalty, or that she is now famous and known among royalty for being a good cock sucker or a royal good time?'m being facetious......

Seriously though...success is not a one size fits all approach and no one should want to measure their success by comparing it to another. We are all different, want different things and, to reach different goals. Those differences should be celebrated, embraced and encouraged....It could be said that a truly successful person is a person, not who has gained more material objects, or accomplished greater goals. Rather a person who lifts others up and, who encourages and celebrates what another wants to achieve and helps them achieve that gola/s..... I believe anyone who can see past their own needs to help another person fulfill theirs, is successful.

Thanks for reading todays retrospection....


Ain't that the

03 Dec, 2020

Apparently, when you treat people the same way they treat you they get offended. | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Fake People vs Real People Quote


Wise words....

02 Dec, 2020


Thanks Cj & SaraAlexxx.....

01 Dec, 2020
  On 11/28/2020 at 3:46 AM, Cjthomas said:

I am another who’d also support that decision. We need more

people here who speak truthfully about this community and who aren’t two faced.

SarahAlexxx said

Just a quick reminder that she still slanders Lyla on the internet. So, can we please stop acting like she wants to be here... she wants attention only and has no desire to be a team player. 


This was from NOVEMBER 29th 2020!20201201_062215.thumb.jpg.d00df7d7a507fe39afc1997165f5045d.jpg


It was nice of CJ to show his support of me.....( ^ he was addressing another persons comment who had said my ban on lyla should be reconsidered....)

Lol, Cj it's been a while, thanks for your continued support, please don't mention me there again, unless you want them to evict you too, lol. As I said in that blog, I've no interest in being on any review board, especially Lyla, where bias, whorearchy, phoniness and sucking up are the regular activities of many who post there....

And wasn't it nice of Emily Rushton's minion "Sara Alexx" to run and copy and paste my previous blog onto lyla to let her fellow suck ups know what I have to 

Sara, you know nothing about what I want, or desire, so don't be so presumptuous, even though being so appears to be part of your character. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog though, and for sharing one excerpt of it for your friends to see. I see *one* of them was grateful for your efforts, lol. And you certainly have a different perception of slander than I and the dictionary have. So just in case you read this blog, Let me educate you...... I don't slander lyla, I speak candidly & truthfully about it, and about some of it's members, pertaining to my experiences and I will continue to do as often as I see fit. Just because you haven't had the same experience there doesn't make my perception of it wrong, nor does it make it slander. Educate yourself before you open your busy mouth. Slander is when someone speaks malicious untruths about someone or something, then tries to convince others of those untruths.....A little like you are doing in your copied post above, about me.  As far as you thinking I'm not a team player, that is cute coming from someone who blocks people on her twitter simply because they have differing opinions of review boards, to yours........But your reaction and comment  is expected, I know you are very protective of Lyla, because you do well by it, they kiss your ass and you kiss theirs, lol... yet you seem very comfortable dissing the sites you don't do well on, a little hypocritical wouldn't you say..........that is typical behavior of a review board member. ......  Clearly, your age and inexperience color your opinions, so I have no need to take what you have to say, think or do, seriously. If it came with some experience and less bias, then perhaps ..... So next time you want to make comments about what I deisre or want, ask me, instead of basing them on your biased, uneducated and immature opinions. Btw, as was just said to me, "no advertising is bad advertising", so thanks  also for the free

Thanks to you too Jenesis for your opinion. Which was also expected. You always do have to get a word in edge wise when my name is mentioned, lol. You have been doing so since, why stop now..... You're not quite as sharp tongued though, as you were when you used the persona Jessica Rain, interesting

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Well well......

01 Dec, 2020

In continuance to this blog....

  Emily Rushton reacted by posting the tweet I included here in the picture........She said that I'm a lazy bimbo, with a failing business, lol. And that I should act like an adult and concentrate on myself instead of starting a "war" with her.....HMMMM, a war? So lets break this down. I intially called her pompous, then uppity & now, stuck up, lol. I said she had treated me curtly, and that she had also sent out anonymous emails to many of us a few years ago with malicious details about another escort, all in an effort to ruin that escort. All of what I said is true. So she now feels right in threatening me on twitter! That is what she thinks acting like an adult entails? LOL, okay!!! Well, perhaps she is the whackadoodle some claim her to be.....along with being a curt, uppity, phony bitch, that is. It is funny how she thinks she can sit back and throw punches, make presumptions, promote keeping me of platforms and not expect me to hit back, and then when I do, she threatens me and incites a war? so I will add to my thoughts of her,  that she is also obviously delusional. 

If you are reading this, Emily, you are to far up your own ass to realize that making a post about you, writing a few comments, is not "concentrating on you" or "inciting a war" thoughts of you lasted as long as it took me to write them. It seems though, that you are threatened by those very short thoughts, so threatened that you lash back with a threat........LOL!!!And if I'm so "pathetic", and have "a failing business", why would anything I say even bother you?........  Well, may have some in your corner who'll kiss your ass and jump when you say jump, and believe the act you put on, know this, there are also many who know you for what you really are, and just how low you will stoop to get your pay back for what ever you deem worthy of pay back. Your threats to me mean nothing. I'll face you any day, anytime, and any of the sorry fools you'll convince to join you on your revenge..........So you #fuckoff you transparent fool.

......So just a little more of her hypocritical bullshit.... Years ago Emily griped about how I had copied some of her words from a thread on lyla, and used them in my blog to make a point. After I did that, she prattled on about how that was copyright infringement, how wrong it was, yada, yada, yada, yet one of her little  minions, (as shown in my next blog) copy and pasted my blog  onto lyla......that was apparently was okay with Emily, lol,... see the hypocrisy, lol. Apparently it is only copyright infringement when it concerns Emily's material.....Funny to watch them get all stirred up, by the words from this as they call me "ole washed up Halifax bimbo", LMAO!!! 


Lets break it all down....

29 Nov, 2020

Here is a few things I want to set straight....

If I mention someone in my blog, it's becsuse they've either done something nice for me, to me or for someone  else, or a charity......OR, they've fucked with me, lol. By that I mean they've spread untruths, tried to bring harm upon me, or have done other nefarious or malicious acts directed towards me. or someone else. So if you find yourself mentioned here, consider the privilege, earned, lol.

Since so many make assumptions as to why I destest review boards, I want to make it clear.....

Short version..... they've made it harder for escorts to earn money and they've given the clients far to much control over how we run our businesses. They provide a forum for clients/hobbyists ( I hate that term Hobbyists) to post their crap and then spread it to those who don't know any better....."Crap" meaning disinformation, myths, how we should screen, what info they (clients) should give to escorts when screening, what is a fair rate, etc, etc...... It is a shame that there are still some escorts who don't recognize this, or even care.....But I get it ....there are some escorts who are flourishing *because of* the boards and the reviews they receive, and those escorts can't see past their own success, and potentially, even if they could, would still not care about the harm the boards do in general. So that's it, that is the short version, for the longer one, we'd have to have a conversation, lol.

Why I dislike the term hobbyist......because meeting and having sex with women shouldn't be considered a hobby. Why? because we're not objects to be had, nor are we conquests. We're human beings who provide a service. Nor is it normal, to spend most of your time posting drivel on escort review boards, which is what "Hobbyists" do.. Can seeking sex be considered fun, something to look forward to, etc, of course. Is it healthy, of course, it could even be for some, considered an integral part of self care. But if that is your pass time, what you consider your hobby, in my mind, you have issues, and those need to be addressed. Believe me, the guys who go around banging every woman they deem hot, and then go bragging about their conquests on review boards, aren't guys who respect, or even like women. They are lacking something......and that something isn't just sex.... So if you call yourself a hobbyist......ewww.


The grudges some hold.....

28 Nov, 2020

Back in 2015 there were a few ladies who worked together to have me ousted from Lyla ( A review board), Emily Rushton was one of them. And it appears Emily is still working in ways to support keeping me off that site. I only wish it would sink into her head, and into the heads of others, that I'm not nterested in going back, so her showing support to those mentioning that my ban is still implemented just shows how much of a grudge this woman still has. And all because I wrote truthfully about my experience with her on that site back in my years of membership, way back in 2011-2015.....I believe I had said I was tired of Roamingguys constant promotion of her back then, how she had only been curt and rather condescending to me and never responded to any of my posts, even the flattering ones. Basically, I found her to be pompous, curt and someone who is known for using clients .

I shouldn't be surprised though, by her continuing to carry this grudge... someone who stoops to the level of sending out malicious emails, anonymously, to try and ruin the reputation of another known Halifax redhead for no good reason, shouldn't be expected to forget someone who wrote a few negative words about her years ago, regardless of their truthfulness....these vindictive and vengeful types carry their grudges forever, it seems....

This is a lady who would never interact with me, which is no big deal, and her right, but she would still expect me to give her client references, lol. Then when I refused to give them, she'd have someone else contact me for them....or now that I think about it, maybe it was her, pretending to be someone else, lol. That is just how sneaky she can be. It is just weird imo, for anyone to want something from someone they want nothing to do with..... Be mindful, this is a lady who will use or engage clients, to get back at other escorts. This is a lady who uses her platform and position to ruin others who don't fall in line with her.....This is a lady who often promoted hierarchy among escorts and who I believe has little regard for those in this industry in positions less privleged than hers......she is a sheep in wolves clothing and certainly more vengeful than professional. For those who revere her, good for you, if your experience has been different, great, that doesn't justify her treatment of me or the other lady's I know she's tried to ruin. And I'm sure some of you know to what I am referring....I'll leave it at that. See her as you see fit, and I will do the same.

After thought...maybe her and vegeta85 can team up and conspire some way to get back at me for speaking truthfully about them, lol..... or maybe they'll even marry, maybe Lyla will host the nuptials, LOL!!! Oh wait...that can't happen can it, ......wink!

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27 Nov, 2020

I had another lovely trip to Sydney. This time it was a little more trying, with all the young guys playing their games. Texting their hey's, booking, then not following through, and a couple of other guys who have called before just to waste time. Do they really think my memory is so short, or that I don't keep track of the timewasters, lol!! But like on any trip, the nice men who show up and share themselves with me, who are respectful and appreciative of my efforts, make up for all those idiots/timewasters. I'm very grateful for those nice guys......This trip solidified my need for screening, for only seeing men over 35, and that there is a reason I ignore all texts, from all still surprises me how many men of all ages, want exceptions made for their circumstances....My reply to them will now be, for an exception to occur, they *must* first etransfer an extra 100$ on top of my hourly rate of 320$, to me in order for me to "make this exception". LOL!!!

On wednesday I woke and readied myself for the trip home. I turned my phone on with the thoughts that if a client were to call before I left, I'd accept the appointment. And of course some idiot with a Winnipeg app number just callled, and called. I answered twice, I mean it must have been an emergency (big eye roll), as they kept calling, and all the person did was listen to me say hello, lol. Then called and called again.... Imagine starting your day with a need to call someone over and over again just to be a nusiance. What a sad life some lead. And of course a potential client did contact me when I was at tim hortons and on my way out of the city (930 am), lol.....Maybe he'll contact me on my next trip. Yes, I'll be going back. I look at my tours this way....the more hassle I'm given, the more I realize I'm a threat to someone.....and if someone deems me to be a threat, I will be. I'll come back, be at my best, and work hard. There is no one who'll discourage me. Nor any amount of money that will encourage me, for that matter.....I also get the calls/texts from guys saying "money is no object" ..... I wish more would realize that I am different than many. I'm not out here escorting to make a certain amount of $$, or needing X amount to pay certain bills. At this stage of my life I'm simply looking to meet some nice men and have some fun. The extra $$ is a nice bonus.....So flashing your money won't impress me. Being a person of good character, however, might. 

It's the same old story. This business is frought with idiots, time wasters, cowards and decent people. No matter how much time passes, the idiots/timewasters will show themselves to be such, by sending stupid texts, and other foolishness. The cowards are those idiots who've alot to say, but not the courage to say to the face of the person they gripe about, instead they post their drivel anonymously, and always on trashy review boards, and the nice guys without agendas, will contact me or any other escort, as we request, screen as asked and enjoy sharing company. And more often than not, return to share it some's not complicated. People make themselves obvious, if their actions don't, and you don't need a psychology degree to understand any of it.....

I'm hoping to see you again Sydney, before Santa arrives, depending of course on the covid situation....until then stay safe, and be good to yourselves!!


Help her!!

19 Nov, 2020

So after my find yesterday, (finding money in my coat pocket), and with a few ladies tweeting on twitter needing help, I was dm'ed (messaged), asking why I wasn't helping them by giving some of it to them.....

I'm going to tell you a couple of stories, a couple out of many.....

The second time I came back to Nova Scotia to escort I decided to move in with a co-worker of the agency. I didn't know much about her, but believed that people were good, trustworthy and never thought past that. I didn't have many belongings, enough though to fill a bedroom. She moved in with furniture, two cats and a boyfriend that came and went.....we split the rent. But as the months passed I quickly learned that she was irresponsible, selfish and untrustworthy. I'd buy food and her and her boyfriend ate it. She never bought any....I cleaned the litter boxes and fed the cats, and eventualy was the only one making sure they got back in the house when she let them out....On a trip home I later learned that she had rifled through my personal belongings finding my all my personal details, my parents home, phone number, my bank records, etc, etc. She stole some of my money and made calls to my parents telling them about my escorting. The start of winter I moved out....I later learned that one of the cats froze to death....And if you're wondering why hadn't I taken the cats....I tried, but they were hers, and she wouldn't let them go. I only hoped that all the vile things she'd done to me and other people, fell upon her....

While working for another agency, a different agency the one in the above story, I befriended a lady who had worked there, but who had moved to Montreal. We stayed in touch and on her visits home would always connect. She worked the streets in Montreal, and had a "man", that was a world foreign to me and seemed somewhat exciting, at least she made it seem that way. She dressed to the nines, wore diamonds, had property...she made lots of money and although she was smart with her money, she was stupid in other ways. She would party hard and loved her drugs...The first time I saw someone do crack, buy it, and use it, was with her. And no I never indulged, although I did drive her to get it and allowed her to smoke it in my place, stupid me. Years later she moved back to Nova Scotia, had 2 kids went on welfare and over the next 10 yrs I helped her finacially and in other ways. She enrolled in school and was doing well. During this time she introduced me to a " guy friend" of hers, and encouraged me to date this " guy friend". From the get go he tried different ways to get $$ out of me. **Fast forward...and after our 10 yr friendship ended, I learned she had introduced the same "guy friend" to another one of her friends years before our meeting, who had been scammed out of 20,000. Which I also learned she and the "guy friend" split...and conicidentally it was 20,000 he was also trying to get out of me. In the end he got 1200. I loaned it to him after this story.... he had said "he had a loan he had to pay back and that if it wasn't paid back he'd be beaten", I know, I was stupid..... and smart, because I had him sign an years later I did get paid back, because he went to borrow money from the bank......That 10 friendship I had continued after that incident, even though I had suspicions that they were both in on the money scheme. 2-3 yrs later and upon finishing her course we had gone out to dinner to celebrate. As per usual I was the one paying....and towards the end of the night she had told me "to go get her another drink, you stupid bitch".....Needless to say, I told her to get her own and that was the last time I talked to her....And no it wasn't that instance that ended the frendship, it was just the final straw. Not only had she milked me for $$$ over the years, she was constant with her insults, had her son steal from me, and when I had met with a couple of other people who were also her financial victims, I made the choice to cut ties......sadly this person holds a position of trust to this day.....

When I ran an escort service I would often get calls from girls asking if I could give them some calls....I'd meet them and listen to their stories. There were many, and many were often hard luck stories. Ladies in need of help, or so they said. This time there were two girls staying at the bi-centenial motel. They had said they came from out west and needed money to get back on their feet, and to get back home. They led me to believe it was just the two of them. I took them to get food and bought them a few essentials.....the next week I gave them whatever business I had. They did well. The last day I shared business with them, one of my clients requested to meet me, but I had plans to go out, so I talked him into seeing one of those girls. He was a client that like to spend 4-5 hours plus... and who also tipped well. I told her that I just wanted 100 to cover my phone costs....It turned out that she had talked him into hiring her friend too. The both of them ended up with about 1000 each, for a few hours work...... The next day when I called her to pick up my 100, she told me to fuck off and that she wasn't giving me any money, laughed, and hung up......Well it wasn't mins later and I was knocking on her door.....her friend opened it and ran and sat on the bed, the mouthy one cowered as I got in her face and asked her to say again what she had said to me one the phone....she called out a guys name...and out of the bathroom a black guy wrapped in a towel came up to me and said all he had to do was punch me in my throat and I'd be gone, I said go ahead....he started hollering at me about how he took a bus from out west and that the one on the bed was his sister, yada, yada, yada....yes this piece of shit was pimping out his sister....That pissed me off, I looked over at her and wanted to take her with me, to get her help, but she was smug as he stood up to me..... He and I, were eye to eye.....I stared him in his eyes and I started laughing, here's some joker talking about how tough he is then mentioning how he took a bus here.......a pimp who uses a bus!!!!! I looked back at his sister, and the other punk and I told them they were all pathetic and deserved one another, and expected to be hit as I turned towards the door, but nothing, just him standing there looking idiotic, hollering, so I left.....

I could regale more, many more, such instances when people have come to me needing help and then thrown in my face how stupid I am for helping them. So know maybe you'll understand why I stick to giving money to charities, or shelters or for rescue organizations.....We all become products of our experiences.....


My message for today.....

18 Nov, 2020

Fuck the nay sayers, name callers and gossip mongers. They want to make you weak, so grow stronger. Stand by your convictions, and be proud of who you are.

Today was a perfect day. I treated myself to a facial and massage. Came home and took out one of my winter coats, to wear on my walk, and in the pocket was 600$ Some days are the best. 

The more some people try and tear me down, the more good things happen......!! Can't wait for tomorrow!!

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Well well looky here.......

16 Nov, 2020   

I feel bad for Athena, since she had only good intentions by nominating me, and had to find out about the discord I've had with the site lyla, in doing so. I will say if Athena (@lust_athena ) thinks I'm a good person, that is enough for me. and *her* nominating me, made my day...for those who don't know of AthenaLust, reach out on twiitter. The escort community is better for having her in it, and she is someone to know. Her kindness, thoughtfulness and unbiased interactions are unrivaled. May I also say thank you to Katherine for once again standing up for me. I've come to know her and she is one of the kindest, most generous people in the industry. She has her faults, as do I, well I probably have more.... but, she would help anyone in need if asked and should be respected for her experience, and willingness to guide or help anyone. Her dedication to her clients is also amazing and unrivaled. Those who book her should be grateful she accepts you. To Romingguy....well It seems I'll have to unblock him on twitter, lol, maybe he's not quite as biased as I once thought. We've had a couple of run ins in the past on lyla, when I was a member, but all in all I think he's a good soul, with good intentions. Green teal, don't know him but his advice about  how I post/comment and not naming names is foolish.  He feels me naming names in my posts is inappropriate and wrong, all while he continually posts about who does what, when and where on a review board, which names who does what, when and where.......LOL!! Am I the only one who sees the hypocrisy in that!! If he wants to be hypocritical and passive aggressive that is his choice. If I have a point to make or take issue with someone I'm going to name them and speak candidly. That is my choice and my right. Some advice for him...maybe  he should take a break from giving everyone advice,  since he doesn't know it all and  it's evident that his constant responses to every post gets on the nerves of many. To Icefor fun, interesting how he jumped in on that thread after such a long absence, with his passive aggressive comment. Apparently Caerf and his other nom de plume, Robertson, isn't getting anymore attention so he came back to lyla., lol. Maybe he'll head back to Halifax too and book multiple ladies again, all while paying just one or two, then aggressively promote the one or two he paid, and who put up with his crap........yeah, isn't lyla lucky to have him back.....(big eye roll)!! And lastly, Lydiahardwood, lol, you are right, Lydia, I've been consistent in my writings about lyla, consisitently negative, because your site has been consistently negative to me over my years of escorting and consistently negative to the escort industry as a whole..Your site has been cionsistent in it's support of members who have biased feelings towards other members, which in turn promotes whorearchy, favortism and other issues. you and your site consistently allow certain male members to speak for escorts. No "client" should be able to comment on where we should advertise, how much we should charge, what services we should provide, or how we should provide them, etc, etc. No matter how veiled their comments are. Your site promotes  misinformation about std's/sti's and the acronyms we use, and an unreal /filtered version of this industry.  You consistently allow members who show their true colors on others sites, shaming and demeaning escorts, to return to yours to post prolificly using the other side of their personalities, without consequence. Which just encourages their agenda's and deviseness on those other sites and trouble for the escorts they take issue with.  If you and your site truly cared about bettering the industry you'd take issue with that behavior.....You then ask my name not to be mentioned so the thread doesn't turn gossipy, lol, when your site is fed by gossip and rumors, just as was my eviction from your site, lol!!! You are right Lydia, I'm not interested in re-joining, nor will I be reaching out. I did never reached back....and I reached out intially thinking that as an escort I couldn't survive without being able to advertise on your review board, back when Backpages was taken down. In 2018, I panicked...and reached out to the new owner, and later on to you....The new owner, or whoever was first posting on twitter, thought that I should be allowed to advertise on lyla again, but later sent me a messge back saying that my re-joining would upset to many, lol, and mentioned to try again later, which reluctantly I did to you on twitter and again, you never got back to me. So, yes,  I'm happy to not be a member. I'm happy to be indfependent in that way, and I'm happy to be consistent now with my belief that review boards do nothing to promote this industry and, are consistently hypocritical, consistently biased, consistently filled with misinformation, gossip, ageism and favortism. Their only good seems to be a source of employment for you and those who work with you. So please send thank yous to all who've kept me away, you've all done me a  huge favor, although I know that was'tt the goal, lol. As the infamous Catherine St. Claire once said on your site, the amount of clients who do not bother with review sites far out number those who  rely on them and are  members....and to that I can attest, is truth, lol. 

 And btw... the reason I was banned was because of a blog post I had made in which I had named some of lyla's prolicfic posters from back then (2011-2015) and what I though of them, lol. Apparently, and has been consistent on that site, certain members can berate or comment to certain members without prejudice, or penalty, however if someone like myself does the same, it's not tolerated, lol. I also got infractions for posting pics that microscopically showed a glimpse of my pussy lip, and for other follish reasons....again, the mods/owners back then had an agenda and favorite members.....I'll let you guess who they are, lol!!




Don't show me your ding dong....

16 Nov, 2020

I'm not sure what some guys are thinking, but if you're one who thinks emails/tweeting or sending me a picture of your hard on in any way is a way of getting positive feed back from me, or any other woman, you're thinking is skewed. I love the penis, that doesn't mean seeing pictures of your or any other mans is going to be a turn on or result in anything other than an ignore, or a block from me. It's childish and creepy to send dick pics.....I can assure you, women are NOT interested in, or turned on by dick pics. Thanks!!

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14 Nov, 2020

I'm once again so very grateful to those lovely gents who take time out of their shedules to seek me out to spend some time with me. You've all made my trip here so worthwhile. Thank you!! Charlottetown is one of the cities which makes me feel so special and desired. I find PEI such a special place. From the drive over, which I find enjoyable, quick and easy, to every other interaction, especially with those lovely gents I've come to know, make it' a tour I now look forward to. I hope to be back in December, weather permitting.......see you again soon....and once again, thank you!!!


Oh the hypocrisy

08 Nov, 2020

This lady is known for being very out spoken about review boards on twitter so I was very surprised to see that she was an advertising member on them and did an interview....after reading it I couldn't help but note the hypocrisy.....especially when lydia congratulated her for being out spoken about her dislike of review boards,  and"johns" and I also couldn't help note the irony... .  It is a shame that these people just don't get it.....apparently you are heralded when you speak up about such subjects when you are a contributing member, yet when a person, such as myself,  a non-member, does the very same thing, I'm coined as being disgruntled, jealous, bitter, etc, lol....and it's as funny when an escort such as Stefania condemns review boards, and hobbyists, yet advertises on such a board, lol. I will say I agree with all she said about review boards and the "Johns" in her interview, it's just sad that this "Lydia" didn't get that many of those "Johns" are on her board and that her board LYLA) causes many of the problems Stefania spoke of ...

Let me explain something, a review board is just that, a review board. They all have discussion areas, advertising areas, and ways to private message members. They all have moderators. They have many of the same members and those members shift their tones, their ways of speaking, to suit the narrative of each board, that is the only difference between them. I know Lyla/Lydia spends much of it's/her time singing their own praises, trying to hold themselves as being different, they're not. They may have good intentions, but until they see that they are the same and as problematic to the industry as the others, they'll never bring change. In order to change, you have to address and admit the problems, solve them, not circumvent them.....By continuing to deny themselves as being part of the problem, they allow the problem to persist. And again, if you offer the same things, have the same members, you aren't different, you're the same. Some people are blinded by their own needs it seems.... 


I'm so happy.......

08 Nov, 2020

So many new things on the horizon, Trump is leaving, the weather is lovely and I've just gotten the best news.....I hope your week brings you as much joy. Happy Sunday!!

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The similarities are eerie.....

06 Nov, 2020

As some may have noticed I've been following the American election closely, and have great hope that Biden will win....and not because I think he's the best canidate, but because imo, anyone would be better than having Trump for four more years....and why you might ask would a Canadian be so invested in an American election, well some of my family are Americans, lol, I sadly admit and yes Trump supporters.....Trumps latest escapade, the speech he gave claiming "voter fraud" had me thinking ( ) just how much he and his antics reminded me of review board slobbyists I often gripe about. I'll lay it out....

Trump seeks out a platform (The news media) to spew his misinformation and lies 

Slobbyists seek out a platform (review boards) to spew their misinformation and lies

Trump slams those who speak the truth, when the truth doesn't work for him. He'll reframe the truth to fit his own narrative. He'll then attack those speaking the truth and spread vicious lies about them. He'll rally people to join him in spreading his lies, (his base), and he'll continue fanning the flames of those lies until all his base believes them and he brings ruin upon those he sees as a threat.He will go to any lengths to prove his reinvention of the truth.

Slobbyists work the same way. If an escort they've visited didn't meet their expectations, or dare speaks out about against a slobbyists inappropriate behavior, or does something else that impacts the slobbyisits fragile ego. The slobbyist will then rush to post about her  on a trashy review board much like sp411 and spew either lies, exaggerated truth or anything else they feel will put their targeted escort in a bad light and gain them sympathy, and pats on the slobbyists spineless backs ......they too will rally people ( their base, escorts/clients) to follow their lead and will fan the flames they've created with continued lies, until their base believes what they are saying and it shames or ruins their targeted escort.Slobbyists will go to any lengths to prove their reinvention of the date they had or of the persons identity they want defamed.

Both Trump and slobbyists dislike strong, independent women, and they both use the same old put downs when they're confronted or feel threatened by them. They'll  attack the womans looks, intelligence, success, etc....this behavior is exactly the modus operandi of misogynists .....

Trumps behavior has brought shame upon the white house, America, and made it a laughing stock. Those who support him remain complicit in all his actions/behavior

Slobbyists have reshaped and perverted the point of review boards and made them irrevelant and unreliable. Those who support them become complicit in the slobbyists actions/behaviors.

Trump-very predictable

Slobbyists-very predictable



The only way to rid America of Trump is to vote him out

The only way to rid review boards of slobbyisits is to rid the industry of review boards....and choose escorts by visiting other advertising platforms......


Lets hope both things happen......

 To those who support either remember, in doing so you become complicit in their actions....

Speaking specifically about "hobbyists"....Escorts should understand, because a "hobbyist" has treated you well, by seeing you and being respectful, paying you well, or for writing a glowing review. That shouldn't justify you ignoring his inappropriate actions towards another escort, should they occur. If a "hobbyist" speaks out of turn, he should be held accountable for that too. Even if he is good intentioned, or if it was a one time misspoke. We as escorts are always held accountable for all we do, unintentioned or not.....If as escorts, we don't stand up for one another, who will. Those ladies who continually side with the review board guys need to reevaluate their motives and examine their shouldn't be that important.



Come on....

04 Nov, 2020

I get lots of calls/texts that I could memorialize here as entertainment and proof of just how many don't think before they speak/text, this example is one to give you an idea of what I see (referring to texts) and hear(referring to calls) regularly, lol.  Some guys truly don't mind displaying their's good fodder for entertainment though, lol.

Today's dummy...

I've an ad posted for Charlottetown advertising my visit for Nov11-Nov13 Which has been changed to Nov16-18th). I get a call, guy says "Hi hun, you available this afternoon", My reply- "where are you located", Guy says- "Charlottetown, saw your ad on leolist", my reply- "you obviously didn't read the ad", Guy says- "why, what does it say"!!! DUH......


How to spot a misogynist...

03 Nov, 2020


The following traits are typical of the misogynist:

  1. He will zero in on a woman and choose her as his target. Her natural defenses may be down because he’s flirtatious, exciting, fun, and charismatic at first.
  2. As time goes on, he begins to reveal a Jekyll & Hyde personality. He may change quickly from irresistible to rude, and from rude back to irresistible.
  3. He will make promises to women and often fail to keep them. With men, on the other hand, he will almost always keep his word.
  4. He will be late for appointments and dates with women, but be quite punctual with men.
  5. His behavior toward women in general is grandiose, cocky, controlling, and self-centered.
  6. He is extremely competitive, especially with women. If a woman does better than him socially or professionally, he feels terrible. If a man does better, he may have mixed feelings about it but he is able to look at the situation objectively.
  7. He will unknowingly treat women differently from men in workplace and social settings, allowing men various liberties for which he will criticize female colleagues or friends.
  8. He will be prepared (unconsciously) to use anything within his power to make women feel miserable. He may demand sex or withhold sex in his relationships, make jokes about women or put them down in public, “borrow” their ideas in professional contexts without giving them credit, or borrow money from them without paying them back.
  9. On a date, he will treat a woman the opposite of how she prefers. If she is an old-style lady who prefers a "gentleman" who holds the door for her, orders for both and pays for the meal, he will treat her like one of his male buddies, order for himself, and let her pay for the whole meal if she offers (and sometimes even if she doesn’t). If she is a more independent type who prefers to order her own meal and pay for herself, he will rudely order for both and pay the check while she goes to the bathroom.
  10. Sexually, he likes to control women and gives little or no attention to their sexual pleasure. Foreplay, if it occurs at all, is only a necessary means to an end. He likes oral sex but only as a recipient. His favorite positions enable him to avoid looking the woman in her eyes.
  11. He will cheat on women he is dating or in a relationship with. Monogamy is the last thing he feels he owes a woman.
  12. He may suddenly disappear from a relationship without ending it, but may come back three months later with an explanation designed to lure the woman back in.

Only rarely will a misogynist possess every one of these traits, which makes it harder to identify them. Their ability to lure women in with their charm and charisma adds to the difficulty of spotting the early-warning signs.

Women haters (unconsciously) get off on treating women badly. Every time they can put down a woman or hurt her feelings, they unconsciously feel good because deep down in their hidden brain, their bad behavior is rewarded with a dose of the pleasure chemical dopamine—which makes them want to repeat the behavior again and again.....end quote


He uses phrases like ‘don’t be such a woman’ or ‘like a little bitch’ or ‘he’s a pussy’

The badge of the misogynist – his constant use of female as an insult. Every time he uses these phrases and phrases like it, what he’s really saying is that there is nothing more offensive than being female. Pussy is an insult because it’s female. Bitch is an insult because it’s female. ‘Don’t be a woman’ is an insult because he’s suggesting that being a woman is something to be ashamed of.

He wants sex when he wants it, on his terms, how he wants it

Sex with him is sort of like an obligation, when you don’t want it, he gets angry with you. He has sex the way he wants, sex is not about your pleasure or about what you want. You rarely orgasm or you fake it so he feels fulfilled because he couldn’t handle knowing he’s so bad in bed. He sometimes withholds intimacy as a punishment. He wakes you up in the night wanting sex. He doesn’t take no for an answer. He might talk you into it when you don’t really want it. He might think he’s the most amazing guy in bed ever – and make sex all about his performance rather than your experience. 

He puts you down

About anything. Your friends. Your hobbies. Your skills. Your interests. Your talents. Your appearance. Your family. Your accent. Your ideas. Your studies. Your opinions. Your dreams. Anything. He’s doing that because he’s weak as fuck and he wants you to feel as weak as him. He can’t stand that you are an independent human.

All his exes are ‘psychos’

Red flag alert. If all his exes are ‘psycho liars’ – you’re in danger. If every word he says about his exes is to convince you that they are all mad as shit and made his life hell, he’s trying to discredit them for some reason. He wants you to believe they are all crazy because he’s a misogynist who thinks angry, upset women are all psycho. He wants you to hate them, but why?

Think about it. Why would he want you to hate a stranger? And if his exes are angry and hurt by him, find out why. Not from him.

He literally believes he is a gift to women

The thing is with men who hate women, is that they also want to be desired by women. They think they are the best you will ever get, they might even tell you that. They might tell you they could leave you and get another woman very quickly whereas you would end up alone because no one will want you. He describes himself as the perfect partner and often lists all the amazing qualities about himself. He makes you feel like he is the only man who will ever look twice at you – but that women are crawling all over him and you’re lucky to have him.

He may try to play you off against other women

He wants you to be insecure – he wants you in direct competition with other women or his exes. Worse, you might even feel that you’re in competition with his mother. It might be that he tells you other women are better than you. It might be more subtle than that. Maybe sometimes he brings up how amazing he thinks other women are whilst treating you like you’re stupid and worthless.

He hates feminism and thinks women’s rights are a joke

Any man who hates feminism is a red flag for misogyny. What man who loves and respects other humans would not want equal rights for women and the end of oppression of women? If he doesn’t want that, there’s something wrong with him. He claims men are more oppressed than women and that feminism is man-hate. He thinks feminists are all disgusting, ugly, spinsters or lesbians. He’s a misogynist....end quote


Want to spot a misogynist, read reviews/posts on an escort review board, you'll find many misogynists there.


Acronyms and their meanings....

01 Nov, 2020

I posted this on my twitter-(quote)PSA...It seems there are some newcomers, younger escorts, who are perpetuating the notion that if you are a "GFE" escort, you then perform particular services. Please stop with this misinformation. "GFE" is a style of service not an indicator that certain services will occur. TY.(end quote)

 I've been made aware that some of the newer (I'm assuming they're new) or younger escorts, are perpetuating the myth that the acronyms GFE/PSE are indicators of what services an escort will provide. Not only is this wrong but it is indiscreet. Telling anyone that certain escorts do this or that also contradicts the notion that we sell our time only.

The notion that GFE/PSE represent specific services provided is review board mumbo jumbo, nothing more.....GFE/PSE are styles of service.....not an idicator of a specific menu of services provided. It is hard to understand how those believing that GFE/PSE indicate specific services provided, and who are against some of those services, are also proud supporters of review boards, where the whole GFE menu/meaning was contrived.

It is only reasonable that those of us who have multiple partners would want to keep them safe, by playing safe, yet it is unreasonable to perpetuate misinformation and review board culture.

The notion that acronym GFE could only be used by those escorts who provide certain services was created by review boards and their supporters. BBBJ/dfk/swapping fluids was inspired by and supported by that same culture. Before the boards in my working for services days, those were things that got you fired from a service.... then review boards came along and all that went out the window.....

None of us have a right to question how we each run our separate businesses, nor should we want to spread about misinformation that could harm anyone. We should all want to be supportive, understanding and a little more forgiving than most of us are. How I do things isn't the right way for the next person perhaps, yet vice versa as well, and that doesn't mean one is better, or worse, right or wrong. But there are things said that are right and wrong, lets work together to unite those meanings instead of falling for the misinformation some of these hard core board members like to perpetuate.Thanks.....



How to find an escort......

30 Oct, 2020

When you come across an escort you've interest in, google the city she advertises in, (ie: Halifax escorts, etc ), cross reference the various sites that come up in the search to see if she has advertising on more than one. If so, that is a good sign of her legitimacy. If she has a personal website, read all of it. It is those that will answer most questions and give you a clear understanding of the escorts requirements, personality, etc. Then google image/tineye search her pictures. Most escorts will use their own pictures, occasionally some will use "model pictures" or downloaded pictures, to protect their identity. If so, ask about this when you contact the escort. You'll then have to decide if you're willing to take a chance on visiting with an escort who you haven't had an opportunity to view beforehand. Contact the escort as they request, not how you feel is convenient. For those who text or email only, I'd ask to be able to have a voice call before you meet. Speaking to someone can give great insight into a persons trustability, compatibility, etc.... How they articulate their words, their tone of voice, how they answer questions, are all very telling.....When conversing with the escort make sure you respectfully ask questions to give yourself a clear understanding of how the date will proceed. If during the date you feel deceived, or disappointed, leave and move on. There are many great ladies who'll make up for a disappointing date. If you've been threatened, beat up, robbed, etc, please contact the police. They are the only ones who'll rid this industry of nefarious people who commit these crimes. Complaining about them on review boards just gives them heads up, and they'll then change their names/pics/numbers and do this all over again to someone else. If an escort over charges/upsells, or doesn't provide the services promised, you have to understand that happens and is just how some operate. Most often those "hustlers" are younger escorts, who advertise on only one platform and tend to move from city to city....Bear in mind that some times services aren't provided to some because of hygiene, or other reasons caused by the client. Upcharging used to be the norm years ago, and although I don't agree with it, I don't see an escort who works this way as being a scammer, or necessarily dishonest. She wants your money, as much as she can get, you want her/her body, as much as you can get..... if it happens, agree to the extra fee and after the date move on, or don't agree and leave the date and then move on...... Then contact an escort who advertises as a "GFE" or one who has her own website....If you can't afford to loose some money, it's best not to see escorts. Because even with all your research, with a conversation, and with each party being completely honest, a disappointing date can still occur. Leaving you without $$ and without satisfaction. Not everyone will be compatible, and you won't know this until you meet. 5 people can have a wonderful time with someone, yet that won't guarantee you will..... You are your best judge as to whom will fit your criteria, not some "other guy", and staying away from those who look to good to be true with rates below the norm, is also a good way to prevent you from losing your money.

Understand deception in this industry is rife. Reviews are are often written because they're asked for and favors are given for them. Sometimes they're honest, sometimes the negative ones are written out of spite. They too have to be something you carefully research and take with a grain of salt. Again, speak to the person you want to meet, that should tell you all you need to know. Think with your big head....Happy escorting:)


Get your popcorn ready.....

29 Oct, 2020

I will start by saying thank you to all those who have been supportive and who have kept me abreast of all that has been said on that pathetic, trashy review board, sp411, and as much as I know you've my best interests in mind, I didn't want to know what the cowards and goofs who flock to that site to post their crap were/are saying, nor should you care. As you'll notice, most of the demeaning comments and lies are posted by those to cowardly to even use a "fake name". Instead, they hide behind their computers while using an "unregistered/anonymous" one. I did try the other day to register on that site, (big eye roll), so I could address directly some of the posters, specifically the one who has threatened me, and as expected, lol, they didn't allow that. Had the cowards been spewing the typical crap about my looks or age, I would have let it alone, but threaten me or lie about me you'll then get an reaction.....this time. I've copied and pasted the comments and my replies to them, here. In the future, please don't text, call or email me to alert me to anymore of them, as I'm not interested in replying to or wanting to know about of any of their stupidity, irregardless of what is being said. Let the cowards and the idiots spew their crap to one another, it's apparently how they get off and the trademark of that garbage review board sp411..... 

So today's blog is a continuation from this blog.. and this one   ......

I've started from the comments on page two, since the other blogs addressed most of the first page.......

Comment from unregistered #1-Sad to watch an old dog fall apart and unravel right in front of you but here we are.

My reply- Ruff, Seems like the only ones falling apart and offended by anything I've said are the "unregistered's", that goof Vegeta85, gogofmagog, islander, mouse, levi and peiguy55.....poor wittle fellows.

Comment from unregistered #2-Just a heads ups gentlemen. This unstable disgruntled courtesan is making concerted efforts to out those she deems are her anonymous critics. Beware disclosing your personal information to this lady or (more importantly) to those that she associates with.

You have been warned.

My reply- LOLOLOLOLOL. Oh my gosh.....the levels some stoop to and crap they contrive is just unreal.....Every couple of years some troll crawls out of the woodwork to try and convince people that I'm doing something nefarious or that I'm unattractive, or some other foolishness. And they always do it anonymously, without proof of anything ( because never is there ever anything to prove). It would be nice if just once, one of these lying cowards would have the courage to say this shit to my face. And isn't it ironic that this coward, chose this site, which is known for outing escorts and then charging the escorts a fee to have their information removed, to whine on. The idiots just get more idiotic with each passing year.......

