

For the love of cock....

27 Apr, 2024

Many know how much I love to worship a clean cock. It's my favorite activity to perform on a willing client. Nothing is sexier to me than feeling a man grow hard while I'm sucking, licking and nibbling on his cock and balls.....I've many clients who also love eating my sweet tight pussy. But I have to be in the mood for that. Cockworship seems to be something I'm always in the mood for. I love the taste of a raw cock. Licking it's tip, suckling on the balls and stroking it's shaft until it's ready to bust....My deepthroating abilities just get better with time. Seldom do I choke, and I love when the tip touches the back of my throat. I can feel a man grow harder when this happens. Although I don't swallow, seeing him squirt all over my bigs tits is almost as erotic. Why not stop by and allow me to show you some worship....