Comment from unregistered #3- Yes and judging by the amount time she spends tweeting, reading forums, and blogging she can't be getting many clients. Must be awful to be so bitter and cantankerous.

My reply- Must be awful to be so bothered by me that you've a need to follow all my activities, then come on here and post admitting that you keep track of what I do online, lol. Must be awful to be so bitter and cantankerous, lol. ..... And why *are you* bothered by how I spend my time and why are you so concerned as to how many cients I see or don't see? The wonderful thing about this stage of my life is I get to *choose* how I spend my time and with whom. Apparently that is a foreign concept to you..... are a person that is pissed, because I *can* spend my time as I choose, and you can"t. 

Comment from  PEIGUY55- Meh, whatever. Damn right I check here before booking. Save wasting time sitting in a parking lot waiting for an agency girl that's had their Booker double stacking appointments. Or avoiding the akward backing away slowly from the tweaker or dragon chaser whos advertising with pics from 10 years and 50 lbs ago.

At a certain point, usually 28 the metabolism catches up with lifestyle. Anyone who is going to escort past 35 and make a serious go of it has to understand unless they are in toronto vancouver calgary filling a very niche market theyll have to spit shine the personality just as much as hitting the gym and or esthetician an possibly plastic surgeon as well as cater to the more mature gentlemen.

If Christy can still get her 350/hr 2 hr minimum for basic service only because of covid fair game. She just has to understand during an economic depression theres a lot more girls 18-24 willing to do far more for less dollars.

My reply- Well your misogyny isn't evident is it, lol. To clarify, my hourly rate is 320-not 350, and sorry to disappoint you and a few others, I do and will still get that rate and I get it because there are intelligent men out there who realize that escort rates increase with time, just like everything else does.. Many also appreciate a mature women, which seems to be a hard concept for some of you to understand, lol. Your comment about metabolism is just to foolish to even respond far as caterting to a more mature gentleman, I hope I do, since that is to whom I direct my advertising......and I'll fill you in on a little secret. I haven't always been this age, when I was a younger escort, I also catered to "more mature gentleman", as do many "younger" escorts today. Because "more mature gentlemen" are less problematic, usually more respectful, most often, the ones less likely to complain about our fees and always the ones who read our ads/websites and who'll also follow our contact protocol. So to all the "older gents" I'm more than happy to keep you company. Thank you Peiguy55, for allowing some of us to know exactly how narrow minded and lopsided your opinions of escorts and escorting are.

Commnet from unregistered #4-She's definitely spent money on plastic surgery but it looks like she went to the Giant Tiger of plastic surgeons. Did a good job on the boobs, but facial work isn't this surgeon's strong point!

Oh, and probably not that smart of her to try to out people who know where she lives? Never know, some dude might just snap during these crazy Covid days. Can't say I'd care that much because I'm a happy bachelor, but those dudes with wives and families, I wouldn't want to push them over the edge.

My reply-Good lord another idiot who thinks they're a doctor, lol.....Look, everyone and anyone is entilted to an opinion concerning my looks, but when you frame it as a fact, and not an opinion, as you have, your opinion becomes nothing more than obvious slander by an agenda driven coward. I'm sorry to inform you but my face is the creation of my mom, and dad and no doctor can be credited for any part of it, at least not yet, lol. As far as me "trying" to out people. If I were to out anyone, I'd do it, I wouldn't try, you idiot, and everyone would know. Because I'm not a coward, unlike you.... I author all I do or say,....and obviously people know where my incall is you dimwit, I'm an escort, and any escort who invites any client into her incall should know once she has done that, that is the end of that incall remaining private. Because review board idiots like you and others here are KNOWN for being indiscreet and thinking it's cute to share escort info. Now crawl back into your hole, you idiot.

Comment from Vegeta85- Exactly! I have had my money stolen, time wasted in multiple ways, even had an escorts boyfriend send me threats. The fact that Christy can't understand why a guy would come to an escort review board looking for recommendations speaks volumes of, not only her intellect, but also her empathy for others.

Mt reply-Not this idiot again, lol !!! If you noticed, this goof has inserted himself into this thread multiple times. He just can't help having to insert himself into every comment on not just this thread, and this board, but most on lyla as well. Not many crave attention like this idiot, so much so that he brags about being to be a "cunnilingus expert" on his profile page....and bragging to other escorts, lol! Is he a teenager? Does he really think that'll win him favors from the women he pays.....good lord, lol!!! ......and to answer his question, I do understand why guys go to a review boards. My disdain for the boards has been brought about by members like yourself, and threads like this one, on sp411. The garbage the boards attract, perpetuate and support has so twisted the boards into something unrecognizeable to their original point, they now do more harm than good. They've ruined themselves, with the help of idiots like yourself, that is. Keep posting..... Every one of your posts speaks volumes about your obvious immaturity, lack of understanding about women, escorts in particular, and too just how fragile your ego is.

Comment from unregistered#5-maybe her service is so bad, she doesnt want it out. Still havent seen anyone admit they went to see her after the post asking.

My reply- Big eye roll!!...Now aren't you a genious. Yeah, sure, everyone of us who ask not to be reviewed  do so because we provide terrible service. Sure genious, that is what having a no review policy is all about. Lol, who makes these idiots........

Comment from unregistered #6-Waterat got roasted by this sweetheart of a woman in her blog.

My reply-Oh dear, bring in the calvary, call the my blog I speak about things that irk me, things that make me laugh, things that interest me. People that irk me, people that interest me, etc, etc. If you are going to post crap on a review board and are a male, yet speak as though you know it all about escorts or escorting, you are very likely to be commented about here and by me....if you consider that being roaated, then so be it. And thank you for considering me a sweet heart, I like to think I am:)

Comment from unregistered #7-Cristy, I know your narcissistic personality compels you to check this thread daily. Please be assured your veiled threats to squash my anonymity have not gone unnoticed. Well done on your sleuthing skills.

Please note: ANY attempt to reveal my identity to my detriment via your blog or Twitter will result in untold misery for you personally and your anonymity. I too have done some snooping, us boys like to talk as well. It's a small world when it comes to sex workers and those that frequent them. I know EXACTLY who you are and where your incall is located.

You would be amazed at what an unstable JOHN that has lost everything is capable of. Keep up your games and you will need to print this thread with the associated IP addresses and head over the the HRP.

My reply-Well looky here, some goof from behind his computer has the balls to threaten me.....As far as me making "vieled threats" if I were going to "threaten" anyone I'd be doing it face to face. So mister tough guy, I'll leave my door unlocked for you and anyone else who'd like to stop by. And no, nothing about you surprises me, you are as predictable as predictability.

Comment from Islander- Here's your chance, gog, shes coming back in November
Think I'll pass..

My reply- Lol, this guy just has to keep inserting himself into the comments....He is someone who I commented to in the other blogs. It appears that talking back to this guy twists his panties so much so that he just can't let go of the fact that I could care less, that he doesn't want to visit with me. Read this thread, he says it over and over and over again, lol. He continually says " I don't want to see her", "think I'll pass".....So I now have to wonder, who he is trying to convince himself, or me, lol!!!

Comment from Gogofmagog-

For the gentleman who enjoys fine dining.....

I have no specific date set, but as long as the weather cooperates, I'll be returning at some point, in the month of November. I hope to be reaquainted with many of my former friends and to meet a few new ones too. Sp411 members need not reply.....

For more details please refer to my lovely website or my twitter page @cristylonglegs

To contact me and too receive a response call-click to view-0414-texts/private/app numbers are ignored.

Please know that I screen ALL my clients and hold their discretion paramount

See you soon!!

My reply- Look at this dear soul, wasn't it nice of him to advertise for me. He printed out my leolist ad......oh my bad, lol. He wasn't doing it to help me, he apparently is angry because how dare I print in my ad "sp411 members need not reply." Isn't it awful when an escort decides there are certain people she doesn't want to see and she makes that known. How dare I!!!! Oh gog, you appear to be losing it. You post as an unregistered, now

Comment from Levi-I've just read this thread....WOW too funny. Speaking of.... when she quotes people and the person correctly types "too" she should really correctly type it as well and not "to"

My reply-Ooppsy, so sorry Levi. As you've noticed I'm a flawed person, and sometimes my usage of the word *to* does falter. Please forgive me....

Comment from Levi-Holy shit, she's not doing herself any favours with this back and forth drivel. In fact, personally I believe she's her own worst enemy. Lithium may help.

My reply-Did anyone ask for your personal opinion? And fill me in on this "Lithium", it sounds like you've experience with it. 

Comment from Vegeta85-So SP411 members need not apply eh? In her mind, merely being a member of this board makes you a terrible person period. I wonder how she can be sure that a guy she sees isn't a member. He could just tell her that he's never heard of it and that he hates review boards or whatever the fuck. How would she know if he was lying?

My reply-So you can now read my mind?'s called intuition. Review board guys give themselves away, lol.

Comment from Levi-That was the first thing I thought. The second was, wouldn't it be hilarious if a member does that and at the end says to her that they are a member?!!

My reply-So is this what lithium does? The fact that you and vegeta85 think that being deceitful is appropriate and funny, speaks volumes. You and he, are perfect examples as to why review boards and some of their members should be avoided.

Comment from Vegeta85-Helps her clean his spunk off her chest and says, "Oh by the way..."

It's odd that she hates Trump because, like Trump, she seems to be a narcissist. It wouldn't surprise me if she colours her face orange and sports a combover.
My reply-I'm just going to surmise Vegeta85.... that there truly is something wrong with you.
Comment from unregistered #8-Please excuse my unregistered post. I'm just following the lead of most of the other posters here. I have to admit I've never met this Miss Longlegs so I can't speak to her looks or quality of her services. Although after reading this thread I have to assume there are a few "unstable Johns" (another posters words not mine) in this thread, and not just the one guy who referred to himself as an "unstable John" and good on him for admitting he has issues. If I had lost everything and considered myself unstable I'm not sure I'd be able to admit it openly here, even as an unregistered. He and the others who seem disgruntled, bothered and threatened by an escort who some of you referred to as past her prime, old, irrelevant and clientless seems rhetorical. If she is as you all describe then why react? Why are you reading her ads, her blog and anything else she puts out? The fact that any of you are bothered by her suggests to me that she is relevant, and is worth knowing and those of you who are reacting to whatever she has written are just a bunch of disgruntled "Johns"( another persons wording not mine) looking for retribution against an escort who won't see them and btw, I've yet to meet another guy who refers to any escort as a courtesan especially when posting here. So I suspect at least one of the unregistered posters here is a female. Levi, feel free to correct my writing, I won't be offended. Poor writing is the least of my faults and certainly not one of hers. I find her writings entertaining, articulate, informative and now after this thread, I better understand some of her points. My interest is certainly piqued and I'm sure this post will now put me on some hit list by the Miss Longlegs hating crew, lmao.
My reply-Well this is a surprise, lol. Thank you!
Comment from Islander-I think the vast majority of us want some value for our hard earned money. How many of us have gone to see a lady, and shelled out a lot of hard earned money , only to be treated like shit, promised the sun and moon, only to be treated like an ATM..

I'm not sure what christy has against us asking for a reference, She likes to ask for references, why cant we. 300 bucks is a lot of money. I dont mind parting with it one bit if im going to like what Im getting. But to shell out that kind of coin, for subpar service is to say the least, a piss off.

Thats why we ask.

Why do we post when service is bad? for the same reason. to warn other guys to keep their hard earned bucks.

Sorry if it offends you Christy, but thats my point of view., Would have loved to have spent an hour with you, but oh well.

Hope you find lots of guys willing,
My reply-Again with this guy, lol.......Firstly, This "hard earned money" crap is just that. I get sick and tired of guys justifying their put downs and other crap with the comment about them losing their "hard earned money". We are a luxury, if you can't afford to shell out the costs associated with visiting escorts, then don't visit them. Justifying anything with that comment "hard earned money", just makes you or anyone using it, sound pathetic. Secondly, you asking some other "guy" if he has seen me, as a way of determining anything is so far different than me asking another escort for a reference, it's beyond resonable to even compare. You know it as well as anyone else, coming to sp411, especially, and asking "has anyone seen her" is just to here the crap you know will follow, and not because you are sincere in needing to be assured of being safe. Just by reading my ads, my website, social media or any other well advertised professional escorts, would tell any *intelligent* person *without an agenda*,  that we are professional, real and safe to see. Thirdly, some guy posting that an escorts service was bad, means nothing. Bad service could be because of the client, or caused by many reasons. If he posts she stole from him, that he was scammed, etc, that is different. But tell me, how is that proven, how do we know when some guy posts about being scammed/robbed, etc, that he actually was. How do we know he isn't just being vindictive......I find it very odd that some of you guys find so much value nd put so much trust in "some guys" opinion of an escort he claims to have seen, yet you question the value, and trustworthiness of the vary women you want to be intimate with.....that is very odd! Here is a tip. Read an escorts ads, (notice I said ads, not ad pros advertise on more than one platform) read their website, social media accounts, then speak to the person. If after all that you still need reassurence from some random guy about who you should see, then rethink what you are doing and instead, get a box of kleenex and some porn. 
Comment from the Mouse-Like the Unregisturd poster said, he has not seen her so his post is nothing but bullshit.
My reply-Why does his post mean nothing, because it isn't as negative as the rest, lol. And if you are going to hold that opinion, then I guess it should also be concluded, that none of the comments in this thread are valid, and are all bullshit, since you, nor anyone, truly knows if any of the posters has actually seen me. 
Comment from Delroylee-None of us have seen her.
I think her views on escort boards and their members are valid if that’s been her experience.
Comments here on her age and looks only reinforce her opinions.
My reply-Exactly, and thank you.
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Laugh of the day....

26 Oct, 2020

This is a quote from one of my fellow escort followers on twitter, lol......

When all they have to say is, “hello,” they’re getting Adele lyrics.

The perversion of escorting.....

26 Oct, 2020

You may find my title of this blog a bit of an oxymoron, and wonder how anyone can pervert an industry that is sex based? Well, many will attest that escorting isn't solely"sex based", since what is paid for is our time, and not sex. When we couple, or triple, etc, with other people, what we do within that time is at "our" discretion, and often times we are sought out for reasons beyond sexual gratification, or physical attraction.........

This blog is to clarify things for a few...and although this blog was "inspired" by one person, who I won't name,...although many might know to whom I refer as "she" is one of the review boards most prolific posters, lol. Openly naming her will only bring out those trolls who'll contrive the foolish notions that speaking openly and frankly about any particular person or any particular topic, speaks to someone being jealous or with a chip on their shoulder, or other foolishness.( I say as I roll my eyes)

 I'm writing this blog because it irks me when "she", and people like her, perpetuate notions about escorting that aren't true and then hold themselves as examples as to what an escort should be, or to how they should operate. Firstly, when you advertise yourself as someone who is in this for their own thrills, and you claim that you don't need the income from this to sustain your lifestyle, because your "main stream" business fullfills your financial needs, and your reviews indicate that your activities are more for self gratification rather than satisfying or servicing another , then you aren't an are simply someone charging a fee to get your own sexual thrills. It is also people like her who praise and push review boards, and who like to perpetuate the notion of hierarchy among escorts. Certainly there are lots of different types of escorts and these escorts all offer different services, and styles of services, but there is no one escort who is more valuable than any other and no one with good intentions would try to perpetuate the notion that some are better than others. What differentiates other escorts from "her" is that they see and treat escorting as a job, and not their "hobby" or as a way to get their "shits and giggles". Women who treat escorting as their entertainment and as their only way to get their sexual gratification are priviliged and not the norm.They should not feel the right to represent this industry, or to dictate how things should be done. The majority in this industry are seeing multiple partners not because they need to fulfill their own sexual needs, or because they are bored, or wanting some side fun, they are escorting because they need to fulfill financial needs. Lets be honest, no one that is doing this for money, could see multiple men/women regularly, and orgasm with each one of them. They'd be exhausted. Escorts who treat this as a job, don't see their clients as "sexual relief", they see them as "finanacial relief" and that is not to say they treat their clients as cash machines, quite the opposite. These people are skilled, responsible, and know how to cater to a client to satisfy them while maintaining professionalism and their own reasonable sexual boundaries.

So to refresh some of you, I have been in this industry for a couple of decades (wink) and, in most capcities it holds. I started working for a service (incall & outcall), danced ( not in dance clubs, but for private parties/individuals), I've run services (independently/and for other people), and I've worked as an independent escort/companion, which is what I do now. So I've seen and learned a thing or two. I've experienced the biz before the boards, and after. So I feel just in speaking about the industry, the boards and all the issues they cause and about those who promote them. I speak openly, frankly and without fear  about those who praise and push review board culture as they are most often the ones least interested in betterment of this industry. They most often have an agenda, driven by a need for self promotion, and the promotion of those who'll give them what they want, irregardless to how this affects anyone in their path. There are many sheep in wools clothing and many are cowards who use the boards as their podiums for spewing lies, hate and unrealistic ideals they feel escorts should live up to....and there are also decent, reasonable, hard working people on the boards, but seldom are these people prolific posters, they more often are lurkers, or those just trying to quietly get ahead or get some head, wink, wink......

So to clarify, I am not condemning any person for enjoying sex, and the thrill of getting paid for having it..... I am simply trying to explain that people who do this for their own thrills shouldn't hold themselves as examples for others in this industry, as they are the minority and not the norm, nor is how they offer their services, nor are the services they offer, the norm......At best, they are mistresses, and should advertise as such or advertise as something other than an escort. Those in this "minority" also perpetuate their belief that a GFE comes with expectations of providing/obtaining certain activities, to most other escorts, that acronym, and all the others used, explains a "style" of service offered/obtained, *and not* expectations that specific activities/services will occur.... The subject of my blog, will exhaust herself sexually with each of her clients, to fulfill her own desires, ( she herself explains this, as do her reviews) because she can..... she claims she doesn't have to see multiple men/women to sustain her lifestyle. She gets to choose who she sees, and how often, so she says....and in order to "exhaust herself sexually" she does what many of us would  only do with our "significant others"  and again, there is nothing wrong with this, but it isn't typical to escort behavior. And people like her, and the boards she frequents, like to promote the notion that her "behavior" is typical to escorting, and that those who are not treating their clients like this as being "NOT good escorts". These notions are unrealistic, false, and they create unreasonable expectations for anyone new coming into this business. Escorting is hard work, it is physically demanding, mentally draining, and can be harmful to ones self esteem. For any person who sees escorting as their means of "getting off" or their "hobby", or for their "shits n giggles" need not speak as a representative for this industry because they are not representative to the majority....and I'd say it's even a stretch to say they speak for the minority.....Most escorts are out there offering a service/s to clients without wanting to loose any part of themsleves. To them this isn't a game, nor "shits n giggles", this is a job, and one they respect and separate from their personal lifesyles. 

I'm sure those trolls who like to post anonymously and who are perpetuating lots of lies about me will also twist this blog into something it isn't and will comment to it. Once again their little panties will get twisted, they don't like it when someone speaks negatively about their actions and their beloved boards. These cowardly trolls are only brave when they sit behind their computers surrounded by their ilk, lol. Enjoy!!



I'm in love.....

25 Oct, 2020

And I'm sure you will be too, once you follow this soulful and talented man. Give him a listen, I'm sure you'll be as addicted to him, as I now am....#TeddySwims

This man sings manys songs better than the original artists versions.


Dieting tip....

24 Oct, 2020


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20 Oct, 2020

Why is it whenever someone awful is spoken ill of, someone will interject with the statement "he/she is a human being"......What does that even mean? And why do some think that simply being "a human" means anything....other than that we are simply another species that inhabits the planet we so successfully damaged, and which we are so quickly destroying......Name another animal that has done as much damage to it's selves and it's own habitat.....There is no other species as cruel, dirty, selfish, greedy and coniving as the human being. So when ever someone defends someone by saying "they're a human being", as you can see, it riles me. As soon as we get rid of the ridiculous fairy tales perpetuated by the religious, we can get rid of the foolish notion that simply being born human entitles anyone to heiarchy or reverence. And that's my rant for this day, lol.


Another review board know it all

16 Oct, 2020 Quote-

I think this covid-19 situation has exacerbated a pre-existing problem for the industry.----- suggestion for tweaking your screening may help. The first time I met Allie she had recently been dealing with no-shows and requested I send her a pic with a specific hand gesture and location to confirm my bona fides. Worked fine and I always try to see her when she passes through Ottawa. win-win.

While I recognize----- reminder that we're dealing with people I believe this industry doesn't quite parallel the automotive industry - the mechanics don't have to clean the grease off their face and a double booking doesn't mean both clients can't be served, although perhaps not in the expected timely manner. 

I have concern for the stress having revealed a room number causes. I would discourage that. Maybe meet a client in the lobby or meet them at the bar and then escort them to the room? I'll defer to the advice of SP's who have suggestions and maybe that advice is best shared in the private SP area available on this board. A selfie, showing clothing, texted from the lobby of a hotel (or even from home hours earlier) would make a client readily identifiable for a preliminary rendezvous. I realize this doesn't eliminate the issue of having prepared for the session and possibly having turned down other suitors for that time slot - yet still a step in a better direction.

As ----- noted above, this problem affects both sides of this industry, though for the SP's, much more so.

Ladies and gents: leolist is rarely our friend. Lyla usually is.          (apologies for the comma splices :) )-end quote 

 ^Do some of these prolific review board grovelers not realize how hypocritical their posts are.....I'm speaking about the last line of Waterat's post, which I've highlighted in red.....Is he not aware that Leolist is supported by "Lyla" and that Leolist supports Lyla. They advertise one another...... One is much the same as the other. They are both advertising platforms, albeit, Lyla is different because it gives to much credence to the opinions of guys who think they know it all about escorting, much like this "Waterat". He may know about client situations, but please know how tiring it is for escorts to hear "clients" discuss issues that only we experience. ....It is also tiring to hear of and or read, lyla members bashing Leolist and other advertising platforms that don't work for them, yet when someone does/says the same concerning his "beloved Lyla" those people are then accused of being negative, disenchanted with escorting, or as just being hateful........So ladies and gentlemen of Lyla, who claim leolist or other platforms aren't your friend, don't use them, or better still, perhaps you should convince Lyla's owners, to relinquish their ownership of Leolist, lol. Waterat, you are aware that many "Lyla" ladies do rely on and advertise  on leolist, and I'm sure do well by it, or they wouldn't be posting there daily/ apparently it is their friend...... And may I add...... Lyla is no more friendly to escorts  than any other platform. Most of my no shows, time wasters and over stayers have been Lyla members and any escort that has proven herself to be problematic has also had lyla membership......people are people. They don't become angelic, more trustworthy, noteworthy, nor more valuable, friendly, or reliable because they join "Lyla"....remember, that many on your beloved site also go on that other garbage site, sp411, and show their other please stop perpetuating foolish notions and childish rhetoric, "one is better than the other". A site, is a site, is a site and as long as your membership lasts on Lyla, it remains complicit in leolist.... especially when one platform supports the other.....:) But keep trying Waterat, you keep pushing the falacy that lyla members are some how better, that will keep you busy as you'll have a lot of convincing to do, lol......most of us know that review boards are passe and exactly the kinds of people they do attract.

Waterat...... just can't help appointing himself as a know it all when it comes to our services.... .....quote-"It used to be primarily backpage but now it's leolist that is the sources of most request for information, comments and service menus and accordingly the uncertainty over what 'safe' applies to"-end quote......

Perhaps he isn't the "client" he proclaims himself to be, but an escort, posting as a client. That is the only explanation that makes sense. If not that, then what a presumtuous asshole he is....any guy that can make blanket statements as to what any escort experiences, and from which site, is a guy with to much time on his hands and his nose stuck in the wrong orifice.

Sites that advertise reliable/safe/trustworthy escorts-

twitter/instagram/ and many others. Google escorts in the city you are wanting to visit an escort in, Example -Halifax escorts-..... that will bring up links to various sites where "Halifax " escorts advertise..... Cross reference the escort/s you have interest in. Most reliable escorts advertise on multiple sites, most have websites or social media platfroms, it is from those you should glean all your information, then contact the escort to have any further questions answered and too solidify as to whether or not you'd be compatible.Twitter is an easy platform to use and on which you can interact with an escort. Be polite, follow her contact protocol, and you'll have no issues. If you want advice about escorts, ask one. If you have a question about escorts, ask one.....If you have interest in an escort, contact **the escort**..That escort will always be your best resource to have your questons answered.....not some guy/s on a review board who've an agenda to push, or ladies to favor for favors.....and vice versa....



Need I say more.....

16 Oct, 2020

 For those wondering why I've so much interest in American politics, ask me, and I'll explain.....#Biden2020

She loved to be paid.......

15 Oct, 2020

Money can motivate many. With Carrie, it was her sexual stimulant. Carrie was a gorgeous woman, some often said she was Shannon Tates doppleganger. She had large blue eyes. Eyes that sparkled, which mesmerized because of their unusual shade of baby blue. Her hair was glossy, long and the color of a golden sunset. Her creamy skin was often lightly tanned. She wasn't statuesque, although her long, lean legs gave an impression that she was taller than her measurements indicated. Carrie knew she turned heads, she knew her gift was her beauty. 

Carrie was a hard worker and loved her job. She had started her landscaping business just out of university and it took off quickly. Her clientele were a mixture of the infamous, and famous. She gained a reputation for her exemplary work, attention to detail and for creating landscapes that were uniquely designed. But for many it was her stunning looks that won them over.......It wasn't a coincedence that many who hired her, didn't allow their staff to work with her, they'd want to work directly with her. Carrie wore denim shorts, a white tank, a pink handkerchief around her neck and her favorite pair of Timberlands, this was her usual attire, no matter who she was meeting. Carrie wasn't a women who needed any adornments to have her stand out, her natural beauty did that. Although there was one client that caused Carrie to pay a little more attention to her appearence than usual and that was Matt. When Carrie knew she'd be working on Matt's estate, she would make sure she wore a little makeup, had a manicure and added some curl to her straight hair. She also would spritz herself with her favorite scent. She wanted Matt to notice more than just her work. She had heard certain things about Matt, and they intrigued her as much as his looks did.

Matt was a tall man, soon to enter his 50's. The only tell tale of his age was his salt and pepper hair. He was strong looking, confident and a successful entrepreneur. He had lots of female interest, but was often to busy to enjoy any of the interest. He was newly divorced, and whispered about in social cirlcles. He was a wanted man, wanted by many women, and Carrie was one of them. Matt loved women, but because of his travelling, schedule, and him not wanting a conventional relationship, Matt would seek out certain women. Matt would hire escorts. He could trust them to leave him alone after their trysts. They asked no questions, wanted nothing but a good time and to be compensated for it. They never bothered him, and protected his privacy. He paid them well and would frequent specific women in each city he travelled to. He had no specific look that he sought out. He was turned on by something felt, not seen. Chemistry......But Carrie did catch his eye.......could he have sensed that Carrie had once been an escort ? 

While attending university Carrie had worked as an escort, and she continued to dabble in the profession, even tho she no longer needed the income to sustain her. With Carrie, money and sex, seemed to go hand in hand. Money ignited her desire, and she had lots of desire, it made her wet  Carrie loved sex. She loved men who loved to pay women for sex........Could she have sensed that Matt was a man that also enjoyed the lifestyle, or could she have been drawn to him because of his good looks......he was a man that turned heads. He was hard to miss.....and on this day Matt was hard, and stuck at home. 

When Carrie drove thru his gates, Matt was taking business in hand. Matt was jeking his thick cock without any thought other than dropping a load to relieve the weeks stress. The window was open and Matt had forgotten that Carrie would be arriving that morning. All 6ft4 of him was naked and jerking wildly, while standing near the open window, and Carrie saw it all. She exited her range rover, and stood watching him, listening to his moans got her wet, and excited. She couldn't look away. Matt noticed her and turned giving her a full frontal view......was this an invitation? Should she leave......respond directly, or begin to do her work?........Carrie suprised herself, and hollered you need any help? Matt smiled, grabbed his robe and asked her to wait there, he said, "he'd be right down". As Matt walked towards her, his hard on was still evident under his robe, Carrie couldn't take her eyes off if. Matt apologized and offered to pay her for her days work and said she could leave, and return another day......Carrie responded "I appreciate your offer and I accept, although it seems you need help with something else", "if you'd like to pay me to help you with that", she pointed to his erection, she said, "she'd happily oblige" Matt replied " I like how you think, and I accept your offer". Matt grab her hand and took her inside. "Wait here", he said. He went inside his office and removed 2000 from his safe. He returned and handed Carrie the money, she set it aside and fell into his arms.She kissed him deeply and ran her hands over his robe until she found his thick cock. She stroked it until he moaned for more. Carrie knelt before him and took his cock deeply into her mouth. She sucked and stroked it until he exploded into her mouth. He shook, moaned and collapsed on the floor next to her. She wiped her mouth and smiled. She stood up, pushed him back flatly on the floor and begun a slow stip tease while she stood over him. She swayed her hips, cupped her perky breasts and lowered her pussy so it grazed his mouth. She stood back up and continued her mesmerizing dance, which was making him hard again. He began to stroke himself, as she swayed above him. He wanted to absorb every inch of her with his eyes, but his tongue longed to taste her. Her aroma had him throbbing.......he sat up and grabbed her, kissing her deeply, softly, and she wrapped her legs around him as he carried her up the stairs. "I'm going to make you cum, Carrie", "and I'm going to remember this fuck". She replied, "I will too " He laid her on the bed, kneeling in front of her, he spread her legs, and began to use his tongue to tease her until she begged him to enter her. He resisted, and continued to tongue and finger her until she came into his mouth. He crawled onto the bed, turned her over and mounted her. He buried his hard cock deep into her wet, throbbing pussy, she begged for more. He teased her, he went slow, deep, as he reached to fondle her tits. She encouraged him, begged for him, he turned her over, spread her legs wide and used his tongue to tease her more. When he got her clit hard, he slid his cock back into her, fucking her deep, enjoying the view of her......she was one of the best fucks he'd had in a long time. She was so horny, she loved his cock, and he loved filling her with it. They fucked for hours.........and Carrie no longer did his landscaping, Carrie now had another job with Matt.......

Close up of passionate young asian couple having sex on bed.They are tired of sex. Stock Photo - 121824473


New Brunswick......

14 Oct, 2020

I'm worried for you NB.....many are saying there will be another shut down before Christmas....The virus has already taken hold in Moncton, and Campbelton, lets hope it can be contained enough to allow some sense of normalcy and not a need for a complete shut down. I so love touring in NB, and was hoping to get out to see my regulars before the snow fell....... Keep the faith and I will too. Sending much love, support and I hope to see you all soon. Until then, many kisses and warm hugs....

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Just sayin.....

13 Oct, 2020
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Thanksgiving 2020

08 Oct, 2020

It's been a hell of a year. So much chaos, worry and so many unpredictable days. Yet even so, there are things we can find to be thankful for. So on this holiday weekend, I wish you and yours prosperity, good health, happiness and good times. Enjoy, and I hope you get to spend time with those who mean the most to you. Happy Thanksgiving.


Women haters....

04 Oct, 2020

This blog was inspired by this thread  I read on twitter. 

My response to it was imo, "The worst of the women haters, ( if they can even be categorized), are those who seek out escorts, they are the worst kind of crazy". is one thing for a man to carry a chip on his shoulder because of his dislike of women, it is another, for a man to do that and then seek out women escorts specifically, so he can express his disregard and hatred towards them, publicly and privately. These "types" plague the forums that are part of the escort industry. The review boards. They are the ones who will most often write graphic reviews, make posts to incite demeaning comments, and push their ideals of how we should charge, act, or who we should see, etc, etc. They express their veiled dislike of women openly and proudly, yet cowardly. I say veiled and cowardly, because they never will openly admit their hate of women. They always blame it on their targeted woman of the moment, as being the reason for them spouting off derogatory, graphic remarks and they'll enjoy spending lots of time convincing anyone who'll listen, that the retributions were deserved. They'll also threaten us, speak of us as if we're their property to use as they see fit, and will care less if what they say or how they act, affects anyone. 

These guys feel entitled to the use of our bodies, whether we offer our bodies to them or not. If we refuse their request, they become even more hostile in their writings and will enjoy trying to get others on board of their hate train. They will threaten to see us by circumventing our screening process, or by using pseudonyms that won't be recognized. They are conniving, vindictive and lying comes easier to them than being truthful. They feel we are at their disposal and that it is their right to do as they do. Watch out for them, they are plenty and to the women who support some of these douche bags.....remember you too are a woman, and you just might be their next victim. #sp411 #terb #merb #perb #lyla #ter


Not so bad.....

02 Oct, 2020

A couple of days each week I now start my day with a green smoothie. My previous attempts at trying to cram all my veggies into a drink, were creating a healthy, albeit, a not so flavorful drink. This mornings was quite tasty so I'll share the recipe....keeping in mind that the amount of the ingridients are by taste and guess, not so much a specified required amount


parsley, a small handlful

1/2 cucumber

3-4 stalks celery

4 pieces of broccolli

5 leaves of romaine lettuce

1 cup chopped kale (I buy frozen so its already chopped up)

small handful of halved strawberries or whole  ( again, I buy frozen and they are already halved)

5-6 pieces of pineapple or more or less

1 apple

1 lemon peeled

3tbsp ground flax seed

1 tbsp of honey  (I buy raw)




Reported ads on LL

28 Sep, 2020

Interesting how ads reporting supposed nefarious actions of escorts are being allowed on Leoslist, yet if the same is posted about clients they'll be removed.......I've noticed a couple of ads, on leoslist of late, that are made by someone unhappy with the service they received from an escort. It is surprising that these ads are allowed to remain since I had posted one not long ago to warn people about a review board asshole, and how problematic he was, which was truthful, yet my ad was reported and removed. And these stupid ads concerning an escort, remain posted. I say stupid, because whoever wrote them made them as complimentary as they did defamatory, and they eluded to her being a "robber" as the title of the ad says "she will rob you" yet the body of the ad says she didn't didn't provide "satisfying" services", which is not the same thing....A robber takes money without you giving it. Not providing "satisfying services" isn't "robbing". These guys who are claiming escorts rob them because they didn't get off, or obtain certain services are idiots, and should be reported themselves for misinformation and exaggerating the facts. We all know that when a person hires an escort they are paying for time, not sexual services....So if the service you expected was poor, or didn't happen, you don't report or call the person a thief or a robber, you move on.....if you want an escort to loose business because she didn't perform as you expected, or wanted, yet you tell everyone how beautiful she is, you're not going to succeed, and you end up sounding petty and pittiful, lol. The interweb sure is full of a lot of nonsense lately.........

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The man....the penis and ......

28 Sep, 2020

 How I love them. Being single and an escort, is a bit like being a foodie and not having to worry about weight gain. I get to have all I want without worrying about side effects. Dating as a single escort, allows me to enjoy a variety of men without having to worry about attachements, and the complications that go along with conventional, or monogamous relationships. And as a single woman, it gives me the ability to be authentic with my client interactions. There are no pretenses with me. There is a place in this industry for actresses and those who enter it soley for finanacial reasons, however that isn't me. I'm what would be considered a "true" GFE (girlfriend experience), which btw, does not indicate that I perform specific services. GFE indicates a "style" of service, not a menu of services, nor does it mean I provide anything unsafe.... When you are with me, our interaction will be soley based on our chemistry and compatibility. You won't have me treating you in a particular way because I'm trying to win you over, impress you, or faking it, simply to have you return. In other words, I'm here for a good time too. Some clients won't like that, as they want to be the only one being entertained, and some feel that since they are paying, and irregardless of our chemistry, the escort should be convincingly attracted to her client....I'm not that gal. I give all my clients great service , yet those with whom I've have or don't have chemistry, will know......

  Most of us can tell when someone holds our attraction.They express it through playful banter,  through touch,  by getting closer,  through eye contact, etc, etc. Yet sometimes these signals can be misinterpreted and sometimes faked. If I've misread body signals, and or misinterpreted his words, the one thing that is never a false purveyor of his attraction towards me, is the energy he projects. That can't be faked nor misinterpreted. So Honesty is key. There is nothing more uncomfortable than trying to please a client who I know isn't into me. As a client, there is no point in sitting through a date with someone who isn't "your thing". I certainly don't expect every client I meet to find me fascinating, or what he considers attractive and I'd prefer he be honest with me about that. Things only become awkward when I distinctly feel a client isn't into me and he is wanting or allowing the date to continue....again, and perhaps this is a bit hypocritical, if I'm not into my client, I can still give him pleasure/great service, yet if the client isn't into me, I find it difficult to do so and I feel he shouldn't want me to and that he should end the date. There is no shame in admitting you've no attraction to someone, and it is better to be honest and find someone else who fits your mold. I certainly won't accept another date from a gentlemen I didn't connect with. And please know that blaming someone for a lack of attraction, only speaks to your immaturity, as no one is at fault when chemistry or attraction doesn't happen, it is organic, and nothing that can be guaranteed. And for many, it isn't just something physical the saying goes "you either have it or you don't".

 Now back to the subject of men and penises.....Men are interesting, fascinating and oh so tasty....... I love the male body, in all it's shapes and forms. Tall, short, and in between. Thin, robust, and muscular. Hairy or hairless.....masculinity is my turn on..... Facially I've no preferences either, although, and I believe it's because of my past work experience, I do notice good skin and find a nice complection very attractive. If you ever want skin care tips, ask me , I've lots of experience. I've worked with a derm (dermatologist) in the past , during my esthetics career, was a make up artist for a short time and continue to read extensively on skin care. That too is very interesting.....but back to men.....and penises, lol. To those guys who think "they're not enough", believe me you are. No matter your length or girth, be proud of it, and embrace it!!....Embrace it in front of me....that I find very sexy. Watching a man jerk himself into orgasmic ecstasy is a big turn on of mine. Especially when he cums all over me. Watching a man become aroused, and hard is a turn on. It is so erotic when he grows hard as I suck his cock. Taking a soft cock in my mouth and coaxing it into an erection, with my tongue and lips is one of my favorite activities. Swirling my tongue around the head of his cock while I slowly stroke it, along with massaging his balls, gently sucking on each one, while my tongue teases the underside of his bag, will always get a man hard. I love to take my time, slowly moving from sucking, to licking to stroking, never leaving out any part of him. I love running my tongue up and down the shaft then sucking on the head, sliding back down to his balls, teasing them with my tongue, sucking them softly. The balls need as much attention as the cock. For some, slipping a finger into his asshole works too. I believe I've honed my cock sucking skills to near perfection, not because I've much practice, but because I enjoy it so much. I love the feel of a cock in my mouth, the taste of his skin.....but sorry I don't swallow:( Although I have been tempted.....Did I end this to soon, to abruptly, lol, sorry..... we can finish in person if you'd like. Call me and you can see for yourself just how much I might appreciate you......


Vitamin D & covid.....

27 Sep, 2020

Interesting news about vitamin D consumption, preventing covid turning deadly for certain people.....

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And that is a fact!!!

27 Sep, 2020


Laugh of the day....

27 Sep, 2020

Found it on twitter, lol. 

 Fact : Bananas are curved because they grow towards the Sun. A process called Negative Geotropism. Me

Woman, blond haired

: Your banana will curve because it will grow once it touches the back of my throat. A process called Be-J Lips Compilation.


And this about sums it up....

26 Sep, 2020


Laugh of the day....

26 Sep, 2020

Found on twitter...  Image

Laugh of the day...

23 Sep, 2020

Found this on twitter,lol.     LOl

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Welcome fall......

22 Sep, 2020

Welcome to the first day of the fall season, my favorite time of the year. I love the cooler days, the beauty of the change in colors on the trees, thanksgiving, and being able to wear cozy sweaters. I will miss the bright early mornings, and longer evenings, I won't miss the humid and hot weather.

I love to decorate my entry way with pumpkins, floral arragements and all that is representative of fall, and although there is much we can buy for fall, the transition from it to winter is a time when things do start to look gloomy, until we near Christmas, that is. Then I can decorate with galore again.......Lets hope this fall season brings us closer to a covid cure, more prosperity, and a renewed sense of hope. Happy Fall!!

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21 Sep, 2020

Yesterday was so much fun on twitter. So many ladies from afar sending out positive vibes and following back. I will admit I probably spend to much time on there, especially ranting about Trump. But we all have "our things" which entertain us, and one of mine seems to be twitter. I like how easy it is to use and how far reaching it is. It's also a platform that doesn't hold any bias and you can easily ignore and block all the trolls who's goal in life is to make another person's life as miserable as there own. 

Twitter is also a great place for any man to research an escort he might be interested in meeting. Most escorts on twitter post more explicit pictures than they might elsewhere, we also tweet and talk about a variety of topics, which gives you more insight into our personalities, which is great for those gents looking to meet someone they have some compatibility with. It's discreet, you can join without revealing your true identity, you can also control who can follow you, by having a locked/private account. You can also have more than one account. That is to much for me, but for those who want to meet escorts, it might be benefiicial. Having one as your discreet account and the other representing your day to day life. Either way, that is a choice every person can make. You can find just about anything on there, since it's used by many businesses as an advertising platform too. Interesting topics, politics, environmental news, etc, etc. So if you're not already there, take a look, it just might become one of your new and enjoyable pastimes. Tweet you later:)


Lol.....sp411 and the drama continues....

20 Sep, 2020


 This meme is exactly how I now feel after reading and wasting my time responding here to the comments on #sp411.. the trolls who come out under their anonymity  to post their dislike of me or their comments about me, in that thread on #sp411 just make me shake my head and laugh.....what else can one I suppose, lol. So here I go........

One thing is clear, mentioning my name there has certainly given that site some well needed attention, which they seldom get, lol. It's especially funny when those who are reading and enjoying the thread comment back to how I enjoy drama, all while they are contributing to it by posting on and viewing it.

Seems I've gotten some of the members there mad, because I copied and pasted all who have viewed the thread about me, and posted that list in my previous blog, as I have done again here, in this blog..........I also called them "nosey parkers" for viewing and commenting on that thread....I think most would conclude, anyone who reads, comments on, or contributes to editorial that is goosipy or heresay, are nosey people, people I call, "nosey parkers", people who enjoy gossip. So, what do you suppose they are really angry at, being outted for being members of such a trashy site, for viewing a thread about me, for commenting on the thread, or for all the forementioned? LOL!! Or maybe...... because they thought I wasn't bright enough to copy and paste, and I fooled them, and they don't like being fooled, lol;)

 Here are some tips.....At the end of the thread, that trashy site lists all who have viewed it, so if you don't want to be included in a "list", don't view the thread. If you don't like being called "nosey parkers", don't participate in gossip. If you don't want to encourage drama, then don't respond to it. Get mad at the site for listing what you do, not at me for acknowledging your actions, by copying and pasting them here in my blog or for me being direct and responsive. If my doing so contributes to drama, so be it. I will always contribute to drama if that means defending myself and I will always defend myself against those who are cowards and who hide under anonymity. They are always the ones who spread malicious lies, and other puerile foolishness. 

To Kitty Caterina- You anger is misdirected. I have only copied and pasted your and others names, because *your site* "lists" all those names as viewers of that thread about me. If that bothers you, you need to speak to your sites owner, for creating the list and making it accessible to the public, you know that douche who spends his time giving out the addresses of the people who join his board, lying, and threatening people, while he hides in his basement, jacking off to the garbage he posts hoping some will be stupid enough to pay the thousands of $$ he expects to be paid to have the lies he creates removed and to leave his victims alone. Shouldn't you be proud for supporting that whackadoodle!! You've also misconstrued my comments made in my other blog....... that makes me curious, do my actions anger you because I made it known that you are a participant in a thread about gossip and that is embarrassing to you, or because it shows that you're a member of such a trashy site, or both? You know as well as I do, that #sp411 has long been disliked by most in this biz, and just because you and a few others might make money from it's use, doesn't discount or justify it's intent. It's a board where cowards flock to post their put downs, lies and derogatory gossip of escorts, *anonymously*. It's owner is well known for getting a charge out of making up lies about whomever twists his little panties, and then you have those who've the small courage to join using a handle/fake name, so they can make their crude and rude comments, which they guise as a review .....All in all, that makes it a site to avoid, not to join or support. So when I continue to list those who are commenting on, or viewing a thread, which has now turned into a bashfest towards me, because I've the courage to talk back to those who hide behind anonymity, and contribute to that shit site, don't turn that into me disiking escorts or clients. That thought/comment in itself, is dramatic and false, and is just fueling more drama. But perhaps that is your intent......and give me a break, you became incensed because I called people who view a thread on gossip, "nosey parkers", but you remain mute, when some of that trashy sites members calls many of your peers, everything, but their names......K!!

To Mike Litoris-I was warned about you a loooooooong time ago, you're another ole fart that has always been known to post shit about particular escorts who didn't click with you....Some guys pay because they have to, right "Mike".....Curious, were you lamenting about your looks when you described that toothless bulldog? Generally speaking, I think of bulldogs, toothless or not, as being quite cute:)

To Mr or Mrs "unregistered" #1- when is looking "your age", supposed to be a put down? Try again.... Why would anyone expect someone my age to look young, especially after all the years of dealing with idiots like you, that in itself ages a person tenfold. So I should look more like your great grandma, not your grandmother, lol. However, if you were unhappy with my appearence, and if we did indeed meet, to that I can't attest, since you've not the courage to name yourself, you could have made that known in person. But that would take courage. My looks aren''t for everybody, nor is my age, demeaning them tho, just shows your character and does nothing to change mine. Keep up the good work;)

To Mr. or Mrs "unregistered #2- I'm not ashamed to admit anything. If something has affected me or my business or both, I'm very open to saying so. Apparently you've never read my blog, or visited my twitter, lol. But I will assure you, anything said about me, especially on sp411, will NOT affect me personally. It *may* cause me to loose potential clients, but so what. Win some, loose some. I work so seldom now, who cares. You seem to care more about that than I. Learn more about me, before you make such ridiculous statements.

  • peiguy5555,
  • b21cole,
  • Jed1590,
  • tensee,
  • Nick420,
  • Greeklover89,
  • geebus,
  • hornydoc,
  • timmyho,
  • vindawg,
  • Grace Sparks,
  • Finch20,
  • Private222,
  • edsmith2008,
  • edwin6699,
  • minuteman06,
  • londoncalling,
  • JuicylittleDawg,
  • thatguy82,
  • kherg007,
  • sheikyerbooti,
  • Victoria Catherina,
  • redbeard,
  • irock,
  • Tri-Sum-Pussy,
  • Frederictonman,
  • lickalotofpuss,
  • TFZL1,
  • YankFrank,
  • hookmeup,
  • peiguy555,
  • datyman69,
  • thisshitisreal,
  • rickkkm,
  • genosys,
  • gogofmagog,- If stupidity is your goal, you reached that goal years ago. Why is it always attention seeking idiots like you, who think of aging as a negative....I don't worry about "dating" myself when I use particular words, it's how I speak. You obviously understand them, so you're "dating " yourself too, right, Mr. pop culture.....
  • islander,-I'm also glad you didn't book. Any guy that has to go on a review board, especially a board as trashy as sp411, to query about an escort before they decide for themselves, whether or not to see an escort, isn't a "man", nor someone I want to meet. But that is made very clear on my website, I'm sure you knew that before you even posted..... Please remember too, that simply wanting to meet an escort doesn't give you the right. The escort has to also want to meet the potential client. So you commenting again, "that you were glad you didn't book" does who benefit, and serves what purpose? So many of you guys show just how delicate you all are, by having your panties twisted when an escort talks back to you, or openly comments towards who'll she'll see and who she won't see and why. It's funny to watch, the rebutals are even funnier, and always so typical and boring, Always a put down about age, looks.....or "I wouldn't see her anyways" "she's to old", "she's to this or that" "she's no good", "she's not worth the money"....yada, yada, yada,. So what and who Do some of you guys really believe that you seeing me or not, will determine my survivability.....Seriously!!! *Some* of you guys need to remember who gets paid and who does the paying. Some of you guys truly over estimate your importance.....I have lasted this long for a reason.
  • sexiijane2017,
  • spencer00,
  • chilzz,
  • Sarahskillz,
  • jonno,
  • thebiggestguy,
  • Vegeta85,-  Mr. Busybody is at it just have to keep inserting yourself and please remember, there are escorts who've seen you, so your comment about you giving  intense orgasms, is hilarious....and believe me, hilarity is not your strong point. You seem to be trying  hard to copy the comment style of your friend Gog, the only difference between the two of you is, he looks stupid by being himself, you just look stupid and even more so, trying to be like someone else.....I'm curious, do you get whip lash from posting one way on sp411 and another on lyla?
  • thd,
  • lingan,
  • luvyeah,
  • norton,
  • taylorforfun,-Ahh ....duh, and woo to you, lol. You made the list because you viewed the thread. I simply copied and pasted that list, I didn't contrive it. It's the same list *your site* posts at the end of the thread. I hope the read was worth your time. Next time, get excited about something worthwhile, lol.
  • Delroy Lee,-I wasn't worried, lol. I wasn't expecting you to drive that far, your car wouldn't make it, lol;)
  • eagle1man,
  • Micber
  • justhavingfun,
  • steeler43,
  • TheMouse,
  • FrenchKonexion,-thanks for the unfollow:) You never retweeted any of my stuff anyhow, lol.
  • chrismen,
  • MctonCowBoy,
  • bjadams

Anyone else want to chime in, I'm open to any and all comments, lol. But I do prefer to discuss things with those who've the courage to show themselves, and not hide behind anonymity. or post on a site to which I have no posting ability. I accept phone calls:)



So you don't want to wear a mask ......

20 Sep, 2020

I know this may fall on deaf ears, because there are people who think of others and those who don't. There are those who listen to science and those who listen to wind bags like Trump. Irregardless, I'm going to say this as it can't be said to often.....Please understand this virus is deadly, it has taken so many precious lives, lives like this young woman's....  Lives of those who had promising careers, and families who loved them....Your reasons for not distancing, for not masking or isolating aren't exceptable when the consequences of your actions results in taking lives. It isn't any imposition to refrain from group gatherings when we know it will save lives. In these times we have to think of others, we have to have empathy and understanding. Please don't be your part!


RIP, RBG....

19 Sep, 2020

It's a sad day knowing that the world has lost a true champion for not only the truth, for justice and for mankind.  It is imperative now that Americans, and those of us in other countries, who have realtives in the U.S. to impress upon them the importance of voting out TRump.....Lets pray that Ruth Ginsburg can still wield power from above and will ensure Trump gets voted out....



17 Sep, 2020

This story warmed my heart....  This couple are ordinary folks who I know will do good and I'm so happy they won. Goes to show that quick pick numbers sometimes do bring winners. Congratulations!!

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Phone calls, texts and emails....

17 Sep, 2020

Every escort who advertises also asks in her ads to be contacted in a specific way. Some have multiple contact protocols, others, one or two. We've chosen our specific contact preferences for various reasons, and none of those reasons are anyones's business but the escort/s who provides them. So to all those who decide to ignore these protocols, and who contact us as they choose and not as we ask. You've just done us a huge favor and screened yourself. I don't advertise to those who are to lazy to read, or who are entitled....I am advertising to those who are respectful and truly interested in meeting and they contact me as I request. These gentlemen can read and comprehend an ad. It isn't complicated. So to all those who send me endless, and stupid texts, thank you for screening yourselves and saving me the time. Happy Thursday!! 


The sleaziest site in the industry....

16 Sep, 2020

Sp411 is the sleaziest review board site in the industry.......Or is it.... Most in this industry are aware of the negative impacts of review boards towards escorting but the site sp411 brings a whole new level of sleaze and skeeze to this industry. But..... should we really separate that sleazy board from the rest of the boards,  can we really discern one being worse than the other when you've the same members on multiple boards....

  • peiguy5555,
  • b21cole,
  • Jed1590,
  • tensee,
  • Nick420,
  • Greeklover89,
  • geebus,
  • TheMouse,
  • hornydoc,
  • timmyho,
  • vindawg,
  • Micber,
  • thisshitisreal,
  • Grace Sparks,
  • Finch20,
  • Private222,
  • taylorforfun,
  • edsmith2008,
  • edwin6699,
  • minuteman06,
  • islander,
  • londoncalling,
  • JuicylittleDawg,
  • thatguy82,
  • kherg007,
  • sheikyerbooti,
  • Victoria Catherina,
  • redbeard,
  • irock,
  • Tri-Sum-Pussy,
  • eagle1man,
  • Delroy Lee,
  • justhavingfun,
  • chilzz,
  • Frederictonman,
  • lickalotofpuss,
  • TFZL1,
  • jonno,
  • MctonCowBoy,
  • lingan,
  • bjadams,
  • Vegeta85,
  • spencer00,
  • rickkkm,
  • YankFrank,
  • hookmeup,
  • peiguy555,
  • datyman69,
  • Sarahskillz,
  • gogofmago 
  • These people, who've I've copied and pasted in the list above, are the "nosey parkers" and members of sp411, who've flocked to read the thread   "cristylonglegs" , which, yes, is about me, lol.....If you cross reference many of these people, you'll see they are also members of Lyla, and other boards.....That causes me to believe that one board isn't so different than the rest. Since membership makes a board.....How then, can anyone say one board is better than the others when many of the same people have memberships on multiple boards. Yet, it is very common for "Lyla" members, clients and escorts, to look down on those who frequent sp411. I'd say, those who separate the two boards and hold one above the other, need to reevaluate their concerns and opinions....The only difference I see between the two boards, sp411 & Lyla, is how people are allowed to articulate their thoughts and comments. They say the same things, just in different ways..... If Lyla and some of it's members wants to think of themselves as a "better board" perhaps it should rethink it's memberships.....
  • I find it most comical when I read the defenses some people come up with to support these boards, especially when escorts claim that having some guy she's had a visit with, publicly reminiscing about their encounter, as doing her and him some good. This "good" confuses me....especially when they both claim to have been discreet and intimate.... How can intimicy be intimate if it is made public and how can discretion even be mentioned when what was shared between escort and client is publicly talked about and posted online. As an escort it is my job to provide the utmost in discretion, that means I don't discuss who I see, when, and or where, ever!!.....Yet many who also proclaim to be "discreet", go on to promote, rant and rave about giving and getting reviews......isn't that an awfully big example of an oxymoron? "I want discretion", yet I openly post about who I "discreetly see" "I'm discreet ", "yet I want you to publicly post about us meeting" This seems incredibly hypocritical.But that is just how I see it....
  • .........What escorts and clients share is often very special. Most of us who are professional, realize that chemistry and compatibility between two people are what make it so special, and that can't be faked or mimicked, it either happens or it doesn't. Telling someone, thru a written review/reco, that you found that with "so and so" isn't beneficial to anyone, since the chemistry you found won't be guaranteed, or even possible for another to find or enjoy. It's not something an escort can mimic, even the best actresses cannot micmic chemistry ....Reviews/reco's for material goods may be beneficial, but an intimate experience isn't something that can be reviewed or rated the same way, nor should you want it to be. We aren't material objects, and if the experience that was provided was authentic, it won't be the same from one person to the next, so listing how she made you feel, or what you shared,  will only leave some with false hopes.... But you have those escorts who love to hear how much they were loved, and how great you thought they were and some love also to have their sexual skills rated, and you have those guys who are happy to promote those who treated them right and accepted their money, lol. It once was against "escort code" to ask a client for a review or reco, now it seems common place. Many escorts will openly ask for reviews/reco's to be written and the boards too will encourage members ro write, write write, to share who they saw and how their time was spent, all while they promote discretion, between escort and client......again, it's so hypocritical, it's funny. I'm thinking back to when I had contacted an escort I hadn't met, and the first thing she said was "I won't discuss my clients", well good I thought, but yet, if anyone wanted to know anything about her clients all they had to do was read the reviews, they're all listed there as were her "activities". lol........ It's sad to see so many grovelling for reviews, it's sad to know that there are still some who believe that if an escort has many reviews/reco's that she is then more popular, or a more vaulued escort, which often isn't the case.There are many guys who are known to write reco's, and they're known to write for anyone who asks, sometimes for favors, sometimes just for their own noteriety......There are also guys who'll take advantage of those who seek out review writers, and these guys aren't always the ones that should be seen. But some escorts will see anyone who'll write a review. This behavior is what breeds the goofs that plague the sleazy boards like sp411.....
  • The hypocrisy in this industry is rife, and it continues to give me fodder for my blog....I wish it wasn't, and I wish many would find better things to do than proliferate these garbage boards with their gossip and other foolishness. Then I'd have less to rant about complain about here. But you and I know, those prolific posters on that sleaziest of review boards will miss the point of this blog, will take it personally, and retaliate with their egregious insults towards me, typical are so many.......
    .......See you again soon, I'm sure, "nosey parkers".

To Mr. Vegeta

14 Sep, 2020
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I was skimming over her blog and, I have to say, for someone who hates review boards she sure visits them a lot. There's toxicity in this industry from escorts and hobbyists alike, but if you that's all you focus on it's going to skew your perception of things. Attitude plays a big part of my enjoyment of a lady's company and I imagine plenty of other guys are the same way. I'm not sure how she plans to have repeat clientele or have a mutually enjoyable experience with said clients if she has a giant chip on her shoulder. By the way, the pictures on her website are amazing!
My reply-
Firstly, thanks for "skimming" through my blog. I've "skimmed" through your posts too and it seems you too carry a chip often and appear to have "a need to know" attitude about many people who you'll never meet, or who will never want to meet you. Allow me to offer you some advice, don't make conclusions/deductions or assumptions about people you know nothing about, or towards those who you've assumed to know by "skimming" through their blog/s. That makes you appear nosey, gossipy and just looking for drama.......which, btw, many of your posts do indicate.....however, to respond to your comment, I definitely do visit review boards often, it's in my best interest to do so, to know what is going on, being said, and by whom. I keep track of everything that has an effect on the business I enjoy and which I've been a part of for decades. Review boards always have been and always will be an issue with me, as I've seen and experienced the negative effects they've brought into this business. I can speak to that because I've been around since before their popularity and after, and I will continue to speak about them, here in my blog and on any other social media platforms I choose. As far as how I and my clients enjoy our time......You've no need to  worry or have any concern about my clients, repeaters, and one timers, I do fine with and enjoy both. It's probably best that you keep your concerns for people you do know, and who "might" be willing to meet you, I'm not one of them. Lets hope you don't spend your paid time with escorts gossiping, like you are here.  
Vegeta's comment-quote-
Well yeah she blogs about other things. I'm saying she spends too much time thinking about the drama and toxicity on escort forums in my opinion.
My reply-
What makes you think anyone cares about what "you are saying". Yes I blog about many things, and my time is to spend as I choose. Might I suggest before you criticize me for as you say "spending to much time thinking about drama and toxicity on review forums" you stop creating more drama and toxicity with your unnecessary comments and posts...... Worry about the amount of time you spend sticking your nose into other peoples business. 
Vegetas comment-quote-
She responded to me via her blog, so I'll reply back. You missed the point of my comment, Christy. You have every right to see whoever you want and to screen your clients. I want you, and all escorts for that matter, to be safe and feel secure and comfortable doing your work. All I meant is why spend so much time looking at escort review bords when you hate them so much? It just seems counterproductive and unhealthy. Just my opinion though, I wish you well.
My reply-
I didn't miss your point, you clearly didn't read my response. So I'll say it again.....Review boards affect my business, they have negatively impacted this industry. Which I have blogged about, and will continue to do so..... it would be stupid of me to ignore what goes on them. It is wise for anyone in any business to follow and keep track of all media which posts about said business. It would also be stupid of me not to keep track of what specific members are up to. Since specific members are some of those I try to avoid. The escort industry is my business, so I will keep track of all that goes on within it. What is your excuse for doing the exact same thing?.....  Ask yourself, why you've a need to spend so much time posting on the boards. Ask yourself, why you need to stick your nose into my, and other peoples business, when clearly we'll never meet, I can assure you of that. Ask yourself, why you criticize other people for doing exactly what you are here doing. Ask yourself, why you are so concerned about what  someone you don't know, thinks about. Ask yourself, why you've a constant need to comment on threads that have no need for your input.......Now please stay out of my business, and learn to read....thanks.
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Being threatened

14 Sep, 2020

No one should have to experience the type of harassment and vileness this gogofmagog, and others like him, like to put upon some escorts. He thinks it's fine to sit behind his computer under his anonymous handle demeaning and threatening, ( I say threatening, because he posts about how he'll "find a way" to see me, or whomever he chosses, irregardless of us  not wanting his patronage) those he chooses to be his target of the moment. 

In any other business if someone was deemed to be "an unwanted customer", they'd be asked to leave the business, or prevented from entering it, by law. Business owners have a right to reject customers, and if these customers re-enter their premises, or threaten to, they can rely on the police, or a lawyer to take further actions to protect their business on their behalf. It appears that is what my next step will be. None of us, as escorts, should have to feel threatened by some coward on a trashy review board who feels he has the right to see us because as he puts it " he wants to spite fuck us" one escort deserves this type of abuse and no one client has a "right" to see an escort without that escort agreeing to being seen ....The escort gets to decide who their customers are......

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In defense of escorting....

13 Sep, 2020

 Over the decades, I've been in and out of this profession. I've left it, opened businesses, taken courses and come back, and left again, come back and left it again. Namely, because I've to often listened to all the wrong voices. Voices from within, and outside of this industry. Telling me, "it isn't something that one should consider a profession", "it isn't something one should do for long."...."it isn't something good"....... Obviously, I"ve stopped listening. Obviously, they were wrong, at least in my case. As I've always come back to escorting and I've always defended it. From those within it, those outside of it (civies) and to political officials as well. I've written many, hoping for change. I defend it because it has been my most consistent  and enjoyable source of income. It satisfies my need for social interaction, it feeds my sexual needs and it has helped me grow my confidence. The later, may surprise some. As this profession can be brutal on ones self esteem, because when we put ourselves out there, through posting pics, personal information, etc, the bullies, nit pickers and other nerdowells come crawling out of the wood work to criticize, attack and to demonize. So....if that is the case, how can hearing many insults, demeaning comments, slander and other crap, help one become more confident? Well it makes one realize that people who play those games are jealous, agenda driven and usually, miserable in their own lives. And if people will take time out of their day too try and ruin mine, yours, or someone else's, then we must have something going for us.....we must have something they want, we must have something they don't, and knowing this is confidence building and empowering, imo. So instead of playing into their hands, by giving up, by changing, by cowering and feeling bad, I become resilient, more proud, and driven to reach my goals, all while they waste precious time trying to destroy me, or whomever their target is.....end result, they waste their time, and I enjoy mine escorting....:)


Let me say this, for those in the back.....for those who haven't heard me say it before. I love being an escort. I have left this profession and come back to it many times over the many years I've been involved in it. I've owned other businesses, done other things, yet I'm ALWAYS drawn back. So I can only conclude that escorting is what I am meant to do. And I've also concluded, that growing older/old within this profession doesn't negate my worth, if anything, it has made me more valuable, lol. So to those younger escorts, to those idiot clients, who's only weapons of attack have been their ageist comments, the joke is apparently on you. Since the older I get, the busier I've become and the more I'm able to charge......

Clearly, there are people who partake in escorting, escorts and clients alike, who obviously do so unhappily and for all the wrong reasons. I believe it is these people who are often the ones who pick on and attack others in the industry who openly express their happiness of being an escort, or a client of escort/s. Lets face it, no matter the profession we choose, there are those meant to be in it, and others who just don't fit, or who are doing it for the wrong reasons.....and it shows....For anyone to say that being an escort, or a client of an escort is wrong, or that this profession isn't a profession, or should only be a stepping stone towards something else, obviously aren't meant for it. Some of us are. We are all meant to do something, and no one should criticize the choices we make to support oursleves. None of us should want to ruin someones happiness simply because we don't have our own, or don't agree with someones choices. Live your life, find your niche, and do so with pride and let others do the same. If you don't agree with "something" as being the right way to date, or too earn a living, then don't do it......if you're unhappy in your choices, seek a way to find what will make you happy. We all deserve happiness and remember, no profession can define you, only your character can.....Happy Sunday and happy escorting!!.

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Fall is a coming.....and I'm.....

12 Sep, 2020

Coming to a town near you....I plan on touring more this fall and winter, weather permitting, of course. New Brunswick, PEI, Sydney, N.S. are all on my radar. Fredericton will be my only NB city, I think, and Charlotteltown, my only PEI, city, although I am considering Summerside. In Nova Scotia, I may spend a night in Truro, to see what that little town is like and I'm going back to Syndey soon, since my last visit was cut short by the covid restrictions and so many lovely gentlemen contacted keep an eye on my twitter for updates, and leoslist in your city. It is on those sites I post most and here of course. I hope to see you on my travels. Until then, be good to yourself, and kind to others.

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Being away...

10 Sep, 2020

So many have contacted me since my trip to PEI, and while I was away for the long weekend. Please know when I'm away and not working my phone is turned off and I don't turn it back on until my return and I'm ready to once again accept appointments. Those who've text or left voicemails while I'm away, will not get a response. I only respond to texts/voicemails that are a couple of hours old, for your discretion, unless you've directed me to do otherwise. So please don't feel like I've been ignoring you, or not wanting to see you again....I'll be acceoting appoinments again on Sunday/Sept13 or Monday/Sept14.....see you then.



09 Sep, 2020

This guy that calls  himself gogofmagog, once again has to vent about escorts it seems, because once again he's been incensed by *ANOTHER* "middle aged hooker" ......Well goofman, you're a hypocrite! On a previous trip to Pei, back in 2018, or so, you forget, you contacted me numerous times using an app number, through text, when I ignored you, you text and text again wanting to know why I was ignoring fuck off with your bullshit post and recommending other guys to not bother with me because you feel my vetting process is to much for you to handle. You *tried* to jump through all those hoops a couple of years ago and FAILED!! The fact is, this "middleaged hooker" wouldn't fuck you with a borrowed pussy, and for all the money in the world. YOU are disliked and unwanted not only by me but by many, and many know EXACTLY who you are and what you look like.You and your denigrating and tasteless posts have made you one of the most "to be avoided" people in this business.The only way you'll be seen by anyone is by  you once again, pretending to be someone else, as you once did with me, using an app number, a fake name(board handle), etc.  It is always pathetic tricks like you who whine on garbage review boards like sp411 and lyla, about ladies who won't see them. Tricks like you never accept accountability for their own actions and always retaliate towards those who refuse them by name calling and other childish put downs.....that is all you are cappable of. So go back to your mundane life, and making posts complaining about people who see you for what you are, we're many....... remember that.


And to the o.p. of that thread, "Islander", .....grow a set of balls ffs, if you want to meet an escort, do your research, then go and meet her. If you need anothers person advice/opinion as to who is worth seeing, then perhaps rethink what you are doing. Grown men can make their own decisions, little boys have to ask for help.


Typical of a review board to host such a douchebag, read his posts I'm sure after doing so you too will feel my disgust for this attention seeking review board douche bag......


So now, apparently he's threatening to "jump through my hoops" in sick is this person!!



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Thank you PEI...

09 Sep, 2020

It's Wednesday Sept 09.....and I'm back from my PEI trip and a well needed Hiatus from escorting. I'm so very grateful to all those gentlemen who graced my doorstep while visitng PEI. I'm grateful that they were considerate, clean, on time, and respectful of my boundaries. Most were discreet, and all have left me with a desire to revisit:) The only unpleasent episode I experienced was with the motel manager and his dive of a motel. My choice of accomodations was well below my standards and I apologize to those who visited with me for not leaving and seeking out another place to spend those days....however, I hope most know that because of covid, most of us are choosing places that offer a more discreet entry and exit, and as I've told many, most hotels that you have to enter to access a room are asking for the registered quests name and or room number. Most gents don't like that. Aside from that all was great and I'm hoping to return before Christmas. 

Taking time away from escorting, even tho I'd consider myself very part time, is still important. A break from any routine helps exacerbate that routine from becoming mundane. Most of my clients I now have are gents I look forward to seeing and the times we share are fun, I'd hate to have that change. I'm still in rest and relax mode, so I'll probably wait until next week to return, I hope to see you then.....unitl we meet again, stay happy, hopeful and take care of yourself.


I just couldn't keep my mouth shut....

30 Aug, 2020

About this thread  First, I'd like to thank Melanie Rose for having the cajones to step in and speak up. The lady these assholes in this thread speak of was once highly adulated on that very site. But because she farted sideways, or for some other stupid reason, she has been banned from posting........So, Barbie/Zora can't post her own and new profile/info herself, so someone with no posting history comes along and posts about her new name, new persona, and how they enjoyed her.....and what happens, she and this poster are both shit on......Where are all her supporters? It is disgraceful how easily so many can just forget, or not care to remember how well they were treated by this escort and defend her reputation..... This angers me so because of the blatant disregard for how their words could affect her business.....some guys will use up and spit out a lady just as easy as that, so it's shameful and ignorant of them to publicly post such far fetched specualtions and nonsense. It is also shameful that more ladies haven't come forward to defend her....but alas, why would they, she is not part of the "in girl" crowd, she isn't a Lyla member....(and I say this with great sarcasm and experience)

Every person on that stupid review board started out  as a new member and with their first post. Everyone on that trash board has fawned over someone and did so by posting a thread just like the "new poster" in this thread has done. So why is it only a small few get criticized for doing this? I'll tell you why. Because unless it is "the girl of the moment", or one of her buddies, being fawned over, or one of those clients who prolicfically posts, doing the fawning, then the post/thread is seen as a shill, or another type of suspicious post. Favortism, bias and hypocrisy, flourishes there. There was a recent review posted by one of the favored ladies, about another known member/lady, that wasn;t called into question, and these two ladies are friendly with one another.....if anything should be questoned, that reco, should be!

It boils down to this, a known lady, a once well reviewed and known lady has changed her persona, someone has posted to let others know, This shouldn't be seen as anything other than that. And where are all the other "known and well reviewed ladies" and why aren't they defending her....where are the mods....I'll tell you......imo, they're ignoring this, because Barbie, aka, Zora, is not part of their "in crowd", she's no longer deemed, "one of the best " or "relevent ladies", especially because, she is NOT a Lyla member. So she, like many others who aren't members, will be ignored, questioned and or criticized.....Typical of this site that flourishes with bias, hypocrisy and favortism.....

 If you happen upon this post Zora, ignore the ignorance some like to spew, hold your head high and do as you see fit. I wish you much success and prosperity..... 


A question to lyla members....why is it fine for you to go on other platfroms and whine and whale about how fabulous you think lyla is, yet if someone posts on your site (lyla), in the same fashion, they are called into question, or criticized....are you all so frail and fearful, that people will see the truth, lol, that review boards are passe, unneeded, pointless, and only relevant to those who worship them?



29 Aug, 2020

There is nothing that sends shivers up my spine more than listening to a beautiful voice sing a sond that touches my soul....while on twitter not long ago, one of my followers posted a link to a singer I'd never heard of, singing  Marvin Gayes" "whats goin on"......I'll admot when I looked at the link and saw this guy, I didn't expect what I heard. This guy has the look of a rough, tough biker, yet when he opens his mouth, angels come flying out.....I was floored. I was moved to tears, and yes, I felt shivers up my spine. Not often do we get to hear voices this raw, this talented, this perfect.....And not only is his pitch perfect, he makes you feel the lyrics he sings.....this man is a super yourself a favor and google his music, you can thank me later......     Teddy    My fave so far is him singing  "Mercy, Mercy me" .....Enjoy!!

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Don't do it....

23 Aug, 2020

There is no bigger a turn off than, when having a conversation with a potential client, and he starts babbling on about the luxury items he owns. His gated home/s, luxury car/s, how much money he has/makes, and the resorts he regularly travels to. It means nothing, unless you plan on putting me in your will....... It is nice to know that you can afford my services, but you've already contacted me, so I'll assume you wouldn't be doing so unless you could, right! Usually these "types" will also go on to say, "how good looking they are", some even mention the size of the dicks...ugh!. Let me make this perfectly clear....escorts don't care about that either. What concerns us is, how you treat us, your personal hygiene, that you show up on time, pay us, and that you respect our boundaries and don't spread gossip....that is what is important. So to all those braggarts, save that game for those who are more impressionable, and naive..... Thanks for reading and have a Happy Sunday....

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How dare I ask.......

13 Aug, 2020

It is apparently a no-no for an escort to blatantly ask for money on her social media is in poor taste, so some say.....let me say, what do you think we are there for? What do you think an escort sells? What do you think an escort supports themselves with? Are you really that selfish to think that we are there to entertain you for free?.......Or is it the asking, the "openy asking" that you find insulting....In all other aspects of our profiles clients want honesty....yet when we speak honestly, some become insulted and accuse us as being selfish and poor business people....I find this odd and very confusing......

 Thank goodness for social media, I has given many of us the ability to share oursleves, without the need for the of the outdated hobbyist pandering review boards. Social media platforms allows an escort to be herself, to set their own rules and to speak how they choose. Yet when we openly ask for donations, we are then persecuted for doing so? Do you think it is fair to expect an escort to post endless pics/blogs/comments/stories & other media for free? To you honestly believe we should only be paid for in person meetings or for accounts that only allow pre-payment(ex:onlyfans). Please think again.....posting on social media is work, it is part of our work, it is sexwork....see the consisitency here with the word...*WORK*....and ALL the *work* an escort does should encourage payment from you, if you are a fan or a follower.....if you are a tire kicker, or a free rider, then move on.  Wanting free stuff is selfish and inappropriate. We are not free entertainers, nor should you expect us to be. If an escort stating "that they expect payment for this or that", hurts your delicate sensibilities, get over yourself! Every escorts bottom line is $$$$$. If you need to hear how much we enjoy what we do.....then $$$ pay us, we'll give you many stories to enjoy about our enjoyment. We are business people, we are sales people, and those selling anything, expect payment for what they sell....we sell our time, our pictures, our stories, etc.....nothing is free... and let me once again say....expecting something to be free, is inappropriate, and selfish. If that is insulting to you, then why engage with a person who is selling their time and wares, go to a dating site and engage with those who spend their time posting and dating for the thrill of it all.....escorts don't....our number 1 motivator is money......and those who say differently are just talking you up, if you don't believe me.....ask them to see you for free, and let me know how that goes:).....

Thanks for reading.....

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I can't help but roll my eyes at this one....

06 Aug, 2020

Silly me,  here I am lurking again on a review site...I know, where do I find the time....seriously, I am so busy with other things, it is funny that I've once again taken time to give attention to this silliness, yet I here it is....and I will say, I take the time to address specific topics like this from time to time, because I believe it is important to make clear to anyone reading how hypocritical, and foolish these review board sites are.....and how they have contributed to the demise of the escorting industry....... ....upon reading this thread,  I was struck by the hypocrisy displayed by the members involved in it. In this thread a member has apparently gone around private messaging others to join a group on another site, to discuss personal details about the local escorts. So this review boards main mod jumps up with "utter disgust" to put an end to such an abomination...I mean "how dare a review board member want to "form a group" to discuss the "personal" details about local escorts.? Seriously LYdiaharwood, I can't help but roll my eyes at your hypocrisy, since  this is exactly what review boards in their totality represent and promote.....The other members in the thread also showing their  disgust is as funny, if not  more so.....are they that daft to their own hypocrisy......I find the response by "Kitten" the most interesting,tho.........quote:

Im pretty sure this is against fb policy as well and would hope it gets shut down. About a year ago i remember fetish and burlesque groups being targetted and shut down i believe shortly after FOSTA-SESTA reeked its havoc.

I can bet a few reports would take care of it.

Also are these guys not capable of assessing SW for themselves?***

They do realize quality in this work is subjective***-end quote.*

And here is why I find it interesting.....The last two sentences of that quote, which I put stars next to, are the most interesting.....Why? Because here you have a review board member(Kitten) asking  the clientele  of escorts , "why can't they "assess escorts on their own", and then ( Kitten) points  out the obvious," that every opinion about an escorts "work" is subjective!"! Oh the irony!!...Does Kitten not realize that review boards exist because some guys can't choose an escort without first reading reviews about an escorts work/looks/services/etc That a review board is first and foremost A forum for reviews and discussing escorts.(which isn't a good thing)........ and that reviews exist because clients like to privately and publicly discuss, and often, in detail, the escorts they've seen( which is indiscreet). And that review boards exist because many escorts and "hobbyists" promote this and many even get a thrill/kick/enjoyment out of reading replays of the activities they've shared together. Many escorts seem to enjoy the adulation and praise given within reviews( until someone says something negative, that is) and many clients enjoy rehashing their visits on a public forum......and yes Kitten, most normal thinking people DO realize that any comments/reviews made about intimacy are, at the very least, subjective. Yet this subjectivity is seldom promoted, instead, it is the review boards and their followers who tend to promote reviews as being a predictor of a good or bad reputation, which they are not, they are as you specified, very subjective. What the boards do promote are members, escort and hobbyists alike, who post often, praise and promote the board to which they belong and who also promote review board culture........So I'll end my blog with a question to you Kitten.....If you believe and understand your last two questions, why are you contributing to the foolishness of this culture, by being a member of a review board, even if it is one of the "tamer" ones....isn't that hypocritical.... and aren't your questions ironic......

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Oh the irony....

03 Aug, 2020

I've often posted on twitter the ridiculous texts I often get from strangers....their comments/replies are often worthy of comedy central, or deserving of an idiot of the year award......the commonality between many of them is how these "strangers" expect so much from me, and escorts in general, all while professing their need to remain anonymous and that an escort shouldn't require a potential client to divulge any information about themselves. Yes these same guys want us, the escorts, to prove ourselves to be real, by posting reams of selfies/pics, descriptive bios and personal details about our daily activities, yet in return all they want to give is a text app number and some made up is that even reasonable?.......In this world of online dating, both parties have a responsibility for one another too make each party feel comfortable with in person meetings.

 A *professional* escort puts out enough information through advertising on mulltiple platforms, within which, many expect us to verify ourselves, with posting and maintaining personal websites, and social media accounts where we post multitudes of selfies and other details that show we are real......the least the client can provide is his real name and phone number.....another irony in this scenario I speak of, is that the majority of the guys who complain about escorts wanting their personal information, is that most of them wouldn't have anything to loose if they were blackmailed, or hustled, or robbed. Yet they act like they are holding the worlds wealth, and the noteriety that would make world news. Most of them are blue collar workers making ends meet, and there is nothing wrong with blue collar workers. It's just that if you're the local mechanic, or store manager, don't act like your a Bill Gates, or a John Ghotti...........Look, finding a relaible/safe escort isn't complicated these days. A professional escort will advertise on more than one site, she'll more than likely maintain her own website, have lots of pictures, most which can be image searched to verify they are hers, some will have reviews ( I don't allow them) and most will have a social media account (twitter, instagram, onlyfans, etc) cross referencing all that information should give any client the comfort in knowing they are dealing with a pro and an escort that will be relaible and trustworthy. The problem is, most of these guys who whine often about being robbed, ripped off or blackmailed, don't go for the pro's they seek out the unknown, the new, the escorts that have no history......then blame the whole industry when they're hustled by a scam artist, or phony escort......I also recommend speaking to the escort before you meet. If they don't allow a personal conversation, think twice, and in saying this I realize that many great escorts only allow texts, and emails, but it is my opinion that hearing a voice, it's inflections, how someone speaks, is a great way to determine many things, namely, professionalism and chemistry.....

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01 Aug, 2020

Soon, if not already, living on the peninsula will only  be possible for the upper middle class, and the wealthy. If you want a safe, clean and attactive residence, that is. The lower end buildings and less safe areas are now demanding over 1000 monthly for rents, many are over 1100, for a one bedroom. A nice two/3 bedroom will **start** at 1400/1500 monthly now..... so to those guys who whine about having to go to lower end/ unsafe areas to visit with an escort, keep these rental prices in mind. For those guys who whine about those of us who charge 300 or more an hour, keep those rental prices in mind. If you want incall the cost of that ladies rent/mortgage all play into her hourly rate. And please also remember, especially in these times, many of us only see 1 or two gents a week, if that...... and remove that thought that ladies are making their hourly rate, on the hour, hour after hour, each day they work....that is a fallacy. Travelling ladies, not included, since any lady that travels, including myself, will see more clients on her tour than she would when in her home wouldn't make sense to travel if she didn't. So please remember, a hotel in the city is over 200 daily/nightly, rents are up 2-300 a month, just in the past year or when you book  an escort and you feel their rate is too high, think again......thanks!!

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Happy long weekend...

31 Jul, 2020

Another holiday weekend has arrived, and I'm neck deep in things to get done. I haven't been seeing any clients lately as my shedule and other events have prevented me from having the time. I hope to have an opportunity this weekend, at some point, to spend an hour or two with someone. I hope your weekend is safe, fun and, a very happy one, filled with great food, amazing friends and things to remember. Happy Natal day!!


There is no camaraderie in camaraderie....

16 Jul, 2020

So recently I blocked many fellow peers on my twitter, those peers who post on and support the review site, Lyla. As someone who has experienced years of negativity and abuse from many of it's members, and it's mods, I can't continue to justify supporting those who support it, and other review boards. These sites house far to many members, both clients and escorts, who've no issue with playing games, no showing, spreading lies, and promoting misinformation. As an example, when I joined that site, you were picked on by it's popular members if you didn't provide the services bbbj, cim and advertised as a gfe you've a new group of escorts who are doing the same thing, yet are anti bbbj, and promote misinformation about sti's and how they're spread and who are also blind to their own whorephobia by doing this. These same escorts who are anti bbbj, allow bare oral on themselves, and share duo partners whom allow bbbj's....see the hypocrisy there? Hypocrisy, something else review boards and their members are known for..... No escort should condemn another for the services they offer. It's no ones business what each escort provides, so "they'll" say, all while criticizing those who provide particular services they deem unsafe or don't want to provide....see the hypocrisy there? Boards also promote whorephobia, cliques and depending on who the "new/popular girls" are and what they're into, they'll promote them too, and their services, as being "the best service, best way to provide "....see the hypocrisy there? The fact is, boards promote who and what is popular at the moment, not what is best for the business of escorting, and there is lots of proof in their pudding!!.....Escorts that promote review boards also promote ther own clients, irregardless of what that client/s has done to someone outside of their circle/board....I can name many male Lyla members who are seen regularly by many local and travelling ladies who are known to have no showed me and played other games, yet they're still seen..... Yes, I rant on often about about Lyla, because I've had so much negativity from that site, and I've seen so much negative change within this industry because of it and the other boards. How can I not...... I've been in and out of this business  before and after the boards were popular, so I feel my view of things is unique and important.........but those who support the boards wouldn't understand, because they're to busy sucking up to those who suck up to them. That too is something boards promote......sucking In time, some will see my point, others will continue to ignore it....because for some all that matters is, that they're treated well, not whether or not this industry is better off....Alas.....Time teaches everyone valuable lessons......


Road rage....

11 Jul, 2020

On July 1, on windmill road in Dartmouth Nova Scotia a woman took out her anger for being cut off in traffic,  on another woman's helpless puppy...  I was so horrified and angered after seeing the video footage of the event that I've closely followed the story. Her license plate and vehicle are mentioned in the article, and I am watching for it every day:) Many in the "dog world" are angry and we are all grateful that the police decided to press charges. I just hope the punishment issued, is fitting. Please, if you see animal cruelty, do the very least, report it. Those who act violently towrds animals, if they haven't already, will eventually direct that towards a child or an adult person.......

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July 1

01 Jul, 2020

Happy Canada day!!! Celebrate what's to come, celebrate what is here...Have fun, stay safe and be kind!! Exciting news for this week, the Atlantic borders are opening and movies theaters are too!! This is exciting news for me as I love roads trips, and watching movies at the theaters. I hope you find something that is entertaining and relaxing for you.....



27 Jun, 2020

In light of pride, this blog is dedicated to one of my dearest friends....a friend I miss and never got to spend enough time with to mend fences and to truly understand.....I miss you BarB!!! 

I had met Bard while escorting at an agency that was housed in a bad part of town, and which hired some rather devious types. Barb took a liking to me right away, and I her.She became my protector, my friend and someone who taught me a lot. She was a tall, imposing figure....and a gay woman. Barb grew to like me in a way I didn't understand, she was the first gay person I had met......and it caused frictions in our friendship, and eventually ended it. She wanted me in ways I didn't want her to, and she was stubborn, and I wasn't understanding.....She was also, in the short couple of years we hung out, a dedicated friend. Always standing up for me, generous, and lots of fun too. I'm sorry we hadn't the time or fortittude to mend fences before she was murdered.....I celebrate pride in your honor Barb ????


Kill the dog.....

24 Jun, 2020

This blog is about dog bites, when and why they occur......First lets dispell some wives tales.....pit bulls DO NOT have a jaw that locks in place, nor do they have a bite force that is the strongest, A Boerboel(African mastiff) could probably head that list..... dogs don't "just snap", a dog that bites is an aggressive dog,......NO!!!!, the behavior is aggressive, not the dog. There is a dozen recognized catagories of aggression and in each catagory of aggression an underlying stessor is responsible for the dog's aggressive response. Dogs bite for a reason and YES any dog can bite. The problem is, what often presipitates a bite is often missed, or misunderstood by the humans involved. Every dog has a different bite threshold....meaning some dogs will have a high threshold, can handle a lot of stress (stimuli) before they bite, others have a low threshold, it takes a small amount of stress (stimuli) tp provoke a bite response. For example.....a dog, who is afraid of small children, men with beards, thunderstorms, and a dog who also has a rotten tooth (unbeknownst to it's owners) ......On a rainy day this dog's owners cousins visit, 3 kids all under 7 yrs, and the uncle, A man with a beard, and along with the rain, it has been thundering and lightning.....johnny, the 4 year old is jumping around and inadvertently knocks against the dog's face, the same side the rotten tooth is on, the dog lashes out and bites Johnny on the face.....the owner, oblivious to the dog's fears and rotten tooth, grabs the dog and thows it in the back yard, hollering at it "bad dog"....adding more stress to the poor dog.....which in turn will only increase that dogs chances of biting again.....the dog isn't at fault and in fact may not have even bitten had it not been for that rotten tooth. The other things that the dog feared,  the kids, men with beards, thunder storms, might have just caused him to shiver, drool, lick obsessively, or other behaviors, that are signs of stress. Had this dog been properly socialized in it's formative weeks (4-16 weeks) none of this fear behavior might exist.  Had it's "human" been  more observant and recognized the dog's signs of stress, the icident probably wouldn't have happened. Yet in incidents like these the unlucky dogs are said to be "bad" or "dangerous" dogs and very quickly euthanized, the lucky are given second chances, training and understanding knowing that bites are most often caused by human error. People need to learn that any dog can bite, and any large dog's bite is obviously going to be more injurious than a smaller dogs.....that doesn't mean we should deem all large dogs, "dangerous dogs" and work to eliminate large means we need to better understand what a dogs body language is telling us, what triggers your dog has, and to know when your dog is stressed, and why. All dogs deserve to live stress free and not die simply because their owner, or care giver, never took the time to interpret their dog's reaction to it's environment, and those humans it encounters. Dogs kept tied and alone, are often known to bite, being isolated and constantly restrained are two cruel actions that can activate aggression in any dog.....So instead of labeling a dog a "bad or a dangerous" dog, for acting like a dog, (Biting), yes biting is a normal dog behavior, instead, learn the behavior and what triggers it, and work to correct ( modify) it. And I say this even with dogs that have killed, since there can be mitigating circumstances......we have to start taking responsibility for the actions we cause and to stop projecting our errors onto our companion animals, by considering them always at fault when they bite, when more often than not, we are to blame!!

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Social media...

19 Jun, 2020

As much as I harp on about review boards you'd think I'd do the same about social media platforms.....and I will a little in this blog, however the difference as I see it is..... most social media platforms aren't forums in which a specific stance is taken, or perpetuated. They aren't sites that try and convince their "members" to follow a certain believe, nor do they favor anyone, or project bias.....They are "platfroms" within those posting can freely (as long as specified rules are followed) post their opinions, ads, pics, comments, etc, etc......Social media platforms attract a wide variety of personalities, with a wide variety of agendas. They also give keyboard warriors/trolls (those who wouldn't have the backbone to speak their opinions in person) an opportunity to bully, and stalk those they dislike, or disagree with. All in all tho, for people in my profession, they've given us an opportunity to advertise for free, and to share a bit about oursleves, to enable those clients who like to choose an escort based on more than just a physical attraction, an ability to see into our personalitites, likes, dislikes, etc....Between personal escort websites and social media platforms such as twitter, instagram, only fans, etc, there really is no longer a need for review boards, especially those review boards who've a purvasive misogynistic and biased theme. So my recommendation for those new to seeking escorts, follow them on twitter, instagram, these are two very friendly places where you can get glimpse of your favorite escort, beyond their physical presence.....Happy Friday, may your day be a special one.



Another reason I have so much disdain....

18 Jun, 2020

Another reason I have so much disdain for reviews boards is this member profile posted below....Review boards are rife with dick heads who think they control the escort industry and therefore can dictate what we charge, what services are to be offered and how they should be offered!! All the acronyms he's listed(safe Gfe/Gfe/Pse) are styles of service and most escorts who use them to indicate specific services being offered. We use the acronyms to give an idea of the style of service that will offered. The only one who gets to dictate what services will be offered and how they should be labelled are the ones offering them. Doggystyle99 sounds like a pimp, telling escorts what services are to be offered, and how, are the actions of a pimp!


Active member



Strictly no bad vibes...

16 Jun, 2020

That is the motto spewed on the recommendation board that now calls itself a review board,???? but claims they don't allow reviews just recommendations.....????....No bad vibes yet here in this thread and once again, members are stating that local ladies aren't worth their time and money. One asshole laments about his horrible experience with a "non-Lyla" escort and how he wasted his money, so no more local ladies, only those who travel from Montreal.........Apparently one or two bad experiences means we're ALL bad. Imagine if each escort held that opinion of clients. One or two bad experiences and because of them, gave up on all of one would be woriking. Yes here on the very site that claims no bad vibes, is another example of bad vibes.....I'm sure the services of the French ladies are wonderful and well deserved, although it is interesting that a Quebec based org can travel now into the Maritime provinces....... but don't lump all local, or all non-member ladies into one catagory. And shame on that site for allowing it to happen.....but then again, hypocristy is always rife there.....


I finally did it!!

15 Jun, 2020

I joined the vitamix crowd, lol. I've been lusting after one of these machines for a while now, but couldn't justify forking over 700$ for a blender. The one I wanted was nearly 900 ( the 750 model). Thankfully for my budget, and my insistance on shopping at a brick and mortar store, I was only able to find the ascent model. I've gone thru two ninjas in my time of reluctance of parting with my money, so had I not been so stubborn, that money could have been more wisely spent on the vitamix. As it's ability to break down whole foods into liquids far surpasses any other blender I've tried. I did my share of online comparisons, it seemed like the Blentec was it's only competitor. All in all I've only had it two days now, and used it twice, both times very happy with it's preformance, lets hope this continues.... I hope it lasts as long as many say it will. It has a 10 yr warranty!!


pitbull attack...

13 Jun, 2020

Let me preface this by saying, any life lost to a dog attack is one to many and every time it happens if the dog involved looks a certain way, it will be labled a "pit bull"...the statistics of misinterpreting a breed responsible for an attack are higher than the reported statistics of actual pit attacks...many times when a pit is named in an attack it isn't even a pitbull. People that talk about pitbulls being very large, or even as being large dogs, aren't looking at or talking about actual pitbulls. They aren't large, they are a medium sized dog and range anywhere from 30-60lbs....they are a cross between a bulldog and a terrier....

Concerning the recent attack in Nova Scotia....I didn't see the dog, so I won't say if it was an actual pitbull or not...nor do I know for certain if it killed it's owner, as I haven't heard any coroners report, or any expert attest that the woman was killed by her own dog....the dog wasn't found near the woman, and was run over by a vigilante wanna be hero, Mark Taylor, erasing any identiifing ability to be absolute about what happened ....the woman was seen walking the dog, then the woman was found dead, and the dog was running loose, this is apparently enough eveidence to prove the dog killed it's owner?...Most are making that conclusion based on those events, that the dog killed the woman. BUT, could she have been attacked by another animal, or could something else have happened, possibly. Shoudn't we be absolutely certain of something before we make a conclusion, or when it comes to animals, do we kill them first, then put together the appears so. I find it interesting that without proof positive that her dog killed her, people are making that conclusion and that the RCMP put out a warning without evidence that it was her dog that killed her. Since when do the RCMP decide on scene how someone died, since when is it their job to make that conclusion, then report it publicly without a coroner, or another experts report? They made an assumption, yet in earlier months, when a psychopath who had been reported to them on a couple of previous occasions, as being dangerous was on the loose shooting people and burning down properties, they put out no warning, and made no assumptions, nor reported anything intially.......even after witness reports and seeing multiple damaged sites....and where was Mark Taylor with is van that day, apparently there was no need  for him to scurry out to run Gabriel Wortman down....Mark only goes after dogs......dogs he deems dangerous that is, because the RCMP deemed it to be because they made an assumption without many do about this breed. To many make assumptions about dogs in general. To many believe in having to dominate a dog, to be a "pack leader". To many key board warriors in times like these start googling statistics such as can be found on (which is a site no one should believe, and I'll get to that later). They read and believe all what is said, and often without any research into who is writing what they are reading. Seldom to these commentors even have any experience around dogs. But you believe what you want, I'll continue to believe what I've experienced. And I've been around many, to many to count, pit bulls and pit mix dogs, with never an issue. I am now studying dog behavior, and those who teach this, actual scientists who've 11-12 yrs of education both in dog behavior and veterinary science, I will believe, not key board warriors, pit haters, or those who believe everything they find with a google search.If you want to google however.... One of the more sensible comments made towards pitbull bite statistics I've read recently through a google was this one


Maargen B.

Lack of critical thinking is a serious problem for the world at large. People come to conclusions and create opinions with zero valid analysis whatsoever. So you can think of what, dozens of pit attacks? There are MILLIONS of pit bulls in this country! When something that is supposedly a genetic problem only manifests in a statistically insignificant number of a population, that makes the occurrence an aberration, not a feature! If pit bulls are the dogs most likely to be trained to be aggressive, cheapest to acquire, most likely to be abused, most likely to be abandoned, most likely to not be well socialized – all of which they are – then you don’t need genetics to figure out why they bite. The question is how come despite all this they’re still less likely to bite than chihuahuas!

It makes a heck of a lot more sense to try to figure out what conditions led hundreds of pit bulls to cause problems when millions of pit bulls don’t, and try to make sure pit bulls don’t suffer these conditions. This is why plane crashes or train de-railings are investigated: we don’t just throw our hands in the air and decide planes and trains are dangerous so stay away from them – it’s obvious that millions of flights and train trips go on with no incident all the time – the question is why was there a problem with THIS one.

Geez…people with ZERO ability to think and reason feel totally fine creating opinions based on ignorance and committing to them tooth and nail. Shame on you! -end quote))

The problem in all dog attacks is before they happen, something occured to initate the attack, and the dog gave a warning and the person injured didn't interpret the warning as a warning....if you are going to own a dog, you need to learn dog body language. They speak from their eyes, ears, hackles, tails and bark and more often than not they are misinterpreted. Dogs bite/attack for many reasons, fear, guarding, pain, and children should NEVER be left alone with any dog, even the smallest, most resilient dog. Every dog is different, and no trait is inherent in a breed, dogs are individuals. No two labs will be the same. One may be a great water dog, and the other, not. It is just as ignorant to say that all little dogs are yappy, as it is to say all pit bulls are dangerous, or that they "just snap". Sure there are mentally unstable dogs, but the likely hood of a dog just "snapping" out of the blue, and for no reason, is even less likely than you winning millions.....

Concerning the site that some key board warrior pit bull haters like to rely on


Hillary Bayne

Except Dogsbite is run by someone who doesnt even have a degree in anything animal related. She’s a fortune telling website designer who manipulates police reports, legal documents and much much more for her stats to include using the same system the CDC stopped using in 1998 when they found an 84% fail rating in victim identification for dog breeds.
She was bitten in 2007 and got a pay out from insurance yet her biggest “volunteer” is writing insurance companies to tell them to not back laws pertaining to non discrimination so more victims of any and all dogs are covered, like the master once was. lol Hypocrisy at it’s finest.

Until you’re educated on who you spout from, you have no verifiable information. Not even medical experts understand dog bites. It’s not their field. Even vets who follow dogsbite have been put into question regarding the information they’ve tried to use in supreme court hearings because it’s jut not reliable.

There are also victims false labeled on the blog pertaining to dog breeds.
There are dog breeds left out, there are dog breeds crossed off. Cant implicate anything more than the “pit bull” just as it says in the mission statement that it focus’s on.
Question: Do you know where dogsbite donation money goes? I didnt think you did either and neither do any of the other followers.

There is no science to back up what the PeTA backed extremist organization of Dogsbite has. Nothing she has even for medical is sound and it’s been proven by people with degree’s in both medical and animal fields to include peons such as myself. -end quote)).

More about

If you'd like to hear more have a look at the comments at the end of this article.....some of them make sense....  some of them commenting have obvious education and actual dog experience.....

((quote- A dogs eye view of training....

Dogs are not moral creatures,at least not by the human definition of morality. They don't have an inate, ethical sense of right and wrong. When you come home from work. for example, and you find your garbage can knocked over and debris strewn about for the umpteenth time, your dog may be groveling at your feet. She is not feeling guilty, however. Dogs are masters at reading body language. Your dog can probably tell that you're upset, and she is being submissive, in an effort to appease your anger.

 If she connects your behavior to the garbage at all, it is only because she ahs learned that the presence of garbage on the floor turns you nito an unpredictable, dangerous humna, and she is attempting to avert your wrath. She really doesn't understand your attitude about this-to a dog, garbage on the floor is a very good thing.When she was frollicking in the garbage three hours earlier, she wasn't thinking about how bad she was being, nor was she anticipating that she would get a beating when you got home. She was having a wonderful time, enjoying the great and wonderful rewards of garbage-play.

 You may still wonder why, given the number of times you have punished her for getting into the garbage, she hasn't learned to leave it alone. The answer is, she likely thinks she is being punished for you coming home, not for getting into the garbage. My question to you is given how many time your dog has gotten into the garbage, why haven't you figured out a way to secure the lid or place the pail in a closet so that she can't get into it? We are, after all, supposed to be the more intelligent species. end quote))

 This last quote is to show that without knowing how to properly train a dog ( with positive training methods, instead of punishment), a dog will most likely, repeat the negative behavior and misread what you are trying to teach her. Which can cause unexpected lash outs throughout the dogs life. If you hit the dog when she disobeys you, at some point she may consider your hand dangerous to her and attack it, even after months, or even years, of never doing so.


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08 Jun, 2020

I'm so excited to make my first trip to Sydney, NovaScotia....I'm excited to get out of the city, to have a change from a routine of lockdown and limited activity. So this will be a mini vacation as well as a time to hopefully meet some new friends. As with most trips, I expect to get a share of idiots, wot's (wastes of time), tire kickers, and game players.....I'm prepared for them....but I'm also expecting to hear from some lovely gentlemen. I thrive on the unknown and I prepare for what may come. I hope to hear from you and wish you a happy and sunny day. Be safe and be kind....

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A new day...

01 Jun, 2020

And a new month, happy June....I embrace this new month with hope and happiness. Summer warmth, stores opening and getting back to work are all things to look forward to this month. I hope it is a month filled with peace, hope, happiness, productivity and prosperity for you. Remember #bekind.

This blog is dedicated to all the idiots, losers and so on....who have a need to text their foolishness

29 May, 2020

I'm dedicating this page to all those idiots who've nothing better to do then to text their stupidity, hate, and nonsense to me....these cowards, and I say cowards, because most idiots that do this, do so, (text), because they've neither the courage, to allow you to hear their voice, nor to know their identity. And I'm sure most of these wimps will also disconnect their disposable cowardly app numbers after knowing they've been published.....

Todays (May29/2020) idiot text is from 902-920-4724 he or she text me with numerous HAHAHA's saying my rates were it's either some idiot who can't afford my rates, or a lady who can't charge my or the other, either way, an idiot!.....

(an after thought)....It is curious how some find it necessary to make comments to a stranger, they either find priced to high, or who doesn't meet their standards, or priced to low, etc, etc. It is akin to someone going to/calling/texting, lets say..... a chocolate store, to tell them you don't like chocolate, or that chocolate is to expensive, or that you're allergic to it, etc...........Normal people don't go out of their way to make comments like these. If you aren't interested in someone or something, then avoid it/them and move on...contacting them to voice your stupidity doesn't harm them, it makes you look pathetic and petty........

Today's idiots-Monday June 1  613--912-2802 


Tuesday June 2nd  902-402-8028

Tuesday June 2nd 902-579-9984

Wedbesday June 3-called 6 times between 226 am-4am then text at 4 am "U good"

June 3 (female) 902-789-4998

June 3 -902-304-9036


June 19-902-322-3017

June 23-902-217-3347

June 24-902-441-5931

June 30- 902-400-3482

July 16- 902-970-5056

July 23-902-537-2378

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I'm re-opening.....

29 May, 2020

Well so to speak....As of Saturday June 6 I'll be offering my services again to a select few. I'm excited to meet new and past clients...Please see my rates page for details about my rate changes and requirements....all questions are answered when you call. 902-444-0414. I'll maintain my regular hours 10am-10 pm and will only see 1 client per working/available day. That client will have to arrive showered, and not have travelled anywhere for two weeks, be symptom free and willing to divulge an actual name/phone number and other details.....I take my health seriously and in order for me to feel secure and safe meeting someone, especially someone new, you must be willing to share your information. Discretion is paramount, but discretion doesn't mean you get to remain anonymous...don't confuse the two.....until we meet, be safe, happy and be kind!

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21 May, 2020

Many are surmising that once most ladies return to hosting in person dates, that rates may fall. I suspect some will. I also suspect some will rise. It's a brave step to raise rates, at anytime, let alone in times of uncertainty and imo the right move. As it will take more work to clean thoroughly, meaning less available hosting time and longer wait times in between clients, more complicated screening will be required, more supplies will be required, and a smaller client list will be likely in able to closely and safely monitor covid., as best as one can...... I will also say, I support the right for anyone to see as many clients as they require and too charge what you want. I also am forthright in my opinions about why some charge as they do....I'll explain... in 2008....the escort industry was flourishing, at least it was for me. That was the last year I ran an escort service...until 2011 when I went 2008,( I'm not referencing "survival escorts" ) ladies were getting 240/250 hourly for full service. Those services could involve a head to toe massage, oral, intercourse.... and one forward to 2011- I went to an increased rate of 260....2013-to 300 hrly adding more intimacy to my services 2017/18/19/20....I've noticed more and more ladies lowering their rates, not increasing them, and offering more services for those lower prices. Lets be honest,  the ONLY reason to lower your prices when  many are getting a higher price than what you are charging, is to compete, and too draw more clients from those higher priced ladies. There was a time when quality of service, a womans's uniqueness, whether that be her looks, techniques, etc, were what was used as draws to attract clients. More and more I notice little effort put into developing a "brand", or one's uniqueness, instead, a companion will simply thow an ad up, with a lower rate, offering more or an equal amount of services for a lesser rate..... But everyone chooses their own weaponery and it seems for some time now... that weaponery is rates.....I feel that if every one were truly concerned about this buiness staying at a certain level, they'd charge accordingly, raising rates as time goes by, not lowering them to where they were a nearly a decade ago. If some truly had the best interest and respect for their fellow peers, they'd support price increases not lower theirs without thinking of how doing so affects others......but that is just how I see it. So as things go forward, it will be interesting to see who does what......


So true...

20 May, 2020


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When to return to work.....

16 May, 2020

When is the right time to start seeing clients again......I think the answer is....  probably not until a vaccine is available.(which could be a year or more)...but are you going to wait that long before you resume your life? I probably won't either. And is that being irresponsible......some will say yes, some will say no. The right time will invoke a different opinion from each person you ask, there is no pleasing everyone in this scenario. So I will do what is right for myslef and those I entrust my time with.  Of course you'll also get those internet trolls, found throughout those review boards, who'll sit back while hiding behind their computers,  criticizing some of us, no matter how long we wait, all while they're most likely visitng their favorite escort, without admitting it.....Truth is, no matter how many precautions I take, and no matter how long I wait, whether that be 2 more months or 6.....if I agree to meet a few gentlemen, there will be risks of spreading the virus, until we all become vaccinated or protected from herd immunity. Going forward, adults will have to realize the added risks...... I plan on being extra cautious about cleaning, things will be throughly sanitized. I will take temperatures, ask questions about recent travel, etc, and hope that I will be given honest answers. I'll stay low volume ....I'm not sure if there is anything else that I can do......Clients shouls also note......included in those risks, should you become infected, is the possibility of having to divulge who your close contacts were.........I wouldn't divulge mine, unless I was legally forced is a new and scary time and not one to be lightly taken. I value my clients, their safety, and above all, their discretion. Hopefully we can work through this together...... And please, whether you agree with someone working in this business, or not, in these times, be understanding to their needs and situations......remember that saying "until you walk in someone's shoes"......


Stay the blazes home.....

13 May, 2020

I have very strong opinions about this subject..."animal attacks in the wild"....and they are..." if you play with fire, you'll get burned" ... if you decide to go out into the  wild, with the knowledge of predators inhabiting the areas you plan on exploring, you reap what you sow......and no, I won't feel sorry for you when you do!!

To often we hear of incidents where wildlife is killed simply for being in rural, or urban areas, a residential neighborhood,  on a city street, camp grounds etc.....So when an animal is killed because some human who has a lust for exploring "the great outdoors" wanders onto it's path, and it attacks, that human gets what they deserve! If you don't want to be attacked, then "stay the blazes home!! I think it's selfish and needless for anyone to have to go into territory known to be inhabited by wildlife that could be dangerous. We've enough man made trails, parks and hiking spots, available to anyone wanting outdoor exercise. We've destroyed and taken enough land away from animals, we pose enough danger to them without bringing our stupidity into THEIR natural habitat. But some people believe being human gives them a right to go anywhere they choose, whenever they want, and when something happens, as in the article posted.....they lament about their luck and bravery and wonder what went wrong....DUHHH.....never do they suggest, "that it might have been smarter to stay away" or that they were in the wrong.....nope, it's always the animal who did something wrong.....It's funny....when a person goes to climb a mountain and they perish during that act, you don't hear of anyone going out to destroy the mountain.....Yet and often, when a human is killed in a grizzly attack, as soon as it's known, a hunt is on to find and kill that point is, if you choose a dangerous activity, if you want to "play" in a dangerous area, why should the innocent pay the price for you needing to show off your bravado, or your lust for exploring. The most selfish, ignorant and destructive animal on this planet, is the Human animal...and we prove that, minute by minute..... 

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I'm a happy hooker......

12 May, 2020


And it is a wonder that I've managed to be.....after so many years of being stigmatized, marginalized, made fun of, bullied, and criticized for choosing to be a sex worker and a sex worker without another job, university degree, or with any plans to change my occupation .......For many years I questioned my choice and my self worth because of all the nay saying and discord I experienced. I had found something that worked for me, a job that I was comfortable with, yet people in and out of the business would tell me and show me constantly, that my choice was the wrong choice. It has taken me so many years to learn that how I earn money to keep myself, needs to sit right with me, no one else. Your morality is for you to deal with, mine is for me. Your disillusion is for you to deal with, don't blame others, or sw for it. If you are doing something you dislike, or hate, please change your path. Life is full of opportunity, and we all have a niche....find yours......

   I'm happy when I'm with a respectable gentleman, it satiates me in every that what you want, like it or not......I'm a happy hooker!!!!. It is a shame that I've let so many years go by questioning my choice because of conflict created by and perpetuated by those narrow minded, hateful and judgemental people who think sex work is wrong, and by those doing it, who hate it. I listened and watched...and instead of seeing that conflict for what it was, I allowed the opinions of others, affect me........I should have just listened to my own I do now.....

 But for many, the conflict will continue. Until those within this industry stop sending conflicting messages about their work.If people seeking out our services and those offering them display hatefulness of the industry, how can we expect those outside of it to accept and appreciate it! Some of the conflicting messages are.... while working as a sw (sexworker), you imply that sw should only be for a limited time,   you pretend that you love it, when you actually hate it, ( that shows even with the best actors) , that sw shouldn't be your only job, that you need a "real" job as well, that sw's with educations are some how more worthy, or are too be taken more seriously, that sw shouldn't be a fulltime thing, etc, etc. As is often said, sw is work and REAL work at that!!. Albeit different to most other industries, it still is an industry and one in which a person can earn a good living, all while enjoying and thriving within it. It can be your only job, and loving it is not a bad thing. Certainly it is an industry full of a lot of negativity, illegal activity, scammers and other nefariousness. And to thrive within it you definitely need a thick skin, a strong sense of self and too also know the industry, and find your style within it. That all takes work, perserverance and time if you want to succeed.....SW is not for everyone, nor is it easy......see it for what it is. And if it is for you, do it with pride and ignore the negativity that will be thrust upon you. Be suspect of those wanting to make money off you, stick to the boundaries you set, and know that NO ONE other than you, should decide how you price your services, how you offer them and to whom.....please don't fall prey to the rules/guidelines review boards and "hobbyists" try to perpetuate. This truly is a buisness where you can do what you choose, when you choose and how you choose. You are your own boss. This is what I've learned.... and this is what has helped me become a "Happy Hooker".

I believe every person's goal in life is to find something they're good at and happy doing....why should that be criticized. We all just want to wake up and look forward to what is ahead of us each day and go to bed with an abilty to sleep because we're comfortable with what we've chosen to do that day.....Don't measure your idea of success to another's....we all have different goals, wants and and strive for yours.....the only person you need to impress is you!!..To those who try and ruin that for anyone.... do your own happiness, instead of trying to ruin someone else's.....


And this happened.....musings and happenings from the past couple of days....

10 May, 2020

I post often on twitter, I'm outspoken, I speak out against what I find to be unjust or problematic, etc,  I stand up to people and I've allowed my phone number to be public........all these actions attract interesting reactions and unsavory I experienced early this Morning (May 10 between 208 am-238am)....I woke up early obviously, and bored with TV, I went on twitter and not shortly after tweeting, I received 4 separate texts from 4 different #'s. 3 were text apps 1 a cell number.....One admitted to seeing me  on twitter ( now blocked, he is 21 and asked to meet at 2am!!).....One of the other numbers was a very long text, friendly, complimentary, and offering to send me something......BUT This morning I responded and got no response until I do get a response, and even tho that text was somewhat positive, the no response makes it questionable.((Amendment---he responded yesterday....thank you kind sir for your kindness and for proving my suspicious mind to be wrong.)).. The other  texts were the typical "hey", "what's up" follishness.....considering that all four came in within minutes from one another, all could even be the same person.......

On a more postive and less suspicious note, lol, is about the course I will be taking, when isolation ends......I spoke to the person who will be training me and I was given the cost for the course and assurance that they will be able to adjust the course to suit my needs.... I'm very excited about this.....If you're reading this and feeling generous...a donation towards my education would be deeply appreciated you could e-transfer to [email protected] you

The wind.....we've had many windy days lately.....last nights was one of the strongest.....and probably part of the reason why I woke so early....what is causing such strong winds in our province and so many of them I wonder.....

The contest......I made a tweet the other day about a competion being held on one of the review boards....I saw that Vipfavors had teamed with what I will now call "that other site" and was giving away some ad spots to the winner....It left me wondering......

.......The contest allows ladies to post isolation pics, then members can vote for their "favorite pictures" ( that is the other sites wording) the winner will recieve a free featured ad (I believe that is the prize) on VIP... I thought this contest and the message it was sending  was counter productive to the message "that other site" claims to support, which is one of inclusivity, support and non-judgement towards "the community". I believe.......In an industry where we are regularly rated, judged and critiqued on our looks, and which doing so often creates feelings of inadequacy, competition and prejudice. Doesn't it seem counter productive to promote a contest where ladies pics (physicality) are voted on? Of course there are ladies who thrive within and who enjoy such contests/competition, but I think if we were all honest, having "winners" and "losers" ( which would be obvious by the numbers of votes each pic gets) in this type of competition, will leave some with feelings of having been rated, judged and even with feelings of inadequacy....  and "some" imo, is to many. If a site has the means to "give away" ad spots, why not just do that, why not just give them away and give them to those who need the extra financial help. Why make ladies compete for them in such away as it is their looks or popularity, that will garner them the prize, which, inevitably will leave some with feelings of being not equal too or feeling less than the winner/s.....Personally, I'd want the ladies to all feel equally valued for their individual beauty, and not physically judged...... the very least, if you needed to have a competiton why not have one that allowed ladies to show a talent, such as, who could write the most creative ad....... However....I suspect the point of this contest is to draw viewers,  and viewers brings $$$ to the sites, so I feel just in saying this too flies in the face of them wanting "to support" the community, instead,  I believe they are simply grasping at ways to increase their traffic  which will help bring profit and profit is their primary goal, if we're going to be honest.........something to think about.


My covid days....I think I'm  still doing well.... although I'm bored, eating to much and craving a road trip......I hate not being able to go where I want when I want.....although, I'm proud of myself for remaining financially independent, for the most part, and remaining sane, lol and healthy.........stay safe and stay tuned....Ill have more to say soon. Thanks for dropping by!!



Happy mothers day....

10 May, 2020

I'm so grateful to still have my mom in my is a couple of beautiful songs dedicated to moms....

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Buyer beware....

09 May, 2020

Most days I go on the net browsing, searching for dogs. Some days I'm certain I'm wanting to adopt, other days I think well maybe it's best for me to remain I thought I'd place an ad seeking a dog and if the right one came along, then I'd consider adopting it. So I palced an ad, and recevied a few disappointing responses, people offer me breeds other than the requested breed in my post.....then yesterday came and I received this response...

quote:Buyer's Name: Yolanda
Buyer's Email: [email protected]
Buyer's Message:

saw your ad, I thought I'd let you know that while I was searching for a full size doberman I almost got sent a min pin!
So check out or email [email protected], he has 13 wk olds, has 2, Riley & Dixie & they are located in St. John's. Sorry, I don't know the price but they are looking for good home & were going to charge us $500 in total to ship to Ontario. Also, even closer to you is [email protected]. He has Daisy & Teddy available. Not sure the age but he's in Halifax! They are $500 each.
Hope this helps you find your new family member!


So I responded to the "Bradley moore gmail" and this was the response I received.....

Quote:Hello Dear,

Thanks for the interested  in regards to our Miniature Pinscher
  Puppies,our family takes great care to make sure all
our Puppies are very socialized and friendly with other pets.They come
with all up to date shots and also seen by our Vet before going to their
new homes.these Puppies are 11 weeks old, CKC registered,Vet checked,
good temperament with kids and other pets.we exercise our  Puppies
regularly and take the  Puppies always for  walks! .all our  Puppies
are raised in the same home and
environment. we have two Puppies available and their names are Teddy and Daisy .

She is home and potty trained.
She does not bark a lot.
She Is friendly with kids and other pets.
She get angry when you shout at her.

He is home and potty trained
He barks more than Daisy  but not to much.
He is also a friend to kids and other pets.
He barks when he sees strangers.

I have some few questions

Are you Familiar with  Miniature Pinscher  puppies?
where are you located?
Do you have a vet doctor?
How old are you?
What is your occupation?
Are you interested in Teddy the male or Daisy the female or both?
How soon do you want the puppy?

My reason for setting these babies for adoption is being that i just
lost my only sister who was the only one who could take good care of
these babies and I've just relocated to a new location and my duty
here is tight up that we even regret bringing the puppies over with
us. So we will very much happy given them out for adoption as soon as
possible to reduce our work load. We are looking for reasonable,
knowledgeable and cautious person who can offer them tenderness,
nursery with lots of love kisses.

Sorry for all the questions but i need to know
the kind of home and environment these Puppies will be going to.

Thanks and Waiting to read from you
  God Bless You


With that email^ was sent two pics.....I goggled the pics and to no surprise they were downloaded pics from the net. So I emailed both the first responder and the second asking questions and of course I received no responses.....People be very careful with ads selling dogs. There are lots of scammers out there and many complaints being filed by those who've been duped by these shady characters......

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I'm hoping June....

07 May, 2020

I was hoping May  would be the month I'd start seeing clients again, sadly that has now been put off until June....At least I hope June...... It might even be July. I'm hoping I'll be able to hold out until they say it's safe and the emergency is lifted, even if that time surpasses July, but my finances will help determine that. Living on savings is not the easiest. I've had a couple of lovely gentlemen reach out and they have pre-booked for a future date....thank you to them....I'm hoping more will too. As I've also made plans to start a course once isolation ends and it will require $$$$$ to do tha course, a challange with no income. I realize things are difficult for many, but there is also many who are fortunate enough to still work, and those who remain financially stable even in light of these times.

I remain hopeful knowing that each new day is a day closer to normalcy. I had posted a thread on twitter asking ladies when they had planned on reutrning to in person dates....the answers were varied. We are all in different circumstances, no one should judge anyone's decision regarding returning to work. As the expression says "unti you walk in someone's shoes". At the beginning of this pandemic so much judgement was circulating, so much hate towards those unwilling to stop working. Which was disheartening to see. In times like these we need to come together and support one another and help those who are worse off than oursleves, not separate ourselves with hate and judgement......Going forward lets remain hopeful, stay as safe as possible, and please...... be kind.....

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What makes a date perfect....

05 May, 2020

The right man!! And the right man is one who contacts me respectfully, who shows up on time, who's hygiene is impeccable, and who is as happy to meet me as I am him. From there it is all up to where our chemistry and imaginations leads us. 

Typically I'll offer you a beverage, alcoholic or non....( alcohol offered on hourly + dates only)...We'll get comfortable, either with me on your lap, next to you, or sitting close...I want to get to know you some....lets tease each other a bit... while you tell me about your day, your likes, hobbies, etc....I might start caressing you. I might slip off my high heel and slip my foot between your legs, massaging you, tempting you. After you sip your wine I might gently kiss you, tasting you and the wine....I might place your hand on my breast.....foreplay can be fun. After we finish our drinks I might ask to be slowly undressed, or I might undress you, or I might just tell you to get naked..... My mood can fluctuate from dominant to submissiveness......I might offer a massage to start or I might offer one at the end, or both....what happens is guided by my mood, your mood, our chemistry, your responsiveness and our desires....what I can guarantee is, if we're a match, our date will be memorable.....and you'll want more!!



01 May, 2020

It's kind of a sad statement to make, to say "I'm used to being stalked", but after years of being in this business, it is one statement I can make.

   The first time I experienced being staked was when I worked for a service. I had met a cleint, an attractive, married, well educated man. I was younger...(twenty something) he was late forties. Back then I had no interest in older men, nor was I escorting for the reasons I do now. I had no desire in building a clientele, was into guys my own age, and only wanted enough money to sustain my active social life. So when this client started requesting me on a regular basis I became annoyed and bored with him. I had only escorted for a few months back then....and with a navite towards men and what some call the "game". The "game" being, using a man as a means to an end, milking him for all the money you could get. I passed up a good opportunity. Truthfully, had I the wherewithal and know how, I'd be well to do today, lol. I've had my share of wealthy men offer me an "opportunity". One thing that hasn't changed, is that, I've never been into playing anyone.So back then even if I had known how to, I wouldn't have. Fast forward some years, and with me coming back to escorting and working again for another service, which again didn't last long, and the same client emerged,lol...another time interval passes, I return again, this time I open my own services. For the first few months it was just myself and a girlfriend.....and on one of my first calls, there he was again....the well educated man, lol. Again he started calling regulary...and I, still not into older men, tried to get him interested in my friend. Long story matter what I did to avoid him, he found me, and sought me out. He was what I'd call a non threatening stalker. He obviously liked me, and wanted more from me than I from him. I never felt threatened by his attention, just annoyed. And it took a few years to loose those attentions....

 Another stalker, this time a female, was a girl who had contacted me wanting to work with me when I had my services....looking back...this person was what you'd call a "player". Every person she met she met for a reason. She was manipulative, charming, needy and obviously, had issues which I was blind to then. Anyways, she had gained my trust and enough for me to leave her in charge of my services, while I went on a vacation. There were 3 other girls working then and who had voiced their nervousness about me giving her the phones, apparently they saw in her what I hadn't...and yes they were right. I came back after a couple of weeks to 400$ give or take, and a myriad of excuses, from this stalker, as to why there was so little business. Before I left fro vacation, we were busy and busy enough to sustain and satisfy 3 very ambitious escorts...needless to say I fired the stalker girl, and then began the games. I'd get multiple hang up calls, most days we count up to 30 some, with numerous threats ( left in voice mail, btw), phony appts, etc, etc, I confronted her on one occassion after she threatened me over the phone, when I arrived at her door, she called the police, lol.Yet over the phone she was very brave, she was going to beat me, to slice my tires, burn down my house, yadda, yadda....yet she cowered inside until the police arrived and while the police were present ( and btw this girl was still escorting) she called me a pimp, a whore and every other name, but my own, lol. The police learned about her and at that time, showed me some understanding. The girl was a nut job. She threatened to burn down my home, kill my dog, out me to my family, yadda, yadda...why, because I fired her, and because I made her antics known...I stand corrected. She made her antics known. Many saw her for what she was...a whacko..... and she persisited hounding and following me around for a few years. I'm not sure what made her cease. I had tried, I did press charges against her, yet the procecutor declined prosecution. Even with testimonies from other people, and her threats recorded and other evidence. To this day I don't know why he wouldn't prosecute, I can only assume...but thankfully it all stopped, and who knows why....

 Another stalker I had was a person I had been in a realtionship with. I had met him as a client ( that in itself is telling) and should have been a red flag. He too became a regular while I was working. I suppose looking back, I was wanting to settle down when I had met him. He too was much older, but I suppose, I felt I had some connection to him and felt he could provide me with with what I had needed then. So believing all his promises, I moved in with him. It was a tumultuous couple of years. Everything he had told me was a lie and after learning he had treated his wife the same way, (he was divorced when I met him) I finally got the courage and moved out. Over the next 6ish years and a couple of court battles, moves, and boughts of calling the police on him, his stalking stopped... and only, I had found out, because he had moved out of the country...His stalking was scary, nerve wrenching and changed me somewhat. He would follow me every where. He had people folllow me. When I moved to escape him, he'd move into my neighborhood, once, he moved in the apt right underneath me. He threatened me, even tried to break into my residence. He tried everything.....and why?......because I left him, so I was told, and told by a lawyer....which is apprently what he'd told that lawyer...

 It's now 2015, I'm now an independent escort and had just joined a review board titled caerf. If anyone hadn't noticed, I'm a talker, opinionated, confident, and strong willed. I posted alot on that board, and about alot of different topics. I started to notice some guy on that board, with the handle "Louisxiv"...I noticed that anytime I'd post, he post a response to my comment. Not so unusual you'd think....yet each of his repsonses became more and more insulting, condescending and sarcastic...I found it odd that a stranger would hold such contempt of another stranger and never really paid it much mind, until a year later when someone with a new handle joined the board, a "demien3k5"( who's signature btw is "it's better to be me")..Louisxiv disappeared.....Demien's posts reeked of the same language, albeit, more vile, calculated, slanderous and childish. It would be a couple of years later, that I learned these two handles were the same person and that this person had admitted in a post ( sometime in 2017/2018) to calculating a plan to find me and set up a session with prove what, I'm not sure, to this day, but after that session, and without me knowing who he was, his online attacks towards me became more aggressive, more often, and  even more slanderous. Tired of it, I left that board for about a year..came back in later 2019, and now in 2020, guess what, lol. His posts continue. Yes this person has taken it upon himself to develop and feed his hatred of me for 5 years now, imagine......5 years...His posts now albeit, somewhat tamer, are still consistent and clearly hate driven....imagine 5 years.... 

When Demien called me to set up our appointment back in 2016, sometime that summer, Augustish....), he had contacted me thru preferred411 ( a site where one can verify clients) obviously I didn't do my homework, lol...I remember he was pushy, he had insisted that I'd like him. Upon meeting, I felt something wasn't right...the vibes were not good, yet I ignored his appearance wasn't threatening. He was an average looking older man, thin with a belly...he came with a bottle of wine, and had payed me for 2 hrs. I opened the wine and we proceeded to my living room to sit, talk and enjoy the wine. His conversation consisted of him telling me about his huge gated home in Dallas, Texas and about millennialls, he seemed obsessed with that topic... and how he'd been in the "secret forces" that comment I laughed, and after that he became angered... I thought he was going to leave, lol. I just couldn't get into him and tried my best to pass the time on the couch....Perhaps he caught onto that. Anyways to save face....I asked if he wanted to go to the bedroom..he did. What I remember from that was how loud he was, lol. While giving him head, I had never heard a man moan so much or so loud, lol. If he had a motive and wasn't into me, he sure was without it then and certainly in at that moment, lol, as he did an awful lot of congratulating me for sucking cock so well, while we were in the "process", lol....after it was over he went and showered and coming back into the room, where I was laying on the bed, he knelt over me, seeming angry again, and ranting about how dynamic he was and wanting to know where all the vip girls were, he  stated how he and Trump were similar, and other, blah, blah, blah.......I laughed again, loudly and boisterly, at the Trump comment, which apparently enraged him, as he thru out a couple of insults and stormed out slamming my door...from that meeting on, his posts became more personally insulting. Now remember, he was with me for a couple of hours and we talked, **rather he talked.**, lol..I told him nothing about my personal life, my income, my friendships. He knew where I lived, that was it. And where I lived, was in an upscale neigborhood, in a nice condo building. My condo was a nicely decorated 2bdrm/2 bath....from then on his posts would accuse me of being ugly, having the worst breast job he's ever seen, that I had no friends, no income, no business, yadda, yadda, yadda. Now it's 2020/ April , and this doofus still posts to most of my posts, his last post to me was this one, tame and although childish...the fact that he bothers speaks volumes, imo. I mean if you disllike someone, don't most sane people just ignore or avoid them?.....                                           So.... and  although I laugh at him, and ignore most of what he says/posts, I can say that after experiencing a few stalkers, he has to be the worst and sadly I'd say the sickest. I say the worst, because you really can't explain his behavior. I have read a few psychology books, but his mindset, I find baffling. It is clearly narcisisstic, but how and why someone would hold a grudge for that long and with someone who really is a stranger to him, is baffling..... Who in their right mind develops a dislike for someone they barely know and so strongly that they scheme a plan to meet them, then continues to follow that persons online activities for years to come......OH!! I know, someone who isn't in their right mind....Lol. I get it now!! He is not in his right mind...... I've come to realize that as long as I exist in this business this particular person will most likely continue to follow my every word. And might I say, and although I can't prove it, I do believe he has texted and called me anonomously as well. So what I do now is record his posts, and any other contact I feel he's made. When or if I feel physically threatened, then I'll reach out to the police and a lawyer..... stay tuned....

The lesson I have learned from these people, is to listen to and trust my intuition. That people like them are sick, they have issues, and if it weren't me, it would have been someone else they'd have stalked. As these types will always target someone. I will not blame the business I'm in, nor myself, for attracting these "types". They happen to all types of people and people in all walks of life . We just have to learn to hone our senses so we can spot them more quickly.

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Difference between reviews and recommendations...and why I dislike boards

28 Apr, 2020

An opinion is a person's thought or experience of or about someone or is a recommendation, or a review.....isn't that fair to say? So if one escort forum tries to differentiate itself from boards which calls themselves "review boards", by calling itself a recommendation board, isn't that splitting hairs and simply twisitng words. Especially when the forum I speak of has in some ads, called itself a  **review board**"....... Sometimes this "discussion forum" will refer to itself as a reommendation board, other times a review board. Interchanging the terms, which seems to substantiate my point, that there is little difference. Yet they claim they're dfference is, that they don't allow negative comments......Although in my years on that board ( between 2011-2015) many would often write negative comments, albeit somewhat creatively. A common expression used then was  " My mom told me if I had nothing nice to say, not to say anything at all". Some clients would write that quote when asked about a particular provider they had a negative experience with, or didn't like, as a sneaky way of disguising a negative comment....Other sneaky ways of getting in a negative jab, were also used and used often. In those years, certain members were often given precendence and many allowances with how they wrote their comments.....So the perception that this "discussion forum" is trying to perpetuate about itself as being a better board and as  being a "safe" and "positive " place for providers, is as much bunk, as them trying to demonstrate a difference between the terms review and recommendation. All these boards have brain washed many into thinknig that writing about intimate experiences such as, "who does what" "how" and what they "don't do", as being a necessity for keeping every one safe, and a way of letting clients know which escorts are worthy of being seen, is bull shit, and nothing more than fodder for the soft porn lovers, and those that like to read their names in printed praise.....The escort industry had no more rip offs or nefariousness before the onset of reviews/recommendations, in fact, I believe there is more of it today, because of the boards.

My dislike for *all* these boards is because of how they've negatively impacted an industry that I love and within which, I have been involved for decades. I've experienced every aspect of this industry and blame most of the negativity within it, on the inception and continuation of these boards. They encourage escorts to follow their perceived ideals and they shelter a certain type of clientele and often revere problematic escorts. All this is very akin to the pimp culture which was big in the 90's.

 The review board clientele often refers to themselves as "hobbyists"...These "hobbyists" try and convince many, that boards help them " weed out" all the bad providers and discover all the good ones......when in fact, their bad dates are often their own fault. So many hobbyists will chase the shiny new escort, an escort who is unknown...without ever doing any research. They don't care if that escort has any trail of advertising, activity, website, etc. They only care that their pictures get them hard and that the escort accepts them. Then when they're ripped off, or duped, by one of these unknowns, they run back to their favored board and whine about the terrible scammers out there...and then bash the escort that had caused them issue. The problem with that is you don't know who is truly at fault, as only one side of the story is ever heard. All the boards allow these types of comments to be public, visible to members and non-members, even on Lyla,  and if not allowed in their discusiion forum, then it will be allowed in a warnings section. Again, writing openly negative comments about a client or escort *without proof* of a nefarious act, is a he said she said, and therefore should be dealt with privately. It is not the same for escorts. When they have an issue with a client, at least on Lyla, it can only be written about in a section not seen by clients, nor the public, nor can every member escort see that section. Since you've got to be a verified member to be allowed in. So if Lyla was truly interested in keeping the "community" safe, it wouldn't exclude so many. Nor would it so easily accept "he saids, she said's". The boards all work the same as far as their moderators are concerned. These people typically consist of escorts , clients, and some civie people. some retired. Which obviously sets the stage for bias against some.The boards also have people on their sites who purposely use multiple handles (names) . Which is a sneaky way of engaging forum discusions amd making membership appear higher than it is. These mods, in the years I was on Lyla, were biased, encouraged hierarchy, and set out dfferent rules for different members....Hypocrisy was rife then.....and appears to be ongoing. Since their claims to support the "community" are only offered to whom they like, within it, and not the whole of that community. They'll also allow certian members the "privilge" of negatively commenting towards a non-member, as had happened to me, last summer. A thread was started by one of their escort members claiming that I had called the escort numerous times, when she was touring here in Halifax and when the escort was asked by a client of mine for proof, the escort told him in that same thread, she didn't need to prove it, because "she knew". Then that escort accused my client of being me....that was all allowed to be said on their forum, and that client, was blocked by the mods from commenting further and was also barred from posting for a week, ( probably for supporting me) ....this is just one sample of their bias, favortism and hypocrisy.....

 The only positive aspect I can ascertain from some review boards, is allowing their escort members to advertise for free. Lyla doesn't charge, or didn't when I belonged, the other boards may. If they do charge, I'd say you'd be a idiot to pay........other than that, imo, the boards have taught clients to expect more and how to be slobbyists( the worst types of clients)....never did I ever hear of a client expecting to be sucked and fucked for the whole of his time, until I joined the review board culture. Never before review board culture had I ever experienced clients that wanted to blow their loads multiple times within a session, without tipping their escort. Never before did I ever hear of any type of bare services, until I joined the review board culture. Never before had I ever heard of ladies charging less to gain more clients, until I joined the review board culture. Never before had I ever heard of ladies not asking for tips, until I joined review board culture. Back in the day, before review board culture, ladies wanted to make more $$$ and do less work. Today it seems ladies want to make less and do more work.... There are so many negative impacts within this industry because of review boards, I'd need many more hours to write....and those hours would be a waste of time. Because it seems a waste of breathe explaining to some about these negative impacts. They've been duped into believing the misinformation and untruths the boards perpetuate and promote, much like like pimps used to dupe their women into believing they were better off sticking with them,  rather than without them........It is a shame that some of these ladies who favor the boards weren't more independent, confident, and saw the forest for the trees, and realized that all they need is a good website, and a  social media platform. If you work hard to set yourself apart on those, you can attract the types of clients who aren't the typical "hobbyists" and who''ll treat you as you expect and request. That acronyms don't define our services, only WE can define them. That boards need their members, escorts don't need the boards. and boards don't create good clients, good clients already exist and those good clients are people who realize the importance of good manners, humilty and respecting others...if anything, boards teach impressionable men to be pigs..... Alas....just like the pimp culture died in Halifax, I will hope the board culture will is pointing in that direction....


Kindness, care, desire...when the lines blur...

27 Apr, 2020

I'm my own worst enemy often, as I tend to express myself through emotion without first thinking things sometimes my messages and comments can be easily misunderstood. I suppose that is my fault as I somtimes contradict myself and I can be hypocritical....I'll explain.... I have a message on my rates page stating very clearly that when a client leaves, our relationship ends. It ends because it's a professional one and I don't want any lines blurred between a client being a "professional friend" and an actual "friend" nor do I want a relationship beyond our paid one.....yet I've blurred those lines sometimes, ....and this week I lamented on twitter about how disappointed I've been that none of my regular clients had reached out to offer help, or support during these complicated and difficult times.I spoke about being disappointed at not being shown the same level of care I feel I've shown some of them, when we've been together. A couple had contacted me to say they'd be in touch, but that was all. No how are you's, do you need anything, etc, etc. from any of them...Then Sunday came.....I'll talk about that later.... I now realize that my expecting clients to show care, the way I percieve care should be shown, when the relationship we have is built on desire, secrecy and with clear boundaries, isn't realistic, nor fair, nor should I expect other people to think or feel as I do. I've choosen to be independent and to rely on myself I've also confused myself by having the feelings I've expressed......Complicated I am, lol. So back to on Sunday and out of now where, and I say no where, because this gent who I'm so thankful to, said he didn't have an acc on twitter, and wouldn't have seen my thread to know I was hoping for someone to reach out....yet this lovely man did.... and seemingly out of the blue, I received a text from him asking if he could pre-book a session....which he did. His text made my week....his thoughtfulness touched my heart....see  we can help one another all while remaining professional.So perhaps my twitter thread wasn't inappropriate or confusing. His advanced $$ will help me and our relationship will remain the same...and when him and I meet for our date I'll return the favor with as much kindness, if not more:) .......So if he happens upon this blog ....Thank you, thank you, thank you.....your generosity and kindness will be remembered and is most appreciated.  


What a Sunday....

21 Apr, 2020

I awoke Sunday morning to what I thought would be a normal day....I went online to find parts of the "World Concert" that I missed, namely, The Duet with Celine Dion, Lang, Lang, Lady Gaga and John legend and Andre Bocellli...singing "The Prayer" not knowing that song, that prayer, would be needed for many on that tragic day. 

Saturday evening/Sunday April 18/19 th will be forever etched in Nova Scotia's history as one of it's most horrific.....bloodiest and saddest days. What could make a seemingly normal person turn into a vicious, murdering monster.......and of so many. !8 is the total to date. 18 lives lost because one man felt entitled to decide who lived and died when they crossed his path. In times when we are already struggling, families now have this to contend with. How could anyone be so cruel and selfish! I'm heavy heartered, angry and deeply hurt, not because I'm personally affected, but because so many have been. I hope some of them will find solace in knowing that people across the globe are mourning with them, hold them in their hearts and willing to help as much as we can. 

I'll end this by hoping you'll listen to this rendition of "The Prayer" with hopes that it will bring you some comfort....


Being an escort

06 Apr, 2020

If you want to know why someone is an escort, ask them. Every escort has their own reason/s and needs for becoming a professional companion ( my preferred title). We're all different. The one commonality, and the thing which would make us like the rest of working society, is that we work for a gain, namely a financial one. However, two people doing the same job, will never do that job the same way, nor with the same amibiton or for the same motivation. 

I intially choose this profession as a way to push society's boundaries, I was and always will be a rule breaker. I was also seeking out something which on it's surface, appeared to be, exciting, glamorous, unconventional and daring..I wanted a profession that allowed me to walk to my own beat and which allowed me to express my sexual desires, in my own way......

 Escorting is a profession I've been in and out of over the years, leaving sometimes for months, and sometimes for years. I've left to form relationships, and I've left to try other things. I always came back tho, which proves to me that I and escorting are meant to be...So here I am and here I'll stay.......Although now, I do it for other reasons, and much differently. I've had bad experiences, and great ones over the years, and many that were inbetween. It's taught me many skills, and given me a strong sense of self, and condfidence. It allows me to run my days as I choose and live a lifesyle that suits all my needs. It is still exciting, albeit more predictable...It is titillating and intriguing knowing that I've the opportunity to meet as many sexy gents as I deem necessary, too know that I can make a little $ or alot, that is all up to me, and it's satisfying to know I'm doing something I really like.  It enables me social interaction, without the pressures of conventional dating. I'm happily single and wish to remain so. I've no other professional aspirations so it satifies my financial needs as well. Many of my clients educate and inform me about so many different topics too, some dates leave me with a fountain of information, inspirational advice and  of course, satiated desires:). I also get to travel without travelling. Many of my clients work/travel internationally and hearing about their adventures, allows me to travel without having to leave home, lol. So many positives have come from my years of escorting and some negatives, those too tho, have been teaching moments.... What bothers me the most is having to defend my character from time to time, when someone discovers that I am an escort. Still in 2020, far to many like to perpetuate and believe the myth that escorts are nerdowells, or drug dependant heathens or some other kind of less thans. People like to categorize people....... Believe what you will, I'll assure you tho, escorts are not so different than any other professionals in the sense that we are a mix of good and bad characters. We have educated escorts, and uneducated escorts. Intelligent, and not so intelligent, caring, empathetic and not so, etc, etc. Just as other professions do. The same can be said about the characters of those who patronize us, there is a mix of good and bad. People are people.....Someday I hope the secrecy and shame that some like to surround sex with will no longer exist. Some day I hope that people will realize that how we couple, seek and need sex/intimacy is personal, and should only be defined by the consenting adults seeking it. Lets work towards lifting the stigmas, criminality and misnomers by understanding that individuals differ in many ways and that being different isn't a bad thing. 

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Coping in covid.....

05 Apr, 2020

I'm not sure anyone would consider my day to day activities as coping, but I think I am, at least so far. I wake with an optimistic attitude, I continue to stay active, and maintain a routine. I'll admit some days are better than others and the biggest challenge for me, is having to refrain from doing exactly what I want.So all in all so far, I'd say I'm doing well......I've lived most of my adult life just as I've chosen, doing what I want when I want, going where I feel like going and at the times that work for me. That has been drastically curtailed by this pandemic....and for good reason. Realistically I've been social distancing for a very long time, being a loner, but since early March, my companion services were also distanced, and not necessarily by choice, but because things just slowed to a point where I decided to take a break and take advantage of the slow season, then the shit storm of this virus set in continuing that break and itt looks like it'll be a long one., C'est la vie.....As someone who rolls with the punches I'm hanging in there and waiting out this storm. Although, as someone who does worry, and with the knowledge that no one knows how this will play out, does make some of those punches a bit harder to roll with. So I'm trying to rely on my adventurous side, the side of my personality that thrives with and enjoys the "not knowing" all while being careful with my spending. That too, not being able to spend freely, has brought some discipline back into my life, which might be a good thing. Another change will probably be in my companion services.....I think this has taught me that I clearly do best when when I stick to seeing a specific type of client and a low number of them per month. Perhaps working less in my home town and venturing out more into other cities. might be a consideration too...time will tell. One thing I will say I am certainly stronger than I even realized. I am proud of myslef. 


Oh geeze...does the hypocrisy ever end with this person....

02 Apr, 2020

***On one site she (JessicaRain) cow tows to escorts still working, on another....

  On 4/1/2020 at 1:24 PM,Quote- (XXXX said:)

Just wanted to share this becasue it is kind of bugging me.

Yesterday I received a completely unsolicited text out of the blue from a local provider.  I have seen her 4 times in the past but not for over a year now.  Nice enough lady and a decent session but nothing to make me feel the need to see her except for maybe twice a year, as a change from my regulars.  She asks if I am interested in a session and she is willing to make me a heck of a deal.  I politely decline and ask her, in the future, to please refrain from texting me out of the blue.  I'm single but sometimes I leave my phone where others can see it.  Anyway she replies back to me that she normally wouldn't but is desperate.  She clams to not have seen a client for over 2 weeks now and she is so broke she hasn't eaten in 2 days.  I told her I wasn't interested as I am social distancing.

Here's where I may have got suckered.  I'm the first to admit I am too soft hearted.  My dearly departed wife used to say I was the easy mark for the kids becasue I never said "No."  I catch spiders inside and release them outside.  I will step over an bug.  I buy food for pan handlers and sometimes give them my change, even though they are probably going to buy booze or drugs with it.

So I ended up sending her 50.00.  I never saw any evidence of substance abuse and believe her when she says she is broke.  I won't miss the money.  I did tell her that this was a one time thing and I wouldn't be replying to any more of her texts (although I did tell her not to text me anymore) because I don't want her thinking I am an easy mark.

Do you think I got played or did the right thing?

PS: I will not be responding to any requests via PM asking me who she is because I consider this between us for now.



(Quote Jessica Rain) That is awesome of you and I am glad she reached back out to tell you what your help did for her. It is hard for ladies.


I am personally getting a little frustrated with the shaming of ladies, when there is no way to shame the men that are going to see them. I mean for them, thankfully these men are, but men have a choice. Women, like the one you helped, don’t. 


I personally announced that I stopped working before March break. I am able to. I have a mainstream business that we can work remotely on. I have savings. I won’t say I am lucky because I worked hard to be able to do this but I was able to stop. Some ladies just can’t. 


I have figured out a way to make side money still by offering a paid membership site. Any lady looking to do the same can please contact me. I have a designer who is also offering 5 free web designs and shop builds to ladies in need because of this pandemic. 


***On another  she supports the bullies that condemn escorts still working..... and please take note on the page of the thread included (3) Her "boyfriend" "Robertson" specifically asks  the question "what is thought about escorts still working".  Which she clearly ignored and didn't reply, how convenient...It's funny to watch how she plays to each audience........#Hypocrite

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Being a loner isn't so bad....

02 Apr, 2020

I suppose my lifestyle choice of being an independent and solitary person has given me some skills to survive better than others, in times such as these. I enjoy keeping my own company. Life has taught me many lessons and those lessons continue to justify and support my decsion to live as I do...the incident I speak of below is just another example ......

A few days ago someone who has, thru social media, often sent me supportive sentiments. So when I saw her name being slandered online I felt  it was important for me to be as supportive and too publish some supportive words defending her. Not mins after doing so, I started receiving texts from obviously, the very person slandering her....there were 7 texts in total, one I've included here. I reached out to the person being slandered, and requested she call me. She never did. She did reach out online, and I gave her the texts and she apologized and that was that....No follow up, no anything....but maybe that is best. I should have never stuck my nose in someone elses drama. This is my final lesson. Never again will I be openly supportive towards anyone. I've just had far to many years of experiences where ladies in this industry do malicious things to one another, gossip, lie, pander to clients at the detriment of another lady, etc, etc, etc, ect, all in the name of a few $$$.( and I'm not inferring that this is what happened between these ladies. I don't know what happened between them, nor do I want to ) And when I've stepped in to try and dimish or squash said drama, it always backfires, and I end up suffering or looking like the bad one......

 Time after time, example after example, has taught me that most ladies and many clients, in this industry, will do whatever it takes to get whatever it is they want or need. Emphasis on want!! I've learned that openly admitting that I enjoy escorting  can make me a target from those who don't I've learned that being an authentic, honest, kind person will also make me a target. There are far to many ladies advertising that they love sex, love entertaining men, love escorting, and then admitt to hating it offline..There are far to many clients that see escorts, and hate the fact that they do....... there are far to many in this biz for the wrong reasons and it is episodes like the one I speak about in this blog, that proves this. Escorting is not an easy or fast way to make takes creativity, patience, smarts, time, and more patience, more time, sacrifices, self care, more patience .....if you hate it, if you even dislike it, that will show and if it doesn't show in your interactions with clients, it'll show in other ways.......seeing escorts also takes a maturity and discipline that often is remiss in many who patronize us...It's time some in this industry were honest with themselves....

There have been many stories told about me  over the years and often perpetuated by those who've never met me, and some told  because I refuse to interact with other ladies, or go to get togethers, meet ups, or other industry events. Some told because I don't back down from online bullies,and because I don't put up with hypocrisy or bias. Because I don't follow the behavior escort boards like to perpetuate as the "norm", nor do I cowtow to their members Some interpret this as me being jealous, not friendly, having something to hide.....(so I've been told) But my reasons are.......To many escorts are perverted by money, meaning, they'll literally do anything to anyone to make some... to many see another woman as competiton and not a possible friend, to many will pretend to be friendly, all while compiling evidence to use against you at a later date. Some just cannot be trusted. The boards, are run by either retired/active escorts/clients, with bones to pick, points to be made and agendas to be pushed. They're cess pools of foolishness and fakery.and some of their members who are escort clients who have agendas beyond just seeing escorts  for what they offer...... So...I keep my own company and take every precaution when accepting new clients. I'll continue to support ladies on my twitter feed by making their ads visible, and if asked, will reco those I feel would be safe to meet.....but nothing beyond that........I tired of meeting or interacting with those who have hidden agendas, bones to pick, and those who aren't who they portray themselves to be. Whatever happened to people wanting to be helpful to one another, to lift each other up and to see each other succeed...... 


Covid fall out....

25 Mar, 2020

It's been more than a week that I've been home alone watching how the world reacts to this pandemic and probably spending to much time online posting and reading. Some of my reading has been of posts by some of the escort forum "keyboard warriors", as they go to town with their predictions, finger pointing and judgement. And too no surprise many of these "warriors" are the very men who patronize sex workers. Some of these asshats, on CAERF, Lyla, and other boards, are proudly making their self righteous speeches, all while making their assumptions, judgements and hypocritically shaming some ladies who they assume are working, or towards those who admittedly are still working .....Some of these same guys are married/partnered and notorious for their prolific participation in escorting. Some of these guys even publicly brag about their they forget that they're putting their partners at risk every time they proudly stick their dicks in someone else, do they forget that their "playtimes" are putting "their" people at risk, and potentially a lethal risk....yes some std's can kill, as some can mutate into something beyond a virus....  and do you think that these hypocrites would come clean to their partners if their partner were to become infected?....I'll make a prediction......NO!!... Some may argue that the risks are low to contract one of those std's, but I argue, a risk is a risk and every time you interact intimately with someone other than your partner you are taking a risk and everytime you then become intimate with your partner you are passing that risk onto them.....EVERY TIME, that is reality and that is your choice. As adults we all make choices, just as some are, in these difficult times...... So, if you're going to criticize someone else for taking risk, while you take many, I then suggest you keep your hypocrisy to yourself!! But in times like thiese, those "warriors" often don't speak out with true concern for the public, they speak out to demonize a particular person/s. They grab at times like these and use them as another way to *try* too harm someone/s reputation. Some of these"warriors" seem to think they've a right to judge and to discern who should do what, when and where. Every board has their one two or more of these"warriors" and thankfully we now we see them CLEARLY, if we hadn't before. Thankfully their true colors are bright and bold and posted there for everyone to see and just as they are trying to point to a few ladies as people to avoid in the future, I suggest the escorts do the same. When things calm down and clients and escorts start interacting again....I suggest that escorts become far more discerning.....if they are not already.

In difficult times like these I'd hope for everyone too make the right choices, I'd  also hope for kindness and understanding to prevail....but as is obvious in times like these the best and worst of humanity shows. So to all those "keyboard warriors" on their pedestals might I remind *you*....We all have access to the news, we all have access to medical help, in times like these, we *all* are being told by MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS how to act, how to care for ourselves, our communities, and loved ones and as adults we'll make our choices. Just as you make yours . So 'keyboard warriors' get off your pedestals and save the preaching, orders and direction for those who actually HAVE the authority to give it....and shove your hypocrisy where it belongs.....thanks:)

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It's sad to see...

21 Mar, 2020

I"ve been walking a lot more these days. With everything closed, especially my gym,itfinding activities that are enjoyable and keep me thinking positive are important. Walking also helps to calm my mind and it is helping me to get in better shape.  On my walk today, it was sad to see how much garbage there was littering the streets. Everything from tim hortons cups, to abandoned grocery carts, were strewn about. I wonder why so many people treat this planet as their personal garbage can, and disresepct it so. It's not a wonder that things are the way they are. How can we expect to be healthy when we pollute the very oraganism that is supposed to sustain us....


He laid her down.....

18 Mar, 2020

For months he had noticed her, for months they had passed each other in the park. Today would be different.....

Olivia loved the color purple. It complimented her olive complection and her stunning eyes. Those eyes, they rivaled the lushest pastues of grass and were a unique shade of emerald green. Her leggings hugged her lean curves, and accentuated her plump, perky ass, the tank she wore was cut to expose her taught and trim waist and left little to the imagination. Her breasts bounced underneath it and they proudly displayed the coolness that was in the air....her long jet  hair was tied back  tightly and her pony tail bounced along with her perfect breasts. She wanted this mornings jog to be a longer one, she had been neglecting working out, so today was going to be her day to catch up. Little did she know.....

Don was a tall man, 6'3, muscular, dark haired, dark eyed and recently back from Bora, Bora, nicely tanned. Don liked to jog every morning before heading to work. He was a man of routine, and a hard worker. Recently divorced....he was starting to date again and was hungry for intimacy with someone new, someone he was attracted to and could trust. Each time he had noticed Olivia, he noticed there was "something" beyond her stunning looks, energy, something that he'd never felt before.... on this mornings jog and as as he rounded the corner there she was. He was caught off guard by what he saw. She was on the ground, crying in pain, rubbing her ankle....he stopped to help..... "I think I've sprained my ankle" she proclaimed.....he asked if he could assist her in getting her to her car....she said she had jogged there and had no car, so he offered to take her to the hospital in his.......after being examined.....luckily all that was required was for her to keep it wrapped and to stay off it for a few days. That hospital visit began their they drove back to her condo, they made plans to meet again once she healed.....although he didn't want to leave her side. He offered to hire an in home care person for her, but she refused, he then offered to have her stay with him, and to his surprise, she accepted......

As they pulled onto his drive way, her mouth dropped. His home was magnificent in it's grandeur. It was a palatial estate surrounded by lush lawns, huge shade trees and secluded beauty. Olivia had come from humble means and was working at getting her MBA... Don was a corporate lawyer, and a good one. His firm had won many notable cases.....he was humble about his success and his gains from it. He laughed at her surprise, and said "I think we can make you quite comfortable here". He carried her up to one of the 6 bedrooms and sat her on the bed as he stood, he couldn't believe his luck, here, was this beauty he had been admiring for so long, now in his home, now on one of his beds.....

As the days passed, she healed and their closeness grew...this day she wanted to show him her graitude, she wanted to repay his kindness. This day she would surprise him with dinner and dessert.....As Don entered the doorway Olivia greeted him from  atop of the stairs...... his mouth dropped at what he saw. Olivia was stunning. She wore a slinky purple slik dress, no bra, no panties, high black heels. Her long jet hair flowed, her skin glisened with softness and her magnificent eyes sparkled with joy. She smiled coyly, he was speechless. She welcomed him home. She grabbed his hand and led him to where she had laid out a buffet of decadent treats and wine. Candlle light and sexy music set the mood. She set out big soft pillows, fluffy throws for them to lounge on, and began to feed him as she knelt in front of him...after each piece of food she softly kissed him and whispered " this is for all you've done for me"...the sweetness of her breath, the glisten of her skin and the scent of her hair, made him hard....he had never felt the passion that was growing inside him, he had never wanted to make love as much.....he had never wanted to fuck as badly. 

Olivia stood and moved each strap of her slinky dress off her shoulders, he dress fell to the grown...."I'm yours Don",I want you to take me.... he grabbed at his clothes as his eyes devoured her....he pulled her close, kissing her stomach, cupping her ass with his hands, she melted into him and fell to her knees. Their lips met and they passionately kissed, as their hands explored....she moaned as hers found his impressive girth, she began to stroke him, he moaned and moved her hand away and pushed her back. He wanted to taste her, to make her remember him.  He spread her long slender legs and exposed her  shaved, beautiful pussy, her clit was engorged with desire and he stroked it gently with his tongue, she quivered with evey lick, and moaned with glee.... she wanted to taste him too, and begged him to enter her mouth. He obliged and pulled her head onto his hard cock....she relished every inch. She licked the head, stroked the shaft, and dined on his juicy balls. She was an expert cock sucker and with each of his moans, took it deeper into her throat. She sucked, licked and stroked him, when he asked her to stop because he didn't want to cum in her mouth, she ignored him and sucked him more, took him deeper,  she cupped his balls and stroked his shaft  more quickly, she sucked, licked, stroked until he exploded down her throat , she drank him in and continued as he thrust into her......he grabbed her hair and pulled her head away and knelt down and kissed her hard. Her laid her back and went down on her again, her fingered her gently, and stroked her clit with his tongue, she quivered with delight, then he entered her....he pushed his cock  deep into her tight pussy, pulled it out and  entered her again, this time slowly, teasing her dripping wet pussy with the head of his cock. He was going to make this last as long as he could. He was going to make her remember him....She begged for more of his cock, and he obliged, thrusting, while her rubbed her engorged clit, she moaned, she quivered, and squirted all over him, he exploded again..filling her with his cum.....he fell on her, they were both wet, sweaty, and breathless.....she thanked him again....he laughed and said, "Don't thank me yet we've just begun"...... She gasped with delight.....



18 Mar, 2020

In trying times you would think that people would want to help one another. would be more understanding, kind, giving, compassionate....and some are. In these times, many also show their true personalities, their vileness, revenge and seek to bring down whomever they can. The game players, time wasters, know it all's, bullies, all come out in droves....

For reasons unknown even to me, lol, I began posting again on a review board based out of Toronto...yes I know....doing so is hypocritical.....since I detest most of them. Any how...most days I post a good morning post and attach a recent picture. Because of this virus, I decided to post a retort to a post made by a member, who has for years now worked very hard to try to ruin my reputation. ( But that in itself is a long story I won't get into here). so I'm just going to attach that thread with  my retort, and you can read it or not, and  if you do, see it as you will....


To those kind souls who are helping others in these trying times, thank you. 


A blowjob blog....

09 Mar, 2020

His smile lit the spark, but when his hands touched me I knew I wanted to devour him, all of him and slowly, inch by inch. I took charge and led him to the bedroom, I grabbed for his belt and pushed him onto the bed, quickly unzipping his jeans and pulling them away from what I discovered was the most delicious package .....a cock of perfect length and girth, it's hardness made we quiver...I sat upon it  my panties wet, grinding into him, they became wetter.  He pulled off my bra and grabbed the back of my hair and drew my face to his.....As I kissed his lips and our tongues danced, I reached down and stroked his cock softly, feeling every heavenly hard inch, moving from cupping his balls to the head of his divine cock as our tongues danced with erotic heat..... I needed more of him,  my mouth needed more than his lips, so I slid my body over his, allowing my breasts to slowly slide over him,  when I reached his cock  I stroked his tip against my nipples, enjoying the view this gave me and the sensations..... then I took him into my mouth... my tongue lingering on the tip of his cock , running it up and down the shaft, teasing, tasting and enjoying it's smooth texture, divine taste and  provocative hardness...I took turns, licking, sucking and taking him deep into my throat. I allowed his cock to go deep, so deep he touched the back of my throat, which made him moan loudly. That encouraged and delighted me...his moans were fuel for my hand stroked him, as my tongue continued to dance on his tip....Slowly I let it linger down to his engorged balls, and genlty one by one I suckled them, flicked my tongue over them, teasing him, and  loving every minute. He grabbed my head to guide me into a rythm of his delight.... my lips, tongue and hands were all occupied, .everything was playing like a perfected  orgasmic orchestra ...  licking, jerking, slurping and sucking him over and over again.... until he exploded upon me......his delicious juice dripped over my chin and breats...... and I relished every delicious drop.......another blowjob enjoyed by both:) it's time for yours.......


The virus of 2020....

01 Mar, 2020

I have to admit I'm not paying a lot of attention to the news reports of covid19....In it's inception I was interested, concerned and kept track of most reports, now I feel all I can do is to take what precautions my doctor recommends, namely, washing my hands, eating healthy, and being astute to any changes in my own health. That's really all any of us can do. Panicking does no one any good. Depending on who you speak to, opinions of how concerned we should be will be greatly varied. Like most viruses or infections, the elderly and very young and those with compromised immune systems. are at the highest risk.

I am concerned about it's effect on our economy as those effects are already apparent. Not yet so much for my income, but that could change. Income for most, is always a concern, when it is threatened. All I can do tho, is carry on as normal and hope this all ends soon....Lets all hope a vaccine is soon found and all will be okay:)

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Hello March:)

01 Mar, 2020

Welcome're supposed to be a sure sign of spring approaching, but after the snow last night, you've fooled me once again. Your brighter mornings and longer days however are a welcomed change. Be gentle with us....more lamb than lion please:):) I look forward to the 21st....

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The rampancy of illiteracy.....

28 Feb, 2020

I have to conclude that within North America, there are a never ending supply of illiterate men seeking the company of escorts.....On average I'd say 6-of 10 who inquire, do so asking questions that are answered in my ads, my website or twitter posts, or they'll contact me in a way all where within all those posts request NOT to contact either all these guys can't read, or they're just to lazy to read......either of which speaks poorly of those reaching out. Do they not realize their initial contact sets the stage and will determine whether or not I'm wanting further communication? What does help me now in weeding out these illiterates is the blocking ability phones now offer and my ability to discern a text app from a real registered number. I don't know many professional ladies who accept those using text apps.....I certainly won't. If a man is contacting me and won't divulge his identity, or provide a real number, I won't meet him, or even discuss the possibility. I now simply ignore and or block all text apps, blocked numbers and those who contact me in ways unwanted. Time is valuable, I no longer want to waste any of it on those who wish to be a nuisance and who refuse to follow my requests...


How tacky can you be...

27 Feb, 2020

Well my New Brunswick tour was an interesting one....Moncton and Saint John delievered as expected, lol, and Fredericton was predictable...thank you to those lovely gentlemen who paid me return bigger a compliment is there. I had success with my "Exceptional GF3" ad, so much so that one of the "Maritime Sweethearts" felt the need to post an ad  "Ultimate GF3" right after mine, LOL!! The fact that this person had been following me on twitter then unfollowed me too is interesting, prior to this happening. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery...I say it is a clear sign of cattiness and fear of someone out doing you. Some people will never learn....or get that being an original gets one further than trying to outdo someone. But so be least I know who  is to be watched.....and who I can expect to be a game player. Tacky is as tacky does.....and tacky doesn't only happen in Fredericton. Sadly ladies have for sometime copied or composed ads so similar to one another it's hard to tell them apart. Doing so is a clear sign of insecurity in ones own abilities and a dislike for their peers. We should want to lift each other up and share not the opposite. Hoping for better......



11 Feb, 2020

It's an interesting sounding word, with a rather sad meaning....something many escorts have experienced. As soon as some find out a person is escorting, they'll more often than not, ostracize that person. One day you could be the best friend, neighbor, or citizen, but as soon as it becomes known that you're an escort, all that goes out the window......Funny how society works. An escort could be the kindest, most trustworthy of people, yet because they've chosen to accept payment for intimacy, somehow in the minds of some, this makes them unworthy of being included in their circle of friends, or job, neighborhood, etc, etc. Funny how skewed peoples perception of personalities can become when the topic of sex arises....

Oh how stupidly we judge one another. How misunderstood so many of us are. Yet the commonalities among us are all so very common. We all want to be loved, appreciated, accepted, admired, to feel safe,  to be comfortable.... and not judged...So why do we judge then....why is the first question someone asks when meeting someone new, "so what do you do"'s a judgement...a way of separating and catagorizing one another. It's a way of  determining who you deem worthy of your attention. But how can knowing what someone does determine anything about them other than what they do? A person's title, or occupation certainly doesn't tell anyone that the person is of good character, or safe to be around, or a nice this I can attest....I've been hit on and or been treated inappropriately by doctors, whilst in their care, by a lawyer, whilst seeking his services, by police whilst needing their employers whilst working....yes, I've lots of experiences that  prove people with lots of education, power, $$$, fame, etc, can be the lowest forms of before you write someone off because you think their position/job/occuaption isn't worthy,  or acceptable to you, take some time to know their character. Change your perspective on how you judge people. You might be surprised....... 


A step in the right direction...

04 Feb, 2020

I try to make my environmental footprint as small as possible, in doing so one step is using recyclable and or reuseable bags. I was happy to hear about sobeys doing the same. But it got me wondering about those bags....what happens to them when they become worn out, or no longer useable. They say their bags can be recycled, machine washed, to keep them sanitary that they are made of recycled materials. All good news... But what about the other stores? Time for some researching.....and please do your part in keeping your footprint small.....Happy Tuesday


Welcome February

01 Feb, 2020

Welcome to this very cold month and this year it's a leap year. Happy February!!

February Events in Canada

Despite the freezing temperatures, Canada hosts plenty of events—indoors and out—in February. Here are a few of the most exciting:

  • Nova Scotia Heritage Day: If the Maritimes are more your cup of tea, February is a great time to visit Nova Scotia. In addition to a wide variety of winter sports, you can check out the Nova Scotia Heritage Day on the third Monday in February. The day celebrating the rich heritage of Nova Scotia, including the Mi'kmaq First Nations population, was created and named by local schoolchildren. 
  • Hot Chocolate Festival: Vancouver's month-long annual charity fundraiser features dozens of bakeries, ice cream and coffee shops, and chocolatiers. A great way to keep warm with a tasty treat during one of Canada's coldest month, the Hot Chocolate Festival begins in late January and concludes on Valentine's Day (February 14).
  • Free ice skating at Robson Square: Vancouver hosts skaters at its downtown gathering spot throughout the winter months. It continues through the end of February.
  • Dine Out Vancouver Festival: Originally envisioned as a way to drum up business during the slower tourist season of January and February, Dine Out Vancouver has become a must-visit for foodies in western Canada, featuring prix fixe menus from Vancouver's finest restaurants over a nearly three-week celebration. 
  • The Toronto Light Festival: This relatively new art festival featuring light-themed art installations runs from late January through mid-March in the city's historic Distillery District. February is also the month when the winter culinary festival Winterlicious, featuring hundreds of Toronto restaurants, kicks off. 
  • Qinhuai Lantern Festival: And to mark the Chinese Lunar New Year, Toronto hosts this event in early February. The lantern festival is reminiscent of the new year events held all across China. 
  • Igloofest: An outdoor music festival started in 2007 to highlight local music, Igloofest is held at the Old Port of Montreal, and regularly draws thousands of visitors over its three-week run. One of the highlights of Igloofest is the "One Piece Suit" competition, and no, it's not a swimsuit competition. Even Quebecois aren't baring it all in these temperatures. It's a snowsuit competition, which can draw nice prices for participants (and is a much more climate-appropriate option).
  • Montreal Snow Festival: Fete des Neiges runs every weekend from mid-January to mid-February. It's held in Parc Jean Drapeau, with activities for the whole family, including a playground with ice sculptures, a hockey tournament, inner tubing, skating, sledding, and snow-shoeing. There are live shows and food as well.
  • Montreal en Lumiere: Don't forget to check out Montreal's Festival of Lights, which begins in February and runs through mid-March. The three-week festival features games, music, art displays and entertainment for families, and a vast array of culinary events, including the Festival of Quebec Cheeses. 


Canada Weather in February

Canada's weather can change considerably from region to region, but overall, February is among the country's coldest months, with lows in many places averaging well below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius).

  • Calgary: 34 F (1 C)/10 F (-12 C)
  • Edmonton: 26 F (-3 C)/8 F (-13 C)
  • Toronto: 32 F (0 C)/19 F (-7 C)
  • Whistler: 39 F (4 C)/25 F (-4 C)
  • Montreal: 26 F (-3 C)/12 C (-11 C)
  • Vancouver: 46 F (8 C)/37 F (3 C)
  • Banff: 32 F (0 C)/10 F (-12 C)

While the West Coast is slightly warmer, it's also wetter, receiving nearly 6 inches (150 mm) of rain spread out across 16 days. Meanwhile, the country's East Coast is significantly colder, averaging 26 degrees Fahrenheit (-3 degrees Celsius) in Toronto. (Banff, in the middle of the country, usually averages a freezing 17 degrees Fahrenheit (-8 degrees Celsius), by comparison.)


The poison squad....

29 Jan, 2020

I'm syill agasp after watch the documentary on PBS, "The poison squad". It touches on Harvey Washington Willey's work in forming the first comsumer protection act for food safety. Others mentioned are Fanny Farmer, and Upton Sinclair, who wrote an eye oprning book called "The Jungle"...It begins in the late 19th century and into the 20th...I found it disturbing, interesting, and eye opening....if you've the time watch it...who knew that borax and formaldehyde were once used as every day food preservatives. There is also a book written by Deborah Blum...with the same title "The poison squad"...I'm going to buy it:) Happy Wednesday!!



25 Jan, 2020

This topic was brought up again in light of the tragic death of a young escort in Quebec...

I stand steadfast in my opinion, that we all should screen. It makes us all safer, client and escort alike. I am also aware that screening isn't fool proof. Even so, it is better too than not. Those with an agenda, those with ill intentions and those with a criminal history often have the knowledge and ability to circumvent and manuever their way into an escorts schedule, whether she has screened that person or not. But a certain few shouldn't discourage anyone from screening....

I brought the topic of screening up in a thread on twitter some time ago, and in that thread I was shown support and I was also chastised by a few. It is clearly a contoversial subject. One escort in particular asked her followers to unfollow her, if they felt as I did about screening....and this escort was one who holds herself as one who "helps" and "supports" fellow escorts. Her claim was that many escorts, those escorts who are considered "survival escorts", meaning those who have to take risks because of their situations, are not as "privilged" as the rest of us who are able to screen. So how dare I be so unsympathetic and demand that we all screen!! Well, my thoughts are different #1 I'm not going to claim to be a supportive person then want someone disliked and not supported, simply because they see differently than I. It is quite hypocritical to want to be supportive to one type of escort, then deride another for what you perceive as being a different type....... and, we can't take a stand against "bad clients" if we don't all set specific boudaries. And one significant boundary,imo is screening. This industry often sets precedents and boudaries. One example being, BBFS as being a big NONO....yet.... who do you see defending those who might have to offer this because they "need" that client, you know.... the client who demands BBFS, that client who is willing to pay that extra money that the "survival escort"requires that day or month to pay her bills.. Who do you see....... NO ONE..... You never hear of any escort being supportive towards those who provide BBFS...and why not? Because we know it's wrong, we know it risks health and safety and we know it causes issues for other escorts and clients. My point...if we are going to deride those of us who take a stand for wanting certain practices, practiced, to keep all of us safe, then lets at least be equal opportunity deriders, or supporters. Lets also continue  saying "we all do things differently", and extend that expression and understanding to those BBFS providers,  too shall we.....( and no I am not for BBFS, it is a dangerous act) I'm just frustrated at some of the double standards and hypocrisy that is rife in this biz and which is spit out by many. I do however support those who treat one another fairly, reasonably, without bias and who are supportive not just to those who think as they do, but too those also who don't. 

If I were working in a jewerly store and my salary didn't cover my bills, should I be excused for marking up a watch and allowing a customer to buy that watch at a higher price while I pocket the difference or should I be expected to seek help, get another job, or work two if I have to.....My point.....Escorting is a business. One in which some make it and some don't. As some do or don't in other businesses. Because you can't make it shouldn't mean you set the precedent nor that those who are making it should suffer because you can't.....and yes this business is different , in that it allows it's owners to run their biz as they see fit, and too set their own rules and boundaries.... but as we all know, doing so has a causal and effect....example-if some don't screen, that produces clients that expect NO screening. Those clients then reach out to escorts who insist on screening, and some of those escorts who post  about the ill effects of NOT screening.......... My point.... What one escort does, gradually affects another, and another......whether we want it to or not. If you are an escort who can't gather enough clients to support yourselfand or your lifestyle, then you have to either find another  job that can, or seek help....and  saying that isn't being crass, unfeeling, or not's being realistic and truthful. I've been poor, I've had years of rough days....don't anyone dare tell me I don't understand any aspect of this profession....I've expereicned most of what can be experienced.....and then some..... and I've learned to screen and I'm better for it and I believe so is everyone else.....


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Will you make an exception.....

24 Jan, 2020

The text pictured was the reason for this blog...that and the number of other like inquiries I received this week. 

When anyone I haven't met texts me to inquire about my services, I will either ignore, respond sarcastically, or block. Since I clearly and specifically request phone calls only in all my ads, and on my is also made clear that I only want to meet gentlemen ove rthe age of when I receive a text from someone under 30 asking me if I'd make an exception, or if my age limit is firm, or is 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,26, 27, 28 or 29 alright, I will also ignore, or depending on my mood, respond sarcastically, or with a polite explanation. Clearly those who contact as they wish and who also disregard my boundaries are not anyone I'm going to take seriously, nor want to meet. If they're not willing to follow my contact protocol, or respect my wishes as to my preference regarding age, then most likely in person they might try and push other boundaries, or become troublesome in other ways. 

Ignoring someones specified preferences is acting entitled, ignorant and just rude. Expecting anyone to make an exception for **you** is a sure way to illicit a rude response. 

So..... if you're going to contact an escort and you do so as you want and not as the escort requests, and if you also know of her age limit, yet ignore it and ask if your younger age would be acceptable, and you then get a response you don't like, so you then respond like an asshole prove why so many have age limits!!



19 Jan, 2020

I've been lucky, at least the past few years. I tend to get only positive comments about my age/looks.....There was a time, in my service days (when I worked for escort services) where you'd here lots of bias towards older escorts, and back then older was thought of as late twenties, early thirties....I'd hear it from other escorts and clients alike., not towards myself).....back then, and in my early twenties, escorting was new  to me and it shocked me how denigrating some would be towards those ladies of a certain age. It was vastly different to todays ways of doing things. Now that I'm a "mature woman" in this biz, I'm grateful for the change of attitudes, and realizations that beauty isn't only seen as being something "youthful". Maturity is a large market, and I might even say, one that may even surpass the younger market. At least from my experience. I suppose the internet has been a key player in this change......Lets face it, a larger audience brings more business and more diverse tastes. There is something and someone for everyone. 

Aging is a great teacher.. although it can wither physical attributes, it can also strengthen more important characteristics. And there are plenty of gentlemen out there who want someone with something more than just physical beauty and youth. Enjoy and celebrate each decade, there is beauty in them all, sometimes it resides where it can't be seen:)

So lets remember that although a twenty something is fabulous and attractive, so are thirty somethings, forty somethings, fifty somethings and so on......Lets continue to be open minded, accepting and less judgemental. It is a better way to be:) 

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17 Jan, 2020

I'm always on the look out for a new tea to try, specifically a green tea. I'm someone who drinks 2-3 cups daily. Two of my favorites didn't make this best list but "Hyleys" Japanese Pure Matcha with Ceylon Sencha is my new fave( found it at homesense). I also llike "Touch organics" powdered organic matcha green tea..... Is "Matcha"better than regular green tea, some yes others make claims to the opposite. Do your research and decide. I do think there are helth benefits to drinking green tea, irregardless of the type. Enjoy!!

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More of her hypocrisy....does it ever end!!

15 Jan, 2020 In this thread (note the discussions between "sqeezer" and "Jessica rain", one of a few I've copied below)

 Jessica rain once again makes claims against a person, the person this time is named "CM"...and she makes these claims with certainty of knowing. Yet, she has no mental heath certificate, no medical training, and yet, she insists she has a right to claim this "CM" is in need of mental help She makes this claim because "she knows". "She can tell", so she claims, when someone is in need..... If "CM is in need, I'd say it would be primarily because of her and her side kicks incessant bullying on that "other site" she mentions.....Bullying that I witnessed ...her and her side kick, Demien3k5, were relentless in pushing "CM"S buttons, egging  "CM" on, Jessica even encouraged this "CM" to take her own life, to give others a break from "CM"s posting.....yes Jessica is a real gem ......seems she needs no medical, or any other training to decide if someone needs mental health help, because "she knows".....just as she said "she knew" this summer, that some person, who she claimed was calling her or texting her over and over again, when she was in Halifax on a tour,  was me.... Yes she took it upon herself to post that nonsense on lyla (that thread is now deleted).... a client of mine challenged her in that thread, asking her to prove her which she responded "she didn't have to prove anything, because "she knew"...she then accused him of being me, lol!!.....Hmmm..... seems Jessica likes to make many claims, on many boards about different people, and she seems to think she doesn't have to prove any of it,,,,because "she knows"..........perhaps it is her who needs the Mental health help.  Perhaps it is her who the mods need to watch.....after all, she is one known for starting drama and taking it  to every board and she certainly is one for making claims that she can't back up, other than with her "she knows" ...,  and these claims, she can't even recant truthfully!!.....She won't even give those she accuses on these boards a chance to respond, as she blocks immediately those she attacks so they can't talk back to her in their own defense. Then goes on other boards and talks trash about them as she's done in this thread......

(quote)Quote Originally Posted by squeezer View Post
As much as I may disagree with someone's post, I have never reported anyone. Yes, if I were a mod, a constant reporter would arouse my ire. Again you make a claim of CM's mental status and unless you have proof, this I believe is very unfair. I do not know the man but only to say unless you are a licensed professional, that is again an unfair accusation.

I won't state my thoughts on a closed thread. Yes, I'll keep my opinion to myself.

(Quote Jessica rain)-Please re-read my post. I have dealt with him on another board. He admitted to his issues. I wouldn't just blindly throw someone under the bus. I didn't think you would think I was that type of person.

However, this is an example why communicating with the mods (through the report function because that is what they prefer) is so important. They need to know some of this info. Those threads that CM gets into just flare his mental health issues. Mods won't always know this unless it is reported.

People need to get out of their that the report button is a censor button or a "bad" button. It is a useful tool that is actually needed.

PS - I realize now how it may have looked but I was not thinking at all about baiting you to talk about that thread. I didn't even think not to talk about it because it was closed. You are right on this and I was wrong for bringing it up.

I just thought, knowing our relationship, I would be safe to bring up an actual real world example for proper clarity. It was coming from a positive place attempt. I'm sorry if you feel/felt otherwise.(end quote)

(Me)-----I had to LOL, when she said she wouldn't "blindly throw someone under the bus"...NO Jessica you wouldn't, you do it with eyes wide open and with calculated vindictiveness and blatant hypocrisy. You thoroughly enjoyed your bullying of CM, that I witnessed, You thoroughly enjoyed watching Demien bullying "CM"...and you with all your claims about someone needing mental health help, never once while "Demiens" attacks against CM, myself and other members were occuring and increasing, which clearly indicated some issues to his (Demiens) mental status, never once did you point to him(Demien) as having mental health issues. Nope you just sat back and enjyed the show, even taking part in it, So shove your biased concern up your sorry ass where it belongs. You hypocritical two faced know it all!! And as far as you recommending that people should keep their compalints, etc, on twitter if found there, why? You seem to have a need to move yours to all the why shouldn't anyone else!!

The inserted images are just a couple of the many types of responses Jessica gave to CM imo showing just how she enjoyed pushing Cm's buttons. If someone was thought to have a mental health issuses why interact with them in such an inciteful way. 



Do what you can....

13 Jan, 2020

We are all painfully aware now of the devestation in Australia due to fires....human lives lost  and millions of other animals killed....please do what you can to help....I know it is a hard story to follow, hard statistics to hear, but every dollar will help. I've searched to find reliable orgs , you should as well. Rely on your own research to find an organizarion you feel comfortabl3 giving your money to, even the smallest amount will make a I found is

or be like this local hero and raise some $$ by your own doing.......

 or like these people.... we all can do something


An ode to a gentleman......

11 Jan, 2020

Last night Fri Jan10th, I had my first outcall to a hotel in quite a while....Many won't understand why this is a big deal, but it was..... and I accepted the appointment because it was with a client I have been seeing for the past 5-6 yrs...and someone I've shared some personal details with and someone I trust. We always have fun together, I always over stay my welcome and we both have recently lost someone we loved.....I'm writing this because after talking with him, after spending time with him, after sharing with him, I felt some peace, and some acceptance to my "new reality" which I was starting to think as an impossibility..... So ....and although he may never read this....To him, I say many, many thanks. Not just for listening without judgement and not just for being kind and understanding, but for being real, himself and a true gentleman......and as you know Mr. there are a couple of other special ladies who too think of you the same as I do. Many hugs for you!, Mr.


When the sun shines so bright, prepare for a storm.....

05 Jan, 2020

2019 has been a realitively good year, I was looking forward to Christmas and ringing in a new year then in a blink of an eye........

Through my experiences in life, I've learned that every sunny day is to be fully enjoyed as cloudy days are when good times are plenty, it's best to expect some bad. So I should have known.....

I was having a good year....Financially there were no complaints or worries, work was steady, my little dog over came a few health issues, my family were all doing well..So I should have expected a black cloud, I should have known.....things were about to change...... 

 I had to make the choice to say goodbye to my most trusted friend, my constant companion and the one I loved the most. My little dog and I said goodbye just before the new year....and although I've experienced loss a few times, both human and pet.....this time has been the most difficult. I can't say just is. I'm not sure anyone can explian why we mourn for some more than others, or why we love as we do.... because we just do. Some beings touch our hearts in ways that can't be explained, only experienced, and when they leave, they leave a hole so large that healing from it just seems impossible. 

Some understand, others say, "you'll be alright", "you can get another dog".....well yes I could, but another wouldn't be her....another couldn't be.....she was special. She was silly, sweet, a nuisance, a pest, high maintenance, vey expensive, and I wouldn't have changed any of it, or anything about her....Some say I should be she outlived her age expectancy.....but how can anyone you love, live long enough? Forever wouldn't be long enough... as we want them with us until our end...and even after that. I did anyways....Of course reality is just that and I was aware that her health issues were a sign, and that her end was nearing and inevitable....but I've always been good at suppressing reality and living in a world of my own....and with her it was easy to. Life with her was she made every difficult situation more bearable, and each day worth living. She made coming home necessary and exciting. She made leaving difficult and complicated....She made my mornings early and busy, and my nights comfortable.  She was special, is irreplaceable and she will be dearly missed.... to her I say.... I'm so very sorry..... I should have done more, cuddled you more, loved you more gently., been more patient with deserved someone better than I. My dear little soul, for you I hope there is life after this deserve it so.

Why is it when we loose someone we love, do we look back with regrets and wishes of coulda, woulda, and shouldas....why is it so hard when who we love is being annoying, inconvenient, costly, or whatever...why is it so hard to look past all that when they're with us and just be grateful we have them and ignore all the rest......perhaps this is just a part of being a flawed human and how flawed humans love....perhaps that is why the love of a dog is so special.....they see past all that nonsense and just love us purley, unconditionally and at that moment. Yes my dog was special, all dogs are.......



Happy new year!!!

02 Jan, 2020

After a long hiatus, I'm back and ready to embrace a new year. Many changes have occured for me, and so a new chapter begins.....I wish all a prosperous, happy and satisfying year ahead. May we all remember to accept what we cannot change, to be understanding towards ideas that may not fit our mindset, and be caring towards those who need it most. Happy 2020.....lets be our bestselves this year

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Merry, merry......

13 Dec, 2019

Tis the season.....and since I'll be busy for the next little while I want to take this time to wish one and all a very happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful Christmas...or whatever you may celebrate. Be safe, be good to yourself, help if you can, have fun and good tidings! 

Turn the lights on and celebrate!! See you in the new year!


Go Greta go....

13 Dec, 2019

If you haven't realized it yet...I'm on team Greta Thunberg. I admire her greatly. Any young person, who is selfless enough to defer from all things typical to a teenager and instead go out and fight for a cause, is worth  at the very least, congratulatory praise.

 When I was her age I had no knowledge of environmental iisues, natures needs, political policies, etc. I was concerned with my friends, the latest clothing trends and boys!! So bravo Greta, bravo. You're initiative, you're abilities, you're personal appearancem your reasons, all have been severly and unfairly scutinized, criticized, mocked and yet you still go on, you still care and you still fight to make a difference. 

To those who say all she does is talk.......I ask you, what are you doing.Greta walks the walk..... To those who say she is a hypocrite....because all her travel is contradictory to her cause ....I say.....are you walking every where, are you making a concious effort to travel on a way which reduces your carbon foot print? she is.....  you did realize she sailed to the U. S. on a sailboat  and one eqipped with solar panels, none the less....would you have done the same? She is trying....she is making a concerted effort, are you? 

And of course that idiot in the white house, after Greta was named by Time as person of the year, had to chime in with his  twitter rant.... with.another show of his hypocritical, mysogynistic, jealous, tantrum throwing idiocy.....yes Trump, she made headlines that you'll never make....she's liked like you'll never be....and yes you old buffoon, even with her having a developmental condition (autism) her intelligence, ability to communicate, and her show of compassion, far surpasses yours......and many of her critquers! And isn't it funny the idiots wife ( Melania), the supposed representative to repress bullying, hasn't said anything......#Trumpsareajoke

So I say...go Greta go, ignore all the negativity and keep up the good fight ....... I thank you for all you do....


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07 Dec, 2019

I haven't toured in quite some time, I've been  busy here in #Halifax with my clients and personal stuff. Now that Christmas is near, and since I travel for my holidays,  it makes sense to stop into a couple of cities I'll be passing by. I have hopes of seeing some of my regular clients, and hopefully I''ll make some new friends too. It's easier for me to tour when I've a reason for travelling and a destination beyond those cities I'm touring. It also gives me different places to shop, a change of scenery, and it makes my holiday trip an easier drive, with stops along the way.


 The gentlemen I've met in both of these cities ( Moncton/Fredericton) have been a joy to spend time with, I'm looking forward to more of it....but alas....I'm also prepared for those wot's (wastes of time), no shows, and game players. I do get my share....but with each trip I also become a little more sauvy to who is who and who does what.... so...I'm coming prepared for all of it......

To those lovely gents who'd like some of my time....and who want to enjoy it....I'll be arriving in Moncton Monday Dec 16th early afternoon checking out the morning of Wednesday Dec 18th....

Then onto Fredericton on the afternoon of the 18th until Friday, noon on the 20th.....I do hope the weather co-operates and too see you there!! Happy holidays!!



27 Nov, 2019

Cats!!Those furry little buggers can certainly become dear and near to your heart....but please all you cat owners, keep them indoors, or leash them. There is nothing more annoying then opening your front door and getting the unpleasent waft of cat urine from a flower bed or garden. Or worse finding a dead bird one for the neighborhood cats killed.......Love them, care for them, but please, please, please, keep them restrained. 

Cats can be perfectly happy indoors, or leashed while out. This makes more work for you, since you'll then need to play more with the cat, and clean up more (little pans) but that is your responsibilty, not the neighborhoods. And your cat will likely live longer. Roaming cats become fair game for cat hating dogs, and other wildlife. They're also more apt to contract disease. So I'll say it again, if you love your cat, keep it indoors, or leashed. Thank you


gifts are boring...

23 Nov, 2019

Lets face it, most of us and those we know have what we need, or could do without so another could have a little instead of gifing someone something they may not use, like or need, how about making a donation to a charity, shelter, or rescue org in that persons name? Gifts are nice, but donations are nicer:):)  Lets help out those in need.. those with two or four legs!! Thank you and Happy Holidays!!

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Looking to jingle your bells or a place to hang your balls?

18 Nov, 2019

It's nearing the holiday season and my favorite time of year. So lets celebrate together.....

What you can expect....if we click. I like to get cosy with a man, snuggle close, enjoy a drink or two while we talk about a myriad of subjects. I'll reply with interesting comments, intelligent retorts, curious questions and some strong opinions. Conversation is titillating!!

My intimacy will range from deeply passionate to vanilla sweetness...this will depend on you.....I am very open with my body, have a striong desire to please and a willingness to experiement. But I'm also very authentic , so mood plays into this too. 

I love to massage a man...that's something I will typically want to do first. I love relaxing you by running my hands and fingers all over your body. I love to explore run my erect nipples along your back, to tease your balls with my fingers, massaging your ass.....grinding myself into you.....

When I ask you to turn over, I'll hope you'll want to suck on my nipples, arousing me more. Then I'll slide down to encourage you to "rise to the occasion"...from here you'll have to use your imagination....because the rest is between you and me....

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Cold weather is upon us..

13 Nov, 2019

And it is up to all of us to protect the voiceless....Please be on the look out for animals left out in the cold and do something!! Here are a few tips   thank you for your kindness!


A gentleman's guide to seeing an escort

12 Nov, 2019

Thank you to Isoble Andrews for giving me permission to link her blog....

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Twitter thread...

10 Nov, 2019

It is this twitter thread that spurred this blog....  and thank you Asha for speaking out about this.

I too have been made to feel as you have, by other escorts and clients. What I don't get is, if they feel so ashamed of or unfulfilled by this profession, why then do they take part in it? What happened to acceptance and understanding?

It's my opinion that this thought process is another supported by and perpetuated by review/reco boards and those who frequent them. I can't count the number of times I've seen written or heard spoken on boards, that escorting is for a particular age demographic, that it should only be a stepping stone, and not a career, that successful escorts makes x amount, that ones worth is equal to ones popularity, etc, etc. Believe what you want, but if you're going to believe something that is injurious to someone then perhaps your beliefs should be kept to yourself, or perhaps you should rethink why you're an escort, or frequenting one. 

We should want those we group with, patronize, know, follow or work with, to be happy and successful. And that isn't something we should define for anyone. Finding a way to support oneself that you can look forward to and which sustains your lifestyle is a great achievement and should be congratulated, not criticized or judged. 

So my fellow ladies and gentlemen lets be more accepting and understanding.....

For those curious....I've had other careers, have a few talents and a couple of other skilled trades.....yet I've always come back to escorting.Why?... It fulfills my finacial, sexual, and social reqiurements. Most of the time I look forward to seeing the clients I book, I feel I'm very good at it, I'm comfortable doing it and even if I won the lottery, I can honestly say, I'd still, every now and then, post an Some of us are meant for this and some aren't, just like any other profession. So whether you do this for a week, 6 months or 20+ yrs, do it with pride and respect your peers and or those you patronize. Thank you.



Review board vs Reco board.....

08 Nov, 2019

Is there a difference between a review board and the only reco board, Lyla? Some will say yes, a great deal, some will say no, a board is a board. I'm one of the latter.

Both are a "supposed community" of "hobbyists" and escorts. Both allow said "hobbyists" to post about their experiences with an escort/s. Difference is, one allows negative comments/concerns and the other allows them if they're worded inconspicuously, although that I'm sure "lyla" would deny.....Both have a general discussion area, both have an area in which escorts can read about and list troublesome clients, which, if you are a favorable escort, you'll be able to see. Both have favored and unfavorable members. Both are moderated by biased escorts and biased hobbyists. Both nurture outdated practices, and both protect their favorites. Both are sources for informatio, and both are sources of advertising. So what is the difference?

 my expereince, nothing.... a board is a board:)



08 Nov, 2019 -This thread is a perfect example of that expression "what you see in others exists in you!!!

Still.... I'm appalled at the condescention and hatred towards escorts shown in this thread, and once again, it is by "men" who frequent escorts!!!. Here you have some "men" being outraged that those who exchange their time for money, would dare ask for extra, or "handouts"....Here you have "men" who seek out women for their personal entertainment, outraged that those they seek are making some extra $$ without doing anything physical and for that they name call and belittle these ladies! Is this a case of jealousy? Are these "men" jealous that those who charge above what these "men" could possibly afford, jealous, because some escorts are making extra $$ simply by asking , are these "men" insulted that an escort can make a little extra without a sexual exchange? You would think that clients would want escorts to profit and profit well...but apparently we're only allowed to profit if we're performing a sexual act!! How dare we be given something without us spreading our legs!! Clearly, those asking for the "handout" aren't pretending to be in love with, or making unreasonable promises to those willing to help.....So then what is the problem? There is no one saying "you'll get this for that" and not following again.... what is the problem! Rich/famous people in other professions are always getting things for free and often are always asking and expecting things  for why not escorts?

Many of us post pic after pic, that those from a far, and who are not, nor will ever be a client, enjoy daily and for free. Some of us also manage other content that too is free, such as blogs, social media, etc, etc. Some of us also talk too, via pm's/dm's/emails, those we'll never meet. So to ask for something for that, every now and then, is fair, imo. Especially if and when a difficult situation arises. So again, why the animosity? I can only assume those in this thread, are some of those "hobbyists" that constantly carry a deep dislike for the women they matter the actions of these women. 

Lets be clear tho, there are hustlers out there, hustlers that are clients and hustlers that are escorts...and neither are representative of  all. But both escort and client want something from one another and both should be upfront with their expectations and both should be respectful of one another. Is it disrespectful to ask for handouts, or help?....My opinion, no, nor is it a hustle.You aren't being tricked into anything, someone is asking, so you either oblige or you don't.

Understand that asking for anything is definitely embarrassing for some, harder for some than for others, and for some, it's simply another way to make ends meet. Who is any of us to judge...But then again, this is just another example of a group of "hobbyists" grouping to *try*and determine among themselves what an escort should or should not receive. and how we are to go about receving what they deem we deserve....this is about control....and when some of these jerks loose the control, they lash out with name calling and put downs....

When some "men" who frequent escorts, try and belittle an escort by using the "hooker" or any other less favorable name too identify us, or by *trying* to shame us by claiming our locale is a "street corner". It backfires, these "hobbyists" forget that many of us don't believe in a heirarchy....nor do we think less of one of us who plies her trade on a corner,  some of us believe we're all equal....locale doesn't necessarily equate quality, and it certainly doesn't denote a persons integrity, nor character...but "Mr. Hobbyist" your actions in this thread certainly shows yours.....  I will always assume that these "hobbyists" are the "men" who hate escorts, and probably women in general..They are the deceivers....and it is these "men" who should be avoided.  


Come on guys.....

29 Oct, 2019

Sometimes you just have to chalk it up to a bad experience and move on, because sometimes you're "stupidity" is to blame, not the deviousness of the scammer.

Sure some will think I'm being too harsh, and critque my comments....go ahead...but come on. In this example leave to get condoms???? after you pay her and expect that she's going to be there? LMAO!!!! Your first clue before leaving was hearing a mans voice in the other room....the second and most obvious clue was when she asks you to leave!!! Regardless of the reason......Every professional escort will have enough condoms on hand to handle you and more....just as they should be prepared in other ways, having all supplies ready is a must and a sign of a prepared escort. 

I'm not sure if these "unknown young girls" make grown men go dumb and blind, or if these guys that post about being scammed are dumb and blind already.

A few hints...if a lady has no posting history, advertises on only one site ....beware.....if a lady is unknown and under 25 beware, I'm not insisiting that you shouldn't see her, just do so with caution and a clear head...most scammers are between 19-25....if when you meet a lady there are other people in other rooms, and it isn't a brothel, or you weren't told beforehand , then leave....if the lady is not who was pictured, leave....if the lady asks you to pay and then go pick something up for her...refuse and leave. If the room you are in doesn't have necessities in sight, before you pay ask where the "date" is going to take place...look, if there are no "necessities" in site,  never pay until you see them, if excuses are made, leave....Common sense is your friend, your gut instinct is your friend....use both and don't be afraid to ask questions...any bad vibes should be listened to. Guys think with your big heads...

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Are you illiterate or just lazy?

28 Oct, 2019

The title of this blog is usually the response I now give to those who contact me by texting and not  by a phone call. My website and ads all specifically and usually in bold print, request that I be contacted by calling, not by a text, unless we've already met.....speaking with someone is one of the ways I determine *if* I want to meet that person. I find that request is ignored far to often now, too many do not bother to read an ad. Far too many don't care what the escort they're contacting wants, far too many now act like entitled assholes who are either too lazy or who are illiterate and don't understand clear english!!

I get multiple, sometimes dozens of texts daily from those I have not met,  who feel just in contacting me in the way they feel comfortable and not how I've requested. So now if I respond, seldom is it polite and I make no excuses for my rudeness. And why should I!! If you feel it is alright to ignore my request of contact, what else might you ignore when in my presence? Your entitlement is rude, ignoring my request is rude, so you should expect rudeness back. Yet some feel that because they  have "reasons"  circumventing my contact protocol should be forgiven, understood and accepted.I'm supposed to bend my boundaries and coddle these dear little souls apparently. Pictured is but one response from just one of these "types"

NO!! My attitude get what you deserve!!..So..... to all those entitled man babies who's panties get twisted and who then become denigrating hypocrites  because they are ripped into for doing something they know is wrong, grow a set and accept what you get, you've earned the replies!



22 Oct, 2019

It seems from time to time I have to explain myself, and I'm sure to no avail, yet here I go.....

Gentlemen I have clearly posted on my site(on my rates page) how important the esthetic of having nice looking teeth is to me...I have the right to have expectations of my clients. SO once again, if you ignore this and show up and I see that your teeth are in bad repair or missing, I'm not going to see you and I will expect full compentsation. If I don't notice this until we are intimate, then expect your service to be less than mediocre. Being sneaky is a turn off as is ignoring my requests. You do not have a right to see me, and it is rude and sneeky to ignore my expectations of you. I choose who I see and there are certain things that I will not over look. Good oral hygiene, nice looking teeth, are one of those things.

Just as you pick your escort based on  certain criteria, I too choose my clients . We both have that right. So please be respectful and understand I've the right to espect certain things from you, ....good teeth turn me on, bad teeth turn me off. That doesn't make me better than you, I'm just being honest about something I can't over look. We all deserve honesty and we all have things that we like and dislike. Thanks for understanding .

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Thanksgiving 2019...

10 Oct, 2019

I'm especially thankful this thanksgiving as I've been graced with getting to spend more time with my beloved dog. She had another close call a couple of weeks ago, and had me worried that she wasn't going to see another day. I'm also vey thankful to all those who have crossed my doorway and shared some fun times with me. Thank you for the respect you've shown me, the return visits, your compassion and tenderness, and for being wonderful lovers. I'm also thankful to those who aren't afraid to show me their true colors, by displaying and voicing their hatefulness and spite. Without your actions, I'd not know who to avoid:) I'm thankful to have enough to eat, a comfortable, clean place to sleep, and caring friends and relatives.

I hope you too have many things to be thankful for. I wish you and yours a very peaceful, enjoyable, fun filled, delicious thanksgiving


Oh boy, I shouldn't have read it...

07 Oct, 2019

I was told about this thread and now I regret taking the time to read thru it.Talk about entitlement, ignorance, and bullshit!! No wonder so many escorts now refuse to see "hobbyists" wonder so many escorts no longer participate on the boards. If the opinion held in this thread is reflective of many wonder.

The comment that I find most disturbing is one made by a "Don Draper" quote:{"Send a message and remind all that the client is in control, not any agency.}  

 Don's comment is demonstrative to just how entitled, delusional, and illinformed some hobbyists are."Hobbyists" dollars are only a very small fraction of intake in the escort market, and the "hobbyist" thoughts are not the majority. Most "gentlemen" want "fair trade" and realize that escort fees increase with the times and are fine with that. Most gentlemen aren't looking to control anyone, or anything, they simply seek out good service, and are willing to pay for it and do so without whining to anyone about who controls what.... Gentlemen are grateful and respectful for and towards our services , most hobbyists are entitled, demanding and wish to control how things work. Again, as Don, demonstrates:)

But this comes as no surprise, the "Dons" have always been around, they were around back in my service days, the difference then was they were blacklisted, or something else happened to them....they weren't supported or encouraged....the boards, imo, are a new kind of pimp, supporting these types of clients and their thoughts, ......boards and their followers aim to shape us into something they feel we as escorts "should" be, not something we want to be, all under the guise of calling themselves a "community". Free thinking people, those who control what they themselves do don't belong.....nor are they controlled.....and that's just the way I see it....



05 Oct, 2019

I'm confused by the language used by many that offer the "duo experience". I've heard many of these ladies tout that both ladies involved in the duo experience should or have to be "into " one another and that "faking it" or being "gay for pay", is frowned upon. Which is fine...but this confuses me, as many of these same escorts claim to offer their gentlemen clients "a fantasy expereince", which when interpreted, most often means, they're acting, or pretending to "being into " their male client/s. ....Which too is fine, and their buiness, and  I'm not questioning or criticizing this. What I am questioning is why is it okay to "pretend" to be into your male client, but it seems to be taboo to pretend to be into your duo partner.....I'm open to anyone explaining this so I can have a better understanding......

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A no review policy....

01 Oct, 2019

Taking up a no review policy is something I've been considering for a while now, I've now decided it's the right time to enact it.

 Over the years I've amassed quite a number of recomendations/reviews from some lovely gentlemen under my names cristycures/cristylonglegs and CristyMature.  I'm very grateful to those gentlemen for taking the time to post them. I was taught to hold the belief that I needed reviews to be a successful and known escort. I've also commented to other escorts that having reco's and reviews can increase ones business, but this is something I've rethought. As an ardent criticizer of review boards, it just doesn't make sense to accept them anymore. I've been a hypocrite on this subject for far to long. I can't continue to criticize the boards, then expect to be reviewed, or reco'ed on them ....I am also confident now in my assumptions that having them or not, makes no difference, in  being successful and known. Many, many clients aren't even aware of review boards, and when asked if they'd join or post on one, of those asked, none would want to participate on them, in any way. 

As much as I've commented over the years that boards can help those just starting out as an escort or client, I've also swayed my opinion on that. Since anyone can now use social media or an internet search to find out all they need about any escort and also about the escort industry as a whole. I feel "newbies" and anyone who  relies soley on boards, board rules, beliefs, comments, how to's, etc, can be lead astray by biased and dated info. They may be still prove to be beneficial as an advertising tool for some escorts, but that I can't attest to.

I've always held the position that intimacy should be kept intimate....and yes I've been hypocritical about this too, since in the past I've encouraged some clients to write a reco, or review, should they have felt one was warranted. I'll also admit that after a client had written one, upon reading some, as positive and lovely as they are, some left me feeling uncomfortable. I was uncomfortable with the whole concept of other people knowing who I had met, what I did or didn't do with that client, how well I performed, looked, etc, etc. Adults needing feed back as to whether or not someone is worth seeing, just seems unprofessional, childish and inappropriate to me now. 

But don't let my choice or opinions  sway yours....we all have different requirements and comfort levels. Just make sure who you choose to see is the the right choice for you, and whatever tools you require to make that choice should be availble to you and your right to use.

 I've always  preferred meeting those gentlemen who choose to see me not because of the opinions of others, but because of the things my posts, tweets, blogs, etc, project to them, the feelings my pictures stir within them, and of course the compatibility our conversation/s instill.  Quite frankly,  I'm very attracted to men who can make up their own minds without wanting and or needing the help of others to justify their choices .

Some tips to help you find information on any escort to help with your dating decisions..... Simply google the escorts name and or number, and or the city you're in  ( ex: Halifax/Toronto/Moncton escorts), then cross reference their ads,( most reputable and safe escorts advertise on many different sites) tineye, or google image search their pics, **read their websites**.......websites are wonderful tools for answering most questions.......look at their social media accounts, lastly, but most importantly, have a conversation with that person!! And please, contact him or her, they, or them, in the way that the person/s requests, NOT the way that is most convenient for you.... and upon contact introduce yourself professionally and politely. We all respect manners.....These simple steps will help ensure you meet the person that is right for you:)

So please now know, after meeting..... lets keep it just between us......thanks!!


just a blog.....

19 Sep, 2019

Ever have one of those days....I did. It started well, had the day preplanned, then .......and most of the shit storm that followed was because of my stupidity and errs. 

I had a gentlemen prebook an appt for that day....which I had confused for that evening. Had a regular call to book and booked him, but had to cancel because of reasons beyond my control. So...later in the day, my prebooked called to confirm....and he was so very understanding. We rebooked for early evening. Mean while I was trying to reshedule my regular so he'd be happy too. And that did work out. BUT.... at some point during my regular leaving and me waiting for my prebooked date, I put my phone on "airplane mode" that happened?? I couldn't tell needless to say, I once again missed my prebooked date. UGH!!! It was near 830 pm,  I received a phone call from a gentleman in Sydney Nova Scotia...upon answering that call  my phone alerted me that the "mode" was on and that I had missed x number of texts.....btw, the person calling was doing so to alert me to the fact that there was an ad in the Sydney, gigs and jobs section of leoslist that was using my name and pics!! Adding another issue to my ridiculously  messed up day, lol. So I called my prebooked appt to apologize, and I have to admit, I was embarrassed to do so...... and to my surprise, he was very understanding, sweet, kind and booked for the next day.......and thankfullly so. One of the niceest guys ever!!

So the point of this's a teaching moment for me. It has shown me that no matter how bad I mess up, there are those who are patient, understanding and who can be forgiving. That worse things can happen. We all err from time to time. How we respond to those errs is more important then the mistakes made, I think.It is also nice to know that there are also those who watch out for myself and other escorts. So to them, I say thank you, thank you, thank you!! And because of you, I too will show more patience and understanding. Have a beautiful Thursday:)



15 Sep, 2019

As usual one of my favorite political satirists said it best...... .......

We have become a society that feels everything needs to be rated, reco'ed or reviewed, before we purchase it and after using it. As Bill said, have we all become that insecure? Can we not decide for ourselves? 

In particular, the review culture for escorts has gone from being a tool to ensure that an escort is safe and reliable to see, to a source for porn stories and ways to defame, or make famous favored escorts. Why has intimacy become so indiscreet and the fodder of some? The irony....many who play into the "review/reco culture" seek out an authentic GFE, an acronym, made famous by the boards.....(Girlfriend experience)....which initself is something so intimate and personal, it would be like reviewing a snowflake.....not one is alike, and none can be mimicked in any way other than by it's name.

 A GFE is dependant on so many natural occuring and intimate factors, to rate someone on their ability to provide it is unfair and pointless. You met and had chemistry with someone, that is wonderful, but no other can or will have that same experience, so what is there to review or reco? A GFE relies on those involved sharing chemistry, compatibility, and a naturalness that occurs not from acting, or planning, or because it happened to someone else. But because you shared something special with another person. Sure some can motion through and provide a theatrical performance of specific sexual acts, and yes some can pretend and be convincing that they are your "perfect girlfriend, and  that will satisfy some, but a true GFE expereince is just that, a naturally occuring experience , which happens not because "Bill" or "Bob", said "Mary" gives great head, or "Mary" did "abc" for me and so she'll do it for you.....NO!! True intimacy doesn't work that way...true intimacy, a real GFE, happens with two like minded people who mesh in every way get together and allow nature to take it's course all while adhering to specified boundaries set by each.....and when that happens, yes it's spectacular, and yes you may want to share with others how magnificient it was, but that is unfair. As putting the idea in someones head that your experience will be theirs, is dishonest and unfair, and it is also unfair to expect any escort to perform like a mime, or mimic your experience to another. Yet that is what "review/reco culture" has done. They've perverted discretion and intimacy. They've coined a phrase "the girlfriend experience" talk about it as it being something special, yet review it like it is as easy to find as sand on a beach and that it is capable of being duplicated..... An experience isn't a mime act, nor is it a performance. If you believe differently, then you're more than likely one who isn't into intimacy, but rather, just sexual acts...and there is nothing wrong with that, just don't confuse the two:)

I think it's time we started thinking for ourselves. Educate yourself on how to determine if something is legitimate, is worthy for **you**, is professional, and as described. It's not hard to do:) Or...continuie following others opinions....after all, some people just can't think for themselves.......That's just how I see it:)


It's been 18yrs....

11 Sep, 2019

 I'm not a religious person, so I don't pray, I can wish all those affected by that horrendous day, peace and to let them know I am thinking of all those affected, and who helped save many. Lets hope this never happens again.



06 Sep, 2019

It's going to be a big storm for Nova Scotia, high winds, heavy rain, take care and stay safe. A few tips, if you've no under ground parking, to keep youre vehicle/s safe perhaps think about leaving them in a parking garage or mall that has under ground parking. If you need power many of the hotels run on generators, if you don't have one of your own. Many of our local hotels with underground parking have availability for Saturday and Sunday. Their rates aren't cheap however, bodering on or just going over 300 per night. Better safe than sorry tho. 

To keep food safe and fresh, freeze water bottles or other water containerss, or keep bags of ice in fridge and freezer, and try not to open either fridge or freezer often, until power is restored. Have flashlights, charcoal or propane (for barbecue) so you can cook, water, and non perishables in case power outages are lasting. And please make sure to secure your pets and other animals, so they're safe too. 

Here's to hoping the storm is weaker than expected. Stay safe.

Monday Sept 9....the aftermath.... Well thank fully my friends, family, nor I suffered any damage. My power was lost for less than 24 hrs....still, how power dependent I am is surprising. I think tho, it was one of the best nights sleep I've had in a while. No tv, no computer, no was very peaceful. I got to read a couple of interesting books I've been meaning to read....and both gave me new insight, a different perspective, cause to think.....I need to dedicate more time to turning of electronics/being offline. All in all I think most here on the peninsula faired better than we thought we would. Thankfully Dorian never matched Juans strength from 2003......All back to normal now:) Happy Monday


Sex isn't dirty...

04 Sep, 2019

The title holds my sentiments about sex. Yet it seems as time passes the mindsets of many are still very dated and biased in how they think and feel about sex. I found this blog on twitter and found it a great read concerning the topic...enjoy..


Another shooting...

02 Sep, 2019

And here we go again. Prayers are being sent....that'll help ( I say with disgust and  sarcasm) and the turd in office says "it's all about mental illness". Well he should know all about mental illness. What with his two sons, dumb and dumber and his own mental issues.....But in many cases mental issues aren't the reason, often the reasons are religious based, or politically motivated. 

 It is time to look at how other countries handle gun control. Fuck the NRA, fuck those who profit from guns, ammo, etc. It is time for change. Japan, in this instance, might be a country to follow. But $$$ talks.....and so change will never happen. At least not in North America, most assuridly, not in the U.S.A. So until the next shooting happens, hug those you love, it may be them, who are the next victims.



02 Sep, 2019

Seems this site has now taken a turn from where it always platformed itself by standing by the the saying" if you've nothing good to say, say nothing at all". To where clients can now defame escorts. As this thread thankfully thread has been deleted) demonstrates. Gentlemen do yourself a favor and use social media to meet escorts. Review/reco boards are things of the past.

Could she be a "bad provider"? Possibly, she could also be a great provider. I will say, I have a very good client who has seen her, and he was very happy with her service. He contacted her as she requested, was on time, and payed her expected fee. I will also say two of those who have posted in that thread have contacted me, and more than once. One wanting me to make an exception to how I expect to be contacted, another, wanting cheaper rates....My point....sometimes the reactions/responses a potential client receives from the escort they're contacting are due to his actions and words. Sometimes the service the've gotten is because of their actions. Sometimes clients are assholes, and yes many of those assholes belong to Lyla......Simply because a guy is a member of an escort board/forum, doesn't make him an exemplary client. Simply because one or more escorts has had no troubles with him, doesn't make him a good client. So the same should hold true for escorts. Simply because some feel the need to publicly gripe about some escort being "rude" or not worthy of seeing, doesn't mean they aren't good escorts. Why I find threads like this upsetting, is because they can ruin an escort. Ruin her over triviial crap. Crap that is often incited by the client  doing the griping.  

I advertise 10am-10pm. I also request phone calls only, from those I've not met. Yet daily I receive multiple texts from men at all hours wanting me to make exceptions for them, for me to see them at ridiculous hours, for lower fees,too provide services I don't offer, etc, etc, and the language used is often crude, disparaging and often childish. So if I reply, often my responses, depending on my mood, may be tit for tat, even ruder or I may explain my discontent politely. I've told guys to go fuck themselves, I've too threatened some, threatened with legal action....yes sometimes it goes that far. I've blocked hundreds and hundreds. I've laughed at many, ignored even more. We all react differently to different scenarios. Sometimes the reactions are over kill, inappropriate, and unnecessary. Sometimes they warrant themselves. Either way, if you contact someone and show your worst side, shouldn't you expect the same back? And why do some even contact a person in a way that person has requested NOT to be contacted, how entitled do some think they are? 

This isn't a game for the escorts, nor is it entertainment for most escorts, it's their livelyhood. For you it is entertainment. Think about that. Show some responsibility, maturity, and realize that escorts are human beings who deserve respect, professionalism, and to be treated fairly. And fairly isn't having their income reduced or eliminated, because you didn't get your dick sucked the way you liked, or talked to in a way you felt you deserved. Think before you react.....ask yourself, did any of my behavior warrant her reaction?  If it didn't and the escort did something nefarious, then post a warning. Other than that, move on, act like an adult. 

I think most within our industry and outside of it, would be shocked after reading much of what is texted, emailed, or spoken to us on any given day. If anything, many escorts should be given praise for handling ourselves as we do.


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Dolling up...

30 Aug, 2019

The term means getting all dressed up, if you didn't already know:) And this is how I like to present myself to my clients, dolled up.

I am surprised by the number of requests I get for presenting myself "au naturel"......since most of my pictures show myself in an erotic, more glamorous light.I wonder where some clients get the idea of me wanting to be "natural". I find "natural" boring. It's how I am day to day. Jeans, tshirt, or yoga pants, sweats, etc. Why would I want to look like that for a date. I want to feel sexy, desirable, different..... So sorry my dears, who desire " a girl next door" look. I am not that, at least not when I date a gentleman. I want to be in lingerie, heels, stockings, makeup. All the girlie things. Not looking like I'm going out to walk a dog, or grocery shop, lol. 

I get that everyone has their fantasy, and nothing wrong with that. I'm just not one who's into fulfilling some.....Although I'd be happy to direct to a lady that could.

Happy long weekend and hopefully you'll have fun fulfilling your fantasy...........


Tipping take.

29 Aug, 2019

Well, escorts are sellers and clients are buyers, all within a service related affair.So........

 Do I expect tips....I've learned never to expect anything. That way I'm never disappointed. Do I think clients should tip...yes. That is, if they have found the service to have met and or surpassed their standards. Do I dislike clients that don't tip, of course not. Do I show those who do, more attention/ affection, better service, no. My service is reflective of many things, namely, the chemistry I feel towards you. I am one who provides a truly authentic date. So whether you buy a 1/2 or multiple hours of my time, and tip or not, you'll receive service reflective of our compatibility, chemistry, and your actions towards me.

If you tip, the oercentage matter. As it is those that speak to how much you enjoyed the service, imo. If you've spent 2 hrs with me, you've spent 600$ if you tip me 20$.....that isn't saying much about my service. I'll appreciate the gesture...the thought, but truthfully giving 20 on 600, could be misconstrued as an insult, if it wasn't meant to be one.

I am in a service industry and even tho my industry is unique in every way, it is still a service and it is common to tip a service provider. Do you have to? Of course not. Could you tip by giving a gift, yes, and that too is up to you. Remember tips are a gesture to say thank you, I appreciate you and your service. But don't feel pressured or regrettful if you haven't tipped, or you cannot afford too. Most of us understand that some just can't.

Our time together is a transactional affair. So lets face it, $$$ speak volumes but so do your actions within that purchased time. How I react to you, shows you just how much chemistry I've felt towards you donate to me, shows me just how much you've appreciated my efforts. No hurt feelings either way. Sometimes things work, sometimes they don't. Some times gents tip, sometimes they don't.

To those who feel we make enough, therefore, we shouldn't require tips....or who to those who post on review boards with comments like,  "our rates are high enough".....perhaps you should rethink your finances. Perhaps you need to earn more, or seek out a different type of pleasure, one which you can afford and don't have to gripe about. 

 Who could ever make **to** much!!When a person allows you such intimacy and indulgences, why would you ever think it okay to deny them more benefit for that? Who is anyone to say what our worth is besides the ones charging for it. We are a luxury market, and no matter how many are selling in this market, no matter how low or high some may charge, it is still a market in which only the seller determines their value. To question that value, or to comment towards it, speaks volumes as too how much you respect those selling within this industry. Again, this is a luxury market, not a necessity, nor a right to have. It is a service provided within a purchased alloted amount of time. Giving extra $$ for that service is a non verbal way of saying thank you.  Or you can also just give a hug, say thanks and return for another the end, sincerrity too is a nice tip.

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To tat or not....

24 Aug, 2019

I love tattoo's . Black, grey, colored. Single ones, sleeves and full body. I love looking at them and hearing the stories behind some, from those who are willing to share them. So why don't I have any? That is a good question....well.... I have been contemplating getting a portrait tat soon. Problem is, a large majority of my clients prefer skin that is ink free. So do I choose what I want to do, or stay ink free, to satisfy my clients? Hmmmm, what will I do... stay tuned.

I've included a picture of a tat that I find beautiful

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New review

13 Aug, 2019

Thank you to the lovely gentleman that took the time to write this...

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10 Aug, 2019

I've not planned any trips within the Maritimes this summer, I'm sad to say. I've been just to busy with personal commiments, work and other things. Last summer I had trips to Saint John, Moncton, Pei and Fredericton. They were a lot of fun and kept me busy. I miss those cities and the regular gentlemen who are kind enough to return to see me each time I visit. To them, I apologize for not making more effort to get back to visit. To those who continue to inquire, I've still  no plans but will keep you updated .........


The gfe

01 Aug, 2019

To many this "girl friend experience" when mentioned, will mean that the client who books a GFE appointment  will then receive, or be guaranteed particular services. Namely kissing and bbbj. But wait....I'm going to argue this. To those who think that certain acronyms are indicative to particular services, please think again. Firstly, there is hygiene, that determines much of what will occur on any type of date. Then there is chemistry, that too will determine much. Instead of seeking out particular services, if you're wanting true passion, seek out someone who is interested in allowing that to happen. Seek out someone with an understanding of what a gfe is truly is about an experience, not a list of services. Passion is unpredictable and happens naturally.... Concentrating only on getting this and that service will limit your experience, a genuine experience, that is.....

It is my experience that if you choose a provider who lists herself as a authentic gfe provider you should expect her to be one who'll treat you as a desirable partner. Not a paying customer. You'll feel the shared passion, the true intimacy and it will feel like you're with an actual girlfriend. At least that is how I see it and since I offer two different types of companionship, using the acronyms such as GFE, FS helps to differentiate the two. Neither is a guarantee or an indicator that any unsafe, or sexual services will be offered. You do pay for my time only, after all.

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The kiss.....

30 Jul, 2019

I come from a time in the biz when kissing was taboo, I was taught that an escort should never "enjoy" her interactions with a client. That wasn't business being open to kissing has taken time. I've also been one who feels kissing to be extremely intimate, and not necessarily sexual. It is something two share who have deep feelings for one another....but things have changed, somewhat. I've met a few gents who've I enjoyed sharing passionate kisses with. It came about naturally.....and it added to the hotness of the moment. I've also had to decline some because their breathe was off putting.....and sadly I didn't have the courage to be upfront with them, and simply declined the kiss. This disappointed not only me, but the client.....that being said, we still had fun and some have repeated and with fresher breathe. 

The point of this blog is to say that admittedly as much as I pride myself on being forthright, sometimes, in certain instances, I've found it difficult to be so, and apologize to those with whom I couldn't be. 

So as my website indicates I'm fussy about oral hygiene, and if kissing is to be enjoyed, come fresh breathed, clean teethed  (yes I know those phrases are properly worded) and we'll both enjoy the intmacy of the kiss...... 



Sorry David, I don't believe you....

25 Jul, 2019

He said he hit them in the head with an axe because no one would take them and he couldn't afford to keep them.....   I don't buy that. This motherfucker needs to be hel accountable!! 



Can't wait...

25 Jul, 2019 Finally a good movie......and one that'll keep you in the theatre for a couple of hours +. I'm a movie fanatic and look forward to what some might find mundane, sitting and watching a good flick and, I love it when the movie is a longer one, 120 mins +, makes it more of an event, than these 90 mins flicks. This one also has DEcaprio, that alone makes it watchable and a must see for me. If you too are a fan, enjoy!!

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So ......a man who knows women?

25 Jul, 2019

Well he may have a

Adding to a date....

18 Jul, 2019

A date with a lovely gentlemen is enough inself to fulfill my needs, however adding to it. a delicious bottle of wine and pairing that wine with some delicious food, takes it to another level:) I sometimes forget which wine goes with what foods, so if you're like me here is a reminder  enjoy!!


The two sides of humanity...

17 Jul, 2019

I saw this on twitter and it broke my heart.... the results of years of cruelty, mistreatment, experimentation on an animal, especially Chimps, is as evident  on them as it would show in a human. Here you have people who spend their years trying to reform these injured souls, these human beings show kindnesses that are endless. All because so many humans have a greed that too is endless.


Making that connection....

16 Jul, 2019

I spoke about this on the twitter the other day, and it brought about some interesting replies. Whilst lurking on a review board I had noticed a guy make the comment about how important it was to be selective because he worked so hard for his money, as he put it "his hard earned money". It's been my experience when reading those words from a "hobbyist" that they're usually  the clients who'll expect the most, are the hardest to please, and who will complain the loudest, if they don't get what they want. Granted, every client deserves to be treated well, and none should be taken advantage of, but when someone is purchasing **the time** of a companion, that doesn't entitle them to do as they wish, for as long as they want, and when they don't get what they had wanted, retaliate by vindictively posting a negative review, or comments about the companion. These guys seem to always put blame towards the companion, and never accept any themselves. What these types forget, is all one  should *expect* is cleanliness, punctuality, for the companion to look as she is pictured, offer what was promised and for her to allow the client to be present for the alloted time that was purchased. Anything else that happens is because of chemistry and compatibilty and can't be guaranteed. if  the date doesn't go well simply because of a lck of chemistry or compatibility....., no matter how hard earned your money is, it is no ones fault. 

If money is dear to you, perhaps spending it on luxury items isn't the best choice because in this business there are no guarantees. 

Even with careful screening I have matched myself with gents I should have ignored. Just as there are companions who misrepresent themselves, so are there clients. I feed off of a mans energy, if it is clear, that he is not "into, or someone I mistook for being something they're not.... my trying to please him will fizzle as quickly as his appntage will fall. And it is at that point the date should end, but most of us are to polite and or to uncomfortable to openly admit at that time that we were not a good match. What I find tasteless is those who then go to a board or gossip saying the escort seen wasn't "good", or other negativity, when that wasn't the case. In this dating world there will be good matches and bad matches and everything in between. If you can't afford to loose some money here and there, then you shouldn't be dating. JMHO:)


Now is not a time...

14 Jul, 2019

The last few days I've been getting an exceedingly larger amount of new clients wanting to meet. That is lovely, but they're all wanting to meet at the moment of their call/text. How is that even possible, lol. I mean some of these guys are wanting an hour and give the story "I've only got a small window of time and have to be at xyz place at such a time" takes time to get to me, and to get back to your destination, if you've only mins more than an hour how the heck could we meet for an hour..............

But wait, if  you've read my previous blog....where an escort blames me for her nuisance calls, maybe I should follow her train of thought, maybe I should be like her and blame an escort that doesn't like me for causing all these excessive calls/texts from new "want to meet now clients".....could it be, @MsJessicaRainSP playing games and getting men to call me? HMMMMM. 


Poor Jessica

11 Jul, 2019 So she did a tour to the Maritimes and apparently had some issues in Halifax, so she says..... so she goes to an escort forum to passive aggressively post that I called, or texted her numerous times or some such foolishness...she's obviously delusional. She also says I'm obsessed with her..... I respond to her foolishness, and I've openly expressed my dislike towards her, apparently that makes me obsessed. Interesting indeed! She is to pompous to realize there are quite a few who dislike her. I wonder... when I tour the Maritimes should I then blame her when I get played with, would it be at her hands, by her doing?  Should  I go on escort forums and blame her? The fact is, most of us when travelling, have to endure no shows, fake bookings, prank calls, etc. I suppose she thought she'd be immune, if that is what happened.....her ego is a big as her mouth.....

Jessica... I never knew who you were until you made yourself known to me....I never knew what you were like until you responded so vulgerly, and passive aggressively to many of my posts. Remember when I  posted a joke to your thread on boredom, and your retort was asking me if I pick lint out of my pussy.....what women says that to another!!  Yes Jessica, I'm writing this blog about you because I know you'll read this, even tho you pontificate on every forum, that you don't care about what I say and don't read my posts, lol. Your actions speak differently. Your ridiculous post, implies that follow what I say and it shows your vindictiveness.

A couple of years ago Jessica appeared on Caerf, an escort forum to which I belong, along with her friend Demein3k5. They'd post simutaneously and both with denegrating, condescending, rude replies to anything and every thing I'd post.( Do your research, the posts are there) from 2016/17-to now) Both seemed to be on a mission... Let me digress.....Years earlier when I was a member on lyla, another escort had reached out to me to warn me about this person, Jessica Rain, I had never heard of her back then, and ignored the warning....until a few years later, once again, when I was on That warning came back to me upon reading her replies and posts and the simutaneousness of them with Demiens posts. It was quite clear she had a motive. I left that forum, after tiring of her and Demiens foolishness and bravado. Not only towards me, but other members. When I returned this year and stood up to her, all she could do was name call, lie again, and then block me so I couldn't respond to her anyomore, lol. For someone who likes to confront, she certainly can't stand being confronted.The expression she uses towards others when they react to her, is  "they get all emo", she makes fun of those who react to her condescention. Yet when she gets confronted, she'll throw out a few swear words, lies, as it appears, and crude put downs, then she'll block the person so they can't respond anymore. Actions of a cowardly bully imo. 

 She seems to enjoy spreading another lie, that I've been kicked off of *all* the escort review board forums. I've made it known many times over the years, that I was evicited from Lyla, and that is the only one. I've only joined sp411, lyla, and caerf. Sp411 I no longer participate on because of it's crudeness and owner, Caerf I left of my own will and rejoined this year. So thats 3, apparently 3 in her mind is all of them. This topic seems to be an obsession with her, she repeats it over and over. But it goes to show, when you've got no dirt on someone you have to resort to lies. So she lies and lies again and  if she can do it to me so easily, she'll do it to you as well. I blocked her from my twitter long ago, yet interestingly enough, she seems to know what I who is obsessed with whom? When I was first on caerf, I had started a thread which did very well "want to ask an escort a question" when I left guess who opened another thread titled want to ask an escort a question, lol? Her need for attention was and is very clear, lol. For a woman who claims to be exceedingly busy, yet, who prolifically posts on every busy can she be? How desperate must she be when she has to lie too garner support.....for a woman who claims to not want to hear about what I have to say, she certainly seems to know what I have to say...for a woman who doesn't seem to care about what I think or say, her scorn seems to indicate something quite different!

 I'm an open person. I don't hide.....behind anything. If I dislike someone *I* write about it and or confront the person/s. That doesn't make me obsessed, that lets people know how I feel. Blame someone else, Jessica, it wasn't me and If all you can do to besmirch me is to tell lies, you show just how vile, obsessed and desperate you are. How pathetic and sad.... It must cause you much distress knowing there are more people other than myslef who dislike you, I know that eats at your very thin skin.....

(added July14th) To those who've come forward to support me, thank you. It is in these times that you see who is truly a friend and who isn't. 

I've been told , so this is gossip, but it does have a ring of truth, and makes sense. That she has spread this lie, as a tit for tat for Demien because of my pinned tweet about him. Interesting, indeed!! Me thinks those two need to get married, two peas in a pod they are. LMAO!!! To add to the drama she posts today in that thread that she was being bullied because a client was kind enough to defend me. This is beyond hysterical. This from a woman who supported and encouraged bullying towards me for more than a couple of years. Her hypocrisy is astounding. I don’t know what is going on in her mind but something isn’t right! Regardless, it seems every few years some loser will take a stab at trying to ruin my to do?

I'm going to continue to thrive in #Halifax, enjoying being a popular escort, no matter what deceptive tactics this vindictive, lying, individual  #MsJessicaRainSP uses or tries. Because liars never win.

So watch for me......I can be found on adultlook, Tryst, nightaway, leoslist, massagerepublic, escortalligator, twitter, Caerf, reviews on lyla, topescortbabes, massagerepublic, and here, 

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Happy Canada day 2019

28 Jun, 2019

Wishing you a very Happy, safe, fun holiday weekend. Lets hope for great weather, lots of good eats, drinks and a side of excitement.

Stonewall uprising...

28 Jun, 2019

I woke up early this morning and instead of getting out of bed, I turned on the tv to an eye opening and shocking documentary.....Before Stonewall. It was about the treatment of gay people in the 60's and 70's. How had I not known they were so horrifically treated, so hated and marginalized.  I was horrified by what I learned, angered by what I saw and saddened by the harm done to so many.  

What drives a perosn to hate another simply because of who they couple with? I don't understand that mind set, nor can I rationalize that hateful behavior. Thankfully things have improved, but it does seem, in America, at least, that those in governement are trying to revert people into believing as they did in the 60's....lets hope people are smarter than that!


Another thread full of rants and asshats....

17 Jun, 2019

This blog is about this thread in which it appears men who flock to agencies attest that independent escorts are often has beens and overpriced. Yes another thread where "hobbyists" are complaining about what independent escorts are charging......

As some in that thread have stated, "no better a way to screen than to read a persons comments" and thank goodness I'm priced out the market that some of these "hobbyists" are willing to pay.Thankfully as some have stated, those of us over 40 have also aged out, or "expired"", lol. 

 It is my experience that those who start and support these threads are those who want to control and set prices and standards within our industry.Typical behavior of agency dwellers...... It is my opinion that many of these "guys" are also acting on behalf of agencies, they are basically advertising for them.They are agency suck ups! But what do I know....I mean I've only been around for a couple of years, wink ,wink, and another big wiink!! I've danced, worked for agencies, ran agencies, been an independent for nearly a decade......and have run a business outside of escorting. Worked in banking, retail, hospitality and realestate what do I!

A brief history....

When I first started working for agencies, I was so green, it's laughable now, when I think back. I was a young, naive, scared, but daring and inquisitive kid....At my first agency, we waited for our appts in a small, dirty room, in a house owned by the owner of the agency. It was an outcall agency, although they'd allow the occasional client to come in.(I only did outcalls) I was paid half of what was charged. I knew nothing of how this biz worked, it was all new to me and I did what I was told.  At that agency we had a driver, he was the brother of the owner, his fee was atop of what was charged, and did not affect mine. At that agency, you were sent to where they told you to go and you saw who they told you to see, and you saw as many as they told you to see. If you didn't comply, you were fired, or punished, by sitting without calls for a few nights.... After that experience, a few months, I moved back home and onto other things. Time passed and I came back to escorting. Then, I moved onto a different agency... it was a learning experience. There I learned alot about everything.... it was there I learned how to hustle, how coniving, cruel and dishonest some ladies were. This agency had girls coming in from all over Canada. They didn't have a driver, we used cabs. So if I was sent to an appt and the man didn't answer the door, I was out that fee.Sometimes that was 20$, sometimes 60$....That happened a lot, as they had a receptionist that liked to play games. She'd send her friends to good apppts and if she didn't like you, you'd go to fake appts, or bad ones. And bad could mean, non-existent, dangerous, or rough guys. The agency didn't care either. They also had a fine system. If you were late...( there we didn't do in calls but had to go to an apartment to sit and wait for appts) you paid a fine. If we messed up an appt, or missed one etc, we were fined. If we did anything wrong, a fine, and you payed it  or you were fired. If you were abused in any way we were told NOT to call the police, we had to deal with it ourselves.....and yes there were many times I had to "deal" with things. Once I was held up by a guy with a knife, another time I was threatened in an elevator, I could go on and on......The fines were anywhere from 100-250$....and again, you saw who you were sent to see and you saw as many as you were given. Refuse a call and you either paid for it or you had to have a pretty good excuse....Needless to say I wasn't long working at either agency...Did some other things for a few years, came back to escorting and working at another  agency To many negative things to say about that one and not enough time....then I became engaged to a man, which kept me out of the biz  again for few more years. After that experience, being engaged... lol, I once again came back to escorting, but didn't want to go back to an agency so  I opened my own service and I did that with the thinking that I wanted to make working conditions better for other ladies, better than what I had experienced  and too bring some class and honesty to the industry. I wanted to be more discerning with my clientele and with who I hired. Sometimes that worked, sometimes it didn't, some people are good at posturing.....and back then I wasn't terribly great at reading people. It was another lesson learned.

Looking back it is clear to see I was pimped, and pimped without knowing I was pimped...kind of sad really. The type of men I met when working at those agencies, were more often than not, rough, careless about their hygiene, expected to bang you for the entire session and would complain about the stupidest things. I didn't want anyone who worked with me to ever have to experience any of that....

In those days men found us thru the phone book and newspapers. Although it was frowned upon by agency owners, escorts would always upcharge (charge more ontop of the agency fee). It was a free market that way. Although all the agencies were 10-30$ in difference to one another, escorts upcharged what they felt they could get from each client. For example, then rates ranged from 120-150 hourly. The escort would get half of that. So for that they'd typically give a client a bj, or hand job and maybe a massage then ask another 100 or more for sex. Some girls would also ask for 20 to take off their bra, 20 for panties, etc, etc, and most guys didn't complain, as it was common practice then. And when I opened my agency, I supported this way of doing things. My hourly fee was higher than all the other agencies, and I did well. But to have raised it to the point where the ladies could be directly paid 150 -200 hrly, would have done me in, so upcharging was the only way to  give an escort a justifiable hourly fee and for me to survive with all the costs of running the service. The ladies I hired were told that the hourly fee covered time with the gentlemen, I wanted no knowledge of what or how they spent that time. I told them all I expected was for them to be available when they said they would be and to not give my clients their personal phone number. Which happened often. Cleints would call me to send them a beautiful young lady, then con the lady into getting her to see them on the side, and always they'd use the line. "why give half of your money away to the agency", yet when these guys would see a girl privately, they'd always want a!! Honesty and fairness wasn't a commodity then, and still isn't ! So after a few years of the bullshit of clients backstabbing, girls backstabbing, so on and so on...I ventured into independence. and haven't looked back....well expect when I write blogs like this, lol!

In those days I had no knowledge of independent escorts, nor had I met any lady who had. Agencies were the thing. That was before the internet was popular. Then gfe services too were unheard of. Back in my service days kissing wasn't expected, nor common and you would be fired and blacklisted if you were known to give bbbj. Using protection for everything  then was the norm.....I think that is the only positive thing I can recant form my days of services. I don't understand how or why services still exist, or why anyone would want to work for one. Advertising is easy now, with the internet, risk is low, as far as being safe, and with social media it's easy to find peers and support. But to each their own....

So what is my point in my brief recanting of agency life?......well because those in the attached threadimo are typical of agency clients. Speaking from my experiences of working for, and from running agencies.Their advice isn't to be heeded, and their ways of thinking are like the phone books.....passe!

 Even tho my service days were decades ago, the attitudes and expectations of those who flock to an agency apparently haven't changed. It still appears that agency guys tend to be guys with higher than average expectations of who they expect to see, meaning typically it is those guys who are usually 50 +, considered unattractive by most standards, usually out of shape, with an average paying job, and who are careless about their hygiene and, who expect to pay next to nothing for a flawless goddess, usually younger than their daughters, to suck on their saggy balls, fuck and joyfully kiss them for the whole of the purchased time It is  also these types that will often complain the most about the smallest things, and who are what most independents try very hard to avoid.....and not because of their age/ looks/employment. It is because of the attitude they carry. Which is, that we are only as valuable as they deem us to be, that we should only charge a rate they deem fair, that we are just objects at their disposal and to use in any way they see fit, that we have an expiry date, and one in which they'll declare...all while justifying their right to patronize whomever and then they'll expect that whomever to gleefully except all of their flaws, because they are the paying customer, and the "customer is always right....this is the typical attitude of an agency client. They too are often the ones who'll write explicit, self gratifying reviews. Yes..... it it these types that **always** start threads about escort rates...... it is these types that independents TRY VERY HARD to avoid, ithey ARE why we screen....yes it is these types that make me taste vomit in my is these types that are most often found on review boards and to those who are the exceptions, thank you!!

One thing I've learned as an independent is there are "types" of clients. There are those who see us as a whole perosn, not a commodity, nor just parts. They expect time spent to be more than just a roll in the hay. Then you have those who just want a fresh new body to bang, and a low fee to go along with it. The former tends to seek out indies, the latter, agency girls... I'm glad I'm an independent now.

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Fathers day

14 Jun, 2019

To all the care givers, dads, fathers, may you have an amazing, happy and peaceful weekend, surrounded by those you love. To those who no longer have their dad, may his memories bring you solace. 

My Father has been deceased for a number of years now. It doesn't become easier to live without someone you've loved dearly, it just becomes routine. Life is emptier, harder, and obviously, very different. Not having someone who'd give their life for me, is certainly "different".But,  I know he'd want me to be happy and to prosper, so I keep on. I certainly don't allow a day to pass without thinking about him. 

Cherish your dad if you still have him.

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Milf's, cougars and other labels...

11 Jun, 2019  Some of my blogs have been prompted by some of the threads I read on twitter, this is one of them.

Why is it that men and women in our industry feel a need to label women of a certain age? I'm always uncomfortable when a women is called a "milf", "cougar", or other names that mean to label her because of her age. It's discriminatory, imo, rude and stupid. women are women.We all age, if we're lucky to live long enough. So why does it need to be pointed out by labels? Catorgizing us by labels shows a lack of acceptance and  judgement  by those who do it. It also shows, imo, a fear of aging. It saddens me when mature companions are often disparaged simply because we don't look like younger companions. Why would we, why should we and why would we want to!! We age....some of us appreciate that, some of us accept that and some understand this. Aging isn't a crime, it is a natural occurence that should be celebrated, not made fun of, condescended or condemed. I often laugh when I hear of older gentlemen preach about the beauty of escorts who are always 20-30 yrs his junior.....then they crtique ladies over 40 for looking over is these people I believe who fear and hate aging and anyone who reminds them that they are older. It is these people that need to face reality,and who need to look in the mirror, and forget about labeling anyone, and to be more acceoting and understanding. If you're ideal of beauty is youth, that is fine, but don't push your ideals on me by labeling me. I'm proudly mature, and a woman of over 40:)


The "ole" U S of A

08 Jun, 2019

With many states now criminalizing those who perform abortions, it does seem that we are going back to the days of old. I'm grateful for many reasons to be a Canadian. But take note, often what happens in the ole U S of A often filters into our country. I saw this post on twitter and was surprised it didn't surprise me. (( quote)):So today I (I is Mistress matisse) learned that now, when you open a new bank account, they make you sign a form swearing that you are not an adult entertainer. SWEARING. To be allowed basic access to a banking system. There’s not any differentiation between legal/illegal adult entertainer, either.((end quote)) anyone in the entertainment industry isn't acceptable to banks?.............albeit I'm sure if you were/are a Russian mobster, that'd be fine!! How backwards and discriminatory, how insane!!


Disgraceful and vile!!

08 Jun, 2019 It is these types of people that need to be eradicated from the planet. Hoping they'll be caught, but I'd prefer someone watching and or who knows them, will exact the same treatment on them. 


Wait..what..there are 12 different types?

07 Jun, 2019

12 different types of orgasms? That is interesting. I'm hoping to experience this, lol.

Do animals understand....

29 May, 2019

Most who know me know of my feelings towards animals. They know I value them as much as I value any life. I see them as equal to humans. I believe all that is given life should be allowed to live it.

 I believe animals understand death....this article is an interesting one relating to that.... , they feel pain, experience fear, simply put, they have emotions and express them. Yet some of the people I've met and had conversations with on this subject, and whom were in science based professions have disagreed with my thoughts. They've disagreed primarily because they've felt that because animals "aren't the same as us" they don't deserve the same treatment, the same right to life we deserve, nor do they have the same value. Certainly we can disagree on what life holds more value, as that is an opinion,  but no one should deny that animals deserve to be treated humanely. No one can deny that they feel pain, experience fear, that they can sense things and share many of the same emotions we share, since that is science and well documented.  Even so, some still think that because an animal can't feel or express themselves as humans do, that than means, they're  not our equals. But why does something have to be like us to hold the same value? And if being the "same as" was the important factor in being equal,  than one could srgue that as humans, from one to another, we don't hold the same value, nor are we equal. Because none of us are the same...... Which would mean, that some of us are more worthy of life. Think about you deserve to live more than I? Are you more "valuable " than I? Because we are different, we think differently, experience pain differently, we emote differently........we are not the same.....we are just of the same species.....and no I don't think that humans are the smarter of species, either.Since some will use that as a justification for being more valuable. And to that again, I'd say, some humans are smarter, more intelligent than others, so...... I'd also say if humans are so much smarter than other animals, why do we do so many stupid things? Why can't we do all that other animals can do? #bekind

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29 May, 2019

So, yesterday while tweeting on twitter, I came upon a picture. I thought looked, it was an older picture of me......yet an escort in the states was passing it off as herself.  She had added some filters to it and cropped out what could be seen of my face.She had this pic in quite a few of her twitter ads. I messaged  this person  asking her to stop using my picture. She messaged back telling me ..."there must be some confusion, as it was one of the pics her photographer had sent her" would think any person would recognize themselves and their own!! I messaged her back telling her to stop her lying. It is one thing to use someones elses pics but when they confront you, and ask you to stop, and the person still insists the pic is of them......they become a liar and a thief! No surprise, not long after my messages to her. she locks her account, then shuts it down. The nerve of some people!! Gezz when you're caught, apologize and move on, don't lie and run away.....#coward #badcharacter

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Some weeks are better than others....

28 May, 2019

The ebbs and flows in this business can often be so unpredictable. So busy one day that there aren't enough hours, and other days linger without anything to do, rather anyone to do....wink, wink, lol. the past few days have been wonderful, even tho rain filled, I was gifted with repeat clients that I found such wonderful compatibilty with, some delicious treats from a couple of them, and other nice surprises. A new month is just a couple of days away, and also warmer weather. Things are certainly looking positive. Here's to more happy days..... btw do you like my new picture:)


Please don't do this..

25 May, 2019

As an escort I've learned that certain behaviors displayed by clients are to be seen as red flags. Experience has taught me this, and my intuition has also been a keen teacher. I've been led astray occasionaly and regrettfully, when thinking with my heart, instead of my intuition or for ignoring obvious red flags.. You must understand, small things can signal big problems......

Recently I had met a client who was recently separated, and who sought me out to be his first escort experience. We had communicated prior to our date and I gave him every opportunity to ask any questions and to be secure in knowing everything he needed. The date went well, all though he was a bit nervous but other than that we got along nicely. Then I started receiving texts and dm's that were odd, to accusatory, to angry and just not acceptable for someone to send after one date. I appreciated his kindness, as he was kind to let me know how much he liked and enjoyed me....but to add to that he said I shouldn't be worried by his messages, that "he wasn't a stalker".....was a little scary and startling. Then more messages came with him telling me "he wouldn't bother me anymore" with an LOl", yet he continued to text, or dm....which was fine, until the text, which came a few days after our date, questioning me as to the possiblity of him contracting a std/sti.....I was livid , as the text was accusatory and rude. I assured him I was healthy, and I wondered, he had no signs of anything being wrong, other than his paranoia. I explained things to him and made it clear I wasn't happy and didn't want to communicate any further and that he should have worried about this before our date, not after. Then I started receving a number of texts, then dm's apologizing, with him wanting me to fogive him, which went from him saying he'd leave me alone, to more messages accusing me of not being understanding, forgiving, etc. Those in themselves are red flags. No man should be so attached, so needy to someone they've only met once. No man of his age and experience should be so naive to sex.....The last dm's I receved were last night and this morning, our date was more than a week ago....they were hours apart, accusing me again of not being understanding, for being unforgiving. The last was "him telling me that ignoring him, not agreeing to see him again, will be my loss" !! 

So.....Texting and or messaging someone continously, after you meet he or she, one time, especially after you say you won't, is a sign. Telling someone you aren't a stalker, is a sign, being accusatory, is a sign, getting angry towards someone you barley know, is a sign, wanting something and when you don't get it, you throw an angry fit, is a sign. Escorts look for signs.....we have to be safe. Signs are to be heeded, again, we have to be safe!!


twitter spats....

24 May, 2019

I'm a fervent twitter poster. Of late, there is a group of ladies who are posting continously about their dislike for one another. Not knowing any of them personally, I can't attest to who is right, wrong or justified. I can only offer support and understanding, with hopes of a resolve for all of them. This industry certainly can make some people forget their morals and money can certainly rule some people and cause some to act out in ways that are unflattering and hard to watch. 

I've had my own issues with a few ladies( as another blog will attest) and found blogging helps. I found it best to post my grievances where they wouldn't be moderated or erased and where seeing them would be by a persons choice ( you'd have to visit my website to read my blog, as you know). I think when any of us has issues we need to vent about them in order to heal, and it's important to do so, but not in a way in which you involve people that don't need to be involved, or who don't want to be involved, or who don't want to read about our grievances. Twitter isn't the best place.Although it is sometimes needed. It is one thing to warn others about abusive behavior from a client, or another escort, but to post about fights that go  into personal details, steps beyond doing anyone any good. We should all want to help one another in this business. As escorts we have far to many against us as it stands, without having squabbles among one another. There are to many out there who try and bring us down, and to many more important issues, that *together* we could conquer. I'm hoping these ladies will come togehter and resolve their differences and learn to support one another **again**. They all liked each other at one time, hung out and worked togather at one time, so they must have seen something positive in one another at one time.......Forgiveness is hard to do, but very rewarding when given.  I'm hoping all sides will forgive and move on......



22 May, 2019

This subject gets me so annoyed . It's 2019 and still we have ladies charging ridiculously low fees, and clients still complaining that rates are too high. When I became an independent in 2011, I was charging 250/260 hourly. I was fine with that since before that time, I was working in services and that is what I'd typically earn with my hourly fee and tip.As an independent, I believe I charged that rate for about a year or two until I moved into providing what was considered a gfe service.Then I raised my fee to 300 hourly, at which it remains. So..... more than a decade ago ladies were earning 200-250 hrly yet today most are tell me, do you know of anything that has *not* increased in the past 8-10 yrs? I'll tell you.... Everything other than escort fees has increased in cost. Yet clients still gripe and want escort fees to remain as they were 10 + years ago. It's hard to believe that those complaining, truly appreciate and want the best for's hard to believe that those complaining aren't simply being manipulative, selfish and inconsiderate.

 Regardless of what anyone charges, it is common sense to expect any wage to increase with the costs of living.....yet many seem to disregard this with our fees. It is a shame that so many escorts today think they are gaining the upper hand by charging what a client wants to pay, not what she is worth! To those cry babies who whine about those escorts who raise their rates because they won't be able to see them as often, I say, suck it up and too bad. Get another job, or cut back on something else if you want to continue regular visits. Visiting with us is a luxury, a treat, and one which is costly, not just for you but for us as well.The costs an independent incurs  are many and often times can eat up an hours fee per day, or more. No escort should have to justify her price and no client should gripe about it, Pay it or move on. 


Another reason to hate zoo's

22 May, 2019

I've often voiced my opinion  of zoo's. I believe they are jails for animals and if you want to have a discussion and tout that they have there place and need, I'll never agree. Sanctuaries are another topic. Zoo's are places where bored people go to gawk at caged animals. It is these animals who in times of natural disasters, wars, or other emergency situations never have a chance, who often suffer horrendously and perish. They can't escape. 

This latest news story (in the link above)  shows just how cruel and decrepit some of those places can be. Animals that are meant to move constantly, to roam, are confined to small cages with unnatural surroundings and climates their species aren't born too.Animals that are naturally social are often secluded. Imagine yourself having to live in one room for the rest of your days. To never experience what comes natural to you. Are we not smart enough to know that we learn little by watching animals housed in what to them is in unnatural surroundings, other than how they become depressed, stressed and other act out in negative and unhealthy behaviors. Are we so in need of entertainment that we've forgotten that they suffer horribly for it....what has happened to humanity......


It's not all Milankovitch.....

22 May, 2019

One of the subjects I'm most often wanting to learn more about and talk about is climate change. I'm a believer that our planet is in immediate danger because of our actions, not because of natural causes. Yes I've been educated about the natural cycles of warming and cooling, the Milankovitch cycles, I've also done enough reading to understand the ramifications our production of carbon dioxide has had and is having on the environment and the planet. Deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, factory farming, etc, has caused an alarming increases in warmer, colder cycles and more intense storms, more intense wildfires, floods, etc. We are destrying this planet. To the can you ignore the obvious? 

I'll never understand those I've met and spoken with about this subject, who almost always have children, who could care less, and who are of an opinion that what is happening is natural and not to be worried about. I mention those with children, because they are leaving something behind. I would think they'd be the most concerned. If I had children, I'd want them to live better, for them to have more, and before my passing, have some sense that their lives wouldn't be in jeopardy because the planet on which they lived was dying. Alas....we all have opinions and see things in different lights. Yet how can anyone look at a sea of plastic, and think that it wouldn't have a negative impact on the planet, that the planet could somehow naturally filter it out. How can one see scientific data of human carbon immisions and not believe they're negatively impacting our environment. 

So please I'm hoping there are more who are concerned than not, i'm hoping there are more concerned about their carbon footprint and who do what they can to make it as small as possible. Reduce, reuse recycle.....cliche, maybe, important, most definitely!

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Happy long weekend....

18 May, 2019

I love the leisure these holiday weekends bring. Everything slows down, so I do as well. Time for visiting the parks, enjoying a good restaurant and taking in a movie, are the ideal ways I love to relax. If you'd care to join me, I just might accept your invitation, if you ask:) Have a spectacular, fun, safe and happy holiday!!



09 May, 2019

Some ladies won't care what you call them, and that is good for them. However if you call me a "whore", I'll assume you are disrespecting me. And please don't assume that I'm ashamed of being a sex worker, but "whore" to me is a derogatory term. I prefer to be referred as an escort, a companion. a happiness consultant, or courtesan,  or provider, service provider, erotic masseuse, or anything other than names that carry with them, negative connotations. If you want to have a discussion about my trade, and be respectful.. then you'll refer to those in it as anything other than "whores". 

 this blog stems from a post I saw on twitter

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Why compare?

09 May, 2019

Ugh, every now and then some guy will come along that one might assume wasn't mothered properly, or,  who was dropped on his head, one to many times....One could easily assume this by his inarticulateness or his lack of understanding the obvious, to which he feels the need to share publicly. In this category I put those guys who think that all escorts are the same. They compare us like they would apples in a bushel. Blondes, brunnetts, redheads, and breast sizes are the only differences they might see, if they see any......and yes often times these types are board members ( on escort review boards). They'll tell another guy "go see so and so" "she is much hotter than so and so". Yet the age difference between the two ladies may span 10 too 20 + years. They fail to realize that comparing ladies in their 20's to those of us in our 30's,40's and above is unfair and foolish. Of course there will always be exceptions to this, as there are many older ladies that could be considered younger, or hotter, than some 20 somethings, and some 20 somethings who might be mistaken for being much older,, or less hot. Yet, most realize that our physical bodies, even with care, go through changes with each passing decade.sometimes those changes are significant, sometimes, not. Even identical twins, have physical differences..... So to those twat waffles, who fail to understand this, and who feel it right to catagorize us as either hot or not, I feel bad for your lack of perception, your lack of maturity, and I thank you for doing my screening for me:)


Escort terms...what they mean

04 May, 2019

Here is a list of abbreviations that is about as complete as I've found....from A to Z.

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Another erotic tale....And so the sheets were mussed.....

30 Apr, 2019

Rene couldn't have been happier, she had finally settled into her new place. Her job, as an interior designer, was doing better than ever and her fiance, Brett, would be moving in soon. Two more days and they'd finally be together....Rene had taken time off of work to prep for his arrival. She had cooking to do, the bedroom needed a few tweeks and she wanted to visit the spa. Brett is a perfectionist and Rene wanted to make sure every detail, including her appearance, was just so.... Not that she needed help.. Rene was a beautiful woman, statuesque, with long raven hair, crystal blue eyes and a body most men would crawl over glass just to view. She always turned heads.....Today she dressed causually in a white tee, levis and heels. 

Brett loved egyptian cotton sheets, so that would be her first purchase, she wanted a new set also to match her new bedroom decor. then she'd pick up groceries and finally enjoy time at the spa. Rene was craving a massage, all that decorating, and moving had left her muscles sore and strained. She also looked forward to her usual mani, pedi and facial. She made sure to take care of herself, she knew her looks helped her get to where she was.....

The spa was an exclusive one, and one she had been a member of for quite some time. So when changes to it or it's staff occured, members would receive notice. Yet to Rene's surprise, a new massage attendant greeted her and she hadn't received any notice of change. She was caught off guard because now the attendant was a male, and a very, very attractive one. Normally Rene wouldn't notice a mans physical appearance, but there was something special about this man that caused her to flush and to take notice........

His name was David. He was a golden god. Blonde, tall, with honey brown eys and a perfectly sculpted, tanned body. He had an accent, perfect white teeth and a presence that moved her. He smiled at her and invited her into the massage room. Rene picked up her packages and with awkward hesitation followed him in. She felt confused, a little dizzy and lost for words. He could sense her uneasiness and took her hand, and when their eyes met all her tension seemed to vanish. Something about his energy, his touch, the look in his eyes, aroused had calmed her. She felt something that she had never felt before. He shut the door and took out a sheet to drape over the table. Rene laughed, and said "I just bought some sheets, perhaps we could use those"? She was shocked and surprised by her own words, they seemed to have just slipped out. "What was happening.....why did I even say that" , she thought. David also looked surprised and wanting to remain professional, suggested she go change..  She moved to the changing room to undress and to put on a spa robe. When she retured, to her pleasant surprise, David had draped the table with one of her newly purchased eygyptian cotton sheets. She smiled with approval, and with a new sense of mischeviousness, and to Davids surprise, she dropped her robe in front of him, and with carefree openness, she climbed onto the table then asked, "would you like to start on my front or back". David took a step back, he was now the one caught off guard. He just wanted to stare at her nakedness. Her beauty was over powering... Her skin glistened, her long lean legs were slightly spread, exposing him to a view of all of her. He hardened at the site. Her long raven hair fell to one side as she coyly turned to look down at what was now a very evident hard on. She smiled at her achievement. Then turned over and invited him to start by massaging her breasts. He didn't hesitate. Softly he cupped and adored them. She moaned with approval, "suck them" she ordered ....he took each nipple between his lips, teasing and nibbling on them...she loved it. She  eagerly reached for his crotch, and stroked him ....his lips moved to hers. She pushed him away, telling him it was time for him to be naked....he stood, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, his arms were thick and strong, his abs were ripped and solid, she ran her hand over them sliding it down into his unbuttoned  pants....he moved it away..."not yet" he whispered... he stepped back, pulling down his pants, exposing his massive erection. She smiled at it's beauty, she had to taste that, to feel it in her mouth. She climbed off the table and knelt down to worship him. He grabbed the back of her head and pushed her into him, she chocked on his cock, but couldn't get enough of it, she licked it, stroked it, sucked every inch...he stopped her...he didn't want to explode in her mouth. Her pussy was too inviting, picking her up by her small waist, he  sat her back on the table. He spread her legs and began to devour her pussy. His tongue danced on her, she moaned and squirmed with delight. Brett never ate her out....she had missed that so. David was an expert, and his tongue was soft and strong. He fingered her as he licked her and he could feel her moisten with his touch...She loved it but wanted to feel him inside of her. The excitement of having sex with this gorgeous stranger stranger had overwhelmed her. She pulled his head back and asked  him to fuck her....he pushed her hand away and said "not yet", "I want you to come on my face" She obeyed.... and enjoying more his expert tongue, thick fingers, she began moan, wiggle and she came, squirting all over his face....he drank in her liquid. He stood up stroking himself, and asked her to turn over, he wanted to view her beautiful ass while he fucked her. He wanted to watch his cock slide in and out of her perfectly bald pussy..... He entered her and Rene gasped...he was the biggest cock she had, had....and the feeling was overpowering and painfully delicious, and to her surprise she began to orgasm again, she moaned and graoned so loudly he had to cover her mouth. He slid deep into her, slowly, teasing evey inch of his cock with her tightness and soaking it with her juices. He began to moan and move faster... he exploded into her. His hand slid off her mouth and he fell onto her back as his cock slipped out of her. He had came hard and strong...and it dripped off him. she jumped down to lick off the remainder. Then climbed on top of him and they both laughed and sighed with exhausted relief and pleasure... both were spent and both were surprised. Poor Brett, his new egyptian sheets were now mussed!!


The laws....

25 Apr, 2019

The laws enacted back in 2014, billc36, are ridiculous and enacted in the guise that having done so will "protect" women and stop human trafficking....they do anything but. Hopefully this case  may bring some change. For those unfamiliar with what is and isn't legal involving prostitution is worth reading about and educating your self on.


Be careful....

25 Apr, 2019


This article on "sneak and peek" surveillance that was conducted on the spa involving Robert Kraft should have some of us concerned for our privacy....

We all have to do our due diligence when visitng and know that cameras can be hidden in the smallest, and most unexpected of places. So be aware of your surroundings and to what people are carrying and or wearing....... I now expect those visiting to place hats, glasses, phones, pens, etc, anything that could contain a camera out of sight and earshot of our exchanges. We can never be to careful.



24 Apr, 2019

This year has been a curious one. A challenging one and an intersting one. There certainly have been some changes. Changes in how clients contact me, in their attitudes and from lisitening to other escorts, changes for many and not in a good way.....but why? 

 When backpages was taken down, around April/May of 2018, a year ago.... it seemed it was then things began to change. Whether or not that is a coincedence, I can't tell. But those changes continue and they are growing. Along with the demise of BP came the popularity of texting as an acceptable means of contacting us, and the usage of app and voip numbers to do so. It is the latter that imo, is the cause of most of the nuisances we deal with. Anyone who is going to deliberately waste time, ask foolish questions, or be rude and crude always will contact using a disposable number( an app or voip number), and laways thru a text, they're to cowardly too allow anyone too even hear their voice, so they never call. Yes, in just a year, I've noticed a big change in the number of inquiries I get from fake numbers, compared to those from real cell numbers. So perhaps it isn't the loss of an advertising platform that has brought about change, but rather an easier way of accessing ways to anonymously contact someone and to not be held responsible for doing so, that incites some to act in a way they'd be ashamed to display if their identities were known. Perhaps it is that which has changed things...... Serious clients will reach out to us as we ask and will behave as a gentleman should. They'll also use a real to adjust to the change, we have to realize that although technology has made it easier for some to act out,  it has also made us more aware of how to spot those who we need to block and ignore. Times have certainly changed......


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Happy Easter...

18 Apr, 2019

Wishing everyone a happy, safe, fun and peaceful holiday weekend. May you get to enjoy delicious food, beautiful weather and the love of family and friends.


11 Apr, 2019

There has been a lot of commotion in the last couple of days (see twitter feed) concerning an escort out of BC being responsible for Leolist losing it's processing abilities to accept cash and or cc payments, Vip favors as well (they are sister co's). This caused some of us to panic a bit as many aren't familiar with cryptocurrency, or what I call "space" money. I think it reminded many of last spring, when backpages was taken out...they too had changed from accepting cc's and went the crypto route. Although with leoslist, it's a different scenario altogether. Many on boards are saying different things, eluding to the cause as being simply no processors wanting to deal with anyone affiliated with the escort industry.So for those of us who advertise, using crypto currency may be the new normal.  Which isn't a comfortable situation as it's a volatile market and never relaible, imo. But like anything time will tell which direction different sites take. 

For those wondering what other sites are safe to use and where other escorts advertise, I always say google the city you're in ..ex: when in Halifax google Halifax escorts, Moncton-google Moncton escorts,etc, etc. Different links will apprear, look thru a few. If you see a lady that is advertising on more than one or two, you should be assured she's real and  safe to see. Another thing to look for are ladies with personal websites. Those of us who put time and money into our advertising will certainly be safe to see and know of other escorts we'd also be happy to recommend.

Some others reliable sites you can find many of us... and in no particualr order


vip favors

massage republic


city of love





How sad....

02 Apr, 2019 These forums make it easy for anyone to see who has empathy and compassion and who enjoys making fun of those in obvious despair.

I've so much to say, but I don't want to turn this post into a book. So I'll say this. Anyone who puts themselves at such risk is hurting and or, so completely naive to sti's that they need help and guidance. Either way, they need help!! Making fun of them, and or openly condemning them will do nothing but make their situation worse. If you truly cared, you'd reach out to her and offer help.

 Often times, when an escort is said to be offering bbfs, clients and escorts alike jump on a band wagon to bash the escort. They immediately see the person as vile and evil. No understanding is afforded them. Which is so hypocrital and cruel as in some of these cases it was someone (a client or another escort) who has convinced the "offending" escort to offer the bbfs. In this passion fest we all take risk, to accept some risk and condemn another is imo also hypocritical, but that argument would lead to a very long blog.......

Instead of condemning someon how about trying to be more understanding. Instead of preaching how about educating, instead of publicly shaming, how about you clean up your yard before you critque someone elses.

These client and escort martyrs that jump onto their high horses and make these public announcements about who is doing what to whom, should stop and think......we are all seeing multiple people, we are all adults knowingly taking risks. If you see someone doing something you don't like, act like a grown up and simply avoid them. 


Ho martyr's

30 Mar, 2019

Ho Martyr's.....That is what I'll refer to those ladies who voiced their dislike to my twitter post about screening. my post read- "To the ladies who don't screen, you are teaching clients that their anonmyity is more important than our saftey, good on ya!"

Amber meow lead the lash back, on the premise that I was shaming sex workers with my statement, she even asked those liking my post to unfollow! It was said by her followers that screening is a "privilge" and that I was projecting  "classism" with my statement....Good lord the imaginations some have!!! I just wonder if they have the same protective mind set and forgiveness for those sex workers who also *choose* to not use condoms for intercourse. Will they also come to their rescue with defensive statements and critques towards those of us who frown upon and speak out about not allowing bbfs.

 It is my experience, and now more than ever, that an awful lot of clients expect to be seen without divulging even a first name....they all use app or voip numbers, and think that they've a right to see a lady all while remaining completely anonymous. That behavior happens and grows because it is being allowed, not because it's disallowed, and someone is allowing it, a lot of someones!!. It is not a figment of my imagination, nor anything new, but the growth of it is new, and with no signs of change. So who should I have directed my post towards? It is us, the sex workers who set the precedents....who can drive change. The client can demand things, yet it is us who allows or disallows it. 

To get back to the "privilge" I think any sex worker that is encouraging another to see clients without screening should be ashamed...why help someone jeopardize their safety....screening is to keep everyone safe, that is why it is done, and it should not be thought of as a privilge, it should be a  "must do". If someone in this biz has to see clients and take risks that endangers their life, then they shouldn't be escorting and they need help and those martyr ho's who stepped on their pedastals to chastise me should be out there helping them instead of worrying about my thoughts and experiences. To get political about this is beyond my posts point. But that is what a martyr does.....To go down that road one could also use the analogy that if we gripe about smokers, and wanting smoking completely banned, then we're being thoughtless and cruel because not everyone has the privilge of quitting, and some who smoke, smoke because it helps ease their nerves, it helps them cope with life...etc, etc.Forget about how they're harming those around them....we must remember "privilge" ..... You could also throw in comments about how disliking smokers was about "classism" the martyr's would say....

My point was **there are** ladies and gents in this buisness who put others in harms way by their choices. Some make those choices willingly, and deliberately, some not. Many of the choices made do affect many of us, since many of us see the same clients. I'm not in this business to rescue anyone, I've helped many, and willingly so and would help anyone.Those who know me know this. But I'm not going to sugar coat my comments, which address how I see and experience this business either. I speak my truth, and if there are some who feel I'm classist, privilged, thoughtless, or whatever, that's on them...they haven't walked in my shoes. They couldn't fill them anyways!


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29 Mar, 2019

I just don't get it....I have no understanding towards the mindset of those who trophy hunt. I'm not accepting of their "sport" and will never accept any reasoning for it. I think those who seek out these types of hunts in order to kill an animal that poses them no harm, nor food, only a trophy of their barbism, are in need of psychatric help.

These "trophy" animals are often raised on farms and then drugged and transported to an open area where they're shot, and often shot multiple times.....then the person poses with their kill.....on other hunts and I use the term "hunts, sarcastically, the animal is easily found as they're usually on game reserves, then shot without the ability of escape.....and again the person, rather, murderer, poses with their "trophy. There was a recent story circualting on the net that told of how one of these hunters was killed by a pck of lions, hmm I thought upon reading it, karma does exist. Good on karma....


It's poop time....

29 Mar, 2019

The snow and ice have now gone and it's clear to see how many lazy dog owners live in my area and also those who continue to abuse our parks. What is most frustrating are those who take the time to pick up their dogs poop then toss the bagged stuff back on the ground. What causes people to be so uncaring towards the environment? We are lucky in Halifax to have some lovely dog friendly parks, it's a shame to see so many disrespecting them.For those who frequent point pleasent park, you know how many little cans there are and also lots of *free* poop bags in close approximately of these cans, yet even then, you see piles of poop lying there. It should be legal to toss it back at those lazy fools, or if I had the time, I'd like to follow them and drop off their poop on their front steps......Ahh well, such is life. You have the good and you have the bad. Till next time.....


Popcorn and a movie...

28 Mar, 2019

One of my favorite past times, is curling up and watching a movie at home, or at the theatre. Of course the snacks make it better. Popcorn and loads and loads of butter.....

One of my twitter followers had mentioned this movie yesterday, I had forgotten all about it, I'm not sure why as I remember it as being one I really enjoyed... and watched more than once. Maybe you'll enjoy it too . "Here comes the boom"

I haven't seen to many this year that had a lasting impression. I did like "Mary Queen of Scots", "Bohemian Rhapsody". "Green Book". and "Can you ever forgiveme", they were all good and worth watching, imo. 

Some other older movies worth watching..."The Departed", "Grand Torino", "12 years a slave"  some golden oldies....  "Arsenic n Old Lace" "Harvey", and the "Thin man series"........

Treat yourself to a movie, it's a great way to forget your troubles, and too relax.....


Who can you trust....

23 Mar, 2019

This link is about a police officer who abused some women he had arrested...

This blog is about why trusing someone just because they've a title of power or authority, is not a good idea. And you may disagree, by saying these creeps, like the one on the link, are the minority...but are they? Regardless, how do we distinguish them from the good ones .....I don't think you can, unless you are a person of incredible intuitiveness and someone with a lot of people skills. So I think when ever a person is in a vulnerable postiion and relying on the professionalism of someone, always have your guard up and be aware, and watch for obvious signs of inappropriate behavior. Some of which I've experienced....

I've had doctors, a lawyer, policemen, employers/bosses, landlord, and a few others, make inappropriate advances, remarks, and act unprofessionally while needing their help, or using their services.....This is part of my reasonsing for never accepting the thoughts from those who judge a person based on the position or title they hold. A job title doesn't give a person credibility, their actions and characters do. Remember this next time you discuss professions with someone. Sex workers can be awful people, and they can be the best people,  but so can a doctor, and so can a teacher, or cabbie. 

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Happy St. Patrick's day...

17 Mar, 2019

May the luck of the Irish find you today. Celebrate safely, be kind and have fun!!

A little folk lore.....

The Shamrock

Perhaps the best-known legend of Saint Patrick involves the shamrock, the little plant that has gone on to become famous throughout the world as a symbol of Irish heritage.

After training as a priest and bishop, Patrick arrived in Ireland in 432AD and immediately set about trying to covert the pagan Celts who inhabited the island.

Having previously lived and worked there, he was very probably already aware that the number three held special significance in Celtic tradition (and, indeed, in many pagan beliefs), and he applied this knowledge in a clever way.

He used the shamrock, a three-leaved clover which grows all over the island, to explain the Christian concept of the Holy Trinity ie the theory that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are each separate elements of just one entity.


More bias....

14 Mar, 2019

 In this thread a jeffsanders22 claims that lyla is the only place to find an authentic provider..well good for you Jeff for being so small minded and biased... I'm not on lyla, and I am most certainly, authentic., as are many other ladies. Hearing this type of bias isn't surprising, it dominates the minds of many there and is no different, if you ask me, than whorearchy, in which sp's categorize one another depending on status, rates, etc. It certainly doesn't send a message of comradery or acceptance. But like a lot of the negativity that is prominent in this industry, if it doesn't affect you, you won't act against it....which I find sad....and what saddens me more is those sp's I've befriended, and those with whom I've communicated and interacted with online, haven't spoken up and said something. I suppose their silence should tell me lots silence often says more than spoken words...... Sad to see how money and noteriety drives some...........

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11 Mar, 2019

I'm so looking forward to warmer weather so I can hit the road again. The past year I've done a few tours througout the Matitimes and have had a blast. I'm one who loves staying in hotels, dining out and going on short road trips. Although I've done this in the winter months, and made out fine. It is easier to travel without having to worry about impending storms, and clients not keeping their dates for weather related reasons. So with spring coming another road trip is in the works, and I'm excited to start planning. Easter might be a good time. Hope to see you on my travels.

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The time change

08 Mar, 2019

Yes!! Finally a sign of spring, the time changes Saturday night. We'll see the sunrise earlier and set later. But no break in the cold...If you're in need of warming up, I'm here for you.. just call. I'd love to put some spring in your step:)

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Hey how are you.....

03 Mar, 2019

It's 2 am and he texts "wanting to know how I'm doing"....or it's 3:45 am, and he's asking "if I'd like to visit him at his hotel", or it's 1:15 am and he wants to know "if I want to party". Etc, etc.

Every morning when I wake, I can be assured to have to scroll thru any where from as few as 3 and as many as a dozen or more texts, from those who don't bother reading ads/websites, or who don't care even after they've read, that my hours list 10 or 11pm as my "closing" time. Yes there is a never ending supply of those thoughtless fools who think escorts sit, 24/7, just awaiting the beck and call of some guy who expects to offer nothing but to get everything.These late night/early morning texters, never leave voicemails, will never idnetify themslves, as they most often, use app/disposable numbers. They've no desire to share, but expect us, the escorts, to expose everything about ourselves. They don't seem to understand manners or how escorting works.

I can't do anything to eliminate the stupid, ignorant, careless or inconsiderates. I can thank those who are the opposite. To them I am grateful and the reason I continue to enjoy my time escorting........

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02 Mar, 2019

This acronym is short for the Girl Friend Experience, and my favorite type of date. Some believe in order for a date to be considered a Gfe, certain services have to be performed. I don't follow those thoughts. I believe it's a style of service in which two people let down their guards and allow things to flow naturally and as they might when a connection is formed.The screening process is when I determine whether or not I feel I'll have this connection. On a gfe date you'll trust whom you are with enough to enjoy the intimacies a real girl and boyfriend would share, within the boundaries both have discussed before hand. 

Prior to meeting there will be some conversation to discuss likes, dislikes, too share enough information to make one another feel safe, and to solidify a time and place to meet. This type of date is never rushed, often it is longer than an hour and might include dinner, drinks and then some alone should feel like a real date and never like a business transaction. Yes, the GFE is a beautiful should try the experience soon!!


The client.....

26 Feb, 2019

As an escort, I've met a number of men over the years, from all walks of life, with all different types of personalities, of all different religions, ethnicitys, beliefs, married, single, partnered, and from all ages. As young as, early 20's and as mature as 70 something.....and one thing I've come to learn.....I've still a lot to learn about men and too never judge a book by it's cover. 

A ceo, might treat the  company he runs and the employess he over sees, one way, but he can be a pig when behind closed doors and the cheapest of the cheap. A Doctor might show compassion to his patients, but might be a cold and disrespectful person when with someone he wants sex from. That great looking guy you see at the gym, who you might think gets all the women, might frequent escorts quite often, and treat them wonderfully and the over weight, unattractive guy, will be the pickiest and most ignorant of clients. There are so many contradictions, that when choosing clients, I learned, deciding based on anyone particular aspect, would be doing myself a disservice. Rich men can be the cheapest, poor men can be the most generous, good looking guys can expect very little and be the most complimentary and the most hideous of men, may be the pickiest and the most demanding and vice versa. There are also many who seek our time, that do so, all while containing great hostility towards us, and perhaps with hostility of women in general. I have been lucky sometimes, and avoided many of those types, as they often expose themselves with their intial communications. These types often frequent review boards, and openly speak about us as if we were merchadise, disposable, and have no issue referring to us by derogatory names. 

What I deem a wonderful client is a man who contacts me as I request, who shows up on time, who leaves on time, who is clean, and who is as concerned about my comfort, as he is of his own.

In my many years of escorting, I have had a myriad of bad experiences, but akso lots of great ones. A couple that were so bad they're unforgettable. One was my ex-finance, who I had spent 2 yrs, give or take some months with, and another 6 yrs trying to get him out of my life. The other, I have blooged about in the past. A man ( I say "man" sarcastically) who I repeatedly had professed to have not met.....turns out I had. I found his contact information, and after putting 2 and 2 together, reluctantly recalled the visit I just couldn't have imagined that I'd be that irresponsible and stupid to have misjudged and trusted someone so awful, to have let him into my space. Him slipping by my intuitiveness and screening just goes to show how sneaky, twisted, manipulative and vile some people can be  He is the douchebag in my pinned tweet on twitter and the most narcissistic human being I've met to date. Yes many have come thru my door, and I thru there's, thankfully many of them have been the reason I often smile, and with whom, I look forward to hearing from again......




Oh the irony.....

25 Feb, 2019  Interesting fodder?..... So I can say, I wasn't aware that vipfavors/leoslist is part of the lyla brand....apparently I'm one of a few....

It is ironic and funny to hear this, since many, many lyla diehards, go to lyla to vent about their frustrations about leos list, because of the many shams and fake ads found there. Then while on lyla, they proudly proclaim leoslist should be avoided, and that lyla is the place to seek out great providers...lmao. See the irony.....Although I think it is great marketing for those behind the sites, it's a win win for them....for now:) But isn't is disrespectful to those  long time and known lyla members who are forced to take mug type shots to prove their identities on leoslist, to get a discounted posting rate....all but one lyla member, that is. She apparently got a pass, as she was allowed to use older, professionally shot pictures....oh the irony......



24 Feb, 2019

Some escorts feel the need to distingusih themselves from others by giving an impression that they're better than, so they create what is called a hierarchy....

The hierarchy among escorts is as old as the profession. It's hurtful to many when used, narcissistic, imo and isn't a productive behavior, nor something positive to promote. So, although I can understand why those who catagorize escorts in such a way, do so, I am also against those who do. 

My inception into "online escorting" and introduction to the "review/reco boards" culture was back in 2011 and it was on a "reco board "where a comment was made/posted, by a popular and known lady, that I had fiirst experienced what I perceived to be one of many examples of such a hierarchy existing. She had commented "that she didn't involve herself with craiglist girls". It had confused me somewhat, as then, craigslist was still flourishing, and many who posted on lyla, the board I speak of,  were also posting there. It didn't take long to get the sense that there were definitely women on those boards, and many clients too, who liked to separate themselves from what they deemed "certain types"or ladies, they felt were beneath them. Clearly, sometimes passive agressively, sometimes subtley, some would make a distinction about who is who and on what level.

I had come to online escorting from a whole different expereince of escorting. I had worked for and then ran services/agencies for a number of years. I had even dappled in exotic dancing. Back then I was far to shy and introverted to be a successful dancer. So I choose escorting only. Boys how I've Back then and although it existed, I had never experienced the blatantcy of the hierarchy as I did, once online and introduced to review boards. Within the services, there was more agism, if anything. I often wonder....... could these negative behaviors escorts show one another, could they be spurred by the clients? ( For example. When I answered phones I clearly remember a clients response after I described to him, a lovely 26 yr old lady that was avaible. His comment was, " 26!! She needs to be put out to pasture"!!.......Yes, in those days, as I said, agism was blatant. Many escorts would be condescending towards older ladies, and back then, older was anyone over 25.  Perhaps this too still exists...although I rarely see or hear evidence of it. Although I do still see, and usually in subtle ways, other ladies playing the hierachy card.

I have come to understand that people will catoragize themselves in specific ways, for different reasons. Some could say it's something a conceited person would do, others might say it's something an insecure person might do. Often times, those with little confidence and who may be unhappy with themselves will put another person down in order to feel bigger, themselves. For what ever reason a person may have a need to be thought of as being better than, I've come to realize, it's better to try and understand them, rather than to openly dislike and criticize them for their behavior. *and* daily I t*ry* to be more understanding....and in my trials, I often err. Sometimes, some people, can just be so blantantly cruel that an immediate, emotional reaction happens and with little understanding. As I said I often err, but at least I try. 

I also believe that if more ladies comcentrated on supoorting one another, instead of trying to win the favors of any particular client/s, by playing into a clients lowering rates, ignoring blacklists, seeing clients that others have had issues with, supporting review boards, listening to gossip, etc, etc, we'd all be better off.

My feelings about rates might not be favored, but I believe that clients don't determine our market value, we do. They **will** pay what you ask, but you have to ask. Undercutting another lady, plays into the clients hand, not yours...When I ran services, I had the highest service fee. It was my thoughts that my fees might bring in less clients, but we never lost $$ when compared to those with lower rates. We were making as much, if not more, all while seeing fewer clients. I could never understand why any escort would want to charge less, and see more clients, when they could charge more, see fewer clients and still get ahead..... I was always one who wanted to do less work for more money......albeit, while giving quailty service.

Seems times have reverted back to the backwards thinking that those who charge less will make!!




It's shocking....

23 Feb, 2019

That's the headline the news reports are leading with....... Robert Kraft sought out a prostitute. OMG!!! You'd think it was the first time in history.You'd think he had committed the most heinous of crimes. Come on, he just wanted to get off.....

  He wanted some sex, sex that obviously involved no committment, no ties...SO.... so what, who cares!!.....then they had too add Trumps comments, with those, it was no longer even a news story, it became a comedy.They also seemed to be trying to purport that somehow Krafts actions had contributed to sex trafficking. But adding comments from one of Americas biggest philanderers and perverts destroyed even that narrative, imo.

 Firstly, let me say that I get angry when those in law enforcement and in the news, conflate sex trafficking with escorting.They aren't one and the same, and it would be akin to saying that liquor stores are the homes of and creators of alcoholics. Sure some women are forced into our industry, terribly abused, that is awful and shouldn't be tolerated. But that has nothing to do with those of us who concensually sell and buy sex. Publicly embarassing and punishing those of us who do, does**NOT** solve the trafficking issues, nor will doing so eliminate the industry. As much as those who feign disgust at the notion of prostitution, who want to blabber on about how awful it is, how shameful and reprehensible the behavior is, as much as they want to pretend trafficking and selling sex are one and the same and that it is wrong to consensually buy sex.... they can't and won't change the fact that  the industry will continue to exist, because men and women crave, need, and want to have sex, and they often want it with strangers, often without the ties of a conventional relationship, often, in an unconfentional consensual way. Men and women want to legally buy and sell sex!!! That is a fact. So keeping it as an illegal transaction and calling it shameful will only continue to amplifie the problems within the industry, and enable those with nefarious intentions towards it. Make it legal, start seeing it as a viable and acceptable iindustry and I assure you those who traffic, those who pimp, will disappear and those who don't disappear, will be easier to find and prosecute. Stop wasting tax payers dollars chasing after those of us who seek what we all seek, consensual sexual gratification. It is natural to seek sex. Adding money to the equation doesn't make it  less natural, it simply clarifies things!!

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That Stripper....

21 Feb, 2019

When I awoke this morning, I turned on my tv, as it was still to early to get out of bed... The Trevor Noah show was on. I was about to turn the channel when I overheard him start condescendingly commenting about "some stripper"(his wording). He was so condescending, he was so sure that if a stripper was recommending something, or involved in something, that it wasn't to be taken seriously, after all she is a "stripper".

 Why the attitude, I wondered, why the condescention? Then I realized, this is how many feel, so why not the attitude. It is how a lot of people think and it is those same feelings shared about those of us within my profession/industry.

 We're often referred to as "whores", "hookers", "prostitutes", especially when spoken about with disdain. Seldom are we referred to  as "companions", "escorts", or "courtesans". names or titles that can garner more respect. But I still wonder why...why in this age do so many still believe that a person is worthy or unworthy based on the job title they carry. Is society truly that shallow and misinformed? Do people really believe that grounded, intelligent people don't pick occupations that involve the sex trade? Really? It saddens me to answer my own quiestion. I know the answer...... because I've expereinced the stigma, the reactions, and time and time again. Often times, from those within my own industry. I've had clients who contact me for service turn vile in their communications and start insulting me by calling me a whore, dirty, or an over used cunt and other derogatory names. I've also listened to other escorts demean those whom they thought weren't at their "level". So I can assume....if many within this industry condemn it and their peers, how can anyone expect those outside of it to show us respect.

So what will bring change........ how we raise and educate our children, changing our religious/moralistic beliefs, rethinking what we value.....whatever is needed to bring change, I'm not sure. I do know, there needs to be change, more understanding and more acceptance towards our industry. We need to teach that there is primary value in a persons character, and stop putting so much value on a persons title or trade. We need to stand up to those who demean us, who stigmatize us because of our titles/jobs/professions, and we need to be better representatives of what our industry/jobs entails. If you sell it be proud to, if you buy it be proud to. We all make choices, first and foremost, we all should want to choose to be kind and accepting.

So do you ever wonder why I chose it.....well it is a longer story than I care to put here, but as a single women, with a healthy drive, love of men, need of an income, why wouldn't I choose it ? Until next time....and please remember, when you meet someone keep an open mind, listen to their words, look to their character, and see how they treat others, then make your decision....are they worth knowing or not. Stay happy:)


Money talks....

20 Feb, 2019

Sometimes money is the only way to express your feelings....

Yesterday, Feb19th, a tradgedy struck a family in Halifax. All 7 of their children died in a house fire. I don't know what I would have said had I faced the parents in person. As there are no words that could soften their heartache and feelings of loss. How do you comfort someone carrying so much pain? And I'm aware that money certainly won't, but donating to the go fund page is a way to show your support and to let them know  you're thinking of them. Of course no matter how much money is raised it won't console or repair what they've lost, but it will help with their material needs and that is necessary. In light of tragedy, bills still have to be paid, and life still is to be lived and life costs. So please donate if you can. Thank you.

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my erotic story

19 Feb, 2019

my erotic story….. We had met casually on a couple of occasions, he was attending a class I was taking and he was also a friend of a friend. On this occasion, a get together to celebrate a birthday, he stood out. He wore a suit which flattered his physique. He was tall, even next to me in my heels, 6ft4ish or so. His coal black hair had been cut, which made his steel blue eyes and square jaw somehow more striking, he had me staring… 

The room was packed with people, and noisy with all the celebrating and well wishing, so it was inevitable that we ended up pressed against one another. My breasts pressing against his back, made him turn and smile at me. “Oh hey, your Cristy, aren’t you”, “I’ve seen you on campus, your a friend of Tony and Michelle”…“I’m Brock”. I smiled, “I know” I said coyly… I could feel my body heating up, and my face reddening, I wondered if it showed… He asked me to step outside with him so we could talk… 

He sat on the stone wall, which surrounded lush gardens and a meticulously manicured lawn, which seemed to be the perfect backdrop for his masculine beauty . He opened his jacket and pulled at his trousers which then seemed to hug his obvious endowment… I couldn’t help but stare, he smiled and me and tapped the wall as a gesture to sit next to him. He began talking but I was lost in his eyes, they were mysterious, provoking, sexy and innocent… all I heard was “would you join me for dinner tomorrow, ” without a thought, I uttered “yes”. 

It was a michelin rated restaurant, one I had been wanting to try, I was excited. I had bought a new dress, a slinky red, backless dress, that clung to every curve and which didn’t allow room for a bra, nor panties. I also bought new heels, high heels, he was tall so I could afford to add a few inches to my height and I had my hair and makeup done professionally. I wanted to be at my best. I felt sexy, and thought I looked sexy, but it was the look he gave me when he picked me up that solidified my feelings. He was into me:) 

The restaurant was elegantly lit, and we were lead into a private room and seated at the most divine table for two. He ordered wine and pulled my chair closer to him, “I want you next to me, not across from me”. His directness and confidence were surprising and titillating… He complimented my appearance, taking me all in with his gorgeous eyes. A knock at the door, broke our trance… The sommelier brought in the wine, poured it and left… then I felt Brocks hand slip under my dress. “MMMM, no panties”… he took my hand and placed it on his crotch, he hardened with my touch, and I spread my legs a little, so his fingers could explore me, we both moaned and became lost in the moment of excitement, then another knock came, “excuse me”, the server uttered “are you ready to order”? “ No” , he said, “I’ll let you know”. I giggled… it appears I’m going to be the meal and dessert… 

His fingers danced on my clit, which hardened instantly when he slipped one finger into my tight pussy, teasing it, darting in and out. My mouth hungrily sought his, we kissed passionately, our tongues dancing together, we were tongue fucking as if we had never before… He was an expert with his fingers, teasing my pussy with one hand and toying with my nipples with the other, he had me so turned on, I wanted to mount him, then and there. He pushed me back in my seat, pulled up my dress exposing me from waist down. He got on his knees, pushing apart my legs, and began to worship me with his tongue. Which was even more talented than his fingers. It danced on my clit until I begged him to enter me. He told me “not yet”, got up and positioned me on my knees, he stood, unzipped his pants, and pushed my mouth onto his hardness, he throbbed in my mouth. I was in heaven. He held my hair… His thickness, gagged me, and I devoured him. I teased the head of his cock with my tongue, running it up and down his shaft, as I stroked his balls. My mouth moved to them, slowly I suckled them, one by one, flicking my tongue gently over each one while jerking his shaft with my hand, sucking him, teasing him with my tongue, savoring every inch of him. My mouth, hand and tongue became an orchestra of pleasure, teasing and taunting him towards orgasmic pleasure, he throbbed and moaned, and pushed his cock deep into my throat, pulling back and pushing forward, he gasped and moaned, his noises made me wet… he asked if he could come in my mouth, I said “yes, please ”… he pushed deep into my throat, squirted, and I savored all of his sweetness… I looked up at him, and we both smiled. Hungry he asked, and we both laughed. “Yes” I said, “lets order”… 

I hope you liked my little story… 

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My name is Cristy....

19 Feb, 2019

Dear Mr. so and so....I like to be called Cristy. I know when you send your text and refer to me as sweetie, sexy, babe,hun, or any other name that is not Cristy, you're trying to be friendly, even sexy, I will assume, but I find it annoying and a turn off. I like my chosen name. So please, when we talk, please refer to me by Cristy, and by the way, why are you texting  or emailing?

  I specifically request phones calls as my desired contact method on this site and in all my ads!!!..... so please don't respond as many of those entitled asshats do, by telling me you'll "call" at some point...but for now you'll email or text your questions., ...or use one of the many stupid over used excuses..such as:..... " you can't" call at the moment", or "you're in a meeting" , or "your phone isn't able to make calls", or "you're to shy", or you're in an area where you can't make a call". Because I've heard them all and none are acceptable. Please remember I'm not interested in excuses, I'm not interested in why *you* can't  call, you see you aren't an exception, no one is. If you can't call, then don't contact me until you can call. If you aren't willing to call for our intial contact, then don't text or email..... 

